Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's Barack H. Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's Barack H. Obama. Show all posts

Friday, August 09, 2013

Look Under Your Seeeee-eats! There's a Medal of Freedom and a Fetus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oprah: Do you think we've lost the belief that we can succeed? I was talking with Skip Gates [Henry Louis Gates, scholar of African-American history and culture], and he was saying how ironic it is that our parents believed that their little nappy-headed boys and girls could grow up and be somebody if they worked twice as hard.

Barack: We no longer operate that way, but we should be working twice as hard, because we still have challenges and barriers other communities don't have. . . .like Hyannis Port, Martha's Vineyard, Hollywood, Maui,

 "On the Gosnell trial, Steinem added: "It makes more clear why you need Planned Parenthood." -  

President Obama will award the nation's highest civilian medal to his favorite Chicago White Sox player of all-time, Mr. Cub -Ernie Banks.

He will also toss the bling to the two women who defined what it means to be an Woman in the Age of Obama -

Gloria Steinem - who pioneered the gender specific lifestyles of women like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga and the Dowager of Hags Madonna. Without the pioneering efforts of Ms. Steinem, a former Playboy Bunny, women would be free to be as loudly foul-mouthed, empty, self-absorbed, blood-thirsty and soulless as any man. . . even a member of Saudi Royal Family. Ms. Steinem was completely unmoved by the Dr. Kermit Baron Gosnell Butcher Shop in Philly and continues to advocate the snipping of spinal chords babies all the way up Kindergarten.

Oprah Winfrey - like Ms. Steinem, Oprah created generations of pan-demographic binge-eating female couch potatoes who anxiously awaited her pronouncements on books that preach the glories of abortion and home economics and find vicarious comfort in the discovery prizes under the seats of studio audience, Oprah placed there after shaking down the sponsors of the Oprah Winfrey Show! and the Oprah Winfrey Channel and the Oprah Winfrey Productions and the Oprah Winfrey Cosmetics.

The President chooses the recipients.  He is the President of Abortion.

What is the Value of the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Bill  Clinton is getting pay-back for being the voice of 2012 Campaign and Anthony Weiner and his Bride are still in the news.

If you love abortion drug addiction, rehab, suicide attempts, binge eating and purging, liposuction, Botox,  narcissism and graceless stupidity with no moral consequences are only the outlets that make perfect sense. Freedom demands choices after all.

In the words of President Obama's former Religion adviser and Secretary of State John Kerry's choice for the formation of the Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives Shaun Casey, “I, frankly, am glad American civil religion is dying,”

But, you gotta love the choice of good old # 14 Ernie Banks.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Chicago! In The Words of the Late Rufus Thomas -"Look Out For the Bull!"

Who Runs with Bulls?  Hemingway reported on the running of the bulls in Pamplona, as did James A. Michner, but neither ink-slinger put on their Keds in a race with Mr. Bull and the lads.  Who runs with Bulls?

These guys - 

As if the desultory violence in Chicago was not enough

we will soon have an opportunity to watch Tick Heads, Stoners, Posers, Occupy Chicago Veterans, Coked-Up Venture Capitalists and other cases of arrested development get their Sun Also Rises On.
The Great Bull Run, modeled after the festival that takes place each year in Pamplona, Spain, will hold its inaugural run next month in Richmond, Va., and will hit at least eight other cities before arriving at Hawthorne Race Course in Stickney on July 12.
Organizer Bradford Scudder decided to create the U.S.-based event to give thrill-seekers a chance to run with bulls without having to spend the time and money to fly to Spain.
For a fee starting at $35 , participants can enjoy a bull run followed by a rotten tomato fight, another Spanish tradition.
The Great Bull Run website warns participants that the race is "the real deal" and that participants "accept the risk that you might be trampled, gored, rammed or tossed in the air by a bull." Participants must pay an insurance fee, and medical staff will be at the site.
To minimize risk, organizers said they will use less aggressive bulls than the ones that run in Spain.

 I read Hemingway's canon of Bull-fighting tomes ( Death in Afternoon & etc.) and taught the Sun Also Rises.   Even my Breathing for Credit sections understood, as well as the Honors and AP English sections, that running with the bulls or jumping into the corrida with Old Toro was not a great idea . . ., but that was before we Elected President Obama and now two guys can have children and American exceptionalism means closing shop world wide.

I still believe in Rufus Thomas.

Rufus Thomas would have made a splendid Commander in Chief.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Driving the Race Fueled 1978 Obama: "Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago"

Let me expand on my thoughts a little bit . . .First of all . . .President Obama is as genuine as as an Illinois Pension and the current cover of Rolling Stone.  That is why he has been so successful in our culture that honors 'the unexamined life.'

Deftly avoiding any contact with authenticity is the American Gold Standard for political and cultural apotheosis. Barack Obama managed to do just that with a great deal of help along the way.  What passes for political reform is merely the elimination of common sense, accountability, genuine empathy and competence for group ascent and mulish antagonism to any and all dissent from accepted doctrines and practices.  To chants of " Ain't He/she Great? X \infty (infinity and not a side-ways 8 -the old lemniscate) any selected carbon foot-print becomes as a god - no questions asked or allowed.

Yesterday, deftly mincing by the many political and ethical land-mines( IRS, Holder, Benghazi, Cairo, Syria, Snowden, Detroit*) laid by Team Obama themselves, the President weighed in, yet again, with his narcissistic POV on matters racial

He could have been shot while atop of George Zimmerman in a gated community in Florida having purchased Skittles and Arizona Ice Tea thirty five years ago. That would be in 1978; however, Barack H. Obama was in Hawaii with Choom Gang smoking Maui jig-weed, shooting hoops and dating blondies. There was, then, racism. There is, now, racism and it is a mighty two-way street with a big-assed cul de sca at each end.

Here is visual evidence of Obama Agonistes 1978

"We go play hoop." - the Demosthenes of DC, circa 1978.

A constant diet of bullshit (hot/cold/wet/dry)  should be avoided.   Examine, challenge, remember, learn and do as a healthy alternative.

* I heard a Chicago cop paraphrase Obama - "If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit."  Now, that is authentic.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Illinois Coal: President Flat-Earth of Cook County USA.

 " QED, BITCHES!" Obama demonstrates the effects of global warming. Now, it's personal!
Illinois coal resources hold more BTUs (British thermal units, a measure of heat) than all of Saudi Arabia's and Kuwait's oil reserves combined. The electric industry is by far the largest user of Illinois coal. In the United States, 52% of the nation's electricity comes from coal generation. Coal makes up nearly 85% of the U.S. fuel resources and, at present rates of consumption, should last for more than 250 years. Thus, coal is expected to be an important part of the energy mix for a long time to come. By year 2020, electricity consumption is expected to grow by 35% in the United States and by 70% worldwide. Much of this increase is due to computer use, proving that even in this modern computer information age, we still need coal! Finally, coal provides nearly $1 billion dollars a year to the economy of the state, and continued study of coal resources is needed to improve the overall economic outlook of Illinois.
Yet, we elect Quinns, Durbins, Kirques, Schakowskys and President Flat-Earth Obama.  These folks are controlled not only by the death-industry (Planned Parenthood), but also the Green Mafia ( Sierra Clubs and Eco-facsists). Durbin can not remember what he said, or what happened five minutes ago, let alone gauge the tracks to the future, unless the high-speed rail lobby gets his ear, or Boss Terry Cosgrove is on the blower for Fred Eychaner, or Kermit Gosnell.  Illinois GOP champion noodle Senator Marque Kirque is equally as pliable as Silly Putty.

At Georgetown University ( following the removal of Catholic, or Christian iconography)  President Barack Obama went on a Captain Planet screed, in order to appear toughest of all cupcakes.

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.
I wonder how that played with United Mine Workers? 

Gas prices in Illinois, especially in Cook County are the highest in the country ( $4.19) with petrol/ coal counties of the Illinois Basin not very far behind ( all at or above the national average of $ 3.19 a gallon).

At the event, the president announced a timeline for setting new environmental regulations that will limit how much carbon pollution can be emitted from both new and existing power plants. The White House is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to write draft rules on carbon emissions from existing power plants within the next year, with the expectation they will be completed by June 2015.
Obama also said the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline should only be approved if the project would not “significantly exacerbate” greenhouse gas pollution.
Seriously.  The Illinois Basin makes the Keystone project seem a piker, but Obama will read whatever is put in front of him by his handlers and they are like monkeys  playing hockey ( noisy, mean and unfocused). . . at best.

With Vlad Putin, Chairman Xi, El Jefe Castro, Hugo-lite and Fighting Illini Alum Presidente Correa of Ecuador passing Eddie Snowden from dictatorship to banana republic in to yank down Obama's shaprly creased bitches for the ultimate hinder-binder of his sad-clown leadership, it was very important that Valerie Jarrett put Brand Obama up front with rock, bug and wind crowd.

Illinois is great resource that gets dusty in the political attic. Soybeans, corn and politcial nitwits are not the only commodities, there is oil, natural gas and most of coal under interdiction by the Illinois Eco-Torquemada's. Like gay marriage, saving our planet by eliminating jobs and revenue through Springfield is in league with abortion industry.

It makes perfect sense.  If one can without twinge of conscience murder the innocent, why not redefine marriage as a soley emotional ( 'the heart wants what the heart wants') transaction, while nailing the coffin of our economy?  President Obama is pure Cook County - too expensive, getting way out of hand and no longer amusing.

I am sure that Barack Obama never visited Coal City as his Campaigm site indicates that he never got closer than thirty miles from that moon-scape community of closed strip mines. Coal City has been that in name only for decades,  Coal Could be King in Illinois agin only when President Obama departs.  Barack Obama lost 88 of Illlinois 102 Counties in his US Senate run against Allan Keyes, a Catholic African American carpetbagger brought into Illinois by GOP goofball Judy Barr Topinka, when Cook County and the Chicago Tribune destroyed the Democrat and GOP primary challenger and winner. Allan Keyes won over rural and coal counties of Illinois, while Obama applied County County muscle to the collar counties. Obama has always hated coal with the level of contempt he has for most Americans.

No to coal, no natural gas, no to cheaper gas at the pump and no to Illinois.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

MSNBC Death Worshipers: 'The Pricks, The Prods and The Pain' That is MSNBC 24-7

I caught this exchange while waiting to see an orthopedic surgeon yesterday.

I'm no Audie Murphy, but I have a pretty high threshold for pain, but can not suffer stupid.  Ignorance is human and can be cured, but stupid is forever and generally fatal.  The Midwest Orthopedic Group iwas packed with banged up folks of all races, religions and incomes and the TV was stuck on MSNBC.  When this exchange aired there was universal groan followed by voiced criticisms of Craig Melvin from African American grannies, burka'd Muslim men and women, south side Irish contractors and this ulnar neuropathy candidate for surgery.

Craig Melvin is only one of the very stupid people collecting checks at MSNBC.

After weeks of Dr. Kermit Gosnell horror stories, MSNBC and Planned Parenthood'$ President Obama and his willing surrogates are reigniting the War on Women meme to balm the suffering of Benghazi, IRS, Eric Holder, Hilary Clinton, NSA, and Syria Paralysis washing over Brand Obama.

Craig Melvin is young.  This might help him avoid terminal studid.

Nah.Melvin's terminal. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can Obama Do For Northern Irish Peace What He Has Done for The Middle East? or Chicago?

 Barack Obama today received huge cheers in Northern Ireland as he asked a room full teenagers: 'What's the craic?' . . .  He said: ‘If towns remain divided - if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can't see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden - that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.'  He added: 'Peace is not just about politics. It is about attitudes, a sense of empathy and breaking down barriers in hearts.' ( emphasis my own) 

Catholic schools create division?

President Obama (44) had a very bad attitude toward President George W. Bush (43) whom he and his surrogates deemed a war-mongering lout.  President Obama succeeded President Bush and was handed the Nobel Peace Prize.  He immediately went on a 'change your attitude' tour of the Middle East, which was immediately followed by the Arab spring which begat Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood's Egypt and the unchallenged slaughter of Coptic Christians .  Obama's new UN Ambassador Samantha "Genocide" Power has yet to comment on their fate and you will find no comment of outrage from President Obama.

Belfast and Northern Ireland itself were shaped by attitudes - bad attitudes, apartheid attitudes, British Colonial attitudes.  Bullets, bombs. barbed wire, tanks and RPGs competed for attention from 1969-New Millennium, but it was politics, dirty politics Bill Clinton style that brought about the Good Friday Agreement. Gerry Adams and Ian Paisley played ball in same manner that Mayor Richie Daley played ball with the Hyde  Park Mafia in order to create President Obama and put Sinn Fein in Stormont so to speak.  President Obama is only wrong when his mouth is moving.

America developed a very carefully crafted shift in attitude toward the war in Iraq and with help from Senators Dick Durbin and John Kerry American warriors became Nazi Wolf's Head monsters.  Hollywood, Journolists  and General Electric crafted the Obama Peace Narrative which would draw down the Iraq Surge and Surge up Afghanistahn and Raid Pakistahn and snuff Bin Laden.

Afghanistan became the Obama Good War.  Obama Rolling Stoned the military leaders like McCrystal,

Petraeus and others who managed to violate PC rules like Captain of the USS Enterprise.  Iraq was emptied of troops and Afghanistan stuffed. President Bush was Commander in Chief between 2001 nd 2009. Check the casualty count surge.
U.S. fatalities by month in only Afghanistan according to
Grand Total: 2,144
U.S. all fatalities in Afghanistan only
Source: [1]
Note: Table omits the deaths of 92 soldiers killed in support of operations in Afghanistan in other countries.

Killed in action only[edit]

U.S. KIA (hostile) in Afghanistan only by month according to
Grand Total: 1,770
575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed.These numbers should give us pause. While the Administration has publicly conceded that there is no military solution in Afghanistan, and claimed that it supports 'Afghan-led reconciliation', its policy on the ground is marked by a refusal to establish a timetable for full military withdrawal even after misleading Americans into thinking that all US troops would be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.We must ask ourselves how many more lives will be sacrificed before the Obama administration sets a clear end date for America's longest war.

President Obama objects to Catholic schools and Protestant schools, but the victims and most especially the perpetrators of Chicago's soaring homicide rate tend to secularist Chicago Public Schools.

President Obama objects rhetorically to violence but asks God's Blessings on Planned Parenthood.

President Obama calls for harmony and has polarized America like no other American President -unprecedented.

President and Mrs. Obama  still own a home in Kenwood-WoodLawn-on-Hyde Park and not weekend goes by without an ironic note that a victim took some rounds, 'near Obama's home.'  There have been scores of victims to this ballistic magnetic field.   What attitudes Obamaesque could solve this very unBelfastian dilemma?  They are distressed that 'white Irish Catholics' hold all of the power of politics.

Now, what kind of an attitude is that?

What's the craic? The Obama Presidency.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Understanding President # 44 - "The White Sox Kid" Sums Him Up.

President Obama is finally being understood by Blue and Red America - there is a vast whiteness, a void, the great empty that is sum total of an entirely imagined man with a Presidential pension and Nobel Prize.

He is the same man that he was in 2009 when he talked about himself as the nation's Chief Sox Fan:

The names Minnie Minosa, Luis Aparicio, Nellie Fox, Billy Pierce, Joe Crede, Frank Thomas, Bo Jackson, Dick Allen could not ring that Pavlovian Presidential Bell.   Obama got a pass on that, because most Americans were too busy listening to Letterman make rape jokes about Sarah Palin's kids.

How should we not be surprised that Man in the Hart Schaffner & Marx rig-outs could answer any question about where he was on September 11, 2012, who wrote the Libyan talking points, where did the IRS get the knackers to open the books on Americans, how many bullets does DHS buy each day, which guns go to Mexican drug cartels, Samantha Powers, how many hours is it from Italy to Benghazi, or what is religious freedom?

I trust government only so much as I trust the people elected to govern.   

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Irish American U.N.Ambassadors - Daniel Patrick Moynihan 1975 and Coming Soon - Samantha Power

 “Am I embarrassed to speak for a less than perfect democracy? Not one bit. Find me a better one. Do I suppose there are societies which are free of sin? No, I don't. Do I think ours is, on balance, incomparably the most hopeful set of human relations the world has? Yes, I do.” 

― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

 I got into journalism not to be a journalist but to try to change American foreign policy. I'm a corny person. I was a dreamer predating my journalistic life, so I got into journalism as a means to try to change the world.

SAMANTHA POWER, interview, Feb. 18, 2008

President Obama just doubled-down on folly.  He took Susan Rice out of the reach of Congressional scrutiny for any future transparency over the Benghazi massacres last September 11th with an appoint to White House National Security Chief and the nomination of Samantha Power to replace Rice as UN Ambassador for the United States.
President Obama does not break wind without the full and roaring approval of Valerie Jarrett, White House Ministress Without Portfolio Foreign and Domestic. Ms. Jarrett is a Chicago Slum Property Venture Capitalist and someone the newspaper purse-puppies say is really smart.  Personally, I don't think Ms. Jarrett could make change without a committee of Alumni from University of Chicago Lab School. 
That said, the President trotted out his choices: 
Swell.  Susan Rice will stay hidden but the OXfAM Anti Semite Ms. Power will buck and wing her way through the nomination process.
Ms. Power helped craft the Libyan mess and the subsequent Benghazi massacre.  Ms. Rice talked the talk.
Ms. Rice will do exactly what the Slum Dog Millionaire Jarrett tells her to do, but Ms. Power (Mrs. Cass Sunstein) could be Pandora in pumps for the Administration and world affairs, because she speaks her mind and heart.  Samantha Power is in it only top transform America from a world power and moral force into a pinata for Third World fascists who use the war on genocide in order to annihilate Israel and its allies. Ms. Power's war on genocide is the Wannsee Protocols for the Muslim Brotherhood - stop the killings only if it leads to the killing of Jews.
The Irish are strange creatures - loyal,spiritual,  generous, lyrical and compassionate; Informers, atheistic, petty, bigoted and selfish.  For every Kevin Barry there is a Gypo Nolan, for each Edmund Rice there is a Lord Haw-Haw, for a Daniel Patrick Moynihan, we now a have Samantha Power.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan was the greatest Irishman of the last century, in my opinion, scholar, poet-bartender, patriot, statesman and the greatest orator of the times and the man could work a beer glass.  Most of all, Daniel Patrick Moynihan was Mick enough to able to waltz through a cow pasture on dark night without soiling his brogans.  He like most Paddys knew his meadow muffins from mayonaise.  He was America's Ambassodor to the UN and Israel's champion.
Here is Samantha Power -
Her book A Problem from Hell, will also be the title chosen by her biographer. 
I always thought that Barack Obama was most inadequate to be President.  A back-benching Illinois State Senator should have been the apex of his resume.   The nomination of this pedigree'd Turkey-bird*, Samantha Power, to a UN chair made sacred by Narrow Back Paddy Moynihan's rump is proof positive.

*Turkey-bird - endearing term for for Salt Water Irish, FBI ( Foreign Born Irish) - 'His Ol' man was born in Galway . . .a Turkey-bird,'
Narrow-Back - An empirical observation that Americans born of Irish Descent do not work as hard as their bog-trotting parents - ' See Thim Narrabacks in the Aran Jumpers this time a summer, Declan? Jaysus they're a shower, so.'

Friday, May 31, 2013

Sweet Hickey's Advice on White House Pest Control

The Face Confronting the Baller Obamas Through the White House Screen Door -" Hi, It's Doug!!  Hello?"

Publicly released records show that embattled former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House at least 157 times during the Obama administration, more recorded visits than even the most trusted members of the president’s Cabinet.


February 22, 2009,

Dear Mr. Sweet-Hickey,
My husband has an employee, Doug Shulman, who visits OUR HOUSE constantly.  He wants an Easter Roll; He has no duct tape; he borrows the hose; Barack's ratchet sets; wants to shoot Horse; drinks all the Blue Moons and leaves some nasty-ass @#$% called Grain Belt; eats whatever is in plain sight without asking a simple by your leave; uses the bathroom and never flushes.  I am at my wit's end with this. Please, help.  The two girls are creep'd out.
I see his face through the screen door and I want to Maya Angelou his ass!
Signed, Michele O. Wash.D.C.

Dear Mrs. O.
Ho, ho. . . slow down and take that cleansing breath. 
It sure sounds like this bureaucrat has gone Full Kramer on you.  That is the price we all pay for being social animals.  Unless you happen to live on a pillar in the desert, or come from Swedan, you are always going to have the neighbors pop in on you and your family.  While it can be frustrating, it can also be very helpful.
Either you must have your husband, the as this man's boss, gently but firmly set ground rules for visits - " Hey Doug, great to see you and all, but call firs . . .really."
Now, that can hurt feelings and may lead to problems in the work place. Here's what I do.  Put the guy to work with something messy. You see, many drop-in types are just people with not much to do, while others are preying on your good manners.  You can not be sure which type this person happens to be.
I suggest this alternative, because it really has worked for me.  I used to have many neighbors pop-in, bang on the back door, or just let themselves in.  Now, I am a pretty lazy guy as well as a very selfish brute to boot. When Paul Vallas dropped in to see if I had any Colander's Greek Spice, I noticed my sink full of dishes.  I gave Paul the Colander's and said, " Hey, Paul.  I gotta run up to Keegan's Pub with Bernard's monthly issue The Piranha.  Do me solid, Paul and nail them dishes for me?"
Paul sent Sharon on tasks after that - that Dutch Babe is tougher than calculus.
Anyway, I learned that by giving my visitors something to do, visits vanished!
Make Doug a part of the solution to some other problems.  Have him get Doug to  replace  a toilet seal, 
That is a pain . . .easy but the seal is tricky and messy.
Doug, boy!  Do me a Solid -Rod out a sewer line, get up on the roof and clean out the leaves and whirlybirds, or replace the attic insulation.  Nothing says, " Last Visit for Me" like an afternoon in hot crawlspace with spunglass.
Have Your Old Man act all helpless, shrug, scratch the back of his head and kvetch with an issue that requires only Doug's expertise and happens to be  so distasteful that he'll think twice about a pop-in visit.
Good Luck!
Mr. Sweet-Hickey

A Musical Interlude and Passing of Time 2009-2013

April 1, 2013
Dear Mr. Sweet-Hickey,
 I apologize for the delay in thanking you for the very best advice on how to handle Doug - the drop-in Kraemer pest.  Barack and I have been so busy killing Bin Laden, getting re-elected and transforming America that I have been remiss in this task. Sorry.
Well, you were certainly right!  Though Doug is a frequent visitor, he is far less creepy because of the tasks Valerie, David, Samantha and I have given Barack for Doug to do.
Doug is on it!  Thank you so much!


Michele O, Washington D.C.

May 2013,

Dear Mrs. O.,

That, to be of help. I remain . . .
Your Mr. Sweet-Hickey

Obama officials who've visited the White House (As prepared by The Daily Caller)