Showing posts with label SEIU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEIU. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2009

CTU Hellbent on Destroying School Reform - Progressives Help Them!

Progress Illinois is a comic book published by Andy Stern's SEIU -the folks who worked over-time with Rod Blagojevich to replace Barack Obama in the U.S. Senate after working hand in pocket with Rod Blagojevich for the good part of his two years in office.

SEIU had a starring role in the December 9th Criminal Complaint against Celebrity Survivor Ingenue the disgraced former Governor of Illinois. SEIU is Lefty PAC masquerading as a Labor Union. Members dues go to frightening spineless elected officials and papering the lampposts of Blagoshere with hit pieces on political enemies ( William Daley, Mayor Daley, Mike Madigan, John Shimkus, Mark Kirk, Tom Cross and Jim Durkin) with Progress Illinois staffed by the kids of Old Radicals and Leftists like Angela Caputo who takes another salary of Sun Times News Group - for now.

Progressive and the tax-salaried American Federation of Teachers and their Banana Republic branch -Chicago Teachers Union want to kill school Reform.

Vouchers and Charter Schools are the only hope for the already hopeless Chicago Public Schools.

Catholic Schools outperform Public Schools and save Illinois tax-payers millions of dollars.

Angela Caputo is tasked with doing hit pieces on Charter International and its Educational Management Organization (EMO) Civitas.

Read the 'All Hail the Working class' rhetoric in Ms. Caputo's giggle piece - funny like cancer.

Click my post title for the full nonsense.

Here is the most idiotic paragraph.

Because the staff (and public) is largely kept in the dark about the administration of charter schools, it's hard to know how CICS' books have changed in recent years. What's clear is that the instability at these particular schools had led to an increased rate of teacher turnover, a concern raised by Parents United for Responsible Education (PURE) in a report (PDF) last fall.

Shall we, Chicago taxpayers, demand an open accounting of Marilyn Stewart's Chicago Teachers Union?

The great Labor Force that spent the better part of a year firing and locking a Union Leader -Ted Dallas - out of the Headquarters?

Oh, Let's do !

Start here -

Cashing out sick days is a common practice at the Union, he says, but he says he is charged with doing it “without approval.” He says that because Stewart does not study Union policy and past practice, other staffers have been able to cash out sick days after discussions at meetings, and that the policy of going through the Executive Board has not been followed because Marilyn does not follow rules.

Those amounts contested for Dallas are peanuts, when compared to many of the expenditures by Stewart, Dallas noted. For example, he cited the $850,000 laid out at the May House meeting by John Feldman, American Federation of Teachers CPA, as spent by the Stewart administration in a policy which allowed the officers and staff to cash out “compensatory days” for extra work on weekends during 2006. Feldman said that this plan was to be revenue neutral, but that now the officers know it to have been a mistake.

Dallas says he is also charged with helping Presidential Aide Diana Sheffer cash out her sick days at $63,543.80 when it became evident that President Stewart was on a vendetta to fire all those who disagreed with her policies. Sheffer was fired in December 2007, with security walking her out of the Union offices.

The Dallas “trial” will be conducted by the Union Executive Board — dominated by Stewart loyalists — on June 12th at the Union offices at 4 p.m. Dallas’ supporters are encouraging Union members to attend.

The case against Treasurer Linda Porter is still in limbo. In December, 2007, President Stewart took away all of Porter’s fiduciary responsibilities as Treasurer and gave them to her new Chief of Staff, John Ostenburg. Ostenburg was formerly the editor of the union newspaper. He has never taught in Chicago’s public schools. He is the mayor of Park Forest and a former members of the House of Representatives in Springfield. Ostenburg was one of those Stewart did not fire in August 2004. The first page of the 112-page complaint against CTU vice president Ted Dallas. The complaint was brought to the union's executive board by two union members who should not have had access to all of the internal union financial data that they used against Dallas.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Progress Illinois 'Scores' Anti-Catholic Bigot PZ Myers to Attack Congressman Shimkus

Our Bearded Clam-anti-Catholic Bigot* PZ Myers! Mollusks Love Attention!

Can anyone out there score me some consecrated communion wafers? There's no way I can personally get them -- my local churches have stakes prepared for me, I'm sure -- but if any of you would be willing to do what it takes to get me some, or even one, and mail it to me, I'll show you sacrilege, gladly, and with much fanfare. I won't be tempted to hold it hostage (no, not even if I have a choice between returning the Eucharist and watching Bill Donohue kick the pope in the balls, which would apparently be a more humane act than desecrating a goddamned cracker), but will instead treat it with profound disrespect and heinous cracker abuse, all photographed and presented here on the web. I shall do so joyfully and with laughter in my heart. If you can smuggle some out from under the armed guards and grim nuns hovering over your local communion ceremony, just write to me and I'll send you my home address.
PZ Myers

Progress Illinois is an SEIU Progranda Tool and it uses other Tools - Tools Like PZ Myers who is tenured Biology Teacher in Minnesota.

CLICK PZ - (Pretty Zygote ?) Myers' Anti-Catholic Spew. In a world where a geek like this is safe, because Veterans like John Shimkus fought to protect weak and stupid people as well as good productive Americans, Progress Illinois will pay money to attack the protector. Go figure.

PZ Meyers is a coward - a sad little man with a pay check. God Bless Him!

The guy is a clown, but Progress Illinois is a huge tent.

When John Shimkus debunked Cap and Trade - one of the wheels about to fall off the Obama Economic agenda and one that will consign President Obama to the Kid's Table at the next G20 Summit - if he gets invited back - the idiot industry - MSNBC and SEIU e.g. went to war on Congressman John Shimkus (R.IL) from Central Illinois' Coal Country.

Progress Illinois touted this infamous anti-Catholic bigot to debunk Shimkus?

SEIU is paying you clowns with working people's Union Dues?


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

SEIU - Blowing The Deal for Janitors in the Press

Two of my best pals are Doctors ( Mr. MDs). Clark is an Internal Medicine Superstar and Manning is the best surgeon in Southwest Texas and Mexico. Both told me 'If you can feel your heart pumping gallons of blood, you have a problem. See a doctor and quick. The Beauty of any living organ is that you should not know its there.'

When any Organism or Organization kicks up with genuine Old Timey Activism, it seems, then you are a dead man.

If your collective bargaining unit is flapping its arms like a baby sparrow on a crowded side-walk before it has entered into negotiations with management, you workers are screwed, blued and tattooed - maybe color that up to Purple.

Yesterday, SEIU Chicago with Tom Balanoff, did all of the old Trotskyite stuff right - organized a march to the Czar's Palace, waited for cossacks to saber workers, and flooded the route with Press and sprinkled the podium with the colorful assortment of politicians it has purchased - Toni Preckwinkle and Joe Moore.

If you click my post title and watch the Progress Illinois video catch Joe Moore's weaving and grinding up on the podium - he looks like a horn-dog on Viagra overload, or a five year old boy with a kidney full of Mountain Dew Red in a way too long line at Target.

Here's the deal. Unions engage in collective bargaining for their rank and file. Good ones engage management and actually bargain the best deal for their workers. The press is never invited.

SEIU pressures politicians to change laws and ordinances that raise taxes and secure
some pittance of a raise. SEIU's dues paying membership get to march in the cold and listen to rhetoric. At the end of the month they have more month than pennies.

The Press buys SEIU's nonsense, because SEIU talks and talks and talks and then makes Purple People march. Good theatre; bad labor practices.

Janitors are paid lousy wages. Ask Tom Balanoff and SEIU to bargain in good faith and not in the media.

Anybody hear anything from The Building Owners and Management Association (BOMA)? Nope. Read anything in the SEIU tanked up media - you know the ones who always use 'Labor" when they mean SEIU? Nope. BOMA is used to dealing with real labor unions. The ones that succeed for the rank and file.

They (BOMA) already won.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Progress Illinois and University of Chicago - Is there an Agreement to be Agreeable?

Josh and Adam and Angela and their guest artists contributors have a swell album that will rival anything Pete Seeger - The Lefty Red Skelton ( or is it Skeleton?) on Banjo - and Bruce Springsteen - The Boss Man Wobbly - could cook up to get all Tom Joad on us! It's the Republic Windows Revival! Sing it!

You know the business that went toes up when Bank of America yanked its loan back before Christmas every political cockroach ( Gutierrez, Quigley, Blagojevich) in Illinois stood solidarity with the poor folks who lost work.

The workers won a small victory against the company, but Bank of America rolls on!

Progress Illinois ( SEIU's Mickey Mouse Club for the kids of Lefty Activists) seems to trumpet Republic Windows as its own idea, when in fact it was United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers who represented Republic - much the same as Teamsters Local 743 at University of Chicago Medical Center which closed its doors on TWICE the number of workers as Republic Windows.

What's Going On? - as Marvin Gaye was wont to say. Is there some 'Make Nice Clause' in the agreement between the SEIU workers at UCMC and The Hyde University? Hmmmmmmmmm?

Why is Progress Illinois Silent? Just asking.

Progress Illinois ( SEIU) Attempts to Explain Absence During Uof C Med Center Lay -Off!

Click my post title as there is yet any coverage of the protests at University of Chicago Medical Center's lay off of 450 works ( Teamsters Local 743 and according to a UCMC official many SEIU rank and file members).

Crowing over the Republic Windows flatulence in a Tsunami, like former Governor Blagojevich and the Uriah Heep of Politics Mike Quigley, Progress Illinois attempts to take a sissy slap at John Fritchey - and misses high wide and handsome!

The Republic Windows sit-in began on Friday, December 5. Elected officials were making appearances at the factory by Sunday, December 7 to show their support. And on Monday, December 8, numerous alderman, along with Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley, introduced ordinances to hold Bank of America (Republic Windows' creditor) accountable for cutting off financing to the company before the workers could be paid the wages they were owed. But it wasn't until Tuesday, December 9 that Gov. Blagojevich was arrested, setting the ultimate impeachment proceedings into motion. By the end of the following day, an agreement had been reached resolving the Republic Windows dispute.

So that excuse seems a bit off.

Jeepers try not and be a bit off.

Okay, Young Commissars, how about picking up a picket sign and hitting the line for a few hours in your Birkenstocks? Before, you get all Joe Hill on a an elected official work on them leg muscles.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

SEIU's Progress Illinois Has Got NUTHIN on U. of C. Strikers - Too Busy Preening about Republic Windows and Squealing to the Feds?

Too bad this guy's union does not respect him,. . . or anyone else. Teamster Local 743 is doing all the heavy-lifting here. Doesn't SEIU have employees affected by the lay-offs at UCMC?

Have SEIU rank & file gotten dumped by University of Chicago Medical Center? NBC Website is all over it. Progress Illinois - ZERO!''

SEIU is a PAC. It uses union dues to buy politica hacks - SEIU bought Blago and recenty purchased Sara Feigenholz for 5th Congressional District. Thus,

SEIU was an early supporter of Blagojevich and his biggest campaign contributor. But Balanoff said he was not involved in any wrongdoing and does not fear the investigation into alleged corruption in state government.

“I am not a target. I am not a subject. I’m not worried one bit,” he said.
Inspiring words from a Leader, those.

However, if SEIU rank and file workers laid off by UCMC with Local 743 want to see some coverage they need to go - not to their paid for site, but NBC

Here's the Post Listing for Progress Illinois during this strike's first day!- SEIU's Marxist Mickey Mouse Club.

IL-5: Feigenholtz Says Daley Should Release Full Wishlist, Quigley Touts Republic Windows Stand
The Most Important Chart You'll Read All Day
Around The Horn
Durbin Recommends Callahan For U.S. Agriculture Post
The Stimulus Czar
IL-5: SEIU Endorses Feigenholtz, Quigley Wants More Transit, Nurses Support Geoghegan
The Fight For School Construction Funds
Facebook Petition Takes Aim At Daley's "Great Chicago Sell-Off"
The Early Bird: February 10, 2009
On Fox Chicago, Roskam Repeats Debunked Anti-Stimulus Argument

They have an answer to everything - racism, sexism, gay & lesbianism, new historicism, classism.

Too bad they never seem to have an answer to exactly what in the hell their membership gets for their dues.

Mike Quigley Out Front For Credit With Republic Windows -SEIU's Retro-Flint Sit-Down

Yes Sir! Bruce Springsteen is Joe Hill and Wee Mike Quigley plays Big Bill Haywood in SEIU's Imaginary Labor Pantheon.

These goofs are priceless! Talk to any real Union Man or Woman about Real Labor Struggles and they would laugh these Marxist Playactors out of the room.

In Other Imaginary Labor News - SEIU Illinois's Leader is 'Cooperating' with the Feds concerning SEIU pet and do-all Governor Milorod Blagojevich - it seems that Rod is not the Governor SEIU knew and used.

SEIU was an early supporter of Blagojevich and his biggest campaign contributor. But Balanoff said he was not involved in any wrongdoing and does not fear the investigation into alleged corruption in state government.

“I am not a target. I am not a subject. I’m not worried one bit,” he said.

Studs Terkel would have loved this Labor Re-Enactors imitation of John L. Lewis!

Jerry Morrison/ SEIU (not verified) on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 18:29

Even though my union has endorsed Sara Feigenholtz in this race I agree that Commissioner Quigley deserves a big shout-out for the position he took on the Republic Window crisis. I spoke witrh Mike over the weekend and by Monday morning ( in eqarly December) he had drafted a county ordinance taking Bank of America to task over their treatment of the Republic workers.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Labor Backs John Fritchey and SEIU PAC and their mouthpieces set to Endorse Feigenholz

Well, Mr. Speaker, Mike Quigley came up to about here on Mickey Rooney and so Mickey says to Quigley, 'Allan Ladd tried to stuff me on the court and I sailed over him! Sailed I tells Ya, Punk! I'll spot you six! Let's see what you got!'

State Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago) won the endorsement today of the Illinois AFL-CIO, which includes 1,500 unions with almost 1 million members. . . .Besides the Illinois AFL-CIO, Fritchey also has claimed the endorsement of the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the clout-heavy International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150.

The AFL-CIO endorsement "is recognition of what I've done for people who work hard every day to support their families," Fritchey said.

Yep, Labor backs John Fritchey including the great folks of International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 ( those are skilled Tradesmen who go through years of training and experience and earn their salaries by dint of their labors and honest collective bargaining - SEIU bullies spineless and gullible politicians to raise taxes for their rank and file), which is the home trade of Chicago Federation of Labor leader Dennis Gannon - a real Union Man.

Sara Feigenholz will be endorsed by the Leon Trotsky Re-enactors of SEIU and the Boiled Beets Progressive Networks of Illinois.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

John Fritchey Earns Support and SEIU Set To Buy Feigenholz

John Fritchey tells Mike Madigan, 'SEIU will give Sara about this much money - Yeah, about Mike Quigley's height. It's not much, but it's something.'

SEIU is a PAC disguised as a union. SEIU is largest membership of unskilled and low skilled workers organized to to provide dues used to buy political hacks.

I believe that SEIU is a danger to the American Standard of Living. SEIU depends upon tax-levies to raise the salaries of its tax-salaried employees. Those taxes are paid by pipe-fitters, fire fighters, police officers, nurses ( who manage to avoid SEIU), teachers, engineers, carpenters, mill-wrights, plumbers and electricians. Trades workers stand in danger of losing their autonomy and apprenticeship programs, if they play ball with SEIU.

N.B. Read Chicago Daily Oberserver's many columns about this -,2715

John Fritchey wins endorsements. Sara Feigenholz is beholden to SEIU - the class warriors opposed to the American Middle Class.

Organized labor is splitting its vote in the race to succeed Rahm Emanuel in Congress.

AFSCME, the big government workers' union, quietly endorsed state Rep. John Fritchey, D-Chicago, over the weekend, according to Henry Bayer, who heads the union's Chicago regional unit.
But another labor group which also represents such workers, SEIU, is leaning heavily toward Ms. Feigenholtz, with an announcement scheduled as soon as later this week, according to sources who should know.

Monday, February 02, 2009

SEIU Group Thought Tattle on Pages of Progress Illinois by Fellow Traveller Dan Bliss - Mercy Sakes Abounding - Bliss Bound for Gulag?

"The class struggle is the central conflict of the world; all others are incidental. When that power of the working class is once achieved, as it has been only in the Soviet Union, I am for maintaining it by any means whatever. Dictatorship is the obvious means in a world of enemies at home and abroad. I dislike it in principle as dangerous to its own objects. But the Soviet Union has already created liberties far greater than exist elsewhere in the world. … [There] I saw ... fresh, vigorous expressions of free living by workers and peasants all over the land. And further, no champion of a socialist society could fail to see that some suppression was necessary to achieve it. It could not all be done by persuasion. … [I]f American champions of civil liberty could all think in terms of economic freedom as the goal of their labors, they too would accept 'workers' democracy' as far superior to what the capitalist world offers to any but a small minority. Yes, and they would accept — regretfully, of course — the necessity of dictatorship while the job of reorganizing society on a socialist basis is being done." Roger Baldwin - American Marxist, Founder of ACLU, and Advocate of Group Think Progressives

Unions - Real Trades Unions and American Labor gave America the standard of living being eroded by taxes and Advocacy Politics. Advocacy Politics is played by monster tax-salaried Political Action Groups like Services Employee International Union and the blind gutless elected officials who serve their leadership. This PAC posing as a Union is not meant to move unskilled workers into the Middle Class through education and collective bargaining. SEIU is a Marxist operation dedicated to Class warfare and the erosion of the middle class through taxes. Emphasis my own - well who else?

Take a look at the 'group think' erosion feared and repressed by SEIU operative Jerry Morrison's responses to Dan Bliss who whines on about not getting his proper endorsements from Progressive Forces in Illinois. Dan, you lost an election - didn't get enough votes.

However, the power of the reaction to invited contributor Bliss's essay Lessons On Building A Progressive Movementis most telling.

1. Dan Bliss blithely informs the boiled beets Progressives that his failure was their failure.
2. Has SEIU manfully backed his candidacy Progress Illinois would be Arcadia!
3. SEIU don't cotton to out-of-step remarks.

Read the excerpts of their exchange here and click my post title for the full magilla:

jerry morrison/SEIU State Council (not verified) on Sun, 02/01/2009 - 15:08

First of all Daniel ,I take exception to your characterization of the Progressive organizations that seemingly dismissed your candidacy. Many of the organizations you mentioned in your column like SEIU, AFSCME, IEA and Sierra Club ARE the Progressive movement in Illinois and nationally. We have funded, staffed and helped organize the civil rights movement, anti war movement, environmental movement, women and gay rights movements, the immigrant rights movement, not to mention, creating and funding this very blog where you have seen fit to question our commitment to the Progressive Movement. You may not want to hear this Dan but there are a couple real simple reasons why you didn't enjoy the support of the established Progressive organizations in Illinois.

First, your opponent has been a strong supporter of our members and has gone against her own party time and again demonstrating that support. My job is to improve the lives of the 165,000 members of SEIU not help further your personal political ambitions. We support Progressives wherever they exist including the few that still reside within the Republican Party. Second, and you might not like to hear this Dan, but the first anyone in the Progressive community ever heard of you was when you decided to run for office. Prior to running had you ever met an SEIU member? Did you support our members struggles in any substantial way?

You still may be elected someday Dan. I only hope when you do you have a more sophisticated understanding of the political process and the Progressive Movement you so passionately claim to represent.

Daniel Biss (not verified) on Sun, 02/01/2009 - 19:54

Hi Jerry :)

Obviously we mean different things when we use the phrase "progressive movement." Part of that has to do with where we sit and what our roles are, and a lot of that has to do with plain old semantics. Perhaps I should have used the phrase "new progressive movement" consistently throughout my post, or maybe I should have said "grassroots progressive movement" or something. Certainly there's some new collection of infrastructures that have appeared in the last decade, resulting in substantial growth of the movement, and whenever that happens, growing pains and internal divisions are inevitable. I was referring to one side of one of those divisions.

If you seriously want to retroactively debate whether you made the right call with your endorsement, I guess I could do that, although frankly I don't see the point and there may be a better forum to do so than the comment thread of a blog. If you go back to my post, you'll see that I was careful not to say that SEIU made the wrong call. You'll also see that I described SEIU as a valued ally. Perhaps your comment would have benefited from a similarly civil tone.

jerry morrison (not verified) on Sun, 02/01/2009 - 22:31

Daniel, you apparently still don't get it. If there are "internal divisions within the Progressive Movement" as you contend I would ask what have you done to bridge that divivde, if it does exist? As far as I know you have never asked to meet with SEIU members to offer your support in their struggles. I don't remember you turning out your friends and allies in support of the Big Box Living Wage Campaign or man the picket line during our nursing home contract fight. I don't say this to embarass you, but if you apsire to a leadership role in the Illinois Progressive Movement you need to know that there are responsibilities that go along with that priviledge.

You may ask, what has SEIU done to bridge this perceived division within the movement? First and foremost we created Progress Illinois so that Progressives would have a unique online voice in the ongoing political debate.

As far as retroactively debating the SEIU endorsement in your race I see no need to do that what-so-ever. I am proud of the decision we made to back your opponent and would recommend
we do it again in a heartbeat. I only wish you had followed your own advice about debating this issue in another forum. Unfortunately, you chose to use the space we provided you at this blog to question the integrity of some of the most Progressive organizations in the state merely because they did not support your candidacy.

This may surprise you Dan but as a young organizer I ran for office against a longtime alderman and, like yourself, enjoyed very little institutional support from the Progressive community. But, unlike you I did not question their motivations but set out to better understand these organizations and their members ongoing struggles. In retrospect these groups made the right decision in my race just as most Progressive orgs. did in yours.

Proclaiming one's self "the Progressive candidate" in a race is not enough to garner the support of the Progressive community.

Dan, why don't you spend some time doing the nuts and bolts organizing necessary to help build a vibrant and strong Progressive Movement here in illinois. Once you have demonstrtated your understanding of the issues and your commitment to something bigger than yourself I am sure that you will make real progress with Illinois Progressives.

Seeing Progressive organizations as "valued allies" is a two-way street Dan. It requires something from you first, BEFORE you ask for political support. Anyway, I am glad Progress Illinois has afforded you this opportunity to make your commitment to Progressive values known. I hope the dialogue leads to some work. There is plenty to do brother.

Daniel Biss (not verified) on Mon, 02/02/2009 - 00:20


I'm also glad that Progress Illinois granted me this opportunity, and that you joined the discussion . These dialogues are very valuable.

I don't think this is the venue to provide detailed responses to your questions about my past actions on behalf of the movement; hopefully we can focus on broader movement-building questions rather than focusing on one fairly obscure former candidate. Like most passionate supporters of the progressive movement, I've worked hard on behalf of the causes you describe, and like anyone who's honest with themselves, I would like to have done more and intend to do more in the future.

Just one last clarification: my post didn't question anyone's integrity. Indeed, I singled out organizations whose integrity was, I thought, unimpeachable.

Thanks again,

Danny Boy - it is cold in Siberia! Cold here, too - but nice.

John Fritchey Stands Up Against Boiled Beets Progressives

I don't vote in the Illinois 5th Congressional District. I vote in the 3rd District and cast my last vote for Dan Lipinski; prior to that I backed Honest John Kelly against Lipinski in the Democratic Primary, Honest John Kelly is a genuine working man. However, Dan Lipinski listens to his constituents and votes their will. His Dad was a hell of a Congressman and an effective public servant.

Up north, the Progressives, the boiled beets partisans, who spout ideological doctrines that can be cut and pasted from their campaign wall-papers which originate on sites like Emily's List, Progress Illinois, and Planned Parenthood have rattled worry beads and burned incesne to Sara Feigenholz - God loveher. Sara's minions are the grassroots of Progressive ism - the Boiled Beets Crowd. Someone boils the beets and the chosen mouthpieces lock-step behind them.

I prefer candidates ( Democrat or Republican) who actually understand government, but, more importantly, the people of their neighborhoods - the people they are supposed to serve.

John Fritchey seems like my kind of guy.

Lately, John Fritchey has really impressed me by going to the root of campaign nonsense, clever dealing and wheeling, and speaking with an honest and open heart.

His big challenger is the Grassroots/Boiled Beets Progressive turnip Sara Feigenholtz. Feigenholtz sprouted up recently with gobs of cash and endorsements from the trendy rubber stamps of NOW and Emily's Listand also appeared on Blago's Clout List - Lord Have Mercy!

At a weekend forum, John Fritchey recalled a conversation that he had with Rahm Emmanuel and noted that Rahm-bo was looking for a place holder, while he "Yes We Cans" with President Obama as his Chief of Staff.

CHICAGO--Yes, President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel did express an interest in running for his congressional seat again someday, a candidate for his seat said Sunday.

State Rep John Fritchey, D-Chicago, said he spoke with Emanuel when he was deciding whether to run for Emanuel's seat.

"He had commented to me that he may be interested in running one day again for the seat," Fritchey said. "I told him that should I be fortunate enough to run, and should I be fortunate enough to win the seat, I would look forward to campaigning against him."

That would mean having Rahm-bo toss the kitchen sink, the pantry, a bag of old laundry and some dusty jars of Emma Goldman's Old Fashioned Boiled Beets* at you John!
Honest John Kelly, from the 3rd District could catch them like Belushi caught empty beer bottles in Animal House and come at Emmanuel with the sharp edges, but you might be too much of a gentleman. John Fritchey handled the syrupy and goofy Gerald Rivera like a gentleman, when discussing Blago's years of honey-dipping under the watchful eyes of Progressive Movement. John, You should have gutted the louse on the spot. You are a gentleman.

Hell, Blago was a Progressive Darling ( Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, You-Name-It Coalition for Higher Taxes and Mobilized Meatheads) for two terms and SEIU was a huge cash cow and activist assembly line for the lad.

John Fritchey has come out swinging and has created a wedge-issue -Privatization of public holdings.

"Privatization of public assets is like selling off your furniture in order to pay your mortgage," Fritchey said to loud applause from the 500 observers. "I don't think it's a prudent fiscal policy. In the long run what you are going to see are parking meters that cost $6 an hour, airport concessions that have tripled in price and its going to cost you five times what it used to cost you to cross the Skyway. Your job as a congressman is to represent the people... not simply to be accountable to Mayor Daley and take what he says as gospel."

Sara Feigenholtz will need to consult the hoary pages of Boiled Beets Doctrine.

*Jesus, I hate boiled beets -pickled beets, raw beets, par-boiled beets, off-beets. Beets can't stand 'em - they'd gag a maggot.

Friday, January 30, 2009

SEIU Helped Create the Blago We All Know - Watch Them Now

Progress Illinois, SEIU's Junior Commissar Mikey Mouse Club, is huffing and puffing about more grassroots reform now that Blago has been 86-ed by the State of Illinois.

In our latest feature article, Adam notes that Rod Blagojevich's removal from office could clear the way for some far-reaching -- and much-needed -- campaign finance restrictions in Illinois. On WTTW's Chicago Tonight yesterday, former state comptroller Dawn Clark Netsch echoed that sentiment. She highlighted the "window of opportunity" created by Blagojevich's departure and cited caps on campaign contributions as "essential." Watch it: Netsch's observation that "it can't just be legislators" pushing these sorts of reforms is very important. Grassroots and institutional support is going to be crucial. And to that point, I want to highlight the fact that SEIU Illinois (which sponsors this website) is itself pushing for strict restrictions on campaign contributions, which bodes well for the cause.

Oh Heavens Yes, Gracie! Josh, you are a dilly!

SEIU you will recall was mired deeply in Blago's Honey-Dipping Governorship and SEIU figures in Federal Prosecutor Fitzgerald's Criminal Complaint against the only Governor in Illinois History Impeached and Convicted by the Legislature.

Andy Stern's SEIU will be there, to quote Tom Joad from Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath to troll for and make new Blago. Make no mistake.

Here is a lovely compilation of SEIU/Blago Bedroom Eyes from the World Socialist Website -published by International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)them own selves!

In any event, Blagojevich and the SEIU have a lengthy and mutually beneficial relationship. The Wall Street Journal notes that the union “was an early and strong supporter of Mr. Blagojevich, backing him over several other candidates [for Illinois governor] in 2002.” As a condition of its support, the SEIU won a pledge from Blagojevich that once in office he would issue an executive order directing the state government to negotiate a union contract with home health-care workers.

Shortly after taking office, the new Illinois governor signed an order allowing as many as 20,000 such workers to unionize. They were signed up by the SEIU. Blagojevich also appointed Balanoff to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, which approves hospital construction projects.

A second executive order, signed in February 2005, allowed collective bargaining for child-care workers. “The day after it received a letter from the governor’s office saying that a union election could be held, SEIU submitted 18,000 cards from workers it had signed up” (Wall Street Journal). The workers involved are highly exploited, suffering from low wages and a lack of benefits.

Officials of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) complained of the “special relationship” the SEIU had with Blagojevich. The latter union was the number one contributor to the governor’s re-election bid in 2006, donating more than $900,000, or some 5 percent of his total campaign fund.

The SEIU also has a close relationship with the president-elect. The union’s political action committee “spent at least $26 million on Mr. Obama’s behalf in the presidential campaign, making it by far the largest single PAC donor in the campaign” (New York Times).

The union, in the words of the Washington Post, has “become an omnipresent force in Democratic politics.”

An SEIU spokeswoman, Michelle Ringuette, defended the contributions. “Many unions make political donations to political candidates,” she told the Times, “in the interest of making sure we have elected officials who represent the interest of working families, men and women who get up and go to work every day.”

Neither Blagojevich nor Obama represent “working families,” although they may posture along those lines. Their policies defend the interests of big business and the corporate-financial aristocracy. The present corruption scandal provides a glimpse into the reality behind the rhetoric of Democratic Party politics: corrupt, well-heeled individuals pursuing their own selfish goals.

Moreover, the SEIU and the rest of the American union bureaucracy do not make use of their members’ dues money in the form of contributions to Democratic candidates to advance workers’ interests, but to safeguard their own incomes and privileges.

Stern and the SEIU have recently made a specialty of reaching contracts with governments and corporations that benefit themselves and the employers, at the expense of union members. (See Backroom deals by US service unions strip workers of rights)

The SEIU broke away from the sclerotic and discredited AFL-CIO promising a new brand of dynamic unionism, with a special emphasis on organizing the unorganized. As the WSWS noted last May: “However, this has nothing to do with defending or improving conditions, but involves colluding with employers to impose union membership on low-paid workers, who are denied the right to vote on union certification and in some cases don’t even realize they are joining a union.”

The union has set itself up as a kind of labor contractor, offering employers “labor peace” in exchange for the right to collect dues.

In its contract with California nursing home chains, reported the San Francisco Weekly, the SEIU agreed that workers would have no input regarding hours, vacations, pay, layoffs, staffing levels or any other matter concerning their jobs. The newspaper reported, “The employers may outsource work performed by union members, and speed up, reassign, or eliminate jobs at will. The employer may eliminate vacations, or any time off, as the employer sees fit.”

The SEIU went on to use this arrangement as a model for other “organizing” efforts in Washington and New Jersey.

At the time of his arrest Blagojevich was reportedly preparing to issue another executive order that would have allowed 1,200 workers who care for the developmentally disabled in Illinois to organize. Spokeswoman Ringuette told the Wall Street Journal that the SEIU “was aware of the executive order but didn’t know what role, if any, the union played in developing it.”

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Socialist Workers Bugged By Blago, SEIU and Two Party System-

Yikes. Blago is floating out there in the ozone 'Free-As-Bird and Guilty as Sin,' as Chicago's Distinguished Professor and Unrepentant Crony, Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers might say.

Yep, Ed Genson who was Jimmy 'The Bomber'Catura's mouthpiece back before Mr. Catura shed his mortal husk - with help to be sure, has already tied the Illinois Legislature in knots; Fitzy, it seems to me, might have pulled the trigger on Blago too soon; SEIU is getting more attention than they really care to have; everyone but Mike Hughes's dog has 'demanded - demanded, I say!' that Governor Sunshine vacate the Office of Illinois Chief Executive; POTUS-E Obama has 'as I've said so many times;' and Illinois has become the Jon Burge Political Corruption.

Now, the Socialist Workers Party, that played so nice with Howard Dean and Dave Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel and Jan Schakowsky and SEIU is getting ready to make war on the Democratic Party over Milorod Blagojevich and his busy-beaver buddies and Pay to Play!

The Blagojevich scandal is also a reminder that the Democratic Party is one of the main institutions that systematically incorporates organizations of working people into a corporate-dominated system of horse trading and political favoritism.

This was illustrated when the Feds' tapes apparently captured some dealings of "Union Official A" (who has since been identified as Tom Balanoff of Service Employees International Union)--who, it appears, Blagojevich's staff was trying to enlist as a go-between for the governor to Obama's staff. The tapes also caught Blagojevich proposing a scheme whereby he could make up to $300,000 running a lobbying organization for the SEIU-sponsored Change to Win federation.

All of this may prove to be nothing more than idle talk, yet it is the kind of thing that the labor movement doesn't need. Unfortunately, it's too common in a labor leadership that in recent years has proven itself more attuned to Democratic Party deal-making than to grassroots mobilization.

Lance Selfa, the author, ( Reds and Rose-hued Barricade Stormers always have cool names) sure seems to have a grip on Patrick Fitzgerald's modus operandi:

If Fitzgerald's record is any indication, he will find something provable with which to prosecute Blagojevich--and it's likely to be something a lot less sensational than the charge that the governor was selling Obama's senate seat. Blagojevich may end up joining Ryan in the penitentiary, but the charge will likely be some penny-ante corruption of which any number of mainstream politicians could be accused.

It must have been this sort of behavior that Frederick Engels, Karl Marx's collaborator, was considering when he described American political parties in 1891 as "two great gangs of political speculators, who alternately take possession of the state power and exploit it by the most corrupt means and for the most corrupt ends--and the nation is powerless against these two great cartels of politicians, who are ostensibly its servants, but in reality exploit and plunder it."

Well, I guess it's a pay check, Lance. Stay frosty.

Gee. And the DNC and Reds played so nice together to bring Change We Can Believe In. Looks like more Change is Blowing in the Wind - not blowing up Billy - blowing in - like Lightweights in American politics. The Crab Barrel is Full of Them!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Will Mike Quigley Call for Blago to Resign?????????????

With growing chorus of elected voices harrumphing Blagojevich to 'Do the Right Thing!' . . . Illinois awaits that boomingly familiar voice that echoes Blago so nicely . . . in all ways - 'Mike Quigley Calls on Blaogjevich to Resign!!!! Resign I Tells Ya!'

CHICAGO (Reuters) - President-elect Barack Obama called on Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to resign on Wednesday after he was charged with trying to sell Obama's U.S. Senate seat and swap favors for money.

Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said Blagojevich needed to step down because "under the current circumstances it is difficult for the governor to effectively do his job and serve the people of Illinois."

Moves boiled up within Obama's home state of Illinois to strip Blagojevich of the power to make the appointment he allegedly tried to barter, either by driving him from office through legal means or letting voters fill the Senate seat with a special election.

After being arrested at home before dawn on Tuesday and then released on his own recognizance without having to post bail, Blagojevich showed no sign of resigning.

SEIU's Stern Wagonmaster of Blagojevich Senate Tagging Disaster?

I posed some thoughts concerning the rather thick involvement of SEIU in the Blagojevich corruption saga that has moved President Elect Obama deep into the shadows of the news cycle on Chicago Daily Observer ( click my post title for the full story):

The thickest part of the Federal Criminal Complaint against Gov. Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff seems to be getting short shrift from the Progressive Chicago Media. While the huffing and ‘Land’s Sakes!’ by media types surrounds the Cubs, Blago’s war on John McCormick ( God Bless Him!), and the odious attempted intimidation of Children’s Memorial Hospital, SEIU – the PAC that dresses up as a Labor Union – seems to go unnoticed despite the fact that it’s part in the complaint laid out by Prosecutor Fitz is the thickest.

The Washington Post offered this poignant paragraph:

The alleged role of the SEIU official was surprising, given that the union had not figured publicly in the investigation into Blagojevich (D). But on another level, the SEIU's apparent involvement is an indication of the extent to which it has, under the leadership of its ambitious and controversial president, Andrew L. Stern, become an omnipresent force in Democratic politics.

and also this:

With organized labor holding such high expectations for the Obama administration -- notably, hopes for legislation fiercely opposed by business leaders that would make it easier to form unions -- officials of other unions were hoping yesterday that the SEIU's apparent involvement in the Illinois scandal would not undermine their cause in Washington.

By late afternoon on December 9th, a day that will live in Illinois Infamy, until Fitzy and Feds Frog-Walk another politician to a waiting car, SEIU's well-trained parsers were in full blown denial and offering eye-popping denials of any cuteness on President Andy Stern's ( identified as the SEIU deal-meister chatting with Blago in post-POTUS Election America)part in the Blago Saga! 'Circle them Wagons, Marv!'

I conclude my post at Chicago Daily Observer with this:

SEIU under Andy Stern is a Democratic Party operation generating millions of dollars chummed into the roiling political waters to bait compliant sharks like Blagojevich. SEIU practices identity politics in order to muscle-up political action on State Legislators and strong –arm weak unions. The Progressive Gay friendly/illegal immigration amnesty/Stop the War/ and Bash business SEIU purple dye gets tossed about and mixed with the ink of Progressive Media journalists by Andy Stern and Anna Burger. SEIU is a Progressive Sacred Cow. . . .
It will be interesting to see if the Media put on the Jeweler’s Eye when making editorial decisions on Governor Blagojevich’s Final Days. That Flag is up; let’s see where it goes!

The Media is really not interested, at this time, with stepping in Andy Stern's Purple Sacred Cow Pie.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What an SEIU member Says About Andy Stern

Above : A Pair of Real Gold plated Jackasses - MSNBC's Milky Matthews and SEIU's Stalin Wannbe Andy Stern.

Here is a comment by an SEIU rank and file member about this Media Wrapped Maoist - Stern.

As a member of SEIU for 3 decades, the idea that Stern could get a cabinet post appalls me. This is a man who took a democratic, worker-oriented union, seized power, and forgot about the rest of us. We do not even have the means to vote him out of office. He treats current members as nothing more than dues-paying cash cows for his manic organizing efforts. He would rather have a give-back contract than allow a strike that would disrupt his real goals. Employers must love him. The rank and file does not. He will not fight for you after he gets you to sing up. Hell, he doesn’t bother even explaining himself to us. When he split the American Labor Movement by pulling out of the AFL-CIO, we didn’t vote, we never even learned his reasons. His rise to power has always been about Andy, not about America’s workers.

— howdeb

George McGovern v.EFCA 'risks silencing those who would speak.' Keep Unions and America Rights Strong

George McGovern against the Employee Free Choice Act - You will not see this in Chicago Newspapers. This is a reproduction from Wall Street Journal

SEIU has smothered the Chicago Media.

As a congressman, senator and one-time Democratic nominee for the presidency, I've participated in my share of vigorous public debates over issues of great consequence. And the public has been free to accept or reject the decisions I made when they walked into a ballot booth, drew the curtain and cast their vote. I didn't always win, but I always respected the process.

Voting is an immense privilege.

That is why I am concerned about a new development that could deny this freedom to many Americans. As a longtime friend of labor unions, I must raise my voice against pending legislation I see as a disturbing and undemocratic overreach not in the interest of either management or labor.

The legislation is called the Employee Free Choice Act, and I am sad to say it runs counter to ideals that were once at the core of the labor movement. Instead of providing a voice for the unheard, EFCA risks silencing those who would speak.

The key provision of EFCA is a change in the mechanism by which unions are formed and recognized. Instead of a private election with a secret ballot overseen by an impartial federal board, union organizers would simply need to gather signatures from more than 50% of the employees in a workplace or bargaining unit, a system known as "card-check." There are many documented cases where workers have been pressured, harassed, tricked and intimidated into signing cards that have led to mandatory payment of dues.

Under EFCA, workers could lose the freedom to express their will in private, the right to make a decision without anyone peering over their shoulder, free from fear of reprisal.

There's no question that unions have done much good for this country. Their tenacious efforts have benefited millions of workers and helped build a strong middle class. They gave workers a new voice and pushed for laws that protect individuals from unfair treatment. They have been a friend to the Democratic Party, and so I oppose this legislation respectfully and with care.

To my friends supporting EFCA I say this: We cannot be a party that strips working Americans of the right to a secret-ballot election. We are the party that has always defended the rights of the working class. To fail to ensure the right to vote free of intimidation and coercion from all sides would be a betrayal of what we have always championed.

Some of the most respected Democratic members of Congress -- including Reps. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, George Miller and Pete Stark of California, and Barney Frank of Massachusetts -- have advised that workers in developing countries such as Mexico insist on the secret ballot when voting as to whether or not their workplaces should have a union. We should have no less for employees in our country.

I worry that there has been too little discussion about EFCA's true ramifications, and I think much of the congressional support is based on a desire to give our friends among union leaders what they want. But part of being a good steward of democracy means telling our friends "no" when they press for a course that in the long run may weaken labor and disrupt a tried and trusted method for conducting honest elections.

While it is never pleasant to stand against one's party or one's friends, there are times when such actions are necessary -- as with my early and lonely opposition to the Vietnam War. I hope some of my friends in Congress will re-evaluate their support for this legislation. Because as Americans, we should strive to ensure that all of us enjoy the freedom of expression and freedom from fear that is our ideal and our right.

Mr. McGovern is a former senator from South Dakota and the 1972 Democratic presidential candidate.

Keep Illinois a Bureau of Apprenticeship Councils State - The Move is Afoot to Kill This.

In March of 2006, an effort was made to push the Media into Emil Jones and Illinois Black Caucus's corner to force the more jelly spined Illinois Legislators to move Illinois from a BAC State to a SAC State.

The Apprenticeship Programs for the Trades of Illinois are governed by the Bureau of Apprenticeship Councils. Emil Jones has long wanted to geld the requirements of Illinois Apprenticeship Programs. In 2005, SB1266 - Sen. Emil Jones sponsor, was introduced with a glossy press packet sent to the media and supported by City Colleges of Chicago: The Pathway to Apprenticeship: Roadblocks to Registration of Minorities and Women in Building Trade Union Apprenticeship Training Programs in Northeastern Illinois. ( click my post title for the text).

State of Illinois control over Trade Union Apprenticeship Programs was defeated, because such control would mirror the disastrous state of the State of Illinois itself. The already bloated State budget would have its 'Eatin' Pants' expanded by more bureaucracy - more jobs for the otherwise unemployable and larcenous - naturally.

The real danger lies in the killing of skilled Trades Unions. Apprenticeship Schools paid for, owned and operated by Trades Unions - like Local 597 Pipefitters: One of Largest and most impressive schools of its kind - would come under the thumb of Emil Jones- like True Men of Genius!

SEIU is blowing the smokescreen for such actions at the State Level and orchestrating the gutless Media that is 100% in SEIU's Purple Vest to shriek for support and passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. The Employee Free Choice Act is opposed by Labor Hero - Senator George McGovern, as fundamentally Stalinist and UnAmerican as it kills the Secret Ballot.

If the Employee Free Choice Act becomes Law - hold the phone! Illinois will be a State Apprenticeship Council state - Trades Unions will be become diluted, powerless and ineffective. The Bureau of Apprenticeship Councils systems maintains the integrity, safety, skills, and stewardship over apprenticeship programs. SAC systems will be as poisonously corrupt as Illinois Government.

The very labor unions - Trade Unions - 'going along' with Andy Stern and SEIU are cutting their own throats and helping the American Labor Movement Vanish.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

SEIU's Class Warfare Act Hidden In Chicago Media

SEIU is a Marxist Political Action Machine posing as a Labor Union. SEIU affiliates around the country are being smashed by Andy Stern's Stalinist methods. Chicago's news media has been a paid stooge of SEIU for a long, long time.

Progress Illinois is a blog that is funded and operated by SEIU and the usual radical associates (Dr. Quentin Young M.D. And Nicholas Skala & etc.)beloved by the Chicago Tribune and the Sun Times as well as the daffy dillies at the TV stations.

Today Keith Kelleher attacks McDonalds Corporation and other corporate entities that might not need a union organized in their works, much less the Marxist Class warriors of SEIU. It is all about power politics with SEIU and nothing about improving the lives of workers - janitors stay janitors; no skill and low skill stay that way. In Today's Progress Illinois offering Kelleher talks about his rough and tumble days organizing the paper hat workers at Burger King and McDonalds as a cautionary tale to excite the imaginary gonads of Chicago's gelding journalists to support The Employee Free Choice Act - which will be the death knell of real Trades Unions.

Kelleher gets all 'chilling' about the McDonald's Thugs - they brought in shrinks, lawyers and threw a party:

As workers started building their union inside the three local franchises, top-level corporate executives watched closely. It quickly became clear that the McDonald’s Corporation would take extreme measures to prevent their low-wage, part-time workforce from coming together to demand better jobs and working conditions.

A few weeks after we began, a team of psychologists rolled in. They quickly went to work, systematically interrogating each employee in a not-so-subtle attempt to intimidate them out of joining the union.

In the weeks that followed, McDonald’s brought in a high-powered corporate law firm that filed motion after motion to delay the union election that would give these McDonald’s workers an opportunity to unite. As the lawyers buried us in depositions, motions, and labor board charges, they were purposely slowing down the election process and buying McDonald’s more time to run an anti-union campaign built on spreading fear and misinformation among its workers. 

One by one, the strongest pro-union voices in the three franchises were either demoted, forced out, or fired.

The coup de grace was a mandatory “party” hosted by McDonald’s a few nights before the scheduled election. It featured an array of celebrities -- everyone from Detroit’s number-one deejay to football star Earl Campbell -- who each explained the evils of uniting in a union. Even a costumed Ronald McDonald was on hand to bust the organizing effort, running a raffle with cash prizes for everyone. 

Brrrrrrrr. Reminds me of the Reuther Brothers getting shot and stomped by the Ford Goons, Keith.

SEIU is in direct conflict with Trades Unions - the unions who made the American Standard of Living and the American Middle Class.

Here is a story of a the disruption of a a Convention of SEIU chapters 'out of favor with Andy Stern.' This did not make the Chicago news and would not.

Leaders of the Service Employees International Union launched what appeared to be a carefully crafted plan on April 12 to disrupt parts of the Labor Notes conference, where contingents from a dissident SEIU local, a new reform caucus within SEIU, and a competing union were in attendance.

On the second day of the conference a number of SEIU staffers—some of whom had registered with false names—interrupted four workshops by heckling and attempting to shout down speakers from the California Nurses Association and its affiliate the National Nurses Organizing Committee.

SEIU and CNA have long been at odds, often in direct competition to represent the same workforce and disagreeing vehemently over single-payer health care legislation, labor-management partnerships, and neutrality agreements that allow a union to recruit members without employer opposition. Their latest skirmish was over health care workers in Ohio (see Labor Notes April 2008).

The largest, most ambitious, and ultimately violent part of the planned disruption occurred later that night at the conference banquet.

“The crowd of SEIU members and staff trying to force their way into the banquet served to confirm and emphasize the need to turn the International away from the path they’re on,” said Joe Iosbaker, a member of SEIU Local 73’s executive board who witnessed the incident. “The thunder and noise about the CNA rallies people around the International in preparation for the internal fight that’s happening [between SEIU reformers and International officials].”

As the banquet was beginning, 200-300 chanting SEIU members and staffers rushed through a double set of exterior hotel doors. The locked doors were opened from the inside by SEIU staffers attending the conference.

Most of the demonstrators wore the signature SEIU purple T-shirts; some carried signs denouncing the CNA. CNA’s executive director, Rose Ann DeMoro, had been scheduled since November to address the banquet on single-payer health care, although her cancellation had been announced earlier in the day.

About 15 conference volunteers and Labor Notes staff were acting as security at the banquet hall doors. When the chanting protesters entered, waving noisemakers, they and other conference attendees in the foyer of the banquet hall quickly formed a double line in front of the doors, linking arms to block the way.

A number of participants were thrown to the ground by larger SEIUers, some of whom were wearing bandanas around their faces. One protestor broke through the first line and, finding himself trapped between the two lines, flailed wildly.

Protesters continued to try to advance toward the doors, some nonviolently and others more aggressively. Inside the hall, attendees barricaded the doors with chairs to prevent entry.

Former Labor Notes office manager Dianne Feeley, a United Auto Workers retiree from American Axle, was knocked over by one protester and fell, cutting her head. She was treated at an emergency room. Several conference-goers who had their arms linked on the line received minor injuries from blows by protesters attempting to force open the banquet doors.

Hotel security and Dearborn police eventually made their presence felt. After chanting “we’ll be back,” the protesters returned to their six buses, some of which had come from Ohio.

Many of the protesters were African-American members drawn from SEIU’s Michigan health care unit, Local 79. David Cohen, an international representative of the United Electrical Workers, asked some of these rank-and-file members milling around the edges of the protest why they had come.

Cohen said one responded, “They told us just to get on the bus.” Cohen added that protesters he talked to were simply told that the conference was a group of “people looking to break their union.”

The mobilization of Black members for the banquet invasion drew an angry response on April 17 from four leaders of the union’s national Black caucus, AFRAM. Two of the leaders are officers in United Healthcare Workers-West, a key local in the SEIU reform movement.

“SEIU members and their children were led into the hotel where violence erupted at the initiation of SEIU staff,” stated the leaders in a letter to their caucus president. “Why weren’t they told the truth about their presence at this conference? “Why were only African Americans and their children invited, with the exception of the SEIU staffers? Why would SEIU create an environment of hostility rather than encourage and participate in the debate over differences?”

The four noted the tragic death of Local 79 member-organizer David Smith, who collapsed outside the hotel.

Shortly after the protestors left, SEIU’s national leadership issued a press release titled, “SEIU Members Stand Up For The Future Of The Labor Movement And The Interests of All Workers.” SEIU Vice President Mary Kay Henry praised the demonstrators. Five subsequent press releases from the union’s leadership gave conflicting accounts of what happened, ultimately blaming conference-goers themselves for the violence.

The action, however, drew criticism of SEIU’s national leadership.

“There is no justification—none—for the violent attack orchestrated by SEIU at the Labor Notes conference,” said AFL-CIO President John Sweeney April 15. As the former president of SEIU, he called on a lesson from the union’s history, stating: “No union should understand the corrosive effect of violence better than SEIU, which was founded by courageous janitors in the face of employer violence in the 1920s and 1930s. I call on the leaders of SEIU to condemn what happened in Detroit.”

Canadian Auto Workers President Buzz Hargrove also called on SEIU President Andy Stern to condemn the attack, in an open letter.

Another letter was circulated by members of the SEIU reform group, SMART, who were present at the conference.

“We believe it was precisely open debate and discussion that were the target of this hostile attack,” it said.

The photos above are from that riot sparked by Andy Stern. That is also rough and tumble Paper Hat Organizer Keith Kelleher. John L. Lewis? Nah.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SEIU helps Obama and really Wants the Wealth Spread Around

"We're ready to take the offense for organized labor. It's time we have a President who didn't choke saying the word 'union.' We need to strengthen our unions by letting them do what they do best --- organize our workers. If a majority of workers want a union, they should get a union. It's that simple. We need to stand up to the business lobby that's been getting their friends in Congress and in the White House to block card check. That's why I was one of the leaders fighting to pass the Employee Free Choice Act. That's why I'm fighting for it in the Senate. And that's why we'll make it the law of the land when I'm President."
Barack Obama, Dubuque, IA, November 13, 2007

I am conflicted. American Labor created the American Middle Class through the sacrifices made by Union Men and Women and Colle ctive Bargaining. American Labor is now identified as the sole property of SEIU's Andy Stern. The Media did that.
The Media helped create Andy Stern. Andy Stern is a Marxist who leads the largest union of no skill and low skill workers who bu sheer force of their numbers intimidate politicians. Labor helpe no skill and low skill workers on to a path that gave them the skills to fight their way into the Middle Class.

The Middle Class is the home of American labor - skilled tradesmen. That home is being assaulted by SEIU. SEIU needs Barack Obama in the White House.

Click my post title -SEIU and ACORN are all over Indiana!

Services Employee Internation Union (SEIU) ignores Collective Bargaining practices, which American Labor developed to give build the American Middle Class. SEIU mobilizes no-skill and low skill workers by the thousands to intimidate, agitate and effect legislation that Redistribute Wealth. SEIU is now identified in the American Media as Labor.

Here is SEIU in its own words:

SEIU History
» In 1921, members of seven small janitor unions dared to dream they could build their strength by forming a single organization, the Building Service Employees International Union. The BSEIU, a union of mostly immigrant workers chartered by the then-AFL, changed its name to Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in 1968. Chicago-based Local 1, SEIU's first local union, is still organizing janitors and security officers today.

» In the years during and following the Great Depression, the union was the first in the country to help other service workers like hospital caregivers and public employees unite together in a union, paving the way for the modern SEIU's three core industries: property and public services, and health care. In 1968, the union was renamed the Service Employees International Union to reflect its membership and key sectors.

» SEIU's membership has grown from 625,000 in 1980 to more than 1.8 million today. At a time when the majority of organized labor was shrinking, SEIU was aggressively uniting workers' strength - largely in the fast-growing service industries. In 2000, SEIU had united 1.4 million members, to became the largest and fastest growing union in North America.

» SEIU represents more immigrants than any other union, and its membership is among the most diverse in the labor movement. Since President Andy Stern took office 1996, over 900,000 workers have united with SEIU, many of them women and people of color. Also that year, SEIU officers also committed to diversify the union's leadership to reflect the membership, and today, more than 50 percent of SEIU members are in local unions led by a woman or person of color.

» Following the 2004 presidential elections, SEIU launched a widely publicized dialogue to help rebuild the labor movement following several decades of decline. Despite massive economic changes in our world today, the strategies, structure, and priorities of the AFL-CIO, and many unions, haven't changed much since the federation was founded 50 years ago - prompting SEIU and four major unions to disaffiliate from the AFL-CIO in the summer of 2005 and build something stronger to help unite the 90 percent of workers who have no union. ( emphasis my own)

» At a historic founding convention in St. Louis on September 27, 2005, SEIU, along with 6 other unions representing 5.5 million workers--the Teamsters, UNITE HERE, the United Food and Commercial Workers, the Laborers, the Carpenters and the United Farm Workers--formed the Change to Win Federation to develop joint strategic organizing campaigns to help ensure that workers, not just executives and stockholders, benefit from today's global economy. With a key focus to unite non-union workers by industry, the new federation aims to empower working people in this country so that they can build the strength to make their voices heard in their jobs, their communities, and in Washington. The delegates elected SEIU's Anna Burger as CTW federation chair - making her the first woman in U.S. history to ever head a labor federation.

Here is What SEIU is all about:
"We're going to build the strongest grassroots political voice in North America," Stern told more than 3,000 SEIU delegates in his June 2004 convention address.

But Stern's ideological aim has nothing to do with empowering workers. On the contrary, he has pursued a policy of consolidating small SEIU-affiliated unions into larger unions, and of giving the national union total control over its locals, which are now to be prohibited from even having their own logo and symbols. All power and image is to be subsumed under the purple and gold logo of national SEIU and its supreme boss, Andrew Stern. Stern's current organizing approach, in fact, is to bypass workers altogether.

SEIU and its political, media and leftwing activist allies conspire to attack a company directly with what they call "Corporate Campaigns" or the "death of a thousand cuts." This cabal of attackers harasses and disrupts company activities, sends vicious emails and letters to stockholders, intimidates customers, stalks and frightens employees, files baseless lawsuits, plants false stories with media allies to smear the company's reputation, and uses hundreds of other tactics to injure the targeted company in every way they can imagine.

The aim of this concerted swarming attack is to bully and pressure a targeted company into signing an agreement making SEIU the representative of its employees. When this happens, employees who might have voted "No" to SEIU representation in an election will get no vote at all. The union yoke is simply locked around each worker's neck - and paycheck. SEIU prefers this because, in a large percentage of past cases, workers who were given a choice voted against joining this thug union.

"He ticked off a number of reasons why union elections have their drawbacks," Chicago Tribune reporter Stephen Franklin wrote in a story headlined "Democracy Dream Still Eludes Union" after interviewing SEIU President Stern a few years ago. "They politicize the union's staff, they are costly, they are distracting from the union's business…. 'It is hard to make the argument that unions with direct elections better represent their members,' said Stern, whose membership takes in a large number of low-wage hospital workers, janitors and factory help."

"Some SEIU staff say straight up, 'This isn't a workers' organization. If it was left to the workers there wouldn't be an organization,'" wrote labor reporter JoAnn Wypijewski in October 2003 in the magazine CounterPunch. She is former Managing Editor of The Nation.

In its arrogance, organized labor now demands that workers should not be permitted any say in how their dues may be spent on politics. And the current SEIU approach is to deny workers any vote whatsoever on whether or not they must join this union, and no control over the local conglomerated SEIU union to which they must be members. Stern and the national union control everything. This is what Stern, blind to its irony, describes as "Union Democracy."

SEIU perfectly embodies the values of the New Labor Movement in America. To understand what it is, consider this 1997 analysis by Los Angeles Democrat, longtime fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute, activist and author Joel Kotkin: "The public-sector unions have pushed the entire labor movement to the left. The Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, has embraced organizations with a New Left origin, such as ACORN and Cleveland's Nine to Five, and has even set up its own gay and lesbian caucus. 'Most of the radicals who went into labor ended up in the public employee unions,' observes one labor official."

"The rise of these unions led to the elevation of SEIU's boss, John Sweeney, to head of the labor federation," wrote Kotkin. "No George Meaney-style bread-and-butter unionist, Sweeney is an advocate of European-style democratic socialism. He has opened the AFL-CIO to participation by delegates openly linked to the Communist Party, which enthusiastically backed his ascent. The U.S. Communist Party says it is now 'in complete accord' with the AFL-CIO's program. 'The radical shift in both leadership and policy is a very positive, even historic change,' wrote CPUSA National Chairman Gus Hall in 1996 after the AFL-CIO convention. That alone is enough to send shivers down the spines of many labor activists, particularly those old enough to remember the earlier struggles against the totalitarian left. 'All those people we thought we got rid of 40 years ago are back in there,' complains one Detroit area labor lawyer close to the United Auto Workers. 'It's like the 1930s all over again.'"

Some SEIU activists boast that they are the "new CIO," referring to the radical, class-warfare Congress of Industrial Organizations before Walter Reuther purged it of its most toxic Communist leaders as a condition of merging with the more moderate, boost-worker-wages-oriented American Federation of Labor to create the AFL-CIO in 1955. Today's SEIU "leaders tend to be radical, even socialist," wrote Ryan Lizza, Associate Editor of The New Republic in 2003.

Such leftwing ideology was on display at the June 2004 SEIU convention, whose agendas moved far beyond workplace-and-wages issues by passing a resolution calling for an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. SEIU and AFSCME contributed $2.6 million of their members' dues to Democrat Howard Dean's quixotic, losing anti-war run for the Iowa presidential caucuses, precisely because he was more passionately radical than the more reliable organized labor sock puppet, Rep. Dick Gephardt. (Many observers have likened Dean in that regard to SEIU President Stern.)

This New Labor movement is no longer focused just on workaday concerns. Many of its leaders are now 1960s radicals like Stern. SEIU's allies in waging mass attacks on targeted companies are not only politicians, the media and trial lawyers, but also leftwing environmental, health and community activist groups. John Sweeney marched arm-in-arm with such activists in protest against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle while radicals around him smashed store windows.

But although the SEIU objects to importing goods from international companies, it supports importing workers via easy immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens. One reason is that SEIU finds it easy to organize low-income, low-education workers who do not talk back to or question their SEIU union bosses. Another potential reason, as the Communist Party USA has proposed, is that Marxist-style revolution requires a disaffected proletariat, but American workers are generally too satisfied to function as this revolutionary class. The CPUSA answer: import poor immigrants, who, with proper union brainwashing, can become the soon-to-be-discontented proletariat that the U.S. has not produced in its own native population.

As Ben Johnson reported in on March 2, 2004, SEIU's Andy Stern is on the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party auxiliary America Coming Together (ACT), along with the head of the Sierra Club and other radicals, ACT being funded by international money-manipulator George Soros.