Saturday, June 05, 2010

Schakowsky: Helen Thomas ‘is awesome’ – The Hill – MSMDC News (blog) - Jan Wants Israel Emptied of Jews Too?

Normally it’s White House correspondent Helen Thomas who asks all the questions. But the seasoned reporter traded places on Friday with Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) at the lawmaker’s annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch in Chicago, where Thomas was the guest of honor.
Schakowsky, who chairs the Congressional Women’s Caucus, interviewed Thomas before a crowd of more than 1,500 supporters. The lawmaker told ITK that the correspondent, who turns 90 later this year, “outlasted” her all day. Luckily, Thomas shared her secret.

“I asked her how she does it, what keeps her going every day,” Schakowsky said, “and she had the best answer: She told me, ‘Being angry keeps me strong.’ ”

Asked by Rabbi David Nesenoff of if she had “any comments on Israel,” Thomas replied, “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.”

Thomas went on to say that the Palestinian people “are occupied and it’s their land” and that Israelis should “go home” -- to Poland, Germany, America “and everywhere else.”

Awesome. This north shore nitwit just keeps giving, giving and giving!

Leftists - It's All About Power: ISM/Free Gaza Kevin Clark- The Preening Power Gobbler of Gaza

The Old south side joke that causes some to shudder ends, " . . .because he can.'

ISM and Free Gaza can do whatever crime they intend to commit because they can. The Media which no longer seems to be interested reporting news but in achieving goals ( Progressive/Leftist ) has shown no interest whatever in following up on any public terrorist. Bernardine Dohrn is a convicted felon and her Barney Google-like mate Billy Ayers has always hidden behind stacks of cash to whatever he pleases. The Media has laundered their actions and if actions have no consequences - as they do for working people and patriots -you can expect more consequences.

Kevin Clark, a suburban home-grown ersatz Franz Fanon, is spokesman for a network of radical groups - ISM and Free Gaza to name but two. He is a man who demands attention by his words and deeds - yet he expects no consequences.

I have spent thirty five years in education. I detest anyone who exploits kids. This is Kevin Clark's meat and gravy. Progressive Power grows from the root of Hegelian Marxism - not Hope and Change.

The exercise of Power is what it it is all about. ISM tells the media what it is doing and they turn away or parse the 'high-moral-fiber' that coarses through the bowels and mouths of the Kevin Clarks, Billy Ayers and Bernardine Dohrns.

[T]he use of nonviolence is about control and power — those who maintain nonviolence and exploit the use of violence by the oppressor maintain control and power, which is something that can be manipulated to present a story, a case or an image.

... we accept that the Palestinians have a right to resist with arms ... Palestinian resistance must take on a variety of characteristics– both nonviolent and violent...
ISM founder Adam Shapiro.

The Israeli's boarded the Rachel Corrie and will tow it to and Israeli port for inspection. The damage was done on Monday because the corporate media wants in on the power wielded by terrorists and their engineers -like Kevin Clark.

According to the Palatine Countryside, Illinois resident and ISM activist Kevin Clark “stayed at the family home of Burak Khelfi, who carried out a Jan. 5 suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. Clark stayed in the home with other internationals to protect it from demolition by the Israeli Occupation Forces.”(Feb. 13, 2003)

Clark, on the Web site “Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now!” (SUSTAIN), a group of which he is a member, referred to the suicide bomber as a “martyr.” His article also highlights the type of irresponsible action ISM activists engage in:

Last evening, I along with two young "internationals", stayed at the home of one of the Tel Aviv Martyrs’ families to protect them should the IOF [sic] appear to demolish their home. This is the same home that I have stayed in several nights and have been honored by their warmth. This morning at approximately 4AM, I had a sense that something was wrong and a few seconds later the sound of a car motor prompted me to look out the window as 6 military vehicles pulled up in front of the home. We quickly awaken the family and got them away from windows that could be shattered by bullets. The three ISM (International Solidarity Movement) volunteers took our positions in windows and witnessed the soldiers with M16 rifles enter a home across the street to arrest a young man.

Two terrorists who carried out an attack may have been assisted by ISM. On April 30, 2003 Asif Muhammad Hanif murdered three people and wounded more than 50 in a suicide bombing at Mike’s Place, a Tel Aviv tavern. Five days earlier, he and his collaborator, Omar Khan Sharif, were among a group hosted by ISM members at their Gaza apartment. According to the May 2, 2003 Guardian, "the Britons who mounted the suicide attacks in Israel attempted to join the peace movement as cover for their activities." ISM claims they were unaware of the terrorists’ intent.

Unaware or not, ISM has made no effort to foil terrorist activity, while they expend great effort to interfere with Israeli counter-terrorist operations.

If ISM members and the ISM Web site are open about the group’s endorsement of violence — as opposed to its embrace of "peace"–journalists should consistently and clearly say so.

Kevin Clark goaded a dumb girl, Rachel Corrie, to toss herself in front of an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza in 2003 and then led the hand-wringing and International Martyr building. Kevin Clark got six very confused and easily gulled kids to be the Catholic School Girls Against the War and attack worshipers at Holy Name Cathedral on Easter Sunday in 2008. The six goofs went to jail and then to court and Kevin Clark went on the Gay Liberation Network to talk about Kevin Clark. Kevin Clark lives off of the martyrs he creates - he's Power Gobbler.

Then on Monday of this week, CBS's Mike Parker chatted with this cold blooded louse and presented Kevin Clark as a Humanitarian.

Gaza is living Hell because it has been controlled by Hamas since 2005. There are no Israeli's in Gaza, except the young kid that Hamas kidnapped.

Kevin Clark wields power so long as he and the other terrorist cockroaches who are protected by the corporate media enjoy no consequences for their words and deeds.

Hey, I want Kevin Clark to receive all of the attention he deserves . . .for starters.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Friday Night Noise - Great Big Sea!

If you are not out of a bum mood after this . . .well, Hell. . .stay that way.

Chicago Media -Kevin Clark of Hamas Dodge ISM- Just a Reminder

The last real Democrat on the national scene was Daniel Patrick Moynihan - fierce defender of America and Israel and he said, " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

Get the facts. This louse Kevin Clark likes to play dress-up, mouth high-sounding rhetoric and dupe gullible kids to shed their blood. He was huge in getting Rachel Corrie killed; Clark organized the goofs who attacked worshippers at Holy Name Cathedral in 2008; worked with worst enemies of freedom to push the Terror Flotilla; and wants more blood.

Chicago's corporate media gives this louse a pass.

Oh, by the way -

Israel offered the ship to dock in Ashdod port and they would transfer the aid to Gaza. This offer was made again and again - they refused.

Israel has said that it will deliver any humanitarian aid that was in the boats to Gaza, as it does daily.

Israel left Gaza in hopes of peace in 2005 and in return received more than 10,000 rockets and terrorist attacks. Israel has sought peace and compromise with its neighbors for all of its 62 years and it will continue to do so.

Israel maintains a maritime blockade to ensure that weapons are not brought in by Hamas to use in attacks against Israel.

"We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us, they are going to have to forcefully stop us," said one of the flotilla’s organizers.

In the past, terrorist sympathizers have used aid deliveries to smuggle items like potassium nitrate in sugar sacks and used it to make bombs. Israel cannot afford to let goods get to Hamas unchecked.

Five boats were boarded, the protestors complied and they were safely let to shore.

One boat – the Mavi Marmara – did not comply. That is the boat where the violence took place.

This was meant to provoke – it was funded and organized by a Turkish Islamist organization (IHH) that has links to fundamentalist jihadi groups. The ship was flying under the Turkish flag.

Flotilla Facts - God Bless Israel

The Network of Peace in 1943 - The Grand Mufti and Young Idealist

Irish vessel Rachel Corrie is headed to Gaza. Terrorists and the network of Marxists, Anti-Semites and Nutballs want more confrontations and more blood. Irish Independent journalist Kevin Myers casts a sober eye on the "Gaza Flotilla" -

Whatever the humanitarian motives of the Irish party heading towards Gaza on the 'Rachel Corrie', the overall effect of this mission to Gaza has been to support Hamas.

Did you see the Arab women's headgear on Al Jazeera TV News before the assault? Did you hear what they were singing?

Passengers on the Turkish vessel chanted: "Remember Khairbar, Khaibar, O Jews. The Army of Mohammed will return." This was a reference to the prophet's seizure of a Jewish-held oasis, the last Jewish settlement in Arabia.

Most of the Jews were slaughtered and their leader, Kinana bin al-Rabi, was captured. He was tied down and a fire lit on his chest and, just before death, he was beheaded. His wife was then forcibly 'married' to Mohammed. This is the event that some of the Gaza 'peace mission' -- though obviously, not the Irish -- were celebrating in song.

And no, this doesn't justify anyone being killed. But do you really believe that the Israelis set out to murder people? If so, why did they kill so few?

Click my post title and read Myers in full and also get the Flotilla Facts:

Flotilla Facts

Israel transfers about 15,000 tons of supplies and humanitarian aid every week to the people of Gaza.

Lawyers representing the family of Gilad Shalit, the kidnapped Israeli soldier held in isolation, had asked the protestors to take aid for him, they refused.

Israel offered the ship to dock in Ashdod port and they would transfer the aid to Gaza. This offer was made again and again - they refused.

Israel has said that it will deliver any humanitarian aid that was in the boats to Gaza, as it does daily.

Israel left Gaza in hopes of peace in 2005 and in return received more than 10,000 rockets and terrorist attacks. Israel has sought peace and compromise with its neighbors for all of its 62 years and it will continue to do so.

Israel maintains a maritime blockade to ensure that weapons are not brought in by Hamas to use in attacks against Israel.

"We fully intend to go to Gaza regardless of any intimidation or threats of violence against us, they are going to have to forcefully stop us," said one of the flotilla’s organizers.

In the past, terrorist sympathizers have used aid deliveries to smuggle items like potassium nitrate in sugar sacks and used it to make bombs. Israel cannot afford to let goods get to Hamas unchecked.

Five boats were boarded, the protestors complied and they were safely let to shore.

One boat – the Mavi Marmara – did not comply. That is the boat where the violence took place.

This was meant to provoke – it was funded and organized by a Turkish Islamist organization (IHH) that has links to fundamentalist jihadi groups. The ship was flying under the Turkish flag.

Those on board carried out pre-planned violence, armed with knives and metal bars, each soldier being attacked by a mob of a dozen extremists. They threw one soldier off the top deck of the ship.

The Israeli government maintains that allowing the illegal flotilla to reach Hamas would have opened a corridor of smuggling of weapons to Gaza and resulting in civilian deaths.

Using the Arabic term ‘intifada,’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said "We call on all Arabs and Muslims to rise up in front of Zionist embassies across the whole world.

As the flotilla made its way to meet him in Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said this week: "If the ships reach Gaza it is a victory; if they are intercepted, it will be a victory too".

Turkey permitted the Marmara to fly under its flag. Turkey knew that the IHH (Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation) had organized the Flotilla, and supports the genocidal terrorist organization Hamas, several Jihadist organizations in Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere, and has ties with Al Qaeda. But Turkey did not prevent the Flotilla from disembarking and attacking Israel’s sovereign right to protect itself from terrorists attempting to enter Gaza. Now Turkey is condemning Israel for the unfortunate casualties, and is leading the charge to condemn Israel at the U.N. It is Turkey that should be condemned by the United Nations for its role in this brutal trap set for Israelis.

Israel understands what Humanitarian Aid is, and Turkey received it gladly. Shame on Turkey for promoting terrorist-supporting boats to Hamas.

Hamas is responsible for the suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis. Their racist charter calls for Islamic domination; their stance is unchanged and they repress any Palestinians that try and counter their regime.

Any police force in the world would respond to aggression; the provocation is the reason for this regrettable outcome. No country would allow illegal entry of any vessel into their waters without a security check.

Is the blockade lawful?

The usual nonsense about International Law is being posted all over the internet in relation to Israel’s enforcement of the naval blockade of Gaza.

Here are a few points of Law to give you some background (it’s all taken from “The Commander’s Handbook on the Law Of Naval Operations” (US Department of Defense, 1 Jul 2007).


“The belligerent right of blockade is intended to prevent vessels and aircraft, regardless of their cargo, from crossing an established and publicized cordon separating the enemy from international waters and/or airspace.” (Section 7.7.1.)


“Attempted breach of blockade occurs from the time a vessel or aircraft leaves a port or airfield with the intention of evading the blockade, and for vessels exiting the blockaded area, continues until the voyage is completed.” (Section 7.7.4.)


“Neutral vessels and aircraft engaged in the carriage of qualifying relief supplies for the civilian population and the sick and wounded should be authorized to pass through the blockade cordon, subject to the right of the blockading force to prescribe the technical arrangements, including search, under which passage is permitted.” (Section 7.7.3.)


“Neutral merchant vessels and civil aircraft are liable to capture by belligerent warships and military aircraft if engaged in any of the following activities:

- Resisting visit and search

- Carrying contraband

- Breaching or attempting to breach blockade

- Violating regulations established by a belligerent within the immediate area of naval operations…

Neutral vessels or aircraft attempting to resist proper capture lay themselves open to forcible measures by belligerent warships and military aircraft and assume all risk of resulting damage.” (Section 7.10)

(courtesy David Olesker)

Steve Huntley Roots Out The Flotilla Rodents

Skunks wearing Chanel # 5 are still skunks. Marxists, Anti-Semites and Activists like to network and group think to destroy our way of life. Our way of life, the one most hard-working, generous and fair-minded people put their shoulders to wheel to make better, threatens the skunks.

Israel is and has been a threat to skunks since Harry Truman recognized that Jews returning to the land that is the foundation of Western Civilization after the Uber -Skunks of Nazi Germany and their network of fellow activists throughout Europe and the Mid East attempted to exterminate every Jew on the planet.

Now, our celebrity/Media Protected gang of skunks have organized the launch of another nautical political suicide bomb, The MV Rachel Corrie ( named for an ISM lured kid to become their martyr in 2004 by Kevin Clark -one of Chicago's Uber-Skunks: a lightweight Bernardine Dohrn to match her light-weight poser Old Man Billy Ayers)after the Hamas-packed set-up ship in the Gaza Flotilla.

Chicago Sun Times columnist Steve Huntley - a sole voice of common sense among that paper's crew of Icons - roots out the Flotilla Rodents.

The main organizer of the flotilla was Turkish-based Insani Yardim Vakfi, described as a humanitarian relief fund but which, like some other Muslim charities, has links to Islamist radicalism. The Danish Institute for International Studies found the organization provided support to al-Qaida, including for the failed millennium plot to bomb Los Angeles' airport, and to Algerian terrorists in Europe. A Chicago lawyer on the flotilla, Fatima Mohammadi, describes herself on her LinkedIn page as "national organizer" for Viva Palestina, founded by the rabid Israel-hater and Hamas sympathizer George Galloway of Britain, who is dedicated to delegitimizing the Jewish state.

Just as obvious as the radical roots of the flotilla is the fiction that it was a humanitarian effort. The Israelis offered to unload the flotilla's supplies and transfer them to Gaza, in addition to the tons of food and medicine Israel supplies daily. But no, the actual goal was to break the blockade, which would have opened the way for later shipments of missiles, mortars and other weapons.

European capitals responded to the deaths of nine of the militants by calling for an end to the blockade. The Obama administration is reported as describing the blockade as untenable. President Obama would be wise to tread softly in undermining another nation's legitimate act of self-defense. On Wednesday, a new U.N. report criticized the U.S. use of drones to kill terrorists, a tactic the administration defends in the name of protecting America lives.

Other than a blockade, what will keep arms out of Gaza so long as Hamas wages war against Israel? The U.N.? Not a chance. The 2006 Israeli war against Hezbollah in Lebanon ended on the promise of U.N. forces keeping weapons out of southern Lebanon. Instead, thousands of missiles, including Scuds capable of hitting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, have flowed into Lebanon under the eyes of feckless U.N. troops.

Israel and Eygpt set the blockade. Ayers, Dohrn and the Code Pink Skank went to Egypt to help network a World Coalition of Skunks and gullible hand-wringers and plan the blockade's deconstruction.

Well done Mr. Huntley. I wish more genuine voices would emerge from the fog that is our corporate media.

God Bless Israel!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Tamara Holder Cites Fitzy's "Dirty Dozens" on Blago

My pal attorney and now Fox News Contributor Tamara Holder points to the Federal Prosecution of disgraceful former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich - Fitz is doing the dozens on Blago

Tamara Holder and I have crossed swords over police issues and other dicey topics - we rarely agree. Like my pals Steve Rhodes and Phil Krone, Tamara is Left of Center in her views and a like those two worthies a generous, thoughtful and witty adversary.

Doing the Dozens is an African American verbal slap-down between two rivals.

The dozens has its origins in the slave trade of New Orleans where deformed slaves—generally slaves punished with dismemberment for disobedience—were grouped in lots of a 'cheap dozen' for sale to slave owners. For a Black to be sold as part of the 'dozens' was the lowest blow possible.

In the Patrick Fitzgerald twist on the game only one player is allowed -Fitzy and The G. Fitzy does Political Justice - Gin Up Wild Public and Political Hate of Someone and Fitzy Prosecutes - Hate George Ryan -Check; Hate Jon Burge - Well Yeah!; Hate Blago - Ditto. Old Timers say the Feds can convict a Ham Sandwich - well Blago is 165 Libs of Smoked Mickleberry's! But, I think Fitzy squeezed out his shot way too soon. Blago was not yet the Publicly Marketed Figure of the Two Minute Hate.

George Ryan was going down because of the Willis Kids and Jon Burge arrested every Denzel Washington Look-alike in Area 2 and G. Flint Taylor had played the lazy-assed Chicago Media like Charlie Daniels for twenty years. George Ryan was given the maximum and curb-kicked out of every nickel he had earned in public service. Burge is going away even if the Holy Trinity show up.

Rod Blagojevich is a metaphor for everything that is wrong in and with politics - pure smarm, sleaze, and the rapid rising ascent of an unskilled, untalented, and larcenous goof.

However, Fitzy pulled the trigger on Blago immediately after the election of President Obama. Why? A question for the ages.

Blago has an A-Team Defense Squad around him and the howling mobs of outraged citizens - many of whom were committed Rod Blagojevich Partisans for years.

Tamara Holder lays out a solid presentation of the Prosecution and indicates why I believe that the daffy dimitted Democrat former Governor very likely may walk without ever spending a few semesters in the Iron Hotel.

Voila! The Dirty Dozens:

. Eight (8) of the Government's potential witnesses have been convicted of major federal crimes, yet they have not been sentenced. (Stuart Levine pleaded guilty in July 2009, yet he remains to be sentenced; also, John Harris, Tony Rezko and 5 others await sentencing.) Christopher Kelly's suicide is off limits for the defense too. (He was a co-defendant and close friend of Blago.)

2. The yet-to-be-sentenced witnesses have an incentive to tell the jury what the Government wants. Not until after these people testify will the Government determine the quality of and "truthfulness" of the person's testimony in its decision to recommend a favorable sentence for their own crimes.

3. Government witness Stuart Levine's drug abuse is not allowed before the jury, even though he admitted to abusing Ketamine, a horse tranquilizer, among other illegal drugs. How can the jury not consider one's zombie-like state-of-mind when determining whether he is a credible witness? (A judge in the same court found that such evidence was "fair game," yet Judge Zagel ruled it inadmissible!)

4. Stuart Levine says he's been committing crimes since 1972, yet the defense cannot impeach him by asking about his lengthy criminal past. A tranquilized criminal. Lovely.

5. The defense was not given transcripts of the 500+ hours of FBI audiotapes. The prosecution suggested they will play only 100 hours of the tapes. The defense's request to play all of the tapes was denied.

6. There were a total of about 5-6000 conversations. During the recordings, the Feds turned the tapes on and off as a method of "minimization." Put another way, it was the Feds who determined what part of a conversation was important and worth recording.

7. The Government has 800+ witnesses. They have not shared with the defense who they intend to call and on what date. As a result, the defense must be prepared to shoot from the hip when a random person strolls into court.
8. Even though there is no indication of who's going to testify on any given day, the judge ordered the defense to tell the Government if they plan to mention Blago's "good acts" in their opening, so the Government can prep for a rebuttal. This makes no sense whatsoever. I have never heard of the defense having to provide the prosecution with their theories of the case. Plus, argument is not part of an opening statement!

9. The defense asked for police reports in September 2009 but did not receive the reports until March 2010. The 175,000 pages of reports were generated before September 2009 -- in fact, they were generated an entire year before they were received, in March 2009! 175,000 pages.

10. The defense asked for a 30-day delay of trial, in anticipation of the Supreme Court's "honest services" rulings on July 1. The judge denied the one-month delay. Now, even if the rulings on "honest services" are in Blago's favor, it's too late because the jury will have already heard potentially damaging evidence. Then what is the judge going to say, "All of the past month's worth of are certain parts you should not take into consideration." Give me a break! A 30-day delay wouldn't have been the end of the world, especially since the Government's case is so airtight!

11. Before the voir dire ever occurred, the judge sent 300 of 400 potential jurors home for "hardship" excuses. Like, "I live with my mom and I don't have a car; therefore, I cannot be here every day." That guy probably got excused.

12. The judge said he'll revisit the defense's request to have Obama testify. Every lawyer knows this means the judge is not going to require the President's presence. Interesting, considering the President issued a "transition-team" memo that specifically stated that he had Rahm Emanuel call the Governor's office to discuss his favorite candidates for the Senate seat.

In spite of the rulings and prosecution's tactics, I believe Rod Blagojevich has the greatest defense lawyers on his side. Be careful, Mr. Fitzgerald: I don't think Lincoln is going to be so quick to roll over in his grave.

Well done, Tamara! The Huffington Post??? My God, woman! You are too talented to be on Arianna's Hollywood Squares!

Natasha McShane Fights Back!

Just got home from Leo and found this very happy news from Chicago Tribune! I donated and will again. The Party at Local 399 will be a great way to celebrate this tough little girl's victory over the two savages who attacked her. Get on over to the new Local 399 and Party Hardy!

Donations can be sent to:
Natasha McShane Fund
c/o Signature Bank
191 N. Wacker Drive,
Chicago, IL 60606.

Natasha McShane has started talking for the first time since she was brutally beaten with a baseball bat while celebrating with a friend in Bucktown, her family says.

"She's whispering," her grandmother Bernadette McShane said today. "She's trying to talk."

Natasha McShane is speaking "odd words" like "yes" and "no" - not sentences - but slow progress is still progress, her grandmother said.
"I think it's brilliant because there were stories that she would never walk or talk, but I never believed that. I never went down that road," Bernadette McShane said.

"She's a very strong-willed girl, and if anyone can do it, Natasha can," she said.

Natasha McShane, the 23-year-old from Northern Ireland, was one of two women beaten with a baseball bat in April. She was transferred from Northwestern Memorial Hospital to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago last month.

McShane and Stacy Starl Jurich, 24, were walking home from Cans Bar when they were attacked by a man who stole their purses. The two people accused in the attack face a long list of charges, including attempted murder, armed robbery and aggravated battery.

The community has rallied to support the women. Jurich, whose injuries were not as severe as her friend's, is undergoing rehab.

Retired Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan and others will host a benefit for Natasha McShane on Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Local 399 (Operating Engineers) hall, 2260 South Grove St. in Chicago.

Dubbing June 13 as Natasha McShane Day, the Irish community is planning two fundraisers in her honor. The first will be from 1 to 9 p.m. at the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 North Knox Ave., Chicago. A noon mass will precede the event.

Also on the 13th, the public is invited to a benefit at Gaelic Park, 6119 W. 147th Street, Oak Forest, from 3 to 9 p.m. For more information, visit or

-- Duaa Eldeibf

Media! Wake up! Kevin Clark is still getting the Full Medill Camoflage Job!

The Full Medill Metro Media, boys and girls!

Kevin Clark is the éminence grise in the grey tweed looking like the cat who swallowed someone's canary of this dandy quartet.
Decked out like the Hamas Guerrilla that he is Kevin Clark, a local louse with a free pass to mouth off hate against Jews and get kids killed ( which he did with ISM) did the splits and waved pom -pons for terror in front of the Israeli Consulate immediately after the Gaza Hate Flotilla was interdicted by Israel.

This cockroach Clark has been getting the full Medill from journalists in Chicago.

The full Medill is the three monkeys of reporting -see no evil,hear no evil, report no evil - Thus:

Bill Ayers is a Distinguished Professor and not a pampered gutless sneak.

Bernardine Dohrn is a Northwestern Law Professor and not a convicted felon serial hit and run driver and dedcated terrorist

G. Flint Taylor is Peoples Advocate and not a syrupy ambulance chaser who wrassles Gator Bradley for nickels on the Courthouse Floor

SEIU is Labor Union and not a Marxist PAC that is destroying the Middle Class

The Full Medill is named for Old Joe Medill an anti-Catholic Bigot whose twisted doctrines are imprinted on generations of students who never raise their hands.

Here is today's Full Medill on goof Kevin Clark.

The Rachel Corrie, sailing from Ireland, is the largest of the four crafts carrying desperately needed medicines, school supplies, and food, said Kevin Clark, the Chicago coordinator for the International Solidarity Movement. Named after an American citizen killed by a bulldozer while protesting the demolition of homes in the Gaza Strip, the Corrie was part of the original nine- vessel fleet that became embroiled in the international incident, but due to unspecified delays it idled in the Mediterranean during the crisis, he said.

Kevin Clark helped push goad enocourage Rachel Corrie to get in front of an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza in 2004.

Kevin Clark pushed, goaded, encouraged six(6) dimwitted kids to toss phony blood all over kids, the elderly and the carpet at Holy Name Cathedral at Easter Mass in 2008 so Kevin Clark could preen and pout and pose CLTV for the Gay Liberation Network.

Chicago's Media monkeys see no evil -hear no evil and report no evil.

Grow a metaphorical pair you gelded hypocrites.

I guess you can't pick a fight with eunuchs; you can't expect much from moral cripples; you can't shame a skunk.

Brian J. Quirk Sr., 1922-2010 R.I.P.

Huge Hat Tip to my pal John Ruberry and the great Trevor Jensen of the Chicago Tribune.

Sad to report that another wonderful man who fought for America and returned to help build the greatest age of prosperity in human history has gone home to Christ - Brian J. Quirk Sr., 1922-2010.

Mr. Quirk was a public relations man who had fought all over the South Pacific as one of Carlson's Raiders - a Marine Raider.

Mr. Quirk took part in the great raid on Makin Atoll in 1942 and returned to Makin almost 60 years later* to help recover the bodies of buddies lost in that heroic fight - 'No one gets left behind or forgotten.'

Mr. Quirk was one of the guys who helped build, finance and market La Lumiere School in La Porte, IN. La Lumiere School is the alma mater to his son Brian Quirk, Chief Justice John Roberts, Director Paris Barkley, Comedian Jim Gaffigan. Colonel Quirk went on ahead and when he returned there was always a crowd following in his wake. Len O'Connor of NBC News was attracted to La Lumiere School and decided to send his sons there and soon La Lumiere Football scores became news worthy. Col. Quirk got in and out before anyone knew he had been there - He was a Marine Raider.

Col. Quirk tried to teach me my chops when I was tasked to become La Lumiere School's Director of Development. "Hickey, think smart. That means bring everything that is needed and then go back and ask everyone involved what is not needed - pretty soon you will figure it out. Lead from the front, but take a glance back and see if anyone is following you - you will get a pretty clear picture of things up close to the action, but remember you had better have good people covering your back."

This sweet, tough guy is missed. God Keep You Young!
Click my post title for links to Marathon Pundit and the great Trevor Jensen of Chicago Tribune.



The remains of 19 World War II Marine Raiders killed in action on Butaritari Island (Makin Atoll) and listed as missing in action since August 1942 were recently identified, and will be returned to their families for burial.

The remains are those of:
Capt. Gerald P. Holtom, Palo Alto, Calif.
Sgt. Clyde Thomason, Atlanta, Ga.
FM1C. Vernon L. Castle, Stillwater, Okla.
Cpl. I.B. Earles, Tulare, Calif.
Cpl. Daniel A. Gaston, Galveston, Tex.
Cpl. Harris J. Johnson, Little Rock, Iowa
Cpl. Kenneth K. Kunkle, Mountain Home, Ark.
Cpl. Edward Maciejewski, Chicago, Ill.
Cpl. Robert B. Pearson, Lafayette, Calif.
Cpl. Mason O. Yarbrough, Sikeston, Mo.
Pfc. William A. Gallagher, Wyandotte, Mich.
Pfc. Ashley W. Hicks, Waterford, Calif.
Pfc. Kenneth M. Montgomery, Eden, Wis.
Pfc. Norman W. Mortensen, Camp Douglas, Wis.
Pfc. John E. Vandenberg, Kenosha, Wis.
Pvt. Carlyle O. Larson, Glenwood, Minn.
Pvt. Robert B. Maulding, Vista, Calif.
Pvt. Franklin M. Nodland, Marshalltown, Iowa
Pvt. Charles A. Selby, Ontonagon, Mich.

The Marines were members of the Marine Corps' 2nd Raider Battalion, killed during the August 17-18, 1942, raid on Japanese-held Butaritari Island, during which an estimated 83 Japanese soldiers were killed. Lt. Col. Evans F. Carlson commanded the Raiders during the operation, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's son, Capt. James Roosevelt, was the operation's second-in-command. Ferried to the island by submarine and landing on and departing Butaritari by rubber boats, the Marines were unable to evacuate the bodies of their fallen comrades. With the assistance of island inhabitants, including a man who assisted in the burial of the Marines in 1942, a recovery team from the U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii (CILHI) uncovered a mass grave and excavated the remains in November and December 1999. That operation was preceded by an initial investigation in August 1998 and an unsuccessful recovery effort in May 1999. The U.S. Marine Raider Association provided invaluable assistance with firsthand information and documentation about their combat on Butaritari. In late 1999, the CILHI began an exhaustive forensic identification process, including the use of mitochondrial DNA, to confirm the identities of the Marines. Marine Corps officials, using historical military records and more modern search techniques, located the next of kin of each of the Marines.

Arrangements for the transportation and burial of the Marines are underway, in consultation with the families. The first burial is expected to be that of Cpl. Yarbrough in Sikeston, Mo. in December. Among the remains recovered are those of Sgt. Clyde Thomason, the first enlisted Marine awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II. The identification of these Marines contributes to the ongoing effort by the Department of Defense to locate and identify more than 88,000 American service members who remain missing in action from World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Your Gaza Peace Activists!

Witness the Peace Activists! Kevin Clark, Chicago's Protected Louse, and his Free Gaza pals send kids in harm's way and then he commands a microphone. Sadly, Chicago's News Media does its usual lapdog work and gives this louse a free pass.

God Help Israel -evidently Team Obama is sitting this one out. Jan Schakowsky* has had some experience with the Turkish Foreign Office; perhaps there is way too much to this compelling narrative.


The BRAD BLOG has attempted to contact Schakowsky's office over the weekend, but they have yet to return several calls and emails seeking comment. We will, of course, update this story if we are able to receive comment. [UPDATE: Schakowsky's office has now offered a response, rebuttal to the allegations here...]

Edmonds says in the Giraldi interview that "in 2000 ... Turkish agents started gathering information on her, and they found out that she was bisexual." A female Turkish agent is said to have "struck up a relationship with her," and then, following the death of Schakowsky's mother, the woman is said to have attended the funeral "hoping to exploit her vulnerability."

"They later were intimate in Schakowsky's townhouse," Edmonds tells Giraldi, "which had been set up with recording devices and hidden cameras."

The reason for attempting to get at Schakowsky, Edmonds believes, is so that they would be able to get both her "and her husband Robert Creamer to perform certain illegal operational facilitations for them in Illinois," along with Hastert, who was already on the payroll, and several other Chicago officials.

Edmonds has previously disclosed some of Hastert's dealings with shady Turkish operatives. Many of those charges were originally detailed in a 2005 Vanity Fair exposé by David Rose, which focused on the allegations of payoffs to Hastert by the Turks to the tune of some half a million dollars, or more.

Schakowsky's husband, lobbyist Robert Creamer, was indicted on 16 counts of bank fraud in 2004. In 2005 he pleaded guilty to one count and was sentenced to five months in prison and 11 months of house arrest. He was released from the federal penitentiary in 2006.

Kill Jon Burge and While You are At it Wipe Out Israel - It's a Progressive Thing

What I find very telling is the fact that the very people who want former Area 2 Homicide Detective Jon Burge tortured, murdered and then convicted are the very same people who want Israel wiped from the face of the earth.

The doctrinaire Progressive can not accept the fact that Israel is fighting for its life by blocking, apprehending and questioning murderous thugs and that Detectives of Area 2 were tasked with apprehending and questioning murderous thugs.

The corporate media ( editorial boards and the iconic columnists like Carol Marin) take only one news feed and that is the Progressive Doctrinaire - G. Flint Taylor tells out-of-work columnist John Conroy what to write and that sets the police torture gold standard. Burge must be mutilated, tried and convicted for starters because The Peoples Law Office, Jon Loevy, The Northwestern Buzz Cut Commie Lawsuit Lotto League, WTTW, WBEZ* and Medill Magic Conviction Deconstruction Company say so. Burge tortured Denzel Washington! Free Mumia!

Likewise, the hand-wringers want Israel wiped from the face of the earth, because it is there.

Good people can disagree. The Progressive tells everyone to shut-up and obey. People don't, thank God.


What would constitute justice in this case? We explore the impact of the Burge case – from the status of those wrongfully convicted to the breach of trust between police and the communities they are upheld to serve and protect. We ask you to weigh in.

Email us:
Tweet us: @848

Ben Laurence – Assistant professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Chicago
Locke Bowman – Director of the MacArthur Justice Center at Northwestern University
Darius Rejali–Author of numerous publications on the history of torture

Irishman Chaim Herzog - 6th President of Israel - A Lesson to United Nation's Cabal of Hate

"Five Jews came from over sea with gifts to Toirdelbach [king of Munster], and they were sent back again over sea". Annals of Inisfallen 1079 A.D.

Chaim Herzog was born in Belfast and grew up in Dublin, Ireland. He was the son of a rabbi.

Herzog went to Israel ( British Palestine) in the 1930's and fought in the Hagganah during the Aracb Revolt.

During WWII Chaim Herzog drove a tank, rose to rank of Lt. Colonel and captured Heinrich Himmler the cowardly boss of the SS.

Then Herzog went to Israel and fought against the very same people who want to exterminate the Jews. He became Israel's 6th President.

In 1975 when I teaching at Bishop McNamara and the American Media became enamored of the Third World Thug take over of United Nations - two Micks American Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Israeli President Chaim Herzog told the truth on the world.

Here is Chaim Herzog.

"We have listened to the most unbelievable nonsense on the issue of Zionism and from whom? From countries who are the archetypes of racism.

...How dare you talk of racism to us, we who suffered more than any other nation in the world from racist theories and practices, a nation which has suffered the most terrifying holocaust in the history of mankind.

...This is a sad day for the United Nations. The Jewish people will not forget this scene nor this vote.

We are a small people with a proud history. We have lived through much in our history.

We shall survive this shameful exhibition, . . . and I thank the delegations who have expressed themselves against this pernicious resolution. We shall not forget those who voted to attack our religion and our faith. We shall never forget."
to the deaf ears of United Nations Third World Cabal of Hate, October 17, 1975

An Irish cargo ship Rachel Corrie is heading to Gaza as part of the campaign to gas Israel's Moral standing. Rachel Corrie was an American kid who was goaded into standing in front of an Israeli bulldozer by a coward Kevin Clark who trooped gullible kids to Gaza for the International Solidarity Movement ( Read Communists - practiced masters of Jew Killing).

There are less 2,000 Jews living in Ireland in 21st Century.
Jesus wept.

Skinny and Houli Welcome Dan McGrath -Tonight on Radio AM 950 at 6PM

Skinny - "Houli, Dan McGrath is the finest prose crafter since Ring Lardner penciled a score card at Sox Park."

Houli - " Lawless, Billy Lawless fills the bill, Skinny."

Skinny -"You're daft man! Billy Lawless is a civic-minded saloon keeper."

Houli - " I'm daft? Rewind, please."

Wednesday 6-8 PM

Special guests this week include Dan McGrath, sports writer for the Chicago News Cooperative, an innovative news web site dedicated to building communities through quality journalism. The Chicago News Coop contributes Chicago stories to the New York Times on Fridays and Sundays. Also joining us is Billy Lawless, owner of The Irish Oak in Wrigleyville and The Gage on Michigan Avenue. Billy is very involved with immigration reform as a native of Galway, Ireland. Plus, we will have Mind Over Matter, one of the groups performing at this weekend's Gospel Fest in Millennium Park.

Skinny and Houli -Chicago's Genuine Pour of Plain Speaking Radio!

Tune-in for Real Radio at Avenue 950 AM on your radio dial!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Robert Gibbs Sells Israel Down the River

"This is supported not just by the United States, but by the international community," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says.

Yeah this will help.

Kevin Clark -Phony Blood Activist - This Louse is a Protected Species

Watch this fatuous louse - parse and preen. A Recovering Catholic but very comfortable opportunistic creep camoflaged in moral relativism.

Kevin Clark helped Rachel Corrie get bulldozed into and ISM/Hamas/Marxist Martyr.

Jerusalem: The news that a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist, Shadi Sukiya, was captured by an elite anti-terror unit of the Israel Defense Forces while hiding out in the Jenin offices of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) did not make a ripple in the flood of coverage from the Iraqi front in late March 2003.

Just eleven days earlier, on March 16, the ISM did make world headlines when Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old ISM member, was run over by an Israeli bulldozer in Rafah and died of her injuries.

Maybe the fact that a "peace organization" was found to be defending terrorists twice in a two-week period will factor into the inquiry called by several Washington state congressional representatives into the circumstances of Rachel Corrie's death.
Click my post title for more

This louse make Billy Ayers seem like a good guy - no small task that.

Note Bene:
Adult and nymphal lice can survive on sheep-shearers' moccasins for up to 10 days, but microwaving the footwear for five minutes in a plastic bag will kill the lice.[4]Wikipedia

God Bless Israel ! The Gaza Flotilla was a Suicide Bomb.

Terrorists depend upon not-very-bright hand wringers. International Solidarity Movement and the Free Gaza Movement is packed with clowns and communists like Kevin Clark of Chicago.

This professional "activist" is behind the death of an earnest and foolish American Girl who jumped in the path of an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza.

The Gaza Relief Flotilla is and has been nothing more than a public relations suicide bomb intent on killing public opinion with regard to Israel and its Gaza policy.

Israel is America's best friend. Israel is the bulls eye for Islamist and Marxist Terror.

I hope that President Obama stands with Israel against the jackals and the creeps.

Activists on board a six-ship flotilla carrying aid to the Gaza Strip tried to lynch the Israel Navy commandos who boarded their Turkish-flagged boat early Monday, Israel Defense Forces sources told Haaretz on Monday afternoon. At least nine people were killed and several more were wounded in the fighting that erupted aboard one of the ships.

The IDF confirmed that at least seven Navy commandos had been wounded, two of them seriously, in a fight which apparently broke out after activists tried to seize their weapons.

The commandos, who intercepted the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara after it ignored orders to turn back from its course to Gaza, said they had encountered violent resistance from activists armed with sticks and knives. According to the commandos, the activists threw one of the soldiers from the upper deck to the lower after they boarded. The organizers of the flotilla said the troops opened fire first.

An Israeli military spokesman said some of the commandos were equipped with paintball guns but the non-lethal weapons were not enough against activists who charged in with batons.

"They had pistols with live ammunition as back-up, to defend themselves," he said. The IDF said it had confiscated two pistols from the boat.

One of the commandos told reporters he descended by rope from a helicopter onto one of the six ships in the convoy and was immediately attacked by a group of people waiting for them.

"They beat us with metal sticks and knives," he said. "There was live fire at some point against us."

A Reuters cameraman on the Israel Navy ship Kidon, sailing close to the convoy, said IDF commanders monitoring the operation were surprised by the strong resistance put up by the pro-Palestinian activists.

One of the commandos said some of the soldiers were stripped of their helmets and equipment and a several were tossed from the top deck to a lower deck, forcing them to jump into the sea to escape.

"They jumped me, hit me with clubs and bottles and stole my rifle," one of the commandos said. "I pulled out my pistol and had no choice but to shoot."

God Bless Israel and God Bless America!

Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in praelio. Contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur. Tuque princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen.

Kevin Clark The Pied Piper of Hamas - This Clown Needs Our Attention

Kevin Clark in a Fabulous Grey Tweed along with his Fellow Bush $ Activists -

Jeff Pickert
Buddy Bell
Kevin Clark
Andy Thayer
— The "Bush 4" Defendants

This creep Kevin Clark is the type of person parents need to warn their kids about - the smarmy do-gooding provacateur who sends earnest and often wildly ignorant young people out to fight his causes.

Kevin Clark was one of the creeps who organized the Catholic Schoolgirl Girls Against the War - six loopy kids who tossed fake blood on worshippers during Easter Mass at Holy Name Cathedral in 2008.

More Importanly, this clown goaded a young girl to be a martyr and toss herself in front of an Israeli bulldozer, so that Kevin Clark could mount a legal campaign against Israel over Gaza Settlements. Hamas fires rockets into Israel and finds cover among the hand-wringers thanks to creeps like Clark. God Bless Israel!

Did I mention that Kevin Clark is a Creep?

A Creep uses Kids whether they are in grammar school or in graduate school. The news Media always gives Creeps like Clark a pass. Mike Parker of Channel 2 CBS did so -

Jesus, will you people ever grow a pair?

Another activist here in Chicago wonders about his friend Mohammadi. She is an Iranian-born American citizen who was on the ship.

Kevin Clark of the Free Gaza Movement says she has a law degree, "but she has chosen to do this type of work, rather than make money."

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kevin Clark - Catholic Schoolgirl Task Master, Israeli Buldozer Champ and Gaza Flotilla Rear Echelon

Kevin Clark Lefty Rear Echelon Commando- what being an A$$hole is all about !
This fatuous clown is behind the the possible death of a young woman,Chicagoan Fatima Mohammadi (who is missing at the moment) with the Free Gaza Flotilla; helped and encouraged Rachel Corrie to get in front of an Israeli bulldozer -she too died; and helped organize, promote and mouthpiece the Easter Sunday attack* on worshipers at Holy Name Cathedral in 2008.

Kevin Clark is Chicago's Marxist rear echelon commando.

This fatuous clown who has impressionable kids do his street theatre. Kevin is linked to the death of two kids. Rachel Corrie and a young girl from Naperville.

Israeli commandos surround convoy, fire live ammunition upon Mavi Marmara, with hundreds of aid workers and activists aboard, including Chicago activist Fatima Mohammadi.

Media contacts:

Kevin Clark, Free Gaza Movement/Midwest: FGMinchicago, cell 312-259-4380
Fatima Mohammadi, Chicagoan on board the Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Satellite phone: +8821636619168; email:
Huwaida Arraf on board the Challenger: 0088 216 5207 2093
Ewa Jasciewica on board the Challenger: 0088 163 184 7926
Bianca Shana’a, Free Gaza Movement, Paris: 00336 63 59 20 28
Greta Berlin, Free Gaza Movement: 00 357 99 18 72 75
Mary Hughes: 00 357 96 38 38 09

Here is is comfortable louse parsing the Catholic School Girls Attack. You see Kevin gets no blood on his hands.

Remember this dedicated onanists.

ix Iraq war protesters disrupted an Easter Mass on Sunday, shouting and squirting fake blood on themselves and parishioners in a packed auditorium.

Three men and three women startled the crowd during Cardinal Francis George’s homily, yelling “Even the Pope calls for peace” as they were removed from the Mass by security guards and ushers.

One Mass attendee, Mike Wainscott of Chicago, yelled at the anti-war protesters.

“Are you happy with yourselves?” he said. “There were kids in there. You scared little kids with your selfish act. Are you happy now?”

The group, which calls itself Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War, said in a statement after the arrests that they targeted the Holy Name Cathedral on Easter to reach a large audience, including Chicago’s most prominent Catholic citizens and the press, which usually covers the services.

Kevin Clark of International Solidarity Movement told the Chicago Tribune that he attended the Mass to serve as a witness for the protesters.The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) was founded in 2001 by Ghassan Andoni, a Palestinian activist; Neta Golan, an Israeli activist; Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian-American; and George N. Rishmawi, a Palestinian activist. Adam Shapiro, an American, joined the movement shortly after its founding and is also often considered one of the founders.

According to a 2003 profile of ISM co-founder Adam Shapiro in the Jordan Star, Shapiro “justifies the Palestinian armed resistance against Israel as long as it is targeting Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

ISM was accused of being linked to the suicide bombers that attacked the Mike’s Place bar in Tel Aviv on April 30, 2003, killing three people.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Burge Trial - The Progressive Voice Explains Justice

Say it often enough and they will swallow anything.
Fair is fair and Justice is blind unless driven by the Progressive Agenda to undermine any and all confidence and faith in law enforcement and the American Justice System.

From the Tribune commentary - a G. Flint Taylor's acolyte intones:

None of the Detectives should be granted any form of immunity unless they are willing to reveal information that will be helpful toward bringing down the entire operation of Jon Burge and his detectives who work under his command. . . . .

This is the Progressive voice.