That is WE in the picture.
“We're not going back,” he said. “They made a choice. Any organization that decides that because of the civil unions law that they won't participate voluntarily in a program, that's their choice.” PaT Quinn the "practicing Catholic" Governor.
I am a Catholic. I work at a Catholic High School. I go to Catholic Mass on Sunday with Catholics; some are rich, some are barely making it financially. Governor Quinn signed legislation that allowed homosexuals ( Lesbian, Gay, BiSexual, Transgender and Questioning) form a civil bond that gives them legal and insurance rights as couples.
Gay couples want children and they want what the heart wants and they want it now; therefore the two thousand year and change doctrines of the Catholic Church need to sit down and shut up. It's a civil rights issue, don't you know?
Nah. It is a political issue all about money coalitions and votes . . .and that is Okay.
What is not Okay, is the high heaping helpings of bullshit that pass for political talking points and modern journalism.
Catholic Charities which has cared for orphans and foundlings in its many manifestations long before Jane Addams set eyes on her two life companions at the turn of the century can no longer take care of children by placing them in homes of "Couples." Catholic Charities places children in homes of married couples. Married couples tend to be, at the moment, a man and woman. Civil Union couples can be two guys, two girls, two trandsgender-whatchmancallems- or two Questioning Persons of like like gender who just don't know, yet, if they are wired Delta 230V, or WYE 208 European.
Catholic Charities took care of kids who had no family - a Mom and Dad - and helped find families for those kids for more than two hundred years.
DCFS will take care of kids who need homes, now; that should give everyone pause.
Governor Quinn, a practicing Catholic ( I never understood that verbal - either you are a Catholic, or not all the practice in the world won't change that) tossed out the pronouns because he signed the law, after barely squeaking by Catholic Bill Brady who would not have signed the civil union law. Pat Quinn took care of the PACS that matter - Planned Parenthood & etc. Quinn's Personal Pronoun PACS it seems - They are WE and Catholics are the THEY. I am a THEY. I voted for HIM -QUINN.
What's the matter with ME; what was I thinking? I thought Pat Quinn was the working man Governor, because the skilled trades backed him. Civil Unions? Abortions? Pat Quinn was all about working people who go to Mass, because Pat Quinn is a practicing Catholic. We was We then and We are They. We (I) voted for Quinn, but now that I am THEY that is all changed. I don't have any money. Terry Cosgrove of Personal PAC/LGBTQ PACs has lots of money. Terry Cosgrove is a solid WE and I am a solid though impecunious THEY. I now understand the Quinn Personal Pronoun.
I now know what a practicing Catholic is - an elected official who could care less about anything.
Catholics, Lutherans and Evangelicals are THEY . . .now. WE was WE then and I voted voted with WE . . .then.
Abortion and Gay Marriage ( Civil Union the sequal)is WE . . . now. WE ARE NOT GOING BACK!!!!!
Nothing there back here any more, Guv.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Gov. Quinn's Personal Pronouns - WE then, and now, WE are THEY.
Posted by
1:55 AM
Labels: Civil Unions, Former Governor Pat Quinn for Illinois, Illinois Catholics
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Illinois Media Ignores Catholics - The Meeks Shall Inherit the Lede - Well Smelt This!
What the Hell! Cardinal George, six other bishops from this State, the boatload of Catholic Leadership and the great folks of the Catholic Conference of Illinois go to Springfield to do Grassroots Lobbying for Seven Issues vital to Illinois Catholics and here is the coverage:
Catholic Leaders, Parishioners To Meet With Lawmakers - 20 hours ago
(Springfield) -- Francis Cardinal George is leading a group of Catholic bishops and parishioners at the Illinois Capitol today.
Our exclusive with Rep. Senger
Chicago Daily Herald - 18 hours ago
SPRINGFIELD -- Catholic leaders want Illinois taxpayers to pay an estimated $70 million more next year to subsidize private schools. ...
Ignore the Mackerel Snappers!
No News - But Wait - Sex Abuse!!!!! That Sells! Damn them Catholics!
Check this out. Catholics get ignored wholesale when lobbying for issues that matter to them, but the Media smears - SEX ABUSE ALL OVER!
Chicago archdiocese's sex-abuse tab: $15.8 million in '08
Chicago Tribune - 5 hours ago
By Margaret Ramirez | Tribune reporter The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago paid more than $15.8 million in legal settlements related to sexual abuse ...
Chicago Archdiocese pays $35.5M in abuse claims
Chicago Archdiocese paid $100M in sex abuse claims: Church report Crain's Chicago Business
all 8 news articles »
Google This! Oh, sorry I forgot. It's Lent! You can not beat newspaper clowns for Flat Out Phonies and Simpering Lickspittles. They'll break bread with you at noon and then ridicule your neighbors as racists in print before breakfast the next day, purely because they can. They'll crash a guy's St. Paddy's Parade Day Party, get legless on his booze, eat like they're going to the Chair, throw up in his drive-way and then write a Cotton Mouth Mather piece on 'drunken South Side Catholic teens' at the Parade. I witnessed some of Chicago's celebrated journalists doing just that over many years. 'Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, so.' because there is hardly any room left in their gaping maws with free eats and booze. Like the pet Chimp that the dim-wit kept, they'll gnaw on your face and forget any and all graces. What is important ( not loyalty, decency, courage - those virtues died with Ray Coffey) to Media clowns? - ego and appetite in no set order.
However where Race is Concerned they are very correct and gutless.
Rev. Sen. Meeks does not like the brand of toilet paper in Dolton schools and learns that Highland Park has Charmin - the media lights up. 'Hurtful! Shameful! Systemic Racism! Wipe Out Hate! Be Charmin' Y'all -Pass the Charmin!' Front Page- Color! Nutgraphs and Ledes all over the place!
The Race Card Trumps All. Catholics are a Rainbow Coalition - Asian, Black, Native American, South Sea Islander, Hispanic, and all of us Pale Faces of varying hues. There are alot of Catholics in Illinois -3,611,033 Catholics or 31.59 of the State Population. Now that is diversity - Jews can't say that; Muslims ain't nowhere near us; most mainline Protestant Churches not even close. Catholics are Diverse, but we love that Fish!!!!
Time To Toss some of the Fish that we don't eat on Fridays in Lent! Lets toss some smelt ( small herring like fish) caught out at Washington Park and Jackson Park Boat House (great spots) wrapped in local newspapers into the lobby of each news outlet - cause a stink. I love smelt and smelt fishing. Nick Novich caught one. He mounted it. Most netters gather in thousands, like St. Pete and his pals on Galilee. Deep fried or pan fried - they good!! Let's toss some at the Ink-slingers and get their attention to Fairness to Catholics.
That's 3,611,033 bundles of smelt,or 31.59 % of Illinois people causing a stink! The Media stinks worse - rotting fish can be explained -Wholesale injustice to 31.59% of Illinois due to Progressive Doctrine Mandates - Catholics do not Matter -can not.
Get all Activist and What Not! Let's toss some smelt!
Posted by
4:35 AM
Labels: Anti Catholic Progressives, Francis Cardinal George, Illinois Catholics
Monday, March 02, 2009
Chaplet for The Seven Catholic Illinois Issues - Use The Seven Wounds of Christ
I am not a particularly pious person - would that I were - I'm too lazy and too chicken. However, I pray like a Turk at a Bris Milah most days.
The Rosary takes many forms and variations here is one based upon the Seven Wounds of Christ. How about we Illinois Catholic pray for each of issues that our Cardinal, our Bishops, Our Schools Chief, Our Chancellor and the great people of the Catholic Conference of Illinois bring to Soringfield this week? I'll do it if you guys will. See, I'm lazy and chicken and need group reinforcement.
Here's each issue and the prayer to go with it.
1.legislation to increase the Education Expense Tax Credit, utilized by Catholic school parents, from $500 to $1000 annually; Wound of the Knees
From the moment of your betrayal, you were bound and dragged by the centurions before your accusers and false witnesses. When you were unable to keep pace with these torturers, you fell to your knees, were flogged and then dragged again. If the punishment of those knees were not enough, under the burden of your heavy cross you fell again to your knees three times. I praise worship and adore the wounds of your knees. By these wounds I ask that you make all souls close to your heart become ardent lamps lighting today's dark and faithless world.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
2.funding to community organizations and parishes to provide English classes to immigrants;Wound of the Scourging
I come before you as an unworthy person begging you to allow me to consecrate myself entirely to your most Sacred Heart. I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your scourging with so many openings that shine forth with the pure and bright rays of your patient love. I offer to you, Jesus, your Holy Church, and I ask you to bless our Pope, our bishop and all our priests.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
3.legislation mandating that a woman seeking an abortion be offered the opportunity to view a sonogram before the procedure;Wound of the Left Shoulder
During your scourging the torturer's whip lashed onto your left shoulder before tearing the flesh from your back and then not punished enough you were forced to carry your own heavy cross on that same red, torn and bloodied shoulder. Because of our sins You have been struck unto death. I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your left shoulder. Help all those who desire to serve You more closely by increasing their faith, hope, and love. And I ask you to protect all your priests and strengthen them against the attacks of the Evil One.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
4.opposition to legislation providing for same-sex marriage or similarly defined civil unions;Wound of the Crowning of ThornsO my Jesus, your Holy Face has been marred by the malice of sinful man. The thorns from the twisted branches penetrate into Your Sacred Head, the Temple of Divine Wisdom. May the memory of your wounds ever remain in the hidden places of my heart, to stir up within me your compassionate sorrow, so that the flame of your love may be enkindled in me. I thank you for the infinite love with which You endured so numerous and such cruel sufferings, to expiate my sins which I detest with all my heart. "O Jesus, whose Face delights my heart, I beseech You to imprint in me your Divine resemblance, to inflame me with your love and make me contemplate your glorious Face in Heaven."
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
5.legislation to ensure federal and state reimbursements are provided to Catholic health care and hospitals on a timely basis;Wound of Your HandsUnited with the entire Heavenly Hosts and with all the faithful on earth, I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your Hands. I thank you; for it is on account of our sins that Your hands have been pierced. I offer to You all those who at this moment are dying. Touch the heart of those souls and have mercy on them.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
6.legislation to finally abolish the death penalty;Wound of your FeetIn union with all the souls that are still detained far from You in Purgatory and who yearn to be with You, I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your Feet. Have mercy on those souls who hunger while awaiting your mercy. Come to the aid of those tried by life's difficulties and all those who walk in darkness. Allow them to discover that You are their only hope.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
7.legislation or budgetary action to provide a cost of doing business increase for Catholic Charities and other social service providers;Wound of the Opened Side
It is through your sufferings that You relieved our sins and reconciled the world to Yourself. Receive our praise, worship, and adoration for that suffering. I praise, adore, and worship the Wound of your opened Side, your pierced Heart. I desire to live every remaining day of my life in the cleft of Your opened side and to love you more. So I ask you again to inscribe your wounds on my heart, that I may read in them your sufferings and your love. May the memory of those wounds ever remain in the hidden depths of my heart so that I may return Your love to you.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
Posted by
1:42 PM
Labels: Francis Cardinal George, Illinois Catholics, Illinois Legislature, Sr. Mary PaulMcCaughey
Seven Cardinal Catholic Issues for Illinois Legislature
March 4th Catholic Illinois will have its voice heard in Springfield, Illinois. The Illinois Legislature will hear the demands of Illinois Catholics. Francis Cardinal George and Chicago Catholic Schools Chief Sister Mary Paul McCaughey will articulate Seven items of Catholic Concern for the Illinois Legislative Agenda:
1.legislation to increase the Education Expense Tax Credit, utilized by Catholic school parents, from $500 to $1000 annually;
2.funding to community organizations and parishes to provide English classes to immigrants;
3.legislation mandating that a woman seeking an abortion be offered the opportunity to view a sonogram before the procedure;
4.opposition to legislation providing for same-sex marriage or similarly defined civil unions;
5.legislation to ensure federal and state reimbursements are provided to Catholic health care and hospitals on a timely basis;
6.legislation to finally abolish the death penalty;
7.legislation or budgetary action to provide a cost of doing business increase for Catholic Charities and other social service providers;
We can call The Catholic Conference at 312-368-1066 for further information. We can also call our Illinois Legislators and our Catholic Illinois Governor.
Posted by
7:53 AM
Labels: Catholic Schools, Francis Cardinal George, Illinois Catholics, Sr.Mary Paul McCaughey