Showing posts with label Dowager Cecile Richards and the Dowager Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dowager Cecile Richards and the Dowager Class. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dennis Byrne's Powerful Indictment of Planned Parenthood's 'Outlier' Hypocrisy and Spineless State Government Cowed by the Abortion Industry

H/T Pat Dollard

Kermit Gosnell made his mark in his "Chosen Field of Medicine" with the blood and parts of thousands of children.

Planned Parenthood's first official President of the United States, The Chief Abortionist, Barack Obama is in Texas to help raise money for the Dowagers of Death.

In Philadelphia, a medical doctor described as "elegant and suave " by the Associated Press is on trial for the murder of seven infants and an expectant mother, as well as prescription drug trafficing and litany of malpractice and sanitation violations. Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell is the poster boy of everything that Planned Parenthood stands for and has been given scrutiny only after the comfortable smug media has been shamed into action.

In Chicago, one journalist covered the story with any sobriety and vigor - Dennis Byrne.  Today, in a fine piece that managed to slip by the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, Mr. Byrne makes plain importance of the Gosnell monstrosities as part and parcel of Planned Parenthood.
The abortion industry tut-tuts it all as a deplorable, yet a single, isolated incident. It ignores the clinics being investigated for botched abortions or hazardous facilities in Alabama, New Mexico, Minnesota, Maryland, Colorado and Florida. There may be more, since abortion record-keeping is abysmal.
Even Illinois, by law, doesn't keep records of infants born alive during an abortion, an Illinois Department of Public Health spokeswoman said in an email. Amazingly, Illinois abortion clinics hadn't been inspected for up to 15 years before the Gosnell case broke, an Associated Press investigation found.
Finally, the state health department acted. Of the state's nine "pregnancy termination special centers" (they only do surgical abortions before 18 weeks of gestation), the department ordered two temporarily closed for violations that seriously "threaten the public interest, health, safety and welfare." Some supervisory, sanitation and other violations sound eerily similar to Gosnell's. Worse, the Women's Aid Clinic of Lincolnwood failed to perform required post-surgical CPR on a dying patient.
In a fog of excuses for their failures, that clinic and the Northern Illinois Women's Center in Rockford surrendered their licenses last year. That's two out of nine clinics with serious health and safety problems — 22 percent of the state's pregnancy termination centers. Hardly isolated incidents. (emphases my own)

There is so much more.  Read Dennis Byrne.  Read something, if you can find it, about the Gosnell/Planned Parenthood killings.

Ask this, " How can two Chechen kids raised here in America have so little regard for human life?"

Answer -Regard begins at conception.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Catholic Mother Jones Would Spit in the Eye of ACLU Hypocrisy and Anti-Catholic Bigotry

“Some day the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!” Mary Harris "Mother" Jones(August 1, 1837 – November 30, 1930)

Nothing seems more profitable than the murder of children by Progressive America. Abortion is the tide that lifts every secularist boat - gay marriage, redistribution of wealth, Green everything are tied to the apron strings of the American Dowager Class - Planned Parenthood.  

Progressive thought requires a collective tabula rasa - erase history and begin anew. E.G. Mary Harris Jones, or Mother Jones. Progressives have been re-writing and burning history for decades and have succeeded in hoodwinking Americans that social justice has nothing to do with the Catholic Church in America,  The Progressive treatment of Mother Jones informs one-and-all that Mother Jones was born and baptized a Roman Catholic and attributes here ';hell-raising' ways to her rebel Cork, Ireland beginnings.  The common Progressive thread leads the un-discerning reader to assume that she repudiated her Faith in favor of Radical Socialism and Third Wave Feminism and found solace and comfort and support in godlees Hegelian community activism. Facts are swords. Group thought is fragile. In fact, Marry Harris Jones repudiated not the Faith of her birth and baptism, but the secularist and murderous ideologies of the Progressive.

Ignored is the fact that Mary Harris Jones ended her 93 years of teaching in Catholic schools, sewing for the rich Yanks of Chicago, fighting with and for the Knights of Labor, organizing and then repudiating the United Mine Workers as well as the Socialist Party of America, with last rites of her Roman Catholic Faith and burial along side the miners of southern Illinois. 
 ( The Roman Catholic Funeral Mass for Mary Harris "Mother" Jones at the Church of Ascension in Mount Olive, IL 1930)

Mary Harris Jones, for whom the anti-Catholic and secularist magazine is named, was buried in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church from the Church of Ascension in Mount Olive, IL - facts are such troubling things. Mother Jones 
would spit in the eye of the Dowager Class and its murderous self-interest.

 ( Pleae note the Roman Catholic Crucifix on the coffin of Mother Jones)

Last month, when forty plus Roman Catholic Dioceses brought suit against the Obama Regime's HHS Mandate, Mother Jones magazine said this - 

"The ACLU's Reproductive Freedom Project recently won its lawsuit against HHS over a federal grant through which USCCB provided services to human trafficking victims. The bishops had refused to allow subcontractors to use the federal money to refer women for reproductive health services. In 2009, the ACLU filed suit arguing that under the contract the USCCB (and by extension, the federal government) was unconstitutionally foisting Catholic religious beliefs on the larger public. (The Obama administration last year refused to renew the contract,prompting even more outrage from USCCB, which accused the administration of operating an "ABC policy," or "Anyone But Catholics."). . . Real religious freedom gives everyone the right to make personal decisions, ( How baout a 24 oz. Big Gulp Chalice full of  grape NeHi?) including whether and when to use birth control, based on our beliefs. It doesn't give one group the right to impose its beliefs on others, (Gay Marriage?) or to use religion as an excuse to discriminate by denying employees access to vital services. The fight they are waging isn't about religious liberty at all, but about whether a woman should have insurance coverage for birth control. When you stop and think about it, it's incredible that this is an issue in 2012 Mother Jones May 22, 2012

Mother Mary? "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living." Thank you, Mother Jones!  The living children about to be murdered in their mother's wombs are alive, until the Dowager Class gets more of its way with the help of sharks of the ACLU.

The ACLU's Alicia Gay warns that the "powerful lobbying arm of the Catholic Church" mistakenly claims that the HHS contraception mandate violates their religious liberty. ACLU February 2012

Is that a mistake Mother Mary Jones? 

“Injustice boils in men's hearts as does steel in its cauldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time”

You got that right Mother Dear.

Mother Jones once said, " God Almighty made Women and the . . .( Rockefeller) gang of thieves made ladies.  These daughters of Rockefeller are Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Industry. They made Barack Obama President and his Government made war on Mother Jones as well as all of us Catholics. I agree with Mother Jones that "Movements to suppress wrongs can be carried out under the protection of the flag." I also believe that the current regime and its allies in the media alone decides who gets that protection and the Catholic Church does not fit the bill.

Mother Jones can be witnessed in the actions of the USCCB, Cardinal George, Cardinal Dolan and the Thomas More Society.
Mother Jones Rallied for Religious Liberty in most cities of America on June 8th, 2012.

Mother Jones would spit in the collective Progressive eyes - the lot of them. She was not a humanitarian; she was hell-raiser.  Watch some hell-raising from Catholics who read and remember.

In his eulogy, Father J. W. R. Maquire * said Jones would find miners living in tents, the serfs of coal companies and left them free and independent men. “Because of her great struggle for economic justice, she became a world figure.”
What seems left unsaid, is her great Catholic faith

Church of the Ascension -705 E. Main Street-Mount Olive, IL 62069-0259 US
Fr Larry Anschutz
Phone:(217) 999-4981
Fax:(217) 999-4036

 **              Six Things Everyone Should Know About The HHS Mandate

February 6, 2012WASHINGTON— The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers the following clarifications regarding the Health and Human Services regulations on mandatory coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs.
1.The mandate does not exempt Catholic charities, schools, universities, or hospitals. These institutions are vital to the mission of the Church, but HHS does not deem them "religious employers" worthy of conscience protection, because they do not "serve primarily persons who share the[ir] religious tenets."HHS denies these organizations religious freedom precisely because their purpose is to serve the common good of society—a purpose that government should encourage, not punish.
2.The mandate forces these institutions and others, against their conscience, to pay for things they consider immoral. Under the mandate, the government forces religious insurers to write policies that violate their beliefs;forces religious employers and schools to sponsor and subsidize coverage that violates their beliefs; and forces religious employees and students to purchase coverage that violates their beliefs.
3.The mandate forces coverage of sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs and devices as well as contraception.   Though commonly called the "contraceptive mandate," HHS's mandate also forces employers to sponsor and subsidize coverage of sterilization.And by including all drugs approved by the FDA for use as contraceptives, the HHS mandate includes drugs that can induce abortion, such as "Ella," a close cousin of the abortion pill RU-486.
4.Catholics of all political persuasions are unified in their opposition to the mandateCatholics who have long supported this Administration and its healthcare policies have publicly criticized HHS's decision, including columnists E.J. Dionne. . . , Mark Shields. . . , and Michael Sean Winters. . . ; college presidents Father John Jenkins. . . and Arturo Chavez. . . ; and Daughter of Charity Sister Carol Keehan. . . , president and chief executive officer of the Catholic Health Association of the United States.
5.Many other religious and secular people and groups have spoken out strongly against the mandate. Many recognize this as an assault on the broader principle of religious liberty, even if they disagree with the Church on the underlying moral question.For example, Protestant Christian. . . , Orthodox Christian. . . , andOrthodox Jewish. . . groups--none of which oppose contraception--have issued statements against the HHS's decision.The Washington Post. . . , USA Today. . . , N.Y. Daily News. . . , Detroit News. . . , and other secular outlets, columnists. . . , andbloggers. . . have editorialized against it.6.The federal mandate is much stricter than existing state mandates. HHS chose the narrowest state-level religious exemption as the model for its own.That exemption was drafted by the ACLU and exists in only 3 states (New York, California, Oregon).Even without a religious exemption, religious employers can already avoid the contraceptive mandates in 28 states by self-insuring their prescription drug coverage, dropping that coverage altogether, or opting for regulation under a federal law (ERISA) that pre-empts state law.The HHS mandate closes off all these avenues of relief.
Additional information on the U.S. Catholic bishops’ stance on religious liberty, conscience protection and the HHS ruling regarding mandatory coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs is available at religious freedom, freedom of conscience, Catholic charities, hospitals, schools, universities, religious employers, mandatory coverage, contraceptives, abortion, sterilization, HHS mandate, health care policies, religious exemption
# # # # #
MEDIA CONTACT: Mar Muñoz-Visoso O: 202-541-3202 M: 301-646-8616 Email

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Coming American Cristiada - Brought to You by Obama 2012

20th Century Government Mandates against Religion:
Father Miguel Pro, SJ. executed by the Mexican secularist government in 1927 -Viva Cristo Rey! Rey!” 

'The ignorant serve cruel masters.' The Clouds Aristophanes

"We support the right of women in this country to have access to birth control through their insurance policies, and anybody who stands in the way is going to have to deal with us and our friends," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., flanked by four colleagues. Boxer said she had spoken to Obama adviser David Axelrod, who assured her that the administration would not weaken its position. USA Today 2/9/2012

Anti-clericalism is a historical movement that opposes religious institutional power and influence in public and political life. In its more extreme manifestations, anti-clericalism has led to violent attacks against the clergy, vandalism against religious sites, and the seizure of church property.
Often directed against the Catholic Church and clergy, anti-clericalism goes beyond mere secularism or the French tradition of laïcité, which advocates both the absence of religious interference in government affairs and government interference in religious affairs. The goal of anti-clericalism is often that religion should become a strictly private activity . . .During the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, and in the context of atrocities on both sides, many of the Republican forces were violently anti-clerical anarchists and Communists. The numerous assaults against Catholic institutions, clergy, and supporters during this period have been been termed Spain's Red Terror. These included the sacking and burning of monasteries and churches and killing 283 nuns and more than 6,000 priests, including 13 bishops, 4184 diocesan priests, 2365 members of male religious orders. Among these were 259 Claretians, 226 Franciscans, 204 Piarists, 176 Brothers of Mary, 165 Christian Brothers, 155 Augustinians, 132 Dominicans, and 114 Jesuits. There are accounts of the Catholic faithful being forced to swallow rosary beads, thrown down mine shafts, and priests being forced to dig their own graves before being buried alive. The Catholic Church has canonized several martyrs of the Spanish Civil War and has beatified hundreds more. New World Encyclopedia

My students said this more often than not - "No Way!"  They also protested  " You're Crazy!"  Most often they exclaimed " Are You Serious?!"

These came in response to questions with regard to Master At Arms Claggert's homosexual overtures to the handsome sailor Billy Budd, Herman Melville's novel of same name.  As the innocent and beautiful young man shouted so innocently to his shipmates " Farewell Rights of Man!" the irony of discovery is a real push -me- pull -you in the noggin. No Way!!!!!!!!!


I taught wonderfully diverse, but always solidly important novels, plays, essays and histories to my students: Not only did they read Catcher in the Rye, but also Catch 22; The Sun Also Rises and the U.S.A trilogy; The Scarlet Letter and Genesis.

My students were great critics and often favored John Dos Passos over Ernest Hemingway - " Why is Hemingway so huge and no one reads Dos Passos?" 

Well, discipuli, that statement is no longer true. You read Dos Passos.

Interestingly, Dos Passos and Hemingway were friends until the Spanish Civil War 1937.  The two writers were very much alike - both born in Illinois, WWI veterans and part of the post-war Parisian crowd of Modern Culture Vultures.  They both shared leftist political views, until the Spanish Civil War.  A man by the name of Jose Robles, who had taught Spanish and literature in America and translated the works of Dos Passos, Hemingway and Sinclair Lewis into Spanish and share the same socialist/leftist political ideals, was placed against a wall and shot by the Republican ( Communists) authorities for not being 'left enough.'

Hemingway was not too bothered by the murder of his friend Jose Robles, but he was really upset that John Dos Passos equated the murder of his friend to the slaughter and persecution of Catholics by the soviet led Republicans.  Hemigway cut Dos Passos dead and like any MSNBC shill taking coin today engaged in charcter assasination of his old friend. Dos Passos wrote honestly.  Hemingway was a gargantuan bullshitter worthy of his Nobel Prize.  Dos Passos died in 1970.  Hemigway painted his ceilling with his brains in 1961.

Progessives are secularists.  Religion is okay as long as it does not make itself public.  The American Progressives want this Democratic Republic to become "One Nation" without the prepsitional phrase "Under God."  America is getting there.

Our popular culture paints the Spanish Civil War as a romantic, gallant fight against fascism.  It was monstrous, brutal and heartless fight against fascism.  Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper and John Garfield all played Spanish Civil War Veterans from the Republican side - they never said Red in the Old Black and Whites.

Every one hates fascists, especially neo-fascists.  A fascist is merely a very successful socialist.

No America public educated high school students know anything about the massacre of the Escorial Augustinian seminary students or the Cristiada that swept Mexico from 1926 -1929 ten years before the Communists took control of the Spanish Republic.

Facts are troublesome things.  Much more difficult is the task of applying what we have learned to our lives. 
President Obama is at war with Catholic Church and American religious liberty.  No Way!!!!!!  Yes, way.

Obama 2012 is the start of the American Cristiada - make no mistake. John Dos Passos began his U.S.A. trilogy with most chapters dedicated to the Revolution in Mexico.  An American Wobbly ( IWW) printer goes to fight the working man's fight in the Mexico of Zapata and Pancho Villa.  Fainy Mac ends up very disillusioned by the results of his labors:
The Mexican Constitution of 1917 limited the power of the Catholic Church. The constitution required the closing of all elementary schools operated by the Catholic Church. The document also led to the government confiscation of all church owned building and properties. Monastic orders were also outlawed and church services could not be conducted outside of a church. All church activities were to be overseen by the government. Law was also established to take away the voting rights of clergymen. In 1926, the Calles Law was signed making it illegal for clergy to wear their vestments in public. Following the passing of this act, Catholic priests and citizens, with approval from Pope Pius XI, engaged in acts of peaceful protest: boycotting movies and not using public transportation. Some Mexican states are only permitted by law to have a certain number of clergymen living in them. In these states it is not uncommon for the clergy to be pulled out of their homes and burned or shot before a firing squad. The rebellions became more violent. A number of priests holed themselves up in the church, Our Lady of Guadalupe. There is currently a standoff between the priests and the federal soldiers.

The January HHS Contraception Mandate followed the May Hilda Solis's NLRB stripping the Catholic identity from Chicago's St. Xavier University and other schools.  Obama will decide what is religious and what is not, what is acceptable to him and what is not. Obama is a later-day composite Yanqui Obergon/Calles*!

Obama 2012 is the blue print for the American Cristiada.  It is to be seen how many American Catholics will become Cristeros.

Facts are troubling things.

* Many leaders and members of the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico were highly critical of the 1917 constitution. They especially criticized Article 3, which forbade religious instruction in schools, and Article 130, which adopted an extreme form of separation of church and state, including a series of restrictions on priests and ministers of all religions to hold public office, canvass on behalf of political parties or candidates, or to inherit from persons other than close blood relatives, etc.).[27]

Although Obregón was suspicious of the Catholic Church, he was far less anti-clerical than his successor, Plutarco Elías Calles, whose policies would lead to the Cristero War (1926–29). For example, he sent Pope Pius XI congratulations upon his election in 1922, and in a private message to the pope, emphasized the "complementarity" of the aims of the Catholic Church and the Mexican Revolution.[27]

In spite of Obregón's moderate approach, his presidency saw the beginnings of clashes between Catholics and supporters of the Mexican Revolution. Some bishops campaigned actively against land distribution and against the organization of workers into secular unions. Catholic Action movements were founded in Mexico in the wake of Pius XI's 1922 encyclical Ubi arcano, and supporters of the Young Mexican Catholic Action soon found themselves in violent conflict with CROM members.[28] The most serious diplomatic incident occurred in 1923, when Ernesto Eugenio Filippi, the Apostolic Nuncio to Mexico, conducted an open-air religious service in spite of the fact that it was illegal to hold a religious service outside of a church. The government invoked Article 33 of the constitution and expelled Filippi from Mexico.[29],_Blessed_Miguel_Pro.html

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Planned Parenthood Wants Chen Guangcheng in China - No Abortion Dissent Here As Well

(AP) BEIJING - The blind Chinese activist at the center of a six-day diplomatic tussle between the U.S. and China said he fears for his family's lives and wants to leave China, hours after American officials announced an agreement with Beijing that was to guarantee his safety. . . Hours later, however, a shaken Chen told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his hospital room that U.S. officials told him the Chinese authorities would have sent his family back to his home province if he remained inside the embassy. He added that, at one point, the U.S. officials told him his wife would have been beaten to death.

"I think we'd like to rest in a place outside of China," Chen said, appealing again for help from U.S. officials. "Help my family and me leave safely."

Larger Issues before the President with regard to Red China, Mr. Chen, can't you see that?

Planned Parenthood's President and his State Department are not going to do tricks for Chen Guangcheng.

Almost immediately after the AP reported that Hilary Clinton had moved heaven and earth to nail down "concessions" for the anti-abortion hero and his family, it was learned that the "concessions" were all on Chen. He could do as ordered or his wife and kids would be beaten to death by the Woman's Health Advocates of Red China. He conceded to leave the sanctuary of the US Embassy.

Planned Parenthood's first and God willing only Chief Executive will not do a thing to help an abortion dissident.  Wrong Dissidence there Chen.  Now, if you had pooped on a Chicago Squad Car, aided Hamas to get more rockets, busted Starbuck windows, or helped abort a child, everything would be just jake.

Team Obama SEIU
You see not only does President Obama owe Red China $ .40 on every Yankee Dollar, but he also owes  Cecile Richards and Dowagers of Planned Parenthood. Barack Obama is in the White House due to the massive support, financial and moral, of Planned Parenthood and its symbiotic relationship with Andy Stern and Anna Burger's SEIU - old China hands.
SEIU Mandarin Anna Burger and the Progressive Red Abortion Dude

SEIU's Mandarins, Andy Stern and Anna Burger spent a great deal of time in Red China prior to the 2008 Campaign. Not only that Planned Parenthood Dowager  Cecile Richard happens to be married to a former SEIU Mandarin Kirk Adams.

Fighting for an abortion opponent is no where on either organization's 'to-do' list.

China has a One Child Mandate, that VP Joe Biden fully appreciates, because he and President Obama appreciate the power of Planned Parenthood, SEIU and NOW here in American.  Planned Parenthood is fighting to make America as Progressive as Red China through government mandated slaughter - just like China.  Chen fought the law and the law won.

He is not alone.  When the AP crowed that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton nailed concessions, another woman reported that everything was not exactly Peking Duck Soup.

This woman is a beautiful, courageous and endagered young hero.  She is now off the grid. Her name is He Peirong.

Jill Stanek, and American woman of equal conviction and beauty, reported on the consequences of Clinton's concessions. Occupy a moment with a story of genuine courage and conviction:

He Peirong is a petite woman with a spine of steel. I know her because she spearheaded the movement to free Chen Guangcheng inside China, while I have played a similar role in the U.S. and Europe. That’s where the similarity ends. I have advocated for Chen in complete safety. Peirong, however, has been beaten and detained repeatedly for this extremely dangerous undertaking. Now, she is detained again, for rescuing Chen.

How did Chen escape? The Chinese Communist Party clamped down on him as hard as it could. His house was surrounded by 66 guards working in three shifts – 22 guards every eight hours. His village was sealed off by yet more guards. His phone, computer and television were confiscated. He was completely shut off from the outside world. Plus he was sick and injured from all the beatings.

According to Peirong, Chen spent months on his back, pretending to be near death, so that his guards would relax their vigilance. Then on April 22, with exquisite timing, he scaled a wall and ran for his life, taking several wrong turns and falling into a river because of his blindness. Peirong drove 20 hours to meet Chen and fooled the village guards into letting her in. She disguised herself as a courier. Then she drove Chen another eight hours – still wet from his fall in the river – to safety in Beijing. Their plan was so masterfully executed that the authorities did not realize Chen was gone for four days.

Once authorities discovered that Chen was missing, the reprisals began. The Chinese Communist Party violently detained Chen’s older brother and nephew, and his wife, children and mother are at risk as well.

As news of Chen’s escape was breaking, I skyped with Peirong on and off all Thursday night from Dublin, where I had testified about Chen at the Irish Parliament. Peirong was alone and worried – about Chen and his family, and about her own safety. Peirong knew that the price of securing Chen’s freedom might be her own.
At about 5:00 a.m. Dublin time, I skyped Peirong one last time and she did not answer. She had been detained, and no one has heard from her since. We don’t know if Peirong is being tortured or whether her detention will last days, months or years.

In pressing for Chen’s freedom, let us also press for the freedom of his rescuer, He Peirong, a hero in her own right. She stood up for Chen during his time of greatest need. The least we can do is stand by her as she pays a terrible price for her courage.

These heroic people risk their lives for the unborn against a Progressive tyranny.

We are blessed. All we need to do is vote in November. You can decide to make America as Progressive as Red China, or you can do the right thing.  Make damn sure that you do.