Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gabby Giffords, A Madagascar Spider, & Facebook Counter the Abortion Industry of Planned Parenthood, or Should.

Planned Parenthood is reeling from the truth and has ordered a full court press by President Obama - The Planned Parenthood President - the media and the few citizens who nod with agreement when the Dowager Class so orders.

Choice means killing a baby. Woman's Health Care is the camouflage of Choice - the chic woman's accessories.Life not only begins at conception, but continues. My favorite writer in journalism has been Kevvin Myers of the Irish Independent. On Friday, he offered a jewel that Planned Parenthood will never read.

Kevin Myers: Can it be that when the founding cells of life were formed, someone planned for a rainy day? By Kevin Myers

Friday February 18 2011

When Senator Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot, she was lucky that a Korean surgeon with a great deal of military combat experience was on duty in the local hospital.

He knew from operating on US servicemen in Iraq that the sooner one treats a gunshot wound to the brain, and stems the bleeding, the greater the chances of the patient surviving. "If I get them alive, there's a 95pc chance they're going to stay that way."

Medical techniques to head wounds used to be based on letting the brain recover from the trauma of the gunshot. Terrible experience in war has since taught doctors that the best response is to act immediately and to stem the bleeding, regardless of collateral damage to the brain: the brain will, as much as possible, then set about repairing itself. The manner in which the human brain will re-wire itself, and change the circuitry to match the wiring, to cope with injury has been one of the major medical discoveries of the past quarter century. The human brain has a simply staggering ability to repair damage, and to recover facilities lost through mechanical destruction.

A shooting in a shopping mall in Arizona is a reasonably long way from a desert in northern Madagascar, the subject of a BBC documentary by David Attenborough last week. This desert is a brutally unforgiving place, in which an ordinary spider would simply be desiccated, even in shelter. So one variety of spider has developed a technique by which it lassoes an empty snail-shell, and by a careful geometric arrangement of its web, is able to hoist the shell off the ground and suspend it from a branch in shade, safe from the heat and from ground predators, with the hole pointing vertically downwards, away from both the sun and intrusion by birds.

That little spider in Madagascar is also a long way from the communications revolution of the last couple of years, Facebook, though in five years' time the Facebook movie, 'The Social Network' will probably seem as obsolete as the 2-4-2 Enterprise steam-engine from Dublin to Belfast. No matter. I use the Facebook example as merely one example of the incredible built-in intellectual redundancy to the human brain, which has apparently been sitting in our craniums for 100,000 years, waiting for someone to discover a new and unexpected communications use for it.

But then, you could have said the same thing about the human brain throughout the entire history of discovery and exploration, from the circumnavigation of the world to the mapping of the universe.

Why did the human brain create such vast capacities, in advance? How did it know how to repair itself? How did it create an entire language region that knows how to both create and understand the impossible complexities of linguistic grammar -- universal to all peoples -- which other parts of the brain are able to emulate after cerebral injury to the language area?

And talking about redundant capacity: what magical circuitry did the spider possess that enabled it to create an entirely new home, involving complex suspensory trapezoids and a careful positioning of a crustacean shell, millions of years after it had emerged in entirely different ecological circumstances?

You can argue -- as the Natural Selectionists so dogmatically do -- that the newly successful spider resulted from genetic mutation and the trial-and-error of experience. But that belief may only be sustained by an ideological faith that random accidents can create design, and that failure does not mean inevitable death.

Yet the Madagascar spider could not have survived unless the snail-shell escape module had worked almost from the outset. Otherwise, it is a deathtrap. In other words, did it have -- like Gabrielle Giffords, or all those wonderminds toiling in Facebook -- purposeful redundancy of capacity that would enable its body to improvise a response to dramatically different environmental circumstances?

This miracle is before us, every day, in every kind of way: clear evidence -- though not, I accept, proof -- that nature is apparently teleologically inclined, which means that it has, from the outset, possessed purpose towards certain possible outcomes. To be sure, at one level, that outcome is survival: but on another level, it is also the means to survival.

Nature's 'intent' -- a rather humanoid word, I confess -- was not merely to enable the holder of these genes to meet and to overcome unexpected adversity, but also to provide the necessary wherewithal for it to do so.

So, we have the human brain that is the master of grammar, which it cannot possibly have developed over time, because "imperfect grammar" is like "imperfect navigation": it results in complete failure and probable death.

Similarly, a brain that either can rewire itself to cope with disaster, converting a non-grammatical part of it into a grammatical one, or another that can turn a snail-shell into an escape module, clearly have -- so to speak -- some spare capacity in mind.

Can it be that when the founding cells of life were formed, someone, or something, planned for a rainy day or two? Yet such is the dogmatic power of the secular religion of Natural Selection that even to ask such logical and obvious questions is to court ridicule, in this New & Liberal Age of Enlightenment.

- Kevin Myers

Irish Independent


Vote - Because We Can.

This Afghan Woman Defied the Taliban and Voted, but many people will have an excuse for not voting today.

We can vote, or we can belly-ache. We can say that 'its is a done deal.' We can say that it is a rigged deal. We can complain that our our lives are a mess because of the damn politicians. We can blame :

absolutism doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy
absurdism doctrine that we live in an irrational universe
academicism doctrine that nothing can be known
accidentalism theory that events do not have causes
acosmism disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God
adamitism nakedness for religious reasons
adevism denial of gods of mythology and legend
adiaphorism doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism
adoptionism belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God
aestheticism doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles
agapism ethics of love
agathism belief in ultimate triumph of good despite evil means
agnosticism doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena
anarchism doctrine that all governments should be abolished
animism attribution of soul to inanimate objects
annihilationism doctrine that the wicked are utterly destroyed after death
anthropomorphism attribution of human qualities to non-human things
anthropotheism belief that gods are only deified men
antidisestablishmentarianism doctrine opposed to removing Church of England's official religion status
antilapsarianism denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity
antinomianism doctrine of the rejection of moral law
antipedobaptism denial of validity of infant baptism
apocalypticism doctrine of the imminent end of the world
asceticism doctrine that self-denial of the body permits spiritual enlightenment
aspheterism denial of the right to private property
atheism belief that there is no God
atomism belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles
autosoterism belief that one can obtain salvation through oneself
autotheism belief that one is God incarnate or that one is Christ
bitheism belief in two gods
bonism the doctrine that the world is good but not perfect
bullionism belief in the importance of metallic currency in economics
capitalism doctrine that private ownership and free markets should govern economies
casualism the belief that chance governs all things
catabaptism belief in the wrongness of infant baptism
catastrophism belief in rapid geological and biological change
collectivism doctrine of communal control of means of production
collegialism theory that church is independent from the state
conceptualism theory that universal truths exist as mental concepts
conservatism belief in maintaining political and social traditions
constructivism belief that knowledge and reality do not have an objective value
cosmism belief that the cosmos is a self-existing whole
cosmotheism the belief that identifies God with the cosmos
deism belief in God but rejection of religion
determinism doctrine that events are predetermined by preceding events or laws
diphysitism belief in the dual nature of Christ
ditheism belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil
ditheletism doctrine that Christ had two wills
dualism doctrine that the universe is controlled by one good and one evil force
egalitarianism belief that humans ought to be equal in rights and privileges
egoism doctrine that the pursuit of self-interest is the highest good
egotheism identification of oneself with God
eidolism belief in ghosts
emotivism theory that moral statements are inherently biased
empiricism doctrine that the experience of the senses is the only source of knowledge
entryism doctrine of joining a group to change its policies
epiphenomenalism doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity
eternalism the belief that matter has existed eternally
eudaemonism ethical belief that happiness equals morality
euhemerism explanation of mythology as growing out of history
existentialism doctrine of individual human responsibility in an unfathomable universe
experientialism doctrine that knowledge comes from experience
fallibilism the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain
fatalism doctrine that events are fixed and humans are powerless
fideism doctrine that knowledge depends on faith over reason
finalism belief that an end has or can be reached
fortuitism belief in evolution by chance variation
functionalism doctrine emphasising utility and function
geocentrism belief that Earth is the centre of the universe
gnosticism belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge
gradualism belief that things proceed by degrees
gymnobiblism belief that the Bible can be presented to unlearned without commentary
hedonism belief that pleasure is the highest good
henism doctrine that there is only one kind of existence
henotheism belief in one tribal god, but not as the only god
historicism belief that all phenomena are historically determined
holism doctrine that parts of any thing must be understood in relation to the whole
holobaptism belief in baptism with total immersion in water
humanism belief that human interests and mind are paramount
humanitarianism doctrine that the highest moral obligation is to improve human welfare
hylicism materialism
hylomorphism belief that matter is cause of the universe
hylopathism belief in ability of matter to affect the spiritual world
hylotheism belief that the universe is purely material
hylozoism doctrine that all matter is endowed with life
idealism belief that our experiences of the world consist of ideas
identism doctrine that objective and subjective, or matter and mind, are identical
ignorantism doctrine that ignorance is a favourable thing
illuminism belief in an inward spiritual light
illusionism belief that the external world is philosophy
imagism doctrine of use of precise images with unrestricted subject
immanentism belief in an immanent or permanent god
immaterialism the doctrine that there is no material substance
immoralism rejection of morality
indifferentism the belief that all religions are equally valid
individualism belief that individual interests and rights are paramount
instrumentalism doctrine that ideas are instruments of action
intellectualism belief that all knowledge is derived from reason
interactionism belief that mind and body act on each other
introspectionism doctrine that knowledge of mind must derive from introspection
intuitionism belief that the perception of truth is by intuition
irreligionism system of belief that is hostile to religions
kathenotheism polytheism in which each god is considered single and supreme
kenotism doctrine that Christ rid himself of divinity in becoming human
laicism doctrine of opposition to clergy and priests
latitudinarianism doctrine of broad liberality in religious belief and conduct
laxism belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed
legalism belief that salvation depends on strict adherence to the law
liberalism doctrine of social change and tolerance
libertarianism doctrine that personal liberty is the highest value
malism the belief that the world is evil
materialism belief that matter is the only extant substance
mechanism belief that life is explainable by mechanical forces
meliorism the belief the world tends to become better
mentalism belief that the world can be explained as aspect of the mind
messianism belief in a single messiah or saviour
millenarianism belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future
modalism belief in unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
monadism theory that there exist ultimate units of being
monergism theory that the Holy Spirit alone can act
monism belief that all things can be placed in one category
monophysitism belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form
monopsychism belief that individuals have a single eternal soul
monotheism belief in only one God
monotheletism belief that Christ had only one will
mortalism belief that the soul is mortal
mutualism belief in mutual dependence of society and the individual
nativism belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts
naturalism belief that the world can be explained in terms of natural forces
necessarianism theory that actions are determined by prior history; fatalism
neonomianism theory that the gospel abrogates earlier moral codes
neovitalism theory that total material explanation is impossible
nihilism denial of all reality; extreme scepticism
nominalism doctrine that naming of things defines reality
nomism view that moral conduct consists in observance of laws
noumenalism belief in existence of noumena
nullibilism denial that the soul exists in space
numenism belief in local deities or spirits
objectivism doctrine that all reality is objective
omnism belief in all religions
optimism doctrine that we live in the best of all possible worlds
organicism conception of life or society as an organism
paedobaptism doctrine of infant baptism
panaesthetism theory that consciousness may inhere generally in matter
pancosmism theory that the material universe is all that exists
panegoism solipsism
panentheism belief that world is part but not all of God’s being
panpsychism theory that all nature has a psychic side
pansexualism theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct
panspermatism belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs
pantheism belief that the universe is God; belief in many gods
panzoism belief that humans and animals share vital life energy
parallelism belief that matter and mind don’t interact but relate
pejorism severe pessimism
perfectibilism doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect
perfectionism doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value
personalism doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom
pessimism doctrine that the universe is essentially evil
phenomenalism belief that phenomena are the only realities
physicalism belief that all phenomena reducible to verifiable assertions
physitheism attribution of physical form and attributes to deities
pluralism belief that reality consists of several kinds or entities
polytheism belief in multiple deities
positivism doctrine that that which is not observable is not knowable
pragmatism doctrine emphasizing practical value of philosophy
predestinarianism belief that what ever is to happen is already fixed
prescriptivism belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value
primitivism doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best
privatism attitude of avoiding involvement in outside interests
probabiliorism belief that when in doubt one must choose most likely answer
probabilism belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute
psilanthropism denial of Christ's divinity
psychism belief in universal soul
psychomorphism doctrine that inanimate objects have human mentality
psychopannychism belief souls sleep from death to resurrection
psychotheism doctrine that God is a purely spiritual entity
pyrrhonism total or radical skepticism
quietism doctrine of enlightenment through mental tranquility
racism belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities
rationalism belief that reason is the fundamental source of knowledge
realism doctrine that objects of cognition are real
reductionism belief that complex phenomena are reducible to simple ones
regalism doctrine of the monarch's supremacy in church affairs
representationalism doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge
republicanism belief that a republic is the best form of government
resistentialism humorous theory that inanimate objects display malice towards humans
romanticism belief in sentimental feeling in artistic expression
sacerdotalism belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind
sacramentarianism belief that sacraments have unusual properties
scientism belief that the methods of science are universally applicable
self-determinism doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself
sensationalism belief that ideas originate solely in sensation
siderism belief that the stars influence human affairs
skepticism doctrine that true knowledge is always uncertain
socialism doctrine of centralized state control of wealth and property
solarism excessive use of solar myths in explaining mythology
solifidianism doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation
solipsism theory that self-existence is the only certainty
somatism materialism
spatialism doctrine that matter has only spatial, temporal and causal properties
spiritualism belief that nothing is real except the soul or spirit
stercoranism belief that the consecrated Eucharist is digested and evacuated
stoicism belief in indifference to pleasure or pain
subjectivism doctrine that all knowledge is subjective
substantialism belief that there is a real existence underlying phenomena
syndicalism doctrine of direct worker control of capital
synergism belief that human will and divine spirit cooperate in salvation
terminism doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance
thanatism belief that the soul dies with the body
theism belief in the existence of God without special revelation
theocentrism belief that God is central fact of existence
theopantism belief that God is the only reality
theopsychism belief that the soul is of a divine nature
thnetopsychism belief that the soul dies with the body, to be reborn on day of judgement
titanism spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions
tolerationism doctrine of toleration of religious differences
totemism belief that a group has a special kinship with an object or animal
transcendentalism theory that emphasizes that which transcends perception
transmigrationism belief that soul passes into other body at death
trialism doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit)
tritheism belief that the members of the Trinity are separate gods
triumphalism belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed
tuism theory that individuals have a second or other self
tutiorism doctrine that one should take the safer moral course
tychism theory that accepts role of pure chance
ubiquitarianism belief that Christ is everywhere
undulationism theory that light consists of waves
universalism belief in universal salvation
utilitarianism belief that utility of actions determines moral value
vitalism the doctrine that there is a vital force behind life
voluntarism belief that the will dominates the intellect
zoism doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle
zoomorphism conception of a god or man in animal form
zootheism attribution of divine qualities to animals

Vote - too many people have paid the price for you to do so.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Harry S. Truman - The Last Lion President

"Boss Tom Prendergast: I've got a job for you.
Harry S. Truman: Well, that's mighty nice of you. What's the job, dog-catcher?
Boss Tom Prendergast: How would you like to run for Congress?
Harry S. Truman: Well, Jesus Christ and General Jackson. The answer's yes.”

Harry Truman, recently elected Vice President of the United States in January of 1945, ignored the nuanced political advice to toss a friend and mentor under the bus.
Boss Prendergast of Kansas City, MO had been convicted of income tax evasion and had died. The Vice President was advised that it would be unseemly to attend the funeral mass of this 'unsavory' man. Truman replied, "He was always my friend, and I have always been his." Truman attended the funeral Mass.

Harry Truman was anything but glib, but his deeds were eloquent. Harry Truman was a South Baptist and briefly was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, whose largest voting base were American Roman Catholics. He was a champion of the working man, but threatened to draft railroad workers in the service when a national railroad strike was called after World War II.

Truman ended WWII by heroically ordering the drop of the bomb developed and invented by Robert Oppenheimer who moused out pious quotes about his weapons inhumanity - pipe smoking phony.

Truman saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of American lives fated to invade Japan:

The alternative Truman faced was to order use of the atomic bomb which might shock the Japanese into surrender, or order the planned invasion of Japan's home islands; casualty estimates for Americans ranged very widely. Casualty estimates for Japan ranged into the millions. Secretary of War Henry Stimson made the real decision: to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan immediately surrendered on terms that allowed Emperor Hirohito to stay on the throne and not be tried as a war criminal. Truman put General Douglas MacArthur in charge of occupying and controlling Japan; MacArthur remained in charge until the peace treaty was finally signed in 1951.
Truman kept control of the bomb in civilian hands—the Air Force and State Department did not even know how many bombs existed until 1948, when only eight had been built. The postwar military strategy was not built around nuclear weapons.

Harry Truman was a very complex simple man. A simple because he was most like most Americans. Truman understood poverty and failure and steered a course for America that created the greatest peace time standard of living in world history.

The former Klan member ended segregation the military.

Truman fought the Progressives under Henry Wallace and the Dixiecrats behind Strom Thurmond.

Truman ignored the striped-pants intellectuals of the State Department and recognized Israel.

Truman ignored the Progressives and contained the spread of Soviet communism.

Truman signed the Taft-Hartley Act that gave workers the right to bargain in good faith, but not imperil the nation.

Harry Truman fought a conventional war against the North Koreans and Red Chinese and avoided a nuclear war with Russia. He fired MacArthur for insubordination and took the heat and damned the critics.

Harry Truman would be mocked by CBS,NBC, MSNBC, CNN and detested as a war-mongering, Zionist, racist, political stooge, were he in today's political arena.

Harry Truman was the last great American President.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

GOP -The Tassled Loafer Crowd Shills for Planned Parenthood

U.S. Congressional GOP Rep. Judy Biggert and Rep. Robert Dold play ball with Planned Parenthood. My retired Illinois State Rep. Kevin Joyce (D,) and my Democrat Congressman Dan Lipinksi (D. 3rd) fought against abortion.

Judy Biggert allowed Chris Matthews to bully rag her over the idiotic Attorney General Eric Holder's statement that America is a Nation of Cowards in 2009 and his insistence on treating Islamist Terrorists like they were John Scopes:

Matthews: Back in the beginnings of our country, we had a trial for the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, and we gave those soldiers a real trial, and John Adams was their defense attorney. And a lot of them got off. Do you think that was a mistake to give them a real trial, or should we have just executed them. What should we have done?

Biggert: Well, I’m talking about having a real –

Matthews: Was it wrong to give a real trial to people who shot down our people in the Boston Massacre, or was that a good emblem of the kind of country we were going to be, a country of laws?

Biggert: I think –

Matthews: John Adams was their defense lawyer. Should he have not taken that job? Not defended the enemies of our country, and shown that we have a good system of law in this country? Was that a mistake?

America, was a Crown Colony Milky, and not a sovereign nation you pompous jerk.

Representative Biggert went deer in the headlights and seemed to look to self-absorbed Shakowsky for help -'Dead Chick Limping!"

Rep. Judy Biggert must demand a public apology from MSNBC and the oafish Matthews.She's owes that to the people who voted for her.
She didn't; she went mouse.

Judy Biggert and her colleague Dold just voted with the Abortion industry. Gee, why do I still vote Democrat? Look at the GOP.

(DC Examiner) — Even if you’re not a social conservative, funding for Planned Parenthood as a fiscal and a campaign finance issue. Currently, taxpayers are effectively subsidizing the Democratic Party. Planned Parenthood is a charity with plenty of donors. There’s no reason why taxpayers should have to support their favorite charity so that they can give more of their money to Democrats.

Ten Democrats had supported the Pence amendment, and that seven Republicans had voted against it. Now we have the names:

Now here are the Republicans who voted to preserve Planned Parenthood funding:

Charlie Bass, N.H.
Judy Biggert, Ill.
Mary Bono-Mack, Calif.
Charlie Dent, Pa.
Robert Dold, Ill.
Richard Hanna, N.Y.
Rodney Frelinghuysen, N.J.

GOP -Got Orders from Planned Parenthood?

Col. West - The Best Voice on Wisconsin

I just got back from Mass and found an e-mail responding to my morning';s musings. This one agreed with my piece.

Chicago lawyer Dan Kelley paralleled the events in Madison with the Spanish Civil War. That is dead-on accurate. The backers of the teachers and the other State employees are testing the waters in the manner that the Soviets used strife in 1930's Spain to build a secular society based on redistribution of wealth. The reaction was a fascist dictatorship and a confused muddle of morality on a global scale.

A real American Col. West* is man who said that he would walk through hell with a gasoline can for the people under his command was recently elected to Congress. The Congressional Black Caucus greeted this black American Patriot with all of the love a Gangster Disciple displays to a Vice Lord.

The GOP is waiting and watching, as I mentioned in my morning's musing, and the Tassled Loafer crowd that keeps me voting Democrat here in Chicago, has yet to give Governor Walker any support.

Here is a piece that was e-mailed to me by a pal - Democrat BTW -from New Hampshire.

From Weasel Zippers ( love the name).com:

Allen West on Wisconsin Protests: “We’re Witnessing the Abject Hostility of a Unionized Entitlement Class Lauded by the Liberal Left Including Obama”

“Over this past week I have watched and listened to members of the House of Representatives from across the aisle.

“I am appalled at their ignorance, belligerence, and dishonest rhetoric filled with empty emotional platitudes. Have they no shame in realizing that their inept, incompetent failures are the reason why we are debating this continuing resolution. They failed to pass a budget during the 111th Congress.

“Have they no honor in realizing that their fiscal irresponsibility over the past four years has resulted in our standing on the precipice of a fiscal canyon from which we may not recover.

Also troubling are the events in the state of Wisconsin which mirror those that happened in Greece several months ago. We are witnessing the abject hostility of a unionized entitlement class that is being lauded by the liberal left, seemingly to include our President.

“It is such a critical time for our Republic, yet there seems no visionary leadership — it is as if America stopped producing adults. I have never seen a greater assembly of petulance and sophomoric behavior as what I have witnessed this week on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“To those across the aisle, please explain to the American people how your economic policies have created a better environment for long-term sustainable growth.

“This debate is about jobs and the economy.

“It begins with remedying the spending problem on Capitol Hill. It includes tackling the burdensome taxation and regulation policies strangling our country. It is the understanding that Keynesian tax and spend policies did not grow America’s economy, but the indomitable, entrepreneurial spirit of the American people.

“Government sets the conditions for job and economic growth, it does not create jobs.

“I am pleased that we are having open debate in the peoples’ house. However, there is clearly something lacking in this discourse — the recognition of the failure of the bureaucratic nanny-state liberal policies.
(emphasis my own)
“Rest assured that I will do everything in my ability to stand firm and lead on the principles that make America exceptional.” Newsmax

Rookie U.S. Rep. Allen West delivered a stinging indictment of his colleagues in a letter to constituents in which he rails about House members’ “ignorance, belligerence, and dishonest rhetoric.” Without naming names, but clearly implying that he was including President Barack Obama, the Florida Republican also decried Washington’s interference with Wisconsin’s budget turmoil. The text of the letter to residents of Florida's 22nd District:

Read more on Newsmax.com: Disgusted Allen West to Dems: Grow Up!
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
Read more on Newsmax.com: Disgusted Allen West to Dems: Grow Up!
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

On Wisconsin -"Get Christie, Love!"

The Madison hullabaloo is not about 'collective bargaining.' It is a get out the vote, stir the base, and marshal the ground forces for the 2012 President Obama Presidency.

The key issue is destroy New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is the biggest thing to hit that State since the Zeppelin. Governor Christie is the anti-Obama. He speaks plainly and allows deeds to follow his words. Christie is not a 'teaching moment' kind of guy, because he understands the frustrations of hard working people who know exactly what causes economic disaster - a pipe fitter's paycheck can not keep pace with subsidizing other peoples necessities. Taxes are the bubonic plague of our times. Taxes come from political opportunists seeking to broaden their constituencies by having their jobs, food, medicine, schooling, and behavior paid for by working people.

Chris Christie has succeeded where other elected officials have failed,from Barack Obama to Sarah Palin. Both President Obama and Sarah Palin are effective preachers to the choirs. Chris Christie is a mechanic.

In order to destroy the Christie work ethic, the choir masters of both parties need to discredit Governor Walker's work to fix Wisconsin's debt by addressing the role of public employee constituencies that form the base of the Democratic National Committee and the President's agenda - which is playing rope-a-dope ( i.e. Obama's budget) with Congress, while attempting to mirror democratic efforts in the Mid East.
Likewise, the GOP powers that be - the folks who love to blow their own toes off with gusto like John McCain -will allow Walker to 'dangle.'

Anyone who has read even a Classic Comics version of labor history knows that when the United Mine Workers under John L. Lewis eclipsed the American Federation of Labor's power by dint of numbers of members and the dues that came along Big Labor has been more than a player in American life, it was the obstetrician who gave birth to the American middle class and the American Standard of Living. The ALF-CIO was born in 1886 when the Knights of Labor organized the skilled workers of America - skilled tradesmen: meat cutters, carpenters, electricians, engineers, drovers, and teamsters, glaziers and boilermakers. The Congress of Industrial Organization organized the factory, mine and mill workers - often considered unskilled labor.

Both labor forces were pitted against -not their neighbors, but the owners of American Capital - Carnegie, Rockefeller, DuPont, Vanderbilt and Armour. Private capital was forced to bargain -collectively- with labor.

Public salaried and tax-fueled unions came into being in the 1970's. The SEIU was born in 1973,out of the old Chicago Janitor's Union Local 25, when Toronto-based Trotskyite and former aide to George Meaney,Eugene Moats forced out President Tom Ryan and raided the local. Moats called the janitors, not Brothers and Sisters, but Comrades. Soon the union was run, not by union men and women, but by University of Pennsylvania sociologists - Andy Stern and his acolytes. Public labor grew and so did the debt of governments along with the power of numbers and dues -like John L. Lewis. Andy Stern is no John L. Lewis -Lewis was a coal miner and threw the communists out of the CIO. Andy Stern is the polar opposite. Soon government employees clerks, secretaries & etc. were organized and they got their pay from their neighbors - carpenters, auto-workers, machinists & etc.
Taxes fuel debt and the political power of Stern's Unions. The Democratic National Party and at the State levels made alliances with Tax-salaried unions. Interestingly, Moats was ousted for corruption -or charges of corruption.* The media played a big role and agreed to identify Labor universally as SEIU -or Big Labor. The skilled trades went along with that - some power was still some power. (NPR is going after Walker and the critics of Planned Parenthood as well -click my post title)

Andy Stern's PAC Power is not about the American Standard of Living won by the blood and bruises of Real Labor - it is a web that uses Palestinian/Israel misery/Gay Marriage/Green Eco-Nonsense/Race/Gender/ and anything else that wants to be co-opted in the web of power.

Chris Christie succeeded in putting the brakes on this run-away train of propaganda and power.

Wisconsin, Governor Walker, and the circus in Madison are all about 'Get Christie, Loves.'

I admire and respect real, genuine and honest American Labor - private sector, skilled, industrial workers made the American Middle Class. Andy Stern's SEIU model PACS are killing the middle class and American Labor, in my opinion.

FDR realized this and warned against public unions, but seems lost on the power players. John L. Lewis had nothing to do with Marxists, but times change and people ignore history - with the help of Bill Moyers and others.

The cat-calls in Wisconsin are familiar, but Madison is not Henry Ford's Flint, Michigan, or Republic Steel's slaughter of union families in Chicago, 1937 - the cat-calls are against genuine union people and their families, as well as Walker and especially Chris Christie.


Service Employees International Union. Eugene P. Moats was ousted from his position as President of the Service Employees International Union Local 25 in August 1996. Moats was charged by the International Union with misappropriation of funds and nepotism. It was alleged that Moats raised his salary without the permission of the Local Board. In addition, he was charged with converting union funds for personal use and bypassing more qualified candidates for well-paying union positions in favor of his family members. Secretary-Treasurer Richard Malkowski and 35 other Local officers were also suspended with pay. The 13,500 member Local, representing janitors and maintenance workers, many of whom are Eastern European immigrants and female, is one of the biggest Locals in Illinois.
Guess Who that might have been the gent bringing charges against Moats?

Janitors Union Chief Under Fire
March 01, 1996|By Stephen Franklin, Tribune Staff Writer.
Zdzislaw Lagodzinski was one of the angriest of the angry Thursday. The dark-haired, broad-shouldered 70-year-old janitor didn't just want the head of union boss Eugene Moats; he wanted his whole body.

"If this were Eastern Europe, we would walk in, put him in a wheelbarrow and take him out of his office," he grumbled in Polish as his co-workers eagerly nodded in agreement.

Lagodzinski makes $5.45 an hour cleaning suburban office buildings. Moats, who is a year older and is president of Service Employees International Union Local 25, makes $250,000 from two union jobs.On Thursday, Moats, one of the state's most influential union leaders had security guards and lawyers to protect him from any form of harm at a hearing on his future.

His reputation among many of the 16,000 Chicago-area janitors in the local already is tarnished, and his 22-year reign as its leader is at stake. Dissident members see him as a symbol of union extravagance and indifference. They say he has padded his payroll with family members and let the local to fall deeply in debt to its parent union. They put the figure at over $600,000. Moats says it is lower.

Thursday's session was to have been the second convened in recent weeks by the international union on internal charges filed by Moats' opponents. When it was abruptly canceled over legal questions raised by Moats without a new date being set, the anger among onlookers stayed at a boiling point.

Some janitors jeered and shouted and tailed Moats as he left yelling, "We are poor people. What are you doing to us?" Moats' supporters growled back, telling the others they are being deceived.

Feelings are strong, the janitors said, because the local has imposed a special dues collection effort to help pay off its debt. "Why take the money from me, those people have it all," said one middle-aged women, referring to Moats and other union leaders.

The squabble is ironic in that the SEIU likes to portray itself as a new, progressive voice for woman and minorities and low-wage workers.

Nearly two-thirds of Local 25 members are from Eastern Europe, mainly Poland. The rest are largely Latino or African-American. Most of its members are women.

The son of a Chicago janitor, Moats was a former aide to AFL-CIO leader George Meany when he was named a union trustee of Local 25 in 1973.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Watch World Champion Idiot Chris Matthews Loudmouth Down the Truth on Abortion - "Let's Go to the Facts . . .Until They Show Up" . .

Watch this loudmouth slob, MSNBC clown Chris Matthews*, bully a guest, invited to get at "the facts" about Abortion and House vote to de-fund ( about time) Planned Parenthood and then shout down the woman from the Susan B. Anthony List and shill for the abortion industry -paid for with Federal dollars.

This gutless jerk "likes to narrow the discussion a little bit" - as narrow as his pinhead.

As to Rep. Jackie Speier's testimony on the heartbreak of her procedure -abortion. Ms. Speier was losing her child when it became detached from her uterus in the 17th week of pregnancy. My late wife Mary had the same thing happen in LaPorte Hospital in 1990. Ms Speier agonized and chose to terminate the baby. My wife Mary lost our baby -there is a difference. Two years before, Mary's obstetrician suggested that she terminate our son because he might be born with defects, or horror of horrors, have Down Syndrome. Mary terminated her employment of this woman obstetrician and hired another doctor. Big difference.


In fact, in his book, "Now let me tell you what I really think," Mr. Matthews reveals that he is not a principled Catholic, but a permissive liberal who has embraced the cultural radicalism of the 1960s. On abortion, he chooses to have it both ways. Although he believes abortion should be limited, he believes it should be made legal, safe and constitutionally protected. Mr. Matthews also champions homosexual rights, affirmative action and the benefits of "safe sex" — most notably in the fight against AIDS in Africa. It is ironic, however, that he fails to support the one approach that would dramatically curtail the spread of the deadly disease on the African continent: abstinence.

Yet, if Mr. Matthews wants to advance his liberal agenda, then that is his right. But he does not have the right to present himself in a public forum as a "Catholic." Public figures who profess to be Catholics have a duty to bear witness to the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. This also holds true especially if they have positions of prominence in the media or in government.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Collect Bounty on Cheesehead Skipping Senators!

The Wisconsin Democrat Senators are seeking asylum in Chicago's sanctuary city. They skipped out on the Madison vote.

I know many unemployed skilled tradesmen and laid off City and Cook County workers.

Perhaps they might track down these scoff-laws for Gov. Walker's Rangers. I listened to one goof say that he was calling into ABC from a 'secure' location outside of Madison. Really. A secure location in Wisconsin runs in all four directions of the Dairy State - has any FIP ( Fine Illinois Person) ever got a straight answer from Sven or Bastien when asking directions from County Road FF to County Road Square Route of IX? 'Yeh, take dat dirt road past Weaver's Dairy dere and go on it until it forks, you can' miss it, den go right again.' What could be more clear?

With Democrats saying they won't return before Saturday, it was unclear when the Senate would be able to begin debating the measure meant to ease the state's budget woes. Democrats who disappeared Thursday at first kept their whereabouts secret, then started to emerge to give interviews and fan the protests.
Chicago Tribune report

Rat out the Skipping Senators and turn them in for a modest reward - Dells Coupons, Injun Casino Chips, Packer Wear, Nightcrawlers, or a couple of Wheels of Chedder - the State's broke. Here's a tip. You can sniff out the elusive Cheese Gobblers by asking these simple questions of anyone in the lobby at the Peninsula, Fairmont, or Swiss - remember, elected officials never stay at Regal 8.

Go up to a Moss-back looking Rube and ask,

Q. What is a barbecue in Appleton?

A. "Dat's a Fry. We have a steak fry by the Odd Fellows on Saturdays."

Q. Where can I get a cool drink of water?

A. " Over by dat Bubbler dere near da stairs, dere"

Q. Excuse me, I believe that I hit a small deer, or a large 'Coon.'
A. " Strap it on da bumper, eh! Bring it to da Fry over by da Odd Fellows, Bastien will dress it Swiss."

Restrain until extradition can be arranged. Make your deal with Governor Walker -get what you can. Do not drive them back yourselves, unless you wish to replay the Super Bowl. I think not.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Planned Parenthood's Abortions R Us TV Ad is Dead On and Honest

Abortion became a Woman's Health Choice thanks to grants from the Federal Government and America's Dowager Class.

The current coat hanger ad says it all and to the target market - aging, monied, chic, single women with an unwanted child after making love to a seed spilling gent.

Abortion is the Cosmetic Holocaust. This is what a back alley looks like to Planned Parenthood's Dowagers and the kids at at MoveOn.org:

Campaign Director Kat Barr said: 'This ad is a wakeup call. If Republican proposals go through, women could once again face fear and danger when it comes to their reproductive health." Horrors! SAX 5th Ave. caparisoned dowagers forced to pay for the murder of an unwanted child out of their own kick? Merciful gravy! This ad is chock full of irony and will be pulled by Planned Parenthood ASAP. A wake up call! Abortion is cosmetic surgery for self-absorbed dowagers. We get it.

It is well past time for Planned Parenthood to fund abortions for careless dowagers without any tax subsidy.

Chicago Code - The Irish Mob Meet-Up

"Remember it's the Ragen Colts your're dealing with. We have two thousand members between Halstead and Cottage Grove, and Forty-third and Sixty-third streets. We intend to run this district. Look out." - Ragen's Colts

The corridors of power in Chicago have long had the talons of Irish no-good-niks polishing their marble floors, after a good soaking with a stripping agent takes off the previous layer with a sound scrubbing of an abrasive pad placed under the high-speed disc of buffer, followed by a liberal dousing of the stone flooring with a high-quality wax applied with a stout and even distribution with wool-wand at the end of thick pole in the meaty hands of a stern steward, and finished by the replacement of the steel wool pad by the buffing element coursing its way under the power of the electric motor in ever widening circles, gyres and sweeps.
Ever widening gyres . . . Turning and turning in the widening gyre . . .Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; . . . Check that goof's card!

Yep, them corridors of power get polished up swell.

From the days of Big Mike McDonald, through the "hitters of Ragen's Colts and Ralph Sheldon's warring ways against the might of Spike O'Donnell and into the White House itself. The Gaelic spider looms its web of influence and intrigue and only now has television's Chicago Code revealed the true nature of the Arthropods of Erin.

I was privvy to one such exchange between the Original Gaels ( OGs) and I recorded this exchange.

Timmy ( speaking out of the left side of his mouth ) - " You got any . . .what that guy was talking about last week?"

Murph ( speaking to the left ear out of the right side of his mouth) - " No. He never mentioned what you're talking about."

Timmy - " That thing with the mailer. The one printed at that place over by Union."

Murph -"Never said nothing."

Timmy -" He said he told you,"

Murph - "We talking about the same guy? There were three guys there when we talked last at the St. John Fisher meeting about the Lent Fish Fry crews."

Timmy - " The Carmel guy, or the D (e La Salle Institute) guy?"

Murph -" No, his cousin that went to Marist - same name differnt guy."

Timmy - "Can he get my kid on?"

Murph - "On what?"

Timmy -"The trucks taking the mailers for our guy."

Murph -"What mailer?"

Timmy - "The mailer . . .what you think? Norman #$%^ing Mailer?"

Murph - 'Get a grip! Tone down. Who's mailer? The political guy, or the guy running the benefit for Houlie's kids?"

Timmy - "Houlie from Carmel?"

Murph - "No, Houlie what went to Quigley what's now St. Rita."

Timmy - "Can he get my kid on the trucks?"

Murph - "Not a chance. Hey, we never talked."

Thus, the Spider Murphy weaves his nefarious web.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rahm of the North: Mountie Haul Snow Removal

In the Blizzard of Ought Eleven . . .that's 2011, DIBS was Gold up North. Men fought and clawed for an open space. Bringing Law and a shovel was Rahm of the North - Mountie Haul & Snow Removal! Let's join Rahn of North for another adventure up North!

Now, as gunshots echo across the windswept snow-covered regions of the wild Northwest, Goupon Puffed Coupons and Alison Davis Radical Real Estate, the breakfast deals shot from guns, presents The Challenge of the Flat-Iron! It's Loop Basil; swiftest and strongest lead dog of the north blazing the trail for Sergeant Rahm of the North Mountie Haul and Snow Removal Police, in his relentless pursuit of lawbreakers and DIBS jumpers!

On Basil! - On, you huskies!

Gold - gold - discovered in the North! A stampede to the North in the wild race for riches and a parking spot! Back to the days of the Blizzard and Gold Rush with Groupon Puffed Coupons and Alison Davis Radical Real Estate bringing you the adventures of Sergeant Rahm and his wonder dog, Basil of the Loop, as they meet The Challenge of the Flat-Iron.


Extreee! Extreee! Hear all about it!

Yes, hear about how you fellows and girls can get a swell and complete miniature Model Affordable Housing Development.

It's the Groupon Model Development for Alsison Davis Radical Real Estate!

Groupon Puffed Coupons and Davis Pads - the swell tasting stuff shot from tax-payers; wallets - are making an almost unbelievable offer!

You can get 46 different detailed, scaled models in all. Including buildings, equipment, and voters.

They're yours at no extra cost!

There's nothing to send in. No money, box tops, or coupons!

No waiting, either! Listen for full details in just a few minutes.


A light snow was falling as Ned Johnson entered his DIBS that was located about ten miles north of Ford City - staging area for the Mountie Haul and Snow Removal Police. As he disappeared into the entrance, the stealthy figure of a half-breed emerged from the falling snow. The Bridgeport half-breed -Irish/Lithuanian Conor Tiga hesitated only long enough to make sure that Ned's tracks led into the DIBS -(cleared out parking space marked out with debris). Then, shielding a match from the wind, he lighted a fuse that dangled from something he carried. Threw the bundle into the Parking spot and ran. Suddenly - there was the sound of an explosion!



Salt and snow tumbled down the hillside and the Dibs entrance was closed. At last there was silence, and the snow fell quietly and steadily, covering all signs of human footprints.

It was almost a week later that Sergeant Rahm of the Northwest Mountie Haul and Snow Removal sat with Ned's son Bob in their two-flat about a half mile away from the Dibs where the tragedy had occurred. A big black-and-white husky dog sat beside his young master, his head on the boy's knee.


Isn't it funny, Sergeant, the way dogs seem to know when you're unhappy? Blackie hasn't left my side since Dad died.

I hope you won't mind telling me all you know about your father's death, Bob. I know it was an accident, but I'd like to hear more, if you don't mind talking about it.

I'd be glad to tell you anything, Sergeant. There really isn't much to tell. I went into Old Town with Uncle Jim for some supplies, and when we came back, Dad wasn't here. Uncle Jim lives in his own flat about a quarter mile from here, so he went right on home.

This is late afternoon?

Yes, it was almost suppertime when we got back here. When Dad didn't come home, I got Uncle Jim, and we went to the Dibs to look for him. It was all caved in and, well, when we found Dad...

You don't have to tell me that part of it. Bob, I talked to your Uncle. Was your father ever careless with dynamite?

Oh no, not at all, Sergeant. He never wanted me around when he was blasting it. I guess that's why he did it on the day I went to Old Town - he was always afraid I'd get hurt.

Something must have been wrong with the fuse. Of course, there are plenty of accidents like that, but your father always seemed so careful.

He was. But I guess accidents can happen no matter how careful you are.

What are you plans, Bob?

I'm going to stay right here. Uncle Jim thinks I ought to sell out to him and go to school, but I don't think so.

It might be a good idea, Bob. Would you like to go to college?

Yes, and I intend to someday. But Dad was sure that there's a rich vein of parking in that Dibs, and I don't want to sell it. It would take a long time to dig it all out again. I'm eighteen, and I don't see why I can't work with Uncle Jim.

Well, I should think he'd want you to, he needs your help, doesn't he?

Yes, but you see Uncle Jim and I don't get along too well. He doesn't like dogs, for one thing.

That's why you insist on living here alone in Bucktown, and not moving in with him.

That's one reason. You see, Blackie doesn't like him, and I've always let Blackie stay in the flat with me.

Why doesn't Blackie like him?

Uncle Jim kicked him once when Blackie was just a puppy. He's never forgotten it.


I see.


Calm down, Blackie-boy. Just a minute. Come on Blackie, I'll have to tie you up.

Is that your Uncle?

Yes. When he comes in, I have to tie Blackie to the bed. Uncle Jim's afraid of him.


Come on. Easy now. There you are, boy, now lie down. All right, Uncle Jim, come in.


Quiet, Basil. Lay down, boy.

Hello, Uncle Jim.

Hello, Bob. Well, how are you, Sergeant?

Fine, thank you.

Is that dog with you safe?

Of course. He won't hurt you.

I never trust any of them. That dog of Bob's would just as soon take a hunk out of you just looking at you.

Dogs don't like people who are afraid of them. They always sense it.

Well I can't help not likin' em. Makes me to think about Ned.

I understand.

I've been trying to get Bob to move into my flat with me. I'm lonesome for him all alone here without his dad.

I'm not lonesome as long as I have Blackie.

Well I sure don't want HIM in my cabin. Even if he was gentle, he's too big. Ah, I swear Bob, I think that dog is the reason you don't want to get off to college.

If I went, I'd take him with me.

Hey Sergeant, maybe you can talk some sense into Bob. I'll give him money enough for his father's share of our mine to put him through college. After that, he'll have a profession. He'll be able to take care of himself.

What do you think, Sergeant?

That's something you'll have to decide for yourself, Bob.

I'll be out at the DIBS tomorrow to start work Uncle Jim, there big money to be made in parking.

Well, all right. It's like the Sergeant says, I guess, it's up to you to decide.

Sergeant Rahm had gone back to Ford City the following day. For two days Bob had worked hard at the DIBS taking out the ice, snow and rubble. That night, snugly rapped in fur robes, he slept soundly in his flat with Blackie lying on the floor beside his cot. Suddenly the big dog raised his head in the darkness. His ears pricked forward, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. At the sound, Bob stirred and raised his head.


What's wrong, Blackie? You hear something, boy? Wait, I'll put my boots on. All right boy, I'll let you out. Suppose you heard some kind of animal, huh? Now wait till I light a match and find the door. There we are. Get him, boy.



I'll find my gun - now, that the Supreme Court says it;s OK, but there are so many restrictions I might as well use a big plank. I better put a parka on. There we are. I'm coming, fella. Hold him, boy. What is it? You got something up that tree!

Take dog away! Him tried kill me.

Tiga. Is that you?

Take dog away. Him chased me here!

Back Blackie. Get back, boy. Now.


Why are you prowling around here at this time of night, Tiga? Come on down. I'll hold Blackie. Easy boy. Come here, come on.


Me go home now.

But you live way over near the Bubbly Crick in Bridgeport, where real estate values have soared despite this lagging economy. What are you looking for? Did you drop something?

You take dog in cabin. Me fine. I went De La Salle and DePaul Law -covered good. Plenty drag.

Here's something. I guess this is what you dropped. A knife.

Me pull knife when dog come.

You've been drinking, Tiga. I'd better keep this knife for tonight. You go on home. I'll give it to you when you're sober.

Me want knife now.


Go on home, I said. Do you want me to let this dog go?

That my knife, you give back. I passed Bar on 4th try.

I'll give you half a minute to leave, or I'll let this dog take care of you. Are you going?

Me go, me go. You be sorry. Hit me - hit ten thousand.

All right. All right, boy, he's gone. Come on back in the flat. I wonder if he was trying to steal something. He is a De Paul grad. He was mighty close to our flat. I'm glad I have you, old boy.

It was the following evening. Blackie chained to the cot in the corner. Lay with his nose between his front feet. But his eyes followed every move Jim Rance made as he talked to Bob.

I can't imagine what that half-breed Mick/Loogan could have been doing around here last night. He...he was probably trying to steal some candidate mailers out of your slot.

He didn't go near the mail slot, Uncle Jim. I saw his tracks in the snow this morning. They led right to my door.

He never liked your father, but that don't mean he'd hold a grudge against you. Wait a minute - he is half Irish; grudge is on!

Why didn't he like Dad?

Well, along time ago, your dad knocked him down. He caught him stealing election mailers out of the slot. I think he hit him for it.

That's funny. I wonder why Dad never told me about it?

I suppose he forgot about it.

When did it happen?

Oh...quite awhile ago...I don't remember exactly. I think, uh, we were on our way to Old Town for some supplies or something.

But Dad always told me everything. That was certainly exciting enough; he'd hardly forget it.

Maybe he thought it might make you nervous? Anyway, why don't you come over and live with me? It'll be safer.

Oh I'm safe enough here Uncle Jim as long as Blackie's with me. I'd rather live by myself than give him up.

Well, have it your own way. I won't stand for that dog in my tasfully appointed condo on Pinegrove, though. I guess I better get home now. We've got a hard days work ahead of us.

We'll soon have the DIBS all cleaned out again.


Should be able to start getting gold out pretty soon. Soon as parking opens/

Yep, in a couple of days, I'd say.

Do you want me to call for you on the way to the DIBS in the morning?

No, no, I've got some work to do in my place - valances and sheers - in the morning. I'll be there later. You go on ahead and start work on the DIBS.

All right. I'll try to get an early start.


It was rather late the next morning when Bob walked hurriedly toward the DIBS, with Blackie frisking along beside him. As they approached a steep slope that loomed upside the path, a Norway rat darted out of the thickets. Blackie, with a joyful bark, pursued.


Get him, boy!

As the dog disappeared there was a sudden ominous sound from above.


Rock, snow and ice came crashing down the side of the Flat Iron Building on North & Ashland! Bob was motionless with fright for a moment, then ran desperately to get out of the way of the avalanche. But a piece of ice struck him a glancing blow. He fell. Loose ice and snow showered over him, as he lay face down helpless and unconscious.


We'll continue our story in just a moment.

Gee! Imagine Groupon Puffed Coupons and Alison Davis Puffed Places are offering everyone a complete miniature house of their own backed by banks that backed President Obama!

Golly! Look at those swell models you get right on these new packages!

Yes, kids - anyone can build these exciting models of buildings, equipment and voters - simply by getting these new packages of Groupon Puffed Coupons and Alsion Davis Puffed Real Estate. There are as many as six colorful models printed on a single package. And there are eight different packages. In all, 46 detailed scale models. And they don't cost a single extra penny. Who counts?

Look at all the models you get just on package number one!

You get the Rusted Gate!

Boy, imagine being a four year old getting to play on a rusted gate!

What's more, these models are easy to build too! See - all packages are pre-cut and scored! Assembling is a cinch. No paste or glue is necessary.

Boy! Look at that high rise on package number three. It's got a sliding door!

Yes, the big building has a sliding door - you were home schooled weren't you son?. Other buildings have windows and doors that open and close. And all models stand by themselves. Because no one takes care of them because we don't have to!

Gee - what fun you can have with this Federally backed and protected real estate!

That's right, Sandra. And best of all, anyone can start building these right away! There's no waiting - Nothing to send in either - No money, box tops, or coupons. All you do is get in with the right crowd usually of Hyde Park !

Say! That's my favorite!

Mine too!

Well, what could be sweller? Now back to Sgt. Rahm of Mounties and Afghan Basil of the Loop!


Now, to continue our story.


As the avalanche roared down the slope covering Bob Johnson, Blackie, returning from his pursuit of the rabbit, saw his master fall.


But by the time the big dog reached him, his body was completely covered by ice, snow and rubble. Frantically Blackie began to dig, whining and whimpering. At last he reached the fur hood of his master. Desperately the big dog tugged at it. Lifting Bob's face from the snow, only to have it drop back again. Blackie barked helplessly. He knew he couldn't drag the unconscious form from the thick heap pile above it. It was then that he heard the bark of a dog. And the sound of a dog team from the main trail that paralleled the path to the mine. Blackie raced toward the sound through the trees and barked frantically as he saw Sergeant Rahm approaching on the trail.

On Basil, Come you Husky. ????Well Blackie, where's Bob fella? That's strange, he seems to be in trouble. Want us to follow you boy?

Blackie running into the woods and then back towards the Sergeant, barked furiously.

On huskies!????

With Basil leading the way the Sergeant turned the dog team onto the side street over by Ashland and followed. When he reached the base of the Flat Iron, Blackie was standing beside the half-buried form of his master.

Whoa Basil?????huskies. It's Bob. Never mind Blackie, I'll get him out. I shovel like a demon! He's still alive. We'll get him home old boy, don't you worry.

It was some time later that Bob opened his eyes. He was lying in his cabin, and Sergeant Preston was standing beside his cot. King lay quietly in a corner. But Blackie licked his Master's hand and whined anxiously.

How did you get here?

Easy Bob. I took Cicero north from Ford City to Archer and Archer to Ashland and North again . . .the only trouble was at Ogden and all the truck traffic.

Sergeant Rahm? What happened?

You were caught in an avalanche. Should be able to sue the #$%^ out of the Flat Iron owners. Blackie must have heard me coming on the trail, and led me to you.

Oh, I remember now. Something hit me. Ah, my head.

I bandaged it. You'll be all right soon. There were no bones broken, but you were badly bruised in spots, you were very lucky. Have cell phone phots done before the bruising goes away - I am a lawyer.

Is Blackie hurt?

No, I guess he wasn't caught in it.

I remember now. He chased a rat. And I heard what sounded like an explosion.

An explosion? . . .wait a minute. There are no rats in Chicago. You mean you heard the ice cracking off the buidling.

Maybe that's what it was. Maybe I just imagined it, but it sounded like an explosion. Like somebody planted a blast on that roof to start an avalanche.

Did you see anyone around just before the avalanche?

No...no, I didn't Sergeant.

It's lucky that Blackie was with you. Hadn't been for him coming to get us, you'd have smothered or frozen to death.

It IS lucky that I have Blackie. I'm beginning to wonder if...

What were you going to say, Bob?

I...guess I'm just imagining things.

Tell me what's bothering you.



Well I... It's Uncle Jim. Hand me Blackie's leash, will you please, Sergeant?

Glad to. Here it is. I'll let your Uncle in.

Quiet boy - quiet. There you are.

Hello Sergeant. I THOUGHT that was your team outside.

Come in Rance. Blackie's tied.

You mean Bob is here.

Bob's hurt.

Hello, Uncle Jim.

Hey Bob, what happened?

Didn't you hear the avalanche? It happened right near the DIBS. I got caught in it.

Avalanche? Well no, I haven't been to the DIBS. I spent the whole morning working on my sheers and valances. I just came over here to borrow some tea. Are you hurt much?

His head was cut, but he'll be up by tomorrow.

Could we take him over to my condo on Pinegrove? It's bigger and we could leave the dog in this room.

Sergeant Rahm is going to stay with me tonight Uncle Jim. He has to stay somewhere, so I asked him to stay here.

Oh...I see. Show tunes not fun anymore. . . .Que Sera.

Anyway, Blackie saved my life, and I'm not going to leave him.

So he saved you, huh?

Dogs are handy to have around, Rance. You should learn to like them. I love dogs! Four legged ones too.

Well I'm afraid that's impossible. I don't feel comfortable in here with that dog of yours loose.

The tea is over in the cupboard Uncle Jim. There's nothing you can do here. Sergeant Rahm will take care of me.

Well if there's nothing I can do, I'll get some tea, and be running along. I'm sure glad you weren't hurt seriously, Bob.


I'll be able to work tomorrow. Did you get enough tea?

Yeah, this is plenty. Well if there's anything I can do, just let me know, huh.

Bob will be all right, I'm sure.

I'll right. Goodbye


Sergeant, I hope you didn't mind when I told him you were going to stay here.

As a matter a fact I'll be glad to stay. You had some reason for saying that. Your face looked, well, a little frightened, I thought. What is it, Bob? What's bothering you?

Uncle Jim didn't stay at his condo all morning.

He didn't? How do you know?

Because I went to his condo before starting for the DIBS. I told him I planned to go early this morning so he said not to wait for him. He had some work to do. But I overslept this morning. I thought maybe he'd be ready to go with me by then, so I went to his condo. He had already left.

You sure he had gone to the mine? Maybe he was out getting wood.

No, no I looked all over for him, and there were fresh tracks in the snow; his tracks on the way to the mine.

But why would he lie?

(Music. . .)

ANNOUNCER: Tune in soon for more of this thrilling tale of the North with Rahm of the North and his faithful Afghan Basil of Mountie Haul and Snow Removal. DIBS IS GOLD up North! Tune in again, but NOT during the Skinny and Houlie Show on Saturday at 3PM on Chicago's WVEVAM Ethnic Station AM 1450.

St. Claude - Heart Matters: Sacred and Otherwise

Today is the Feast of Claude La Colombière, S.J. (1641-1682)

Claude packed some serious heart. In his forty one years, the scholarly Frenchman took Orders with the Jesuits, earned a reputation as one of the great preachers of the Post Reformation Catholic Church, acted as confessor to both St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Duchess of York during the 'Papist Plot' of Titus Oakes, and was imprisoned by the Parliament which led to his early death following banishment from England.

Claude La Colombière, S.J. is remarkable because he listened. I am gabby. That gets in the way of competent hearing too often. My Old Man used to admonish, "Jesus Christ, give your ears a chance! That mouth of your's moves like a duck's ass,"

St. Claude listened. Margaret Mary Alacoque was canonized a saint of the Catholic Church in 1920. She was from a well-off French family. As a young girl, she was stricken with an illness and vowed to devote her life to Christ, as we all do when faced with calamities. Her health improved and her Mom encouraged her to 'get out in the world' and meet some boys. She did. Returning from a dance, Margaret Mary was blessed with a vision of the Sacred Heart of Christ. The heart represents so many things - the physical power plant of our lives, love and courage.

Having a vision can mean a couple of things - you are gifted with an ability to make sense of the world as it is now and project the process to make things even better, or, you are nuts.

Margaret Mary confessed to Claude and he listened. By really listening, Claude heard the beat of the Sacred Heart through the words of Margaret Mary. The Devotions to the Sacred Heart are paths to better living. Some of them are severe. Margaret Mary would awaken at the 11 P.M. and line prostrate with her face to the ground offering prayers for intercession by the Sacred Heart of Jesus until Midnight. The devotions to the Sacred Heart continued from the 17th Century and rooted here in Chicago. The French lumbermen of Lake Township -down here on the south side along Vincennes Ave. built Sacred Heart Church at 116th & Church. One of the stained glass windows placed on the south wall in 1904 holds a promise from Christ to Margaret Mary ' I Shall Make Tepid Hearts Fervent.'

That promise continues because Claude, a gifted preacher and scholar, closed his mouth, and listened. Hearing - genuine listening opens the heart.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fed Chair Ben Bernanke and Golf Cad Tiger Woods

Taking a break from the toils at Federal Reserve, Chairman Ben Bernanke shot a game of pocket pool while Golfer Tiger Woods watched from the gallery.

Yes, Dammit, I Take Full Credit for the Recent Events in Cairo and Egypt!

Finally, after inumerable repeated calls and pleas to do so, I take full credit for the democratic out-pouring of freedom in Egypt. That's right! I did it right here from Rockwell, while Anderson Cooper was cowering in a Cairo La Quinta. Not to take away anything from the brave and freedom thirsty throngs in Tahrir Square and clear through the Delta, but I must take full credit. No sense doing this half-assed.

It was nothing really, no more than the mere suggestion to a few well placed fans of . . .With Both Hands - Go ahead Gypos! Take it to the streets - what's the worst that can happen?

Now, if this thing on the Nile goes south badly, try and pin it on me. Go ahead.

President Obama, Julian Assange, GW Bush and the dancers of the new production of that musical rendition of the Damon Runyon reworking of Shaw's Major Barbara - GAYS and Dolls with a new libretto and score by Lord Elton John and Lady Gaga have already claimed credit.

Sharia Law West of the Pecos!

Imam Roy W. Bean: Mr. Harden, it's my duty to inform you that the larceny of an equine is a capital offense punishableby death, but you can rest assured that in this court a horse thief always gets a fair trial before he's hung.

Muslim Scholars have ruled that killing 'innocent Jews and Christians' is Sharia complicit. "That's my Rulin'!"

Abu Walid Al-Maqdisi, leader of the Jama’at Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad organization, was asked about Islam’s position on killing innocent civilians during “martyrdom operations” such as the 9/11 attacks. He replied with a fatwa stating that although Islam prohibits the killing of innocents, Jews and Christians may be attacked because they are “aggressive combatants.”

Even if some of the Jews and Christians in these countries may actually be innocent, Muslim scholars “have ruled that, in the case of a surprise attack, it is permissible to kill all of them” including innocent bystanders, he declared.

Our Celebration of Diversity is a Rainbow! Ain't it just?

Happy St. Valentine's Day - Nothing Says I Love You, Like Hearing I Am Sorry, Again!

I fought the Flu Bug this weekend and am now off the canvas. Wobbly, bruised, dizzier than a gnat in an air-shaft, but back on my pins; rather, my broad manly rump is in this seat and my stubby digits are pounding the keyboard.

Happy St. Valentine Day! Love means saying you're sorry -over and over again. In the spirit of reconciliation that signals true love, allow me to offer this revisit to the theme.

If Love means 'Never Having to Say You're Sorry,' then the Irish are screwed, blued and tattooed.

Jesus, I am Sorry about 86 times a day and before 8AM.

I have a pluperfect penchant for missteps, malfunctions, maledictions, and malpractice; but, I run empty on malice.

My misdeeds tend to be sins of omission - Omit thought, planning or the feelings of another. I am Sorry. To paraphrase Boxing Great Billy Conn upon losing to Joe Louis after dominating the Champ the whole fight only to be knocked out for not being cautious, 'What's the Point of Being Irish If You Can't Be Sorry ( Stupid)?'

Celto-centrist I am not. However, there was an interesting story about the recent findings in Dublin, Ireland. ( click my post title)

It appears that St. Valentine, who received no goods or services in exchange for the flowers, sweets and posted Love notes worldwide to morrow, was buried in Dublin ( re-interred more correctly) in the last century. This from Irish News and Events correspondent Dermot O'Gara

Was St Valentine a true blue Dub?
by Dermot O'Gara

JUST about everybody knows that St Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. You may have known that he was a priest in Rome in the third century, and if you're really on top of your game, you may even have been aware that he died in jail, but you probably didn't know that his final resting place is Dublin.

In fact the good priests of the Carmelite Order have been looking after his remains in their priory in Whitefriar St, just off Aungier St in Dublin, for over 160 years.

We have a good deal of information about St Valentine, but separating the fact from the legend is a bit like trying to separate a teenage couple at a school disco.

Fertility festival
It seems he was martyred in 269, supposedly for marrying couples against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II who felt that single men made better soldiers. Legend would have it that he died for his faith on February 14th of that year, and that this is why we celebrate him on that day. However, it's likely that the fact that we celebrate St Valentine at this time of year is more to do with the ancient Roman spring fertility festival of Lupercalia, which like many other pagan holidays was christianised when in 498 Pope Gelasius decreed that February 14th would be St Valentine's Day.

But how did a Roman Martyr, who had never even set foot in what was later to become an island of saints and scholars, end up in a Dublin church.

In the 1820' and 30's, a Carmelite priest by the name of John Spratt had earned a reputation for his work with the destitute citizens of Dublin's Liberties. A man of apparently boundless energy, Spratt started the building process of the Carmelite church in nearby Whitefriar St in 1825.

Ten years later, he was invited to speak at the Jesuit Church in Rome, the Gesu. The elite of Rome came to hear him, including representatives of Pope Gregory XVI. As a token of recognition of the work of Spratt, the Pope ordered the exhumation of the remains of St Valentine from St Hippolytus cemetery near Rome to be shipped to Whitefriar St Church, in Dublin.

In November 1836, the remains were received with great pomp and ceremony, but with the death of Spratt some years later, the remains ceased to be of major public interest.

Some 40 years ago however, they were restored to the public eye having gathered dust for decades in the nether regions of the priory, and are now featured in a purpose-built shrine in the church itself.

This year on February 14th, at 11am and 3.15pm, as has become customary, there will be a special celebration of St Valentine in the place where he now rests, Whitefriar St Church. Carmelite priest, Fr Tony McKenny will celebrate mass and conduct a ring blessing ceremony for engaged and married couples.

People I Love often hear I am sorry.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chicago - The Most Catholic of Cities and Our Planned Parenthood Candidates

Here's a head-scratcher. Chicago is the most Catholic of American cities, but has absolutely no problem voting for politicians owned by Planned Parenthood. How's that?

Chicago is a City of Peasants, writes America's Montaigne, Northwestern University professor, essayist and short story writer Joseph Epstein in the most recent edition of the Weekly Standard about Rahm Emanuel.

Chicago is a city of peasants, or, more precisely, people of peasant background: Poles, Italians, Irish, Greeks, blacks. Peasants, I think it fair to say, don’t get Jews. And the Rahmbomb is an anti-Semite’s dream. He is wealthy, aggressive, he even took ballet lessons, for God’s sake; all the anti-Semitic stereotypes are in place, except for his not being highly cerebral.

I do not think that Rahm will have any trouble getting elected, but he will go a long way in encouraging more anti-Semites to Jew bait. Catholics who will beef about Rahm's ethnicity already vote for professed Catholics who bow and vow fealty to Planned Parenthood - the same mind-set that made lamp-shades of Jews from 1933-1945 and parse solidarity with Hamas today. Machs nicht.

Mr. Epstein is dead on point and his demographic should also include Mexicans, but his grouping had more to do with historical political clout, I believe. With the exception of blacks and Greeks, we are Catholic peasants -rooted in the soil and the Faith of our Fathers. Chicago is a most Catholic City -demographically 30% of the population of Illinois is Roman Catholic and Cook County is ground zero for Catholics.

Chicago Catholics tend to be Roman Catholic Democrats - a breed that has made peace with Planned Parenthood, God Help Us.

Planned Parenthood is a eugenics PAC that has succeeded in making Americans numb to the Cosmtic Holocaust. Unborn children have been accepted to be no more than 'tissue' and the murder of those children is 'choice.'

I have never been a Pro Life guy, but I have always been very anti-abortion. In 1984, a week after my daughter Nora was born, I got into a debate with a Pro Life activist at Bishop McNamara High School in Kankakee. He was invited to speak, not to a a religion class, but whole school at an assembly. The person who invited this wildly strident gent ( he is a real John Brown kind of guy) wanted to promote her book, that was written by students in her class. It was great marketing idea, but lousy educational professionalism. I said so, many times; but, the talk was set. The talk was wildly inappropriate and offensive. I said so in the assembly. The guy took wild offense with me - perhaps he was right -for questioning not his motives but his methods. I thought that was the end of things.

My wife and I received death threats and phone calls for months. Me and my big mouth.

It died down by February and I still had a job teaching English. The book writer left at the end of the year and made a ton of money - her students got not dime one. That was my experience with Pro Life.

I hate abortion.

Several years later, my heroic wife Mary fired her female obstetrician who suggested that she abort our son, because she was certain he would be born either with Downs Syndrome or spina bifida. Mary cut this elegant and trendy broad to ribbons -verbally, of course - and sent her packing. "So the Hell What? This is my Child, you bitch!" That is the clean version.

Abortion has become the cosmetic make-over for inconvenience and Americans have no patience for inconvenience. We of peasant stock understand and celebrate the inconvenience of children -healthy, sick, nice, mean, handsome and homely, they are all beautiful!

That said, I detest Planned Parenthood. They are a political PAC. One third of its funding was made available by politicians like Sen. Dick Durbin through federal funding and, more shame on me, channeled and directed here in Illinois by Gov. Pat Quinn, for whom I supported, worked and voted.

Both politicians are Irish Catholic Democrats who accept Planned Parenthood's blood money. Polish Catholic Congressman Dan Lipinski refuses it - God Bless Him!

Now, every Democratic candidate for mayor is supported by Planned Parenthood -Chico, Braun, DeValle, Emanuel, Walls. Chico was born Catholic, but I believe he converted to Judaism - making only DeValle the Catholic in the crowd. Miguel De Valle is the IVI-IPO Progressive Blue Chip Candidate and therefore Planned Parenthood approved.

Given the recent light shed on the horrors that are Planned Parenthood ( New York, Philly Kermit Gosnell's Slaughter of living babies and videos), is it not time for Catholic Chicago to ask some questions of the next mayor - whoever that may be?

Planned Parenthood takes in One Third of its funding to kill children from Federal Tax Dollars. Politicians need money to get and stay elected - I get it.'

I get this too - from to today's Gospel.

Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God,
or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black.
Let what you say be simply `Yes' or `No'; anything more than this comes from evil.

Democratic politicians will hear the same Gospel and nod with conviction and think it has nothing to do with 'choice,' or their 'personal opposition to abortion' - much in the same way that I'll agree to somehow justify my vote for them - God help us.

It is long past time for Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and secular humanists to give Planned Parenthood the long goodbye.