Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Father Undie O'Gobhar's Column- Obama Heals Ward's Church;Hill Don't

Image of Obama the pol misses the point

May 21, 2008

BY Father Undie O'Gobhar
Rev. Wright said it: "The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."

I am not a politician. I work for God and get very well paid from the Good Man's Publishing Companies, with Royalties Abounding,much good they do me the poor man, I be. Many Americans, perhaps, would accept that contrast with a school teacher and wife with a mortgage and three kids in Catholic schools, but that after all is butter in my mouth that melts just fine, don't you know, or perhaps that Belgian Priesteen, Damian, who went to Molokai and worked with the Wogs whose skin come off like a chapter in my latest summer blanket weight, published by Gobshite Press and soon to be featured on Oprah's Show. It's the story of a saintly but roguish Parish Bishop who helps solve Mysteries of the Rosary, while spending boodles of grant money at the University of Chicago to help them APA good souls prove that All Catholics are always racists and thugs, unless they, of course, happen to be God's Anointed who raffishly turn their black coat collars up and wear Greek Fisherman Caps on the dust cover of best sellering bodice rippers!

Well, it's after talkin' to ye, of Barack Obama, the finest young goat in the herd with the University of Chicago Themselves stamp of good approval. Now, I am a trained social scientist and a natty sacerdotal Gadabout and, thus, will caper and gambol some lifeless lines on politics and be handsomely compensated as well.

From the point of view of the Catholic social theory to which I subscribe, of which the renewal is very dear and the delivery often misses the thin slot on my Hancock Center Mail Box, and being a likely lad form Chicago's West Side is not valid. Both of them -- the politician and the cleric -- the two of them mind you, work for God, though in very different ways. One needs votes and the other - or t'other, as the impish rouges we Irish like to keen - requires millions of dollars to buy retirement homes far away from the nasty creatures - or CRAYTTHURS - to whom we minister in this vale of tears.

The cleric presides over the community meal and all of the meals that he can tuck away at no small expense to parishioners at restaurants, or at the very least their homes, and preaches the good news, which he makes as disturbingly incoherent and irrelevant as he can. He must strain to keep a balanced check book between comforting the frightened and frightening the comfortable bastards that he calls up and invites himself to dinner and Waterford Crystal tumblers of Old Bushmills Black. His most serious temptation may be the inclination to frighten everyone and everyone he chooses, to stand for the wrath of God, and pay little attention to God's Laws. Challenge is easier than comfort and Comfort has everything else in God's good Jacuzzi.

While the cleric must extort his people to generosity and forgiveness for his slights of hand and heart and hold up the example of the saints as an ideal to be largely ignored through his own clerical scorn and contempt for the people padding his wallet, the politician must create compromises and coalitions. His goal is to persuade people that he is not as big an oafish turd as a cleric, like me, and good luck to him. The cleric urges the maximum contributions from one and all - What is in It for Me, My Children - Pecunia Non Olet as Saint Jimmy Swaggert said, the politician settles for the minimum and good luck to him. The former holds up the Faithful, the latter works to preserve some votes. Both are essential for the good of society.

The paradigmatic narrative for the politician is the story of the brave young idealist who eventually sells out for votes. For the cleric, it might be the fervent prophet who accepts the limitations of what's in your wallet. Both are stories of failure, of loss of nerve, of disillusion but mostly of coin of the realm. You can not have everything - Where would you put it? Both paradigms oversimplify the complexities of human behavior. Both the cleric and the politician must go beyond the constraints of disillusion and failure and lap up every nickel there is on the wet and sticky floor.

The paradigm of the idealist who becomes a crafty politician is being applied freely these days to Obama by both the New York Times and by Time magazine, but glossed over in my newest novel. The senator, it is said, became ambitious and damped down his liberalism. He learned to compromise in the harsh internecine world of Chicago politics. I learned that when I passed the Mission Can to my classmates.

Both the New York Times and Time articles were carefully researched and well written, but they miss a couple of points - they never mentioned the influence of this humble and soberly sexy priest. Obama learned in his community work, among the Catholic parishes on the Southeast Side when the mills were closing, that one when you are out of work - 'Good Luck, Son!'

His insistence on drawing people together because you can fleece them more easily when they are all cramped up one place -- the basic theme of his campaign -- is the heart of his style of politics. You try to draw to the bandwagon everyone you can possibly attract to it and then sell them all the snake oil that they can carry home with them. That's what Machine politics means to many idealistic people -- compromising to get the votes and more than few shillings.

Moreover, Obama's voting record surely suggests he is on the liberal side of the political spectrum, but you can't govern with just liberals on your side you need all the sheep. And, more dangerously, you must sympathize with both Jews and Palestinians and fleece both of Semitic Tribes.

Will Obama be able to put together such coalitions, should he be elected? Good Lord, I know that it has been the Cat's Tripes for this Boyo!

Will there be movement toward change, folding money, negotiable bonds, inheritance gifts, income redistribution from the poor and the middle class as well as the great wealth of the super-rich corporations and their CEOs? Their mites are as good as the Widow's. A consensus on appeasement will be a much easier task than one on service and patriotic obligation, where the level of hatred is still strong in our society.

I do not think that even Michael the Archangel and all his crowd could accomplish these changes. But I am sure that He'd give it the Divil's Own Try.

If Barack Obama should become President Obama, he won't achieve compromises on all issues, but he should be sure to reward the Shepherd who wrote gushing columns in his favor. The best one can expect is the least one should expect. Such is the lot of the politician in God's service -- and always that of the cleric, too.

For a parallel point of view click my post title.

John McCain: One of Us - Why McCain Gets Urban Catholic Votes.

I was chatting with several folks from around the country on Hugh Hewitt's Townhall Site, via this information high way, about John McCain and they were wondering about Barack Obama's influence among voters.

I responded that it seemed that he benefits from expensive and smart packaging, similar to the mythopoeic make-up Hollywood might apply to a budding movie star: Marion Michael Morrison becomes John Wayne; an Australian beachcomber becomes the dashing Irish rebel Errol Flynn.

Obama's a very lovely guy. I met him on many occasions, when he was in the Illinois Legislature and when he ran against Bobby Rush and the very same people who made him into some rock star vilified him during that failed run for Congress as 'Too much of a White Boy.'

I believe that his reception at the DNC in 2004 was as much as a surprise to him as any one. The rest is marketing, Soros money, the Progressive packaging.

Here in Chicago, Progressives can't get a pothole filled, not can they get elected more than 300 yards West of Lake Michigan. They own the Media and have all the Turtle-neck under tweed all year Academics, but pretty much everyone else laughs at them. They hate that. All of us 'bitter and clinging' close-knit ethnic blue collar regular folks irritate the hell out of them.
Obama distanced himself from solid Democrats who helped him in the Legislature and who were instrumental in getting elected to the US Senate, in favor of the absolute worst elements controlling the DNC.

There are millions of Progressive dollars at stake in his bid for the White House. Let's all help John McCain make them wasted dollars and disappoint the Hollywood Squares and the Brahmin Bolsheviks.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

John McCain: The Lobbyist Strawman is on Fire, Arianna! When You Strike that Match Make Sure Your Aramanis are not Soaked in $ 4.06 a Gallon Gas

Ever since President Ulysses S. Grant sat in the lobby with cigars and whiskey and tried to remember just why he felt that 'Old Pete' Longstreet and Mar'se Robert E. Lee had lured his Blue Bellies into the Wilderness, Presidents were swarmed by lobbyists. Lobbyists act to speak on behalf of 'grassroots' interests on particular issues. They are exercising American Free Speech.

Sometimes, dollars and temptations to all manner of vices do the parsing - especially to more larcenous inclinations of our elected public servants.

Here is what is allowed by law:

In support of the power of Congress it is argued that lobbying is within the regulatory power of Congress, that influence upon public opinion is indirect lobbying, since therefore attempts to influence public opinion are subject to regulation by the Congress. Lobbying, properly defined, is subject to control by Congress, . . . But the term cannot be expanded by mere definition so as to include forbidden subjects. Neither semantics nor syllogisms can break down the barrier which protects the freedom of people to attempt to influence other people by books and other public writings. . . . It is said that lobbying itself is an evil and a danger. We agree that lobbying by personal contact may be an evil and a potential danger to the best in legislative processes. It is said that indirect lobbying by the pressure of public opinion on the Congress is an evil and a danger. That is not an evil; it is a good, the healthy essence of the democratic process. . . .

— [Rumely v. United States, 197 F.2d 166, 173-174, 177 (D.C. Cir. 1952).]

The Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares has gone flat out to create a 'lobbyist' problem for Senator John McCain.

Like the General Betrayus Strawman and the gassy eructations of paid mouthpieces like MSNBC's Tool Shed ( Matthews, Maddow, Olbermann and Abrams) this issue matters not a wit to voters.

Today Arianna's Greek Fire is hitting the political waters but missing the McCain Boat.

They are tallying the number of individuals linked to the McCain Campaign as 'lobbyists.'

It's politics boneheads! Harry Reid, Al Gore and so many other Democratic silk shirts were at Jack Abramoff's trough for years! Indian Casino's and land speculation were the core of the doctrinal fruits.

We read newspapers. Heck Arianna's regular Democratic Grassroots Camp Master, Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer is only recently out of the joint: Bob Creamer, spouse of Congressional Harridan and Obama Seat Grabber Jan Schakowsky ( Jan - has been lobbying soon-to-be ( it seems) indicted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for the expected appointment to Senator Obama's Senate Seat in the Hope that he becomes President)has a regular HUFFPO column.

Here's The Kite Runner's HUFFPO BIO:

Robert Creamer has been a political organizer and strategist for almost four decades. He and his firm, the Strategic Consulting Group, work with many of the country’s most significant issue campaigns. He was one of the major architects and organizers of the successful campaign to defeat the privatization of Social Security. He is a consultant to the campaigns to end the war in Iraq, pass universal health care, change America’s budget priorities and enact comprehensive immigration reform. He has also worked on hundreds of electoral campaigns at the local, state and national level. Creamer is married to Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky from Illinois. Arianna Huffington calls his recent book, Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, a master’s class in electoral politics.

Now, Here's Bob Creamer that Illinois Knows thanks to Renaissance Man Thomas Roeser:
Robert Creamer.

Robert Creamer, the husband of U. S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill) who was sentenced to jail for running a community group and paying himself big bucks while banks held the bag, has been teaching a group of young (mostly) volunteers for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama, I am exclusively revealing today.

Nothing wrong with Creamer earning a living. Indeed not long ago he surfaced as a registered lobbyist working against the Senate confirmation of UN ambassador John Bolton, paid by the George Soros-funded “Open Society Policy Center.” But the idea of a convicted felon who kited checks lecturing the supposedly idealistic Obama campaign on how to raise money and get elected is a bit much.

Creamer taught at “Camp Obama,” a week-long summer camp last month held at the presidential candidate’s office in Chicago for campaign interns and volunteers-just a few blocks away from the federal court where on August 31, 2005 he pleaded guilty to charges of bank fraud and failure to pay federal taxes…on charges brought by U. S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. He admitted in his 18-page signed plea agreement that he wrote checks on accounts that lacked funds and did so repeatedly as he moved money from one account to another in three banks. He had a multiple group of organizations that received money, the best known being the “Illinois Public Action Council” a left-wing group on which his wife, Jan Schakowsky, was a board member while the manipulating was going on. She was already in Congress when he pleaded guilty; she was not charged.

Creamer’s retention to instruct the Obama for President campaign is probably the most revelatory hint that the hopeful, idealistic, whimsical message floated by the candidate is mere vapor obscuring a cynical operation…unless, of course, the Obama people had no idea of Creamer or what his past represents.

Creamer’s being hired by the Obama campaign to instruct interns and volunteers in political organizing, abuses of which sent him to jail is ironic. Sen. Obama has been notable among the presidential candidates for crusading in an effort to “bring hope to our people.” He has been chairman of the Senate Ethics committee. How Creamer ended up instructing the Obama workers when his notoriety has been so prominent in Illinois is anyone’s guess. And whether he still continues to work on the Obama payroll is still speculative. One would imagine that David Axelrod, the top Obama strategist, should have seen Creamer’s hiring as a red flag.

Creamer, one of the more expansive radical lefties in Illinois, admitted he moved money from one account to another in three banks in 1997, playing what bankers describe as the “float” and thus making them believe that the accounts had more money in them than they actually did. In addition, Creamer admitted that he had opened two other check kiting schemes which took place in 1993 and 1996. His guilty plea also involved failing to collect $1,800 withholding tax from an employee of his political consulting firm. When he pleaded guilty, Creamer still flourished the rhetoric that led many well-intentioned volunteers to his multiple organizations. “The burning desire to create an organization that empowered ordinary people led me to make serious errors in that organization’s finances,” he said.

U. S. Attorney Fitzgerald wanted to send Creamer to jail for four years and three months. “This isn’t a one-time shot,” this is serial violation of the law in multiple respects,” said Fitzgerald’s office. Creamer’s attorney argued for probation because he spent a lifetime fighting “for social justice and broke the law so he could keep fighting for the causes he believed in.” Also being sure that he was adequately paid, with a six figure salary, while he crusaded for social justice. The prosecutor in Fitzgerald’s office, Joe Ferguson, said Creamer acted like he was above the law and continued his illegal activities even after a visit from the FBI, that he never took responsibility for his actions. Creamer’s attorney called him the most admirable client he ever represented-which stirred some comment about the nature of the other clients.

A breathless report of Camp Obama written by Mark Wiznitzer was posted yesterday, July 11 and appeared originally on /community/blog/markwiznitzer. It is the story of a 57-year-old man who by his own statement was surrounded by young people who were thrilled to be instructed by seasoned campaign strategists, one of whom was Creamer. He spoke on the subject of “Campaign Culture”-a topic on which by his imprisonment he could reasonably be called an authority.

“Our first substantive session on Campaign Culture was led by Bob Creamer of the Strategic Consulting Group,” wrote Wiznitzer. “He provided an information-packed presentation starting with a general theory of campaigns, getting a candidate elected, what makes a great campaign, the targeting of `persuadable’ and `mobilizable’ voters, application of quantitative approaches and different forms of messaging and research.”

After Creamer’s presentation, the group was instructed in campaign fundraising and subsequently heard presentations by several people. “John Kupper, partner with campaign consultant David Axelrod and campaign manager David Plouffe in AKP Media led off the morning of June 5 with a discussion of the Obama for America message. Subsequently, a campaign deputy director explained the role of Obama’s policy staff.” The presence of Axelrod would almost certify that the veteran strategist would know-or should have known-that Creamer was discussing his view of “Campaign Culture.”

Questions have been raised about the Creamer conviction as to how much Rep. Schakowsky knew about the check kiting and income tax fraud given that she is his wife, was his partner in political operations and served on his board of directors. The couple, experts in articulating a populism that is infectious to the left, sought to keep Creamer out of jail because of his supposedly idealistic mission. But the judge maintained that “ordinary people get caught for not paying taxes…and end up going to jail.”

Her husband’s conviction hasn’t crimped the style of Rep. Schakowsky who has regularly criticized the Bush administration’s supposed failing in ethics-and she often receives warm civic accolades as she did some years ago from the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

The Creamer guilty plea, conviction and sentencing was pushed on the far-back burner by the Chicago news media, giving it a cursory write-up but believing Rep. Schakowsky should not be blamed for the financial irregularities of her husband notwithstanding that she was on his board of directors.

Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer, like Domestic Terrorist Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers, is teaching children? The Children, Senator Obama? Think of the Children!

Progressives are better than water-slides and re-runs!

Voters will choose John McCain.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chief Justice of the llinois Supreme Court Thomas Fitzgerald - Leo Class of 1959! Fact Non Verba, Chief Justice

Congratulations to Chief Justice Thomas Fitzgerald of the Illinois Supreme Court!

Chief Justice Fitzgerald is a Class of 1959 Alumnus of Leo High School and a member of the Leo High School Hall of Fame.

Here's more from the Illinois Supreme Court Website:

Thomas R. Fitzgerald attended Loyola University before enlisting in the United States Navy. Following his tour of duty in the Navy, he graduated with honors from The John Marshall Law School, where he was a founder of the school’s current law review and served as the law review’s associate editor.

The son of a circuit court judge, Justice Fitzgerald began his own career in the law as a prosecutor in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. When first elected to the bench in 1976, he was the youngest Cook County Judge. He served as a trial judge in the Criminal Court from 1976 to 1987 when he was assigned Supervising Judge of Traffic Court. In 1989 he returned to the Criminal Division as Presiding Judge. He was also appointed to serve as presiding judge of Illinois’ first statewide Grand Jury. He was elected to the Supreme Court of Illinois for the First District in 2000.

Justice Fitzgerald has been awarded the Outstanding Judicial Performance Award by the Chicago Crime Commission and honored as Celtic Man of the Year by the Celtic Legal Society. He received the Herman Kogan Media Award for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism. The Lawyers’ Assistance Program honored him in 2000 with the Hon. John Powers Crowley Award. He is the 2001 recipient of The John Marshall Law School Freedom Award. In 2003, Justice Fitzgerald was awarded the Joel Flaum Award by the Chicago Inn of Court and the Chicago-Kent College of Law Professional Achievement Award. In 2005, Justice Fitzgerald was named Catholic Lawyer of the Year by the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Chicago. He is a member of the Leo High School Hall of Fame.

As a law professor, Justice Fitzgerald has taught at The John Marshall Law School and Chicago-Kent College of Law, where he was assistant coordinator of the trial advocacy program from 1986 to 1996. He also has taught at the Einstein Institute for Science, Health and the Courts.

Justice Fitzgerald has served as president of the Illinois Judges’ Association, chair of the Illinois Supreme Court Special Committee on Capital Cases, member of the Governor’s Task Force on Crime and Corrections, chairman of several committees of the Illinois Judicial Conference, member of the Chicago Bar Association’s Board of Managers and past chairman of the Chicago Bar Association’s committees on constitutional law and long-range planning.

Good Old Reliable Neville DeHope - Obama! Guys R Dolls?

Guys R Dolls in Production - Deano D & C reminds Neville De-Hope-Obama of his obligations to the Progressive Crap Shooters of America:

Deano D & C:

'Neville, you must concentrate on Iran. The Race is up to here with high players. Arianna The Greek's in town. Freddie Bettle Barnes, Scranton Slim Casey.'

Neville DeHope-Obama:

'I know, I know, I could make a fortune, but to make a fortune, I need a fortune. A thousand votes, where do I get it?

The Daily Show wants my stand, but we ain't got a stand on hand.
And they now got a lock on the door to the Votes in Puerto Rico.
There's alot of stock votes at McKlosky's Bar, but Mrs. McKlosky ain't a good scout - she's a bitter, clinging Catholic.
And things being how they are, the back of the police station is out!
So the Daily Show is the spot, but the Popular votes we ain't got.'
Deano D& C and CHORUS:

Why, it's good old reliable Neville, Neville, Neville, Neville DeHope,
If you're looking for action, he'll turn it to spot,
Even when the heat is on, it's never too hot.
But for the good old reliable Neville, oh it's only just a short walk,
To the oldest appeasement Progressive shooting crap not Straight Talk.
There are Progressive crap shooters everywhere, everywhere,
There are Progressive crap shooters everywhere,
And awful lot of lettuce for the fella who can get us to play.
If we only had a lousy little crap, we could be Soros millionaire.
Oh the good old reliable Neville, Neville, Neville, Neville DeHope,
If the size of your bundle you want to increase,
I'll arrange America goes broke in quiet and peace,
In a deal provided by Neville, where there are no neighbors to squawk,
It's the oldest established Progressive shooting crap and not Straight Talk.
Where's the action? Where's Iran?
America's to blame or we'll die from shame.
It's the oldest appeasement progressive crap shooting - not Straight Talk.

Want to Make the DNC Crazier? Serve them A Peas Mint Triffle!

Senator Barack Obama's Peas-Mint Foreign Policy

1- Take any opportunity to Talk to a Mad-Dog Killer Dictator

2- Add a Liberal Dash of Progressive Contrarian Logic - Our Enemies are Our Very Best Friends

3- Soak the Media with this Nonsense

4- Repeat as needed - every eight seconds

5 - Stuff MSNBC

6- Shout louder

7- Wait for the McCain Landslide

8- Serve at the 2012 Democratic National Convention(Re-heated)

John McCain: Ayers and Dohrn get more Chicago Tribune Scrutiny

The Chicago Daily Observer, Chicago's best news and source of solid opinion, linked this report.

Just as Senator Barack Obama has managed to divide the Democratic Party between the elites ( academics, Hollywood dilettantes, monies radicals,) and working Americans, Chicago Tribune's has deftly illustrated the moral dichotomy inherent to Progressive radical insulation in practice with his recent study of Obama's association with domestic terrorist Billy Ayers.

Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn attacked America through bombings and robberies in the 1960's and 1970's; went 'underground' with money from Mater and Pater; resurfaced; laundered their crimes through clout heavy Lawyers and morally bankrupt University Boards of Directors and now work their agenda within a politician's run at the White House:

Ayers' round trip—from a privileged childhood to the bomb-making wing of '60s radicalism and back up the social ladder—shows he got one thing right in his critique of America:

Whom you know is as important as what you know. Being to-the-manor born is all but a lifetime guarantee that doors will be opened.

Ayers' father, Thomas Ayers, was CEO of Commonwealth Edison as well as a trustee of Tribune Co. and chairman of the board of Northwestern University.

Ayers was raised in Glen Ellyn, played football at Lake Forest Academy and graduated from the University of Michigan. He joined the Weatherman faction of the Students for a Democratic Society movement, and in the 1970s went underground—"fleeing what the government winkingly calls justice," as he put it.

"My weapons were explosive words at first, slowly replaced by bombs," he wrote.

He broke Michigan Avenue shop windows during the Weathermen's 1969 "Days of Rage." He helped LSD guru Timothy Leary break out of prison, Ayers wrote in his memoir, and stockpiled stolen dynamite. Some exploded in a New York townhouse, killing members of what came to be known as the Weather Underground, including his girlfriend of that time. Other explosives were planted in government buildings, including the Defense Department's.

"We'd already bombed the Capitol, and we'd cased the White House," Ayers wrote. "The Pentagon was leg two of the trifecta."

In 1980, he resurfaced, accompanied by his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and two children born in their underground years. His life quickly returned to normal. Criminal charges were dropped because the government's evidence was tainted. He earned a doctorate in education at Columbia University and joined the faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

After the heroic report on the Brahmin Bolsheviks Dorhn and Ayers by Tribune Researcher Brenda Killanski and the solidly independent John Kass,this is a great begining for the Chicago Tribune.
Click my post title to read more of Ron Grossman's report.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Look to Ayers/Chavez Link! Senator Obama's Foreign Minister - Without-Patriotism

Now INTERPOL has analyzed computers found during the Ecuadorean raid, they have concluded that Chavez and his leadership is doing just what our allies have claimed. We reported on this computer find from Bogota’ and on the tensions between Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela about 6 weeks ago and now this determination places blame directly on Chavez. I have been getting e-mails from contacts inside Venezuela claiming this same connection and believe it or not, some of these folks are desperate for the world to take notice of their opposition to their leader and even hope (in some cases) that the United States will list Venezuela as a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’.

. . .Florida's Congressman Connie Mack Had this to say about the Interpol unmasking of Chavez are a rogue State dictator actively engaging in terrorism,

“Today’s report sheds another bright light on the active efforts of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez and his cronies to promote terror and instability throughout Latin America. He has used his vast oil wealth to fund terrorism in the region and make mischief in order to undermine democratic institutions and principles in Colombia and other countries.

“Because of his allegiances to rogue nations like Iran and Syria, and the evidence conclusively tying Chavez to the highest levels of the FARCterrorist organization, I introduced a resolution two months ago calling on the Administration to add Venezuela to the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

“Today’s developments once again show the need for the State Department to fully recognize the very real threat that Chavez and his allies pose toLatin America and the Western Hemisphere and to impose real and targeted sanctions on the government of Venezuela.

“These sanctions will cripple the ability of the Chavez regime to fund its terrorist friends and allies and will strengthen the stability of the Andean region. Most importantly, tough sanctions will help in the effort to preserve freedom, security and prosperity for all of Latin America.

“It is imperative for the Administration to take these important steps without delay. Latin America is at a crossroads. We need strong leadership now in the United States and across Latin America to confront tyranny and to preserve and strengthen democracy throughout the region. The people ofVenezuela, and indeed all of Latin America, deserve nothing less.”

Hyde Park's Insulated Terrorist and Educator-Manque Billy Ayers had this to say about Hugo Chavez:November 7, 2006
Centro Interncional Miranda
Caracas, Venezuela

November , 2006
President Hugo Chavez, Vice-President Vicente Rangel, Ministers Moncada and Isturiz, invited guests,comrades. I’m honored and humbled to be here with you this morning. I bring greetings and support from your brothers and sisters throughout Northamerica. Welcome to the World Education Forum! Amamos la revolucion Bolivariana!

This is my fourth visit to Venezuela, each time at the invitation of my comrade and friend Luis Bonilla, a brilliant educator and inspiring fighter for justice. Luis has taught me a great deal about the Bolivarian Revolution and about the profound educational reforms underway here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution, and I’ve come to appreciate Luis as a major asset in both the Venezuelan and the international struggle—I look forward to seeing how he and all of you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane. Thank you, Luis, for everything you’ve done.

I also thank my youngest son, Chesa Boudin, who is interpreting my talk this morning and whose book on the Bolivarian revolution has played an important part in countering the barrage of lies spread by the U.S. State Department and the corrupted Northamerican media.
On my last trip to Caracas I spoke of traveling to a literacy class—Mission Robinson— in the hills above the city along a long and winding road. As we made our way higher and higher, the talk turned to politics as it inevitably does here, and someone noted that the wealthy—here and everywhere, here and in the US surely—have certain received opinions, a kind of absolute judgment about poor and working people, and yet they have never traveled this road, nor any road like it. They have never boarded this bus up into these hills, and not just the oligarchy or the wealthy—this lack of first-hand knowledge, of open investigation, of generous regard is also a condition of the everyday liberals, and even many of the radicals and armchair intellectuals whose formulations sit lifeless and stifling in a crypt of mythology about poor people. Everyone should come and travel these roads into the hills, we agreed then—and not just once, but again and again and again – if they will ever learn anything of the real conditions of life here, surely, but more important than that, if they will ever encounter the wisdom and experience and insight that lives here as well.

We arrived at eight o’clock to a literacy circle already underway being conducted in a small, poorly-lit classroom. And here in an odd and dark space, a sun was shining: ten people had pulled their chairs close together—a young woman maybe 19, a grandmother maybe 65, two men in their 40s—each struggling to read. And I thought of a poem called A Poor Woman Learns to Write by Margaret Atwood about a woman working laboriously to print her name in the dirt. She never thought she could do it, the poet notes, not her– this writing business was for others. But she does it, prints her name, her first word so far, and she looks up and smiles— for she did it right.

The woman in the poem—just like the students in Mission Robinson—is living out a universal dialectic that embodies education at its very best: she wrote her name, she changed herself, and she altered the conditions of her life. As she wrote the word, she changed the world, and another world became—suddenly and surprisingly—possible.

I began teaching when I was 20 years old in a small freedom school affiliated with the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. The year was 1965, and I’d been arrested in a demonstration. Jailed for ten days, I met several activists who were finding ways to link teaching and education with deep and fundamental social change. They were following Dewey and DuBois, King and Helen Keller who wrote: “We can’t have education without revolution. We have tried peace education for 1,900 years and it has failed. Let us try revolution and see what it will do now.”

I walked out of jail and into my first teaching position—and from that day until this I’ve thought of myself as a teacher, but I’ve also understood teaching as a project intimately connected with social justice. After all, the fundamental message of the teacher is this: you can change your life—whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve done, another world is possible. As students and teachers begin to see themselves as linked to one another, as tied to history and capable of collective action, the fundamental message of teaching shifts slightly, and becomes broader, more generous: we must change ourselves as we come together to change the world. Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions small and large. La educacion es revolucion!
I taught at first in something like a Simoncito—called Head Start—and eventually taught at every level in barrios and prisons and insurgent projects across the United States. I learned then that education is never neutral. It always has a value, a position, a politics. Education either reinforces or challenges the existing social order, and school is always a contested space – what should be taught? In what way? Toward what end? By and for whom? At bottom, it involves a struggle over the essential questions: what does it mean to be a human being living in a human society?

Totalitarianism demands obedience and conformity, hierarchy, command and control. Royalty requires allegiance. Capitalism promotes racism and militarism – turning people into consumers, not citizens. Participatory democracy, by contrast, requires free people coming together voluntarily as equals who are capable of both self-realization and, at the same time, full participation in a shared political and economic life.

Education contributes to human liberation to the extent that people reflect on their lives, and, becoming more conscious, insert themselves as subjects in history. To be a good teacher means above all to have faith in the people, to believe in the possibility that people can create and change things. Education is not preparation for life, but rather education is life itself ,an active process in which everyone— students and teachers– participates as co-learners.

Despite being under constant attack from within and from abroad, the Bolivarian revolution has made astonishing strides in a brief period: from the Mission Simoncito to the Mission Robinson to the Mission Ribas to the Mission Sucre, to the Bolivarian schools and the UBV, Venezuelans have shown the world that with full participation, full inclusion, and popular empowerment, the failings of capitalist schooling can be resisted and overcome. Venezuela is a beacon to the world in its accomplishment of eliminating illiteracy in record time, and engaging virtually the entire population in the ongoing project of education.

The great Chilean poet Pablo Neruda wrote a poem to his fellow writers called “The Poet’s Obligation” in which he instructed them in their core responsibility: you must, he said, become aware of your sisters and brothers who are trapped in subjugation and meaninglessness, imprisoned in ignorance and despair. You must move in and out of windows carrying a vision of the vast oceans just beyond the bars of the prison– a message of hope and possibility. Neruda ends with this: it is through me that freedom and the sea will call in answer to the shrouded heart.

Let those of us who are gathered here today read this poem as “The Teacher’s Obligation.” We, too, must move in and out of windows, we, too, must build a project of radical imagination and fundamental change. Venezuela is poised to offer the world a new model of education– a humanizing and revolutionary model whose twin missions are enlightenment and liberation. This World Education Forum provides us a unique opportunity to develop and share the lessons and challenges of this profound educational project that is the Bolivarian Revolution.

Viva Mission Sucre!
Viva Presidente Chavez!
Viva La Revolucion Bolivariana!
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

Emphasis my own - ain't he something? 'I walked out of jail and into my first teaching job!' Que Hombre! Que Guerrilla! Que Caca!

What a self-absorbed juice bag! Directly from the slammer to the school room - Oh, Yeah.

'Mr. Ayers,I'm Curtis. You smell funny, Mr. Ayers. Do you have a house, Mr. Ayers? I live at Alligator Gardens. Where's my Mom now? Do you like Pez? I got Pez.'

'Shut Up! Curtis, We got us a Revolution! Kill your Parents. Pez is a tool of the Pig Establishment - gimme those. I have not eaten since the Cops beat me . . . we playing Paper,Scissors Rock . . . but they beat me. Gimme them Pez.'

That FARC backpack and computer will be a real Pandora's Box for Senator Obama.

Friday, May 16, 2008

REDSTATES's Soren Daytons's 'The Ballad of Rubin, James'

Well done Soren Dayton you licked a lie to the truth and James Rubin of WAPO into consciousness. Go visit Fat Boy Olbermann at MSNBC- The Tool Shed and try and get him out of those Oil Can Harry Zoot Suits.

Here's what Soren wrought!

The Washington Post should either fire their editors or send them to remedial education. They should be ashamed that they let this garbage get printed.

Despite his reputation in the media as a charming maverick, McCain has shown that he is also happy to use Nixon-style dirty campaign tactics. By charging recently that Hamas is rooting for an Obama victory,

McCain isn't "charging". A senior Hamas leader said that "actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election [...] and he has a vision to change America." Why isn't that the story, rather than a distortion of McCain's statement?

This clown James Rubin continues:

I asked: "Do you think that American diplomats should be operating the way they have in the past, working with the Palestinian government if Hamas is now in charge?"

McCain answered: "They're the government; sooner or later we are going to have to deal with them, one way or another, and I understand why this administration and previous administrations had such antipathy towards Hamas because of their dedication to violence and the things that they not only espouse but practice, so . . . but it's a new reality in the Middle East. I think the lesson is people want security and a decent life and decent future, that they want democracy. Fatah was not giving them that."

"Deal with" is not the same as "unconditional" talks at the level of heads of state. The President of Iran says that Israel should be destroyed and their weapons are being used to kill American soldiers. Indeed, yesterday on the blogger call McCain pointed out that Ryan Crocker regularly interacts with Iranians in Baghdad.

How could the Washington Post's editors let this garbage get printed in their paper? Are they illiterate or just biased beyond belief?


Redstate Booted yours truly for my rather strident defense of John McCain back in July - Blood under the bridge.

Here's what I wrote. Apologies to Bruce Springsteen, who seemed to throw a shoe a few years back and became Woody Guthrie.

The Ballad of the Sinking of Rubin, James
Have you heard of the drip called good Rubin, James,
Tanned by a hard fighting man both of honor and of fame?
Soren Dayton peep'd Rubin's scrawl and found it mighty,
Thin and tonight James's an' aftertought and tomorrow pp.63.


Tell me what were their names, tell me what were their names,

Did you have a friend no where good Rubin, James?

What were their names, tell me what were their names?

Did you have a friend goofy fibber Rubin, James?

One hundred words into the spiel were drowned in that dark watery grave;
When that by-line went down, only forty-four were saved.
'Twas the last day of the week we saved the forty-four
From the cold icy brush off of Obama's Media store.

It was there in the dark of that dubious prose
That Soren Dayton McCain's cause glady rose.
Then a whine and a rock and a flatulant roar
And they laid the Rubin, James on Olbermann's front door.

Now tonight there are lights in our country so bright
On the farms and in the cities they're telling of the fight.
And now our mighty blogspots will stream from doughty mainframe
And remember the name of goofy Rubin, James.

It's A Small International Workers Paradise After All! ObamaInternationalistas Ayers/Jefe Chavez/FARC & Etc.

It Takes a Village of Idiots to help snakes this big!

Billy Ayers, the Trust Funded, Insulated, Media Pampered Hyde Park Domestic Terrorist, who still, mercy sakes alive, has a job at University of Illinois Chicago Campus is the tack on the chair of Senator Obama's Senate Seat.

Senator Obama is up and moving about the country weaving rhetorical flourishes to the people who think that Stanley Fish matters and that MSNBC provides information. While Senator Obama has been out of his seat, Illinois laughing-stock and Check Kiting Bob Creamer's Bonnie Parker, Congressperson Jan Schakwosky is trolling for the chair - which would be Jan's via appointment from Governor Rod Blagojevich.

The Guv has problems. Jan Schakowsky, like most self-absorbed posers, is unaware of her problems. Her husband, Bob Creamer recently got out of the Federal Pen in Terra Haute, Indiana for check kiting and immediately wrote a boffo book on Progressive Politics and ran Camp Obama for the Obama -Jugend. Jan Schakowsky wants Obama's Senate Seat and the Kite Runner knows that Jan couldn't get five votes beyond her district and so she needs to knead the Guv's temples while he is still semi-comatose.

Following me so far? Hey, this is what comes of talking to the well-read neighbors: Chicago Cops, Firefighters, teachers, tradesmen, housewives, housedads, lay-abouts and Twenty-Something Impecunious,Sponge off the Folks for a Few Years Obama Backers. People who read widely, listen and watch the news and filter out the nonsense with their Faith, Patriotism and Life Experiences. Shucks, us folks get on the porch and have us just a thunderous round of weighty assessments on the life public.

Very smart Internet journalists like Anne Leary the Backyard Conservative and John Rubery the Marathon Pundit have been studying up on the oafish Ayers and his odious wife Bernadine Dohrn for years. Not only that Dohrn has played a crucial role helping to orchestrate the undermining of confidence in the American Justice System from her insulated perch at Northwestern University Law. She has also traveled often to Columbia, which is undergoing assaults from Communists terrorists of FARC - which is a Spanish acronym for Revolutionary Army of Columbia and is supported by Venezuela's Hugo Chavez who fancies himself a later- Castro.

Another journalist by the name of Doug Ross has been keeping an eye on Chicago's Brahmin Bolsheviks (Dohrn and Ayers) and has noted Senator Obama's very tangible part in this international intrigue - I always wanted to say that, damn! Here's the executive summary of Doug Ross's exhaustive study.

Executive Summary: Barack Obama's relationship with former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers appears to go beyond their Woods Fund board membership. Even today, Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, sound utterly unrepentant over their attempts to overthrow the U.S. government in order to install a pro-communist regime.

Perhaps coincidentally, Obama's name was recently discovered on a captured FARC computer. In the documents, FARC -- Colombia's brand of pro-communist terrorists -- implied that it had met with Obama's representatives to secure his support after the election. Interestingly, Dohrn has traveled to Colombia in the recent past in order to organize against Colombia's pro-U.S. government. Is it possible that Dohrn served as a cutout between Obama and FARC? That much is not yet clear, but the question deserves to be asked.

As True as the numbers when I step on the scale, Doug! But those questions will go unasked by the Chicago Media, with the exception of John Kass. Barack Obama's Senate seat has a huge tack resting point up by the name of Billy Ayers. That point designates overt cooperation with radicals, communists and terrorists who seek to harm America. Senator Obama's name was found in a back-pack containing a computer with a treasure trove of damning evidence as to Hugo Chavez' active role violating Columbia's sovereignty. Interpol announced yesterday that computer files with this information are valid.

Senator Obama's association with Ayers and Dohrn is far more dangerous and of consequence than the goofiness of Reverend Wright. The Ayers tack on Senator Obama's seat will pierce right through the heart of his campaign.

Click my post title for the link to Doug Ross's full text along with several others, but for good solid home grown studies look to Anne Leary and John Rubery.

BTW- Chicago Tribune researcher Brenda Killanski wrote a wonderful piece on the Ayers/Obama link-up and she should be writing more on this story, but the Medill Mafia at the Tribune seems to prefer to further insulate Ayers and by extension Obama. Give them a jingle or drop them a note.

Hugo Chavez Calls Interpol Cops Clowns! Emmet Kelly Calls Edward R. Murrow ' Keith Olbermann' - Ubi Caritas, Populi?

El Jefe Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan Dictator, who controls all the Chevron gas pumps that I pass by, has his XXL Haines in a lumpy knot over yesterday's Interpol announcement that the lap-top computer found in a backpack belonging to a bumped off FARC terrorist in Columbia that contains references to Senator Barack Obama in its evil menu of dastardly tricks is valid and untouched. Hugo protested that files of computer were altered by some Gringo scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells.

Interpol - the International Police Agency - said the FARC info is accurate - certainly if not legit. Hugo Chavez called the Interpol report 'A Clown Show!' Now what would Simon Bolivar say, Jefe?

It seems that Ayers/Chavez/Dohrn/Chesa Boudin/FARC and Senator Barack Obama have some parsing to do.

Hat Tip to one of my favorite tree stands of boffo news items and ripping yarns torn from cyberspace IBD Editorials!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

John McCain: Anti Abortion. Obama is all for it - so was CHairman Mao!

NARAL endorsed Barack Obama who told Planned Parenthood that he would fight for the right of Mothers who choose to murder their babies. Choice, argues NARAL, is Justice. I don't think so. But let's take a look at what a Pro Choice culture, Red China, has done for women.

Chairman Mao, a Communist Icon, demanded, advocated and ordered Abortion.

Here is what happened to a woman named Mao - no relative.

From Wikpedia

Mao Hengfeng is a women's rights and human rights activist in the People's Republic of China. A mother of twins, she was reportedly dismissed from her job in 1988 because she became pregnant for a second time with a third child, in contravention of China's family planning regulations. Mao refused to have an abortion, and was subsequently detained in a psychiatric hospital. She gave birth on 28 February 1989, and notified on 20 March that she had been dismissed from her job for missing sixteen days of work. This was the period when she was giving birth and recuperating, as well as recovering from her ordeal in the psychiatric institute.

[edit] Appeal and petitions
Mao Hengfeng appealed against her dismissal under China's Labour Law, and was reinstated to her job. However, the soap factory where she worked disputed the ruling. Mao was seven months pregnant with her fourth child at the time of the appeal hearing, when the judge reportedly told her that if she terminated this third pregnancy he would rule in her favour. Concerned for the welfare of her existing family, Mao terminated her pregnancy against her wishes, but still the court ruled against her, apparently because she had taken sixteen days of "unauthorized leave" from work, and also for her original violation of family planning policies.

From 1990 to 2004 Mao repeatedly petitioned the authorities for redress for her dismissal from work, her forced abortion, and the denial of other basic rights including that of freedom of expression. She had also made several attempts to initiate legal proceedings against the authorities in relation to these abuses, but courts repeatedly failed to respond or refused to file the cases.

As well as actively petitioning authorities to seek redress for herself, Mao Hengfeng has also acted to safeguard the rights of others. For instance, she is known to have actively supported other people seeking redress over alleged forced evictions in Shanghai and Shanxi province, and is reportedly regarded by the Shanghai authorities as one of the city's most persistent and experienced petitioners. She is actively campaigning on behalf of other individuals arbitrarily detained in "Re-Education Through Labour" or psychiatric facilities, including women held for alleged violation of family planning policies.

She opposes arbitrary detention and campaigns for legal reforms that ensure redress and protect ordinary people against abuse of power.

[edit] "Re-Education Through Labour" and recent developments in Mao's case
Mao Hengfeng was assigned without trial to eighteen months' "Re-Education Through Labour" (RTL) in April 2004 after repeatedly protesting about various abuses of her rights. Her welfare allowances were discontinued, leaving her family in severe financial difficulties. Many people in Shanghai openly demonstrated in support of her.

Since her release in September 2005 she has continued with her protests and has suffered further abuses along with her husband, Wu Xuewei, who was reportedly beaten by the police and may face criminal charges. Both are at risk of further human rights violations, including arbitrary detention and torture or ill-treatment.

On 13 September 2005, Mao and Wu were both reportedly beaten by police when they gathered with over a hundred other petitioners at Putuo District Court in Shanghai. They were supporting Xu Zhengqing, a petitioner who was facing trial in connection with his attempts to attend a memorial service in Beijing in January 2005. Along with dozens of other petitioners, the couple was detained by the police. Mao Hengfeng managed to escape and tried to continue her protest on behalf of Xu Zhengqing. However, she was detained again and sent back to her residential district, where local police and government officials apparently threatened her with imprisonment if she continued her protests and presented her with a formal police summons for investigation on suspicion of 'disturbing the normal lives of others'.

From 23 to 27 September, Mao and her family were reportedly held under a form of house arrest after she stated that she would go to a United Nations representative office in Beijing to protest about the abuses. Seven police officers reportedly stood guard in front of her flat preventing her from leaving, even to go shopping. On 29 September she was again placed under house arrest; an official told her that this would continue until the end of the fifth plenary session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party on 11 October. The following day, three police officers and seven District Official Guards were stationed in front of her house. She was warned that she would be detained or face violent treatment if she tried to break out.

Amnesty International is following Mao's case, and this entry has been taken mostly from their article on her.

Choice ? Looks more like Death, Torture and Imprisonment.

John McCain is against Abortion. Barack Obama is for Abortion. I am for John McCain.

Click my post title for John McCain on Human Dignity

Rev Al Sharpton - Face To Stop Traffic and Federal Income Tax Payments as Well - Keepin' It Real!

It appears that Rev. Al Sharpton, The Godfather of Stole, is being asked by the G to buckup $1.5 M! Yeow! Good God!

Now that will put the Crown Heights Yarmulke Yanker out in traffic.
Stop the Bus!

Click my ost Title for Al's debt to society - Keepin' It Real! Death and Taxes, two to go, Al.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Billy Google Bomber Ayers Google Laugh Track

The insulated Cadillac Commie of Hyde Park, Billy Ayers who will be a huge part in Senator Obama's fast braking freight train of Hope and Audacity to Obscurity through November, has his own Google Best Of Billy Ayers page.

Here's some dandies -

Quotes by Bill Ayers
"I don't regret setting bombs," Bill Ayers said. "I feel we didn't do enough."

May 7, 2008 Intellectual Conservative (78 occurrences)

And when asked by the Times whether he would do it all again, Ayers said, "I don't want to discount the possibility."

Apr 26, 2008 Yahoo! News (9 occurrences)

In his book Mr. Ayers describes the Weathermen descending into a "whirlpool of violence."

May 7, 2008 Intellectual Conservative (6 occurrences)

"I'm sorry to disagree with you," Ayers told the agent, "but Bill's a fine young man. He has the highest principles."

Apr 17, 2008 Chicago Tribune (4 occurrences)

The photographer, Ayers says, brought the flag as a prop; "I don't carry one around myself."

Apr 17, 2008 Chicago Tribune (3 occurrences)

Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at," is today distinguished professor of...

May 7, 2008 Intellectual Conservative (16 occurrences)

"We can't protect all the innocent people in the world," Ayers replied. "Some will get killed. Some of us will get killed. We have to accept that fact."

May 9, 2008 (5 occurrences)

Staples, who is black, writes that Ayers described his early days as a time when he and his fellow Weathermen "sing Negro spirituals and eat chitterlings with the natives, whose intelligence and industry they find surprising."

Apr 26, 2008 Yahoo! News (8 occurrences)

"It's a cartoon" people are reacting to, Ayers, a professor of education, said at his University of Illinois at Chicago office Wednesday.

Apr 24, 2008 Chicago Tribune (3 occurrences)

"We wanted the people in the government waging the war to feel a sense of fear, a sense of consequences," Ayers says. "Not personal fear, but fear that they were unleashing something that could rise up and overwhelm them."

Apr 17, 2008 Chicago Tribune (3 occurrences

. . .And the year round tweed over turtle-neck crowd think this goof is a great fit in Academics?

Click my post title for the full magilla.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

John McCain: Obama's Remarks on Israel Demand Serious Inquiry

This is rather disturbing. Senator Barack Obama, in a frank interview featured in Commentary by Jennifer Rubin, referes to Israel as
'this constant wound, 'this constant sore.'

Here is the exchange between Jeff Goldberg and Senator Obama:

JG: Do you think that Israel is a drag on America’s reputation overseas?
BO: No, no, no. But what I think is that this constant wound, that this constant sore, does infect all of our foreign policy. The lack of a resolution to this problem provides an excuse for anti-American militant jihadists to engage in inexcusable actions, and so we have a national-security interest in solving this, and I also believe that Israel has a security interest in solving this because I believe that the status quo is unsustainable. I am absolutely convinced of that, and some of the tensions that might arise between me and some of the more hawkish elements in the Jewish community in the United States might stem from the fact that I’m not going to blindly adhere to whatever the most hawkish position is just because that’s the safest ground politically

Read the whole piece.

Judgment? Sounds to me like his mind is made up and that ain't good.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Nora, I am Proud of You!

. . . 'tis misfortune that awakens ingenuity, or fortitude, or endurance, in hearts where these qualities had never come to life but for the circumstance which gave them a being
William Makepeace Thackeray from The History of Henry Esmond

My Daughter Nora Kathleen Hickey graduated on Saturday May 10, 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Western Illinois University.

Nora is my first born and was barely 13 years old when she lost her mother. Having a hollowed out and pole-axed father to contend with would have been tough enough, but the fact that two-thousand years of Irish faux-Stoicism got tossed into my mixture made it worse; that and my litany of vices.

Nora, is now on the threshold. What? I have no idea.

To say that I love you, goes without saying - in fact, I say that very rarely, if at all.

To say that I am proud of you , easy.

To say that I will be there for you, I have been - it is not much, but it is your's.

Pain is often more emotional than physical. Pain was what brought you into the world; your mother's physical pain was overcome by the emotional and spiritual joy of beholding you for the first moment and taken by your mother with her into Eternity. Understand that - You and your brother and baby sister are the Joy that helped Mom leap to Jesus. Joy.

Joy is not bottled, cashed, or bargained for - it is earned through great labor and pain.

The secret of all living is in the doing and the doing is only made possible by Faith - in God, in yourself and in your family. God first; then in yourself; and then me and Conor and Clare and all the hundreds of Hickeys, Clearys,Donahues, Winters, Brennans, Walshes, Gunkels, Duvals and Olsons. They are with you always.

Now, get to work. The Pain is only just beginning and that comes well before the Joy.

Click my post title for a pretty good analysis of pain and life in the business world.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

John McCain: 20% of the 19thWard and McCain Wins the White House and America Benefits

Many, if not most, of my neighbors in the Morgan Park Neighborhood of the powerful Democratic 19th Ward would describe themselves or be described as Reagan Democrats:

Reagan Democrat is an American political term used by political analysts to denote traditionally Democratic voters, especially white working-class Northerners, who defected from their party to support Republican President Ronald Reagan in both the 1980 and 1984 elections. It is also used to refer to the smaller but still substantial number of Democrats who voted for George H. W. Bush in the 1988 election. The term can also be used to describe moderate Democrats who are more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration.

The work of Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg is a classic study of Reagan Democrats. Greenberg analyzed white ethnic voters (largely unionized auto workers) in Macomb County, Michigan, just north of Detroit. The county voted 63 percent for John F. Kennedy in 1960, but 66 percent for Reagan in 1984. He concluded that "Reagan Democrats" no longer saw Democrats as champions of their middle-class aspirations, but instead saw them as working primarily for the benefit of others: the very poor, the unemployed, African Americans, and other political pressure groups. In addition, Reagan Democrats enjoyed gains during the period of economic prosperity that coincided with the Reagan administration following the "malaise" of the Carter administration. They also supported Reagan's strong stance on national security and opposed the 1980s Democratic Party on such issues as pornography, crime, and taxes.

FULL DISCLOSURE: THE AUTHOR IS NOT AN OFFICAL OF THE 19TH WARD REGULAR DEMOCRATIC PARTY - HE IS DEMOCRAT OF THE 19TH WARD, BUT IN NO WAY SPEAKS TO OR FOR THE 19TH WARD ORGANIZATION.( Well I speak to members of the organization you know,'Hi, Guys!' Hey, Hickey - howsitgoing? Still having the night terrors about the possums in your garage? 'No, thanks for asking though. You guys have been great. Mrs. Bolger now says that the trains keep the noise of my screams down.')

John McCain could very well take 20% or more of the 19th Ward in the November 2008 Presidential Election. This same 19th Ward was a powerful force in getting Senator Barck Obama elected to the United States Senate. We know and like Senator Obama. I will not vote for Senator Obama, because John McCain is and will be much more effective as President. Barack Obama has left the effective political associations far behind him and is closer in world view to Prof. Billy Ayers than he would be to Det.Billy Higgins,CPD (ret.). That is a huge problem for Obama.

McCain will get many Democrats to vote for him over Senator Barack Obama, because John McCain is more like them.

Senator Barack Obama is impressive, but audaciously flawed in his judgment. Senator Barack Obama chose Pastor Wright and identified the insulated and well-heeled domestic terrorist Billy Ayers in his step up into Progressive Democratic Politics.

Obama eschewed the political gradus of Latino,black and white ethnic Democratic politicians and public servants. Regular Democratic elected officials rarely, if ever, get much notice in the media, because like most of us they are too busy being good at their jobs to hold press conferences or shill for Senate seats on MSNBC. They are, like their neighbors, working stiffs. The Media likes glitzy and edgy - posed photos and puff piece journalism.

Obama was born to the political purple and has the exotic resume to go along with the launch of his national political thrill ride. Obama worked closely with very smart and effective Democratic public servants in the Illinois House and later the Illinois Senate, but when he needed to move on to the national scene - those associations melted away - except on Election Days. Obama no longer cared much for neighbors who vote.

Rather, Senator Obama nested with the Progressive Democrats - the people whom the media plump up as 'really effective,' but who, in reality, couldn't get passes to the slides at Kennedy Park for a constituent - or rather couldn't be bothered: Jan Schakowsky, Toni Preckwinckle, Joe Moore, and Mike Quigley leap to mind. These elected officials run by dint of labelling because their constituents tend to be more transient than neighborhood dwellers, while real public servants return to office again and again because they deliver services and representation to people who remember them and vote accordingly. Progressive Democrats depend upon erased memory or at least very, very short-term memory.
The Progressive Democrat generally make jackasses of themselves with goofy ordinances, dubious associations, sometimes criminal activities and always get bailed out of their jam by their pals in the media. The Universities - usually University of Chicago ( which think-tanked Mayor Daley into his current tax-and-spend jackpot - CTA smart guys, the Blue Ribbon Police Haters & the dysfunctional and homicide ridden Chicago Public Schools)and Northwestern University the security blanket of Chicago Progressivism. Progressives worry more about the hypothetical 'rights' of a sexual predator's freedom to look at Kiddie Porn at Mount Greenwood Library, than with actually providing adequate police patrols around schools and playgrounds. Position papers concerning 'systemic racism and brutality' mean more to Progessives than supporting Beat Patrols in Chicago's neighborhoods, let alone treating Police Officers with respect.

The vast majority of Chicagoans and Americans are more like John McCain. McCain is a no-nonsense guy who genuinely loves his work. He does not suffer fools or foolishness gladly; McCain takes criticism for his failings, but absolutely no guff from artificial loudmouths. McCain is a Reagan Democrat. He is very much like my neighbors. I think that he get many of our votes. He has mine and two of my kids.

Two out of ten of us in 19th Ward - the 19th Ward all over America - should do the job and allow McCain to the big job.

Click my post title for article from News Room America about John McCain's wooing of Democratic Voters, following Rudy Clay's Magical Election Returns in Lake County, Indiana and Senator Barack Obama's open sprint to the nomination.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

John McCain: Chicago Magazine's Flag Stomping Tribute to an Insulated Terrorist

Chicago Magazine the chi-chi glossy must read for the Hip and Happening with incomes greater than combined annual take-home pay of the residents of Martinon, Papinaeau, L'Erable, and Beaverville, Illinois is getting FOX treatment.
Disposable income seems to make some folks feel so much more better than about themselves, that they 'Love the Irony' of the Ayers's Photo.

Billy Ayers' Peoples Polka on the American Flag appears to have upset some 'bitter/clinging' Americans.

A seven-year-old photograph of Barack Obama associate and onetime radical bombmaker William Ayers stomping on an American flag is all over the Internet, earning criticism from Obama’s presidential campaign.

The senator’s campaign spokesman said Obama is “appalled by the disrespect” to Old Glory, but decried efforts to associate Obama to the action just because the men know each other.

“Senator Obama is appalled by this disrespect of a flag we love and that so many have fought and died for. There is no excuse for anyone to treat that which we hold so dear with so little regard. But the politics of association required to link Obama to this picture in any way is ridiculous and a silly distraction from the important challenges facing the American people,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton.

The picture is from a Chicago magazine article in 2001. That is the same time Obama and Ayers served together on the board of a philanthropic organization called the Woods Fund. It is also around the same time that Ayers donated to Obama’s state Senate campaign.

The Chicago Tribune reports Obama held a campaign event at Ayers’ home in 1995 as he began his political career. Obama has described Ayers, who was a member of the radical group the Weather Underground, as a guy who lives in his neighborhood — and the campaign has said they are on “friendly terms.”
Ayers/Obama/ComEd/Frank Clark/CPS/Annenberg Challenge now that's a polka!

Click my post title for the Chicago Magazine tribute to the Hyde Park Polka King!

John McCain: Exelon Victory for Obama? Now That's a Combine!

Billy Boy ain't stomping on any ComEd Dividends!

Internet journalist Larry Johnson's No Quarter has been rooting out the facts surrounding Senator Barack Obama's long and disturbing association with domestic terrorist Billy Ayers.

Johnson has pointed out the fact that young Barack Obama, in fact, worked for Billy Ayers on the Annenberg Project for a number of years - well before his sitting on the Board of Directors of the Woods Trust with Chicago's insulated terrorist.

But that is not all. Barack also was essentially an employee of Bill Ayers for eight years.

In 1995, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was created to raise funds to help reform the Chicago public schools. One of the architects of the Challenge was none other than Professor Bill Ayers. Ayers co-wrote the initial grant proposal and proudly lists himself on his own website as the co-founder of the Challenge.

And who did William Ayers, co-creator of the Challenge, help select as the new director of the board for this program? Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. This appointment came at a crucial time in Barack’s life. He was on the verge of challenging longtime state Senator Alice Palmer for her job. When Barack decided to run, it is no surprise that he turned to William Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn for help in organizing the campaign and in hosting his first fundraiser in the district.

Obama served on the board for eight years until the Challenge ended in 2003. Bill Ayers was intimately involved in the Challenge over this same time period.

Now, let’s revisit Obama’s claim about Ayers in the ABC debate:

“Not someone I’ve accepted endorsement of, it’s not someone I exchange ideas with on a regular basis…”

That is a lie. Both parts of Obama’s statement are obviously false. Obama not only evaded Stephanopoulos’s question, he was deliberately deceptive and misleading.

Ayers helped select Obama to exercise a leadership role on the Annenberg Challenge. And Obama wants us to believe they never talked? Never exchanged ideas? Never identified issues to raise and policies to pursue? What is Barack hiding?

Senator Obama, how did you become acquainted with William Ayers? When and how did you and Bill meet?

Maybe Barack met Bill Ayers through his wife, Michelle Obama? That is one possibility. Michelle started working at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago in in the summer of 1988 (and stayed there until 1991). Who else worked there? None other than Bill Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, who worked at Sidley from 1984 through 1988. Indeed, she is widely thought in Chicago to have gotten this position due to the influence of her father-in-law, Thomas Ayers, former CEO of Commonwealth Edison, who was one of the law firm’s biggest clients.

Today, Johnson directs attention to Emil Jones' best pal in the world ComEd's Frank 'The Mailroom Guy' Clark.

Clark is currently CEO of Commonwealth Edison. If that doesn’t ring a bell for you, Commonwealth Edison is the same company that boasts the well-connected Thomas Ayers as its former CEO. Mr. Ayers also served as Chair of the Board of Trustees of Commonwealth Edison after his tenure as CEO, so you can easily imagine he had a hand in selecting Mr. Clark as CEO.

Thomas Ayers was also the father of that fine upstanding citizen, “Guilty as hell. Free as a bird” domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Isn’t that a coincidence? I guess Chicago is a small world for sure. (And it no doubt helped that DADDY had all those $$$ because Billy’s well-paid attorneys unearthed prosecutorial misconduct that kept Billy out of prison — where he belongs for all the bombs he brags about setting!)

As a relevant side note, it seems that Mr. Thomas Ayers, who died last year at the age of 92, was also a friend of the infamous famous Mayor Richard J. Daley Sr. in the 60s. According the the blog of a former member of the 1960s SDS, “He was always a man pulled between his role as a representative of big business and advisor to the Daley machine, and his basic values of equity and fairness…“.

It seems that, besides having connections with the Daley Machine, Mr. Ayers was a bit of a community activist himself, but in a much nicer way than his son was. Instead of blowing up buildings and killing and/or paralyzing people in terror, Thomas worked peacefully on civil rights. That’s why during the 11 years that his slime ball son was a fugitive, Bill was estranged from him–until of course Bill needed his Daddy to get him out of trouble. Most of us recognize that scenerio in smaller ways, don’t we? As parents, many of us rescue plenty of “independent” “upscale” Obama supporters regularly, generally financially.

Anyway, as I mentioned, Chicago is a really small world isn’t it?

As an additional side note, given the longstanding relationship between the Ayers family and the Daley family, it is suddenly more than understandable why the current Mayor Daley would speak out in defense of Bill Ayers when his terrorist activities resurfaced as pertinent to Barack Obama and their ongoing friendship. It also certainly helps to punctuate why hanging out with the connected Bill Ayers would be key to an ambitious Chicago politican who wants to Pass-Go-And-Collect-$200 in a hurry– and get to the Oval Office by skipping as many steps as possible. Look how well things worked out for Barack with Commonwealth Edison to the tune of $200,000!

I'll think about that when the lights go on.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Christopher Hitchens, Gravity, Cambridge, Obama and the Hot Babes on Vanity Fair

I'm one of those guys who actually reads Vanity Fair as well as looks at the dirty pictures. Vanity Fair is the Victoria's Secret of periodical literature. My late wife Mary never allowed me to subscribe to either fine magazine and she generally purchased Vanity Fair herself at the Kroger in Bourbonnais, Illinois and only allowed me Xeroxed copies of the articles she thought would improve her husband's mind and soul.

Ten years a widower have freed me to scan Vanity Fair, but now I am more likely to become aroused by the pastry shots on the cover of Bon Appetite than by Annie Leibowitz's air-brushed shots of pouting hot babes and nightmarishly aging Hollywood Cougars. Actually it has more to do with the native propriety acquired in my 'close-knit ethnic' Catholic environment than with anything else. I read Vanity Fair, because I am also a Thackeray Geek. William Makepeace Thackeray is the author of Vanity Fair the novel that inspired Tolstoy's War and Peace , Anna Karenina and Mitchell's Gone With The Wind. R'ally, Rhett!

Christopher Hitchens, the boozy Bible battler, is one of my favorite writers and a frequent contributor to Vanity Fair. Hitchens foots a pen, like a Kerry Farmer on methamphetamine toes the turf. ' Look at that Man dig, so!'

Hitchens, who detests all forms of organized religion, is one of the most urbane and gentlemanly voices in any debate. Unlike the more strident ACLU addicted public Atheists, Hitchens sticks his rapier wit through the body of oafish bigots and lightly lettered loudmouths. In this issue of Vanity Fair, Hitchens review Peter Ackroyd's study of Issac Newton from his Brief Lives series, which dispels the popular illusion of Newton, getting whacked by an apple under the tree's shading boughs:

In contrast with this clarity and purity, however, Newton spent much of his time dwelling in a self-generated fog of superstition and crankery. He believed in the lost art of alchemy, whereby base metals can be transmuted into gold, and the surviving locks of his hair show heavy traces of lead and mercury in his system, suggesting that he experimented upon himself in this fashion, too. (That would also help explain the fires in his room, since alchemists had to keep a furnace going at all times for their mad schemes.) Not content with the narrow views of the philosopher’s stone and the elixir of life, he thought that there was a kind of universal semen in the cosmos, and that the glowing tails of the comets he tracked through the sky contained replenishing matter vital for life on Earth. He was a religious crackpot who, according to Ackroyd, considered Catholics to be “offspring of the Whore of Rome.” He was also consumed by arcane readings of the book of Revelation and obsessed with the actual measurements of the Temple of Solomon. Newton elected to write his already difficult Principia Mathematica in Latin, boasting that this would make it even less accessible to the vulgar. He is still revered in the little world of esoteric and conspiratorial mania, featuring as a member of “the Priory of Sion” in The Da Vinci Code. And secularists and rationalists conspire, too, in their way, to keep his mythic reputation alive. The beautiful “Mathematical Bridge,” which spans the River Cam at Queen’s College, is still said to have been designed by Newton to stay in place without nails or screws or joints, and to be supported by gravitational force alone. When later scientists dismantled it to discover the secret, according to legend, they could not work out how to put it back together again, and had to use crude bolts and hinges to re-erect it. Newton died in 1727, and the bridge was not built until 1749, but rumors and fantasies are much stronger than fact.

Rumors and fantasies are much stronger than fact and that truth is what allows Hitchens such masterful turns of phrase when considering Barack Obama's pitiful progressive patina:

What can it be that has kept Obama in Wright's pews, and at Wright's mercy, for so long and at such a heavy cost to his aspirations? Even if he pulls off a mathematical nomination victory, he has completely lost the first, fine, careless rapture of a post-racial and post-resentment political movement and mired us again in all the old rubbish that predates Dr. King. What a sad thing to behold. And how come? I think we can exclude any covert sympathy on Obama's part for Wright's views or style—he has proved time and again that he is not like that, and even his own little nods to "Minister" Farrakhan can probably be excused as a silly form of Chicago South Side political etiquette. All right, then, how is it that the loathsome Wright married him, baptized his children, and received donations from him? Could it possibly have anything, I wonder, to do with Mrs. Obama?

This obvious question is now becoming inescapable, and there is an inexcusable unwillingness among reporters to be the one to ask it. (One can picture Obama looking pained and sensitive and saying, "Keep my wife out of it," or words to that effect, as Clinton tried to do in 1992 when Jerry Brown and Ralph Nader quite correctly inquired about his spouse's influence.) If there is a reason why the potential nominee has been keeping what he himself now admits to be very bad company—and if the rest of his character seems to make this improbable—then either he is hiding something and/or it is legitimate to ask him about his partner.

I direct your attention to Mrs. Obama's 1985 thesis at Princeton University. Its title (rather limited in scope, given the author and the campus) is "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community." To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be "read" at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language. Anyway, at quite an early stage in the text, Michelle Obama announces that she's much influenced by the definition of black "separationism" offered by Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in their 1967 screed Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America. I remember poor Stokely Carmichael quite well. After a hideous series of political and personal fiascos, he fled to Africa, renamed himself Kwame Toure after two of West Africa's most repellently failed dictators, and then came briefly back to the United States before electing to die in exile. I last saw him as the warm-up speaker for Louis Farrakhan in Madison Square Garden in 1985, on the evening when Farrakhan made himself famous by warning Jews, "You can't say 'Never Again' to God, because when he puts you in the ovens, you're there forever." I have the distinct feeling that the Obama campaign can't go on much longer without an answer to the question: "Are we getting two for one?" And don't be giving me any grief about asking this. Black Americans used to think that the Clinton twosome was their best friend, too. This time we should find out before it's too late to ask.

When a writer deflates the nonsense, gravity really does its job. Barack Obama's lightning run at the White House was ill-advised and arrogant. Like Newton, some ugly thoughts and not apples seem to be making history.

Christopher Hitchens - May You Be in Heaven A Half Hour Before the Devil Knows Your Dead!

John McCain: Black Americans Have a Real Choice in John McCain

Heavyweight Boxer Thomas Hayes ( 27-1) is a GOP delegate for John McCain, because the Arizona Senator and American Hero represents the only clear choice for President.

Thomas Hayes is a Leo High School Alumnus, Chicago Police Department candidate, college graduate and Professional Boxer. For Thomas Hayes, whose younger brother is a with the U.S. Army in Iraq, John McCain is only candidate of any party with the capability of leading American forces in time of War on Islamist Terror.

Thomas Hayes will be going to the GOP Convention and supporting John McCain in the election in November. John McCain represents real change for a fighter who knows what life is all about for a black young man in America.

Thomas Hayes will be fighting in New York in June - catch Thomas Hayes on Comcast Sports!

ILLINOIS DELEGATES for McCain ( partial)

. . .
Joyce Gooding
Thomas Gooding
William S. Graham
Kent Gray
Mike Hagerty
Donald B. Hall
J. Sue Hamilton
John Harty
Thomas Hayes
Sean Healy
William L. Henniger
Herbert Hentschel
Roy Hertel
Nora Kathleen Hickey
. . .

Here is an interesting Christopher Hitchens piece on the current campaign:

Monday, May 05, 2008

John McCain: Marty 'See You Next Tuesday' Parrish's Return

The Wholesome Baptist Preacher of Huffington Post who asked Senator McCain a stupid question regarding a loathsome word, objects to the pillory posted last week by your Humble Servant. Click my post title for last week's post.

Boys and Girls, nothing says breakfast like a plateful of Smoked Iowa Landrace Ham! Here is Marty Parrish, Iowa Business Person and self-styled Baptist Theologian and his riposte to my post: Marty, as Horace once said, neither you nor your lines pass the Finger Test.

Ladies and Gentlemen Marty Parrish in Verse!

TheComputerGuy said...
You are a dick.

Rhymes with chick.

See if it sticks.

I can do poems too.

Marty Tarrel Parrish

My number is not six six six.

Turd does not rhyme with dick's chick.

Or should a say chick's dick.

Hey, in all honesty, I did not think politics could be this fun.


I am.

Marty Tarrel Parrish
Cosmic Christ
1:03 AM

Marty, may I humbly submit:

To Marty Parrish: A Baptist Biden Boeotian

This mornin is startin'
with rhymes from young Martin,
Who uttered a terrible Word.

This Baptist was reachin'
In the thin guise of preachin'
Gynecological slur how absurd

To a Hero whose wife,
Is his partner for Life,
Young Martin was casting the hideous Word.

The Word does not matter,
The intent or the chatter
Parrish bunted was Nation-wide heard.

A sneaky wee fellow,
Biden Time 'cause he's yellow,
Marty Parrish was tagged out at Third.

Now the 'Change' folks might say,
Parrish meant good that day,
But Folks he's a slimy wee Nerd.

4:58 AM