Thursday, August 11, 2011

Great Britain's Media as Loopy, Phony and Arrogantly Blind as Ours

Kevin Myers is as sound a writer as Jonathan Swift, but with actual skin in the game. Kevin Myers became a fearless critic of the IRA and Sinn Fein, having spent much time with IRA gunmen.

Here is some of the work of a real journalist:

In 1974 Myers was approached by the Official IRA who, aware of his contacts, requested a meeting with their loyalist counterparts. A meeting was arranged between Jim Hanna, an Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) leader and a representative of the Officials. The Europa Hotel, Belfast was chosen because its supposedly tight security would ensure neither side could be armed. Yet both sides managed to smuggle in armed men and Myers described their comical attempts to blend in. Further meetings followed and agreements were reached for the safe return of unfortunates who accidentally found themselves in the other's territory.[17]
Later, at a secret meeting arranged by Myers at the request of the Provisionals. Dáithí Ó Conaill and Brian Keenan had talks with UVF leaders Hanna and Billy Mitchell near Lough Sheelin, County Cavan. Myers summarised the purpose of the talks: The IRA simply wished to discuss the terms of the loyalist surrender and the loyalists wished merely to assure the IRA they had no intention of surrendering. The meeting lasted four hours. Mitchell later recalled that "We just wanted to get to know one another. And we thought we could find a way to call an end to everything." "I really liked David. And neither of us accused the other of anything."[18] That night the two sides had dinner together, followed by a drinking session. Keenan and Mitchell fell asleep, drunkenly in each others arms.
Following the meeting Myers discerned a brief lull in the IRA targeting of UDR soldiers.

Today, American journalists are wringing their chubby hands over the possibility of London style riots here in America. Open your friggin' eyes Cupcakes -Americans riot on the installment plan -teen flash mobs and daily shootings. The Revolution will not be televised, but it will be an HBO documentary by Spike Lee.

Yesterday, Myers lambasted the PC Press in England, as they have helped stoke the riots in the same manner as American journalistas do Class Warfare as opposed to reporting the news.

This is a must Read:
By Kevin Myers
Wednesday August 10 2011
The duty of journalists is to tell the truth. If we don't do that, it's the equivalent of a nurse comfortably chatting over a nice cup of tea while an empty saline drip feeds air into a patient's artery. The moment that we think it's more important to protect some comfortable ideological dogma is the moment when our particular patient, truth, begins to die. I take no pleasure in what follows; but there is a job to be done, so here goes.

Perhaps the most astounding element in the British television coverage of the riots over much of England has been the steadfast refusal to mention the race of most of the rioters. They are clearly, and overwhelmingly, Afro-Caribbean, the descendants of immigrants, though such has been the utter British failure to integrate so much of the immigrant population that many have retained something of a Caribbean accent. Admittedly, not all of the rioters are "black": clearly, some white youths have joined in.

But where they have not got race is common, they probably have another feature that joins them: absent father-figures. An astonishing number of young males in London are the sons of single mothers. They have been raised without the presence of a male authority figure to impose familial order, and furthermore and most vitally, to promote the patriarchy.

Contrary to what the feminist mantra of recent decades has proposed, the patriarchy was not invented to oppress woman, but devised by Abraham to control men. Adolescent males, without an imposed order, are as feral as chimpanzees. This is why all societies have adopted rigorous means of imposing authority on teenage boys, and which always requires male authority-figures: either sergeant-majors or patriarchs or that unfashionable thing, "dads".

But Britain, like Ireland, went down the insane path of encouraging single mothers to have children: indeed, both societies actually created additional incentives for unmarried women to reproduce. It is social lunacy, delinquency turned into state policy, to encourage women to bear a population of young males without fathers. Yet that is what our two islands have been doing in a weak-minded, abject capitulation to the feminist ideological dogma that men are really redundant in the family. Yet the statistics across the world show that the single mother is far more likely to raise a criminal, a thug or rapist, than the married mother. No fewer than 70pc of young offenders in Britain are from single-parent families. It is not mere "poverty" that produces the socially dysfunctional male, so much as father-free families.

Moreover, in all societies in the world where Afro-Caribbeans have settled, there is a problem with male teenage gang culture. That being the case -- for whatever reason -- it makes no sense whatever to "reward" single mothers of that background for having boys without a father-figure to control them. The facta are known: black children of single mothers are twice as likely to commit crime as black children with two parents. Nearly 60pc of London's Afro-Caribbean mothers are single. If the allure of the male hierarchy in a gang on the street proves irresistible, then ahead awaits social disaster.

There is a third element. Immigration: not of the parents or grandparents of the young males currently dismantling London and other cities, but more recent immigration, much of it white, that prevents young natives, of any ethnic background, getting jobs. There are some 10,000 unemployed in Tottenham -- though the moronic oxymoron term "jobseeker" is now the fashionable term to describe the unemployed. No doubt many want jobs -- for every job vacancy in Tottenham there are 54 applications -- but it is surely gilding the lily to describe every single dole-taker (whether he is in Britain or here) as someone really seeking employment. But that aside, in the past 10 years under the egregious and depraved policies of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, an already overcrowded Britain took in over two million immigrants. Where have the jobs gone? That's where.

Six years ago, I wrote a column for 'The Irish Times' about the riots then erupting across immigrant areas in France and Britain. Michael D Higgins TD issued a statement in which he said: "The contents of his column today go beyond his usually crafted cowardice, staying one step on the safe side of prosecution for incitement to hatred or racism."

"Usually crafted cowardice", eh? Is cowardice really a characteristic of my journalism? And that's before we even come to the delightful implication of racist intent. So, is it remotely surprising that we never had any proper discussion about immigration, if a future presidential candidate of this Republic could feel free to use such vile and actionable language about a critic of our immigration non-policies?

Immigration did not cause our collapse, but the refusal to create an immigration policy was an intellectual companion to our populist failure to control our banks. And no one can deny this unassailable truth: our unemployment figures have been made immeasurably worse by the large numbers of immigrants who poured unchecked into the Celtic Tiger economy. Finally, if you want to know what a combination of failed immigration and social policies can produce, why, just watch the TV news from London tonight.

- Kevin Myers

Irish Independent

England in Flames: The Arrogance of Entitlement

Guardian photo

I'm in London now, I am sad and literally devastated by the riots and the turn of events that has gotten it to this place. The emerging youths that are getting involved in looting need to stay away as it is only a matter of time for someone else to get hurt or go to jail senselessly. Urging the families and the parents of the young kids to keep them home. Communities need to stick together to keep them away. Not just London but nationwide, please keep them home and safe.
Idris Elba, The handsome east London-born star of Luther, The Office and The Wire, has told the Guardian:

I do not believe that Mr. Elba became a fine actor because of his race, his good-looks, or any sense of entitlement. God Bless this fine gentleman.

I spent some time in Great Britain and Ireland. The British custom of the queue is unlike anything here in America. The Queue is the lining up of passengers, or customers for transportation, entertainment or goods. It is an example of what is best in man -manners, courtesy and humility. People wait in line, or rather they did.

Americans need signs posted and a contest recording on modes of transportation to allow the disabled, expectant mothers and the elderly, first passage aboard buses and trains. Americans do not queue - they position.

I worked as a janitor and as a dock worker for Gateway Transportation and Shipping, while I was in high school and college. As a janitor, was would clean toilets and use a sifter to clean sand filled ash-trays (remember them). Very often, I might be seen by friends and neighbors at my menial unskilled tasks for which I was paid the prevailing wage, because I paid union dues. The prevailing wage for a janitor was about $2.85 in 1970. Janitors were largely immigrants from eastern European countries and college punks like me. The immigrants worked like dogs and sad to confess too often this college punk dogged the work, because was only paying my tuition at Little Flower and Loyola. The Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Russian, Greek and Croatian DPs were earning the rent, the groceries and saving what they could.

I worked like a dog on the docks at Gateway Trucking originally located near Western and Cermak and later out in Chicago Ridge on Harlem at about 106th. Gateway was the largest trucking dock in the Midwest at the time. It went bankrupt in the 1980's, was taken over by Yellow Trucking and is now a rust-belt ghost town. I was a casual -non-union freight humper. We were on call and when called in you showed up, or you didn't work again. The Teamsters were the highly skilled truckers and fork-lift drivers. Some Teamsters supervised the casuals. In the winter the dock was brutally cold, but you kept warm by staying busy. You were entitled to one bathroom break every two hours and a twenty minute lunch each eight hour shift. You were entitled to your pay, which was more than a union janitor made, back then - about $ 4.25 an hour.

When not working I was reading American, Russian, British, Classical Latin literature and studying the core curriculum for a bachelor of arts degree. The education I received at both Little Flower High School and Loyola University was priceless. On the wall of Marquette Center at the Rush Street Campus were the Latin quotations of The Great Jesuit Thinkers, Ignatius Loyola, Aloysius Gonzaga, Saints. and Scripture.
One that struck me the most was this one -Initium sapientiae timor domini est: The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.

Like the United States, Great Britain has turned God into a guest on Bill Moyers for PBS - God is, if He must Be at all, a champion of diversity, Gay marriage, Abortion, and a Class warfare firebrand. The Archbishop of Canterbury has come out in favor of Sharia Law and embraces diversity.

Diversity erases any and all crimes - assault, arson, looting, the odd rape here and there.

London and other cities in Great Britain look like the Blitz Reenactment - not because of poverty, Class, or oppression. The diverse youth are looting because diversity is the father of entitlement. Entitlement means you are a God!

In Chicago demi-Gods kill with impunity, because they may do so without fear.

The Media has portrayed murdering, gang-banging thugs as victims and heart-tugging urchins. Ever since the media played Yummie Sandifer as a martyr to 'not not doing enough for thugs' Chicago has enjoyed a willful slide into Apocalypse. There is no respect for Law, because there is no fear of anything. God?

God is for gun-hugging, toothless breeder hillbillies.

I don't buy that sorghum. I was educated by real scholars who understood that learning is a two-edged sword - it cuts its way to wisdom, or to hubris. Wisdom requires humility. Hubris requires only entitlement. Nothing is free. Education is costly -then, now and always. The more one invests in pursuit of that end, the more one values it as a whole.

My tastes in literature run to sensibilities developed between John Dryden and William Makepeace Thackeray - it often called in the canon of literature Augustan or Neo-classical. It holds that science is a tool and not an end. That understanding that Man is a creature and not a God is wisdom.

Alexander Pope's Essay on Man presents this little fire extinguisher:

Of systems possible, if ’tis confest
That wisdom infinite must form the best,
Where all must full or not coherent be,
And all that rises, rise in due degree;
Then in the scale of reasoning life, ’tis plain,
There must be, somewhere, such a rank as man:
And all the question (wrangle e’er so long)
Is only this, if God has placed him wrong?
Respecting man, whatever wrong we call,
May, must be right, as relative to all.
In human works, though laboured on with pain,
A thousand movements scarce one purpose gain;
In God’s one single can its end produce;
Yet serves to second too some other use.
So man, who here seems principal alone,
Perhaps acts second to some sphere unknown,
Touches some wheel, or verges to some goal;
’Tis but a part we see, and not a whole.

I worked as a janitor and on a loading dock in order to become an English teacher. I hope that was an adequate one. Sifting ash-tray sand for cigar, cigarette butts, wrappers, wads of used tissue, unplugging toilets, mopping up everything imaginable, dumping trash into rat-happy gondolas is not humbling. Humping freight is not humbling. I was blessed t learn that I am entitled to nothing; therefore, I am not terribly inclined to bump the queue, smash windows and grab Reboks. Study and work are part of the whole.

Arrogant Man is burning the cities of Great Britain and shooting anyone on the streets of Chicago.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On Wisconsin: Sit Down, Drop the Drums, Have Nice Cup of Tea

Our Progressive Americans

John Kass has another wonderful fable that sums up DNC ( I will not say Democrats, as I remain, along with nearly all of my neighbors, a Democrat)Grassroots/Planned Parenthood/SEIU/Daily Kos/Progressive political sensibilities. It is a scatological far . . .heart warming juxtaposition of Greek workingman sensibility when confronted with bovine leavings as rhetorical conceits. Click my post title, do, for Gianni Kass' fable.

Within the context of the fable lies an observation not lost on helot Democrats and most Americans concerning the villainizing of the Tea Party and those not hugging the Progressive group-think.

A year or so ago, the grass-roots tea party conservatives were just called weird. When weird didn't work, they were called crazy. When crazy didn't work, they were called racists.

All the donkeys making noise because the tea party doesn't want the government to grope you at airports or spend your money? Amazing.
John Kass Chicago Tribune

John Kerry's recent spiel on Sunday chat shows identifying the Economic Disaster that is Progressive dilettante control of the National Democratic Party sparked John Kass to remonstrate the voice of meme David Axelrod.

Axelrod jumped the shark in making a handsome, affable mixed race back-bench Illinois State legislator a national darling and eventually President of the United States. Since the inauguration of our 44th President, things have not gone all too well for the Nation and the President.

President Obama does teaching moments, American Exceptionalism apologies, accepts Nobel Prizes, vacations, parties, snaps a good salute, and takes credit for the Navy Seal with his finger on the trigger and a Somali pirate, or Islamist madman in his crosshairs, pretty well.

Other than that, not so hot.

President Obama and the DNC are very good at crafting enemies - us; well me anyway. Shoot, I'm harmless. I do self-inflicted mayhem.

President Obama's folks make war on States: Arizona and Alabama for being mean to illegals and Wisconsin and New Jersey for being mean to Teachers Unions, AFCSME, and especially SEIU.

Wisconsin in particular got the full Axelrod. All through the waning winter, Morbidly obese Progressives Big Ed Schultz and Michael Moore led the kids who missed the 1960s, but saw the PBS and History Channel shows on the 60's into exercises of painlessly obnoxious antics in Madison, Wisconsin. I say painlessly obnoxious because the later-day Trotskyites avoid whacks on the fannies, let alone saber cuts from Cossacks in Law Enforcement.

Bongos and Gongs and Drums of all nomenclature were Gene Kruppa'd by dweebs under the Capital Rotunda in Madison. MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and Journolistas did a months long Spanish Civil War reenactment, until their little arms got tired.

Then the RECALL!!!!!!!!! Not of the Democratic mopes who fled the State for an extended Illinois vacation, but the GOP reps who actually worked for their constituents.


MILWAUKEE -- Democrats failed to gain control of the Wisconsin Senate, winning two seats Tuesday but losing four races to Republican incumbents in recall elections that both sides said are a precursor to next year's fight for the White House and Congress.

Two of the six seats contested went to Democrats, but the most obnoxious and almost surrealistic goof in the half dozen Nancy Nusbaum was clobbered.

A union coalition, We Are Wisconsin, used former Green Bay Packers player Gilbert Brown in a last-minute calling campaign urging voters to defeat 24-year Republican Sen. Robert Cowles. Cowles had nearly 60 percent of the vote, defeating former De Pere Mayor and Brown County Executive Nancy Nusbaum..

Nancy Nusbaum, and "Ain't She Great-er*" in the mold of IL Rep. Jan Schakowsky, had two at bats in the Cheese State -one for the Supreme Court and one for the legislature. Nancy 0; Wisconsin 2.

Illinois goofiest Congress critter Schakwosky also took a whack between the eyes with an electoral two-by-four:

Underscoring the national implications, U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Chicago, a member of the House Democratic leadership, traveled to Pasch's campaign headquarters Tuesday, where the two exchanged hugs. Schakowsky and some of her political workers were assisting in getting voters to the polls.

Hugs are good, but from Jan?

Sandy Pasch got bashed -

The last race was one of the highest-spending, in the north Milwaukee suburbs, where Democratic state Rep. Sandy Pasch fell to Sen. Alberta Darling, a 19-year incumbent. Darling, co-chair of the Legislature's budget-writing panel, was a key target for unions.

The Progressive who can not win friends and influence others, generally gets a lawyer and sues their asses. If Progressives lose a referendum, or election, like the Gay Marriage BS in California, or the great hanging chads of Florida, they grease in a friendly Federal Judge, or go to court for a recount. I expect the Progressive army of ambulance chasers will pick up some dough, following the road killing in Wisconsin.

If Wisconsin is the national barometer that clown opera MSNBC and dirigible Michael Moore bray it to be, looks to me, like its time for some Tea.,0,7741550.story

* Ain't He/She Greaters in Illinois Politics ( usually placed into elected office by vacancies or chicaneries -no opponent on the ballot and generally have acreers due to PAC influence and Shakman friendly clout:

Forrest Claypool
Mike Quigley
Sheila Simon
Jan Schakowsky

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Chicago River Bridge Assassin - Dressed to Kill in Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone: Every Girl Crazy 'Bout a Sharp Dressed Man!

Clean shirt, new shoes
And I don't know where I am goin' to.
Silk suit,black tie,
I don't need a reason why.
They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Coz' every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.
ZZ Top

The gunman was described as black with a thin build and short Afro, wearing a light blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black shorts. He also may have worn a raincoat. Police said they found a shell casing and a backpack believed to belong to the gunman.

Gary Reidy was eating at the Smith & Wollensky steakhouse nearby when he thought he heard a car backfiring but later learned it was gunfire. "You don't expect this kind of thing on a Monday afternoon in downtown Chicago," he said.

Carl Burson Jr., 32, was on his way to a movie. "This is not a war zone, this is downtown Chicago," Burson said. "We don't do that down here."
Chicago Tribune

A brace of points:

1. The mope shooter "was described as black with a thin build and short Afro, wearing a light blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black shorts." Not exactly an Adolph Menjou and certainly hardly a blend-in set of habiliments. Blue Dress Shirt and Black Shorts with a Raincoat?

2. "This us not a war zone, this is downtown Chicago. We don't do that down here."

What do you mean We, Carl? This is and has been a Thug Comfort Zone. Imagine, if a cop had premptively stopped our Beau Brummel with the Nine just short of his victim. The Tribune, reporting on this shooting, would have a full-force editorial war on the individual police officer with Jon Loevy, G. Flint Taylor and Locke Bowman standing ramrod straight like scowling, four-eyed Chinese-triplets in front of ninety microphones and hundreds of notepads bringing suit against the City, the police officer, Brooks Brothers, ZZ Top and GQ for Fashion Racism.

This one man Clown Posse shot and intended to kill, because he can -not could - anywhere, anytime and anyone. Not downtown? Really?

This ain't no movie, Carl.

Thank You to NBC's Sharon Wright and The Sun Times Media Group for the Fine Coverage of the Tribute to Cpl. John P. Fardy

Leo Alumnus Bernie Pepping, Class of 1957 watches members of Chicago's Own 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines solemnly fold the flag for the relatives of Cpl. John Fardy, USMCR and Leo Class of 1940 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. ( photo NBC 5 Chicago)

It's been more than 65 years since Marine Corporal John Fardy was killed on the beaches of Okinawa in a battle with Japanese forces, but his brave actions were remembered at a gravesite ceremony in Alsip Monday.

Fardy is considered a hero for throwing himself onto an enemy grenade and absorbing the blast, therefore saving the lives of his comrades while sacrificing his own. Then President Harry Truman posthumously recognized him with the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest honor, for his bravery.

Fardy's living relatives, some of his fellow soldiers and classmates from the Leo High School Class of 1940, gathered at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery in Alsip Monday for a rededication of his gravesite.

Many of the gravesites for the WWII soldiers dubbed the "The Greatest Generation" are modest at best, and don't begin to describe their many accomplishments. The hope is to place a Medal of Honor designation on Fardy's marker to fully honor a hero who gave his life for his country.

"This ceremony is so meaningful because we see how his life impacted so many people," McGuire's niece, Anne Thomas McGuire, said. "It really makes me realize how important it is for all of us to really appreciate what the men in service are doing for our country." Sharon Wright NBC Chicago

Hannah Kohat's feature in today's Southtown Star links the Leo Men of the 1940's to the young Lions of 2011. Sgt. Jauwan M. Hall, USMC ( Leo '04) who is now the Marine Corps Recruiter at the station at 712 E. 87th Street, following his multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan paid tribute to fellow Marine and Leo Lion and the family of John Fardy along with Leo seniors. The Southtown Star story follows in full.

When the telegram came notifying Martin and Mary Fardy that their son had been killed in action in World War II, there were no details about his death.

There was no mention that Marine Cpl. John Peter Fardy — a South Sider who had left to fight in Okinawa, Japan, just months earlier — had jumped on a live grenade, sacrificing his life to save those of his men.

The Fardys wouldn’t know until later that their son, his life cut short at age 22, was up for a Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroics.

Through the decades, there have been others who had no way of knowing Fardy was a Medal of Honor recipient, either. That’s why his story was being recounted Monday by military historian and writer Dr. Terrence Barrett.

There had been nothing on the headstone of Fardy’s grave at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Worth Township to mark his sacrifice until Monday, when the headstone was rededicated at a ceremony with full military honors. More than 200 people attended, including nieces, nephews and cousins of Fardy.

“My mom, grandma and aunt would be thrilled,” said Fardy’s nephew, John Martin, of Tinley Park. “The first time I brought my grandmother here, she hit her knees and started crying.”

According to Barrett, after Fardy’s death in Okinawa on May 7, 1945, his body wasn’t even returned home in time for his memorial service. The Leo High School graduate’s family was presented with his Medal of Honor in 1946, according to the U.S. Marine Corps website. His body didn’t come home from Okinawa until 1949, Barrett said.

For decades, no one walking past Fardy’s grave could tell an American World War II hero was buried there. When fellow Leo High School grad Jim Furlong found that out, he and his fellow alumni and members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart made it their mission to get Fardy the recognition he deserved.

They had the Medal of Honor inscription added a couple of weeks ago, leading to Monday’s ceremony.

“It’s amazing how many people showed up today,” said Rich Martin, another of Fardy’s nephews, also of Tinley Park.

Martin said that although his uncle died before Martin was born, he remembers visiting the grave while growing up.

“He was my mom’s brother,” Martin said. “We used to come here to visit and clear his gravesite.”

The sacrifice

Barrett said Fardy was a quiet, modest and hard-working kid whose parents had emigrated from Ireland. He was drafted by the Marines in 1943 and became proficient with a Browning automatic rifle, which, Barrett said, meant he was destined for the thick of the war zones.

On May 7, 1945, in Okinawa, Hardy and his men came under fire, and he huddled them into a drainage ditch. When a hand grenade was thrown in, Fardy covered it with his own body to absorb the explosion.

Fardy’s cousin, Ann Powen, of Oak Lawn, remembers the day she and her family received the news of his death. She said they were all waiting for him to come home, and “got that call instead.”

Barrett said Fardy’s platoon commander recommended Fardy for the Medal of Honor.

The Medal of Honor citation written by then-President Harry Truman was read to the crowd Monday by John Martin. The citation said that “Corporal Fardy, by his prompt decision and resolute spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of certain death, had rendered valiant service. … He gallantly gave his life for his country.”

Fardy apparently had been proud of his service. A high school classmate, John Hanlon, of Chicago’s Beverly community, said Fardy joined the Marines after high school, but “he came back to class one day to show off his uniform.”

The ceremony

In keeping with Fardy’s Irish roots, the Irish national anthem was performed at Monday’s ceremony. Veterans presented the colors, there was a 21-gun salute and “Taps” was played by bagpipers. When “The Marines’ Hymn” was sung, the eldest of veterans stood up straight and tall and belted out the tune.

“This is a plain and simple ‘thank you,’ ” said Illinois Military Order of the Purple Heart Cmdr. Dan Finn, who lost his left leg in the Vietnam War.

“It’s a great honor that we can give to one of our fallen heroes,” said Ray Perison, a World War II Army veteran who said he fought in Europe from 1944 to ’45 and was imprisoned in Nuremberg for five months.

Tony Matkovich, another former prisoner of war who fought for the Army in Germany from 1943 to ’45, said, “I’m honored to be here. It’s too bad they waited so long to honor him the way it should have been done.”

“God bless his soul,” said William Stefanu, a World War II combat engineer. “He did his duty for us.”

Seniors from Leo High School’s football team also were on hand, standing out in their black and orange jerseys and saying they were proud to honor an alum.

“I just want to say thank you,” Eric Owens said.

“I’m just happy to see alumni sticking together,” Jamal Boulden said. “We have a lot of vets.”

The crowd sang the Leo High School fight song to close the ceremony
( emphases my own)

The Oak Lawn Patch covered the ceremony as well and will appear shortly.

Leo High School thanks Sharon Wright of NBC 5 Chicago and Ms. Hannah Kohat of the Southtown Star for their poignant and fitting tributes to Cpl. John P. Fardy.

God Bless All Who Serve and Have Served.

Monday, August 08, 2011

My Photos of The Cpl. John Fardy Memorial at Holy Sepulchre

And where is MacArthur? Well, we don't like to tell
But he's in a place that Marines all know very well
For he's now down in Dago and trying hard to be
Promoted from a general to a Jarhead PFC
author unknown

Marine Corps 2011 and The Old Corps - this spry be-medaled Full Colonel was everywhere at the Memorial.
Two Korean War Marines Avoiding the Shade.
Marine League and Patriot Riders inspected by the Colonel.
America's Most Exclusive and Precious Fraternity -The Purple Heart Veterans - Jim Furlong who conducted this tribute to Valor is a fully paid up member of the Purple Heart Warriors.
Vietnam Marine and 11th Ward Alderman Jim Balcer pays tribute to the family of Cpl. John Fardy and inspects the Medal of Honor bestowed upon Cpl.John P. Fardy.
Leo Football Coach Mike Holmes and author of the forthcoming book on John Fardy and thirty three fellow Medal of Honor Marines, Dr. Terry Barrett -the event's keynote speaker flank our Leo Lions who helped provide comfort and care. Thanks Men!
Chicago's Own the 2nd Battalion of the 24th Marines Present the Colors and begin the tribute to Cpl. John Peter Fardy, CMOH and Leo Class of 1940 - Semper Fidelis and Facta Non Verba!

These Old Hands by Cpl. Robert L. Cook
Jan. 42~Sept. 45

These old hands
Have gone the distance,
These old hands
Have felt the pain.
They have borne
The heat of jungles,
They have caught
The falling rain.

They have held
An issued rifle
Given to me by
The Corps.
They have pushed
And pulled
And hoisted,
And they seldom
E'er complained.

They have built
And have destroyed,
They have worked
For war and peace.
And when 'tis all
Said and done
And they are laid away,
They have served me
And the nation.
What more
Can I say?

Leo Man Jim Furlong: Vietnam Hero, Mentor and Host of Cpl. John Fardy Memorial

Jim Furlong lost a leg to a Vietnamese Communist grenade in the late 1960's. Jim Furlong does not expect an electric chair on rail to take him up to Leo's third floor gym when he attends most Leo basketball homes games. Jim has never missed the Leo Veterans Observances held in the War Memorial courtyard on the Friday immediate before November 11th Veterans Day. Jim is a Leo Hall of Fame Alumnus, who not attends every banquet, golf outing or fundraiser, but plunges both hands into the tasks.

The Cpl. John Peter Fardy, USMC Memorial held in a few hours at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery at 10 A.M. today, is due to Jim Furlong.

Jim Furlong and Mark Lee worked to get this operation moving and completed. Here is Jim's report:

About 24 hours now until the August 8 ceremony for Cpl. John P. Fardy, Medal of Honor winner and Leo HS Class of 1940.

Pretty sure everything is checked and double checked. Feel good everything is ready to go.

I am very proud that the 2nd Batallion, 24th Marine Division will provide fine young Marines for the Honor Guard and Flag Presentation to the Next of Kin. An invocation is to be done by Fr. Tom Mescall a fellow Leo 65 graduate We have a very strong voiced young man to sing the National Anthem, Irish National Anthem (in Gaellic), and the Marine Corps Hymn (all a capella). Dr. Terence Barrett, who authored a book about Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipients in the latter months of WWII in the Pacific, will be our keynote speaker and I'm sure will be able to put Cpl. Fardy's deeds on that May Day in proper perspective. A great bagpiper will play Amazing Grace during the ceremony and Oh Danny Boy as a recessional. Tom Day, a great patriot and founder of Bugles Across America, will render a rifle salute with an M-1 Carbine which was the weapon used by the USMC during WWII. Tom will then play a verision of TAPS that will probably make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

As for other details, we've got a few dozen chairs lined up, and I have a sign to put on a sandwich board to place at the Cemetery entrance to point you in the right direction and several small American Flags to place every 30-50 feet or so to the gravesite. Over 250 programs are printed up. I have a gross of small American Flags that I would like us to place around the headstone as we leave the Ceremony. I have attached a word document to this email which gives the order of the Program.

Now God willing, if He will grace us with a beautiful day.

One last thing, Rich Doyle could you check with Jenny's and see if they have room for us to gather for lunch after the ceremony. It will be a pay-as-you-go lunch and cash bar.



That says it all . . .
Jim Furlong:Was with B/2/14 of the 25th from May 68 until I was injured and evac'd to Fitzsimons Army Hospital. WIA January 3, 1969. Was a Sgt on an Eagle Flight on January 3 when I got sideways with a grenade thrown by Charlie. Would be interested with others in my unit at that time. Remember spending a lot of time at FSB Keene.

Keith Jarrett's "Danny Boy" - A Poignant Sense of Loss from a Giving Man

Ecstasy seems to be Jarrett’s identity: not only “follow your bliss” but “here, have a taste of mine!”

He’s one of the greatest storytellers we have!

As an actor I know a little about the subject of leading an audience through a tale of … mystery … and adventure … and … well … yes LOVE.

Is there a more sacred love song in the world than Danny Boy?

My adopted son, Floyd, just lost one of his sons today in a Toronto shooting.

Black on black vengeance.

To me the piercing truth of Jarrett’s rendering of Danny Boy has the agonies of profound loss in them, losses like that of my son.

Within all that pain, the beauty of existence is never more intense. The half-note interval tensions that drift … yes, mysteriously appear and disappear in his harmonies.

Speaking of “never more” … the “nevermore” of life and its fragility … and knowing how a great artist can literally force us to realize just how exquisite is God’s gift to us.Life!

How brief.

How divinely painful.

Bill Evans, one of the most influential jazz pianist of our time, performs Danny Boy in a much higher register … and … as lovely as his version may be … it carries none of the weight of Jarrett’s.


The stated key, at the very opening, tells us how profoundly serious Keith Jarrett is about Life in general.

The very last chorus of Jarrett’s Danny Boy leads to a brief quintessence of devastating harmonies, tensions that are at once divinely painful yet so deliriously inevitable. You know that this entire call to Danny Boy strikes at the very heart of our impermanence.

It ends with an allusion to the sacred plagal cadence, that all familiar ending to a choir hymn. Only an allusion, however.
Michael Moriarty, Actor, Jazz Musician, Journalist,Composer and Defender of the Unborn.

Today, Leo Alumni, Veterans of America's Wars, a living Medal of Honor recipient, and citizens will re-dedicate the gravesite of Cpl. John Fardy, USMC, a Leo graduate and Medal of Honor hero.

Click my post tite

Saturday, August 06, 2011

I Remember 1964 , Little Flower, Clancy the Roller Skating Monkey, Tommy Walsh,and Nailed Rick Kogan's Pop Quiz

Thanks Rick Kogan!

1964, I was twelve. I lived in a two bed room Georgian looking north to the railroad tracks at 1755 W. 75th Place in Little Flower Parish of the Chicago Gresham neighborhood. Little Flower was founded in the mid 1920's to serve the massive Catholic demographic in Gresham. Monsignor Stephan McMahon was a priest, lawyer and real estate genius who built one of Catholic Chicago's most impressive campuses between 79th and 81st Streets/ Honore and Wood Streets. The grammar school was tuition free to parishioners and brand new co-educational high school was filled to capacity.

The Church Rectory had a fruit(Peach, cherry and apple) orchard and underground garage all within view of the two grammar school buildings. A huge convent housed the Religious Sisters of Mercy who operated the school. This was a working man's parish that looked like it belonged to the Gentry. Monsignor McMahon made this happen.

President Kennedy was killed before the start of year. I was in Sister Dorableats's sixth grade class and would end the year in Sister Gertrudas's seventh grade class -both Sisters of Mercy were in the words of Grandpa Hickey - 'hairy-faced old Galway bitches.' My academic preparation for life consisted in rigorous reading and arithmetic drills and understanding that these two particular nuns had no use for the male species whatsoever.

We testosterone pups formed a reactionary Band of Brothers and engaged in minor larcenies in recognition of the Hoods' intense dislike for our smelly, willful, sloppy, curious and energetic selves. I was and remain an affable goof who had the pleasure of the company of great people. The three Mike Kellys (1,2,3), The brace of Bobby Ryans (1,2), Willie Bigane, Freddie Knight, Al McFarland, Jimmy Shea, Jimmy Zach, Larry Fiscelli, Danny Miller, and the great Tommy Walsh* were told in no uncertain terms that we would collectively "Die on the gallows." Yeah, right. For kicking over the Mission Money Monkey?

The nuns won a Clancy the Great Skating Monkey at the Mother McAuley Fair. It was a battery operated roller skating plastic monkey that skated when money was tossed into the yellow plastic hat in its hand. They used this ruse to weasel our dimes and nickles and pay to keep the Congo Catholic. You think I'm bullshiting? Well, I'm bull-truing.

Among us was Tommy Walsh. Tommy was the son of a single Mom in our parish, which was about as common as a Vegan Cannibal. Tommy and his Mom lived in an apartment flat building on Honore Street and Tommy's Mom worked at the Bell Phone Company at 87th & Ashland. Tommy, unlike the rest of us had scads of free time. He was a genius and an Irish Greaser.

Most of us Micks dressed like the little gents that our moms wanted us to be. Tommy Walsh dressed like a tough Dago from 69th & Ashland. He wore Stacy Adams Rat Stabber loafers ( fence climbers with heels) on his feet and a black leather Cabretta coat for all seasons. Tommy was also morbidly obese and walked pigeon toed. Tommy was Outlaw, Baby!

Tommy Walsh was Young Emerson Writ Large! A Concrete and clay Thoreau with a sense of humor. He was as a God to us lesser more compliant male untermensch! He said what was on his mind to his pals and boon chums and to the Black and White hard women with pens and cough drops tucked under their Wimples. When told of his sinful nature in not dropping dimes into the Mission Can, Tommy replied, "What and help the tribes cooking our Missionaries, S'ter? No thank You!"

Again when queried on matters theological, "Hey, I don't ask you 'How Do You Feel About the Immaculate Conception?' Do I S'ter?" Whack! WHACK! Tommy often was sent to see Father Gerrity and after the Clancy Incident, Monsignor McMahon -Himself.

The day that Clancy the Roller Skating Monkey arrived to shakedown each and every classroom, Tommy Walsh was prepared. He sat in the very first seat at front of the classroom, next to the cloakroom.

The Monkey had a hat-ful full of pennies, nickels and dimes that two young nuns would dump into a big metal pail. " Take out your pennies and do God's work! Here Comes Clancy!"

The Monkey made the circuit of rows and ended with his hat-ful of loot on his delightful way to the big money pail, but had to make it past Tommy Walsh. Tommy let go of a convulsive sneezing fit and launched out a large leg at the mechanical monkey. His razor toed Stacy Adams footwear caught the plastic primate under the chops and the toy from the good folks at Ideal went out of commission and clouds formed over the Catholic Congo. Tommy was paddling in the murcky waters of Really Shit Creek! The howling classroom showered coin of the realm to the squeals of delight and approval from the timid showered down like me. Mike Kelly 1. grabbed a few dimes for a post-curricular trip to Millie's Candies and Sundries on 79th & Winchester. Sister Dorableat, who looked like Broderick Crawford with a hangover, twisted Tommy's ear and dragged him to THE OFFICE. He was sent from there to the Monsignor.

Hours later, after Book of Valor essays, we watched out of the classroon windows as Tommy Walsh and Monsignor Stephan McMahon walked among the peach trees in the rectory orchard. Both the Monsignor and Tommy were laughing their asses off.

The Second Vatican Council was wrapping up. The Church decided to self-evaluate. We no longer have builders and priests and like Monsignor McMahon, but there are still nuns like Sister Dorableat -in civvies.

1964! I remember it well. Thanks to the Tribune's best link to genuine Chicago history and the greatest speaking voice in the City, Rick Kogan for today's walk back.

I nailed the quiz.

Chicago Live 1964 Almanac quiz

1. The Southwest Expressway, completed in 1964, was later renamed in honor of whom?
A. Adlai E. Stevenson II
B. Dan Ryan Jr.
C. Dwight D. Eisenhower
D. Bishop Louis Henry Ford
Your answer was correct.
2. What Cubs star infielder and former Rookie of the Year died in the 1964 crash of a small airplane he had been piloting?
A. Ryne Sandburg
B. Ken Hubbs
C. Rogers Hornsby
D. Lou Brock
Your answer was correct.
3. Fill in the blank: 7.1 inches of snow fell on March 29, 1964, making it the snowiest _____ in Chicago history.
A. St. Patrick's Day
B. Ides of March
C. Vernal Equinox
D. Easter
Your answer was correct.
4. What famous Chicago residential complex was completed in 1964 along the north bank of the Chicago River?
A. Lake Point Tower
B. Park Place Tower
C. Chicago Spire
D. Marina City Towers
Your answer was correct.
5. What R&B singer and graduate of Bronzeville's Wendell Phillips Academy High School was shot to death in 1964?
A. Marvin Gaye
B. James Ray
C. Sam Cooke
D. Nat King Cole
Your answer was correct.
You got 100% correct.
Copyright © 2011, Chicago Tribune

* Tommy Walsh was the only student out the one hundred twenty kids in my grammar school class to attend a Chicago Public High School. I hear that he earned a Doctorate.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Did President Barack Obama Use Mumbo Sauce at the White House Birthday Q?

Several grills were fired up outside the West Wing all afternoon, cooking burgers for the occasion. But before Mr. Obama hits the barbecue, senior White House staff will toast him in the residence, White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

Mr. Obama had no events on his schedule, and Mr. Carney said the public will not see the president at all on this milestone day.
Wall Street Journal

Jay, Jay, Jay! I got one question! What sauce did the President use?

I did not vote for President Obama, not because I am a racist, a right wing nut-bag, nor even a Republican. I have had the pleasure of meeting the President years ago, while he was earnestly seeking public office following his appointed tenure as director of the Woods Fund. In fact, one of the very first grant proposal requests for support of Leo High School was rejected and signed by Mr. Barack H. Obama as director of the Woods Fund.

I did not support President Obama's run for White House, because I believed that he was no where near prepared for the job. I was hoping that Senator Barack Obama might run against Gov. Blagojevich.

That is all blood under the roast.

I was delighted to see that the President had a Chicago-style barbecue at the White House.

I have only one question. Were meats, fish and foul grilled over the embers slathered in Chicago's iconic barbecue sauce prepared and bottled under the name Argia B's Mumbo Sauce?

The Sauce is Boss!

I was introduced to the sauce many years ago (circa 1969 A.D.) by John "Moose" Gilmartin and the late Thomas Foy - Leo Class of 1970 both.

Moose Gilmartin played trumpet in a band fronted by fellow Visitation Parish classmate Thomas Foy* as lead vocalist. They played Motown covers and unpussified garage band rock at sock hops and dances. Born in County Sligo, Ireland, Moose Gilmartin played not only trumpet but Leo Brand Catholic League Football and forged fast friendships with young black men attending Leo High School, during the era that Progressives call 'white flight.' Moose and Foy, who later became a meat cutter for Jewel after Army service in Turkey were fine grill masters and used Argia B's Mumbo Sauce exclusively.

I have a bottle of original and one of fiery in the icebox at all times and several in the pantry. I add Mumbo to homemade pasta sauces, chili and ragouts of all cuts and varieties**.

The Sauce is Boss! Sweet Baby Rays is for toddlers. Open Pit is for the safe and prudent. Kansas City suaces belong there. Chicago was, is and shall be a town smothered in Mumbo Sauce. If not, beat your feet. If you ain't using, you're self-abusing!

If the President used any other barbecue sauce, let's have a look at that birth certificate again.
The history of Mumbo Sauce is an old fashion pull-yourself-up by the boot straps story. It's a story of a young man who left the south and headed for the big city in pursuit of the American Dream.

In the early 1940's after serving in the U.S. Navy, Argia B. Collins landed in Chicago, on the city's west side, where he worked for his older brothers who had opened a local grocery store a few years earlier. All six Collins brothers had a competitive entrepreneurial spirit. Eventually, each one staked out prime spots in different parts of the city and opened rib joints that would make this band of brothers famous across Chicago.

Argia B., as he was affectionately called, staked his claim on Chicago's south side, opening his first restaurant in the renowned Bronzeville area in 1957. He eventually relocated his flagship store to 78th & Halsted in Chicago ( walking distance from Leo High School) and later opened a second location in South Shore at 71st & Yates and then a third restaurant in Gary, Indiana at 11th Avenue & Taft.

A perfectionist when it came to his restaurants, Argia B. was not satisfied with the bland, watered-downed sauces served in other establishments or the tart, over-powering national brands sold by restaurant supply houses. He decided that he'd create a signature sauce that would do justice to the succulent ribs and juicy fried chicken that he served to his growing cliental. His restaurant became the test kitchen for the many brews that he concocted while trying to create the perfect sauce. Drawing on his southern roots, he wanted to create a sauce with the savory flavors reminiscent of the homemade Sunday dinners that he had enjoyed on his family's farm.

Before long, restaurant customers began asking Collins for extra dollops of his delicious sauce as he prepared their favorite entrée from the carry-out menu. Then, they started bringing in jars asking if they could purchase some of his sauce to take home. Collins realized that he had a winner!

* The multi-talented Tom Foy was killed by a drunk driver in 1990's. God Rest this funny, musical and gifted man. His motto was -" Foy Brings Joy! Known from Coast to Coast, like Hot Butter on Toast. All over the world trees make the shade and in Chicago Foy keeps things Cool!"

**From Agia B's Recipes:

Cajun Barbecue Shrimp

1 pound Jumbo Raw Shrimp peeled & deveined with tail left on.
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 tbsp Coarsely Ground Pepper
1/2 tsp salt

Put shrimp in single layer 9x13 inch baking dish. Dot with butter. Combine remaining ingredients, and pour over shrimp. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 15 minutes or until sauce is thoroughly hot. Serve immediately with Spiced Rice. Makes 4 servings

Spiced Rice

1/2 cup sliced Green Onions
1/2 cup minced carrots
1/2 cup minced red pepper
1 jalapeno or serrano pepper minced
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cups cooked rice (cooked in chicken broth)
2 tbsp snipped fresh cilantro
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp soy sauce
Hot Pepper Sauce to taste

Saute onions, carrots and peppers in vegetable oil in a large skillet. Over low flame add lime juice, soy sauce and hot pepper sauce to taste. Stir in rice until heated. Remove from flame and garnish with fresh cilantro. Serve with Barbecue Shrimp.

Stock up at these STORE LOCATIONS

Buehlers Buy Low
Chatham Food Center
County Fair Foods
Cub Foods
Fairplay Finer Foods
Farmer Jacks
Food 4 Less
Jewel Albertsons
Moo & Oink
Rosebud Farm Stand
Sunset Foods
Treasure Island
Ultra Foods

Honor Cpl. John P. Fardy,CMHO at 10 A.M on Monday August 8th at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

Monday August 8th at 10AM come to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery for the re-dedication of Cpl. John Fardy, Medal of Honor recipent and Leo Alumnus.

Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleum
Consecrated 1923

John Peter Fardy Grave # 3; Lot 16; Block 3; Section 23:

6001 W. 111th St.
Alsip, IL 60803
708-422-3020 | Get Map

Office Hours:
8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. M-F
9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Saturday

John P. Fardy was the son of Chicago Fireman Martin Fardy and housewife Mary Fardy and lived in St. Clothilde Parish at 8144 South Calumet Avenue (Telephone Radcliffe 5771) John Fardy attended Leo High School, then conducted by the Irish Christian Brothers and like nearly all of his classmates was an Irish American Kid.

He was less than an exceptional student. His 1940 Class Rank was 138 out of 184 with an average cumulative percentage score (contemporary method) of 77%. However, John Fardy was learning to be a hero - one of America's Saints -Congressional Medal of Honor recipient.

John Fardy was not a school athlete and played on no teams. His only activity listed on his senior page is Public Speaking. After Leo, “He took a course in typing at the Fox Secretarial College the same year and entered the Illinois Institute of Technology the following year. He majored in mechanical engineering but left after the first year. He had been doing time study work previously, so he went to work at the Cornell Forge Company as a time study man and draftsman." Then came military service - America was attacked by Japan.
Inducted into the Marine Corps on May 8, 1943, he went through recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California, upon completion of which he was assigned to the Japanese Language School at his own request. He was promoted to private first class in July, about two weeks before the start of school. After one month of attendance at the language school at Camp Elliott, San Diego, PFC Fardy was transferred to the Infantry Battalion where he was trained as an automatic rifleman.

Private First Class Fardy joined the 29th Replacement Battalion shortly before the unit left the United States on October 28, 1943. He journeyed to Nouméa, New Caledonia, and was reassigned to the 27th Replacement Battalion, which was leaving to join the 1st Marine Division.

Attached to Company C, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines upon his arrival at Goodenough Island, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, early in December 1943, PFC Fardy left with that unit about a week later for Nascing, Alatu, New Guinea. The stay there was a short one also, for the 1st Marines left Finschaffen on Christmas Day 1943, for their December 26 landing on enemy-held Cape Gloucester, New Britain. Within two months of the time he left his home shores, the former draftsman was involved in a battle for an enemy airdrome on an island rarely heard of before.

Following the Cape Gloucester operation, and the return of the 1st Marine Division to the Russell Islands for over three months training, the division left for Peleliu. After practice landings at Guadalcanal, the division landed on the coral-studded, shadeless Peleliu. PFC Fardy participated in the capture of the airport and the attack on the coral hills overlooking it before returning to the Russell Islands with his regiment in early October.

Promoted to Corporal on December 21, 1944, the veteran of two campaigns became a squad leader as the reorganized division started training for the next operation. The training ashore ended in February and the Marines embarked aboard the ships that took them for practice landings at Baniki (Russell Islands), Guadalcanal, and Ulithi Atoll in the Caroline Islands. The landing on Okinawa occurred on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1945 and the division's sweep across the island up to the northern tip was accomplished with comparative ease. Later, Marines were moved south to help hard-pressed Army troops.

It was on May 6, 1945 when Company C was advancing against a strongly fortified, fanatically-defended Japanese position that Cpl Fardy's squad was suddenly brought under heavy small-arms fire. Cpl Fardy temporarily deployed his men along a convenient drainage ditch. Shortly afterwards, an enemy hand grenade landed in the ditch, falling among the pinned-down Marines. Instantly, the 21-year-old corporal flung himself upon the grenade and absorbed the exploding charge with his own body. Taken to a field hospital, Cpl Fardy died the next day.

The Medal of Honor was presented to Corporal Fardy's parents at ceremonies conducted by the Marine Corps League in Chicago, September 15, 1946.

Re-interment services for Cpl Fardy, with military honors by the Chicago Detachment of the Marine Corps League, were held on April 7, 1949, at Holy Sepulcher Cemetery.

Author and University of North Dakota (Fargo) member of the Psychology Department, Terence Barrett contacted Leo High School about his forthcoming book – a study of Marine recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Cpl. John Fardy’s valor is focused in Dr. Barrett’s study. Not only that, Dr. Barrett suggested that Cpl. Fardy’s grave marker be up-graded and replaced. The current marker makes no mention of Cpl. John Fardy’s Medal of Honor. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Terry Barrett, The Alumni Association is fixing that and on August 8 at 10:00 am at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago, we are having a rededication ceremony with the newly engraved headstone that shows the Medal of Honor Badge and the words "Medal of Honor".

Medal of Honor CitationThe President of the United States takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR posthumously to


for service as set forth in the following CITATION:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a Squad Leader, serving with Company C, First Battalion, First Marines, First Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa Shima in the Ryukyu Islands, 7 May 1945. When his squad was suddenly assailed by extremely heavy small-arms fire from the front during a determined advance against strongly fortified, fiercely defended Japanese positions, Corporal Fardy temporarily deployed his men along a near-by drainage ditch. Shortly thereafter, an enemy grenade fell among the Marines in the ditch. Instantly throwing himself upon the deadly missile, Corporal Fardy absorbed the exploding blast in his own body, thereby protecting his comrades from certain and perhaps fatal injuries. Concerned solely for the welfare of his men, he willingly relinquished his own hope of survival that his fellow Marines might live to carry on the fight against a fanatic enemy. A stouthearted leader and indomitable fighter, Corporal Fardy, by his prompt decision and resolute spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of certain death, had rendered valiant service, and his conduct throughout reflects the highest credit upon himself and the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

The Leo Alumni was contacted by a Marine and professional psychologist Terence Barrett of University of North Dakota at Fargo. Mr. Barrett has writen a book on Valor and John Fardy is a key focus among other CMH Marines.

The Leo High School Alums Vietnam Hero Jim Furlong and the brother of fallen Chicago Police Officer/Marine and Leo Man Eric Lee, Mr. Mark Lee, are heading up a search for any relatives of Cpl. John Fardy.

On August 8, 2011 at 10:00 AM The Leo Alumni, an honor guard of The U.S. Marine Corps, Marine Corps League Detachment 73 and Marine Corps League Detachment 553 members of Cpl. Fardy’s family and officials of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation will place a new and more appropriate grave marker for this fallen American hero.

Call Pat Hickey at Leo High School for more information – (773) 224-9600

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Catholic Hierachy's Gay Cabal-leros of Miami - A Sickening Tale of Hypocrisy within and outside of The Church

John Favalora, the Archbishop Emeritus of Miami. The Lavender Mafia's Don.

Jim Bowman is a Catholic journalist and one-time Religion writer for the Chicago Daily News. Mr. Bowman runs a blog called Blithe Spirit and it is a singularly well-written and genteel site. Jim Bowman is a gentleman.

Jim Bowman posted an investigation of recently conducted and reported on the Homosexual networking through the Miami Archdiocese.

The Priest-Sex Scandal raised the issue of homosexuality within the ordained clergy and immediately that aspect was smothered. The meme for any further discussion within the Church and by the media turned to - pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality. Likewise, we should all consider winter as a season without mentioning temperatures below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit and never, ever mention snow.

The priest pedophile scandal was handled miserably by the Catholic bishops of America and continues to be the talking point for homosexual marriage, adoption, banquet hall selection and insurance matters. Any and all questioning of the legality of Civil Unions, much less Same-sex marriage arouses a ready chorus of Eumenides screeching,'The Church that rapes little boys!' End of discussion.

I imagine that too many bishops turned a blind eye on homosexual activities in American seminaries, in order to maintain class-sizes for ordination, in much the same way as a bar owner in a lousy neighborhood tolerates bust-outs and slobs spitting on the floors. Got to keep the bar stools covered.

Jim Bowman, like most Catholics, is completely appalled by the pedophile scandal and the cover-ups that played into the hands of anti-Catholic Planned Parenthood, Gay activists, political hacks, and ambulance chasing lawyers like Jeffery Anderson the legal genius who unofficially operates SNAP.

Jim, linked a thoroughly disgusting saga of the homosexual subculture operated with the blessings and participation of Miami Archbishop Emeritus John C. Favalora:

Here are just some of the un-Catholic behaviors that "Miami Vice" accuses Favalora of engaging in: He partially owned a company that manufactured Yohimbe, an aphrodisiac beverage marketed to horny club-kids with the promise of "the hands-down best sex of your life." He allegedly took frequent trips to fabulous Key West with his gay associates. He was over-familiar toward his seminarians. (One ex-employee of the diocese recalls him telling a young seminarian at a gathering to "Come to papa and sit on my lap.") Favalora's second- and third-in-command, Monsignor William Hennessey and Monsignor Michael Souckar, are both accused by Christefidelis of being active homosexuals—and if they are, that counts among the least of their difficulties with Catholic orthodoxy.

In fact, the Archdiocese was a hotbed of sodomy long before Favalora set foot in Florida. Two unrelated sources, both priests, speak of a flamboyantly gay bishop in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, named Miguel Rodriguez Rodriguez, who was known to his pupils as "Lili." These sources claim that during the 1970s and 80's, Lili treated Arecibo like his own personal harem, urging cute young men into the priesthood and plying them with gifts and money in exchange for sexual favors. Rome allegedly interceded in 1990 and banished Lili to a secluded monastery, where he remained until his death 20 years later. Several of Lili's erstwhile pupils landed in Miami in the 80's and 90's. Naturally, they were disinclined to take their celibacy oaths too seriously.

Priests speak, too, about the culture of "sex-driven favoritism" at St. John Vianney College Seminary—a kind of gay Hogwarts with palm trees, located out in the flat suburban wastes of southwest Dade County. Seminaries are traditionally gay places—Papist wits refer to Notre Dame seminary as "Notre Flame," Theological College as "Theological Closet," Mundelein as "Pink Palace," and so on. But St. John Vianney was special. One seminarian who dropped out in disgust in the 1980s recalls a miserable year being bullied by gay faculty, and the rector, Robert Lynch, fawning over his favorite seminarian: an attractive upper-classman named Steven O'Hala. The dropout also recalls Lynch installing a camera in the seminary's weight room to capture images of pumped, sweaty seminarians. (He is now a minister in a liberal Christian denomination, and says he has no beef with gay people.)

I know of no Catholic who has a beef with gay people. There are some, I am sure, but I do not travel in such company. Likewise, I try to stay on the other side of the street when I see a pack of Progressives. I have yet to meet one Progressive who would give a penny to a starving blind girl - that child should not have been born, or can just wait until a government agency can pass her the gruel.

Click my post title and read the entire disturbing piece. Manya Brachear, or the ever daffy Cathleen Falsani, will not step into these waters.

Thank's Jim! Maybe someday real journalists will be given pay checks again.

Here's few more reports:

Bring A Defense of Marriage Petition to Your Block Parties and End of Summer Events

Dick Walsh graduated fro Leo High School in 1950. After after military service, Mr. Walsh worked to become one of the most successful mechanical construction engineers in America. Dick Walsh built many of the great rides and attractions at Disney World and Chicago's Navy Pier.

Last month the great Dolores Madlener wrote about Dick Walsh in the Catholic New World:

What do the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier and the Star Wars and Splash Mountain attractions at Disney World have in common? The same company erected all three attractions. The former owner of that company is Dick Walsh Dick Walsh, founder of "Americans for Life" , a Catholic businessman with a faith bigger than Disney World, and a heart braver than any galactic hero. His voice has been heard over WLS radio doing his own show, “The Walsh Forum,” as well as outspoken pro-life commercials on WLS and WYLL prior to elections. His usual opener is, “This is Dick Walsh and here are my beliefs … .” Walsh grew up in St. Ethelreda on the South Side, one of 10 children. An alum of Leo High, he attended DePaul Law School. He and his wife, “St. Audrey,” raised their seven children in Mount Greenwood in Queen of Martyrs Parish. Today he’s retired in the Joliet diocese. “Something clicked one day around 1989 as I was driving down I-55. I said, ‘What are we going to do about abortion?’ And our Lord said, ‘Put up a billboard!’” So Walsh paid for pro-life billboards all over the city, and he says, “The one of Mother Teresa downtown at Randolph & State streets was four-stories high.” His personal mission is “Americans for Life” ( Its big Memorial Day march made headlines two years ago. This May 27 Walsh organized an Illinois Defense of Marriage rally with 200 supporters that wound its way from St. Peter’s in the Loop to the State of Illinois Center. Speakers at each stop explained the importance of defending traditional marriage and the pitfalls of the recently passed Civil Unions Bill. It actually drew crowds and wide media coverage. That Walsh, 78, has survived cancer, he attributes to God’s goodness. “He’s keeping me here for a reason,” he says. “I don’t have the money I used to, so he directs people to help me and I don’t worry.” Walsh will have Illinois Defense of Marriage marchers in two July 4th parades, one in Darien and the other in Oak Lawn/Evergreen Park down 95th Street, from Laramie to Little Company of Mary Hospital. “Then we’re gonna tour Illinois and hit every town of 20,000 and over. We want to educate others and get 500,000 signatures to put a Defense of Marriage referendum on the ballot in 2012: That marriage between one man and one woman ‘shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose.’ Certain elements will do everything to keep it off,” he says, “but I’m not afraid.” Petitions can be printed from www.americansforlife. com. Make sure to print the petition instructions that must be followed so each signature counts. Deadline is April 23, 2012.
( emphasis my own)

Yesterday along with three hundred and change Leo Alums, Dick Walsh shared lunch, laughs and long-range plans at the Leo Alumni Golf Outing at Glen Eagles Country Club in Lemont, IL.

Dick Walsh is committed to the fight to protect the unborn. Abortion ( Roe v.Wade) is how America sold its soul. When we say that the death of a child is choice, we have a problem. This problem of fundamentally denying first principles - the Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness -all the rest falls like dominoes.

In order to maintain the murder of the unborn other lifestyle and legal issues often dovetail - wrongful convictions, gay marriage, Green initiatives, real estate and banking - in the control of power. Gay Marriage is the cause celeb of the moment.

Here in Illinois Civil Unions between homosexual couples was wedged into legislation cynically named the "Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act" was ramrod-ed through the Democratic controlled legislatures with the help of equally cynical Republicans and signed by Governor Quinn who appears to sign anything put in front of him by Planned Parenthood and Terry Cosgrove.

This law went into effect this summer to the high hosannas of the supine Illinois media.

In no time at all Catholic Charities was targeted as in violation of the spirit of religious freedom.

The Greg Harris Law commands that Illinois

1. Mandate that faith-based institutions providing adoption or foster care services be required to place adoptive or foster children with couples who have entered into a same-sex civil union.

2. Require that Catholic parishes or Catholic agencies providing social services(including retreats, religious camps, homeless shelters, senior care centers and community centers) be compelled to provide these services to individuals who are in a same-sex civil union.

3. Refuse to protect small employers who do not extend family benefits to employees in a same-sex civil union.

Nice. A moral vice is a Civil Right.

That said, Dick Walsh and many, many, many people without the dollars and cents of Progressive agendas are going all grassroots.

This is block party season. Families with moms and dads and kids share salad, Italian beefs and grilled meats with the neighbors, while the kids disappear into the inflatable Jumping Gyms.

Marriage is between a Man and Woman and they have children. Click my post title, download and printout the petition that seeks to overturn the "Religious Freedom and Civil Union ACT" -

'Tis the Season and there is a great reason.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr. President! The Key is Still Under the Lawn Gnome; Now, Get Home at a Decent Hour.

from American Thinker

Birthday's come only once a year. I love watching little kids nail their mugs into a thick pile of cake and ice cream and shout. At my age, the fun of birthdays is watching the little ones lord it over their pals, at least for a day.

With a debt ceiling deal completed Tuesday, Obama has on tap a 50th birthday fundraising concert at the Aragon on the North Side. The event features OK Go, Herbie Hancock and Jennifer Hudson. The president's birthday is Thursday.

Big-dollar donors will attend a dinner fundraiser along with the concert at a cost of $35,800 a person. As has been the practice, the money raised will be divided between Obama's re-election fund and the Democratic National Committee.

Yesterday, without mentioning the swell party at the Aragon Ballroom in Uptown tonight, with his customary thigh-tingling but stern remonstrance to us all, the Party President said,

“When Congress gets back from recess, I will urge them to immediately take some steps -- bipartisan, commonsense steps -- that will make a difference, that will create a climate where businesses can hire, where folks have more money in their pockets to spend, where people who are out of work can find good jobs,” Obama said pointing to tax cuts for the middle class, patent reforms and trade deals.

“There's no reason for Congress not to send me those bills so I can sign them into law right away, as soon as they get back from recess. Both parties share power in Washington, and both parties need to take responsibility for improving this economy. It's not a Democratic responsibility or a Republican responsibility; it is our collective responsibility as Americans,”

Hope he can manage to enjoy himself, tonight, and get at least a minute or two of shut-eye, before he again focuses like a laser beam to toss someone under a bus.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Revive the South Side Parade: Clean and Sober

The South Side Parade was the template for every major parade in Chicago. In the 1950's this parade traveled west along 79th Street between Halsted and Ashland Avenues. So successful was this event that it caused the Chicago Chamber of Commerce to lobby Mayor Richard J. Daley to move the south side parade downtown.

In the 1970's a few families in St. Cajetan Parish of Morgan Park revived the event. The parade attracted hundreds of thousands of people, Bill Clinton, Pat Buchanan, Jerry Brown, Al Gore, and Barack Obama in bids for the Presidency.

By the new Century, the South Side Irish Parade had become Mardi Gras on steroids - A one day Booze-Apa- Losers. In the word's of the late Chicago Detective and Philosopher Billy Higgins, "America's Youth is Fully Kreuzaned." Fights, public micturation and all too often defecation, and battalions of bleary-eyed bounders unable to find the magic bus back to the fern-bar grabbing a curb on Western Ave. long after the Mounted Cops cleared the way became the signature images of the parade.

I believe that the Parade should be returned - clean and sober. The Media can and will print and present the absolute worst about this parade, though it will continue to launder the excesses of many other community events in neighborhoods not thick with ethnic Catholics.

Put some muscle on the beer distributors who push "Get Your CHI-RISH On!" Miller is to beer in the same way that Planned Parenthood is to womens health.

Require any and all buses from fern bars park at 83rd Street Dan Ryan Woods Parking and provide a booze free shuttle, or the lustier youth can manhandled their coolers and case up the hill and parade their way to the parade kick-off point, while dodging Chicago and Evergreen Park Law Enforcement Professionals.

These might be some good starts. Stupid does not need a parade. The Parade is for the kids.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Mark Konkol Deserves "Noble Prize!" Konkol Kicked the G and Charged Up a Disabled Marine's Neighbors.

Aimee Zmysly and Yuriy Zmysly have friends, neighbors and Americans from all over the continent in their corner and now, at long last, the Federal Government for which Yuriy fought.

Pulitzer Prize winner Mark Konkol of the Chicago Sun Times got the ball rolling on April 4, 2010 with a story of Yuriy and Aimee's strength and love for one another. Mark Konkol, like his colleagues Natasha Korecki and Tim Novack, is a pitbull on a story.

This is great. What is greater happens to be the response of members of the VFW, American Legion, Windy City Veterans, and the good people who stepped up to help the young Marine and his bride.

Due to red-tape, I hope, Yuriy was denied disability benefits. Last year, Jim McMahon, Second City Cop, Detective Shaved and other blogs put out a call to help the Zmysly Family. The other local media ran stories too. Benefits were held and dollars poured in to help the young couple.

Now, the young couple has received their first check from the United States government.

For more than six years, Aimee Zmysly has been the unpaid caretaker for her husband, Yuriy Zmysly, who suffered a brain injury during routine surgery at a military hospital in North Carolina after surviving tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan with the Marine Corps. He was left disabled, unable to see, walk or talk.

Now, thanks to a new federal law that the Oak Lawn couple helped spur the passage of, caregivers for severely disabled veterans can get a stipend from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Aimee Zmysly’s first check arrived about two weeks ago. It was for $3,541.26.

For Aimee Zmysly, 25, the money was more than just a $12-an-hour subsidy for giving up a career of her own to take care of her husband full-time. It was also validation.

“It’s good to be recognized for what I’ve been doing and other people have been doing for years,” she said.

“The whole reason why I take care of Yuriy, and have given up a lot, is because I wanted him home. He doesn’t belong in a hospital or a nursing home. It’s a hard job to do, especially when you are husband and wife, and you have all these roles — caregiver, wife and friend. It gets overwhelming.”

Mark Konkol was dogged. He wrote a series of articles and not "an" article to keep the story alive as the noble gent writes today - leaving his own part in the saga unmentioned.

In April 2010, the Zmyslys were living in a tiny room in Aimee’s parents’ house when “Aimee and Yuriy: A Love Story” appeared on the front page of a Sunday edition of the Chicago Sun-Times.

When the government notified Yuriy Zmysly it had declared him “medically retired” from the Marines, that sharply reduced his benefits, leaving the couple unable to afford the care he needed.

Touched by their story and in some cases angry about how the government had treated the couple, Sun-Times readers made sure the next chapter in their life story would be a happier one by contributing to an effort by the not-for-profit organization Salute Inc. to help the Zmyslys. As a result, last September, nearly five years to the day since they’d met, Aimee and Yuriy Zmysly moved in to a newly renovated and fully furnished house.
Click my post title for the Konkol archives on this saga.

With all of the puffed-up egos, agenda-driven hacks, and iconic bullies in journalism, Mark Konkol stands out as a guy who does his job with humility as well as a great human heart. That is nobility.