Ryan retorts, "He's as insider as anyone. He was back working for the Dan Walker administration [in the 1970s]. He's made a career out of push- ing referenda. I don't think he's held any job out- side the public eye."
Governor Pat Quinn requires no sarcasm from anyone, because he provides the obvious ironies.
Gov. Pat Quinn has always been a Goo-goo Gadfly, a Democratic Diva, a Progressive Pest "of a most praisèd water. "
In 1994, Pandering Pat Quinn took issue with then Secretary of State George Ryan holding that office and enjoying the perquisites of Illinois Elected Official goodies - State coppers mowing the lawn and bragging the groceries at the A & P.
In fact, I recall a goofy Pat Quinn for Secretary of State TV spot in 1994 - he showed how honest he was by pushing a green-happy mover, just like his current ad employs. Sadly, my You Tube Search skills failed me. Maybe it is the same one. After all, Gov. Thrifty Pat never spends a dime unless it is squeezed of a tax-payers chinos.
Pat Quinn had his ass handed to him by George Ryan in 1995.
It is kind of tough being a fatuous dolt, ninny, lightweight, sap and mooncalf 24/7, 365 per annum without trotting out what did not work in 1994, but as Pat Quinn likes to tell people dumber than himself - he likes things tough.