Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John McCain. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I Fully Support Vice President Sarah Palin It's Easy.

This is from a pal of mine in Texas.

I support 100% the nomination of Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President and stand in sympathy and support of the Palin family during this challenging time that they face with their daughter Bristol.

I pronounce anathema on the subhuman slime who first spread baseless and abhorrent rumors about Gov. Palin's fifth child being her daughter Bristol's child and upon the feckless filth who subsequently are twisting the announcement of Bristol's pregnancy into a grotesque attack upon Bristol and upon Sarah's fitness to serve in office and judgmental condemnation of the Palin family parenting skills.

And I entertain utter disdain for those media personages and media organization in this fine land who have prostituted all journalistic principles and brought down American political discourse to uprecedented and inconceivable depths of degradation, tearing down hitherto unbreached barriers of ethical restraint, in their persecution of Bristol Palin and their lust to destroy by innuendo and guilt-by-parentage the political career of Gov. Palin for strictly partisan and vindictive reasons unmoored from any sense of honesty or integrity.

Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain: Sarah Palin - A Marverick I'd Love to Follow! MILF I Can Believe In!

OK - Feminazis and PC Cupcakes - Yes, I said MILF! Sarah Palin is a Maverick I'd Loveto Follow!

My God! She is Gorgeous ( I am Way Shallow); Tough on Corruption; Anti-Abortion and she goes Salmon Fishing!

John McCain! Do the Right Thing - you annouce in two hours. Make it Two ( 2) MILFs I Can Believe In!

Barracuda and McNasty!

John McCain: "Sarah Barracuda" & "Maverick"

It is early Friday Morning - Happy Birthday John McCain! You picked the right person for your running mate - I believe that it is Governor Sarah Heath Palin of Alaska!

The tough point guard for the Wasilla Warriors, 1982 Alsaka State Basketball Champions, is an effective executive.

Palin has been rumored as a candidate for the vice-presidency with Republican presumptive nominee Senator John McCain in the 2008 election.[55][56] Due to her gender, youth, background in government reform, pro-life stance, fiscal and social conservatism, and an approval rating in Alaska generally in the range of 80 to 90 percent, Palin could become the second female vice-presidential nominee of a major party. Palin is supported by a community of online groups.[57][57][58][59][60][61]

On Friday, August 29, Fox & Friends reported that Palin's family departed hastily from Anchorage, Alaska aboard a Gulfstream jet that landed near Dayton, Ohio, site of McCain's planned vice presidential announcement. They cited the website Change&, which also had correctly leaked travel details for Sen. Joseph Biden to Springfield, Illinois for Barack Obama's announcement

Great Choice!

I believe that you made the absolute best choice - now, Senator, announce Sarah Palin this morning!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On the Denver Parthenon: Obama's Olive Hat

Chorus: DNC Nutbags; MSNBC; Daily Kos; Huffington Post;; The guy who sleeps in the Amana Refrigerator Packing Case along the Tracks at 113th & Rockwell - Chicago, IL; Obama Acolytes everywhere)

With loyalty we lead you; proudly go,
Night's childless children, to your home below!
(O citizens, awhile from words forbear!)
To darkness' deep primeval lair,
Far in Earth's bosom, downward fare,
Adored with prayer and sacrifice.
(O citizens, forbear your cries!)
Pass hitherward, ye powers of Dread,
With all your former wrath allayed,
Into the heart of this loved land;
With joy unto your temple wend,
The while upon your steps attend
The flames that feed upon the brand-
(Now, now ring out your chant, your joy's acclaim!)
Behind them, as they downward fare,
Let holy hands libations bear,
And torches' sacred flame.
All-seeing Zeus and Fate come down
To battle fair for Pallas' town!
Ring out your chant, ring out your joy's acclaim!
(Aeschylus -Libation Bearers)

ANTIPHON: (All the rest of us)

'America is Voting for John McCain!'

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

John McCain: Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. - The Best of Illinois in Denver

His political ambitions eclipsed by newly elected Senator Barack Obama of Illinois at the 2004 Democratic Convention, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. went back to work.
I have given Congressman Jackson more than a few tickles here on the Blog - read by tens of people, but I am impressed by his work-ethic, intelligence, drive and good sense. If his Dad had half of his son's talents and good sense, he would be drawing a pension as America's First Black President. Bill Clinton would have remained Governor of Arkansas. Barack Obama would be doing real estate deals in Chicago.

Congressman Jackson gave the best speech of Illinois contingent represented at Denver. Congressman Jackson made a solid context driven case for Barack Obama, without the rhetorical garnish.

On the day President Johnson submitted the Voting Rights Act to Congress, he said, "At times, history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom."

So it was at Lexington and Concord. So it was at Appomattox. So it was in Selma, Alabama. Tonight, I would like to add: and so it shall be in Denver, Colorado, with the nomination of Barack Obama to be President of the United States.

What a remarkable thing it is that the man who came to this convention four years ago as the keynote speaker is returning this year as our party's nominee. But for those of us who've known Barack over his decade in public office in Illinois the yearning for change, the hunger for unity that he's tapped into across the country has a familiar ring.

I remember when Barack first decided to run for the United States Senate. He'd had a remarkable career in the state Senate, reaching across the aisle to put a tax cut into the pockets of working families, to expand health care for more children and parents and to take on the lobbyists who had so much influence in Springfield.

But despite this record, most in Springfield didn't take his candidacy all that seriously. The party establishment was skeptical of this young leader from the South Side. They didn't know what to make of a man like Barack, with a father from Kenya, a mother from Kansas and a funny name that few could pronounce. They didn't see how this former community organizer could possibly defeat candidates with more money, more name recognition and more backing from "all the right people."

. . . But here's what I also know. I know that while America may not be perfect, our union can always be perfected. I know what we can achieve when good people with strong convictions come together around a common purpose. And I know what a great leader can do to help us find common ground. America, we need such a leader today, a leader who can heal the wounds of the last eight years, a leader who knows that what unites us is greater than what divides us and that America is at its strongest when hard work is rewarded and all of our dreams are within reach.

Given Obama's inability to close the deal with America, John McCain's rising tide of confidence in his leadership among Americans, and Congressman Jackson's talents and abilities 2012 could be the Year of Jackson.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

John McCain: It's Biden! Obama Goes for A Man 'Greater Than Himself'

Taking a page from the John McCain playbook - and it is about time, Senator - Barack Obama has looked to the needs of someone other than himself - His tanking Campaign - over his own personal ambition and has chosen Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. I thought with all of the subterfuge and gadding about with the press these last few days, that Obama might select under-the-radar Sen. Jack Reed, but Obama head faked me - not too difficult. It has been All About Obama, but does not seem to be selling too hot these days. Obama needs an honest street brawler.

Senator Joe Biden is a great selection. Biden brings a wealth of seriousness to a Campaign identified by MTV-level thinking and life-style. Joe Biden knows how to bowl - out of the gutter. Well, sort of anyway.

My only beef with Biden stems from his willingness to carry the water of the National Organization of Women and the ACLU in their strident and un-American personal Borking ( a neologism coined in that time) of a Centrist legal scholar out of pure political necessity. Biden is still willing to play ball with the forces that fundamentally oppose all of his own strong virtues: Patriotism, Faith, Dignity, and Courage. The ACLU is group think. Joe Biden is better than that.

In The Bork Hearings, Joe Biden, who chaired Senate Judiciary hearings, came at Bork hard. It was an ugly chapter in American history.

Senator Ted Kennedy summarized the personal assault on Robert Bork:

"Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is -- and is often the only -- protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy... President Reagan is still our president. But he should not be able to reach out from the muck of Irangate, reach into the muck of Watergate and impose his reactionary vision of the Constitution on the Supreme Court and the next generation of American. No justice would be better than this injustice."

Doing the bidding of ACLU and the elites did Joe Biden no good. He himself was 'Borked' out contention for the Democratic Nomination. The Group think seemed to mistrust Biden's individualism.

Now, Joe Biden is needed to bring Catholics, blue-collar white voters and women back into belief that the forces of Group Think are not all that bad.

Unlike most Progressives, Joseph Biden is a street fighter, while they tend to be litigation terrorists and character assassins. Biden fights hard and comes at his opponent from the front. He does not give the enemy a head butt after a disarming smile. Say this for Biden - He told Robert Bork to expect an ass-chewing and the jurist was not ambushed:
LEAD: Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a Democratic Presidential contender, assured opponents of the nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork today that he would lead the fight against his confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a Democratic Presidential contender, assured opponents of the nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork today that he would lead the fight against his confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.

The remarks were made at a private meeting this morning called by Mr. Biden to convey his position to leaders of civil rights groups, who are marshaling for an all-out battle to defeat the nomination.

Pete Smith, a spokesman for the Judiciary Committee, confirmed that Senator Biden ''intends to oppose the nomination and to lead the effort against it in the Senate.'' But the spokesman said the Delaware Senator ''does not plan to formally announce his opposition until he has a chance to spell out his reasons in detail in a series of speeches, which he plans to begin next week.'' Hearings Set for Sept. 15

The Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over judicial nominations, and today Mr. Biden announced that hearings on the nomination would not begin until Sept. 15, almost assuring that the Court will have a vacancy when the next term begins on Oct. 5.

When told of the decision not to begin hearings until September, Marlin Fitzwater, the White House spokesman, said, ''We hope they will reconsider, because we would sure like to start the new term with a full Court.''

Mr. Biden's assurances that he will oppose the nomination represented an important shift by the powerful liberal Democrat that could add to pressures on uncommitted Senators, Presidential candidates and other prominent Democrats to take early positions on the Bork nomination. In the past, Mr. Biden has sought to avoid a politically and ideologically partisan approach to judicial nominations.

Some liberal and civil rights groups say that stopping Judge Bork's nomination will be their major priority of the Reagan era.

John McCain will have his hands full with Joe Biden, because unlike Senator Obama, Biden attacks from the front. The old fighter pilot's 'Neck on a Swivel' stance needs to be adjusted, because Joe Biden comes at you head-on.

Friday, August 22, 2008

John McCain: I'm guessing Obama's VP will be Senator Jack Reed - if BO is as Smart as One Would Believe.

A buddy of mine just called: 'Hey smart ass! Who's Obama gonna pick for VP?'

Scratch, Scratch, Scratch - getting to like that so I stopped.

I say, 'Senator Jack Reed (D) of Rhode Island!'

She says,'No Effing Way!' ( Foul mouthed little Asian twist)

Pulling myself to my fullest height, I cock an eyebrow and rejoin, 'Money? Marbles? or Chalk?'

I got a feeling that Senator Obama will choose Senator Jack Reed or little old Rhose Island.

This guy would be a great choice. He is on some of the key Committees:

Aremed Services

and he trotted along with Obama on the global tour.

John McCain: How many Houses did Billy Ayers Blow Up - NY's John Murtagh's Home?

First a bit of Progressive Poesy:

It Takes a Bridge - That Someone Don't Blow up

Billy Da Bomber and His Odious Ma’ma,
are roachin’ from under the Fridge.
The Library Thing -that is taking such Wing
Is Blowing Up Barry’s nice Bridge!

John McCain's bride is loaded. John McCain is a U.S. Senator; they do Okay.

Billy Ayers is loaded. He's an insulated Trust-fund radical tenured professor who is self-professed a domestic terrorist.
Barack Obama worked for Billy Ayers at Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Barack Obama is doing Okay, like McCain a U.S. Senator.

The McCain's have . . . Oh, let's see . . . seven (7) homes - not bad.

Barack has a swell igloo over in Hyde Park where Billy Ayers hangs his fanny pack and tummy wallet. Barack had Tony Rezko help with his real estate matters. Hell, I would too, but then again I'll never run for President. Thanks Be to God! I'd loot this country six ways to Sunday.

Billy Ayers and his gang bombed homes - the home of a judge. Billy's Pop got him and his odious Old Lady out of all manner of jambs*.

Here's the account of John Murtagh, whose home was fire bombed, when his Dad, a New York judge, was prosecuting Billy Ayers' pals - The Weathermen:

John M. Murtagh
Fire in the Night
The Weathermen tried to kill my family.
30 April 2008
During the April 16 debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, moderator George Stephanopoulos brought up “a gentleman named William Ayers,” who “was part of the Weather Underground in the 1970s. They bombed the Pentagon, the Capitol, and other buildings. He’s never apologized for that.” Stephanopoulos then asked Obama to explain his relationship with Ayers. Obama’s answer: “The notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense, George.” Obama was indeed only eight in early 1970. I was only nine then, the year Ayers’s Weathermen tried to murder me.

In February 1970, my father, a New York State Supreme Court justice, was presiding over the trial of the so-called “Panther 21,” members of the Black Panther Party indicted in a plot to bomb New York landmarks and department stores. Early on the morning of February 21, as my family slept, three gasoline-filled firebombs exploded at our home on the northern tip of Manhattan, two at the front door and the third tucked neatly under the gas tank of the family car. (Today, of course, we’d call that a car bomb.) A neighbor heard the first two blasts and, with the remains of a snowman I had built a few days earlier, managed to douse the flames beneath the car. That was an act whose courage I fully appreciated only as an adult, an act that doubtless saved multiple lives that night.

I still recall, as though it were a dream, thinking that someone was lifting and dropping my bed as the explosions jolted me awake, and I remember my mother’s pulling me from the tangle of sheets and running to the kitchen where my father stood. Through the large windows overlooking the yard, all we could see was the bright glow of flames below. We didn’t leave our burning house for fear of who might be waiting outside. The same night, bombs were thrown at a police car in Manhattan and two military recruiting stations in Brooklyn. Sunlight, the next morning, revealed three sentences of blood-red graffiti on our sidewalk: FREE THE PANTHER 21; THE VIET CONG HAVE WON; KILL THE PIGS.

For the next 18 months, I went to school in an unmarked police car. My mother, a schoolteacher, had plainclothes detectives waiting in the faculty lounge all day. My brother saved a few bucks because he didn’t have to rent a limo for the senior prom: the NYPD did the driving. We all made the best of the odd new life that had been thrust upon us, but for years, the sound of a fire truck’s siren made my stomach knot and my heart race. In many ways, the enormity of the attempt to kill my entire family didn’t fully hit me until years later, when, a father myself, I was tucking my own nine-year-old John Murtagh into bed.

Though no one was ever caught or tried for the attempt on my family’s life, there was never any doubt who was behind it. Only a few weeks after the attack, the New York contingent of the Weathermen blew themselves up making more bombs in a Greenwich Village townhouse. The same cell had bombed my house, writes Ron Jacobs in The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. And in late November that year, a letter to the Associated Press signed by Bernardine Dohrn, Ayers’s wife, promised more bombings.

As the association between Obama and Ayers came to light, it would have helped the senator a little if his friend had at least shown some remorse. But listen to Ayers interviewed in the New York Times on September 11, 2001, of all days: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Translation: “We meant to kill that judge and his family, not just damage the porch.” When asked by the Times if he would do it all again, Ayers responded: “I don’t want to discount the possibility.”

Though never a supporter of Obama, I admired him for a time for his ability to engage our imaginations, and especially for his ability to inspire the young once again to embrace the political system. Yet his myopia in the last few months has cast a new light on his “politics of change.” Nobody should hold the junior senator from Illinois responsible for his friends’ and supporters’ violent terrorist acts. But it is fair to hold him responsible for a startling lack of judgment in his choice of mentors, associates, and friends, and for showing a callous disregard for the lives they damaged and the hatred they have demonstrated for this country. It is fair, too, to ask what those choices say about Obama’s own beliefs, his philosophy, and the direction he would take our nation.

At the conclusion of his 2001 Times interview, Ayers said of his upbringing and subsequent radicalization: “I was a child of privilege and I woke up to a world on fire.”

Funny thing, Bill: one night, so did I.

John M. Murtagh is a practicing attorney, an adjunct professor of public policy at the Fordham University College of Liberal Studies, and a member of the city council in Yonkers, New York, where he resides with his wife and two sons.

Barack is friends with Billy Ayers. If I were invited to a free Surf & Turf at Ruth's Chris House and Ayers and his Old Lady were in the same restaurant, I'd have to bolt. I could not be in the same building with them - though I would not need to fear of it blowing up!

* Yep, that's how I meant to spell it - door jamb -meant to suggest a porch climbing, breaking and entering gutless little punk-ass sneak - like the distinguished professor of education at Cement City - University of Illinois at Chicago (Circle).

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama Crowd PMSing ( President McCain Syndrome - Pernicious Mousey Snearing!

Drudge Report Lists Obama Meltdown and complete collapse due to President McCain Syndrome ( PMS). President McCain Syndrome: the onset of an awareness that an honorable, battle-tested, experienced patriot will be President, instead of an ambitious public speaker, creates a physical, spiritual and emotional milk shake of America's most delicate bi-peds - The Great American Progressive: A sheep-like individual given to hysterical emotions charged by talking points form failed Leftist doctrine. PMS - hurts those of us who love the afflicted, because stifling laughter at their expense is good manners by physically challenging. Try stopping diarrhea without Imodium!


Drudge Items for 8/21/2008: Here are indications of the run-away PMS afflicting Camp Obama from Drudge Report alone:

1.McCain unsure how many houses he owns



4.Obama camp lashes out at 'quick-draw' McCain

5.Obama rips FOXNEWS, BOOK...

6.Senate Majority Leader Reid: 'I can't stand John McCain'...

7.Spent More on Ads in July Than McCain Spent on Election...

Wow Here are oonly a few of the symptons afflicting a very small portion of the American Population:
Physical symptoms include:

Breast swelling and tenderness. See Keith Olbermann
Bloating, water retention, weight gain. See Keith Olbermann
Changes in bowel habits. DNC and all committed delgates
Acne. See Rachel Maddow

Aggression. Daily Kos, Huffington Post, MSNBC
Withdrawal from family and friends.
Emotional and cognitive symptoms include:

Depression, sadness, hopelessness. DNC et. al
Anger, irritability.
Mood swings.
Decreased alertness, inability to concentrate.

This scourge afflicts half-wits as much as it does true believers. Try not to laugh at them - try.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

John McCain; Meghan McCain's Kid's Book Bio of Her Hero Dad

Meghan McCain is coming out with a illustrated book for kids - illustratred graphic novel for Obama supporters soon to follow?( 'Mom! It's not s stupid Comic Book! It's Novel! Illustrated. Get Off my back! Vote for that Old Man - go ahead. Obama understands me. Is my Pop Tart ready yet?') Meghan McCain's book is aimed at 5-10 year old citizens voters to be.

Speaking of books and Libraries - I wonder how long it will take for the Tribune to issue a suit against UICC- to free up the Annenberg Chicago Challenge Papers. They had no such tardiness getting Obama's Senate rival GOPer Jack Ryan tuned up over his divorce papers and UICC is a tax-payer funded institution. I have had plantar's warts go away quicker.

Well done

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jonathan Alter: Obama's Chicago Attack Dachshund: 'They Bring a Knife; We Bring Nice Schmear!"

"When oppo* goes transparent, it might shrivel." Jonathan Alter

I had to read that again. Oppo? Isn't that Greek for Holy $hit the Cheese is on Fire!'


It means political opposition research. Barack Obama's Newsweek, MSNBC, NBC, Daily Kos, Huffington Post ( now with a hilarious assortment of Chicago dweebs attempting to say something) is what Progressive 'Oppo' is all about. Jonathan Alter, a Lakeview Lad from the Lincoln Park -in shade of Old Town at sunset - is a Chicago street tough giving John McCain, that mean old man, genuine talking to:

McCain's campaign theme is that he puts the country first and Obama puts himself above his country. It's understandable why this son and grandson of admirals--who has served his country in one way or another since he was 18-years-old, who has never been on a private payroll beyond that of his beer distributor father-in-law--would see himself as someone who puts "America first." He has been a largely honorable public servant for 54 years, and it's acceptable within the confines of sharp debate to portray his opponent as a self-regarding celebrity.

Owwwww. That pinch hurts. Jonny Boy! Thank God you didn't tickle him. It is nice to see that Chicago Style - translated in Progressive - means bringing just the right weapons to war.

Chicago Progressive Jonathan Alter:

You wanna know how to get McCain? They pull a knife, you bring a nice schmear: a nice organic peanut butter, some herbed cream cheese. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the Day Spa - Kiva is nice. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get McCain - act like snitches and suck-ups, whine often that is how you get attention - it got me to Harvard. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?

I hope that John McCain sends a nice thank you note to Jonathan - in calligraphy on good gold gilded stock. It is the little things that mean so much - to the really mean.

Opposition research (often referred to as oppo) is:

The term used to classify and describe efforts of supporters or paid consultants of a political candidate to legally investigate the biographical, legal or criminal, medical, educational, financial, public and private administrative and or voting records of the opposing candidate,as well as prior media coverage. The research is usually conducted in the time period between announcement of intent to run and the actual election; however political parties maintain long-term databases that can cover several decades. The practice is both a tactical maneuver and a cost-saving measure.[1]
Opposition research may also refer to illegal or unethical means of gathering potentially damaging information on candidates, such as accessing credit reports, wiretapping, theft of files, hacking computer files, and interviewing ex-spouses.
"Vulnerability studies" occur in the 'prebuttal' phase of campaign development, when a candidate's political consultants will amass files of potentially damaging information on their own clients, to prepare pre-emptive strategies for rebuttal at a later date.
Research conducted, at the request of an incumbent office-holder, often by the same staff who conducted campaign research, against political opponents or dissenters. The Hatch Act of 1939 prohibits the use of public office for partisan political advocacy, but often the same staff who once researched private information about opponents are placed in positions of proximity to confidential government files.
Research on the activities of opponents conducted on behalf of advocacy groups, political action committees, churches, labor unions, management of corporations, or sports teams,[citation needed]as well as private individuals. Opposition researchers may work exclusively for one candidate or many, one group, or many groups that share ideologies and financial interests, or the highest bidder. Opposition research has also played a role in confirmation of nominees to the Supreme Court, and other presidential appointments.

Monday, August 18, 2008

John McCain: Obama Campaign Turns Saddleback into Whine Country

I thought that Senator Obama turned in a fine performance on Friday night and then his Campaign went all nut-bag Progressive - you know the squeal - mincingly childish; snitch-addicted; Jello-spined; twerpy; in short, pure and undilutedly authentic whiners.

The stooging Peacock NBC International was the primary horn blown by the Obama Campaign when McCain out shined the well-packaged Senator Obama.

Andrea Mitchell spiked the punch.

Mitchell reported that some "Obama people" were suggesting "that McCain may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama. He seemed so well prepared."

A McCain aide said that is not the case: "Senator McCain was in a motorcade led by the United States Secret Service and held in a green room with no broadcast feed.Mitchell made the comment in the context of saying McCain did better, and that the Obama camp was defensive. In response to the campaign's letter, she pointed out that journalists get criticism from both sides.

I could almost hear the exchange between Andrea and the goof sent by Dave Axelrod:

'Andrea, Johnny Mac cheated! Quick, Woman! We need Change! Help Us( Team Dean & etc.)Change Washington Andrea! Sean Hanity! Have you Read Cone? Have You Read Cone? Have You Red Cone? Red Cone? Where were we Andrea? I just pulled that one out of Howard Dean's Race Cards. Sorry. Reading the wrong talking-points. Let's Blue Points . . .nope. Here we go! BTW, That was in reference to Rev. Wright's explanation of Liberation Theology, remember that Andrea? Well, forget it! Never happened. Here we are . . . Cheat Snitching ( Camp Obama 101: by Bob 'Check Kite Runner' Creamer - Cry Hoodwinked! Andrea, Help us Change the Planet! Help us Change Barack's downward spiral!'

Wait until, Team Peacock's Uber-Doofus Olbermann and his twin Rachel Maddow get Soupy Sales Tag-team at MSNBC-The Tool Shed stoked for thought offal tonight. The Cone of Silence bilge will cascade from Keith's cliff of nonsense.

Senator Obama is tanking.

Click my post title for the NBC bells and whistles. GE - what a bunch of whiny twerps!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

John McCain: The Saddleback Mountain Trio - Trip Aces Up!

Listening to the Saddleback Forum was a great experience for this voter. Senator Obama confirmed his grace; John McCain burnished his credentials to be President of the United States and Pastor Rick Warren schooled the Talking Heads of Cable and the Networks on how to conduct contol of an intelligent, witty, incisive and satisfying forum for candidates to the most important Office in the Free World.

Time's Mark Halperin gave both Candidates a well-deserved A- Composite Grade, but Summa Cum Laude praise goes to the man who devloped, hosted and conducted the best political forum that I have ever heard.

Rev. Rick Warren stole the show!

Click my post title for Mark Halperin's analysis. Below please find Rick Halperin's score card.


Obama: B+
McCain: A-


Obama: A-
McCain: B+


Obama: A-
McCain: B+

Audience reaction:

Obama: B+
McCain: A-


Obama: A-
McCain: A-

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

John McCain: School Choice or William Ayers, Secretary of Education

Investors Business Daily cites concerns about Sen. Obama's Education Agenda - and with good reason.

Here in Illinois, Obama Illinois Senate colleague, Rev./Senator James Meeks pushed his redistribution of wealth scam on ABC Chicago affiliate WLS TV (7) during a Sunday talk show in which he advocated that Chicago Public Schools(CPS) 'fudge the numbers' in reporting attendance to the Illinois Funding for School Districts. In Illinois funding is based upon attendance and James Meeks called for CPS students to ditch school on the first day of class.

Obama opposes Choice in Education, but is a powerful advocate of Abortion - Obama's Choice.

John McCain is for School Choice ( Vouchers) and opposes Abortion.

Today, Investors Business Daily gets to root of Obama's problem - nationally, locally and personally - he is joined at the hip to people like William Ayers. He used to bomb buildings and now he bombs education.He's the son of a powerful and wealthy man - therefore any and all crimes are forgiven by Progressives.

Here is powerful insight in the IBD piece:

Obama's buddy, former Weatherman terrorist William Ayers, has plans for the same captive student audiences Obama wants to keep captive. Now a tenured Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, Ayers works to educate teachers in socialist revolutionary ideology, urging that it be passed on to impressionable students.

One of Ayers' descriptions for a course called "Improving Learning Environments" says a prospective K-12 teacher needs to "be aware of the social and moral universe we inhabit and . . . be a teacher capable of hope and struggle, outrage and action, teaching for social justice and liberation."

For his course "Urban Education," Ayers writes: "In a truly just society, there would be a greater sharing of the burden, a fairer distribution of material and human resources."

All of this sounds like Obama's plans for "economic justice" and redistribution of the nation's wealth.

Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley has employed Ayers as a teacher trainer for the city's public schools. On his Web site, Obama describes Ayers as a "tenured professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a 'respected advisor to Mayor Daley on school reform.' "

And a future secretary of education, perhaps?

The Choice is Clear!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

John McCain: SEIU - Revolutionary Corruption!

Andy Stern oversees the Redistribution of Wealth agenda operated by SEIU. Barack Obama depends upon SEIU and every bit of advice and approval Andy Stern and Obama Economics Adviser SEIU Anna Burger offer.

Andy Stern's and picked L.A. SEIU chief oversees the redistribution of contributions from the rank-and-file.

The Los Angeles-based union, which represents low-wage caregivers, also spent nearly $300,000 last year on a Four Seasons Resorts golf tournament, a Beverly Hills cigar club, restaurants such as Morton's steakhouse and a consulting contract with the William Morris Agency, the Hollywood talent shop, records show.

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In addition, the union paid six figures to a video firm whose principals include a former union employee. And a now-defunct minor league basketball team coached by the president's brother-in-law received $16,000 for what the union described as public relations, according to the union's U.S. Labor Department filings and interviews.

Most of the 160,000 people represented by the union, a local chapter of the nation's fastest-growing labor organization, the Service International Employees Union, earn $9 an hour or slightly more tending to the infirm and disabled in private homes under taxpayer-funded programs. The workers, whose dues fill the local's coffers, often are described as "the poor caring for the poor." In its Labor Department filings, the local, headed by Tyrone Freeman, has reported more liabilities than assets for each of the last three years.

This clown could make a Cook County elected crook blush with shame - for not stealing everything.

Now that's not Chump Change You Can Believe In!

John McCain: Obamanomics by SEIU's Andy Stern

SEIU is a leftist troika that poses as a labor union. SEIU is run by a Leftist Social Worker whose 1960's radicalism found a profitable and powerful home in a labor union that expands membership numbers, intimidates gutless politicians, and operates the most massive redistribution of wealth scam in America. 1-2-3- that's how you dance to a troika -1. Expand 2.Intimidate 3. Redistribute Wealth!

Taking over the weak and corrupt janitors union in Chicago in the 1970's, Andy Stern and fellow University of Pennsylvannia School Social Work colleague Anna Burger help radicalize and consolidate locals of building janitors, bringing thousands of unskilled to low skilled health care industry workers, security guard locals, menial office task workers and others into a political intimidation political action force.

Using a very complicit and lazy news media, Andy Stern deftly crafted a cult of personality unparalleled since Mao. The Purple Gang of hundreds of thousands of low-skill to no skill workers intimidated their way into public service employees and nearly match AFCME in tax-payer salaried workers. If you are somewhat taken aback by my analysis of the threat that I see from SEIU, please do take a look at Andy Stern's frequent trips to Red China and read Newsweeks's glwoing accounts of Stern's agenda to help one of the most oppresive regimes on the planet 'control their workers.' Take a look at Andy Stern's similar control that he exercises over local SEIU 'thought criminals.' Andy gets great PR from the press and the other mediums, but occasionally the real story gets out.

Like this one:

Sal Rosselli had been hardened by nearly three decades of front-line unionism. Time and again he staged insurgent organizing drives and do-or-die strikes, staring down major corporations. Now he blinked away tears as he huddled with supporters in his Oakland headquarters, a sooty-windowed, bunker-like building strewn with leaflets and picket signs, a place suddenly under siege.

Rosselli was describing his latest battle, his toughest ever: a face-off against a comrade in struggle, Andrew Stern, whom many view as the most powerful labor leader in America.

The two are locked in a nasty, often personal fight over how to make the nation's fastest-growing union -- 1.9 million members -- even bigger. Stern, its president, has sought more common ground with employers as a means to unionize entire industries. Rosselli believes building membership first requires getting the best deal for workers already under labor's tent.

"If you stick your head up, if you question what he's doing, you'll get whacked," said Rosselli, 58, head of the second-largest California chapter of Stern's union.

Wiping his eyes, he insisted that Stern, through a trusteeship, is determined to oust him from his elected post as part of a long push to centralize authority.

Stern and his allies in the Service Employees International Union dismiss the allegations and downplay the significance of the rift.

"It's not open warfare, it's a debate," said Pennsylvania union official Thomas De Bruin.

"It's David and Goliath," Rosselli said.

SEIU was solidly behind John Edwards. Edwards tanked. SEIU is solidly behind Obama.

Anna Burger sits on Obama's Economic Advisory Board. A radical Marxist is telling Obam how to shape America's economic path.

Obama like Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick from whom Obama crafts many of his rhetorical hits in the media, depends upon Andy and SEIU.

Andy Stern is making sure that Race is the pivot point of Obama's Campaign.

Leaders of the AFL-CIO met this week in Chicago to decide how to deploy some 250,000 volunteers and more than $250 million for its grass-roots campaign on behalf of Obama and 500 Democratic candidates vying for other posts.

The fast-growing Service Employees International Union, which has successfully organized lower-wage workers, has $85 million to spend. The AFL-CIO said it has set aside its rivalry with the SEIU and other unions that left to form their own labor federation in 2005.


Unions pride themselves on their racial diversity and plan to confront members about any biases they have.

"You go straight at our people and talk about the difference between McCain and Obama and the fact that race could be an issue -- you go straight at it," said Gerald McEntee, head of the AFL-CIO's political committee.

"Once people get in the booth, if they won't vote for a black man ...," he said with a shrug. Continued...

If you do not vote for Obama, You are a racist. Stalinist and simple. That's Andy Stern and all who do his bidding.

American Labor was built upon the principles of the right to work, the right to organize, the right to engage in collective bargaining and the right to strike for wages and benefits. American Labor made the American Standard of Living and the Middle Class. Unions taughtthe unskilled skills - moved the poor into the middle class. SEIU uses the poor and the unskilled to eliminate the American Middle Class.

The more unskilled and impoverished Americans, the more powerful Andy Stern's SEIU becomes.

Andy Stern's SEIU is for redistribution of wealth, global identification over American values, salaries mandated by legislation and the elimination of the American Middle Class.

Obama swims in Andy Stern's Tank.

John McCain is on the other side of Andy Stern.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

John McCain; Old Paint v. Phar Lap

The Australian legendary horse, Phar Lap, took on the full field of front runners at Aqua Caliente in 1932 and blew them away. Two days later the wonder horse dropped dead of colic. To paraphrase historian Lauren Hillenbrand, that didn't do much for the nag but did wonders for his legend. So it is with Illinois first term Senator Barack Obama one of the most electrifying public persons to come on the scene in years. in Illinois, Barack Obama was identified with the quotidian tasks of getting the job done. He did not electrify. He was there.

Defeated in a run for Congress against Black Panther turned Chicago Alderman turned U.S./ Congressman Bobby Rush and tweaked in the Chicago Sun Times as 'not black enough,' Obama was acknowledged as a good guy and an up-and comer.

Then he was passed along to the U.S. Senate in the usual way - bartering for the primary shot with Dan Hynes, getting the Chicago Tribune to open up the books on Republican rival Jack Ryan and being treated with Allan Keyes as an opponent in the general election. Not electrifying.

The the 2004 DNC - electrifying speech and a fairy-tale first date.

The gradus, the normal steps of political ascent was bulldozed immediately by the buzz-doctors and poll priests at the DNC and the Progressive road-grader went to work on the political process - 'forget the resume - polish the interview!'

Electrifying. Short-circuit, but electrifying nevertheless. Barack Obama no longer was photographed with the elected officials who helped him in Springfield. Obama was now with the Major Dudes of Progressivism. Community activist was pushed to the top of resume along with U of C Law Professor! Now that's progressive. Legislation in Springfield? No paper trail? - no matter. Obama was out of the gate!

Kid Hope blows by Biden, Dodd, Richardson, Kucinich ( a Llama among the other Clydesdales), he takes show-pony Edwards and finally after getting plenty of juice from Doc Dean, Obama goes neck-and neck with the only Chalk on the Turf - Senator Hillary Clinton gets a photo-finish with Kid Hope in June.

The race is over. Obama is run-out. We have seen all that he can do.

Obama is stumbling and seems colicky. There is not much there -there.

John McCain, a genuine public servant and a 'flawed person' by his own account had this Democratic voter well over a year ago. I like Barack Obama, but he is no where near ready to be President; no where near ready to be Governor of Illinois and Jimmy the Two-Headed Boy could do a better job than Governor John Edwards-Lite Blagojevich.

Obama will lose forty states. Like Phar Lap, we found Obama 'electrifying' - snap, sizzle, fizz - but Old Paint McCain will win by a land-slide - forty lengths at least.

Click my post title for the Economist article Obama Fatigue.

The beauty of this very unscientific analysis lies in the fact that my methodology is as old as the polis - I am voting for John McCain because I trust him to win the War on Islamist Terror, work with all Americans to right the economy, make the hard-decisions for the right reasons and keep America safe, strong and focused.

Senator Obama blew the most important decision of his political life - when asked by the DNC clown-opera to run for President, Barack Obama jumped at the chance. He bolted out of the gate before he was ready for the race. CRASH, SPLINTER, RIP! STUMBLE! That's gotta hurt.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

John McCain: Obama Backs off Debates - Now, What Would Cousin Wild Bill Hickock Say?

Hickock & Jane or Wild Bill Obama & Calamity Claire McCaskill?

Here's Obama cousin Wild Bill Hickock on playing it safe!

"Sure glad to see you, but hand me those guns." -- Wild Bill Hickok, greeting cowboys new to Abilene, Kansas in 1871.

Look'ee Here, Pards!

And one day after McCain promised not to raise taxes, Obama signaled he’s willing to have a vigorous debate. Maybe even a duel. “The family legend is that Wild Bill Hickok, he’s a distant cousin of mine,” Obama said, noting an 1865 duel that happened in this town. “We’re going to research that cause I’m ready to duel John McCain on taxes. Right now, right here. I’m a quick draw.”

Now, Look'ee Here

Democratic candidate Barack Obama on Saturday backed away from rival John McCain's challenge for a series of joint appearances, agreeing only to the standard three debates in the fall.

In May, when a McCain adviser proposed a series of pre-convention appearances at town hall meetings, Obama said, "I think that's a great idea." In summer stumping on the campaign trail, McCain has often noted that Obama had not followed through and joined him in any events.

Obama's reversal on town hall debates is part of a play-it-safe strategy he's adopted since claiming the nomination and grabbing a lead in national polls. Advisers to the Illinois senator, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss strategy, say Obama is reluctant to take chances or give McCain a high-profile stage now that Obama's the front-runner.

Now, I wonder if John McCain - thought by some to be a tad on the onery side -might not be a distant cousin of Black Bart ( no Race Card intended or implied). I can almost hear Sen. McCain offering similar poetic sentiments as these:

Black Bart was a poet outlaw.

"I've labored long and hard for bread

For honor and for riches

But on my corns too long you've tread

You fine haired sons of bitches."

-- Black Bart

Friday, August 01, 2008

John McCain: Obama is No Salmon P. Chase

“He’s spending an awful lot of time talking about me. You notice that?” Obama asked a crowd of just over one thousand seated in a university gym. “I haven’t seen an ad yet where he talks about what he’s going to do. And the reason is because those folks know they don’t have any good answers, they know they’ve had their turn over the last eight years and made a mess of things.”

“They know that you’re not real happy with them and so the only way they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

True, Senator, true.

You are no Salmon P. Chase - heck not even Al Hamilton, but you are young and Hope Springs Eternal in breast of Youth.
Or, do you mean? God's Holey Haines! Race? Campaign has tanked already?

Ah, The Race Card - All 52 plus the Jokers in the Obama Deck!

Now, I wonder which of our National worthies on our spondulices John McCain most resembles?

Thanks Hot Air's Ed Morrissey!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

John McCain: Meeks Shall Inherit the Earth - Education as a Redistribution of Wealth Scam

Rev. Senator Meeks of Illinois plans to bus thousands of truant CPS students* to Winnetka's New Trier School District and enroll them in the affluent northern suburb.

Given the cost of gassing up the buses need to take his expected 'thousands of children,' Rev./Senator Meeks is going on the hip in a huge way to bring focus on what he believes to be a two-tiered funding inequity in how education dollars are spent.**

New Trier spends $ 17,000 per student and CPS spends $ 10,000 per student, according to a piece in Salon.

Meeks said he expects several thousand Chicago students to travel in a caravan of buses to New Trier Township High School in the leafy, North Shore suburb of Winnetka, where they will attempt to enroll.

State statistics indicate that the New Trier district spends around $17,000 annually on each of its students compared to the roughly $10,000 a year spent for each student in Chicago public schools.

"We, as a civilized people, can't do it this way," Meeks said. "We're doing irreparable harm to hundreds of thousands of kids."

A civilized solution, Rev./Senator Meeks, is school choice. You oppose School Choice.

School Choice would give your constituents and all Illinois families the choice of where to send their children.

It will save you thousands of needed dollars wasted gassing buses, feeding the children, providing chaperons, security to protect the children up there in Winnetka.

Keep it real, Rev./Senator! Get behind School Choice. End this social justice issue.

John McCain is all about School Choice.

Rev./Senator Meeks will not get behind School Choice. He and Senator Obama are behind a redistribution of wealth strategy for education - noted in the Salon article. The Annenberg Challenge's Billy Ayers is the true craftsman of this 'education reform' dodge. Senator Obama, Rev. Senator Meeks Senate colleague, was the first Chairman of the Chicago Challenge. Redistribution of wealth is at the core of this scam and itr has nothing to do with the safety of children or reforming education.

Overhauling how public schools are funded in Illinois has been hotly debated for years — but to little avail. Critics want the state to move away from a system where money for local schools derives largely from local property taxes, saying the status quo results in vastly better funding of schools in property-rich neighborhoods.

That is socialism, Rev./Senator, not social justice. Keeping it Real.

* Rev./Senator Meeks is calling on CPS students to skip school and go on his field trip.

** Who is springing for the trump to take the kids to Winnetka? Will they be ticketed as truant?