With every nickel in my couch and dollar in the pockets of my great fitting and casually male Dockers going to Wells Fargo Mortgage, ComEd, Peoples Gas, AT&T, WOW Cable, County Fair Grocery Store, Kean Gas, St. Cajetan Parish & School, Cook County Treasurer, City of Chicago Departments. of Revenue, & Water, the odd meal out and to the kids in my role as ATM Machine, I hope and pray that this scummy bail out bill dies a quick and horrible death.
With the very same voices ( Frank, Dodd, Obama, & etc.) of oily concern ,who demanded that every American deserves a home, even if he/she can not anywhere near afford it, clamoring for this bail out of the scum-bag pirates and smarmy politicians, I pray that this bill dies an agonizing death.
The American Market will adjust. People will still stand in line for XXXBOX -9000 Game Systems; IPod Universals; and LaLaPalooza Tickets at $ 165 a pop! Moms will not be saving bacon drippings. Dads will not be shingling the roofs with the soles of cast off Reebok's.
My kids will not be saddled with any more debt than they deserve. And when Old Pappy sheds his mortal husk, the 19th Ward can pick up his bones and offal -- Conor, My Son, when tossing Old Dad out into the Blue Can ( after the Last Rites of Course to Ensure Daddo the Proper Send-Off) - put my 1959 Replica White Sox Hat on me, before Mick Murray and the boys on Big Blue Truck pick me up - Mick wants the hat.
Winter Storm Brings Snow to Texas and Louisiana
12 hours ago