Now here is a woman's choice gone worse thanks to the Dowagers of Planned Parenthood Illinois and Personal PAC's Boss Terry Cosgrove
Having bought an Illinois Supreme Court Justice this last spring should but the butchers in good stead. Gov. Quinn, Boss Terry Cosgrove - you and the Dowagers own this one. No guns or bullets were involved in these homicides.A young woman has died after having a second-trimester abortion at a Chicago-area Planned Parenthood clinic. Tonya Reaves, 24, died late Friday night, according to a local CBS television station, of hemorrhage, with a cervical dilation and evacuation, according to the medical examiner’s office following an autopsy after the abortion that claimed her life.CBS Chicago said Reaves died after the abortion she had at 18 S. Michigan Avenue Planned Parenthood facility. The woman was transported from the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead at 11:20 P.M.An autopsy conducted Saturday determined that she died from hemorrhage following a Dilation and Evacuation abortion. The D&E abortion method is one employed in pregnancies that have advanced beyond the first trimester. In involves opening the cervix and removing the pre-born baby by dismembering him or her. The Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood advertises abortions up to 18 weeks. (emphasis my own)
Huge Hat Tip to Pundit and Pundette