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Showing posts sorted by date for query marque kirque. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Lists and Polls are for Donkeys -Jean Shepherd Pray for Us!

"I was new to New York, and I suddenly became aware that New York is almost entirely a city that really does run on lists.  . . . has it occurred to you that these lists are compiled by mortals and that they are human just like you are and, in fact, they have many more axes to grind than you?" Jean Shepherd Not on the Top Ten Famous Guys List

If it is not on the list it does not exist?  I once asked a used book store clerk on Milwaukee Ave.  in the Wicker neighborhood for a copy of J.P. Donleavy's brilliant The Compleat Unexpurgated Code. The tatooed twenty something with multiple piercings sneered,  "Ginger Man?  You mean Ginger Man?" I assured the fiery hipstress," No, this is a work of non-fiction Humor. " She checked the publication directory and the screen of computer and assured me " Jay Pee Donnelly wrote fiction. He ain't on the list."

He is.  J. P. Donleavy wrote fiction and non-fiction. In the ironic patois of the trendy and Kathleen Sebelius, "Whatever."

Consult -

The New York Times Book of Lists
Forbes List of Richest People ( World, Nation & etc.)
10 Best Mexican Recipes
!0  Best Mexican Restaurants
10 Best Mexican Bandits
10 Best Muslim Comics
10 Best Forrest Claypool Salaries

Yep, Lists - Capitalists, Communists, Journalists, Franz Liszt and Socialists -all kinds O lists. From Noah to the Southern Poverty Law Center, list makers jot down names and doom others. Lists; they are not on the lists!!!!!  Power mad creeps tend to love mking lists and cehcking them twice -Marc Antony, Santa, the IHSA, Stalin, Mao, Al Hitler, Organizing for America and Nielsons.

Who cares?  Rather, let's make this a declarative sentence;  its seems to me- Who cares most about lists would be people who do not get out much, don't read much, don't know much, and rarely contribute much.
I can name twenty great eating stops within a mile of Leo High School that would never be listed by professional Wicker Park liberals on the staffs of Chicago, or Chicagoist. . . , but Im not gonna.

I have yet to eat at a restaurant gushed over by Chicago Magazine, placed on a list in Chicagoist, or hit upon by dint of a second hand reader of lists. Seek and you shall find. Like Cliffs Notes, so-called educated and cultivated folks do not bother to read the urban, suburban, or rural landscapes in full and opt to be spoon-fed verities concerning where eat, what to think, what to read, what to believe, and whom to love.

Wanda Hickey
One the most literate and under-read writers, was the disc-jockey Jean Shepherd. Shepherd is now only recognized as the author of Christmas Story.  I read my first Jean Shepherd tome, while a freshman at Loyola.  I read Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories, the Hammond genius's collection of eight great short stories that introduced me to Scut Farkas, the Old Man, Schwartz and Flick long before my bride and I caught the Holiday movie as it played in Kankakee, IL at the Meadowview Theatre.  The creator of those wonderful people from Hohman ( Hammond) Indiana living in the actual Hessville neighborhood along Kennedy Avenue had been a disc jockey in New York City which is the national shrine of all lists.  Mr. Shepherd, like your humble correspondent, had a cordial hatred of lists. In fact he concocted a hoax born of this passion.  Jean Shepherd created a besst-seller, without writing a jot - I Libertine!

People listened to his radio show and began to talk about the book that never was.  It became a best-seller, because people who made lists said so.  People who live by lists believe anything e.g. Toni Preckwinkle, Sheila Simon, Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Pat Quinn, Bruce Rauner, Marque Kirque, Judy Baar Topinka were all given birth by procreative act of making lists.  People accept comedy from Tyler Perry.  Religion from Jim Wall, Thought from Bill Moyer, and Happiness from Dan Savage.  No legislation comes to Gov. Pat Quinns desk without having passed the smell test of Paul Simon Institute polling.

A poll does exactly the same thing as a pole, though they differ.

O, List to the lay of this bold Irish Harper . . .

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cardinal George is No Sun Times Columnist!


Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago*, past President of the American Conference of Catholic Bishops, internationally honored author and theologian, Oblate of Mary Missionary priest is no newspaper columnist and he certainly is no Progressive member of the Cook County Democratic Party, nor is he any way near a GOP tasseled loafer suburban fence sitter, like Senator Marque Kirque and gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner.

How can a scholar of sacred theology expect to reason with a Mark Brown**, an Eric Zorn, a Carol Marin, a Neil Steinberg, or a Proco Joe Moreno and maintain any semblance of moral high-ground? Recently these folks have opined upon the Secular Redemption of Milliken Don James St. James who merely slaughtered his entire family in 1960's served his time in the nut house, deemed clean, was released, advanced degreed, changed his name and lived anonymously among the folks as respected member of the academic community, not unlike Dr. Josef Mengele or other South Americans of post-Holocaust redemption. Columnist love this American Progressive Gatsby narrative. But that is Columnist Theology.

Today, Mark Brown, one of the very few columnists who actually offers a semblance of a fair shake, recounts his 'cordial' exchange with Cardinal George concerning this summer's hoo-ha over Proco Joe and company's outrage in letter form protesting Catholic Campaign for Human Development's (CCHD) decision to no longer fund the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights( ICIRR).

Mark Brown wrote a searing column that burned the fibers of manly hearts that already agree with him on matters relating to same-sex marriage and scorched the muscles of that vital organ in the womanly breasts of maids and dowagers who equate bike repair with non-Euclidean sex and Civil Rights.

Cardinal George found fault with Mr. Brown's column; hence the 'cordial' dialogue.

George expressed his opinion that the funding cutoff “wouldn’t have been an issue if we weren’t in a campaign for governor.”
That confused me a little, because I certainly would have raised the issue whether there was an election next year or not. The cardinal reiterated that his understanding is that some people want to use gay marriage as an issue in the governor’s race.
I suggested it was his decision to halt funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development to the immigrant groups that made this an issue. He rejected that assertion, arguing that the leaders of the Illinois Coalition of Immigrant and Refugee Rights in effect cut off funding to their own member groups with the decision in May to endorse gay marriage.
You see, Cardinal; George is not only an episcopal and evangelical leader of the Catholic Church in Chicago, but he also happens to be a Chicagoan and someone who can and does read print.

To avoid any confusion, there is a race for governor.  The signer of the hostile and historically damaging Illinois Civil Union Bill, Governor Pat Quinn, lost the May bid to make Same -Sex Marriage the Lincoln Log Cabin for his Reelection, chinking every crack with Progressively pious platitudes.  Quinn is even more unpopular than his enemies who are growing up out of the ground from the dragon's teeth sown by the very forces that own Quinn's political soul - ( SEIU, Planned Parenthood, Dr. Quentin Young, Abner Mikva, the ACLU and Fred Eychaner). We now have Bruce Rauner, a billionaire buccaneer hopping out of Rahm Emanuel's vest pocket as a GOP standard bearer and Bill Daley who gave Rahm his first job.  We have Kwame Raul as a wedge candidate to gobble up Quinn's African American base, if there ever had been such, and a cavalcade gimpy-wimpy GOP dependables.

Now, that is something to confuse one, Mr. Brown.

The Catholic Church has been sanctioned for fire bombing by the DNC, because of its implacable defense of the unborn and traditional marriage.

Cardinal George knows the political landscape and it is hostile.  What passes for an evolved culture in this country finds the Gay Ann Landers, Dan Savage,  to be a sober and thoughtful Catholic voice and it finds the certitude of ethical and moral principles just too mean for a queen. Mark Brown offers his last word on the matter ex-cathedra, or swivel seat, or easy chair in a much less than cordial manner.  Mark Brown wants that to be his column's take away?

The cardinal acknowledged his own characterization of the pope’s comments on gays may have been “jarring,” as I put it, but he said he was frustrated by journalists missing the pope’s point.
“In our culture, ‘Who am I to judge’ means nobody has the right to distinguish right from wrong,” which wasn’t what the pope meant, the cardinal said.
“He was saying that a person who has given up their sinful ways, you don’t judge them. You accept them,” George said. “. . .He started out saying: gay sex is wrong.”
I told the cardinal I never believed for a moment that the pope was changing church policy toward gays, only setting a different tone that was missing from his own approach.
The cardinal expressed frustration that, in the current political climate, Catholics can’t express their opposition to same-sex marriage without being regarded as bigots.
“”When that becomes the criterion for accepting gay and lesbian people, then we’re in the bind we’re in now, which is a real bind,” he said.

No - that is not what a Sun Times reader must take away from the 'coridal' exchange of the columnist and mere Cardinal.  It is this.

"Nobody really expects the Catholic Church to change, only to adapt."

Millions of European Jews were told that very thing. Now, that was some lesson in social evolution . . . very scientific.

* Francis Cardinal George, OMI Education
Bachelor in Theology, University Ottawa
Master in Theology, University Ottawa, 1971
MA in Philosophy, Catholic University America, 1965
PhD in Philosophy, Tulane University, 1970
STD, Pontifical Urban University, Rome, 1989
Ordained priest Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1963, provincial central region, 1973—1974, vicar general, 1974—1986; coordinator Circle of Fellows Cambridge Center for Study of Faith & Culture, Massachusetts, 1987—1990; ordained bishop, 1990; bishop Diocese of Yakima, Washington, 1990—1996; archbishop Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, 1996—1997, Archdiocese of Chicago, 1997—; elevated to cardinal, 1998; cardinal-priest S. Bartolomeo all'Isola, 1998—
Career Related
Vice president US Conference Catholic Bishops, 2004—; chancellor Catholic Church Extension University St. Mary of Lake, 1997; member Congregation Divine Worship, Discipline of Sacraments, Congregation for Oriental Churches, 2001—, Congregation Institutes, Consecrated Life, Societies Apostolic Life, Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of Church, 1999—, Pontifical Council Cor Unum, 1998, Congregation Evangelization of Peoples, Pontifical Council for Culture, 2004—, Catholic Commission on Intellectual & Cultural Affairs
Creative Works
Author (pastoral letter): Becoming an Evangelizing People, 1997, Dwell in My Love, 2001
Mem.: Am. Catholic Philosophical Association, Am. Society Missiologists
Roman Catholic
Office: Archdiocese of Chgo Pastoral Ctr PO Box 1979 Chicago IL 60690-1979
** Mark Brown

Brown grew up in central Illinois, graduated from Northern Illinois University in 1977 and then attended the Public Affairs Reporting program at University of Illinois-Springfield, then known as Sangamon State, where he was a Sun-Times intern. Brown worked four years at the Quad-City Times in Davenport, Iowa, before joining the Sun-Times full-time in 1982.
At the Sun-Times, Brown worked mainly as a general assignment reporter specializing politics and government, which led him into investigative reporting. In September 2000, Brown began writing his column, which currently appears Tuesday through Thursday and Sunday. One of his strengths is that he has experience covering not only Chicago City Hall, but also Cook County government and the Illinois Statehouse.
Brown, a third-string high school basketball player, grew up obsessed with St. Louis Cardinals baseball, Chicago Bears football and Bradley basketball. Only Bradley has moved down on his radar, replaced by the Bulls.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Scenes from a Marriage 2013 - Two Moms Part


" I Don't Even Know You, Anymore"

" Stow it Mac!"

Colorado's first recognized same-sex divorce is final.
Supporters of Colorado's new civil unions law say the court ruling sets a precedent for gay couples married in other states who want to legally terminate their relationships here without uprooting their lives.
Juli Yim and Lorelei Jones wed in Massachusetts in 2009, where same-sex marriage is legal.
Yim tells the Fort Collins Coloradoan ( ) the relationship went sour and she found a new partner in Colorado.

Now, what would Old Ingmar Bergman have to say about this item?  Divorce was said to spike in Sweden when this brooding mini-series hit the TV screens in Home of Suicides.  Needless to say, American audiences could not wait to get a gander.  Now, with Marriage being redefined by intellectual and moral giants Gov. Pat Quinn, Senators Dithering Dick Durbin (Planned Parenthood- IL) and Marque Kirque ( GOP-Lite), this news from Colorado should get lawyers and promiscuous couples all a tingle.

Mr. & Mrs. Juli Yim/Lorelei Jones in a gleeful moment - not yesterday.

Scenes from A Marriage 2013 by Yogi Yorgesen

 Juli Yim (JY)- Sometimes it's like husband and wife are talking on telephones that are out of order.

Lorelei Jones (LJ) -We're pitiful, self-indulgent cowards that can't connect with reality and are ashamed of ourselves.

JY - Affection shouldn't be kept just for vacations.

LJ -Sometimes it grieves me that I have never loved anyone. I don't think I've ever been loved either. It really distresses me.

JY -  I don't know what my love looks like, and I can't describe it. Most of the time I can't feel it.

LJ-Are we living in utter confusion?

JY -Sometimes you ask such goddamn silly questions.

LJ- So what? That's what I've become!

Every body Sing Along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Illinois Coal: President Flat-Earth of Cook County USA.

 " QED, BITCHES!" Obama demonstrates the effects of global warming. Now, it's personal!
Illinois coal resources hold more BTUs (British thermal units, a measure of heat) than all of Saudi Arabia's and Kuwait's oil reserves combined. The electric industry is by far the largest user of Illinois coal. In the United States, 52% of the nation's electricity comes from coal generation. Coal makes up nearly 85% of the U.S. fuel resources and, at present rates of consumption, should last for more than 250 years. Thus, coal is expected to be an important part of the energy mix for a long time to come. By year 2020, electricity consumption is expected to grow by 35% in the United States and by 70% worldwide. Much of this increase is due to computer use, proving that even in this modern computer information age, we still need coal! Finally, coal provides nearly $1 billion dollars a year to the economy of the state, and continued study of coal resources is needed to improve the overall economic outlook of Illinois.
Yet, we elect Quinns, Durbins, Kirques, Schakowskys and President Flat-Earth Obama.  These folks are controlled not only by the death-industry (Planned Parenthood), but also the Green Mafia ( Sierra Clubs and Eco-facsists). Durbin can not remember what he said, or what happened five minutes ago, let alone gauge the tracks to the future, unless the high-speed rail lobby gets his ear, or Boss Terry Cosgrove is on the blower for Fred Eychaner, or Kermit Gosnell.  Illinois GOP champion noodle Senator Marque Kirque is equally as pliable as Silly Putty.

At Georgetown University ( following the removal of Catholic, or Christian iconography)  President Barack Obama went on a Captain Planet screed, in order to appear toughest of all cupcakes.

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.
I wonder how that played with United Mine Workers? 

Gas prices in Illinois, especially in Cook County are the highest in the country ( $4.19) with petrol/ coal counties of the Illinois Basin not very far behind ( all at or above the national average of $ 3.19 a gallon).

At the event, the president announced a timeline for setting new environmental regulations that will limit how much carbon pollution can be emitted from both new and existing power plants. The White House is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to write draft rules on carbon emissions from existing power plants within the next year, with the expectation they will be completed by June 2015.
Obama also said the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline should only be approved if the project would not “significantly exacerbate” greenhouse gas pollution.
Seriously.  The Illinois Basin makes the Keystone project seem a piker, but Obama will read whatever is put in front of him by his handlers and they are like monkeys  playing hockey ( noisy, mean and unfocused). . . at best.

With Vlad Putin, Chairman Xi, El Jefe Castro, Hugo-lite and Fighting Illini Alum Presidente Correa of Ecuador passing Eddie Snowden from dictatorship to banana republic in to yank down Obama's shaprly creased bitches for the ultimate hinder-binder of his sad-clown leadership, it was very important that Valerie Jarrett put Brand Obama up front with rock, bug and wind crowd.

Illinois is great resource that gets dusty in the political attic. Soybeans, corn and politcial nitwits are not the only commodities, there is oil, natural gas and most of coal under interdiction by the Illinois Eco-Torquemada's. Like gay marriage, saving our planet by eliminating jobs and revenue through Springfield is in league with abortion industry.

It makes perfect sense.  If one can without twinge of conscience murder the innocent, why not redefine marriage as a soley emotional ( 'the heart wants what the heart wants') transaction, while nailing the coffin of our economy?  President Obama is pure Cook County - too expensive, getting way out of hand and no longer amusing.

I am sure that Barack Obama never visited Coal City as his Campaigm site indicates that he never got closer than thirty miles from that moon-scape community of closed strip mines. Coal City has been that in name only for decades,  Coal Could be King in Illinois agin only when President Obama departs.  Barack Obama lost 88 of Illlinois 102 Counties in his US Senate run against Allan Keyes, a Catholic African American carpetbagger brought into Illinois by GOP goofball Judy Barr Topinka, when Cook County and the Chicago Tribune destroyed the Democrat and GOP primary challenger and winner. Allan Keyes won over rural and coal counties of Illinois, while Obama applied County County muscle to the collar counties. Obama has always hated coal with the level of contempt he has for most Americans.

No to coal, no natural gas, no to cheaper gas at the pump and no to Illinois.  

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Senator Marque Kirque and Rep. Bobby Rush Share a Rest at Ogden Park

Despite different views on how to battle murderous gang violence in Chicago, Kirk, a Republican who lives near Highland Park and Rep. Bobby Rush, a Democrat from Calumet near 35th in the city, agreed Tuesday to work together after meeting for about an hour in Kirk’s suite in the Hart Senate Office Building. . . .Rush said Kirk “and I have agreed to not only work together, he said he will visit Englewood and other communities there. I am looking forward to him listening to young people.” Lynn Sweet

Weeks from now, when Chicago's roiling heat brings feet to the window sills for urban AC, after a stroll through Bobby Rush's 1st Congressional District, I see the pair stretching out on the cool grass at Ogden Park, over by Racine, for much needed rest.

MK - "Bobby. . . ?"

BR - "Yes, Marque Honey . . .you're tired, now, rest up."

MK-" Thank you ever so much for this stroll through the 1st District.  I now really get the African American Experience."

BR - "MmmmmHmmm. Maybe you can have me up in Highland Park"

MK  - " Uh, I'd like to, but I think you'd be uncomfortable . . .people can be so . . .harsh.  Even really comfortable and smug people who watch WTTW. Uh, .........Bobby . . . ?"

BR -" MmmmHmm."

MK- "That lady at Lloyd's Lounge said, 'what I needed was a good bag of Listeners.  What's Listeners, Bobby?  An Audience?"

BR- " No Honey, they's fried pigs ears."

MK-" Gross!  Bobby?"

BR - "MmmmHmmm"

MK - " That lady said I should suck on some Bumpy Face. Is that like Ghetto Kissing?"

BR - "'S'matter You Boy?  Bumpy Face ! Seagrams Gin, Son."

MK - " Should I suck on some Bumpy Face?"

BR - " Lookee here, you can go suck on anything you want, but I AM out of here;  Can't get no kind of sleep with your cryin' -ass white boy Sheeeeeet!  Man up, son!"

MK - "Oh, keep your Old Ghetto!

BR - " No boy!  Take it with you!  They's a bus stop right on Racine."

MK - "  You're nothing but black Redneck!. . . . .Are there GD's ?"

BR - " Ask for the BDKs, . . .better yet, Ask How to get out of The Angawoods . . .that should help."

MK - " Well, I am going! "

BR - " Make sure you got change . . .White Boy! Ain't no MastahCard on the CTA!"

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Gotta Go Along with Congressman Bobby Rush -Sen. Marque Kirque is an “upper-middle-class, elitist white boy"

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) is highly critical of a proposal by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) for mass arrests of 18,000 Gangster Disciples, telling the Sun-Times on Wednesday that Kirk’s approach is “headline grabbing” and an “upper-middle-class, elitist white boy solution to a problem he knows nothing about.”
One of Kirk’s top priorities is targeting gangs; he has been meeting with law enforcement officials to devise a plan to execute the mass arrests.

Bobby Rush kicked Barack Obama's delicate rump in the race for the Congressional seat still warmed by the Old Black Panther. In the 2000 Democratic primary called out the aspirational and future transcendental mythopoeic Chief Executive who throws a football like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz enunciates, "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool. Barack is a person who read about the civil-rights protests and thinks he knows all about it."

Bobby all but called the then Woods Fund Executive emeritus and Illinois State Senator Barack Obama a 'white boy.'   Black columnists of the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times did as much arguing that the jejune Fresh Princeling was no where near 'black enough' to serve the 1st Congressional District. Obama carried the white vote.

I attended the Snow Flake Ball at the Evergreen Plaza prior to the primary and watched Congressman Bobby Rush work the crowd with cheers and beers that would have made Paddy Bauler spring for back-ups. If IL Sen. Obama was present, he must have had a permanent perch behind a balcony pillar down by Carson's.  I voted for Barack Obama to slim avail.

Bobby Rush is established in black Chicago.   He did not get the pencil-neck white vote out of Hyde Park, nor the ham-sized fists of Morgan Park, Mount Greenwood, nor the political elites of Beverly.  Barack Obama has had those votes since 2000 - largely. 

Bobby Rush knows an upper class, suburban elitist white boy when he sees one, as do the ham-fisted cops, firemen, skilled tradesmen and tough committed white teachers and nurses of Morgan Park, Mount Greenwood and Evergreen Park. Sometime after the 2000 primary can of whup-ass was opened on IL Sen. Obama, the Congressional maps were re-drawn and Blue Collar Morgan Park, Mount Greenwood, Evergreen Park, Oak Lawn and etc. were represented in the 3rd Congressional District by Congressman Dan Lipinski.  Beverly west of and north of 97th & Prospect, well.  The political elites are in Dan Lipinski's Congressional District. 

Senator Marque Kirque* is a Republican from the mos def-elite suburb of Highland Park.  He is a U.S. Senate creation of the Roland Burris/Rod Blagojevich Balls Up and the kvetrching and compromise of Federal G-Man Paddy Fitzgerald,  Senator Dick Durbin, former Lt. Gov. Quinn, the old Tom Hynes machine against poor old Alexi Giannoulis - the Greek Obama.

In short, Marque Kirque is more of a Progressive Democrat than  Bobby Rush, because Bobby Rush is actually a working man and I respect that.

That should be enough context and geneology.

Here's the deal, Marque Kirque and Dithering Dick Durbin are senatorial Siamese twins - both fatuous and oily.  Together they came up with a plan for Fitzy's replacement to swoop into the Hood, in its many manifestations with armed ( Homeland Security Mall Cops n'cest pas?) forces and snatch the GDs, The Stones ( aren't they allied to Operation Push?), the Four Corner Hustlers, Mikey Cobras, Vice Lords, Latin Kings and the Hostess Twinkies from our mean streets . . . and do exactly what with them? Send them to Gitmo?  Maybe Dick Durbin and Pat Quinn's Thompson Illinois Pet Farm?  Remember? That was where Dithering Dick wanted to send the Gitmo Guests of the Nation.  Still vacant. Just like Dick.

Bobby Rush knows that this plan is just, well, . . .bone stupid.  Consider the source, Congressman.

Marque Kirque has a great resume and the moral compass of a Hollywood agent. Moreso, Marque Kirque would not know a greasy bag of listeners from a flat jug of bumpy-face, leta lone a porch full of GDs from a Lake Forest LGBTQ Cub Scout Troop.

Congressman Rush will want to have Federal Programs pump millions into the 1st Congressional District to Save the Children, pay Ceasefire, wet the beak of Hal Baskin and other GD retirees.

I say, save our money.

The way to have a safe Chicago streets is easy.

  • Have a universal moratorium on any and all Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer ( Peoples Law, MacArthur Center for Making Thugs Rich and Destroy Criminal Justice) or G. Flint Taylor Jon Loevy grifts and gambits
  • Return the authority to police Chicago to the Chicago Police Department
  • Make thugs pay and not pay the thugs
  • Hold judges accountable for multiple felony thugs getting 'benefit of the doubt.'
  • Require the Chicago print media to balance heart tugging Yummy Sandifer Sagas with the little Prique's rap-sheet
  • Call bullshit on Stats, Studies and Programs that only handcuff the cops and hand felons ammunition
But that's just me.

I can't stand upper-class, elitist white boys either, Congressmen - be they white, black, brown or pink.  I respect the fact that Congressman Bobby Rush (D-1st District) works to not only hold his congressional seat, but actually bring home Federal bacon to the District.  Bobby Rush is a working man.

Marque Kirque is an upper-class, elitist white boy.


Tenure [edit]

Kirk was sworn-in on November 29, 2010 as the junior Senator from Illinois.[38] On December 18, 2010, Kirk voted in favor of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010.[39] He was one of only two Republicans to oppose legislation to detain American citizens indefinitely.[40] Kirk sits at the Senate's coveted Candy Desk.[41]

Infrastructure advocacy [edit]

In his first year in the Senate, Kirk worked along with U.S. Sen Dick Durbin (D-IL) to help mediate a dispute between airlines servingO'Hare International Airport and the City of Chicago in order to Keep the O'Hare Modernization project on Schedule.[42] It is estimated the project would create 200,000 jobs and add $18 billion to the regional economy when completed.[43]
Kirk and Durbin also worked together to bring $186 million in federal funds to support improved rail service from Chicago to St. Louis. The money was originally rejected by the state of Florida but reallocated to Illinois.[44]
Kirk authored legislation, entitled the Lincoln Legacy Infrastructure Development Act, that sought to eliminate barriers and encourage private investment in roads, transit, airport and rail.[45] Several of the provisions in the legislation would later become law under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (P.L. 112-114), including provisions to eliminate barriers to public-private partnerships for public transportation projects and a boost for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFA) program.[46]

Illinois debt crisis [edit]

Kirk appointed a sovereign debt advisory board to help research the unfunded obligations and unpaid bills contributing to Illinois' debt crisis. He later produced a Report on Illinois Debt highlighting the unsustainable debt the state continued to hold and the need for pension reform.[47] Kirk introduced legislation entitled No State Bailouts, S. Res. 188, along with 14 other US Senators, which would ban federal bailouts of financially struggling states. Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford endorsed the legislation.[48]

Anti-corruption work [edit]

Kirk and Representative Robert Dold (R-IL-10) introduced bipartisan legislation to expand qualifications for ending federal pension payouts to elected officials convicted of corruption. The bicameral provision expanded current law to include an additional 22 crimes, and the bill was included in the STOCK Act signed by the President in April 2012.[49]

Same-sex marriage [edit]

On April 2, 2013, Kirk became the second sitting Republican senator to support same-sex marriage.[50]

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rep. Quigley & Sen.Kirque - Ripping Japes and Pranking the President

On the third day of the trip, Kirk and Quigley respects at the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum.
Kirk points to an expanded waistline as evidence of a great trip. He gained five pounds, he says
Daily Heralds.

K- "Dude, let's grab an armful and bolt.

Q- " Just random flowers."

K- " It's not like they paid for them."

Q- " And they're Polacks's!"

K- "Duuuuuuuude!!!!!! That is so not cool."

Q- "Whatever."

( Last Time: Mike and Marque wanted to 'find the fire' behind the smoke involving the wate of millions of HLS tax-dollars by Cook County while Quigley was on the County Board and immediately jetted off to Poland.

Here's our boys - they have taken the affable President Obama "prisoner 'under arrest-like. "

“That’s about as high-handed a proceeding as I have heard of in a long time, Quigley!” exclaimed Sen. Kirque.

“Tut, tut,” returned Quigley; “just a little bi-partisan fun.”

“Fun?” echoed Marque Kirque h. “It’s lawless fun, then and should be severely condemned. The President lured from his hotel, made a prisoner—even locked up—and this What’s-his-name, pitcher for the GOP, deliberately waylaid, bound hand and foot, and left among the rocks-you call that cowboy fun, eh?”

“Rough fun, mebby,” said Quigley, “but the regular, Simon-pure article as developed by a bunch of daredevil Occupiers. They didn’t mean any harm, not at all. The consideration shown Obama proves that.”

“But suppose those steers had trampled The Presdent in the gap? Suppose he had been injured during the rowdying that followed the game?”

“That would have been too blame’ bad, only it didn’t happen. No man’s got any business worrying over what doesn’t happen. Eh,Mr. President?”

“I should think not,” Barry answered.

“And you’re satisfied?”


Quigley turned and reached a hand over the back of the seat.

“Put it there, son!” he cried heartily. “You can take a joke, even if it is rough, and that’s the sort of spirit that’ll carry a fellow far in this man’s country. Right this minute I’ll bet something handsome that the Tin Cup outfit, the Congressional Black Caucas and. the GOP punchers are having a love feast. Oh, they’re all right; so’s Boehner, and Obama, too—a whole lot. Everything’s all right, and I wish you’d hit it up with your car and get me home in time for supper. The wife never likes to have me late.”

After dropping Obama’s hand, Quigley squared around in his seat.

“That boy, Kirque,” he added, in a low voice; “is the clear quill. From now on I’m goin’ to watch him with considerable interest.”

Keep up with our Illinois Congressional Frog & Toad - Congressman Mike Quigley and Senator Marque Kirque -Bi-Partisan Buddies

Apologies to Frank Merriwell

Sunday, January 15, 2012

More Cowbell! A Romney Victory in August; Obama Win in November

I must agree with John Kass in his very forthright and Chicago-savvy prediction that President Obama will win re-election in 2012. I vote primarily Democrat (locally)and but rarely for the GOP. I consider myself to be a conservative Catholic Democrat ( registered so)and vote for Real Labor (skilled trades and non-public sector labor) candidates with a track record.

For years, It has been my firm belief that the GOP ( local and national) is the Party That Blows Off Its Own Toes. They are best friends the DNC and Progressive Machine have in the world. They add, MORE COW BELL, to Barack Obama's Blue Oyster Cult!

Cowbell = Memes and Attacks -"Hateful, Islamaphobic, militarist, 1%-ers, Rich-lovers! Breeders!Homophobic, Divisive, Sexist, Racist, Sexist, Racist, cowbell, more cowbell!" AXELROD WALKEN - I GOTTA FEVER!!!!

Proof? Dan Proft is on WLS and not in Springfield.

The Illinois GOP could not 'get behind' Dan Proft because he is a bachelor. Instead, they allowed the unpainted furniture King of Bloomington/Normal and the man who makes the best ice cream in America suck the life out of the campaign.

With equal if not more self-loathing, the national GOP is going with our Bill Brady writ- large Mitt Romney.

President Obama is the same man he was when he was elevated to the purple by same Progressive Machine ( Democratic Party with a dash of Sen. Marque Kirque) that made the Woods Fund Activist and Hyde Park acolyte a State and United States Senator.
President Barack Obama will win re-election in 2012.

The reason he'll win?

He knows who he is. And the Republican politicians don't know who they are. They've forgotten what they're about, or perhaps like some isolated tribe, they've lost the language necessary to explain it to themselves.

Their voters know this and don't really believe them anymore.

And that's why Obama will win.

Only Rick Santorum could possibly beat President Obama, but only if he could withstand a public scourging not seen since Pilate ordered the cohort to give the carpenter's kid a tune-up.


Rick Santorum is very much like my pal Dan Proft - he plays with five cards and the money boys play with six decks. Sarah Palin is a good person. I liked her. The worst thing that she did, as far I can see and that includes the Russian coast, was resigning as Governor. Other than that Ms. Palin was aces and worn down by the constant whippings from the likes of faux-thinkers Kathleen Parker, Christoper Buckley, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan and Steve Chapman who play in same sandbox as E.J. Dionne and the cast and crew at Saturday Night Live.

Abortion ( the full health package) and Gay (Civil Rights with less humor) issues are the COWBELL Cat-'o-nine-tails.

When President Obama visited Chicago, Pat Quinn, Dithering Dick Durbin and Lisa Madigan nudged their way into openly gay mega-million dollar ATM Fred Eychaner's open but expensive house party. I have no doubt that Pat Quinn's boss Terry Cosgrove nibbled cheese and quaffed some vino there as well.

The money goes only to suppliant hand-mavens and their public office mendicants. Rick Santorum is already getting scourged. MORE COWBELLS! IGOTTA FEVER FOR COWBELLS!

Mitt Romney is no different from the Illinois likes of Sen. Marque Kirque, Mike Quigley's new play pal. More so Mitt Romney is no differnt from the Bush Family which played nicely with the Chicago Progressive Machine.

In sum, it is up to individual voters -Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Muslim, Atheist, Breeder, Gay (universal), to vote their hearts and minds.

Personally, I will vote for whomever runs against President Obama. I still feel that he is out of his depth. . .way out of his depth. So is Senator Marque Kirque, Mike Quigley, Deb Shore, Ricardo 'Rick' Munoz, Dorothy Brown, Sandy and Jesse Jackson, Dick Durbin, Jan Schakowsky, Sara Feigenholtz, Barbara Flynn-Currie, Toni Preckwinkle, Forrest Claypool ( anywhere), and so many, many, many more public plungers.

Don't forget, the same media and PR machines that gave us Roland Burris also created Blagojevich. Judy Baar Topinka anyone? Let's hear from the Greek again!

But Republicans smoke the opposite of Hopium. Their pipes are filled with Dopium.

One bowl of Dopium and you can listen to tough talk about budget cutting and deficits with one ear. And with the other ear, you can listen to talk of another war with Iran and why that's a good thing, and how we can't cut defense spending or the world is doomed.

If you tried doing this without Dopium, you'd go stark raving mad.

Sadly, since I belong to neither group, I've become hooked on another hideous substance: Kasshish.

It allows you to see reality and a bleak future.

And what I see is Obama winning in 2012.

Hopium and Cowbells Brother John!

Another chap, calling himself the Catholic Knight says this-

What we have right now is an entire section of the Republican Party (about 20%) that has rejected the status quo precedents set by previous GOP administrations and congresses. What we have is a political party that is now about 20% more 'libertarian' than it was just ten years ago. We have a party that is 20% more likely to embrace a non-interventionist approach to foreign policy. We have a party that is 20% more likely to want to abolish the Federal Reserve. We have a party that is 20% more likely to embrace states rights and decentralisation. This is why GOP icon Sarah Palin has warned Republicans not to alienate the Ron Paul supporters. For in alienating them, they risk the breakup of the Republican Party entirely. The only GOP candidate bringing in sizable numbers of young energetic voters right now is Ron Paul. It is clear, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the future of the Republican Party is going to reflect Ron Paul's thinking a lot more than any other political candidate. Paul has made his mark on the GOP, and it is a mark that is here to stay, unless of course the GOP rejects it. If they do that however, the GOP rejects its future and consigns itself to a generation of irrelevance.

Tru Dat, Sir Knight! More Cow Bell!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Come On! Let's Have a Chicago Community Sing! "WHEN Baboons Grab Your Thighs . . .That's Our Mores!"

When our habits are strange,
And our customs deranged,
That's our mores*.
The Eminent Poet Nathan in Texas

Oh. Parodies? the affluent public television watching,ambulatory, speaking Goitre sniffed.
Nah, de udder two.

Okay, citizens before we all go full throat ed let's consider each of the following cultural mantras according to intrinsic merit!

Dancing with Stars

Royal Weddings

Senator Marque Kirque and Congresman Mike Quigley- The Illinois Bi-Partisan Chang & Eng!

Oprah ( she still around?)

The National Anthem

Smoke Free Taverns but Hooka Lounges

Celebrity baby interest

Interest in Celebrity

Planned Parenthood and Woman's Health


1% of 99%

Occupy Anything

Ciudado! Piso Mojado!

David Corzine

Glee and Bullying - I watched Glee and I feel . . .humiliated

Bullying and renewed worship of Teddy Roosevelt

Tebowing Bill Maher

Pat Quinn - Sherpa to Moody's Rating

Blame Madigan, Dad Blame Madigan

Michelle Obama's Let's Move Fat-ass!

Hon. Richard M. Daley distinguished senior fellow at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies. Say that real fast.

Shakman, Shakman, Shakman Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Shakman!

Pope Terry Cosgrove's new bumper sticker -Ask Me About My Catamite!

G8/Nato Tourism Boon

Religious Freedom and Civil Unions/ Quentin Young and Bill Ayers a Pair of Docs!

Having reflected upon each OmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMY GOD! Everybody Sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forrest Claypool's Loop Car wheels/ never work; sucha deal!. . .and he still has a job/ like some fat drunken slob . . .that's our Mores!

Rahm EMANYool's 'Coon Eyes/Never Blink at News Guys/ Cuz He wons them!

More from Nathan in Texas, God love him!

When an eel bites your hand,
And that's not what you planned,
That's a moray.

When our habits are strange,
And our customs deranged,
That's our mores.

When your horse munches straw,
And the bales total four,
That's some more hay.

When Othello's poor wife
Becomes stabbed with a knife,
That's a Moor, eh?

When a Japanese knight
Uses his sword in a fight,
That's Samurai.

When your sheep go to graze
In a damp marshy place,
That's a moor, eh?

When your boat comes home fine
And you tie up her line,
That's a moor, eh?

When you ace your last tests
Like you did all the rest,
That's some more "A"s!

In New Zealand you see
An aBOrigine,
That's a Maori.

Alley Oop's homeland has
A space gun with pizzazz,
That's a Moo Ray.

A comedian ham,
With the name Amsterdam,
That's a Morey.

When your chocolate graham,
Is so full and so crammed,
That smore, eh.

When you've had quite enough,
Of this dumb rhyming stuff,
That's "No more!", eh?

How many did I take this morning?

*e.g. New Sex Education Mandates from the Federal Government:Future of Sex Education Initiative

Sexuality education should teach both information and essential skills that are necessary to adopt, practice, and maintain healthy relationships and behaviors.

Here they are!By the end of the second grade, the coalition would like every elementary school student to use the proper names for body parts and, by the end of the fifth grade, to know that sexual orientation is "the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or a different gender." Also by the end of the fifth grade, every student should be able to "define HIV and identify some age appropriate methods of transmission as well as ways to prevent transmission" and "define sexual harassment and abuse."

Every eighth grader should be able to:

Differentiate between gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation;
Explain the range of gender roles;
Explain the health benefits, risks and effectiveness rates of various methods of contraception, including abstinence and condoms;
Define emergency contraception and its use.

According to the President of Advocates for Youth, Debra Hauser, some schools don't address bullying which Hauser believes is related to sexual orientation or gender identity." Educators should tackle it head-on," Hauser said.

Under the disguise of seeking to provide the nation's children an objective human sexuality curriculum, The Motley Monk would note that the standards reveal the coalition's intention: to indoctrinate the nation's children in its broader, pro-homosexual and pro-abortion ideology.

Seizing upon the hot topic of "bullying" and by relating it back to anti-homosexual bigotry, the coalition reveals its less-than-benign intent: To trample under foot God's design as well as the parental prior right in the education of their children.

Let the discussion begin...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If You Thought Gay Marriage/Union Was a Problem, Wait Until Gay Divorce Meets Catholic Doctrine

Mimi: "I don't care what you did as a boy."

Guy: "Well, I did nothing as a girl, so there goes my childhood." The Gay Divorcee1934

WASHINGTON (AP) — The D.C. Council is considering legislation that would make it easier for gay and lesbian couples who marry in the nation’s capital to get divorced.

The bill would let gay couples who married in Washington get divorced even if they no longer live in the district, provided they live somewhere that would not recognize their divorce. Under current law, one member of the divorcing couple has to live in Washington for six months before starting divorce proceedings.

Holy Smokes! We just got through the Christmas Season and New Year with a Gay Marriage hooha festooned with more opinions than an HBO Special.

Only last year, Greg Harris fronted the immediate and can't wait Religious Liberty and Civil Union Law signed by Moody's Investor's Services absolutely last man they want to talk to - Gov. Pat Quinn.

Now, Greg Harris and the usual crowd is ready to speedball full boogie Gay Marriage in Illinois -

A group of Illinois lawmakers have begun laying the groundwork for their latest push to bring marriage equality to the Land of Lincoln.

The Windy City Times reports that state representatives Greg Harris, Deb Mell, Kelly Cassidy, Ann Williams, Sara Feigenholtz and state senator Heather Steans have begun meeting with area LGBT and progressive groups to talk strategy for a bill that could be introduced as early as 2013.

Harris, who was the lead architect of the state's civil union law granting many of the same rights and responsibilities to same-sex spouses as heterosexual couples within state boundaries, admitted to the Windy City Times, however, that taking the next step toward marriage equality will not be an "easy process."

Marriage equality - back to civil rights. Yep, Marraige equality means Divorce Equality. Well, they have a dream ink spiller in Pat Quinn. He'll sign anything that he is told to do by the Progressive Machine and his Boss Terry Cosgrove, It has been a full year after all and this issue can't wait - make the deal, get the votes in Springfield, full press courtship, and shop for judges. This can't wait, or no one is fully evolved!

It is always evolution and civil rights and the heart wants what the heart wants, Dammit!

The meme is our society has evolved; marriage is an every changing tapestry of desires, appetites and urges and not really a sacred covenant between a man and woman - I mean come on. Haters!

Marriage is for anyone between anyone - a Deweyesque Marriage of Inquired and Agreed Upon Outcomes. Why just look at what Breeders ( non-Homosexual, Trans, Bi and Unquestioning individuals) have done to Marriage. Uh-Huh.

Bill passed; nuff said. Catholic Charities gets kicked out of its 200 Plus Years of service to orphans ( can I say 'orphan?') and kids in need of a family. Than Franthisco and Robby Tusin, or Crystal Canyon and Poppi Kayque will make absolute jake parents, or so Civil Unions/Gay Marriage tell us, because people ( except people who remember high school biology, Catholics, Jews, AME/Baptist blacks and Lutherans) are evolved.

The Catholic Church is under assault from Gay activists, philanthropists like Henry Van Amerigen, Democrat CE Catholic politicians, GOP ninnies like Senator Marque Kirque, Planned Parenthood, the national corporate news media, academics, DePaul, Loyola and Dominican Universities, the Department of Health and Human Services and very soon the Obama Justice Department.

The Catholic Church opposes gay marriage and sexual relations outside of marriage universal.

The Catholic Church also opposes divorce.

Now comes this fly in the old borrowed and blue ointment.

Washington began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in March 2010. Six states also allow same-sex marriage. But divorcing couples can face legal hurdles if they live in a state that does not recognize(sic) their union.

What are the numbers here in Illinois of Civil Unions forged in 2011, now asunder?

Gay Marriage is counter to Catholic teaching. Divorce is also banned.

The 2012 Gay Divorcee will have plenty to say.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Project Shield and Cook County - Here's The Grant; Where's the Money

"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." Self-audit by Irish soccer genius the late George Best

“When you waste Homeland Security money you are less safe,” Congressman Mike Quigley (D) IL. and Former Cook County Commissioner

Ahhhh! The indefinite pronoun You. An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that refers to one or more unspecified beings, objects, or places. You can mean anyone -even me.

Thus, let's talk about my part in this sordid affair - When I waste Homeland Security money, I am less safe.

I never get my hands on Homeland Security money; I am safe. I am safe because I never waste Homeland Security money. I believe that Senator Marque Kirgue ( R) IL and Congressman Mike "Too Tall" Quigley are on to something ( indefinite pronoun).

Here is the thing, Mike Quigley was a Cook Commissioner through the tenure of Stroger Pere and most of the tenure of Stroger Fil and he made life a bed of nails for both. Nothing got cleaned up, whatever that means, in Cook County government and nothing changed, but the gender and the shoes of the Cook County Board President. During those years of Quigley capers and cavorts, the diminutive plunger tweaked Sheriffs and County Employees and TIFS and managed to get appointed to Congress. Also, during those years, Wee Mike was custodian for the millions of dollars granted to Project Shield - a high tech communications relay for Cook County municipalities and Emergency First Providers - cops, firefighters and EMTs.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle pulled the plug on Project Shield* a few weeks ago.

Wee Mike was with Cook County Board and Kirque was in Congress.

They now are shaking jowls and thundering to the media, "What Happened? Where's the Money

These two lads just dandy little public piglets -Marque and Mike, but that's just me.

Me, I am a simple, quiet, pious man who loves his country and so I read and think about what I have read in order to raise a question or an eyebrow or two about people like Mike and Marque who fervently believe that we citizens are huge dopes. I know that I can be a dope; after all I voted for former Governor Pat Quinn. Early this beautiful January morning I decided to read the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) response to Marque and Mike.

On Page three of the DHS document is a Table -Table 1. of grants to Cook County FY 2003-2009

Table 1. UASI Grant Awards to Cook County, FYs 2003–2009
Project Shield
Total UASI Award UASI Funding UASI Funds Expended

2003 $12,848,927 $12, 399,292 $12,496,924
2004 $16,110,715 $11,303,495 $ 9,730,379
2005 $22,465,000 $15,836,810 $13,867,261
2006 $13,065,000 $5,210,254 $ 3,609,212
2007 $16,548,000 $3,000,000 $ 2,367,876
2008 $15,904,525 $5,331,425 $ 3,567,144
2009 $15,225,309 $5,622,756 $ 0

Total $112,167,476 $58,704, 032 $ 45,638,796
Source: Office of Inspector General (OIG) Analysis of FE

Okay - between 2003-2009 Cook County got between grants and funding a total in the amount of $ 179,871,508, or there abouts and expended $ 45, 638,796 which might leave a husky $125, 232,712. So, if EXPENDED means spent, out of the wallet, somewhere other than here, that must mean that there is a whole pile of DHS grant money somewhere. Don't it?

I gotta believe that the two sinister columns are the funds readily avaiable for use, or looting and that the dexter EXPENDED column represents what actually was used or looted.

Holy David Corzine!!!!

I read this passage again , after I read the conclusion drawn by the audit -

In a letter to the DHS Inspector General, Representative
Mike Quigley and Senator Mark Steven Kirk expressed concerns
about the vehicle used by the President of the Cook County Board
of Commissioners being equipped with Project Shield equipment.
They were concerned that these funds should be used for
emergency responders, not for executive transport.
According to Cook County personnel, Homeland Security funds
were used to retrofit the vehicle with communication equipment.
The rationale for installing this equipment was that the President of
the Cook County Board of Commissioners needed access to
current information to make real-time decisions during emergency
events in the county.
We found no specific grant guidance that
would disallow this cost.

Also this tidbit -

Of the 128 municipalities in Cook County, we found that:
• 32 never had equipment,
• 9 left the program after participating in the project, and
• 87 have Project Shield equipment, of which 71 have
vehicle video systems.

We visited 15 municipalities, which included 14 police departments
and 4 fire departments, and found numerous problems, including
equipment malfunctions, unused equipment, and uncertainty on
how to operate the equipment. We could not determine the exact
cause of the equipment problems but noted that many users of the
Project Shield vehicles did not have the necessary training on the

The results of our 15 visits identified the following:
• 4 of 15 municipalities returned all of their Project Shield
vehicle equipment,
• 10 of 15 municipalities complained about either a lack of
training or the quality of training provided,
• 7 of 11 municipalities with equipment complained about
current service, and Homeland Security Grant Program Funds Awarded for Project Shield
• 4 of 11 municipalities with equipment were unable to or
unsure how to transmit video from the vehicle to the
command center.
Discussions with police personnel revealed that their primary
interest was to record and obtain video for criminal evidence.
They were uncertain whether they could transmit live video to a
monitoring station, allowing an emergency event to be managed
from a remote location.
We also analyzed trouble tickets (a reporting tool used to track
equipment issues) for the last 3 months of calendar year 2010, and
found that 62 municipalities submitted 122 trouble tickets for
equipment malfunctions, such as the inability to access database
records in the vehicle.

Now the auditors' Conclusion -

FEMA, the State of Illinois, the Urban Area Working Group, and
Cook County did not ensure the effective implementation of
Project Shield
. The lack of planning was evidenced by faulty
equipment, questionable locations for the equipment, and inability
to integrate with existing communication equipment. The mobile
video systems were not adequately tested to ensure that they could
be operated effectively during an emergency. Project Shield
expenditures were not adequately authorized, supported, and
verified. The weaknesses can be attributed to Cook County’s
inadequate management of the project, as well as the ineffective
monitoring by FEMA and the State of Illinois.
( emphasis my own)

The Auditors did not use any indefinite pronoun and they used the past tense COOK COUNTY DID NOT ENSURE EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT SHIELD. Mike Quigley was, if I recall, Cook County Commissioner watching every penny from 1998 -2009.
Senator Marque Kirque was . . .well, Rep. Marque Kirque. That was then; this is now?

The lads will employ them indfinte pronouns and this head-scratcher will go largely ignore . . .saving the House of Pain soon to visit Stroger Fil.

Someone will say " You mean Me, too?"

Project Shield was previously conceived by Cook County officials and begun in 2004. The objective of the project was to provide situational awareness through audio, video and data communications from police squad cars back to their department headquarters, as well as to the County and to deploy fixed site-cameras at various locations.
Toni Preckwinkle' office June 30, 2011

Quigley was first elected to the Cook County Board of Commissioners in 1998. During his tenure he has gained a reputation as a reformer as he opposed tax hikes supported by Cook County Board President John Stroger, and later his son and successor Todd Stroger. He contended the county could operate more efficiently and he presented reports to support the position. Quigley also challenged the practice of finding jobs for Democratic officials with the Cook County Forest Preserve District

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

O'Donnell Abu! Delaware Outsider Clocks Mike Castle! Chicago- R. Emmett Tyrrell Might Do Just That . . . Not to Mike Castle Of Course -O'Donnell Did

. . .On with O'Donnell then! Fight the good fight again!
Sons of TyrConnell are valiant and true!
Make the proud Saxon feel Erin's avenging steel!
Strike! For your Country! O'Donnell abu!
O'Donnell Abu (The Clan Connell War Song)(M.J.McAnn cir. 1843)

Great tune! And now the tune-up!

One of Rich Miller's Sock Puppets at Capitol Fax Blog reacted to the news that R. Emmett Tyrrell, founder and editor-in-chief of The American Spectator, a West Side Chicago native and Fenwick Alumnus, stated his interest in running for Mayor Chicago.

- IrishPirate - Tuesday, Sep 14, 10 @ 12:33 pm:

Tyrrell is thinking of running?

Pat Hickey’s hands must be sweaty and I bet his heart skipped a beat. Alan Keyes isn’t available?

If Vdrolyak runs I imagine Hickey might not even be able to type because of all the excitement. The word “vapors” comes to mind.

Does “R Emmett’The Clown’ Tyrrell even live in Chicago?

In some cases people seem to forget that you have to actually live in Chicago or at least be a “resident” of Chicago for one year prior to the election. I’ve seen reports touting candidates who live and are registered in the suburbs.

Sweaty hands? Well, IP Old Son, this 19th Ward Democrat has ice water in his political veins. Guys call and ask, "Want Yard Sign?" Sure put 'em over there. Get excited about elected officials? Please. I get excited when they change the deli counter at County Fair and at Calabria Imports, but excited about candidates? No, Sock Puppet, I am much older than six years of age. Little kids get loopy about colored balloons and buttons. I vote or help only good girls and boys.

Kelly Burke, Johnny O'Sullivan, Dan Lipinski, Bridgey Gainer, Mary Flowers, Paul "The Wall" Vallas, Ray Wardingly, Ed Maloney, Kathy Meany, Alexi Giannoulias, Pat Quinn, Terry Peterson, Tommy Dart, & etc.

Tommy Dart is a gent! He's broke, Tapioca( an homage to Mike Houlihan's Epic Comedy), bereft of funds, short on dough-ray-me, but very good guys are putting the idiot-stick on the money rake handle. You know, the reaaacccchhhh extenders that painters use. Shortly, Tom Dart will have more Hundos and Grants up around his knees than people living on 107th & Troy had flood waters in their basements.

Rahmbo is the media darling. He needed to buy off opponents when he ran for congress and import talent to ring door bells. But, he is really smart . . .the media keep saying that.

Meeks is not Gay Friendly.

La Pappas runs like a baton-twirling deer!

Terry Peterson is the guy to watch. Powerful folks were holding fund-raisers for Terry years ago and I went to them. If I had Terry's money, I'd throw mine away. More importantly, Terry Peterson knows government and he knows politics and that is what has been sadly missing from the Mayor's Office for decades.

Nah, Bob Tyrrell will enter the lists and challenge the Pie-Chart Dopes like Ralphie Martire who has bankrupted every branch of government that gives him time and money.

Rich Miller's political clearing house, Capitol Fax Blog, is a juicy, snark permitted, closed club of full agreement. The Miller Sock Puppets like Irish Pirate and my personal favorite Skeeter seem like government employed operatives with dogs in the fight. Could be. Who cares? It is a Democratic Club aad very Clubby - CFB blinks and flinches every time SEIU lifts its chubby arm.

Now, the news this AM tells us about the "clowns" and "outsiders" and "scary people" who still manage to win by huge margins, because voters are sick to death of Closed Clubs - GOP and Democrat.

This babe O'Donnell had the world on her back in her busines and still clobber GOP Marque Kirque Look-alike - Mike Castle:

DOVER and WILMINGTON, Del. -- Conservative activist Christine O'Donnell scored an upset victory in Delaware's Republican Senate primary on Tuesday, defeating longtime congressman Mike Castle 53 percent to 47 percent.

O'Donnell's surprising win marked yet another triumph for the Tea Party movement and may have ended the Republican Party's hopes of regaining control of the Senate in November. Polls have shown O'Donnell trailing far behind Democratic nominee Chris Coons, the New Castle county executive.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the people of Delaware have spoken: No more politics as usual," O'Donnell told an ecstatic crowd of campaign volunteers at her election night celebration in Dover. "Don't ever underestimate the power of ‘We The People.'"

In her victory speech, a beaming O'Donnell called for Republican Party unity, but she did not mention Castle by name.

Asked by RealClearPolitics while leaving the stage on Tuesday night whether Castle had called her to concede, O'Donnell said, "No, not yet."

What a Pound Off! We have plenty of similar Pound Offs in Illinois Public life - snark permitted.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now THIS is a Gracious Concession Speech

Here in Illinois we get Jan Schakwoski, Mike Quigley, Marque Kirque and other assorted fatuous filberts. In Alabama, you get Dale Peterson!

Dale Peterson is back -- with a vengeance.

The straight-talking, rifle-toting candidate for Alabama Agriculture Commissioner, who came up short in his bid but whose, um, offbeat web ad garnered more than 1.7 million hits on You Tube, has released a sequel (and the crowd goes wild) endorsing one of his former rivals in the race.

"I'm endorsing John McMillan because he gives a rip about Alabama," Peterson says in the new ad, in which he also fires a shotgun rifle at a man trying to steal one of McMillan's campaign signs. (Not kidding.)

McMillan, a former state representative, finished first in the June 1 Republican primary with 36.5 percent while farmer Dorman Grace took second with 35.2 percent. Peterson placed third (out of three) with 28 percent.

Much as he did in his first web video, Peterson takes after Grace again -- referring to him as "that dummy with all his illegal campaign contributions" and urging voters to "send him back to his chicken farm."

The runoff is July 13.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Angry Illinois Voters? Name One. Really.

Absolutely the Best Side of Carol Marin! Fabulous!

I only know of one really angry voter and this guy lived in Griffith, Indiana. This guy lived along Broad Street, just east of Cline Ave. and a 9 Iron shot south of Ridge Avenue, regularly painted his adobe white garage with aquamarine green paint - "Crooked Bastards! Snake Politicians! Die You Elected Scum!" or "Scum Sucking Leeches! Politicians! Die!"

No doubt this gent did wonders for his neighbors' property values.

He was genuinely non-partisan, but the Town of Griffith generally ignored this rock-ribbed sweetheart's fulminations. Occasionally, a new slap of aquamarine would specifically indict some scallywag, but primarily this Angry Citizen painted with a very broad brush. and other dedicated pundits are trying kick up some sand and interest in the Illinois Primary as some kind of bell weather for the general elections,"Widespread voter anger and unrest are confronting the Illinois political establishment as the state hurtles toward its first-in-the-nation primaries Tuesday."

Mercy Sakes! Speaking of which, Marque Kirque gets the lion's share of attention as he is running against three Democratic candidates without a Chinaman's Chance of winning - Alexi Giannoulias, Cheryl Jackson, and Dave Hoffmann.

I like Alexi Giannoulias, but he is colaterally damaged by the frags from Blago and the Rezko-shrapnel still wizzing around President Obama. Hoffman has a voice that sounds like steam escaping from a spilt pipe and Cheryl Jackson is not related to the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Carol Marin is a self-promoting Multi- Pay envelope News Icon and she shows her best side in the photo above from Politico.

Voter Anger? I work in the black community and live in a Close-Knit Ethnic ( Catholic) neighborhood. No anger. No spittle. No marches. No nothing.

People will vote their hearts and minds tomorrow and that makes political weasels wet their britches.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Andy Martin is So Gay. The Beggar's Opera Falls Flatish

"Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals." Heavens! Sparks of Flint!- Hell, had I surrounded myself with homosexuals, I'd have a better diet, less robust a waistline, a snappier arsenal of witty bon mots, more a sense of fabric and design, a better lawn, a least some garden and a better ear for vocal jazz.

Boys and Girls, the following Ballad Opera fully explains why I am not nor can ever be a Republican ,yet one who can fully appreciate and reflect manfully on the life Corinthian! Gay shmay! Kirque, Gay or Straight, is, in my Helot's point of view, a thorough going fraud, jape, howler, sidesplitter, thigh-slapper, wow, belly laugh, riot, scream -and Andy ( add a list of nomenclatures and pronouns) a litigous gag line, punch line, tag line, laugh line,blue joke, blue story, dirty joke, dirty story teller and snitch.

Now, Ladies and JanTell Muhn! Our Opera!

Ditty one -"Can Love Be Controlled By Advice?" by John Gay

The Scene: We are in the home of Peachum ( Andy Martin), a supposedly respectable businessman who actually fences stolen goods for professional thieves. He and Mrs. Peachum (Intercahngeable as are the cloths they affect) have just discovered that their daughter Polly ( Rep. Marque Kirque) has secretly married the infamous highwayman Captain Macheath, who is not present. Nor is he ever. (Note the contemptuous way that Mrs. Peachum dismisses the nobility, saying that a "Lord" is no better a husband than a thief).

MRS. PEACHUM: Played by Andrew Elton Olivia Newton John Martin Les Paul and Mary Ford Dewey Cheatum and Howe Trigona.


POLLY: Played by Rep. Marque Kirque


Sing it Girls!