-Kathleen Sebelius to Georetown University Public Policy Graduates
Hear you this Triton of the minnows ? mark you (HHS) "absolute shall ?" - Shakepeare Coriolanus ( bowdlerization my own)
In some countries, you fatuous ninny Kathleen? Let's talk about January 2012 right here in the old Land of Free and the Home of the Brave.
Collectively, Catholic organizations provide services to more Americans than any other entity except the federal government itself. Its 600 health care institutions, for example, provide care to one in six patients treated in the United States every year. Catholic schools provide education to millions of elementary and secondary school children, while more than a million students attend the nation's 200 Catholic colleges and universities. And it is this very ubiquity that is the real target of the anti-conscience mandate. The "fundamental transformation" Obama and his accomplices wish to inflict upon America can't be managed while large, autonomous institutions like the Catholic Church and its charitable organizations remain in place.A Catholic belongs to the Catholic Church because of faith in the Church as the Body of Christ. A "Cultural Catholic" is an art lover. A Progressive Catholic is a politician. Catholics are Democrats, Republicans and Americans.
I am what might more accurately be called a 'bad' Catholic. If I miss Mass it is not because I have fundamental objection to the all-too-humanly-flawed celibate patriarchy that protects the Church's Magisterium* ( bishops and stiff-collars), it because I did not drag my lazy-ass to Church. If you belong to the club, go to the meetings. It is that fundamentally simple.
My liberty to exercise my faith is challenged by the current occupant of the White House and the folks who give him his marching orders -Planned Parenthood, NOW, the DNC, SEIU, General Electric, Hollywood & etc.
I will exercise my Rights at Federal Plaza tomorrow at noon in Chicago Federal Plaza** with thousands of my co-coreligionists, neighbors and friends. I will go to Confession for my parade of sins. I will get my ass to Mass. I will vote against the people who want to end my liberty.
* "The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him."
**.- On June 8, Stand Up For Religious Freedom will hold its second round of national protests against the contraception mandate, continuing the movement that drew tens of thousands of protesters in March.
“We're up to 154 rallies across the country now, which is about 10 more than we had last time on the rally day,” said Stand Up For Religious Freedom's communications director Matt Yonke. The group is “expecting a few more (cities) to trickle in before Friday,” when the events begin at noon local time.
Organized in response to the Obama administration's denial of conscience rights to religious institutions, the first set of rallies included 28 Catholic bishops as well as other Christian and Jewish leaders. This time around, Yonke said, publicity and group endorsements have “only been bigger.”
“We had 64,000 (people) last time,” he recalled, noting the attendance tally from the first round of coast-to-coast demonstrations that took place March 23. “I definitely think we're going to top that.”