Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Dr.Camille Paglia Explains Hijacking of Democratic Party by Snobs

I have long been an admirer of Dr. Camille Paglia*, one of America's most authentic voices in the Canon of American Letters. Paglia writes for a lefty Cheering Squad - Salon - and with each column 'Deconstructs' the fatuous, phony and fawning voices that comprise the American cultural, social and political elite.

As a Catholic (though rarely, if ever, hits the pews anymore), Paglia honors the beautiful and community forming nature of literary truths and defends the exacting nature of literary inquiry in an age that parses and puffs up frauds and charlatans in academics and public life.

Paglia is at heart the tough Philly Italian kid and seems as bewildered by the hijacking of the Democratic Party as we urban, close-knit ethnic (Catholic & Jewish), second and third generation children of the world-wide diasporas.

Why has the Democratic Party become so arrogantly detached from ordinary Americans? Though they claim to speak for the poor and dispossessed, Democrats have increasingly become the party of an upper-middle-class professional elite, top-heavy with journalists, academics and lawyers (one reason for the hypocritical absence of tort reform in the healthcare bills). Weirdly, given their worship of highly individualistic, secularized self-actualization, such professionals are as a whole amazingly credulous these days about big-government solutions to every social problem. They see no danger in expanding government authority and intrusive, wasteful bureaucracy. This is, I submit, a stunning turn away from the anti-authority and anti-establishment principles of authentic 1960s leftism.

How has "liberty" become the inspirational code word of conservatives rather than liberals? (A prominent example is radio host Mark Levin's book "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto," which was No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly three months without receiving major reviews, including in the Times.) I always thought that the Democratic Party is the freedom party -- but I must be living in the nostalgic past. Remember Bob Dylan's 1964 song "Chimes of Freedom," made famous by the Byrds? And here's Richie Havens electrifying the audience at Woodstock with "Freedom! Freedom!" Even Linda Ronstadt, in the 1967 song "A Different Drum," with the Stone Ponys, provided a soaring motto for that decade: "All I'm saying is I'm not ready/ For any person, place or thing/ To try and pull the reins in on me."

But affluent middle-class Democrats now seem to be complacently servile toward authority and automatically believe everything party leaders tell them. Why? Is it because the new professional class is a glossy product of generically institutionalized learning? Independent thought and logical analysis of argument are no longer taught. Elite education in the U.S. has become a frenetic assembly line of competitive college application to schools where ideological brainwashing is so pandemic that it's invisible. The top schools, from the Ivy League on down, promote "critical thinking," which sounds good but is in fact just a style of rote regurgitation of hackneyed approved terms ("racism, sexism, homophobia") when confronted with any social issue. The Democratic brain has been marinating so long in those clichés that it's positively pickled.

Thanks Doc!

*Camille (Anna) Paglia (born April 2, 1947 in Endicott, New York) is a social critic, author and feminist. She is University Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.

Paglia is an intellectual of many apparent contradictions: a classicist who champions art both high and low, with a Hobbesian view that human nature is inherently dangerous, and yet who also celebrates dionysian revelry in the wilder, darker sides of human sexuality.

Paglia came to attention with the publication of her first book, "Sexual Personae", in 1990, when she also began writing about popular culture and feminism in mainstream newspapers and magazines. In early 1991, she was the subject of a New York magazine cover story, "Woman Warrior". She reached the height of her fame in 1992 with the publication of Sex, Art and American Culture, which was much read on college campuses. Her next book, Vamps and Tramps (late 1994), was a collection of short pieces along and new material such as a theoretical manifesto about sex, "No Law in the Arena". In 1998 she published a short volume about Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" in the British Film Institute Film Classics series.

She is currently writing a study of poetry for Pantheon Books as well as a third essay collection for Vintage Books. She was a columnist for for six years from its first issue and is now a contributing editor at Interview magazine. She continues to write articles and reviews for media and scholarly journals, such as her long article, "Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960s", published in the classics and humanities journal Arion in Winter 2003.

Her significance in the 1990s intellectual world was two-fold:

The seventies had seen the rise of a particularly rigid, doctrinaire "feminism" that many were finding stifling but only a few were challenging (e.g., the "sex positive" S/M lesbians, perhaps typified by Susie Bright).
The left was pushing for a change in the traditional focus of western universities on western culture (sometimes derided as the study of "dead white males"). For example, Stanford University was dropping its well-regarded undergraduate requirement of a year-long course in "Western Culture" in favor of a more broadly-focused study of "Cultures Ideas and Values" or CIV.
Against this backdrop, Camille Paglia appeared on the scene as a female intellectual who enjoyed challenging the left-wing position in these areas, but far from being the usual stodgy conservative, she did so by arguing from an unusual, flashy position that also embraced homosexuality, fetish, and prostitution. She describes herself as a "libertarian," as she speaks out in favor of individual freedom, which may help explain the apparent contradiction, and the consternation she causes in crossing back and forth between the dominant political camps. She is also an atheist, though she thinks comparative religion should be at the center of world education.

Sexual Personae: The Androgyne in Literature and Art (Dissertation: 1974)
Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (1990)
Sex, Art and American Culture: Essays (1992)
Vamps and Tramps: New Essays (1994) ISBN 0679751203
The Birds (BFI Film Classics) (1998)

Camille Anna Paglia was born April 2, 1947, at 6:57 PM in Endicott, New York. She was the first child of Pasquale and Lydia Anne (Colapietro) Paglia, who was born in Italy, and was raised in an Italian immigrant family.

(The name "Paglia" specifically describes the color of the straw that is produced in Italy, the same color that George Eliot had in mind in Daniel Deronda when she wrote of "the pale-golden straw scattered or in heaps.")

The Paglia household had little money, but the parents exposed their daughter to the best of Western art and culture. She has said that the first music to leave an impression on her was Bizet's Carmen, an opera which, in her words, "struck me with electrifying force." She was three when she heard it. That same year, she also became enamored with the witch in Walt Disney's Snow White, a character she later described as elegant and imperious. Throughout her childhood, she would be drawn to several charismatic and powerful figures in art, popular culture and history, setting a precedent for her adult career as culture critic and scholar. She studied them, emulated them and even dressed as them for Halloween (she dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland at the age of four, followed by Robin Hood at five, the toreador Escamillo at six, a Roman soldier at seven, Napoleon at eight and Hamlet at nine.) When she was four she became fascinated with the Egypt collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Later that year, her father visited France to study at the Sorbonne and returned with a copy of Art Treasures of the Louvre, a book which puzzled her with its numerous depictions of nude figures. Around this same time, she saw the movie Show Boat (1951), and fell in love with Ava Gardner.

Her primary school years were spent in Oxford, New York, a farming community where, at the Oxford Academy, her father taught high school students. At the age of nine she tried to produce the play Hamlet (based on the Classics Comic Books) in school but became frustrated because some of her classmates hadn't learned their lines. The experience taught her that she couldn't depend on other people, and she soon became a rather aggressive child.

Her family moved to Syracuse, New York, where her father entered graduate school at Syracuse University and then taught as a professor of romance languages at Le Moyne College. Paglia attended the Edward Smith Elementary school,T. Aaron Levy Junior High and William Nottingham High School.

During the summers, Paglia went to Spruce Ridge Camp, a Girl Scout facility in the Adirondacks. She spoke of it many years later in the New York Observer as a "prelesbian heaven. It was just so romantic. I had mad crushes on all the counselors." She took different names when she was there, including Anastasia, [her confirmation name, inspired by the Ingrid Bergman film]], Stacy, and Stanley. In one formative experience, she exploded the outhouse by pouring in too much lime. She said, "It symbolized everything I would do with my life and work. Excess and extravagance and explosiveness. I would be someone who would look into the latrine of culture...."

The year 1959 was an especially important year in Paglia's development, as it was the year her family got both a telephone and a TV set. It was television which exposed her to the movies of the 1930s for the first time, especially those of Katharine Hepburn, who made a big impression on her. She also fell in love with Elizabeth Taylor, and obsessively collected every photograph of her that she could lay her hands on. In 1961 when Taylor won for Best Actress at the 1960 Academy Awards for Butterfield 8, Paglia's reaction was "feverish excitement the whole next day at school."

While in high school, she began research on Amelia Earhart. The research lasted three years, ending when she was 17. She said, "I spent every Saturday in the bowels of the public library going through all these materials, old magazines and newspapers, before microfilm. Everything was falling to pieces. I probably destroyed the whole collection! I was covered with grime." She planned to write a book on Earhart, but the project never came to be.

She was an excellent and devoted student at Nottingham High. Carmelia Metosh was her Latin teacher for three years, and in 1992 recalled that "She always has been controversial. Whatever statements were being made (in class), she had to challenge them. She made good points then, as she does now. She was very alert, `with it' in every way." Paglia thanked Metosh in the acknowledgements to "Sexual Personae," and in January, 2000, described her as "the dragon lady of Latin studies, who breathed fire at principals and school boards."

In many ways, 1963 was the beginning of her career. For her birthday that year, she received a copy of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex from a Belgian colleauge of her father's, Josphina van Hal McGinn. The book had a tremendous influence on her and furthered her resolve to be an important feminist writer. On July 8 of that year, Newsweek published her letter about equal opportunity for American women. And on November 24, she appeared in Syracuse's Herald American in a short profile about her outstanding achievements as a student.

College Years
She graduated high school in 1964 and began attending SUNY Binghamton, Harpur College. There she became friendly with Bruce Benderson (who had also attended Nottingham High School), Stephen Jarratt and Stephen Feld, three gay men who would have a big influence on her. During a summer break, she worked the night shift at St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse as a secretary in the emergency ward.

One semester at college she was put on probation for committing 39 pranks. When she was 19, she hit a drunken young stranger in the teeth with her right fist, protecting a small woman whom he and a friend were groping on the street. Andy Warhol's "Chelsea Girls" was released that year. Paglia saw it and was particularly taken with actress Mary Woronov. She later remarked that "She was one of the most original, stylish, and articulate sexual personae of the royal House of Warhol. I never forgot her, and I followed her subsequent movie career with great fascination." Many of Paglia's memories of the '60s are linked to movies. For instance, in 1968 she and her friend Stephen Jarratt saw Joseph Losey's Secret Ceremony, and Valley of the Dolls, and continued to write about the experience years later.

She graduated from college in 1968, valedictorian of her class. She's repeatedly noted she was publicly out as a lesbian at Yale Graduate School, which she began attending in 1968. One day in New York that summer, she happened to run into Catherine Deneuve on Fifth Avenue and found herself "stalking" her through Saks Fifth Avenue. Paglia ran into the St. Regis Hotel and phoned her friend Stephen Jarratt, then working at a laundromat in Binghamton, to tell him about it. In her book Vamps & Tramps she wrote that it was "The first major incident I had to endure without my gay legionnaires...." She was a lesbian and alone.

Just a few months later, as a student at the Yale Graduate School she attended a party in the home of R. W. B. Lewis, one of her teachers, and she was insulted by a prominent Yale psychiatrist named Robert Jay Lifton and his wife for being a lesbian. Lifton, at that time, was the Foundations' Fund Research Professor in Psychiatry at Yale, a position he held until 1984. His attack seems to have emboldened her to not only be out as a lesbian, but to be in everyone's face about it. She has insisted that she was the only openly gay student at Yale for the four years she was a student. Paglia quarreled with "a then darkly nihilist Rita Mae Brown, who came to the Yale University campus for an early feminist conference", and she fought with the New Haven, Connecticut Women's Liberation Rock Band because they dismissed the Rolling Stones as "sexist."

Her study of sexuality in Western literature continued to develop with her reading of D. H. Lawrence's Women in Love and Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene. Several of her closest friends, Benderson, Jarratt and Feld all moved to San Francisco. Paglia recalled that she "had two close encounters with Kate Millett (author of "Sexual Politics") just after she became famous, in New Haven, Connecticut, and Provincetown, Massachusetts, but she was too morosely self-absorbed to notice." Because of what she saw as Millett's "careless" attitude toward scholarship, Millett became a person Paglia began to define herself against.

In 1971 she discovered Kenneth Clark's The Nude while browsing the shelves of Yale's library. "If ever I was in love with a book, it was with this one," she wrote in Sex, Art & American Culture; and in an article for Women's Quarterly in 2002, she called it "The best introduction by far to representation of the human figure in art." She wrote, "Students who read Clark will be safely inoculated against the worst excesses of feminist theory, with its prattle about objectification and the male gaze -- terms cooked up by ideologues with glaringly little knowledge of or feeling for art." The book influenced her writing in her Yale dissertation and subsequent works.

Of the dissertation, her mentor and adviser, Harold Bloom found one fault in the draft he read in 1971. He cautioned in the margin that one passage was "Mere Sontagisme!". Paglia later wrote, "It saddened me, but I knew Bloom was right. Sontag, who could have been Jane Harrison's successor as a supreme woman scholar, had become synonymous with a shallow kind of hip posturing." She received a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Yale that year.

In February of 1972 she wrote a letter to Carolyn Heilbrun, asking for information about her forthcoming book on androgyny, and Heilbrun responded with a letter saying that her book would not be able to deal with all available material on that subject. When the book came out, Paglia gave a thoroughly negative assessment of it in an anonymous review for the journal the Yale Review the following year, 1973. It was the journal's policy for reviews to be published without attribution.

Later in 1972, she toured Washington D.C. with her mother, where she saw Edward Brooke. She later described the black Republican senator from Massachusets as "a glamorous, lordly male who, from my one passing encounter with him as he sauntered elegantly down the Capitol steps in 1972, had a distinctly roving eye." She also saw Barry Goldwater on the Senate floor. "After knowing him only in the twisted, demonic form projected by the liberal Manhattan media, I was stunned at his simple, natural dignity and air of integrity," she later recalled. "He was the most charismatic man I have ever seen off a movie screen. With his unexpected height, solid physique and flowing white hair, he had the regality of an aging lion."

Teaching Career
In the fall, she began her first semester teaching at Bennington College. There she met James Fessenden, a philosophy instructor from Columbia University, who started teaching at the same time as Paglia. In January 1997, Mark W. Edmundson, now a professor at the University of Virginia, recalled attending Bennington while Paglia was there. "She was appointed as my faculty advisor in her first term. I went in for my advisorial visit and she was entirely herself, talking very fast about many things I knew nothing about. I ran in fear. Alas, I was too puzzled to take any of her classes, which seemed to be full of very sophisticated people from LA and from New York."

In 1973, her paper, "Lord Hervey and Pope," was published in the journal 18th century Studies. A Times Literary Supplement cover story on Lord Hervey, November 2nd, praised the paper as "brilliant." On April 9th, she traveled to see Susan Sontag at a lecture at Dartmouth and later invited her to Bennington. Sontag spoke there on October 4th, an event that caused much controversy at Bennington since she read a short story instead of giving a cultural lecture, as she had agreed to. Paglia later commented, "I was stunned because I thought she was going to be a major intellectual," and then wrote about the meeting at length in a dishy essay, "Sontag, Bloody Sontag", first published in "Vamps & Tramps".

Another intellectual disappointment was Marija Gimbutas, who published The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe in 1974. At the same time, Paglia launched "a detailed attack on an exhibit at Bennington's Crossett Library, 'Matriarchy: The Golden Age,' which used appallingly shoddy feminist materials alleging the existence of a peaceful, prehistoric matriarchy, later supposedly overthrown by nasty males."

Through her study of the classics and her reading of the scholarship of Jane Ellen Harrison, James George Frazer, Erich Neumann and others, Paglia had developed a theory of sexual history that was in opposition to the ideas in vogue at the time, which is why she was so critical of Gimbutas, Heilbrun, Millet and others. She laid out her ideas on matriarchy, androgyny, homosexuality, sadomasochism and many other topics in her dissertation Sexual Personae: The Androgyne in Literature and Art, which she completed in December of 1974, at the age of 27.

At the time she completed her dissertation and was awarded her Ph.D. by Yale, her friend James Fessenden, "after being forced out of Bennington," returned to New York. Likewise, her friend Bruce Benderson, who had also become a writer, moved to New York from San Francisco. But gay culture had changed since the '60s, and Paglia found that she was no longer allowed to go into gay bars with her male friends, a situation which infuriated her.

In March of 1965, Paglia drove from Vermont to Albany to see Germaine Greer speak. She was disappointed, reporting later that "During the question period, I nervously raised my hand from the crowd and asked if Greer, a former English professor, would be writing on literary subjects again soon. Her reply was stern and swift: 'There are far more important things in the world than literature!'" Another time while visiting Albany, Paglia "nearly came to blows with the founding members of the women's-studies program at the State University of New York at Albany, when they categorically denied that hormones influence human experience or behavior. These women (whose field was literature) attributed my respect for science to 'brainwashing' by men."

Similar sorts of fights with feminists, lesbians, chauvinists, homophobes, and academics would continue for years, reaching a high point in 1978. While at Bennington, Paglia had two girlfriends. The second one, a theatrical young woman named Patty, was a former student. The couple went to a school dance one evening when a rich student from Chicago came out of nowhere and physically attacked them. Paglia spoke about this to Heather Findlay in a cover story for Girlfriends magazine. She said, "I went to the police and filed a report. Then her parents went ballistic. There was an enormous to-do from her rich parents telling the administration, 'Open homosexuals shouldn't be employed by a college. We're not sending our daughter to a place where there are gays like this on the faculty.'" After a lengthy standoff with the administration, Paglia accepted a settlement from the college and resigned a year later. The relationship with Patty ended the following year. Karen Young's song "Hot Shot" became a disco hit during this time, a fact Paglia noted decades later when she pointed out that this "classic high disco... was created at the Queen Village Recording Studio" near the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. She didn't know it at the time, but the University of the Arts in Philadelphia would become an institution of tremendous importance to her life in the following decades.

In the early 1980s, Paglia finished her book but couldn't get published and was supporting herself with visiting and part-time teaching jobs at Yale, Wesleyan, and other Connecticut colleges. She taught night classes at the Sikorsky Helicopter plant. Her paper, "The Apollonian Androgyne and the Faerie Queen ," was published in ELR, Winter 1979, and her dissertation was cited by J. Hillis Miller in his April 1980 article "Wuthering Heights and the Ellipses of Interpretation," in Journal of Religion in Literature, but aside from that, not much was happening with her academic career at a time when her peers were moving on to important positions at major universities. In a letter of March 1993 to Boyd Holmes, she recalled: "I earned a little extra money by doing some local features reporting for a New Haven alternative newspaper (The Advocate) in the early 1980s. There was an article on the historic pizzerias of the town and also one on an old house that was a stop on the Underground Railroad."

In 1984 she got a teaching job at the Philadelphia College of Performing Arts, which merged with its next-door neighbor, the Philadelphia College of Art, to become the University of the Arts in 1987. The completed manuscript for "Sexual Personae" was rejected by seven publishers and five agents, until it was finally accepted by Yale University Press and published in February 1990. Paglia had no romantic relationships during this period and has described her "endless frustration" in trying to meet women in bars. However, she met Alison Maddex, then living in Washington, D.C., in 1993, and the two have been together ever since.

In March of 1985, an interesting letter of hers about the Liberty Bell was published by the Philadelphia Inquirer. An article concerning the conservation of the Liberty Bell appeared in the New York Times, March 27, quoting from her letter ("Philadelphia deserves a classier display of its heritage.") In April, she copyrighted a children's book, The Grocery Store Wars, with drawings by her sister Lenora. A chapter of Sexual Personae, "Oscar Wilde and the English Epicene," was published in the journal Raritan. In 1986, her essay "Nature, Sex, and Decadence," was published in the book Pre-Raphaelite Poets, edited by Harold Bloom; and her essay, "Christabel," was published in Samuel Taylor Coleridge, also edited by Bloom.

For the next few years, she continued to teach while perfecting Sexual Personae for its eventual publication, and releasing a few additional portions of it in other journals and books. Her essay "Oscar Wilde and the English Epicene," was published in 1988 in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, edited by Bloom; Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art, was published in 1988 in Western Humanities Review; and "Sex," was published in the Spenser Encyclopedia, by A. C. Hamilton in 1989.

In the early '90s, her friends Stephen Jarratt and James Fessenden died of AIDS.

Monday, September 07, 2009

American Labor – Stay out of the Green Fog

This morning most members of my immediate and extended family will march in celebration of Labor. They will form up on Columbus Drive* as the fog and mists of morning break away along the Lakefront, but they may still be enshrouded in both a Purple and a Green fog.

The Purple Fog is the powerful cover of SEIU - tax salaried, collectivist political action masquerading as real Labor. I have continued to snipe away at SEIU as faux labor, because the SEIU membership the rank and file are used by SEIU for dues, while the membership remain in low-paying, no skill/low skill jobs, without a path to the middle class. SEIU uses the dues of members to buy and amass political power.

The Green Fog comes from the Environmental Agendanistas and Allies of SEIU who have be-fogged American political conversation with the white noise of Green Jobs, Green Capitalism, and Green Politics.

Labor gave America its standard of living and created the American Middle Class.

These are tough times. Americans face near 10% unemployment, and erosion of the industrial jobs that once marked America. Many of those jobs rusted and chipped away due to Environmental Concerns. The American Steel Industry is now all but gone. Coal was and remains a political whack-a-mole - 'We're with You! We Ain't!'

America is Green Slap Happy. Green Jobs? Green Turn-around economy? Renewable Sources of Energy? Green fog.

The Green Fog's Czar, Van Jones, was out-ed as an agenda driven goof and will return to the activist sidelines - for a while.

Today, as Labor - Real Labor - marches and celebrates the courage and conviction of people to demand dignity and a solid livelihood from the people who benefit from their labors, try to avoid the Green Fog, as well as the Purple Fog.

Green jobs barely exist. American scholar and demographer Joel Kotkin writes this about the Green Fog:

All told, green jobs constitute barely 700,000 positions across the country – less than 0.5% of total employment. That's about how many jobs the economy lost in January this year. Indeed a recent study by Sam Sherraden at the center-left New America Foundation finds that, for the most part, green jobs constitute a negligible factor in employment – and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Policymakers, he warns, should avoid "overpromising about the jobs and investment we can expect from government spending to support the green economy."

This is true even in California, where green-job hype has become something of a fetish among self-styled "progressives." One recent study found that the state was creating some 10,000 green jobs annually before recession. To put this into context, the total state economy has lost over 700,000 jobs over the past year (more than 200,000 in Los Angeles County alone). Any net growth in green jobs has barely made a dent in any economic category; only education and health services have shown job gains over this period.

More worrisome, in terms of national competitiveness, the green sector seems to be going in the wrong direction. The U.S.'s overall "green" trade balance has moved from a $14.4 billion surplus in 1997 to a nearly $9 billion deficit last year. As the country has pushed green energy, ostensibly to free itself from foreign energy, it has become ever more dependent on countries such as China, Japan and Germany for critical technology. Some of this is directly attributable to the often massive subsidies these countries offer to green-tech companies. But as New America's Sherraden puts it, this "does not augur well for the future of the green trade balance."

Nor are we making it any easier for American workers to gain from green-related manufacturing. Some of America's "greenest" regions are inhospitable for placing environmentally oriented manufacturing facilities. For example, high taxes and regulatory climate have succeeded in intimidating solar cell makers from coming to green-friendly California; a manufacturer from China told the Milken Institute's Ross DeVol that the state's "green" laws precluded making green products there.

The jobs –manufacturing and others – depart and there is no work – No Labor. The fog of Green propaganda and sloganeering by editorial boards and politicians will endanger American Labor, as much as the collectivist clap-tarp of Andy Stern’s SEIU. Purple or Green, fog is fog.
God Bless the American Labor Movement! Work for the dignity of working women and men, but for Labor's sake - for God's Sake! - stay out of the Fogs, Green and Purple!

* No Parade - plenty of barbecues, though. At the time I wrote this, I had forgotten that the City of Chicago no longer Parades Labor. There is an Immigration Reform rally.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

"Eph'phatha," - Straighten Up and Fly Right!

Today's Gospel reminded me of the Nat King Cole Trio song:

A buzzard took monkey for a ride in the air
The monkey thought that everything was on the square
The buzzard tried to throw the monkey off his back
But the monkey grabbed his neck and said-- Now listen, Jack

Straighten up and fly right
Straighten up and fly right
Straighten up and fly right
Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top.
Ain't no use in divin'
What's the use in jivin'
Straighten up and fly right
Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top.

The buzzard told the monkey "You're chokin' me
Release your hold and I'll set you free
The monkey looked the buzzard right dead in the eye and said
Your story's so touching but it sounds just like a lie

Straighten up and fly right
Straighten up and stay right
Straighten up and fly right
Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top.

Here was the unvarnished gospel Mark 7: 31 - 37 at 8:30 Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Chicago:

Then he returned from the region of Tyre, and went through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, through the region of the Decap'olis.
And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech; and they besought him to lay his hand upon him.

And taking him aside from the multitude privately, he put his fingers into his ears, and he spat and touched his tongue;
and looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said to him, "Eph'phatha," that is, "Be opened."

And his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly.
And he charged them to tell no one; but the more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.

And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, "He has done all things well; he even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak."

I have more wax in my soul than I do in my ears. I lose patience with my wonderful children. I want my vanities perfumed into virtues. I want my bank balance to mirror those vanities and continue to be astounded that, when I open the mail, there are no Honorary Degrees. or Fat Checks from Patrons.

In short, I need to hear "Eph'phatha," which Mel Gibson translates from the Aramaic of Jesus to 'Straighten Up and Fly Right!'

Cool down Papa don't you blow your top!

Happy Labor Day, Folks!

Click my post title for the translation.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Chicago Brother-Love -Maureen O'Donnell's Odyssey of Jack Egan: Greek Ice Cream and the Kamikaze

History is about the truth and not what we'd like it to be and try to Krazy-Glu a patch job of what might have happened.

World War II was an epic fight in which good triumphed over evil. The Greatest Generation is term that merely seems to pay a passing nod at the millions of tough, skinny, energetic, independent and compassionate Americans who went to war against Fascism ( Nazi/Imperialist Japanese/Italian fascism) a belief that the State usurps the Rights of Man.

Maureen O'Donnell of the Chicago Sun Times presents a story that is a relic, a time-piece and evidence of what made newspapers great at one time. Her story of Jack Egan, an 86 year old gentleman, who wanted to learn the historical truth of his brother's WWII sacrifice as a sailor in the South Pacific is a thing of beauty.

It relates the historical context of Chicago in the 1940's and the roles played by teenagers in going to war against monsters.

Chicago's Greek community was the force behind the ice cream industry - the first Sundae was created in a Chicago Greek ice cream parlor; the first Soda Foundation was established in a Greek ice cream parlor and Greeks established ice cream manufacturing in 1920's Chicago. Hollis, Melvin - Ethnic Chicago p.280.

An Irish kid afflicted with Polio, Jack Egan could not go to war with his brother, but worked to maintain the American way of life here at home. Maureen O'Donnell presents the sadness of the War Department telegram coming to the helot's house at 7200 S. Seeley in 1945.

Maureen O'Donnell carefully and lovingly presents the treasures that make history come alive through the beauty of its simple truth -unalloyed by agenda:

Egan still has the telegram, sent to the old family home at 7231 S. Seeley, saying Jack was missing. It nearly stopped their mother's heart. She never recovered from her grief, dying six months later, at 52.

Egan has the Gold Star flag families hung in the window to show they'd lost a boy in the war and a chisel his brother made in shop class at Tilden Tech.

And now, 64 years later, the Westmont man has someone he can talk to about his brother, after seeing a Chicago Sun-Times story about Nick Korompilas, 85, a Mannert Abele survivor.

Egan, who turns 86 Sunday, couldn't believe it when he read the story. With one arm withered from polio and classified 4-F, Egan didn't serve in the military. But he always hoped to find someone who was on his brother's ship. Before the Internet, though, searching wasn't easy. And life got in the way. Egan worked at Kraft Cheese, Curtiss Candy and Glidden Paint. He married and raised a family.

But, after seeing the story, he got together with Korompilas at his Park Ridge home.

"I finally found somebody I could finally talk to," Egan said.

Click my post title for Maureeen O'Donnell's beautiful story.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Another 'Teachable Moment' Van Beck Beer Summit

Now here is a 'Teachable Moment' - Every time President Obama has stepped on the old John Dog, he has seen fit to make a collective guilt trip for all Americans.

Van Jones - a middleclass punk loudmouth like Billy Ayers is giving the Amateur Hour Obama White House the miseries. Czar Jones is not new. In fact, he mirrors the President in so many ways - handsome, well dressed, verbally gifted and insulated. President Obama is a middle class kid who eased into power through the board rooms of monied 501(c) 3 Boards - not precinct captain level Chicago politics. The Progressive route buys power and influence and never admits an error, sin or mistake

Personally, I'll take a few cuts from the flails of fortune for my own idiocies - gambling, getting gin-drunk, and acting the Corinthian with the Fast Smart Set. On me, whip away!

However, President Obama has made a career out of collective work - 501(c)3 Foundations headed up by the Barney Google of Leftist Terrorism - Billy Ayers and then using the funding from Woods Fund with State multipliers as a State Senator to offer 'systemic' changes, like tossing bucks to collectivist lawyers and real estate HUD swindlers ( Tony Rezko/Allsion Davis/Cullen Davis & etc.). It's all good.

You see Obama Power is Progressive Collective Power ( Lefty PACS/SEIU/ACLU?Planned Parenhood? & etc.)! Everyone is involved -whether they like it, suffer under it or profit by it. President Obama is no Chicago politician. He is the Progressive Collectivist.

He acts and you feel. Van Jones is a punk with whom Americans have become all too familiar with since meeting Barack Obama - an insulated, middle class, radical loudmouth with Foundation money. He is a handsome black Billy Ayers -kind of like Taye Diggs meets Gabby Hayes - they are very much the same. Punks they be - protected and insulated by fortune and the laws they wish to destroy. Czar Jones it seems just might only have hours left in his mastership of the Obama Green Suzerain.

Now, Labor Day Weeekend, might be just the time - again- that our Collectivist Progressive President calls another beer summit with Glenn Beck and Van Jones beer bonging for All of America's Collective Guilt.

Everything is just a distraction.

EU Green Dictates Kerry Fishermen Starve - Our Green Planet Terrorists and Regular Folks

Ireland joined the European Union some time ago and only recently the effects of that union are being realized. Ireland has a growing drug problem that has paralleled the 'Compassionate' immigration and safe haven sanctuary for political refugees who seem to be active heroin dealers from the Mid East, Africa and the former Soviet Union. Now Green Mandates threaten the livelihood of Kerry fishermen - especially the mussel fishers of Castlemaine.

Mussels - yes, the cockles and mussels, Alive, Alive O' variety - have been used as food and export commodities for centuries. Mussels are steamed and the broth -'Bray' serves as a nutritious tea in Ireland and Europe. They are damned tasty bivalves sold on the streets of seaside towns in Ireland and dashed with vinegar make a good meal.

I ate bags of mussels in Ireland. Now, it appears that the Green Mandates of the EU will smother families into poverty once again in the Celtic Tiger.

I read Ted Creedon's warning in The Kerryman and was sickened by this idiotic One World Green fiat. ( click my post title for the full story)

The mussel fishermen of Cromane are angry that there was no consultation prior to their industry being closed. Since the government's decision they have been unable to contact the relevant authorities, whose silence on the issue has been deafening. Maybe they are not worried if the people of Cromane and beyond lose their livelihoods. The government's only correspondence to the people of Cromane is that they are carrying out baseline studies.

So far the only actual study carried out regarding whether this industry was causing any damage to the harbour was independently commissioned by the fishermen of Cromane.

This rash decision of this government cannot and should not be accepted. The government is playing a game of roulette with a coastal village that depends on the mussel industry. It is inconceivable to think that they will not be able to continue in their chosen industry.

The bottom line is this: If the government refuses to re-open the Cromane mussel fishery a village in rural Ireland will die.

President Obama's idiot Green Czar Van Jones is a fine example of the Green Death Mopes who dictate such Mandates - God Help us!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

President Obama's Department of Homeroom Fun & Activities!

Menu of Classroom Activities 
President Obama’s Address to Students Across America  
Produced by William Ayers Teaching Ambassador FellowsU.S. Department of Education  
September 8, 2009 
Before the Speech
Teachers can build temples to the President of the United States and his speech by stacking books about presidents and Barack Obama. Teachers could motivate students by telling the following questions:
Who is the President of the United States? Barack Obama Right?
What do you think it takes to be President besides the Stupid Electoral College and where is it anyway and how many Bowls Have they Been In?
To whom do you think the president is going to be speaking To You'm That's Whom?
Why do you think he wants to speak to you'm?
What do you think he will say to you'm?

Teachers can ask students to imagine that they are delivering a speech to all of the Japanese First Ladies on Venus - that's a planet up there.
If you were the president, what would you tell students to do about Fox Cable News?
What can students do to help in our school's fight for the planet and the next American Idol?
Teachers can chart seats for students to sit in.

Why is it important that we listen to the president and other elected officials, like the mayor, senators, members of congress, or the governor but not the Crazy Beeeotch Former-Governor of Alaska who will Run in 2012? 

Why is what they say important to you and President Obama who already knows what you think and don't think for a minute Little Miss that he does not, because he has Rachel Maddow keeping a Snitch Chart on you and Maddie, and Beckey and the Twins?
During the Speech

As the president speaks, teachers can go out and smoke the same brand of Marlboro Red Hardpack as President Obama, but be sure to use that Family Dollar Hand Sanitizer that poor Mr. Walsh used to drink and had to go back to Rehab.

Ask students to write down key names of uncles and aunts who had McCain/Palin lawn signs and bumper stickers. Smart students  could use a note‐taking graphic organizer such as a “cluster web of Enemies of Our President;” . . .

Or, students could record their thoughts on sticky notesand later burn them, because they will be wearing paper hats to work and going in the Army and voting Re-Thuglican.  

Younger children could draw pictures of Way-Cool Guys Playing Guitar Hero with Dinosaurs. Sharks! Draw Sharks eating fat kids!

 As students listen to the speech, they could think about the following, but will no doubty drift off into a fantsy about Old Country Buffet and Batting Cages:
What is the president trying to tell me and why did he keep pulling that wax out of his ears and look at it?

What's that buzzing sound? What's the Frequency Kenneth?
What is the president asking me to do with the 1st Communion Money from Uncle Stosh and Aunt Beryl?
What new Action Figures is the president challenging me to think about?

This gum is still minty!

Students could record important parts of the speech where the president is asking them to do something, but. . . like that will happen. 

Students might think about the following - or not:
What specific job is he asking me to do on the two kids at the end of the block whose Dad is in the Medical Insurance Business?
Is he asking anything of anyone else, like Ted Kennedy? Yeah, What will Ted Kennedy be doing? Nothing! Not Fair.
Teachers? Principals? Parents? Lend me your ears! The American people? We Apologize for the American People! A Nation of Racist Imperialist Power Mongering Cowards,Killers and Planet Slobs! I Hate Myself!
•Remember to Color Purple for SEIU!

After the Speech

Wait and see, Mr Pretties! Wait and See!!!!!!!!!!

MSNBC's Right Wing Bias Confuses Cute Hoors

E.J. Dionne is a very in-demand columnist of the Washington Post, frequent flyer on MSNBC, NPR and the balance of what he terms 'the right-wing Media.' In today's offering at Real Politics Dionne presents himself as a real Cute Hoor.

E.J. Dionne is what Muhammad Ali Boxing Legend and Freeman of Ennis, County Clare, Ireland, would call " A Cute Hoor*." A cute hoor, in Ireland and among the children of the Spud Diaspora is a dissembler, a hair-splitting sneak.

When the Summer of Hope Dashed hit President Obama just days before the Great National Lesson on Race, Part II ( The Beer Boondoggle) MSNBC, CNN, most of the print media, Hollywood Swingers, and every guy who travelled on a short yellow bus to school in my neck of the woods howled and tore garments about Town Hall Thugs and Tea Bag Militia Men.

That attempt at concerted calumny by the Cute Hoors of America ( E.J. Dionne Life Member)really did not turn out so well for the attempt to throw the high hard one into the American Tax-Payer under the euphemism Health Care(Insurance) Reform.

Here is what Cute Hoor Dionne tries to parse:

There is an overwhelming case that the electronic media went out of their way to cover the noise and ignored the calmer (and from television's point of view "boring") encounters between elected representatives and their constituents.

It's also clear that the anger that got so much attention largely reflects a fringe right-wing view opposed to all sorts of government programs most Americans support. Much as the far left of the anti-war movement commanded wide coverage during the Vietnam years, so now are extremists on the right hogging the media stage -- with the media's complicity. (emphasis my own)

Over the last week, I've spoken with Democratic House members, many from highly contested districts, about what happened in their town halls. None would deny polls showing that the health reform cause lost ground last month, but little of the probing civility that characterized so many of their forums was ever seen on television

E.J. Dionne, if you told that to a deaf mule, he'd kick you to death. Imagine what Muhammad Ali, good man that he is, would do to you!

* Cute Hoor -

Someone who tricks other people without being discovered. Clever or sneaky.

I heard this term used in conversation long before I REALLY understood what was being said. I thought the insinuation was one that compared a trickster to a prostitute. Then I saw it written as the subtitle on a poster for Margaret Mckenna Mullan’s play, The Sleeveens, and realised it was pure slang.

As to the origins of this phrase, I’d imagine that “cute” is being used in its old meaning as “small.” A cute hoor in Ireland doesn’t do anything truly harmful - it’s almost an affectionate term for someone who’s a bit of a chancer, given the opportunity.

“So I told the doorman I’d lost my wristband and he let me in without paying. Then, I drank for free at the bar because I convinced the staff I was the owner’s son returned from Australia.”

“Ya cute hoor, ya!”

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Latin Matin September 2, 2009

Quid agis, caput assulae?

O Sibile! Siemgo ! Fortibuses in Ero Nobile Demis Trux
Suatis Enim –Causen Dux

What'll it be?" asked the bartender.

"A martinus," said the professor.

"Don't you mean martini?"

"If I wanted more than one I'd ask for more than one."

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Muhammad Ali - A Freeman of Ennis!

Freedom of the City is a medieval military honor bestowed upon the heroic. In Ireland, it is an honorary distinction outside of the City of Dublin where the Freeman may sell his goods without license, graze his sheep in the parks and keep armour for the return of the Vikings or the Brits.

In the town of Ennis, County Clare, in the most beautiful of Ireland's four provinces -Munster -Muhammad Ali was named a Freeman of Ennis today.

Mike Joyce, Leo Boxing Coach and St. Cajetan neighbor is with Muhammad Ali along with Emerald Plumbing CEO and Boxing Impresario Terry Cox of County Mayo.

Meallan muilte Dé go mall ach meallan siad go mion.

Boxing Great Muhammad Ali Returns to County Clare, Ireland

Fifty thousand people will crowd into Ennis, County Clare, Ireland to welcome Muhammad Ali - Home.

The Greatest is a Son of Erin and the great grandson of a Clare Man who married an African American woman here in the States.

“Ennis has had rain for three months, June, July and August, it hasn’t stopped, we’ve been hit by the recession, but for the last three weeks, since the offer for him to come was taken up, it is all the townsfolk have spoken about,” Ennis Town Mayor Frankie Neylon said.

“Old and young are united in this. The older people are educating the young children about the great man, and the town is abuzz with activity. There are musical bands preparing, memorabilia is coming out, it is thrilling for everyone.”

Ali’s great-grandfather Abe Grady was born and raised in Ennis before he emigrated to America in 1860, where he married an African-American woman. Ali’s mother, Odessa Lee Grady, was his granddaughter. Abe Grady’s father, John, rented a house and garden in Ennis for 15 shillings a year in 1855.

Nár laga Dia do lámh

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Joel Weisman - A Tuba Joins a String Quartet of Chicago Talent

Joel Weisman on the Friday Edition of WTTW -Wilmette Talking to Winnetka -Chicago Tonight seems to be channeling MSNBC's Chris 'Milkey' Matthews. White noise.

I was stunned to see four great guest panelists on Chicago Tonight. While my daughter Clare was doing St. Rita Cheerleading stuff with the like-minded and spirited young ladies from the neighborhood, I chanced to see four -not just good -panelists on Chicago Tonight, but four great panelists.

News Legend Bob Crawford - a WBBM radio reporter who always gets it right

Nesita Kwan - A solid and clever NBC correspondent

Kate Grossman - a Chicago Education journalist for the Sun Times who speaks as well as she writes.

Dan McGrath - Chicago Tribune senior sports writer and the absolute best prose craftsman in journalism.

This line-up of genuine Chicago talent is like having the greatest Haydn String Quartet be joined by Joel and his Golden Tuba! Hey! Let's Polka to Haydn! Go for Baroque!

Jesus Christ! Everytime Bob Crawford presented a cogent analysis on Illinois politics, Kate Grossman cut through the nonsense surrounding the Clouting of CPS, Nesita Kwan silked the substance of dangers to our health , or the witty Dan McGrath hit for fences on Milton Bradley or the chances of 2009 Sox, Joel Weisman blows loudly to implode the music of great thoughts and sucks the intelligence and oxygen out of the room. Well, it is public TV.

Chris Matthews the braying jackass of MSNBC must have offered his playbooks to Jolly Joel.

Let's hear the panelists! Shut the Duck Up, Joel - your inner Duck! Keep him there.

Click my post title and watch a souffle drop because of Joel's Tuba playing to no one in particular.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Racists Turn Backs on Portrait of President Digging for Nose Gold

In the ever expanding Universe of Americans turning their backs on Obama Health Reform and other costly treats, White House Spokesfolks ginned up the heat on Racists and Terrorists (the folks photoed above).

MSNBC will do a two-hour loop tape to run around the clock over the next six months to point out Racism on Main Street U.S.A. There's no getting away from it - from Martha's Vineyard to Bum Hump, Arkansas- this "Nation of Cowards" does not cotton to Government Health Care or State Sponsored Abortion. ( click my post title)

Whitey Bulger Tosses Some Guy's Hat in The Ring for Kennedy Senate Seat - The Snappy Spoof Saga!

From the fine folks at Spoof!

Boston, MA/ Political News - In a bold political move, Winter Hill Criminal Gang Leader, Whitey Bulger, emerged from "hiding" and moved into the limelight after the Massachusetts Senate voted unanimously to grant him amnesty from a career of Murder and Mayhem.

Political pundits of the one party state, said Bulger gives the DEMS their best chance to sweep the mandated Senatorial election required under Massachusetts Law with the death or retirement of an elected representative.

Kennedy family members denied rumours that Bulger was the last known visitor to the Kennedy bedside in a late night visitation, and that he gave absolution to the criminally neglient Senator.

Governor "Cadillac" Deval Patrick, put his official signature to the amnesty bill this morning while sitting pool side at his $1.7 million mansion, brushing aside nagging questions from the media concerning his edict to shut down all community pools citing the state was "broke, and couldn't afford anymore Chlorine, or pool maintenance!"

Meanwhile, insiders claimed the Bulger move was an act of genius, putting the 80 year old Bolger in his accustomed place as a ruthless leader of thieves, scam artists, hit men, and anti-social politicians.

Bulger's life was chronicled in the popular movie "The Departed", with Bulger's role played to perfection by Hollywood Icon, Jack Nicholson.

The Bulger story became one of myth and legend after it was discovered that he was in bed with the FBI in the Bay State, who proffered him favours, and overlooked hits, in turn for information that resulted in the arrest and successful prosecution of his rivals. A lot of Money also exchanged hands.

Bulger appeared on the FBI's most wanted list in 1999, and it appeared to many that the agency had no real intention of pursuing him as it could lead to more embarrassing revelations within the agency.

Whitey's brother, Bill, was the former head of the Mass State Senate, and went on to a brief appointment as the President of the University of Massachusetts, where his public service has led to a tax free $400k a year retirement package.

Bill often said he had no idea where his brother could be hiding out, but came out of retirement to become his campaign manager yesterday.

At least two FBI agents are serving time in jail for an assortment of crimes, not the least of which is fingering an informant that led to his eradication by Bulger and his henchman simply know as "The Rifleman."

Stories continued to surface concerning Bulger's where a abouts and he was interviewed by a Spoof Reporter in his mansion on Cape Cod where on a clear day "he could see Martha's Vineyard", in a toll booth on the Mass Turnpike where he worked for awhile as a $90,000 tolltaker, also in Patriots' stadium where he was seen hawking peanuts and beer, and even as late as last month where he was seen at a Barney Frank Town Hall meeting working a security detail.

Details leaking out from the Mass legislature seem to indicate Bulger had a small, but secure and homey office in the State Court House, where his official title was "Head of Janitorial Services and Pest Control", a position created by Patrick, who has denied it, and paying $175,000 a year and guaranteeing a pension "to die for".

FBI and Justice officials are said to be glad their long embarrassment is over and announced they no longer had Bulger on the Most Wanted List, the same day they announced they were abandoning the corruption investigation of New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson since all witnesses had "gone missing" as well as 3 GOP Federal Attorneys who took "early retirement."

Spoof Investigative Reporter Hal A. Peno, was said to be "really Hot", as he had worked tirelessly on the investigation and "had the fucker dead to rights!"

Fourteen possible challengers for the Senate Seat, announced today they were dropping out of the Senate Race, "for personal reasons."

The story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

With the Last Kennedy Asleep in God's Peace, Perhaps the Democratic Party Will Snap Out of It!

When it came to the white ethnic working class from which his father came, Kennedy just plain didn’t get it. Whether it was court-ordered busing in Boston in the 1970s, or the affirmative action policies that stymied the careers of so many of his family’s traditional voters, Kennedy never grasped the depth of the blue-collar frustration as he veered left. And what infuriated them even more was that so many of them had grown up in homes where on one side of the mantel was a faded photo of the martyred JFK, and on the other the pope, with a dried-up palm frond given out at Mass on Palm Sunday between them.
Howie Carr Boston Herald

The last Kennedy of the Camelot Myth has gone to meet God. The goofballs are doing a Michael Jackson on Ted Kennedy.

As a Democrat, as Catholic, as an Irish Catholic Ted Kennedy was far from my cup of tea. He was huge, he was powerful and he was a presence in American politics, but more so he seemed to command the tiller of Democratic National Party and all the worst elements within it - Planned Parenthood, Identity Politics, Third World Apologists and Cultural Elitists. Those forces allowed Ted Kennedy to amass power and retain it and it was okay with Ted Kennedy. Now he is gone.

The Democratic Party might just snap out of it and return to the principles that JFK and RFK adhered to, but their rudderless younger brother sailed away from.

Real Labor and real working class Americans need leaders in the Democratic Party. Locally, I know many such women and men, but Nationally (Judicial/Executive/Legislative Branches) they do not exist.

PACS -ACORN/SEIU/ACLU and Planned Parenthood control who gets to step on the National stage as a Democrat.

The Media takes its orders from the PACs and Corporations in bed with them. However, now that the last Plantagenet/Kennedy has returned to the mythopoeic fogs and the Democratic Party is spiralling out of control due to the amateurism of the falconers ( Obama/Pelosi/Reed/Dodd/Gore and their masters) in this debate on Health Care Reform, perhaps a leader with genuine principles - A Catholic, a Protestant, a Jew, or a Muslim, might rank an offering from Planned Parenthood, SEIU, ACLU,ACORN or GE as beneath her dignity and refuse to parse their lies as truths.

Perhaps, I will get a starting nod from Lovie Smith at the QB spot for the Bears Opener against Green Bay on September 13th. Perhaps.

Jazz Singer Terry Sullivan Swings with Strings at Gallery Cabaret -Monday August 31st 8 P.M.

Ms. Terry Sullivan is a writer ( Cultural & Arts Editor for Chicago Daily Observer, choral director of St. Cecelia Chorus of St. John Cantius Catholic Church, and a seasoned Jazz singer, who Chicago nightlife pioneer and jazz enthusiast Mr. Nick Novich ( Nick's Place & etc.) likened to ' the sweet voice of Blossom Dearie.'

Terry Sullivan Quartet will grace the stage of Gallery Cabaret in Bucktown on June 29th from 8-10:30PM. Get a start on your Summer with the vocal stylings of Ms. Terry Sullivan and Great American Song Book!

Terry will break out the Jazz accompanied by guitar, bass and drum. The Show begins at 8 p.m. at Gallery Cabaret!

Gallery Cabaret
2020 N Oakley Ave
Chicago, IL 60647-4153
(773) 489-5471

The Gallery Cabaret has been operating in Chicago's Bucktown neighborhood since 1990. According to owner, Ken Strandberg, the Gallery Cabaret harkens back to a time when "you could walk into a joint, buy a drink, and enjoy live entertainment like comedy or music just for being there and being a patron." The Gallery has offered free entertainment 7 nites per week since it opened. Over time, many up and comers have graced the stage, like The Smashing Pumpkins, Urge Overkill, Material Issue and Liz Phair (while they were still up and comers!). The Gallery has also hosted numerous comedy acts and poetry readings and slams. Every month, local artists have their work on display at the Gallery. Currently, we also offer cable TV including your favorite sports, until prior to showtime, and early bird drink specials from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm. We also have Darts and Golden Tee Golf. Can't wait for music to start? We have TouchTunes internet jukebox with access to 1000's of songs.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hoffman Gets Self -MichaelAxelroded! "BeHold! The Immortal Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Who talked this kid into it? This is rich. David Hoffman* enters the race for the Burris ( formerly Obama) U.S. Senate Seat after resigning as Chicago Inspector General and coming off as the new Jane Byrne in a handful of earnest Chicago Reader pieces. Props My Bruthah!

He'll get the Do-Gooder Lakefronters and the Chicago Cops to hold hands together in mutual detestation of Mayor Daley. Hoffman already has the media peeing themselves like no tomorrow - Abdon Pallasch ( click post title) is going like a cow on a flat rock for Hoffman! Marble Chiselled Dave'll take votes from Giannoulias and strengthen Cheryl Jackson's grip on the Chicago black vote. This had to make Alexi's sphincter snap shut and cause a beam of delight on Cheryl's kisser.

Dave Axelrod? That has got to cost you a lung! $ 10,000 a month minimum and 15% Media share at $5M? Lawd Have Mercy! Picture it! Slick ads with Bob Dylan singing 'Don't Follow Leaders and Watch the Parking Meters!' over photos of Daley/Blago & Alexi and Parking Meters. Dave will be like a marble sculpture of David with the Fleece of the Voters over his shoulders! Then, you will get the trade mark Axelrod Race Card! Cheryl Jackson will come off as a 19th Ward Irish Hooligan and Dave will be an Obama-like ascetic being assaulted by Alexi the Simon LeGreeK with a bull whip! Costs much.

I like Alexi Giannoulias and think he has done a good job as Treasurer. I hope he wins the primary and buries the smarmy jerk Rep. Kirk of the GOP in the race. The GOP of Illinois is yet saddled with candidates like Rep. Kirk and will, therefore, blow their political toes to atoms yet again. Had me a Yet Squared in that there sentence.

Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias had a one on one with a strong black woman - head of the Urban League and Blagojevich insider - as if that were not tough enough; now, a media darling with a thick wallet and a concrete busting metaphorical hard-on for Mayor Daley and All Old Timey Big City Politics jumps into the race.

The President will get about as close to this race as he will to Cindy Sheahan's Camp Casey II on Martha's Vineyard.

David Hoffman must have soooooooommmmee money machine out back, or some (sum)heavy-weight political playboys backing his play.

Comb-over Dave Axelrod's mutuels are out of this world! Praise Jesus!

For his campaign, Hoffman has hired a political consulting firm founded by Democratic media guru David Axelrod, a longtime strategist for Daley. Axelrod left the firm to become political director for President Barack Obama, who gave up the Senate seat in winning the White House.

Hoffman said he did not speak to Axelrod about his plans, and Axelrod said neither he nor anyone at the White House had anything to do with recruiting Hoffman to run.

Hoffman said he did not think using Axelrod's former firm, now known as AKPD Message and Media, would undermine his anti-establishment message that he is running against "insiders and special interests."

"I am someone who cares passionately about the importance of independence," said Hoffman, who also was a member of the ethics reform commission formed by Gov. Pat Quinn in the wake of the Blagojevich scandal. "I would not have signed on [with the firm] if I thought it would compromise that."

Hoffman would not say how he planned to raise funds or name any of his backers. But he acknowledged he likely would be outspent in the campaign. "I haven't been a political person, but I don't think I'm naive about the realities of politics," he said. "I don't think having the biggest war chest necessarily translates into winning."
Uh,huh. . .Dave, Please!

* Statement from the Inspector General's Office

August 26, 2009 - David Hoffman today announced his resignation as Inspector General for the City of Chicago. The day-to-day operations of the Inspector General's Office (IGO), however, will remain unchanged. Under the direction of First Deputy Inspector General Mary Hodge, the IGO will continue its work as an independent body, dedicated to ensuring honesty and integrity in City government by investigating corruption, fraud, misconduct, and waste.

Abortion Had a Friend in Ted - Planned Parenthood Says Goodbye to Camelot Catholics

Ted Kennedy Loved the Ladies and the Gals of Planned Parenthood loved him back!

Kennedys did not cower before the Catholic Church. Old Joe Kennedy sneered at Commandments and Cardinals with a bootlegger's glee and movie mogul's appetite for combat with convention. He defty lobotomized a daughter, like any one else would peel an apple. Joe wanted it done and it By God got done. Kennedy's don't cry; they create myths and foundations. Politics was Rome. When it spoke it was always ex cathedra.

Abortion has been a growth industry in America since Great Depression and Planned Parenthood is the corporate headquarters that doles out millions of dollars to politicians in need.

Ted Kennedy could go to Mass, receive the Eucharist and celebrate the culture of Catholicism.

Like many politicians, the need to win elections and garner support usurps the conscience that makes cowards of the rest of us. Ted Kennedy, according to MSNBC Soupy-Salesman Chris Matthews, is not the last Kennedy Brother. President Obama is the Last Kennedy, which may come as a surprise to the other Camelot Survivors - hither and yon.The Gals of Planned Parenthood offer this great send-off to the top of their ticket, but they still have the President. Abortion continues to be the growth industry that makes dowagers feel like real women and kills innocent children. Hey, what would Old Joe do?

"Senator Kennedy was a pioneer champion of health care reform. He understood that in order to live the American dream every American first needs to be healthy, and that access to affordable, quality health care is critical to that goal. He was also a true champion of women's health and rights, believing strongly that women should have equal access to opportunities including education, jobs, and health care.

"Senator Kennedy's absence at this time in our nation's struggle to ensure all Americans have access to the health care they deserve is profound. We will miss his heartfelt commitment to reform, his leadership in our effort, and most of all his friendship."

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted and Me - It was the Summer of 1980 and . . .I was not teaching school . . .and Drinking and Fishing in the Kankakee!

Aug. 12, 1980: In an emotional speech to the Democratic National Convention, withdraws his bid for the presidency.

I was not moved. It was politics. God, I am such a mean cynical bastard about our elected officials.

Senator Ted Kennedy died of a brain tumor, actually the brain tumor does not kill but complications to all the other organs ( renal failure e.g.) due to the tumor put out the lights. This I know.

Everyone with a thigh is moved. . .moved I say . . . to recount their tales of the Old Lion of the Senate and to somehow insinuate themselves into Ted's Tale. I have a brace of them -thighs -not tales - nicely fleshed but masculine. I got one tale of Ted.

Here goes. In 1980, I was in my fifth year of teaching English at Bishop Martin D. McNamara High School in Kankakee, my third year of dating the lovely and witty Mary Elizabeth Cleary whom I would be blessed with in marriage, partnership in parenthood in 1983 and forced to send back to God in 1998, and in my sixth year as 5-string banjo ( C tuning)/Guitarist ( Gibson J240) with Sons of Reilly's Daughter with Terry McEldowney ( singer) and Willie Winters ( Vocals Guitar). On special occasions we'd be joined by the great Whitey O'Day!

We were practiced and for the most part profesional.

Sometime that summer we were asked to play in the Auditorium of Mother McAuley High School to warm up the house for Senator Ted Kennedy who was running for President against the aimless Jimmy Carter. I was a Jimmy Boy until about two weeks into the Carter White House when the Man from Plains revealed himself to be the Bunny Phobe Bored Round the World.

Anyway, we were excited to play a freebie for a Kennedy. We had played at the Old Beverly House on the triangle at 103rd/Ashland/Vincennes for Sarge Shriver who could not pack a phone booth a couple of years earlier, but this was the Bloodline Himself.

We played Irish songs, Italian songs, Polish songs, Jewish songs, and C/W hits much to the thigh-tingling excitement of the crowd - Teddy was late. Congressman Marty Russo got there ahead of Teddy and pumped up the crowd some more . . .still no Teddy.

Terry McEldowney asked the crowd if Marty Russo were not the "Tallest Trunk-Stuffer they had ever seen?" Much to the amusement of the best Congressman the 3rd District ever had. Still no Teddy.

We were asked by impressario Boz O'Brien to do one more set. We did. I broke two strings on the 5-string Willie did guitar work for Ballads Danny Boy & Kevin Barry. I was bent over getting out strings and got knocked over by security Teddy was on!

He said "Hhhhhhhheerrrrreeeee innnnn SHA-Caw-wah-Gow!!!!!! . .. .yadda yadda" Five minutes and gone all the while I was monkeying with two strings I'd not need that day. I never saw his mug, shook his mitt or said Howdy. I was on the floor stringing my banjo. Show Over. Ah, Teddy, I hardly knew ye! God speed.

Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy - Show Over.

JFK Confronted Nikita Khrushchev in 1963 -BHO "The Last Kennedy" -Confronts Mulligan White House 2009

Jeez, all JFK had to contend with was Old Warts and Baldy, The Beard and a Bunch of Missiles. President Obama has a thick cavalcade of much creepier former acolytes, now turning on him like mad dogs. One of the creepiest is Nobel Economics Winner Paul Krugman. They must dole out Eco-Nobels like cheap candy on Halloween. At least, Saul Bellow and Seamus Heaney actually produced something lasting and community forming with their efforts. Today Maynard G. Krebs of the New York Times writes:

It's hard to avoid the sense that Obama has wasted months trying to appease people who can't be appeased, and who take every concession as a sign that he can be rolled.

Indeed, no sooner were there reports that the administration might accept co-ops as an alternative to the public option than GOP leaders announced that co-ops, too, were unacceptable.

So progressives are now in revolt. Obama took their trust for granted, and in the process lost it. And now he needs to win it back.

No Mulligans with Progressives I guess. Well, look what happened to old Leon Trotsky when he vacationed in Mexico. That had to hurt.

St. Monica - August 27th is Her Feast Day!

St. Augustine - 'Jesus, Ma! That Hurt! You hit me in the Throat!

St. Monica - 'Watch your language, Austin! Now, say you're sorry.'

St. Augustine - 'Sorry.'

St. Monica - 'You want a fresh one, boy? Like you mean it! Now!'

Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Monica!

St. Monica was a girl from Roman Tagaste, North Africa. She was a Christian, but her parents married her off to a Pagan by the name of Patricius ( Paddy Boy) and from all accounts was a gold plated jerk in many ways - he teased his wife about her charity works and her piety. Paddy Boy had a lousy temper to go with his dissolute life style - " I'll be home in an hour -What? Two Beers for Crissakes -What . . .I can't hear you. It's about work. Kiss the kids."

Monica bore this mope three children and one of them was Honors student and Dad wannabe Augustine (Austey).

The old man took a dirt nap for keeps when Austey was 17 and Monica did all she knew how to drag the kids up right and in the Faith. The Old Man had not been a great help and now Austey was off to school in Milan and found himself - he became a Manichean -kind of like the Scientologists of 6th Century Rome in Decline.
Austey was like many of our contemporary soul-patched Arabica youths who believe -nay know - that they are absolutely correct on all matters -not unlike President 'It's Distraction' Obama:

I still thought that it is not we who sin but some other nature that sins within us. It flattered my pride to think that I incurred no guilt and, when I did wrong, not to confess it... I preferred to excuse myself and blame this unknown thing which was in me but was not part of me. The truth, of course, was that it was all my own self, and my own impiety had divided me against myself. My sin was all the more incurable because I did not think myself a sinner. (Confessions, Book V, Section 10)

Monica was no harpy, but prayed for the wee lad to snap out of it.

He did. Along with his teacher of rhetoric and mentor Ambrose, Monica brought the smart-ass around to where he began - in faith. His sins are his own and life is obligated to others. When Austey woke up, he went to work with a will.

St. Monica endured a crumb of a husband and know-it-all- jerk of a son. She did so out of love for both men and in communion with her Faith in God. We have several Monicas in the ever expansive Hickey Family and they all tend to be gems.

We have more than a few Pats/Paddys/Patricks/Padgrigs and some of us (including yours truly) seem not unlike the guy St. Monica got saddled with - no Augustines - yet.

Perhaps, St. Monica might interceded and send us an Austin/Augustine/Gus; but if not, more Monicas will do very nicely.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kevin Myers on Irish Genes and the Splitting of Adam -

Some weeks ago, I introduced both of my readers to Mr. Kevin Myers of the Irish Independent. His latest offering examines the wiring of the Irish Race ( "120, 220 what's the difference" - Irish american Actor Michael Keaton) in the broadest of contexts.

Recent DNA studies on Schizophrenia and Alcoholism rank Ireland at the Tops. 'Roses are Red/Violets are Blue/I'm Scizophrenic and so am I' might be the key to the study of qualities that conflict Irish Americans: Catholics who hate abortion ( Personally) and promote the cause of the American Eugenic Champs in America's Holocaust - Planned Parenthood - for political cover and support.

Take look at Kevin Meyers' article - the two of me was enchanted.

By Kevin Myers

Wednesday August 19 2009

'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth", is one of the most insightful observations that Arthur Conan Doyle put into the mouth of Sherlock Holmes.

The 'science' of eugenics was born in Doyle's lifetime, and he died even as it was being turned by the Nazis into an evil parody of intellectual inquiry.

Thanks to that bunch, the western liberal world has largely disallowed the opening aphorism of this column to stand, if the 'truth' in questions concerns the cousin of eugenics, namely genetics, as an explanation for group conduct.

Now we know that both schizophrenia and alcoholism are inherited traits. We also know that Ireland has higher rates of both illnesses than any other country in Europe. So what if there are other genetically transmitted mental traits which are beyond the normally accepted confines of 'mental illness'? What if they caused behavioural characteristics that were specific to Irish people?

What if the prevalence of these genetic characteristics then helped shape the culture of the Irish so that they became societal norms, thus affecting the behaviour of people who were themselves not inheritors of the genes? It is not then a question of nature and nurture: the two are intertwined. The result is that academically-despised phenomenon: national character.

The DNA evidence for the origins of the Irish, curiously enough, conforms pretty closely with Irish mythology: the first Irish apparently arrived by boat from Spain. According to DNA analysis, so too did Irish hares and Irish pine martens and even, God help us, Irish badgers (no, please don't ask). The new Irish would presumably have been small in number and, if interrelated, might well have possessed a number of distinctive genes in unusual concentrations. Some of these genes could presumably have inclined their owners towards mental illness and alcoholism.

Possibly other genes caused a predisposition to disregard the future tense. Impetuosity, a refusal to plan, a contempt for consequence: for whatever reason, these would become common characteristics of the Irish people. ( emphasis my own -mots justes )

We know about other characteristics, which we are allowed to celebrate: a gregariousness, a volubility, an affable charm, a clannishness, an amiable distinctiveness, especially compared to the English. Despite the fact that the vast majority of immigrants to the US before the Famine were English, that English common law and English political libertarian culture are the basis for American freedoms, and that the founding fathers and the vast majority of subsequent US presidents are of English extraction, there is no such thing as "English-American." The same cannot be said about the Irish-American: too often, alas.

There are the good Irish-Americans, than whom there is nothing better: the US Marine Corps is full of them, and no ethnic group has provided the corps with more splendid leaders.

And there is the bad Irish-American, the Tammany Hall spiv, the blathering Noraid sociopath, reaching its dismal apogee with Richard Daly, mayor of Chicago, criminally fixing the presidential election for John F Kennedy in 1960. Stealing or packing ballot boxes, personating, corrupting the democratic will: familiar, anyone?

Yet even to consider that the characteristics of Irishness might have some genetic basis is to violate an all-powerful political taboo. And one such characteristic is both very close to a psychiatric condition and also a commonplace political phenomenon within Irish life: a perpetual sense of victimhood. Though admittedly, career victimhood is not uniquely Irish. In the US, it has formed a tactical alliance with political correctness, to prevent a reasoned, all-reaching analysis of why African-American society has been so very dysfunctional. The idea that 'race' -- or rather a specific genetic-inheritance within an ethnic group -- might be a determinant in that group's behaviour is, a priori, ideologically unacceptable. Scientific inquiry is either not allowed to consider the role of genetics on the conduct of an ethnic group, or if it is -- as in the Bell Curve theories -- its findings are ridiculed on almost entirely political grounds.

This is wilful ignorance, for an abiding, genetically acquired psychiatric condition could well explain much of Irish history. The golden thread of Irish republicanism, which can turn an affray in a farmyard into a 'Rising', takes much of its moral authenticity through a much-cherished sense of oppression. But the Famine aside, though rural conditions in Ireland were truly appalling, the people were physically superior to the working-classes of British industrial cities.

The British army that stood fast at Waterloo and at Inkerman was composed of Irish peasants: the broken, malnourished wretches of Manchester's factories would have perished of exhaustion long before they glimpsed an enemy musket.

But let's go back a bit. Why were the English -- until the Famine barely superior in number to the Irish -- able to impose their will (to a greater or lesser degree) on Ireland over the centuries before?

Why did Ireland never achieve any kind central kingship either before Henry II's arrival, or in the years that followed? Why did Ireland, almost uniquely among all the peoples of the Atlantic seaboard, not produce masted fishing and mercantile fleets, creations which -- not coincidentally - need the maximum of foresight and planning? Why did Irish earls repeatedly rebel against the crown to which they had personally sworn allegiance, yet always without proper preparation?

And is such a pathological tradition of treachery (or its companion vice, cute hoorism) the reason why division and betrayal are always presumed to be the likely outcome of any Irish co-operative endeavour? More tomorrow.

Hey, Myers, you asking me? Or Me -the other guy? Anyway -"An Irishman walks into a bar and they both get rip-roaring drunk . . ."

BGA's Andy Shaw Clouted His Kids into Magnet Schools, But NOW it's a Scandal. Scandalous, Shocking and Oh, So Progressive.

Beachwood Reporter's publisher, editor and scalpel sharp wit, Steve Rhodes, a rock-ribbed Liberal of the Old School, plucked this gem out of the same old manure that passes for Chicago Journalism:

By Steve Rhodes

Mayor Daley recently half-joked that the burgeoning CPS clout scandal at least showed that some Chicago schools had become so desirable during his tenure that parents and politicians were willing to cheat to get their kids admitted into them.

But Marj Halperin's 1988 Chicago magazine article called "The Lottery" - which she recently shared with District 299 blogger Alexander Russo - shows that clout admissions and the controversial "principal picks" now under federal investigation pre-date the Richard M. Daley era.

Here's how Halperin opened her piece:

"Governor Thompson got his kid in. So did state representatives Ellis Levin and Al Ronan. You'll find the daughter of Alderman Patrick O'Connor, head of the City Council's education committee, in a magnet classroom this year. Alderman Ed Smith's, too.

"TV reporter Andy Shaw's daughters are in LaSalle Language Academy, the same as one-time Chicago Sting soccer star Karl Heinz Granitza's children. Monroe Anderson, the Mayor's press secretary and a former Newsweek reporter, sends his son to Inter-American Magnet. Perhaps if he drops Scott off himself, Anderson gives a nod to some of the Board of Ed employees, who also send their children to Inter-American - such as Margarita Rosa, of the board's research and evaluation office. Fernando Colon got his daughter in while working for the board's law department.

This morning, I read that the Principal of Whitney Young has been subpoenaed to appear before a Federal Grand Jury on clout for classes!

This nonsense was kicked into overdrive by the mopes who are too lazy to really follow a lead. The same hypocrites who gave padded jobs to Bernadine Dorhn and Billy Ayers were huffing and puffing about the smell of clout at the University of Illinois. They were demanding immediate resignations ( Can I get a Harrumph?) of Trustees and rending their garments that 'No Such Clout Actions Took Place on Their Watches! ( I Didn't Hear a Harrumph From That Guy.Abner! Let Me Hear a Harrumph!).

The Newly Minted BGA Watch Pup, Andy ('What Floor?') Shaw clouted his kids into a school and is now sniffing out corruption? The two Brooks Brothers Bolsheviks who ran University of Illinois (Urbana & CC) who clouted the Underground Nick and Nora Charles into padded sinecures at Northwestern and UICC and padlocked any information on their actions are Howling out Jeremiads?

Progressive Hypocrisy makes Bathhouse John Coughlin and Hinky Dink Kenna seem like Trappist Monks.

Well done Steve Rhodes!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Do You Work for Attila the Hun? or Randy Savage?

I was reading some fund-raising materials in my file cabinet and came across this chestnut from the 'think outside of the box' crowd. This boss seem familiar to you? This book came out at the close of the American Urban Cowboy mileau. Leaders are rarely bullies. Bullies inspire fear and inertia. Leaders inspire and get results from the team.

Soppy Milquetoasts are not leaders either. Leaders actually appreciate people and do not tend to imtimidate them, because they themselves are not intimidated. Leaders seem to really like people.

Being a good person is hard work, but it never costs you nickel one to be a good guy (gender neutral).

I worked for Huns. They generally ended badly and sadly for themselves and their institutions.

This review of Wess Roberts Hun Leadership series ( Victory, Leadership, & etc.) reminded me to try and treat every person with dignity.

This approach to leadership seems like a roadmap to a toxic workplace.


#1: YOU'VE GOT TO WANT TO BE IN CHARGE -- You've got to be ruthlessly ambitious. Never be bored, disinterested, or cowardly in any way about always strengthening your position. Good leaders are lustful leaders. Power is like sex, but don't appear overeager, just extremely determined to succeed under any circumstances, fair or unfair. [This will inspire confidence in those you lead]

#2: ALWAYS APPEAR AS THE ONE IN CHARGE -- Dress appropriately for your high station in life. Own the biggest horse and sword. Be first in everything, but never appear pompous. [Be marked with armament that distinguishes you from the masses]

#3: MAKE OTHERS ADAPT TO YOUR "CUSTOMS" -- Make people do things your way, not their way. Make them adjust or adapt to you. Express this as the way things are going to be from now on, or pretend it's the way things have always been. Refuse to acknowledge any other way of doing things other than the way you do things. [This will extract tribute and praise from those you lead]

#4: NEVER CONDONE A LACK OF MORALE OR DISCIPLINE -- Terminate people at the first sign of disrespect for the common good, but by no means stiffle individualism or punish the innocent who don't know the common good. Definitely, do not allow uncontrolled celebration. Pillaging and looting are only fun if done in the name of nationalism. [Discipline will build morale]

#5: NEVER TOLERATE ANYONE WITH THEIR OWN AMBITIONS -- People who are "cunning" are dangerous, especially new people who have just joined the organization. Be vigilant about how people lose their ambition and become team players; that is the pattern you want everyone to follow. Never reward anyone for what is a common effort. [The spirit of unity must prevail]

#6: PERPETUATE A LEGEND OR REPUTATION FOR YOURSELF -- Find out whatever it is that your worst enemy calls you, and try hard to live up to it, with a passion. This will have its advantages to you whenever you need to use your fury and power, and it will accumulate minor privileges to you along the way. [You are your reputation]

#7: PICK YOUR ENEMIES WISELY -- Do not consider all opponents, or everyone you argue with, as enemies. These are accidental enemies. Choose your enemies with purpose. They may be people you have friendly relations with, and in fact, you should let them think of you as a friend, all the while never telling them anything, and lulling them into a state of complacence and acting prematurely. [Do not make enemies unless you mean it]

#8: EXPECT CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT -- You must encourage learning and innovation among those you lead. This can be done in several ways, by creating competitions among the people. Never allow them to wander aimlessly. Regularly upgrade your standards of performance. [This fulfills most of a leader's duties]

#9: USE TIMING IN MAKING DECISIONS -- Never rush a decision, although sometimes you have to because the moment is ripe or an omen exists. It's better to use timing, to find the obscure places and critical elements needed to ensure you always make the right decision. This way, you ensure that even a less-than-perfect decision is followed. [Time your decisions]

#10: EXPLOIT THE DESIRE TO ENJOY THE SPOILS OF WAR -- Harness your peoples' desires for short-term gains. Grant small rewards for light tasks. Reserve heaps of booty for other times, and be generous with items that hold a value to yourself. [Never underestimate the ability to buy obedience]

#11: ONLY ENGAGE IN WARS YOU CAN WIN -- Use diplomacy, negotiation, or other techniques of conflict in battles you cannot win. When in a political war, always keep an eye to your rear. When in an external war, go all out. [Waging war is a natural condition]
Roberts, Wess (1987) Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun. New York: Warner Books.

(406-53), king of the Huns (433-53)

Atli, or Attila, was called Etzel by the Germans and Ethele by the Hungarians. He was a member of the ruling family of the Huns, a nomadic Asian people who spread from the Caspnian steppes throughout the Roman Empire in search of global conquest. By AD 432, the Huns had gained so much power that they were receiving a large annual tribute from Rome.

By AD 451, Attila's army consisted of 700,000 warriors, and was content with nothing less than the ransacking of Rome itself. They had earlier moved against the Chinese Empire but were turned away. The Huns had a reputation for cruelty and barbarism that was not undeserved. They ate their meat raw (often human flesh), had little use for virgins, and possessed a strong appetite for murder and mayhem. No one could look Attila in the eyes, not even any of his 400 wives.

That's nice. How'd that work out for Attila? Oh, that' right. Poisoned. Dang.

Father McKenna and Sunday's Jewish Gospel of John 6: 60 - 69

Mass at Sacred Heart Church is a genuine joy. The tiny French Mission Church in the Washington Heights neighborhood east of Morgan Park on the south side of Chicago cradles a crowd of devout, humble and interesting Catholics.

At the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass Irish baritone Terry McEldowney rattles the stained glass widows and Aves with his inimitable -"Hey, Midget! ( Terry's sobriquet for the author of these lines) Good to see your dwarfish hide darkening the Lord's Banquet,Son!" and Vales the crowd out with America the Beautiful. At 10;30 a.m. Mass I get to run into John Sheehan and Jerry and Kathy Schumacher and the post Eucharistic giggles out on Church Street.

The celebrants tend to be retired Maryknoll or Archdiocese of Chicago priests and one of the best of the homilists is Father Edward McKenna.

Yesterday's treat was a tour de force commentary on The Gospel of John -

John 6: 60 - 69
60 Many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?"
61 But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples murmured at it, said to them, "Do you take offense at this?
62 Then what if you were to see the Son of man ascending where he was before?
63 It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
64 But there are some of you that do not believe." For Jesus knew from the first who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray him.
65 And he said, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father."
66 After this many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him.
67 Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?"
68 Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life;
69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God."

Father McKenna noted the Jewish quality of Questions and the Responsorial Questions, summed up in the exchange with Peter -Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also wish to go away?" Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God."

Father McKenna reminded all of us that we pester our God, our neighbors and ourselves with questions demanding a final answer. As Catholics, we say we believe in the Resurrection - end of story. Christ invites us to joy and we look for certainty and the frustration of somehow having our 'Final Answers' like the Regis Philbin show. It is the questions answered by more questions that should lead us to living better lives.

The beauty of Judaisim lies in the endless questioning and self-examination. Judaism washes over the walls of bigots and the certain folks who want to get up a pogrom. You never hear of a Jew calling another Faith, 'a gutter religion.' Atheists have all the answers. Some Fundamentalists coreligionists have the answers and too many of us Catholics demand final answers.

Father McKenna reminded us at Sacred Heart that through Faith one gets no empirical answers, but all the joy one should possess. That requires humility on our part and jerks like me tend to be too embarrassed to appear not to know something. It is tough to remember that "We Believe in One God & etc." - we got caught up in Life's minutiae and the quotidian care of the common place. If we KNEW we'd all be Lotto winners.

Thanks Father McKenna!