Mimi: "I don't care what you did as a boy."
Guy: "Well, I did nothing as a girl, so there goes my childhood." The Gay Divorcee1934
WASHINGTON (AP) — The D.C. Council is considering legislation that would make it easier for gay and lesbian couples who marry in the nation’s capital to get divorced.
The bill would let gay couples who married in Washington get divorced even if they no longer live in the district, provided they live somewhere that would not recognize their divorce. Under current law, one member of the divorcing couple has to live in Washington for six months before starting divorce proceedings.
Holy Smokes! We just got through the Christmas Season and New Year with a Gay Marriage hooha festooned with more opinions than an HBO Special.
Only last year, Greg Harris fronted the immediate and can't wait Religious Liberty and Civil Union Law signed by Moody's Investor's Services absolutely last man they want to talk to - Gov. Pat Quinn.

Now, Greg Harris and the usual crowd is ready to speedball full boogie Gay Marriage in Illinois -
A group of Illinois lawmakers have begun laying the groundwork for their latest push to bring marriage equality to the Land of Lincoln.
The Windy City Times reports that state representatives Greg Harris, Deb Mell, Kelly Cassidy, Ann Williams, Sara Feigenholtz and state senator Heather Steans have begun meeting with area LGBT and progressive groups to talk strategy for a bill that could be introduced as early as 2013.
Harris, who was the lead architect of the state's civil union law granting many of the same rights and responsibilities to same-sex spouses as heterosexual couples within state boundaries, admitted to the Windy City Times, however, that taking the next step toward marriage equality will not be an "easy process."
Marriage equality - back to civil rights. Yep, Marraige equality means Divorce Equality. Well, they have a dream ink spiller in Pat Quinn. He'll sign anything that he is told to do by the Progressive Machine and his Boss Terry Cosgrove, It has been a full year after all and this issue can't wait - make the deal, get the votes in Springfield, full press courtship, and shop for judges. This can't wait, or no one is fully evolved!
It is always evolution and civil rights and the heart wants what the heart wants, Dammit!
The meme is our society has evolved; marriage is an every changing tapestry of desires, appetites and urges and not really a sacred covenant between a man and woman - I mean come on. Haters!
Marriage is for anyone between anyone - a Deweyesque Marriage of Inquired and Agreed Upon Outcomes. Why just look at what Breeders ( non-Homosexual, Trans, Bi and Unquestioning individuals) have done to Marriage. Uh-Huh.
Bill passed; nuff said. Catholic Charities gets kicked out of its 200 Plus Years of service to orphans ( can I say 'orphan?') and kids in need of a family. Than Franthisco and Robby Tusin, or Crystal Canyon and Poppi Kayque will make absolute jake parents, or so Civil Unions/Gay Marriage tell us, because people ( except people who remember high school biology, Catholics, Jews, AME/Baptist blacks and Lutherans) are evolved.
The Catholic Church is under assault from Gay activists, philanthropists like Henry Van Amerigen, Democrat CE Catholic politicians, GOP ninnies like Senator Marque Kirque, Planned Parenthood, the national corporate news media, academics, DePaul, Loyola and Dominican Universities, the Department of Health and Human Services and very soon the Obama Justice Department.
The Catholic Church opposes gay marriage and sexual relations outside of marriage universal.
The Catholic Church also opposes divorce.
Now comes this fly in the old borrowed and blue ointment.
Washington began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples in March 2010. Six states also allow same-sex marriage. But divorcing couples can face legal hurdles if they live in a state that does not recognize(sic) their union.
What are the numbers here in Illinois of Civil Unions forged in 2011, now asunder?
Gay Marriage is counter to Catholic teaching. Divorce is also banned.
The 2012 Gay Divorcee will have plenty to say.
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