Showing posts with label Former Governor Pat Quinn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Former Governor Pat Quinn. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

Catholics Can Be Elected. We May Elect One Governor of Illinois Next Go Around

Friday is the day politicians enjoy as a news memory hole. TGIF! Friday was the day that Gov.Pat Quinn chose to meet with Cardinal George and nine other Illinois Bishops. He pretty much tossed the meet-up away until he shot his mouth off to the very talented Sun Times political reporter Abdon Pallasch. Quinn parsed the chat.

Everyday is Friday for too many Chicago columnists and editorial boards.

The Chicago Sun Times is now trolling for on-line subscriptions; therefore, a web-reader can only grab a snatch of what their out-front propagandists have to say. No way I'm popping out nickels to read with care and cut and paste for grist to mill.

The Chicago Sun Times has great reporters ( Natasha Korecki, Abdon Pallasch, Mark Konkol, Tim Novak, Chris Fusco, Fran Spielman, Maureen O'Donnell, Rick Morrisey) and a pretty good columnist in Mark Brown. The balance of ink-slingers is . . . pre-fabricated, or processed food for thought.

The editorial and commentary quality may improve in the coming months when more thoughtful and engaged investors give the substance a good look-see.

Neil Steinberg offers another in his phalanx of snotty columns aimed at the breeders and church-goers - Catholics. He wonders if Catholics can still be elected.

Steinberg's Lazy-Susan wit attempts to spin the bowls of anti-Catholic bigotry in to the Catholic Bishops of Illinois, when one might expect that anti-Catholic bigotry comes from another quarter. Clever, Lad! I read snatches of Steinberg, because the whack-a-mole Verison-funded tin-cup pop-up blocks the passages. Snatches were plenty for me; not clever.

The spiel is Steinberg defends Governor Pat Quinn, who attended thirteen years of Catholic schooling over the bishops who are charged with defending the Faith. Quinn is vassel to Terry Cosgrove a multi-purpose coalition Gay/Planned Parenthood Boss.
Quinn is also a governor whose Catholic education is at odds with his obligations to Personal PAC and Progressive Identity.

Click my post title for Catholic Teachings on Sexuality, Human Identity, and Marriage. You really need to do some Progressive parsing to ugly it up.

My Catholic Faith ( not for everyone and tough to live up to) is 2,000 years old and has withstood Goths,Moors and Vikings. It's greatest peril arose in the late Middle ages when comfort and riches politicized the faith and practices of Christians universal. Bishops and Popes and Kings and Emperors played politics and things went bad.

The pews got kind of empty, because religion and politics became toxic and sexual abuses of all sorts ( simony, usury, nepotism, & etc.) permeated the institutional Church. The Church reformed itself and people who no longer cared much for the smells and bells, rigors of authority and patriarchal pastoral priesthood took it on the heel and toe and became Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, and for the more secular appetites Unitarians. We still have Popes and bishops, but in America Kings and Emperors were shown the door. We have Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Mayors and State Legislators, as well as judges. It gets complicated.

In the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, bribery was up-front. Families could purchase the Papacy and even the odd nation-state. Some American families ( Kennedy, Rockefeller, Bush, Dodd, and Daley) can and do purchase power with the help of PACS. In order to make the political landscape more Rainbow-hued and Abortion friendly these Families and PACS purchased Pro-life Catholic politicians. Coalition building is not possible on Rock of Peter.

Gov. Pat Quinn has placed himself outside of Catholic teaching on Abortion and Homosexual Marriage. Were I, as a Catholic teacher, to offer my personal convictions that a teenage boy should occupy his hours in front of computer screen in his locked room gratifying himself in front of images of naked babes with - " It is your Civil Right to pursue your Happiness," I think that I might be called to task and account fro my exercise of conscious. Likewise, were I inclined to fulfill my goatish instincts . . .too disturbing to catalogue. Happiness is not

You see Happiness, from Aristotle through Santayana, has very little to do with carnal desire. In fact Dante, as orthodox a Catholic moralist as one may find in a layman, takes Thomistic (St. Thomas Aquinas) morality to poetic task in the Divine Comedy. I believe that Neil Steinberg has loudly and often touted his love of Dante.
Dante would toss Catholic politicians who take coin and votes to promote abortion and secular homosexual doctrines into the jaws of Satan - like Judas Iscariot, Brutus and Cassius. Allegorically speaking, of course.

Catholics can and should be elected to office. Here in Illinois we may begin to do so again.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pat Quinn's Gay Abortion Christmas Carol - " Did You Hear What I Heard?"

It was as gay as Christmas when Pat Quinn signed the Civil Union act; but, gay ain't always happy. The Bishops tried to correct Quinn on the issue. You can't fix . . . Governors.

Pat Quinn hears exactly what he hears. I hear a train a-coming and I get off the tracks. I hear a fire truck or ambulance siren and I ease to the right in traffic and stop. I hear 'the garage is on fire' and I tend to dial 911. Pat Quinn hears what he wants to hear.Cardinal George and nine more Catholic bishops of Illinois spoke to the daffy Governor for over two hours at Chicago's Union League Club about the differences between political PAC Obligations and Church teaching on the evil that is abortion and the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Two hours - Abortion is 100% Evil
Marriage is between a Man and Woman

Pat Quinn explained the meeting to Abdon Pallasch of Chicago Sun Times -

Quinn said Saturday morning that the two-hour talk between him and Cardinal Francis George and 9 other bishops was “only a little bit” about his positions the bishops say are at odds with Catholic teachings on abortion and gay couples’ right to adopt — a clash that has made headlines recently — and more about the need to help the poor.

“A lot of the discussion was how we could work together to fight poverty, help the people who are less fortunate and need a helping hand,” Quinn told the Sun-Times as he left a Christmas toy give-away on the Far South Side. “Getting people jobs, helping people who don’t have enough food to eat — that’s what the church’s social mission is all about.”


"But after reading Quinn’s comments posted on the Sun-Times website Saturday, the bishops that met with Quinn issued a written statement saying Quinn characterized the meeting wrong: The primary purpose of the sit-down, they said, was to admonish the governor for using his Catholic up-bringing to justify views that they say aren’t supported by the church. It was the second time in the past two months the bishops have issued a statement blasting the Catholic governor.

“We share the Governor’s concern for the poor,” they wrote. “From our point of view, however, this was a meeting between pastors and a member of the Church to discuss the principles of faith, not the works of faith. On several occasions, the Governor has referred to his Catholic conscience and faith as the justification for certain political decisions.”
Governor Quinn listens . . .to Boss Terry Cosgrove about the beauty and benefits of abortion and to openly gay Rep. Greg Harris who high speed-railed the Religious Liberty and Civil Union Legislation Which Pat Quinn signed with gusto! This is the religious liberty legislation that immediately made war on Catholic Charities.

Statewide Relationship RecognitionnoLicenses marriages for same-sex couples.noHonors marriages of same-sex couples from other jurisdictionsyesRelationship recognition for same-sex couples: civil unions.2010 Civil union law enacted, effective June 1, 2011. Allows same-sex and different-sex couples to enter into a civil union and receive "the same legal obligations, responsibilities, protections and benefits as are afforded or recognized by the law of Illinois to spouses." Please join our Illinois Civil Union Tracker.1996 Anti-marriage bill adopted. Prohibits marriages "between two individuals of the same sex" and declares such lawful marriages to be "against public policy." See Illinois Compiled Statues, Chapter 750 §§ 5/201, 5/212 and 5/213.1.Statewide Employment ProtectionsyesPrivate employment protections based on sexual orientation.yesPrivate employment protections based on gender identity.yesPublic (state) employment protections based on sexual orientation.-Public (state) employment protections based on gender identity.See 775 ILCS 5/1-103 and 775 ILCS 5/1-102.2005 Sexual orientation and gender identity were added to the Illinois Human Rights Act. Senate Bill 3186, an amendment to existing law, signed by Governor Rod Blagojevich on 1/21/05Statewide Parenting LawsWho May Adopt Any person. 750 ILCS 50/2Second Parent Adoptions Approved in Petition of K.M. 653 N.E.2d 888 (Ill. App. 1995); reaffirmed in In re C.M.A., 715 N.E.2d 674 ( Ill. App. 1999)Notes Permits individual, joint and second parent adoption.

Greg Harris said that this legislation is merely the path to marriage between homosexual couples. Marriage between two men or two women is a problem for Catholics. Marriage is for procreation - breeders having kids. Breeders enjoying the procreative act outside of marriage are required to hit the confessional box and ask forgiveness for committing adultery.Adultery is having sex outside of marriage - one-tie all tie - homesexual, breeder, onanist ( the legendary Solitary Man that Neil Diamond celebrated in his 1966 song of the same name). At least that is what I hear and comprehend.

I am sure that Gov. Pat Quinn comprehends - Cosgrove's Personal PAC of Planned Parenthood gave him $ 500,000 to be governor of Illinois and Greg Harris did not obstruct Quinn's Budget. What did the Catholic Church give Pat Quinn - a pass. . . until now.

What do you hear?

Monday, December 05, 2011

Mike Houlihan Gives Guv a Swiftian Kick in the Jacobs

Last month Governor Pat Quinn was criticized for attending the Personal PAC ( Planned Parenthood's ATM)Honors Awards Banquet by the Catholic Bishops of Illinois. Personal PAC is all about funding abortions with State of Illinois dollars. Catholic Bishops and Catholics do not accept abortion as anything but the murder of a child.

Terry Cosgrove, President of Personal PAC/Gay Activist/Lawyer/State Employee, immeditely crafted the compelling narrative for the media - Cardinal George and the Catholic Bishops were being mean to a rape victim. Not so, but that is the spin.

The Bishops want another heart-to-heart with Pat Quinn who is already sponged and oiled by his cut-man Terry and the media. The Media is the editorial boards and iconic columnists who take up print space from reporters.

Pat Quinn, as well as the rape victim who is a Director of Personal PAC and helped Terry Cosgrove elect Quinn as Governor of Illinois, plays the martyr: Bishops are Catholic meanies and Quinn is a Christian Cupcake.

So, another round of chat and media Catholic bashing is set for the Christmas Holiday Season.

Mike Houlihan is an actor, author, film-maker and journalist. Houli is a pal of mine. This December's issue of Irish American News features Houli at his best- crafting a satirical sage that Un-PCs the hypocrisy that is a daily feature of Illinois public life and also a good swiftian kick in the dainty cookies* of Illinois Governor Pat Quinn - metaphorically and allegorically speaking to be sure.

I offer the Man in Full -Houli!

Malachy Swift was not a bit modest
about being a dog lover. He loved
his Irish Setter Finoola.
Malachy was so in love with
Finoola that he wanted to marry
her. After all, Malachy and Finoola
had been cohabitating for almost
a decade and that alone was evidence
of the integrity of their union.
They’d been together even longer in
dog years.
Actually it was dog years that
gave their romance that May-December
quality. Malachy was only
in his late twenties and had met
Finoola when she was a pup and
he was just graduating from high
school. So she was quite a bit older
than Malachy.
Malachy had invented a computer
application during college
and made a fortune on the Internet
matching up dates for the LGBT
crowd on his website, “Sockets &
Wenches.” He’d dabbled in the gay
lifestyle himself but soon grew
weary of the endless merry go
round. Malachy was curious about
inter-species affection.
One night while combing out
Finoola’s shiny red coat after an
Elton John concert at The United
Center they took their relationship
a step further. He put on a Johnny
Mathis record of Christmas songs
and poured a half bottle of Pinot
Grigio into Finoola’s bowl.
Before you knew it they were
both head over paws in love. Malachy
proposed the next night over
some milk bones and liver as he
placed a diamond collar around
Finoola’s neck and popped the
question. It was a modest proposal.
She said “Woof!” which Malachy
took as a yes.
The nuptials were delayed a bit
when they wouldn’t grant them
a marriage license at the County
Clerk’s Office. Malachy was not the
type of guy to wait though and he
immediately made a phone call to
his old friend the Governor.
The Governor sensed an opportunity
and insisted that Malachy come
for dinner at the Mansion the following
night. Malachy had donated
quite a bit of dough to the Gov’s
campaign because he believed in
his agenda of raising taxes and
increased abortions.
After a sumptuous dinner, the
two men sat smoking cigars and
sipping brandy in front of the fire
as Malachy made his pitch.
“This is very, very, very important
to me Governor. And to all of us
who crave inter species marriage.”
Are you looking for marriage to
all animals or just dogs?
“Well in my case it should be just
Irish setters and I know you’d be
on board with that because we’re
both Irish.”
Irish Catholics!
“Exactomondo! I suppose we
should include all dogs and most
farm animals as well.”
But Malachy, let’s please exclude
pigs so we don’t piss off any
“By the way, Governor, I must ask
you. What was that delicious dish
we had for an appetizer tonight? I
don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything
so succulent or sweet.”
I thought you’d enjoy those
Malachy. Those are baby fingers
and toes. Planned Parenthood sends
them over by the truckload. I got the
recipe from the White House chef at
the Inauguration Ball. You can only
use first trimester babies because
those are the most tender.
“Well they are just scrumptious.“
The Governor clinked his glass
with Malachy and the two agreed
that the next day legislation would
be introduced to legalize inter-species
marriage throughout the state.
Malachy thanked the Governor
and made out a $500,000 check, on
behalf of his organization Privacy
PAC, to the Committee to re-elect
the Governor. Privacy PAC is committed
to electing legislators who
support animal husbandry.
The two shook hands and Malachy said, “I’d like to get married
in church, but I have a feeling
that might be a problem.”
Not if you go to my priest, Father
Larry, over in Oak Park.
“Oh, did he officiate at your
Uh, no Malachy, actually I’m
“Was she a bitch?”
Well, she wasn’t an Irish

A well placed kick to the Jacobs can often have salabrious effect upon a man in great need of re-thinking his point of view and publc posture. The Catholic Bishops of Illinois might be well-served having Mike Houlihan along as a consultant and avoid another bait-and-switch from a politician who uses Catholic when it suits him.

However, if the politician's said Jacobs have been well-oiled with Novocaine, those numbed anatomical twin orbs will not register the well-placed and powerful punt.

The rest of us get it.

Jacobs - Cockney rhyming slang - Jacob's Cream Crackers = knackers/cookies/reproductive vessles.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Real Priest Tunes Up Planned Parenthood's Gov. Patsy Quinn

Illinois Governor (for now) Pat Quinn turned the keys over to Boss Terry Cosgrove. Boss Terry Cosgrove is the President of Personal PAC of Planned Parenthood. He is not the labor governor, that he campaigned as, but the pawn of Planned Parenthood and the Progressive Machine of Illinois - Cadillac Commie lawyers making millions in Pan-wrongful lawsuits ( Torture, brutality, racism and just being mean), Gay Rainbows, Public Salary PACS, Green Rangers, Dr. Quentin Young and Abner Mikva.

Pat Quinn immediately found cover when he was challenged by the Catholic Bishops of Illinois and sanctimoniously whined that he is a Christian and allowed Boss Cosgrove to control the narrative for him - The Bishops were anti-rape victim. Really? The news media said so, when Boss Cosgrove made the phone calls and terrifying Twitters.

Now, the Catholic Bishops want a sit down with Governor Christian. Let's see, $ 500,000 from Personal PAC and Boss Cosgrove's good will, or living up to the Baptism. Confirmation, and all that other hocus pocus, from the Abusers of Children . . .now, which way do you think Quinn will flop? Quinn flipped on all of the skilled trades unions, doing the Christian budget of Illinois.

The Bishops should do something better with their time - devising strategies on how not to allow the in-the-tank media to play them for saps again.

Instead, have a real priest visit Governor Christian. I suggest Father Tony Brankin of St. Odilo's Shrine of Lost Souls in Berwyn.

Father Brankin is a real priest and there are damn few of them.

Click my post title, scroll down to page 2 and read in full the parish bulletin from St. Odilo's and the musings of Father Tony Brankin with regard to the Quinn tap dances for abortion.

Quinn can't hide behind Planned Parenthood's skirts when there is real priest in the room.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dennis Byrne Reveals - Personal PAC Commands the Good Ship Quinn

doublewide at 3:26 AM November 15, 2011
Byrne this boat has sailed long ago give it up!
from Chicago Tribune Comments

Dennis Byrne is a Chicago Newsman. Ballyhooed by the Progressives who are so glad that they are no longer around, Chicago Newsmen reported and presented an independent voice free of political tentacles. Chicago Newsmen like Dennis Byrne, the late, great Ray Coffey, Mike Royko, Steve Neal, Basil Talbott, John McHugh, Herman Kogan, S.E. Kiser Robert Herguth,and Nick Von Hoffman are praised but never emulated by the contemporary species of ink-slinger.

The narrative is controlled. The narrative is pre-determined and pre-set for type. . .or font.

Chicago's supine media, to quote the late Tom Roeser, is in-the-tank for Progressive everything. Nowhere is that more in evidence than with the editorial boards of the two extant Chicago Dailies and the iconic "Ain't They Great" columnists.

The narrative is controlled. The story line of reports are edited to fit the Procrustean Progressive racks and the Opinion if Progressive agenda driven.

Gainful Employment for Protected Species - Forrest Claypool, Terry Cosgrove, Sheila Simon, & etc.

Gay Marriage is a must

Police Torture, though there has not been one conviction in the three decades of journalistic partnership with G. Flint Taylor's Peoples Law Office, is doctrine.

Redistribution of Wealth via Ralphie Martire's Pie-Charts is legislation

Public Schools are a howling success and need more money -For the Children!

Systemic Racism determines everything and anything from breakfast to black-on-back crime

Sexual Predators avoid meat on Friday, say the Memorare and conduct May Crownings

Sexual Preference is a Civil Right

Marriage is for White People - the stupid ones.

Bullying is a wholly owned subsidiary of LGBT industries

Abortion is cosmetic choice

Human Life begins and ends with the State.

Former Governor Pat Quinn turned to Planned Parenthood's Illinois Personal PAC President Terry Cosgrove when the Illinois Catholic Bishops yelled at Quinn and hurt his feelings for participating in Personal PAC's Awards Dinner.

Terry Cosgrove deftly gamed the media and took hold of the story, for the Governor who could not find a Chinaman on 22nd Street. The Bishops it seems hurt the feelings of a person being awarded for her efforts to advance the Cause of Women killing babies.

Dennis Byrne revisited this Orwellian gambit today. The ever-ready Vox Abortus a coalition of Gay Rights and Abortion activists turned on the News Cycle hate - much longer than two minutes.

Byrne pointed out the secular issue:

Outfits like Personal PAC would prefer to fight this issue on purely secular grounds, insisting that people who have a moral compass butt out. So let's consider this controversy from a purely secular perspective.

In that light, Quinn provides a lesson in Illinois' pay-to-play politics. He owes Personal PAC large. The group gave more than $400,000 in cash and in-kind contributions to Quinn's campaign. It ran its own TV ad campaign at a critical time. Terry Cosgrove, head of Personal PAC, was appointed to a $46,960-a-year seat on the state's Human Rights Commission.

The bishops' criticism targets Quinn's betrayal of his faith. My criticism is that Personal PAC is not just your average political action committee. It represents the most extreme political views about questions of life, and it's every bit as extreme as it accuses the Catholic Church of being.

Personal PAC opposes common sense regulations that would allow parents to be notified if their child is set for an abortion. Not only do Americans strongly support such parental notification, but according to a Gallup poll that was updated Nov. 11, 71 percent favor laws requiring parental consent for juveniles, education about possible risks of an abortion (87 percent), a 24-hour waiting period (69 percent), a ban on partial-birth abortions in the last six months of pregnancy (64 percent) and that patients be shown a pre-abortion ultrasound. Answers are similar for both men and women. Pro-choicers of Personal PAC's stripe oppose every one of them, arguing they cramp the "right to choose."

Personal PAC's position can be summed up by its support of proposed state legislation called the Reproductive Health and Access Act. It would grant an absolute right for any elective abortion before viability . It also would grant the right to an abortion at any time during pregnancy when it's "necessary to protect the life or health of the pregnant woman."

Who's To Say - the Progressive Mantra - works everyday!

Pat Quinn got elected Governor by promising the moon and stars to members of the Skilled Trades and Industrial unions. Absent from Quinn-A-Rama's were the XXXL Purple T-Shirts of SEIU. Quinn was a working guy. Quinn delivered for the public service unions and Pipe-fitters, Carpenters, Electricians, Operating Engineers, Millwrights, Iron Workers, Teamsters, and Machinists are getting laid off by the cohort. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Cop Torture, and State Welfare are doing just fine thank you.

In fact, the compelling narrative has shifted from Quinn to Speaker Madigan for the next few weeks.

All the while, a real Chicago Newsman, Dennis Byrne stays on the story of Personal PAC's ( Terry Cosgrove et al) control of the Goodship Paddy Quinn.

Dennis Byrne

1998-Present: Freelance writer and consultant
• Writing under my own byline and ghostwriting.
• Appearing weekly as Chicago Tribune op-ed columnist (2000 to present) and regular contributor to, Human Events, PoliticalMavens and other publications
• Chicago Sun-Times freelance op-ed columnist appearing twice weekly (1998 to 2000).
• Commercial writing of many kinds for corporate, governmental and other clients.
• Consulting on public affairs matters and public relations.

1986-1998: Chicago Sun-Times
• Columnist: Appearing up to four times weekly in Commentary section; writing on public policy, political, economic, cultural and other topics of my choosing.
• Editorial Board Member: Responsible for setting newspaper’s editorial policy, writing editorials, endorsing political candidates and interviewing government office holders, corporate executives, civic and community leaders, and a multitude of others.

1984-1986: Director of Public Relations, Specialty Chemicals Division, AlliedSignal, Inc., Des Plaines, IL
• Responsible for public relations for this $1-billion regional headquarters of a Fortune 50 company. Helped move the company’s corporate image toward one of a high-tech enterprise.
• Oversaw public relations for its dozen operating divisions, from developers of petroleum processes to the commercialization of reverse osmosis water purifiers.
• Writing and public relations for the AlliedSignal Corporate Research Center, interpreting complex scientific and engineering developments for mainstream media.

1978-1984: Chicago Sun-Times
• Science and Technology Writer: 1981-1984
• Transportation Writer: 1978-1981
• Special Projects Writer, heading up political polling, computer analysis of public issues and other projects.

1970-1978: Chicago Daily News
• Assistant Financial Editor: 1975-1976
• Urban Affairs Reporter: 1971-1974; 1976-1978
• General Assignment Reporter: 1970-1971

1967-1970: United States Navy
• Assistant Supply Officer, U.S. Naval Air Reserve Station, Olathe, Kansas: 1969-1970.
• Disbursing Officer and Assistant Supply Officer, USS Jonas Ingram (DD-938), homeported in Mayport, Florida: 1967-1969.
• Student, U.S. Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Georgia, 1997.
• Officer Candidate, Navy Officer Candidate School, Newport, Rhode Island, 1997.

1965-1966: Chicago Daily News
• General Assignment Reporter

1962: DePere Journal-Democrat, De Pere, Wisconsin
• Summer Editorial Intern

• Post Graduate Russell Sage Fellow in Social Science Writing, University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1964-1965
• M.S. Urban Affairs, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1963-1964
• B.A. Journalism, Marquette University, 1959-1963

• Nominated for Pulitzer Prize by the Chicago Sun-Times for column writing, 1998.
• Nominated for Pulitzer Prize by the Chicago Sun-Times for investigative series on police underreporting of rape cases, 1982.
• Nominated for Pulitzer Prize by Chicago Daily News, for investigative series on shoddy home construction, 1973
• Peter Lisagor Award, presented by the Chicago Headline Club, for editorial writing, 1991, 1993.
• UPI, third Place Award for Spot News reporting in Illinois, for mass transit funding crisis, 1981.
• Chicago Newspaper Guild Stick-O-Type Award for editorial writing, 1988.
• Chicago Newspaper Guild Stick-O-Type Ward for analytical reporting on the crash of American Airlines DC-10 in Chicago, 1979.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Herman Cain is a Threat to the Womanish - David Brooks, Pat Quinn, & etc.

OMG! “That’s because we’re in the silly season,” I'll Hit You Back!

Definition of WOMANISH
1: associated with or characteristic of women rather than men
2: suggestive of a weak character : effeminate
— wom·an·ish·ly adverb
— wom·an·ish·ness noun

Herman Cain is obviously a threat to the womanish. Governor Pat Quinn is womanish. When he was called out for supporting the Illinois abortion industry's Personal PAC, last week. Governor Quinn went all womanish. Quinn answered the bishops by ducking behind the skirts of the Directors of Personal PAC, saying that giving an award to a rape victim is "a proper, Christian thing to do." The rape victim is a Director of Personal PAC.

A guy with a set on him would have said, " These are my friends and I stand with my friends."

Nope, Quinn turned to his Boss Cosgrove for advice, put a rape victim in front of him as a shield and deftly changed and controlled the narrative.

Male Politicians, these days, tend to be the most womanish of creatures. Unlike Sarah Palin, who has taken more blows to the kidneys and the short ribs than middleweight Craig McEwan last week, never once beefed about Charlie Rose, Katie Kouric, SNL, MSNBC.

Governor Palin, like the Veterans who attended the Leo Veterans Observances last Friday, hours before Peter Kid Chocolate Quillen turned Edinburgh's Craig McEwan into shepherds pie, has fallen seven times and gotten up eight. Craig McEwan kept coming at Quillen with nothing and the ref had to stop the fight.

Pat Quinn turned to his Boss Terry Cosgrove, a past master at bitch slapping and ducking for cover, for his narrative voice. Pat Quinn is womanish.

Herman Cain is a threat. He is not a politician and he is a sho' 'nuff male. Herman Cain worked all of his life, because that is what a man is supposed to do. He has been married to the same woman for two score and more years, because that is what a man is supposed to do.

Now, the national bitch slappers - Politico, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times and their conservative girl friends like David Brooks have trotted out a blond dowager to say that Herman Cain groped and grabbed and then drove her to her boyfriend during a job search.You can not find a more Womanish Male than David Brooks - he is the conservative gadfly who blessed Obama in 2008 because of the razor sharp crease in Obama's britches. How's that for gravitas, Girls? Que Hombre!

Here was David Brooks on Herman Cain when the harassment smears hit the Twitters -

Herman Cain-mania has captivated the political media for the last three to four weeks, but Brooks said it will inevitably fizzle.

“There was no beginning,” Brooks said. “He was a TV show that lasted for a little while. Let me stand up for elitist insiders — this is a job for professionals. Running for office is a job for professionals. Governing is a job for professionals. What Herman Cain did this — let’s leave aside the harassment, his handling of this was completely unprofessional. Every amateur candidate knows how to do a better job than this. You find the information, you lay it out clearly. And he couldn't’t do the ABCs of running for office. So, as far as I can tell, he is what he has been — an entertaining, very likable TV show, who will — when it actually comes time to cast votes — people are going to go with the only one candidate who seems plausible.”

As for his success to date, where he is either tied or winning in many polls, Brooks chalked that up to it being the early going in the nomination process.

“That’s because we’re in the silly season,” Brooks said. “Why not go for the guy who makes you feel good? It’s free and it’s easy.”

No sweet-heart, men do not take a stand to 'feel good.' Nothing, unless your character is that of a four year old Fairy Princess, is free or easy, at least not on the streets where men stride. Men put in a straight eight, take care of the wife and kids and meet their obligations. David Brooks scorns Herman Cain and that is more than good enough for me. I do not know if I will vote for Mr. Cain, but if he is on the ballot, I certainly will.

Herman Cain has yet to display any characteristics of a contemporary male politician.

Herman Cain can't do what Illinois Governor Pat Quinn can do 24/7/365. Herman Cain is as much of man as Sarah Palin, it seems to me. Sarah Palin took more hits than Craig McEwan in the square ring and like Craig McEwan argued with the ref to not stop the fight.

Herman Cain is a threat - not to women - but to the womanish. Herman Cain is too busy doing what he believes to be the right thing to look for a narrative voice, or to use a rape victim as a body shield.

The smart set believes that Herman Cain is finished. Women and men with the metaphorical pair on them, tend to disagree. Down is no where near out . . .unless one is womanish.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Governor Terry Cosgrove, Quinn Appointee and PAC Boss, Controls the Narrative and Cardinal George Takes Another Beating

Cardinal George and the Bishops of Illinois walked right into a PR buzz-saw again.

The men of the cloth were doing their job. For decades, politicians who have weaseled their way into office with mountains of cash and 'in-king' help from Advocacy Empires - Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ Rainbows, High Speed Rail Enthusiasts, Green Commandos and any other Progressive sanctioned cause. The Catholic Church hierarchy like Catholics themselves shrugged and gave a 'No Biggie' blind eye to the divorce from First Principles.

Within the narrative mantle of the Jesus Christ Superstar theology espoused by theological less-lights, the Progressive agenda grabbed armfuls of Quinns, Daleys, Quigleys and other Democratic elected officials who needed to step away from the Ward Image and get a {progressive blow-dried, gelled and spangled make over as Caring Christians.

The Caring Christians gave us our legislative purgatory - Abortion on demand and paid for, free condoms at schools, even Catholic schools that were converted as Charter Schools, the gate-way to Gay Marriage - The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act, which immediately mad war on Catholic Charities.

Now, that the pig is out of the pen the Catholic Bishops of Illinois are trying to keep the Progressive Piggies from going feral.

Last week, The Illinois Bishops behind Cardinal George blasted Pat Quinn for appearing at an event sponsored by Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC a political cash cow of Illinois Planned Parenthood. Terry Cosgrove blessed Alexi Giannoulias when the young Greek banking scion decided to test the political waters. That was my first introduction to Terry Cosgrove.

When Blagojevich's Lt. Governor stepped in as Governor and served out his term, Terry Cosgrove kept the Progressive Machine oiled and ready. Pat Quinn would be Terry Cosgrove's guy and he surely is that and change.

Quinn played Union Crusader, while Terry Cosrove deconstructed GOP candidate Bill Brady.

Quinn immediately rewarded Terry Cosgrove with a key appointment and took his marching orders from the pan-Advocacy Czar. Civil Unions was the only union that Quinn took care of in Illinois. Quinn killed the Death Penalty and pardoned scores of miscreants. He's a Christian; Hallelujah!

The Illinois economy is a joke, but the Advocacy Issues are the only things being tended to, while business as usual loots tax-payers.

Terry Cosgrove is the Governor of Illinois in all but name.

When the Catholic Bishops of Illinois criticized the self-proclaimed Catholic Quinn for appearing on stage with Personal PAC - which is all about Abortion - Terry Quinn . . .Cosgrove, I know ( Terry Quinn is a famous comedian and Pat Quinn is an Illinois Joke) turned on the media buzz saw.

The Chicago Sun Times, immediately trotted out the woman, unnamed in the Bishops' statement as our Victime de la semaine, Father Carol Marin
preached a sermon again about Compassion, and this morning the Capitol Fax Blog of Rich Miller set Cosgrove's table. Miller is an information outlet for politicos and journalists who depends upon the good will of Democratic pols and PACS.

Miller castigates the Cardinal's spokesman -

Director Gilligan has been very aggressive with his attacks on Gov. Quinn. I doubt they’ll subside, but perhaps Gilligan will be more precise in the future. He obviously didn’t give the Cardinal and others the full story before they unloaded both barrels on Gov. Quinn last week. Perhaps a little more thought and reflection are in order here.

Fatuous, Brother Miller fatuous! Rich Miller is Mr. Insider and he knows full well what the Cardinal and the Bishops objected to in the first place last week and it had nothing to do with Rape, Victims, or a Victim much less Precision in journalism and politics. Precisely!

Perhaps, Mr. Gilligan does not take his orders from SEIU, the lobbyists, or the swell gang around the troughs in Springfield. Rich Precision Miller will attack Speaker Madigan, because Speaker Madigan could could care less. Speaker Madigan knows what he is doing and he never walks into any buzz-saws, unlike Cardinal George and the other clerical victims.

Illinois Speaker Mike Madigan gets staked out as a goat every few days for the Progressive Two Minute Hate, because he is the only professional politician in Springfield. More so, the the progressives need him. Speaker Madigan rarely speaks. Terry Cosgrove controls the narrative for Illinois.

If the Cardinal and the Catholic Leadership want to make some progress at all in preserving the doctrinal and institutional life for Catholics and checking the juggernaut that is Progressive Advocacy PACSs, they had better get wise to Governor Terry Cosgrove. The man is powerful and he is vicious.

The Catholic hierarchy walked right into the Terry Cosgrove media buzz-saw.

People of good will do not control the media, much less Springfield.

Play like cupcakes and the bishops will get burned every time. Cardinal George, Christ said to "turn the other cheek." He did not say " Punch With Your Face."

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Cosgrove and Quinn , The Christians, Hide Behind a Rape Victim

Two political mice, Governor Pat Quinn and his boss Terry Cosgrove*, have pushed a rape victim out in front of their brawl with Illinois's Catholic Bishops.

Governor Pat Quinn has revealed the full content of his character and its emptier than a politician's promise.

Terry Cosgrove, President of Planned Parenthood's Personal PAC, shoveled $ 500,000 and 'in-kind' support behind a career opportunist.

I worked to help this manneQuinn get elected Governor. God forgive me.

Since his victory Governor Pat Quinn has done everything he was told to do by every lug nut and gear in the Progressive Machine. He has been especially compliant to Boss Terry Cosgrove.

The most sickening thing about Governor Quinn's will to power is his immediate run-for-cover on every decision he makes and every bill he signs. He is now permanently hiding behind Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC and a sad young woman who was forced by Terry Cosgrove to dive on Quinn's barbed wire with Cardinal George.

Quinn, whose approval ratings have been stuck around 30 percent, has seemed energized by the jousting with his church, describing his action as “the Christian thing to do.”

And as if recognizing the potential of a public-relations backlash for targeting a rape victim, the Catholic Conference of Illinois issued a statement Thursday that seemed to soften its focus on Goodman, though it did not name her nor contain an apology. “Our hearts go out to any victim of rape, one of the most personally violent crimes against women,” the group said.

Cardinal George and the Catholic Conference of Illinois never once mentioned rape, rape victims, or the poor woman being honored by Terry Cosgrove's abortion PAC.

Pat Quinn, who calls himself a Catholic in front of Catholic voters, stated that he is standing with the abortion happy dowagers of Planned Parenthood, because he is a Christian. Christian trumps Catholic, because Catholics do not recognize abortion or the marriage between two men, or two women. Christians are good and Catholics are mean, until the Knights of Columbus, or Chicago Catholic League All-Stars are needed to help Gov. Easter Bunny.

The Christian Quinn plays the media. The media plays everyone. However, it is Quinn appointee Terry Cosgrove who plays Quinn. Now, the Two Christians are playing the victims by pushing the previously unnamed rape victim into the news.

She said her attacker went on to college, never having faced charges for the two rapes in 1991.

When asked why she didn’t go to police back then, Goodman said, “It was like my insides were ripped out. I felt powerless, like I couldn’t do anything. It didn’t cross my mind to go to the police or go to the hospital or even be tested.”

Until last year, G?????? was not active politically. But her mother told G??????’s story to the head of Personal PAC, Terry Cosgrove, who directed nearly $500,000 in cash and services from his bipartisan organization into Quinn’s campaign.

“Terry knew about my story. He called me one day and said, ‘We’re really fighting hard because this person running against Pat Quinn feels very strongly about abortion, even in cases of incest and rape. He believes a person should not have a choice,’ ” G?????? said. “That really struck me. I’m not political, or I wasn’t very political. And he said, ‘Would you like to speak on behalf of that campaign and speak against this guy, Bill Brady?’

“I started reading up on him, and I decided OK. I wouldn’t mind representing the people who are so silent. Rape survivors are a very silent epidemic,” she said.

She appeared in a Personal PAC commercial that used only her first name. It aired shortly before the election and, along with a major phone-banking operation by Cosgrove’s organization, helped turn suburban women against Brady.

The poor woman says that the Cardinal makes her feel like a baby killer.

The Cardinal never once mentioned the woman. I sure as hell will not. I'll leave that to the two Christian heroes -Quinn and Cosgrove.

Quinn and Cosgrove are two Christians. Give me a Pagan any day.

Quinn's Boss -Terry Cosgrove

Fresh off of the role he played in getting Gov. Pat Quinn elected, the president/CEO of Personal PAC discussed the past, present and future with Windy City Times
Terry Cosgrove, who started off as executive director of the pro-choice organization Personal PAC in 1989, has been a tireless fighter for a women's right to choose during his entire career.

In talking with Windy City Times, he described his job as "leading the organization in carrying out its mission which is to elect pro-choice candidates." He went on to say that "what's involved in that is a lot of cheerleading and keeping everyone on the same page which is recruiting candidates and helping them run campaigns. However, I spend about 60 to 70 percent of my time fundraising." Personal PAC's website states that the organization's overall mission is to elect pro-choice candidates in a bipartisan way to state and local office in Illinois.

Polling in October showed that Bill Brady, Quinn's Republican opponent, led by 13 percent. The question is: How did Personal PAC help turn the tide to a Quinn victory? The organization did so by sending out direct-mail pieces; buying its first television ad (called "Jennie") in the organization's 21-year history (costing $200,000); placing robocalls using a voice recording of the television ad; and distributing leaflets at Metra stations throughout Chicagoland to educate voters about Brady's conservative views.

Regarding these measures, Cosgrove said, "I knew if we could get enough of those suburban women, that's where the victory was" so the television ad, robocalls and direct-mail campaign were focused on suburban women who only vote in midterm general elections and not the primaries. The television ad ran during every morning-news show; many daytime talk shows; and WGN News and CLTV all day to reach as many suburban women as possible. Brady's operatives cited these tactics as the reason for his loss more than anything else.

Cosgrove also wrote an article in October for the Huffington Post entitled "Bill Brady: The Most Anti-Woman Nominee to Every Run for Illinois Governor" (which Windy City Times also ran) that outlined where Brady stood on women's issues. Asking Cosgrove how he felt when Brady conceded he said "he felt great" since Brady would "have been a disaster" for Illinois.

Some of the other victories Personal PAC can cite in this election cycle are four out of the six Illinois Senate races and nine of the 11 Illinois House races they targeted for the General Assembly elections. Other victories include Toni Preckwinkle as Cook County board president and Jeff Tobolski's 16th District commissioner win over pro-life incumbent Tony Peraica.

So what does Cosgrove do on an average day to keep things moving forward? The day we talked to him he also had a conference call with his executive committee, a business lunch with a friend/donor, a late meeting with a potential new board member and signing a stack of letters to donors thanking them for their support. He remarked that every day is different depending on what is happening politically.

Where did his passion for the pro-choice movement come from? After being raised in suburban Morton Grove along with his parents (his father recently died), older brother and younger sister (who has two kids, a girl and a boy) he went on to the University of Illinois in Champaign/Urbana where he earned two masters degrees. While still in high school he got involved with political activism, more specifically, Cesar Chavez's grape boycott in the 1970s. He protested in front of a Jewel grocery store and later got arrested. Along the way he got involved in the pro-choice movement when he saw that poor women would give up purchasing groceries for their children in order to pay for their abortions since the Hyde Amendment prevents the government from funding most abortions. Since becoming involved in the pro-choice movement, Cosgrove said he hears from many individuals, including family members, who have told them their abortion stories. He said hearing women tell their stories has only caused him to fight harder since 83 percent of counties in the United States do not have abortion clinics.

Being openly gay hasn't affected his work although elected officials call him to get information and advice on LGBT issues statewide, Cosgrove said. He sees the work he does with reproductive rights going hand in hand with LGBT equality since they are both civil-rights issues. Since his organization is bipartisan he stressed the importance of getting support from both sides so significant pieces of legislation can get passed.

To date he said his most satisfying accomplishments are getting abortion services restored for poor women at Cook County Hospital, getting Quinn elected, continuing to get pro-choice candidates elected to statewide offices over the years and passing proactive reproductive health legislation. Among his many honors is receiving the Impact Award from the Chicago Foundation for Women.

As for the future, Cosgrove said he is looking forward to the re-drawing of the political map in Illinois so they can elect more pro-choice candidates and pass the Reproductive Health and Access Act in the state assembly. He also would like to get comprehensive sex education taught in the public schools so young adults will know the ways to act responsibly.

His message to the readers of Windy City Times is to "live life to the fullest because there is so much opportunity out there so reach for the top of the trees." He said that is why he is optimistic about the future for reproductive and LGBT rights even though others around him may be skeptics.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Governor Christian(Quinn) and his Mouthpiece- Personal PAC's Terry Cosgrove

People always said Pat Quinn was nice, but I had no idea just how Christian he was, until he paid off Personal PAC Boss Terry Cosgrove and $ 500,000 and "In-Kind" help from Planned Parenthood - the Abortion Industry.

Damn Christian.

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic organization that helps the unborn avoid getting their tiny skulls crushed by stressed-out Mommies and the Health care professionals and they also raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the disabled and the challenged.

But Gov. Pat Quinn is a Christian. Damn Christian.

Catholic Charities, from the historical get-go, took care of orphaned and family-challenged children and placed them with a married couple, that used to be a a man and a woman, until Pat Quinn signed the Christian Defense of Religious Liberty Act and immediately stripped Catholic Charities of any and all state funding. Christian.

Damn Christian.

Governor Damn Christian was admonished by Cardinal George and all of the Catholic bishops of Illinois for honoring Personal PAC, run by Terry Cosgrove, a lawyer, Quinn appointee, LGBTQ string-puller and Quinn spokesman. It sure looks like Governor Damn Christian turned to Terry and said, "What do I say?"

Terry handled all of the supine media and made the Bishops, Catholics, and people who just might think that an unborn child ought not have its tiny skull crushed in order to reflect a Woman's Power, or to fight crime of violence, be viewed as enirely UnChristian. Pat Quinn is a Christian -Damn Christian!

Terry Cosgrove stepped up, as he did in the election and got mems to Eric Zorn and all the Chicago media especially the Huffington Post. Here's Terry, who said yesterday that the Bishops were merely 'bent out of shape' because Bill Brady lost the election -

Personal PAC president Terry Cosgrove told the Chicago Sun-Times that the bishops have been angry ever since Quinn defeated conservative Republican Bill Brady in the gubernatorial race. The Catholic Conference threw their support behind the anti-abortion Brady during the election. Cosgrove also mentioned that Catholics are against birth control, which would reduce the number of abortions if it were more accessible in all communities.

“It’s very hypocritical for them to be so passionate about denying women the right to make this profoundly personal decision, yet they won’t do anything to lessen the need for something they see as so wrong,” Cosgrove told the Sun-Times. “The hypocrisy is so alarming.”

You got that right Terry! Goveror Christian said this, and I belive Terry wrote it for him:

"I'm going to the event to present an award to a woman who is a victim of rape, and who is a very strong advocate of helping rape victims all over our state and country, so I really think that's a proper Christian thing to do, to honor someone who's doing something that helps the community at large," Quinn said, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Governor Christian paroled a lot of rapists and thugs. One murdered a little fourteen year old girl. The Christian thing to do? Damn Christian.

If a Christian can countenance murdering a child in the womb, give me a Pagan, or a Catholic, or a Few, or a Lutheran, or a Baptist, or a Muslim anyday.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Hey, Bishops, Gov. Pat Quinn The Parser Owes Planned Parenthood Personal PAC

In a statement from the Catholic Conference of Illinois, the church leaders said Quinn had “gone beyond a political alignment with those supporting the legal right to kill children in their mothers’ wombs to rewarding those deemed most successful in this terrible work.”

Yeah, but Governor Pat Quinn owes Personal PAC Planned Parenthood. He owes Terry Cosgrove*.

The man has priorities. In fact, I am certain that Terry Cosgrove jotted out a response to the good Cardinal George and all of the other Catholic Bishops of Illinois.

This is a doozy -

Quinn's office issued a statement saying he was attending Personal PAC’s annual lunch and will present an award to a rape survivor and “preeminent advocate for victims of rape”
. . .And she keeps a neat wallet.

Rape victims? Abortion is a woman's best defense against Rape? Crimes of violence? Tell that to Kelli O'Laughlin's parents. It appears that a recently paroled Gangbanger murdered the fourteen year old during a "crime of opportunity." You gotta love that neologism for a savage doing exactly and whatever he wants to do.

This murdering savage was given his "opportunity" not via George Bush's economics but by Pat Quinn's parole carousel!

The 14-year-old girl was stabbed a week ago Thursday when she apparently interrupted a burglary at her home. Since then, dozens of officers have investigated more than 100 leads. As friends and family gathered at a visitation for the Lyons Township freshman Wednesday, ABC7 learned one of those tips apparently panned out.

Officially, authorities at the Indian Head Park Police Department are quiet. One law enforcement source tells ABC7 that the man in custody is a state parolee. Another state police source says the person being questioned is a "Chicago gang-banger." ABC7 is told he hailed a cab after the crime last Thursday, possibly from the Hinsdale oasis on the Tri-State Tollway. Another police source says dogs were able to track the man's scent to that oasis along 294, not far from Indian Head Park.
( emphasis my own)

When goofs like Quinn parse, they believe that people of good will are just too dumb to live. I guess that is why they are soo cozy to Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood and all the piles of loot they have in the hoards built with State and Federal.

Quinn says he is honoring Personal PAC, in order to honor a rape victim. Personal Pac is all about money for abortions. Terry Cosgrove opened up huge industrial cans of whup-ass on Brady, in order to get Quinn where he stands today - honoring Cosgrove's Personal PAC.

Quinn delivered to Terry Cosgrove - got him a bullet proof pension and job, signed the Religious Liberty Civil Unions door-wedge to Gay Marriage, paid off the Green crowd and paroled lots of thugs.

Quinn promised all of the laid off skilled tradesmen who went to his rally at the Plumbers Hall last November that he would fight for them. Quinn fought for Terry Cosgrove and Personal PAC and Planned Parenthood and union men and women continue to join the unemployed. I heard Pat Quinn promise the thousands of skilled tradesmen in the Plumbers Hall. I heard Pat Quinn promise. The thousands of union women and men, and this poor dim-wit writing this morning, believed his parsing promises. We went out and worked to get Quinn elected, God Help Us.

That is where a Quinn promise ends. He is a Progressive. He owes no one but the Personal PAC, Terry Cosgrove, LGBTQ activists, the harpies of Planned Parenthood, lefty lawyers, the thugs he paroles, and the tax-a-holics.

Pat Quinn is in . . .for now. He pensioned up. The rest of us? Illinois?

Pat Quinn owes no one else, least of all the Catholic Bishops of Illinois and far down from them the children in many wombs.

*Terry Cosgrove is president and CEO of Personal PAC, a group that is dedicated to electing pro-choice politcians. His confirmation passed the Illinois Senate by a vote of 30-25 Thursday, with Republicans vehemently opposed and debate getting so heated that two senators had to be separated, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

The GOP is characterizing Cosgrove's appointment as "pay-to-play" based on his PAC's support of Quinn in the recent gubernatorial election. Quinn's opponent, Republican Bill Brady, was a hard-line opponent of abortion rights, believing them wrong even in the cases of rape or incest.

Personal PAC came out very strong against Brady in the race, taking out heartbreaking ads featuring first-person narratives of rape victims who wouldn't have been allowed to seek abortions under a Brady regime. The group raised and spent over $400,000 in the race.

Brady lost very narrowly, coming up short by just under 20,000 votes. And many Republican strategists have suggested that the PPAC ads swung enough female voters in the Chicago suburbs to tilt the race toward Governor Quinn.

The GOP is understandably reluctant, then to see him given a statewide office. But as Rich Miller writes in his Chicago Sun-Times column, this hardly qualifies as "pay-to-play" by the traditional definition of the phrase:
AM0054 LRB097 11341 AMC 53483 x


2 To the Honorable Members of the Senate, Ninety-Seventh General
3 Assembly:

4 I, Pat Quinn, Governor, am nominating and, by and with the
5 advice and consent of the Senate, appointing the following
6 named individual to the office enumerated below. The advice and
7 consent of this Honorable Body is respectfully requested.

8 Title of Office: Member

9 Agency or Other Body: Illinois Human Rights Commission

10 Start Date: March 28, 2011

11 End Date: January 21, 2013

12 Name: Terry Cosgrove

13 Residence: 6805 N. Greenview, #2, Chicago, IL 60626

14 Annual Compensation: $46,960

15 Per diem: Not Applicable

16 Nominee's Senator: Senator Heather A. Steans

17 Most Recent Holder of Office: Gregory Simoncini

18 Superseded Appointment Message: Not Applicable

Hey, Bishops, Gov. Pat Quinn The Parser Owes Planned Parenthood Personal PAC

In a statement from the Catholic Conference of Illinois, the church leaders said Quinn had “gone beyond a political alignment with those supporting the legal right to kill children in their mothers’ wombs to rewarding those deemed most successful in this terrible work.”

Yeah, but Governor Pat Quinn owes Personal Pac Planned Parenthood. He owes Terry Cosgrove.

The man has priorioties. In fact, I am certain that Terry Cosgrove jotted out a response to the Cardinal George and the Catholic Bishops of Illinois.

This is a doozy -

Quinn's office issued a statement saying he was attending Personal PAC’s annual lunch and will present an award to a rape survivor and “preeminent advocate for victims of rape”
. . .And she keeps a neat wallet.

Rape victims? Abortion is a woman's best defense against Rape? Crimes of violence? Tell that to Kelli O'Loughlin's parents. It appears that a recently parolled Gangbanger murdered the fourteen year old during a "crime of opportunity." You gotta love that neologism for a savage doing exactly and whatever he wants to do.

This murdering savage was given his "opportunity" not via George Bush's economics but by Pat Quinn's parole caroselle!

The 14-year-old girl was stabbed a week ago Thursday when she apparently interrupted a burglary at her home. Since then, dozens of officers have investigated more than 100 leads. As friends and family gathered at a visitation for the Lyons Township freshman Wednesday, ABC7 learned one of those tips apparently panned out.

Officially, authorities at the Indian Head Park Police Department are quiet. One law enforcement source tells ABC7 that the man in custody is a state parolee. Another state police source says the person being questioned is a "Chicago gang-banger." ABC7 is told he hailed a cab after the crime last Thursday, possibly from the Hinsdale oasis on the Tri-State Tollway. Another police source says dogs were able to track the man's scent to that oasis along 294, not far from Indian Head Park.
( emphasis my own)

When goofs like Quinn parse, they believe that people of good will are just too dumb to live. I guess that is why they are soo cozy to Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood and all the piles of loot they have in the hoards built with State and Federal.

Quinn says he is honoring Personal PAC, in order to honor a rape victim. Personal Pac is all about money for abortions. Terry Cosgrove opened up huge industrial cans of whup-ass on Brady, in order to get Quinn where he stands today - honoring Cosgrove's Personal PAC.

Quinn delivered to Terry Cosgrove - got him a bullet proof pension and job, signed the Religious Liberty Civil Unions door-wedge to Gay Marriage, paid off the Green crowd and paroled lots of thugs.

Quinn promised all of the laid off skilled tradesmen who went to his rally at the Plumbers Hall last November that he would fight for them. Quinn fought for Terry Cosgrove and Personal PAC and Planned Parenthood and union men and women continue to join the unemployed. I heard Pat Quinn promise the thousands of skilled tradesmem in the Plumbers Hall. I heard Pat Quinn promise. The thousands of union women and men, and this poor dim-wit writing this morning, believed his parsing promises. We went out and worked to get Quinn elected, God Help Us.

That is where a Quinn promise ends. He is a Progressive. He owes no one but the Personal PAC, Terry Cosgrove, LGBTQ activists, the harpies of Planned Parenthood, lefty lawyers, the thugs he paroles, and the tax-a-holics.

Pat Quinn is in . . .for now. He pensioned up. The rest of us? Illinois?

Pat Quinn owes no one else, least of all the Catholic Bishops of Illinois and far down from them the children in many wombs.,0,3922664.story

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Presidential Proclamation–Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender June Pride Month: Seven Brides for Seven Sisters/ And Vicey Versa?

There was a particularly rosy sunrise this morning as I made my way to the Man Cave that is Leo High School.

Red-Eye told me about the Civil Union Ceremonies at Millenium Park with Governor Pat " The Gambler" Quinn giving away the Brides (One Size Fits All).

Earlier I read of President Obama's Proclamation ( click my post title)naming June the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender June Pride Month and I immediately thoght of the Johnny Mercer classic June Bride!

From "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"
(Music: Gene DePaul / Lyrics: Johnny Mercer)

Oh, they say when you marry in June,
You're a bride all your life.
And the bridegroom who marries in June
Gets a sweetheart for a wife.
Winter weddings can be gay
Like a Christmas holiday.
But the June bride hears the song
Of the spring that lasts all summer long.
By the light of the silvery moon
Home you ride, side by side
With the echo of Mendelssohn's tune
In your hearts as you ride
For they say when you marry in June,
You will always be a bride.

The day a maiden marries is a day she carries through the years
The Church is full of flowers, bridal showers all passe
The groom's waiting at the altar, here comes the bride,
They're each promising to love and obey.
There's madness celebrating
Every bridesmaid waiting
Just to see which one of them will catch the wedding bouquet.

For they say when you marry in June,
You will always, always, always, be a bride.

In November, the snow starts to fly,
Piling up, ankle-high.

Come December, it's up to your knee,
Still a bride's a bride-to-be.

January, higher still,
To the parlor window sill.

February finds a drift
And the storm that seems never to lift.

March comes in like a lion, what else?
Still the snow never melts.

April showers will come, so they say.
But they don't, and it's May.

You're about to forget the whole thing,
All at once, one day, it's Spring.

I also remembered this touching movie quotatation in celebration of Brides Everywhere!

. . .I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on the wedding day of your daughter. And may their first child be a masculine child.
L. Brazzi

Presidential Proclamation–Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender June Pride Month


The story of America’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community is the story of our fathers and sons, our mothers and daughters, and our friends and neighbors who continue the task of making our country a more perfect Union. It is a story about the struggle to realize the great American promise that all people can live with dignity and fairness under the law. Each June, we commemorate the courageous individuals who have fought to achieve this promise for LGBT Americans, and we rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. . . The west was won by its pioneers, settlers, adventurers is long gone now. Yet it is theirs forever, for they left tracks in history that will never be eroded by wind or rain - never plowed under by tractors, never buried in compost of events. Out of the hard simplicity of their lives, out of their vitality, of their hopes and sorrows grew legends of courage and pride to inspire their children and their children's children. From soil enriched by their blood, out of their fever to explore and be, came lakes where once there were burning deserts - came the goods of the earth; mine and wheat fields, orchards and great lumber mills. All the sinews of a growing country. Out of their rude settlements, their trading posts came cities to rank among the great ones of the world. All the heritage of a people free to dream, free to act, free to mold their own destiny.

Oh sorry, I mixed up that last bit - it was not President Obama. That was Spencer Tracy Narrating the movie How the West Was Won.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thomson's LiteMo, or Gitmo Lite, Lures Melonaires!

O Beloved one, How did you manage to, so heartily eat those slices of melon ? Just one slice of the melon had such an effect on me, then how did you manage to eat so many slices ?" Luqman(A.S.) replied: "O Friend, from your hands I have received hundreds of gifts. The burden of thanks upon me is so great, that my back has gone crooked. Hence, I felt ashamed that the hand that had granted me so much favours, if one day some distastefulness or bitterness should come, how can I turn away from it ? O Friend, the pleasure of knowing that it comes from your hands has changed the bitterness of the melon to sweetness." Luqman Servant of Allah

Thanks Illinois Former Elected ( well not Pat Quinn of course) Officials for making Thomson Illinois the Epi-Center of Illinois Melonaires!

Former Governor Pat Quinn and Former Senator Dick Durbin are True Men of Genius!

Thomson, Illinois is the Melon Capital of the World. Some argue that Illinois will become more of a Terrorist Epicenter - Well, Never Pass Up a Catastrophe! Gitmo North will attract Terrorists You Say? Bring 'em on! They Gotta Eat and No one can pass up a delicious Thomason Melon!

Thomson, IL will become the World Melon Market. Melons Rock the Casbah and the Thompson Center and soon the White House!

Dig into the Melon groove! Futures and Commodities Melons ain;t no Oddity!

From High Plains Midwest AG Journal no less!

Time to thump the melons

Watermelon is no longer just the stuff of barbecues and seed spitting contests. It is all grown up and playing a sweet note in dishes, not just dribbling juices down your face.

The first problem one encounters when face-to-face with a melon is how do you tell when it is ripe. You can always cut a plug and taste, providing the melon is in your own patch, (for some strange reason purveyors of the juicy fruits frown upon plugging).

Thumping is fun, but it doesn't work for me. Sniffing, does however. Just go nose to nose with the fruit and if you can smell the taste of the melon, it is ripe. Some people push a bit on the stem end and if it gives a bit that is another indication of ripeness. Pay no attention if a melon has a light colored area on its fat body, that merely marks the part of the melon that was lying on the earth and out of reach of the sun. It has nothing to do with ripeness not with sweetness.

Sweetness is what most people enjoy about melons. The higher the fructose content the better we like it. The darker the meat of the melon, the more sugar it holds. If you are buying by the slice or the wedge, you can eyeball the color and pick accordingly. Avoid mealy melons as they are the old guys who lounged around in the sun too long. All melons and most fruits take kindly to salt and to lemon or lime juice as they enhance flavor and makes the melon taste sweeter.

Watermelon & Goat Cheese Salad

Red and yellow watermelon (or a combination of different kinds of melon) when served together make a colorful salad, but you can use just one kind if you like.

1 1/2 pounds red watermelon
1 1/2 pounds yellow melon
6 oz fresh goat cheese, cut into cubes or crumbled
1/2 cup hazelnuts (or other nuts), toasted and chopped*
8 fresh mint leaves, julienned
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Pinch salt

Cut rinds off melons, leaving fruit intact. Remove any seeds. Slice melons into 1-inch thick slices. Cut slices into long fingers or triangles. Place melon on a chilled platter. Intermingle goat cheese with melon pieces. Sprinkle hazelnuts, mint, olive oil and salt over the top. Makes 4 servings. *Note: Spread nuts on a baking sheet. Toast 10 minutes in a 300 F oven.


Watermelon & Cherry Tomato Salsa

Serve with grilled fish or use the salsa as a salad.
1 1/2 pounds red watermelon
1 1/2 pounds yellow watermelon or other melon
1 1/2 cups red and gold cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup tightly packed cilantro or parsley leaves
2 teaspoons minced shallot or scallions
Salt, to taste
3 tablespoons pure olive oil
1 tablespoon wine or raspberry vinegar, more to taste

Cut both melons into 1/2-inch cubes, remove seeds and place in a large bowl. Cut tomatoes in half or quarters and add to the bowl. Lightly chop cilantro or parsley, add to the watermelon, along with shallot, salt, olive oil and vinegar. Mix well. Depending on sweetness of melons and acidity of tomatoes, adjust seasoning with salt or vinegar, if needed. Serves 6 to 8 as a salad.


Watermelon & Summer Berry Gazpacho

Berries of any kind can be used in this refreshing malange. It can be served for dessert, or as a first course or as a lunch.

6 1/2 cups cubed watermelon, to yield 4 cups puree
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons raspberry vinegar
10 mint leaves, finely sliced
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon coarse cracked black pepper
Pinch cayenne, optional

Seed melon cubes, if necessary. Put cubes in a blender and process until smooth. Pour puree through a strainer, pushing gently. Discard pulp. The remaining puree will be very thin, almost like juice; set aside in refrigerator. For gazpacho: To 4 cups of puree, add the lemon juice, vinegar, mint, onion, berries, salt, pepper and cayenne; mix well. Chill at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to blend. Serve in chilled bowls. Makes 4 servings.


Watermelon Agua Fresca

This bright red and refreshing strained drink can also be made with yellow watermelon, honeydew or other varieties of melon.

3 pounds ripe watermelon
1 1/2 cups cold water
2 to 4 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
Squeeze of lime

Remove any seeds, then cut all but about 1 cup of melon into chunks and place in blender or food processor. (It's okay if a few seeds make it into the blender.) Add enough water to blend, sugar and lime juice; blend until quite smooth. Strain through a fine strainer, pressing solids to get as much liquid out as possible, and add remaining water, plus more sugar and lime juice to taste. Cut remaining melon into small dice and add to the agua fresca. Chill until cold or serve immediately over ice. Makes 4 glasses.


Chunky Cataloupe Agua Fresca

This unstrained agua fresca has chunks of melon and more water than the strained version. Pick the ripest melon you can find. You can also use honeydew or specialty melons. This will hold in the refrigerator for a day or two.

1 1/2 pounds cantaloupe, about 3 cups chopped
2 cups cold water
2 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
Squeeze of lime or lemon

Scoop out the seeds, then cut the melon into large chunks and place in the blender. Add enough water to blend, sugar and lime juice and blend on "liquefy" until quite smooth, up to a few minutes. Add remaining water and more sugar and lime juice to taste, if you like. Chill until cold or serve immediately over ice. Makes 4 glasses.

It's easy to see where watermelon got its name!

Date: 8/22/06

Thomson - More Than Gitmo-Lite It's America's Melon Bite!,_Illinois

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Quinn and Durbin Open Thomson Al Qaeda B & B!

Former Governor Pat Quinn and Former Senator Dick Durbin Sing Be Our Guests to Gitmo Illini!

Sing it Voters! Then Laugh these two out of Office!

Quinn, Durbin at White House today for Thomson briefing
December 15, 2009 6:44 AM | No Comments
Gov. Pat Quinn and U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois meet with Obama administration officials at the White House today to be briefed on the federal government's plans to buy Illinois' little-used Thomson state prison in the northwest corner of the state for use housing federal prisoners and some of the detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Read more in Clout Street

Pat Quinn:
Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.
And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a
chair as the dining room proudly presents -
your dinner!

Be our guest! Be our guest!
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest
Soup du jour
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff
It's delicious
Don't believe me? Ask the dishes
They can sing, they can dance
After all, Miss, this is France
And a dinner here is never second best
Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest
Oui, our guest
Be our guest!
Quinn and Progressives:
Beef ragout
Cheese souffle
Pie and pudding "en flambe"

We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret!
You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No one's gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes! I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks
And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet
Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be out guest

If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest

Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Get your worries off your chest
Let us say for your entree
We've an array; may we suggest:
Try the bread! Try the soup!
When the croutons loop de loop
It's a treat for any dinner
Don't belive me? Ask the china
Singing pork! Dancing veal!
What an entertaining meal!
How could anyone be gloomy and depressed?
We'll make you shout "encore!"
And send us out for more
So, be our guest!

Be our guest!

Be our guest!

Mrs Schakowsky:
It's a guest! It's a guest!
Sakes alive, well I'll be blessed!
Wine's been poured and thank the Lord
I've had the napkins freshly pressed
With dessert, she'll want tea
And my dear that's fine with me
While the cups do their soft-shoein'
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing
I'll get warm, piping hot
Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot?
Clean it up! We want the company impressed

Big Ed Schultz
We've got a lot to do!

Mrs Schakowsky:
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest!

She's our guest!

Mrs Schakowsky & Billy Ayers:
She's our guest!

She's our guest!
Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!

Pat Quinn:
Life is so unnerving
For a servant who's not serving
He's not whole without a soul to wait upon
Ah, those good old days when we were useful...
Suddenly those good old days are gone
Ten years we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting
Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills!
Most days we just lay around the castle
Flabby, fat and lazy
You walked in and oops-a-daisy!

Quinn, Durbin, & President Obama:
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Our command is your request
It's been years since we've had anybody here
And we're obsessed
With your meal, with your ease
Yes, indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing
Let us help you, We'll keep going
Course by course, one by one
'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest
Tonight you'll prop your feet up
But for now, let's eat up
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Please, be our guest!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Justice Dude Holder's Gitmo Clients -Recused from Justice

Senator Dithering Dick Durbin is shilling for the House of Holder and former Governor Pat Quinn is helping. Thomson, Illinois will soon be the Gitmo Guest Haus for Eric "A Nation of Cowards" Holder's clients.

According to documents obtained exclusively by The Washington Times, Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli, No. 3 official in the Justice Department, had to recuse himself on at least 13 active detainee cases and at least 26 cases listed as either closed or mooted.

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican, made waves Nov. 18 when he demanded that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. provide a list of all the suspected-terrorist detainee cases from which current Justice Department political appointees have had to recuse themselves. The extent of the conflicts at the department is still unclear.

Mr. Perrelli's recusals presumably stem from the work that either he or his former firm, Jenner & Block LLP, did on behalf of detainees while Mr. Perrelli served on the firm's management committee and on its appellate and Supreme Court practice groups. And Mr. Perrelli is just one official; a number of other Justice Department officials apparently did private-sector work on detainee cases.

This is an important topic. Even if each official who did prior work on detainee cases has indeed properly recused himself from those cases while at the Justice Department, there could be such a large number of affected officials that the department's prevailing ethos could be tilted strongly in the detainees' favor. Mr. Grassley's inquiry is pressing because it could ferret out any instance in which a department official should have been recused but wasn't.
Mr. Perrelli's recusals presumably stem from the work that either he or his former firm, Jenner & Block LLP, did on behalf of detainees while Mr. Perrelli served on the firm's management committee and on its appellate and Supreme Court practice groups. And Mr. Perrelli is just one official; a number of other Justice Department officials apparently did private-sector work on detainee cases.

This is an important topic. Even if each official who did prior work on detainee cases has indeed properly recused himself from those cases while at the Justice Department, there could be such a large number of affected officials that the department's prevailing ethos could be tilted strongly in the detainees' favor. Mr. Grassley's inquiry is pressing because it could ferret out any instance in which a department official should have been recused but wasn't.

When the senator publicly requested information from Mr. Holder, the attorney general merely promised to "consider" the request. After some hemming and hawing and dodging, Mr. Holder eventually said he needed to make sure there was no "attorney-client privilege" involved before disclosing the list of recusals. This is absurd. Attorney-client privilege may extend to the substance of lawyers' discussions with detainees, but not to the mere question of whether the lawyers are doing such work.

While the rest of the list of recusals has yet to be provided to the senator, The Washington Times secured the Perrelli recusal list, which previously had been distributed widely within the Justice Department. Herewith, consider this list of names of detainees whose cases are listed as "active" on the Perrelli recusal list:

Saad Al Qahtani. Mohammed Zahrani. Achraf Salim ("Sultan") Abdessalam. Abdul Rahman Abdul Abu Ghityh Sulayman. Musaab Omar Al Madhwani. Jawad Jabbar Sadkhan (Al Sahlani). Majid Khan.

Watermelon! Juicy Thomson Watermelons! - Illinois -Al Quedaering to America's Guests!