Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Man in the Iron Mask is Out and The Sun King Might get Eclipsed

"Louis XIV was a handsome young man with good health. “(Louis XIV) was graceful, dignified and awe-inspiring, if humourless.”  The Ancien Regime in Europe

'A man is held to be criminal,sometimes, by the great ones of the earth,not because he has committed a crime himself but because he knows of one which has been committed.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Man in the Iron Mask

I can not stand Rod Blagojevich.  He is an remains a smirking jerk. In the 2002 Gubernatorial Primary, Blago campaign workers from the 19th Ward terrorized rival Paul Vallas's family, while he was out scaring up votes.   Campaign thugs scared Vallas's kids, but not his tough and lovely wife, Sharon, who had been a cop in the south suburbs.

Sharon Vallas scared off the tough guys, before calling the 22nd District.  I lived down the block from the Vallas family in the 19th Ward.

Some of my friends worked for Blagojevich, even though they knew Paul Vallas to be a man of rock-solid ability and integrity - he was their neighbor from 2525 West 107th Street, 60655.

Illinois State Senator Barack H. Obama backed Roland Burris in the primary. Obama would go on to become a US Senator, President of the United States and a Progressive Sun King and Blago his man in the iron mask.

Blagojevich won the Governor's Primary and Illinois State Senator Barack H. Obama got on the Blago bandwagon.   Blago won the Illinois gubernatorial race over GOP Attorney General James Ryan by 52%.

The skilled trades unions, like my Blago Backer 19th Ward neighbors, supported the Democrat Milorod Blagojevich.  The skilled trades unions would also enthusiastically back current Illinois Governor JB Pritzker.  Like JB Pr\itzker after him, Blago was a Progressive governor who valued the advice and counsel of Rahm Emanuel and Mikva Mafia of Hyde Park.

Governor Blagojevich gave senior citizens free bus rides, said he was blacker than Obama( well his Illinois Health Care programs were a template for ObamaCare) and thought about making Oprah Winfrey a United States Senator, like old Roland Burris.  A close aid committed suicide, by swallowing rat poison over a garbage dump in Joliet, while he went on  Comedy Central.

Blago's bouncing ball of boorishness reached an apogee when he deigned to sell President-elect Barack H. Obama's senate seat. Tapioca as south siders say, 'All done!'

His wife was humiliated into going on Survival.  His kids were denied a father.  Blago was locked away and the keys were thrown away. The smirking jerk went to the joint.

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. and his wife did serious time as well

Blago became the Man in Iron Mask and Barack H. Obama Louis XIV.

That is ancient history  Boo Radley became President in 2016 - Old #45, Donald J. Trump is poised to reclaim The White House.  President Trump is the most reviled Chief Executive in our history, no getting past that.  Like Blago, most of this detestation by the good and the phony, was brought on by his own words and deeds.

That said, this spirited man in the Oval Office has struck a chord with 47% of American people who love or accept him as a leader.  He is Boo Radley - everyone with a brain hates him.  But boo Radley was no villain.  A goof, to be sure, but no monster.

Boo Radley sprung Blago in a most politically and morally cynical effort to stir the merde. No one can whip up a cauldron poop, like Blago and now that Iron Mask is off his mug it is only matter of time before this arch-grifter begins to tell the truth on the protected frauds like Dick Durbin, President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, Mike Madigan and especially the Wizard of Weed and Admiral of Abortion Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and his kith and kin.

The Obama legacy and the tax-payer funded temple to his Presidency on public lands willl take the biggest hits.

Others will do some time in the iron hotel.

Personally,  I think this was an abuse of Presidential pardons, but I would love to see The Sun King get his smirk eclipsed.

The Man in Iron Mask is out and he will shoot his mouth off.