Absolutely the Best Side of Carol Marin! Fabulous!
I only know of one really angry voter and this guy lived in Griffith, Indiana. This guy lived along Broad Street, just east of Cline Ave. and a 9 Iron shot south of Ridge Avenue, regularly painted his adobe white garage with aquamarine green paint - "Crooked Bastards! Snake Politicians! Die You Elected Scum!" or "Scum Sucking Leeches! Politicians! Die!"
No doubt this gent did wonders for his neighbors' property values.
He was genuinely non-partisan, but the Town of Griffith generally ignored this rock-ribbed sweetheart's fulminations. Occasionally, a new slap of aquamarine would specifically indict some scallywag, but primarily this Angry Citizen painted with a very broad brush.
Politico.com and other dedicated pundits are trying kick up some sand and interest in the Illinois Primary as some kind of bell weather for the general elections,"Widespread voter anger and unrest are confronting the Illinois political establishment as the state hurtles toward its first-in-the-nation primaries Tuesday."
Mercy Sakes! Speaking of which, Marque Kirque gets the lion's share of attention as he is running against three Democratic candidates without a Chinaman's Chance of winning - Alexi Giannoulias, Cheryl Jackson, and Dave Hoffmann.
I like Alexi Giannoulias, but he is colaterally damaged by the frags from Blago and the Rezko-shrapnel still wizzing around President Obama. Hoffman has a voice that sounds like steam escaping from a spilt pipe and Cheryl Jackson is not related to the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Carol Marin is a self-promoting Multi- Pay envelope News Icon and she shows her best side in the photo above from Politico.
Voter Anger? I work in the black community and live in a Close-Knit Ethnic ( Catholic) neighborhood. No anger. No spittle. No marches. No nothing.
People will vote their hearts and minds tomorrow and that makes political weasels wet their britches.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Angry Illinois Voters? Name One. Really.
Posted by
8:19 AM
Labels: Alexi Giannoulias, Cheryl Jackson, Dave Hoffman, Griffith Meat Market, Marque Kirque
Friday, July 24, 2009
Griffith Meat Market - Family Business/Public Treasure
Few things in life make one more happy than bargains. Good work is never cheap and cheap work is never good.
I have been buying meat from Griffith Meat Market in Griffith, Indiana,since 1994. Griffith is a beautiful little town south of Interstate 80 off of Cline Avenue, just two exits east of Hammond, Indiana. My family lived there from 1994, until 1998. We bought our meat from the family owned Griffith Meat Market on Glen Park. When my wife Mary died in 1998, I moved the kids to the south side of Chicago, but continued to buy the $123.00 package.
This package of meats takes great care of the Family Hickey and my kids eat like they are going to the chair.
10 Lbs. Chicken Breasts
08 Lbs. Ground Beef
04 Lbs. Sirloin Steak
03 Lbs Pork Loin Roast
03 Lbs Chuck Roast
02 Lbs Strip Steak
02 Lbs Beef Stew
02 Lbs.Polish Sausage
02 Lbs.Italian Sausage
02 Lbs. Breakfast Farmer Sausage
02 Lbs.Bratwurst
01 Lb. Ham Steak
Griffith Meat Market
507 E Glen Park Ave
Griffith, IN 46319-2321
Click my post title for more
The meat is of exceptional quality. Do make a quick trip to Griffith, IN.
Posted by
12:16 PM
Labels: Griffith Meat Market