Thursday, July 12, 2012

Success, Wealth and Achievement Creates Mean People ? Honor Bright?

n.1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. See Synonyms at pity.
2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.

[en- + -pathy (translation of German Einfühlung)].The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Empathy is over-rated.  Some of the rottenest, self-absorbed, manipulative and tight with a buck people I know are  appointed  hogs with snouts in the public trough and each one is empathetic.  These ladies and gents have made careers at tax-payer expense spouting high-minded policies that will ensure their snot-lockers a place in the public bucket for years to come. The human heart can only be measured by the spike in  taxes imposed on the public and they can be heard to shout, "Keep Your Rosaries off my Ovaries." 

The empathetic public lungs bellow for or against these policy initiatives:

  •  Living wage -- An artificially high wage that minimally benefits some individuals and creates unemployment for the rest
  • The Common Good -- A phrase used by a small group ruling in the name of the majority in order to enact laws that abrogate an individual's rights
  • Gun control -- Confiscation of legal firearms from law abiding citizens
  • Universal health care -- Access to affordable health insurance
  • Public assistance programs -- Government programs
  • Plight of the homeless -- People who are victims of their own poor choices with the exception of the mentally incompetent
  • Entitlement programs -- Taxpayer funded appropriations
  • Taxes -- Legal plunder
  • Social Security -- The largest Ponzi (pyramid) scheme in history.
  • Tax cuts for the rich -- Tax cuts for the economy or A proven economic stimulus plan that produces 65% of all new jobs.
  • The rich need to pay their fair share of taxes – Legal plunder where the top 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of all income taxes and the bottom 50% pay 3%.
  • "Do you want to get rid of Social Security?" -- "Do you want to continue unchanged the largest Ponzi (pyramid) scheme in history which is going broke?  The same scheme that sent Bernie Madoff to jail?"
  • It's free money (federal grant/stimulus money) -- Funds that are actually paid by taxpayers or are put on our children's credit card and have a limited life so whatever is started will have to be paid for in a few years by local and/or state taxes.
  • Unions are for the workers -- Unions are for unions.  Just like corporations are for corporations and politicians are for politicians.  The goal is to increase the union's power not the worker's power. 
  • Unions and the Government have increased the standard of living -- Businesses that invest in capital equipment increase the productivity of workers which lowers the price of their products and increases the standard of living. 
  • Social Justice – The revocation of Natural Rights so government can use legal plunder to steal property and give it to those who have not earned it. 
  • Fairness – using legal plunder to steal property from individuals who have earned it in order to give it to individuals who have not earned it.
  • Spread the Wealth – using legal plunder to steal property from individuals who have earned it in order to give it to individuals who have not earned it.
  • Shared Sacrifice – using legal plunder to steal property from individuals who have earned it in order to give it to individuals who have not earned it.
  • It’s Free Money (Federal grants or stimulus money) – Funds that are actually paid by taxpayers or are put on our children's credit card and have a limited life so whatever is started will have to be paid for in a few years by local and/or state taxes.
  • Price Gouging – Simple supply and demand in a scarce marketplace which results in the fairest distribution of goods and services.
 The New York Magazine's Lisa Miller has trotted out a 'scientific' study' that proves empathy only rests in the hearts of dedicated lay-abouts, bust-outs, slackers, mouth-breathing job-dodgers, or people who depend upon the public teat for self-esteem and biological sustenance:

 Wealth may give you a better brain. It may make you a more strategic thinker, a savvier planner. (Research has shown that the more a ­person is able to imagine himself in the future, the more cash he is likely to have in his savings account.) And the cognitive benefits of affluence may accrue incrementally, speculates Dovidio, so that very rich people have better brain functioning than moderately rich people. These hypotheses are at the untested frontier of the new science: “I think in ten years we’ll have a compelling story on this,” says Dacher Keltner, the psychologist who oversees the work of Piff and his colleagues. But already the outline is becoming clear. Princeton University psychologist Eldar Shafir has shown that in environments of abundance, people make better financial decisions—it’s not that rich people tend to be better educated and can afford better advice, but that people living paycheck to paycheck don’t have the mental space to make the smartest long-term moves. The efficiencies of the affluent brain may trigger the shutting down of what the researchers call “pro-social” impulses and lead people toward the kinds of behaviors that a hedge-fund manager I spoke to characterized as “ruthless.” “They’re more willing to hurt others in their quest for money,” he said. “When you look at people who’ve done exceptionally well, it tends to be the difficult people.”. . .  (Research shows that the rich tend to blame individuals for their own failure and likewise credit themselves for their own success, whereas those in the lower classes find explanations for inequality in circumstances and events outside their control.) But the truth is much more nuanced. Every American, rich and poor, bounces back and forth between these two ideals of self, calibrating ambitions and adjusting behaviors accordingly. Nearly half of Americans between 18 and 29 believe that it’s “likely” they’ll get rich, according to Gallup—in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Those who have already gotten wealthy wrestle openly and with real anguish over how to raise children who are productive, community-minded, and hardworking. Jamie Johnson, an heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, made a documentary in 2003 called Born Richand, since then, has become a kind of confessor to the anxious wealthy. “Everyone says, ‘I don’t want my kids to turn out to be the next Paris Hilton,’ ” says Johnson, “It’s weird. You know they want their kids to be superior. They want their kids’ lives to reflect the wealth and the position they have in society. But they don’t want their kids to be elitist and arrogant.”

Wealth may give you a better brain?  Wealth begets brains?  Have any of you ever met a really dumb rich person? Sure you have.  All the wealth in the world can not do a damn thing for the present generation of the Kennedy Clan.  Likewise, based on human observation of the likes of the late Old Teddy, Dr. Billy 'Landmine' Smith the acquitted rapist, Patrick, Joseph the Deuce or any other Kennedy males, I'd prefer my daughters marry tattooed, meth-addled Carnies than Kennedy males linked by DNA to Old Joe.
Wealth does not mean that you will become a louse of the first order, either.  Sts. Francis of Assisi, Mary Seton and Blessed Edmund Rice were all born to wealth and dedicated their lives to the poor.  Lord Bertrand Russell, a celebrated atheist and author of Principia Mathematica, was, not only a cat with nickels to toss around, but also a very nice man.
I have had the privilege of knowing $1%-ers here in the Midwest and the City of Chicago - the late Don Flynn, the courtly and thoughtful John Buck, Tom Owens, Andy McKenna, Frank Considine, Dick Landis, Dick Walsh, Patti Bidwill,  Mary Ellen 'Mel' Cooney, Dan Walsh, Ron Gidwitz, John Powers, Joe Power and especially the very sweet and heroic James O'Connor.  These ladies and gents, Christians and Jews, are great people and very generous.  They do not mouth platitudes or build monuments to themselves with words - they are doers and self-made accomplished tireless workers.  They do. The empathetic talk.
Wealth does not make one smart, pretty, or fun to be around.
My daughter and I witnessed US Congresswoman and professional empathy spout-er, Jan Schakowsky scream at a little Asian girl who was helping co-ordinate the sign-in of guests for Alexi Giannoulias when he ran for Illinois Treasurer - it seems that this political blowfish was not on the list that included my Alderman, Senator Barack Obama and bunch of others.  " You little idiot!," screamed Jan, " I am supposed to up there next to Obama! Don't you know who I am? I  can't believe that someone so stupid . . .IIII"  Empathy positively rang through the halls of Conrad Hilton that day. The little Asian volunteer fought back tears of embarassment.   I sure  loves me that there Empathy!
My daughter asked me, " Dad, what's wrong with that woman?"
All I could say was , " She's  Jan Schakowsky, sweetie."

The New York Magazine presents yet another scientific justification for Jan Schakowsky and other empathic public truffle snuffle-ers/

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catch Terry Sullivan Live ONLY If You Have One Foot in the Groove!

Scat Baxter- Herring Croker"What goes on around here? There's a dark horse in this here race and my boy's running a slow third*."

Pearls Oignon "Scat, don't say stinks. If absolutely necessary, smells, but only if absolutely necessary."

Bucko Flannigan-  "Oh Scat you're slipping. That used to terrify me, the withering glance of the goddess. Terry Sullivan and the Chicago Jazz Caravan Shade me from the heat and that's what the round hair cuts call cool, Jill and Jacks!  Gates, from Cottage Groove to Buffalo Groove, Cats will swing  like saloon doors on pay-day with Terry, even if it hair-lips the Governor!" 

with vocalist Terry Sullivan

Sunday, July 15, 2012
3:00 pm
TWELVEWEST nightclub
12 West Elm, Chicago
Admission $15

Limited seating; reservations recommended
at 312/337-3200 or
Dress: business casual or better

is a roving ensemble of some of
Chicago’s most seasoned jazz musicians,
performing music reminiscent of
New York jazz supper clubs of the ‘fifties.

Tom Muellner, piano     Art Davis, trumpet
Larry Kohut, bass     Terry Sullivan, vocals

TWELVEWEST is Chicago ’s
sophisticated new gold coast nightclub.

 * Bowdlerized dialog from High Society

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What the Water? Abortion and the Gay Marriage of Mainline Minds

. . .  Enough now; since the sacred matter that I mean
I should be wronging longer leaving it to float
Upon this only gambolling and echoing-of-earth note
What is … the delightful dene?
Wedlock. What the water? Spousal love.
Epithalamion 1918  Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ

Below - the Full Package Mainline Protestant - Lesbian Episcopalian priest and abortion blesser Rev. Dr. K. Hawthorne Ragsdale.
Katherine Hancock Ragsdale
“When a woman wants a child but can’t afford one because she hasn’t the education necessary for a sustainable job, or access to health care, or day care, or adequate food, it is the abysmal priorities of our nation, the lack of social supports, the absence of justice that are the tragedies; the abortion is a blessing. 
“And when a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion – there is not a tragedy in sight -- only blessing. The ability to enjoy God’s good gift of sexuality without compromising one’s education, life’s work, or ability to put to use God’s gifts and call is simply blessing. 
“These are the two things I want you, please, to remember – abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Let me hear you say it: abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done.”  The Rev. Dr. Katherine Ragsdale was appointed as the sixth and newest president of Episcopal Divinity School (EDS) in Cambridge, MA, March 30 2009
INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - The U.S. Episcopal Church is poised to become the first major religious denomination in the United States to approve a rite for blessing gay marriages after its bishops overwhelmingly approved such a liturgy on Monday. . . .The United Church of Christ, a mainstream Protestant denomination with about a million members, has gone further so far than any other U.S. church, voting in 2005 to support same sex marriage. Chicago Tribune
Chances are that if you choose to believe that abortion is a blessing,  you will also bless same sex marriage.  You will considered yourself nuanced and fully evolved.  This is marriage of opinion, or if you insist, conviction is as mainline as it gets. 

Mainline Protestant churches and denominations have long approved Darwin's survival of the fittest. The Mainline Protestant churches ( United Church of Christ, United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran, and Episcopal as well as Quakers and the various Moravian churches) get their name form the old Philadelphia suburb along the Pennsylvania Mainline Railroad, noted for its affluence.  The more affluent one might be the more one might associate with Mainline Protestantism*. With affluence comes educational opportunity and a post-secondary degree more than possible. Mainline Protestantism takes a nuanced view of scripture known as High Criticism - this holds that the Bible should only be regarded as a neat read - "Mainline denominations generally teach that the Bible is God's Word in function, but that it must be interpreted both through the lens of the cultures in which it was originally written, and examined using God-given reason. Mainline Christian groups are often more accepting of other beliefs and faiths." ( emphasis my own).  

If God's Word is regarded in function, no wonder Bill Moyers is the  Mainliner's Pope.  God never wrote speeches for LBJ insisting more kids get sent to Vietnam, after all.  Likewise, God never should the 'good sense' to turn on LBJ when things got uncomfortable.  The heart wants what the heart wants.

America's secularism is rooted in Mainline Protestantism.  Margaret Sanger's genocide of millions has had the full communion and hearty support of Mainline Protestantism.  Gay marriage is merely an adjunct of abortion.

The Episcopal Church in America announced its full and unflagging support for the marriage of Man and Man, or Woman and Woman.  The Episcopal Church has fully evolved and joined abortion and gay marriage in its rituals, doctrines and teachings. Killing an unborn child is blessing.   Wedlock without water - there will be no offspring in a same sex marriage no matter how many times the Rev. Doctor Ragsdale intones over the couple.

An Episcopal pre-school will be little more than a orphanage.

*  Mainline Protestant Income:
  • 25% Reported less than a $30,000 income per year.
  • 21% Reported $30,000-$49,999 per year.
  • 18% Reported $50,000-$74,999 per year.
  • 15% Reported $75,000-$99,999 per year.
  • 21% Reported an income of $100,000 per year or more, compared to only 13 percent of evangelicals.[31]

Monday, July 09, 2012

Wrongfully Accused of "Tossing Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder"

 The Young Gee. Flynt Taylor of Some Peoples Law Office defended fellow Brown University Alumnus Cleophus " Fastidious" Johnson against the charge of Throwing, Putting, Tossing, or Placing the said overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder, since the 1960's.

Cleo Fast was the lead singer of the very popular and ground breaking  bi-racial vocal quintet - Rice Puddin' N Raisns who covered the song in 1964 formed with two Negro and three WASP Trust-fund white boy singers. Rice Puddin' N' Raisins sang and recorded folks and popular domain favorites and were Ivy League favorites until Woodstock.

C. "Fastidious" Johnson,  seen here with on the extreme sinister side with  colleagues the late- Morton Salt, "Tall Milk" Sorenson,  "Ovaltine" Abercrombie N. Fitch and "Flat" U. Lance when they recorded the chestnut in 1964. The three Swedish American members of the quintet committed suicide and baritone "Ovaltine" died of embarrassment when Gov. Pat Quinn withdrew his nomination to the Illinois Anti-Bullying Panel upon learning that "Ovaltine" had once  teased his own hair. Quinn announced the withdrawl of Mr. Abercrombie N. Fitch's  nomination this past Memorial Day weekend here in Chicago. Fastidious Johnson alone survives

With their recording of Who Threw The Overalls in Mrs.Murphy's Chowder Roman Catholic ethnic working class types - you know, White Flighters - blamed Mr. Johnson.  Gee Flynt Taylor pointed to the long held fact Roman Catholics become racists, sexists torturers of minorities and universal homophobes upon baptism.

The question of Who had, in fact, be spoiled the the pottage with soiled workman's outer-wear has long caused racial antipathy and denial from close-knit Catholic ethnics who sun burn easily. Gee Flynt Taylor, who is universally celebrated lifter of public wallets and voice for the Goddamed always wrongfully accused, took the case of classmate Johnson without going for public monies.  

Gee. Fyint Taylor has stood with Mr. Johnson all these years, as the surviving member of vocal quintet has a lot of money still unspent.

Mr. Johnson was blamed for the affront to Celtic Cuisine immediately after the Rice Puddin' N Raisins version of the song climbed the charts.

Gee. Flynt Taylor points to the very lyrics and the hot-tempered guilty themselves:

Oh the Murphy's gave a party just about a week ago
Everything was plentiful, the Murphy's they're not slow
They treated us like gentlemen, we tried to act the same
But only for what happened, well it was an awful shame
When Mrs. Murphy dished the chowder out
She fainted on the spot
She found a pair of overalls
In the bottom of the pot
Tim Nolan he got rippin' mad
His eyes were bulgin' out
He jumped up on the PI-A-NO
And loudly he did shout
Oh, who threw the overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder
Nobody spoke, so he shouted all the louder
It's an Irish trick that's true ( Quod Erat Demonstrandum!)I can lick the mick that threw ( House of Screams!)The overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder
[ Lyrics from: ]So we dragged the pants from out the soup and laid them on the floor
Each man swore upon his breast he'd ne'er seen them before
They were plastered up with mortar and were worn out at the knee
They'd had their many ups and downs as we could plainly see
When Mrs Murphy she came to she began to cry and pout
She'd had them in the wash that day and forgot to take them outTim Nolan he excused himself for what he'd said that night
So we put music to the words and sang with all our might
Oh, who threw the overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder
Nobody spoke so we shouted all the louder
It's an Irish trick that's true
I can lick the mick that threw
The overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder (emphases and commentary Taylor's)
Taylor points to the sworn testimony of Mr. Nolan and the self-damning words of Mrs, Murphy and concluded, " No matter the evidence, They ( You know who They are) will always blame a man of color."

Mr. Johnson spoke to the fifty-plus years of Taylor's personal advocacy and summed things up with this ," Justice is never dished up, because of systemic racism and the fact that were Justice to be, there'd be no payday for Gee.  

Justice served with spuds and gravy.

More lyrics:

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Two True! Irish Vehicle Rescue & Irish Garda Cop Stop and Go

Ba chóir é sin a dhéanamh sona duit - This should cheer you up.

Terry Sullivan and the Chicago Jazz Caravan at 12 West Elm -Sunday, July 15 at 3 PM

with vocalist Terry Sullivan

Sunday, July 15, 2012
3:00 pm
TWELVEWEST nightclub
12 West Elm, Chicago
Admission $15

Limited seating; reservations recommended
at 312/337-3200 or
Dress: business casual or better

is a roving ensemble of some of
Chicago’s most seasoned jazz musicians,
performing music reminiscent of
New York jazz supper clubs of the ‘fifties.

Tom Muellner, piano     Art Davis, trumpet
Larry Kohut, bass     Terry Sullivan, vocals

TWELVEWEST is Chicago ’s
sophisticated new gold coast nightclub.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Canaryville Roots

  Leo President Dan McGrath and four of the seven Canaryvillains at Leo High School with Joe's Mom and Coach Fogarty: from the left (Leo GorceyHuntz HallBobby JordanGabriel Dell,)
“When I went to take the entrance exams, it was during the famous winter storms [of 1979]. We took the test that day. They had to make arrangements to get us back home. Jay Strandring drove the Canaryville guys back home. He dropped us off at one of the viaducts because he realized he wouldn’t be able to get back out if he went under the viaduct. We walked back in the neighborhood. I think that was my first time ever at the school. I must have shadowed with my brother there once or twice, I suppose. But the first day I went to Leo as a student, I had to ask the bus driver if that was the school. We stopped at 79th, and I asked if that was Leo, and he said, “You’re going to a school you don’t even know where it’s at.”
I said, “Yeah.” He said, “That’s it.”
“My two oldest brothers went to St. Ignatius. My brother right above me went to Leo. My mom didn’t really like St. Rita at the time because my uncle—her brother—had gone there. My brother [Michael] just didn’t like school. It didn’t matter where he went. A funny story about my first day at Leo, I’m walking past the doorway and I hear: ‘McFarlane.’ I backed up, until I was in the doorway, and it was one of the [football] coaches, Dave Mutter. He grabbed me by the shirt and said: ‘Are you anything like your brother?’ I looked at him and said, ‘Absolutely not.’ That kind of shocked him. He let me go and he said something like, ‘Good for you.’ My brother had a reputation by the time I got to Leo. During my time at Leo, my brother would stop me in the hallway and say, ‘We’re going to the beach. Do you wanna go?’ With his buddies, he would just disappear. I was always afraid to do something like that with my parents.
“I took the Halsted bus when I first started at Leo, and then we had a bus service that started to pick us up. It was close to my house, I had to walk down like five houses to the corner.”

Father William McFarlane '83

This summer it has been my pleasure and pride to pick-up and deliver incoming freshman to Leo High School -one very big lad from Bronzeville and seven gents from Canaryville -One huge black kids and seven hard-scrabble pale-faces from St. Gabe's.  I pick them up between 7-7:25 AM and they are never late and very rarely absent.  My task is merely a cog in a recruitment and marketing machine developed by Leo football coach, admissions director and Father Flanagan to hundreds of Leo Men, Mike Holmes and Leo President Dan McGrath.

Leo High School is a Catholic high school for young men situated in the Gresham neighborhood on 79th Street just west of Halsted ( 7910 S. Sangamon Street -60620).  This iconic lion of a building is home to thousands of men from Chicago's stockyard, industrial and railroad past. Leo was built at the command of George Cardinal Mundelein and under the supervision of Msgr. Peter Shewbridge, pastor of St. Leo Parish, now, closed but still serving veterans through Catholic Charities. The building designed by Joseph McCarthy, lieutenant and disciple of Daniel Burnham went up in 1921;  the school opened in 1926.

Catholics from all over the industrial south side of Chicago sent their sons to Leo High School. which competed huskily with older and more established Mount Carmel, St. Rita and De La Salle. One of the most powerful cadres of talent attended Leo from St. Gabriel Parish in Canaryville.  e.g. Basketball standout James "Bro" Farrell dominated the hardwood floors of local, state and national opponents. St. Gabe's, south of Bridgeport, is the incubator of south side Catholic Chicago.
That is because of a man and an institution - Msgr. Maurice Dorney* and the Chicago Stockyards.

The Chicago Stockyards, St. Gabe's, was home to workers - not the affluent scions of burger families from Lake or DuPage counties who Occupy Chicago with Visa and Mastercards in their wallets - workers who scratched out a living, contributed to their church, built schools and spent their free-time fighting for the eight-hour day.  These workers penned, drovered, killed, butchered, rendered and cleaned every thing on four legs for meat, teeth, bones, marrow hides, horns  to be transformed for America's tables, hairbrushes, buttons, wardrobes and footwear.  They made soap, gelatin, fertilizer and bacon for the Armour, Agar, Cudahy, Swift and Hammond families.  They lost fingers, lungs and lives in the act of building community.   Father Dorney protected their paychecks from gamblers, pimps and thugs and their dignity from Social Darwinism. There is no expressway named for Msgr. Dorney. Dorney was and remains the spirit of Canaryville, That spirit is reflected in the accomplishments past, present and to come by his spiritual children.

Muhammad Ali said that, in his opinion, the greatest boxer of all time was Canaryville boxer Packy McFarland; Chicago White Sox 1st baseman George Moriarty was Canaryville born and bred and would become a Cub and later move to a long career as Detroit Tiger, where he took root as a coach and American League umpire - his grandson ( here with Robert DeNiro)would become one of America's greatest actors and accomplished musician, composer and author Michael Moriarty. Canaryville is home to priests as well as  punchers of pigs and pedestrians.

The south side Catholic union family began in the blood, bones and hides of Canary.  Many of those families became wildly successful and moved from The 'Ville but never out of it. My maternal grandfather was a lather according to his union card, but moreso a Regans Colts shoulder-hitter and utility tough guy for the Cermak/Kelly/Kennelly and Daley Reg'lar Demacrats as well as occasional operative for Ralph Sheldon.  His brother became a priest and labor chaplain - he would give the last rites to Brady, McCarthy ( Leo '67) and Delahanty in Washington D.C. when Jodie Foster's stalker tried to kill President Reagan. Carnaryville seems to be everywhere.

Canaryville is physically and spiritually manifest at Leo High School once again. African American and white Catholic Alumni have worked with Mike Holmes and Dan McGrath for the last three years to give Leo some ethnic diversity - since 1991, Leo High School has been 100% African American. Black alumni behind Mike Holmes have pushed to recruit Hispanic and white students.  Black Alumni Mike Anderson and Mike Lee have teamed with Canaryvillains and Irish Catholic alums Brian Fogarty and Jack Farnan and impressed young white guys from St. Gabe's parish to be Leo Men. Last year Jeff "White Chocolate" X___________ added his see-through Irish pelt to the darker hued Lions.  This year, Leo welcomes seven more Canaryville gentlemen:Tommy, AJ, Brian F, Brian C, Joe C, CK, Mitch C are Leo Men!

My morning's route takes me to Bronzeville, where in the shadow of the Black Doughboy on Martin Luther King Drive at 35th Street, I wait for Daylon F - a mountain of sweetness and innocence packed into 6'3" and change. Daylon is the latest in the many Leo Men from Bronzeville, like Leo Akim Hunter (Leo 2004 & Northwestern University 2008).

 Daylon and I head west past De La Salle Institute and hang a left at Wentworth on the front porch of Comiskey Park ( it will never be The Cell) and head south with this daily admonition from my co-pilot Daylon -" Don't Turn on Root Street and get to swearin' Mr. Hickey."  Architect John Root, for whom the street is named, helped Maurice Dorney build St. Gabriel's Church, school, rectory and convent, as well as affordable housing for the working families - many of whom still call St. Gabe's home more than century later.  We maintain our course to 43rd Street and hang a right westward to Emerald Street and carefully wind around the cul-de-sac lite south to Graham Elementary School parking lot. 

We are usually greeted by this school's engineer Dean Fuller Leo '71 a resident of Canaryville. The red-heads and pale faces load the Ford Van with critiques of the Dunkin Donut selection, " No long-johns?  Don't get powdered, please it's as bad as the nut-sprinkles on them, Mr. Hickey. Just get frosted and we won't have a problem"  Likewise, I get informed about the upcoming Freshman football season, Miss Meany's math and Coach Ed Adams' reading classes.  All of the young men will play football, basketball, baseball and a few will box. They are good students and delightful companions who lack not a jot for self-esteem.  None of them have central air conditioning and universally accept heat.  They are tough kids from Bronzeville amd Canaryville. Daylon's only complaint is the obviously racist hornet who torments his daily drink of water at the public fountain west of the CPS school parking lot.  The Dunkin Donuts have a very short life-span - roughly 43rd Street to 79th Street.

*Saint Gabriel Parish & Elementary School are positioned in the heart of Canaryville, a small community of several third and fourth generation Irish immigrants. The neighborhood is extremely proud of its strong roots to Ireland with family ties running deep and strong in the parish and school. Saint Gabriel is a hidden gem, tucked away amid century old homes and secluded from the neighborhoods surrounding Canaryville.
As Saint Gabriel Parish celebrates its 130th Anniversary, we would like to share how the school and parish began. Many people know that Father Maurice Dorney was St. Gabriel’s first pastor, but did you know… • Father Dorney had the foresight to purchase 20 lots (from 45th to 46th and Lowe) for $500(!) to build the church, school, convent and rectory for Saint Gabriel’s • While pastor, Father Dorney graduated from law school • Also know as “The King of the Yards,” Father was friends to both workingman and company owner, procuring jobs and helping avert strikes • Father Dorney was gifted with a block of stock from the head of National Livestock Bank – after two decades the dividends grew to $68,000, and the money was spend “for the welfare of the church, and assisting in the school’s of Saint Gabriel” • Father Traveled to Ireland in 1887 and was instrumental in the exoneration of Charles Stewart Parnell (champion of home rule for Ireland) who was accused of complicity in a murder.'s_Colts

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Latest UICC Study Confirms - Corruption is a Connotation

Only this week the Chicago Tribune editorial board may, may, mind you, have considered a university study as useless as a blind pig with a dysfunctional smell-er.  Thus!

In an exhaustive report from the prestigious Harvard Kennedy School, two faculty members finally expose the cause of state-level corruption.
It's not Super PACs or power or greed that corrupts. Not comfy relationships between lobbyists and lawmakers. Not overlap between private business and public service. No, sir.
It's geographic placement of capital cities. That's right. Illinois breeds more corruption because Springfield is isolated. Politicians get less scrutiny, citizens pay less attention and the news media aren't as aggressive as they tend to be in larger metropolitan areas. Elected officials are free to roam the prairie like cowboys, the authors concluded

Isolation breeds corruption . . .DooDah! DooDah!
Isolation breeds corruption . . .all Da DooDah Day!

Give a university a back-loader and a mountain of dough and it will come up with a study that concludes that G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy and Locke Bowman are on the level; great guys with hearts of oak and souls of free-handed generosity and not Cadillac Commies hell-bent on undermining faith in law and justice.  They might also prove with geometric attention to data that Chuck Goudy of ABC Seven is a newsman, or that Forrest Claypool can hold an un-appointed job longer than an election cycle by dint of his talents and work ethic.

The latest university study was read to me by the janitorial crew from University of Illinois Chicago subsidized by Illinois, City of Chicago and Cook County tax-payers, as well as a grant from Joyce, Spencer, and John D. Catherine T. MacArthur foundations.

This dialogic exercise posed the question of Corruption in public life to Old Tom Placko from over by Ukranian Village and Brachero 'Cherry' Sundstrom a former U of C grad student, mental health beneficiary, and Anarchist.  Both gentlemen have more than twenty-five years ( Old Tom since 1971 and Cherry Since 1989)  membership with Services Employee International Union (SEIU) Local 73.

The grant covers a seven month dialog between Old Tom and Cherry Sundstrom during each of their meal breaks, for which they were compensated and covered by other workers in the event that no Piso Mojado emergency would break the chain of discourse.  The dialog was recorded in the tradition of Louis "Studs" Terkle and presented with some redaction by the grant committee.

Here is an excerpt from those dialogs:

Cherry - Corruption rots.  The corporations crush.
Old Tom - Cop gave me ticket -паршива ублюдок - Friday.
Cherry - What for?
Old Tom - He's big black cop.
Cherry - Race does not matter . . .because you are white and part of the systemic racism that created black cops who suck revenue from . . .are going to eat your pickle? . . .workers and then kill black children with impunity.
Old Tom - He's big black cop. I'm cashier my check at Courtyesy Exchange five munute! New meter don' take coins. Is 60$ ticket!
Cherry -Did you ask . . .
Old Tom - I tell him ' Kiss my ass!  That's what you are!' He write ticket. Maybe call Some Peoples Law and get money?
Cherry - Dude, this wrong on so many levels. “Corruption, law-breaking, the arrogance of intellectuals, the wish to do honour to one’s family by becoming a white-collar worker and not dirtying one’s hands anymore, all these stupidities are only symptoms. Inside the party and out. The cause of them is the historical conditions themselves. But also the political conditions” As Stalin said “We did not bring about the October Revolution in order to give power to the kulaks!”.  Dude, that cop was kulak! 

Old Tom - Cop was black fella!!!!!  Goddam$hitF#$king . . . too much drugs you take! Take the лайно out of your ears!
Cherry - No man. . . forget it. Corruption is bad. Dude, solid me; punch me out at 2, today?  I have meeting with the Occupy Brethren.
          Old Tom - Kiss my ass! That's what you are! Punch you clock self!

In the words of Andre Malraux "The human mind invents its Puss-in-Boots and its coaches that change into pumpkins at midnight because neither the believer nor the atheist is completely satisfied with appearances."

Then again it was Festus Haggen from the Old Gunsmoke episodes who spoke clearly on the dangers intellectual legerdemain - studies and likesuch:

 "Supposin' I was to go to work and learn how to... to read writin'. Well, how'd I know that the feller that... that wrote the writin' was a writin' the writin' right? See it could be that he wrote the writin' all wrong. Here I'd be just a readin' wrong writin', don't ya see? You probably been doin' it your whole life, just a readin' wrong writin' and not even knowin‘ it. —“The Devil's Outpost”

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

George Murphy - 4th of July Guy -Dances with Fred

George Murphy was born on July 4, 1902. George Murphy was a hoofer.  He was also a U.S. Senator from California. Ronald Reagan called Murphy. a Democrat turned Republican actor-politician - his John the Baptist.Murphy served as Republican U.S. Senator from in from 1965-1971 and was defeated in one of pioneering Democratic Public Relations/Smear campaigns.  The movie "The Candidate" with Robert Redford is said to mirror the election of John Tunney over Murphy.

Murphy was born on the 4th of July in New Haven, CT.  His old man was a teacher and coach which provided a great education to the son of Mike Murphy. He attended prestigious east coast prep schools and eventually Yale.  From Yale, Murphy worked like the son of an immigrant as a  machinist, miner, real estate agents and night club hoofer.

A devout Roman Catholic American, Murphy married and was widowed twice.

Here is a the 4th of July Guy, Senator George Murphy hoofing with Fred Astair.

BornJuly 4, 1902, New Haven
DiedMay 3, 1992, Palm Beach
SpouseBetty Duhon Blandi (m. 1982–1992), Julie Johnson (m. 1926–1973)

George Murphy, Singer and Actor Who Became Senator, Dies at 89
 By JACQUES STEINBERGPublished: May 05, 1992George Murphy, a Hollywood actor, singer and dancer who was later elected a United States Senator from California, died Sunday night at his home in Palm Beach, Fla. He was 89 years old.
He died of leukemia, his wife, Bette, said.
From the 1930's to the 1950's, Mr. Murphy acted in more than 40 motion pictures, many of them M-G-M musicals. A tall and dignified performer, he danced opposite Shirley Temple in the 1938 film "Little Miss Broadway," acted opposite Judy Garland in the film version of George M. Cohan's "Little Nellie Kelly," and worked with Ronald Reagan, who later became a close friend and political ally, in the film "This Is the Army."
Years later, Shirley Temple Black recalled: "He was calm, no temper, and always knew his lines. He had a natural sense of rhythm."
Mr. Murphy, a Democrat who switched his allegiance to the Republican Party in 1939, became active in Hollywood politics in the 1940's, serving two terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild. He retired from films in 1952 and became a public relations executive in the motion picture industry, working for M-G-M and Desilu Productions, among others

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The God Particle Discovery! Who Made the Particle?

Physicists say they have all but proven that the "God particle" exists. They have a footprint and a shadow, and the only thing left is to see for themselves the elusive subatomic particle believed to give all matter in the universe size and shape. . . .Rob Roser, who leads the search for the Higgs boson at the Fermilab in Chicago, said: "Particle physicists have a very high standard for what it takes to be a discovery," and he thinks it is a hair's breadth away. Roser compared the results that scientists will announce Wednesday to finding the fossilized imprint of a dinosaur: "You see the footprints and the shadow of the object, but you don't actually see it." - Really Smart Guys in Chicago Tribune article 7/3/2012

1. Those truths are self-evident which are recognised at once, as soon as the terms in which they are expressed are known. Such a truth is the assertion that God exists: for by the name 'God' we understand something greater than which nothing can be thought. This notion is formed in the understanding by whoever hears and understands the name 'God,' so that God must already exist at least in the mind. Now He cannot exist in the mind only: for what is in the mind and in reality is greater than that which is in the mind only; but nothing is greater than God, as the very meaning of the name shows: it follows that the existence of God is a self evident truth, being evidenced by the mere meaning of the name.
2. The existence of a being is conceivable, that could not be conceived not to exist; such a being is evidently greater than another that could be conceived not to exist. Thus then something greater than God is conceivable if He could be conceived not to exist; but anything 'greater than God' is against the meaning of the name 'God.' It remains then that the existence of God is a self-evident truth.
3. Those propositions are most self-evident which are either identities, as 'Man is man,' or in which the predicates are included in the definitions of the subjects, as 'Man is an animal.' But in God of all beings this is found true, that His existence is His essence, as will be shown later (Chap. XXII); and thus there is one and the same answer to the question 'What is He?' and 'Whether He is.'* Thus then, when it is said 'God is,' the predicate is either the same with the subject or at least is included in the definition of the subject; and thus the existence of God will be a self-evident truth.
4. Things naturally known are self-evident: for the knowledge of them is not attained by enquiry and study. But the existence of God is naturally known, since the desire of man tends naturally to God as to his last end, as will be shown further on (B. 111, Chap. XXV).That must be self-evident whereby all other things are known; but such is God; for as the light of the sun is the principle of all visual perception, so the divine light is the principle of all intellectual cognition. St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Contra Gentiles, Book I (1258-64) Circa 1256 to 1259 Anno Domini
1st Grade Catechism -Little Flower Grammar circa August 1958
Galway-born Hairy Faced Sister of Mercy :  "Who Made the World?   You!"
Me - " Carpenters and Bricklayers."
That was my first plunge into ontological matters and my first of eight years of daily and at times hourly ass- kickings at the hands, rulers, rad-sticks, whiffle-ball bats, 18" Chalk erasers and the odd handy object from the Religious Sisters of Mercy.

Okay!  The lads at Fermi Lab, between Wilson and Butterfield Roads in Batavia over by Route 88, seem to have identifified the God Particle AKA Higgs Boson.  This elementary nugget of scientific gold must have the science community and atheists doing hand stands and huzzahs.  The God particle is believed - get that - believed to demonstrate the source of all stuff.

Like the warning pack on my Marlboro Reds, the God particle is science's proof postive and caveate to behave accordingly.  Hell, I started smoking on and off with a ten year abstinence, at the hot-house in O'Halloran Park at 83rd & Wood Street circa 1964 - punk-ass little Mick hoodlum - and continue to believe that I am not only toxic to cancer, but essentially bullet-proof.  I know better.

Boson is any particle with zero spin that obeys the laws of Bose-Einstein, for whom the particle(s) are tagged and not a mispelliing of Boatswain, or bosun, who serves as the deck wrangler of a ship,

I do not believe that Fermi Lab's swell announcement includes the source of the God Particle.  You know the Captain giving orders to the Bos'n Higgs.

When the lads at Fermi Lab get a shout-out from  יהוהYHWH  Yaweh. -to us Cat'lickers, you know the Old Tetragrammaton -give me a heads up.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth . . . and I believe I'll have me a smoke.,0,6433990.story

Monday, July 02, 2012

Adopt a Sailor by Charles Evered - Brilliant!


This film of Charles Evered's 2002 play Adopt A Sailor is an uncompromisingly human presentation of people responding to one another and examining the core of life's value.  Charles Evered avoids every obvious pratfall to genuine dialog and avoided any trace of obvious candy-coated heart-tugging.  More significantly, Charles Evered likes people, even the most self-absorbed, petty and thoughtless of us.  This is drama without the trace of sneer.

Bebe Neuwirth is a knockout and an even better actress.  Give this film a look and listen.

(2008 - USA)
Richard and Patricia are a dysfunctional but successful  NYC couple who live on the affluent Upper West Side whose lives intersect with a young man from Turkey Scratch, Arkansas. 
This sophisticated New York couple inadvertently sign up to “adopt a sailor,” during Fleet Week, only to have completely forgotten they’ve done so by the time he shows up at their doorstep. His presence not only throws their schedules off kilter, but brings a shift to their very outlook of the world outside their apartment. These three very different people eventually effect each other's lives in a huge way and find they have more in common than they might have ever imagined.

  • Ethan Peck...................................Sailor
  • Peter Coyote............................Richard
  • Bebe Neuwirth.........................Patricia

  • Directed by ...................Charles Evered
  • Written by.....................Charles Evered
  • Cinematography............Ulf Soderqvist
  • Running time........................81 minutes
  • Premiered at the Williamstown Film Festival on October 24, 2008
  • DVD release - April 20, 2010
