Wednesday, April 16, 2008

John McCain: Joe Biden - He was Better Bald

I like Joe Biden as much as the next guy - Tommy Ward? How do you like Senator Joe Biden of Delaware?

'Can't Stand him.'


'He's a phony and a liar?'

'A Liar, Tommy he's Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee - You saying this because of Biden's lifting of Neil Kinnock's speech ten years ago or so?'

'No. As a Millwright that bothered me, but because he wears a weave.'


'Didn't you just ask me, Hickey? Yeah, Really. Man your attention span sucks these days. I think he's a phony because he's bald and wears a weave.'

'What were we talking about? Oh, Yeah Joe Biden. Biden the DNC Bridesmaid of Presidential Timber is on John McCain. People got tired of the Howler Duck -Howard Dean and so now Biden who has gravitas, the Millwright from Bohola, County Mayo notwithstanding, and is a widower, takes the train to work and seems fairly decent.
Any Democratic mouthpiece will get their butts handed to them trying to bad-mouth McCain. McCain is the Real Deal. Here's what's Biden's Beef:

"When it comes to Iraq, there is no daylight between John McCain and George W. Bush. They are joined at the hip," Biden said Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown University.

"When it comes to Iraq, there will be no change with a McCain administration ... and so there is a real and profound choice for Americans in November."

McCain, the certain Republican presidential nominee, backs Bush's policy in Iraq and favored last year's increase in U.S. troops in the country.

"John McCain remains wedded to the Bush administration's myopic view of a world defined by terrorism. He would continue to allow a tiny minority to set the agenda for the overwhelming majority," Biden said.

To which John McCain replied on Hardball at Villanova:

McCain pointed out he had fought against the policies of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for four years, but now sees progress in Iraq under Gen. David Petraeus.

“I’m always pleased to get Sen. Biden’s advice and counsel,” McCain said evenly. “The present strategy is succeeding in Iraq and I respect the view of those who don’t agree.”

McCain further tried to distance himself from Bush on global warming, saying he does believe it exists and is a problem. Even if he did not believe it existed, McCain added, what harm could there be in trying to improve the environment for the next generation?

But McCain also said he still does not think setting a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq will do anything more than create chaos and a more dangerous climate for troops on the ground, adding that polling shows a majority of Americans trust him to better handle that war than his Democratic opponents.

He was less clear on Iran, however. When Matthews pressed him to define whether the ability to create nuclear weapons or the actual “weaponization” of the country would be the “red line” for action, McCain said he didn’t know.

As one student pointed out, the senator has famously called for a “rollback” or “rollover” of democracy through certain “rogue states,” such as Iran, and asked if he still believes that is necessary.

“I think at the end of the day, we can’t allow them to have nuclear weapons,” said McCain, who has also proposed creating a “League of Democracies” separate from the United Nations and a new Office of Strategic Services to deal with those “rogue countries.”

“I think we have a lot of challenges in the world,” he said. “I think the overriding challenge is radical Islamic extremism. I think it’s an ideological struggle at the end of the day — not that much different in some ways from our ideological struggle with Communism and the Soviet Union — but I also think with the proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, we have to do what is necessary to try to prevent those countries from acquiring those weapons which could destroy us.”
Straight talk and no Weave.

Tommy Ward is on to something.;!1132915844?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_article&r21.pgpath=%2FDLN%2FHome&r21.content=%2FDLN%2FHome%2FTopStoryList_Story_1901366


Anonymous said...

Want to see the REAL Joe Biden? Take THE BIDEN QUIZ and see how long it takes you to get really mad. (Start a clock...)

Also, the trouble with Biden and the others is that they refuse to face the fact that Saddam Hussein was in fact building a nuclear bomb.

Take a look at the U.S. State Department memo declassified during the Scooter Libbey trial

Anonymous said...

Biden pretends to be middle of the road, trying to fool the folks back in Delaware

Want to see the REAL Joe Biden? Take THE BIDEN QUIZ and see how long it takes you to get really mad. (Start a clock...)

Also, the trouble with Biden and the others is that they refuse to face the fact that Saddam Hussein was in fact building a nuclear bomb.

Take a look at the U.S. State Department memo declassified during the Scooter Libbey trial