I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love’s majesty,Richard III
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable,
That dogs bark at me, as I halt by them,—
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun.

"There is much we can learn from that Islamic world view in this respect.....Perhaps, for instance, we could begin by having more Muslim teachers in British schools, or by encouraging exchanges of teachers. Everywhere in the world people want to learn English. But in the West, in turn, we need to be taught by Islamic teachers how to learn with our hearts, as well as our heads"Charles Prince of Wales
It gets a little crazy in the kitchen sometimes... Remember you said I didn't know how to multitask because I'm a virgin. The truth is We run this show"-throw in a little happy dance. How come it gets so hot in the kitchen when you arrive" "I guess it is just me"Upper Sandusky Burger King
Mad World, Mad Kings, Mad Composition! Mad Love to the CEO of Burger King!
The forced abdication of the creepiest plastic monarch, this side of the pond will take more than few of the electric shudders out of this Old Boy's epidermis. Only Charles Prince of Wales is creepier and Good Queen Bess Deuce is smart enough to jump the crown over the noggin of that elephant ear-ed singular waste of DNA and testimony to the dangers of marrying cousins and place the orb and scepter into the mitts of Billy. Good kid.
Here in the Colonies, we only have commercial monarchs - Carpet Kings, King Midas Mufflers, the Kings of Beers, Monarchs of Motors and such, but we do have a real Wiz ( Big Ears too -must be sign from God about daffy incompetents) in the White House, for the moment.
One of the creepiest of all commercial kings is and has been the Burger King - he put me off Whoppers in the same way that Ronald McDonald, who usurped the perpetually winking hydro cephalic chef of McDonald's Hamburgers who informed us of 'Over a Billion Sold!'
Now, I can go back to BK. The King is dead! No more Kings - sell burgers.
Here are two equally repulsive Princes of Wales Past - unlike Green Sharia Charlie who cheated on a perfectly nice girl and the mother of his two sons, blessed with their Mom's looks, instincts and courage - these two blackguards made it to the throne.

George IV, whose self-indulgence, hatred of his kindly father, 'mad' George III, swinishness to his (admittedly dreadful) wife Princess Caroline, and appalling over-spending during straitened times, meant that the newspapers openly celebrated his death in 1830. George IV Indolent and obese (he was nicknamed 'the Prince of Whales'), his scandalous private life - he married his mistress illegally - and his refusal to allow his wife to attend his coronation held up the monarchy to widespread ridicule.(clique my poste title for more)
Edward VIII, a profoundly irresponsible monarch who put his love affair with Mrs Simpson before his duty to the Empire. Knowing that he was going to abdicate the next month, Edward nonetheless outrageously told the unemployed miners of South Wales in November 1936 that: 'Something should be done to get them at work again.' This raised hope among them that the Government might save their jobs, which Edward knew was not the case.
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