Sunday, November 22, 2009

John Fogerty - Revived Creedence and Everyone Else

It looked like a convention of guys from the Frequent Pee-er Commercials! There were younger guys attendant - in fact I ran into about eight Leo High School Alumni from Father Perez Council Knights of Columbus ( John Gardiner, Laryy Funk et al) from the mid and late 1970's. However, mostly there were present the badger-haired guys from the 196o's.

In the Orchestra Mainfloor Center there were me at 57, the guy to me right at60 Something and the guy immediately in front of me, 60 and Change, another 6o Plus behind me and thickly beyond - the Chicago Auditorium Theatre was thick with Middle Age until WXRT,'s Frankie Lee - rather generous in the length of his buckers himself - heads-upped the crowd of silver, white, flesh, and dye -jobbed gents and the infinitely younger and more appealing dates, spouses and arm candy that John Fogerty was fixin' to tear it up.

He did. John Fogerty, the heart and soul, muscle and fiber of Creedence Clearwater Revival, one of the most honest and innovative bands from the late '60's and 70's, cranked out hit after hit then and now.

I saw CCR in 1971 in the very same venue and have always testified that along with the Four Tops gave the greatest show.

Last night was damned near identical to memory of that show. That almost never happen. Have you ever run into an old flame whose fire has been snuffed out by Life's prevailing winds? You have had this image of that person tucked into a brain-fold and when you come face-to-face after decades of wistful musings you now determine that Life, had,in-fact, done you a huge favor.

Well Fogerty ain't nothing like that - Fogerty is 1971!

For more than two hours without let-up, John Fogerty put hundreds of us Pee Pill Poppers back in our place with the Blue Ridge Ranger Tour - a dozen great young musicians and John Fogarty.

For a moment, I thought I smelled a whiff of dope in the Men's Room - Crowded! The guys hed it for two-plus hours!

Click my post title for the tour's cover of the Everly Brothers.

Here's a partial song list from last night.

Born On The Bayou
Green River
Susie Q.
I Put A Spell On You
Who'll Stop The Rain
Rockin' All Over The World
Down On The Corner
Swamp River Days
The Old Man Down The Road
Bad Moon Rising
Fortunate Son
Proud Mary
Good Golly Miss Molly
When Will I Be Loved

AP Mocks Catholics, Because A Kennedy Loves Abortion.

Communion is a church ritual that involves the sharing of bread and wine meant to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
AP 11/22/2009


Meant to represent?

Would it be a stretch then to say that Muhammad is not the Prophet of Allah, but plays one on TV?

Click my post title for the Kennedy Propaganda.

The little Pain-killing goof will be on Bill Maher next. That is to be expected.

The Associated Press went out of its way to give Catholics the toe in a report that Re. Patrick Kennedy is not going to receive The Eucharist ( Holy Communion) because he truly love Abortion and is most public in his Abortion Happy pronouncements and Bishop Tom Tobin has admonished Little Pat not to come up to the rail.

Kennedy's are Catholic when it suits them politically. They can annul the marriage and deny the mother of their children in order to marry someone else - that would be High Church Anglican ala Henry Tudor, I believe. A Kennedy can pay off his/her debt to Planned Parenthood by voting to help bored Botox-ed women of wealth cosmetically abort a child and parse it up to concern for the poor. A Kennedy can, it seems, treat the Faith in much the same way as they treat the Law, pay what's needed to make any problem go away. That only works around gutless Churchmen and jurists. The Law is loaded with power-sycophants, but the Catholic Church has Bishop Tom Tobin.

Bishop Tom Tobin is a real priest. The AP works for Planned Parenthood as well and fits the news to fit its agenda by addition and deletion. Therefore, the AP gives the Mackeral Snappers a bowlful of vitriol in the eyes. The self-absorbed little jerk Kennedy went crying to the AP and the AP went Camelot with the story.

The fact is that Bishop Tobin tried to keep his admonishment* of Kennedy a private teaching matter, but this spoiled child knows no Grace.

The Eucharist is the Presence of Christ. Representative Patrick Kennedy denies that fact - Christ is not present in the lives of the chlidren he chooses to have killed through abortion; therefore, his taking Communion is ludicrous and blasphemous. Kennedy will find some Vatican II Cupcake in a stiff collar to give him communion somewhere - just not in Bishop Tobin's See.

The AP insults Catholics.

The Eucharist is another name for Holy Communion. The term comes from the Greek by way of Latin, and it means "thanksgiving." It is used in three ways: first, to refer to the Real Presence of Christ; second, to refer to Christ's continuing action as High Priest (He "gave thanks" at the Last Supper, which began the consecration of the bread and wine); and third, to refer to the Sacrament of Holy Communion itself.

Eucharist in the Catholic Church refers to both the celebration of the Mass, that is the Eucharistic Liturgy, and the consecrated bread and wine which according to the faith become the body and blood of Christ. Blessed Sacrament is a devotional term used in the Roman Catholic Church to refer to the Eucharistic species (the Body and Blood of Christ).

Meant to represent?


PROVIDENCE, RI (WPRI) - Bishop Tobin has released a response to Congessman Kennedy's earlier statements on not being allowed communion because of his position on abortion.

Statement of Bishop Thomas Tobin in Response to Congressman Patrick Kennedy's Published Interview of November 22, 2009

Bishop Tobin says:

I am disappointed and really surprised that Congressman Patrick Kennedy has chosen to reopen the public discussion about his practice of the faith and his reception of Holy Communion. This comes almost two weeks after the Congressman indicated to local media that he would no longer comment publicly on his faith or his relationship with the Catholic Church. The Congressman's public comments require me to reply.

On February 21, 2007, I wrote to Congressman Kennedy stating: "In light of the Church's clear teaching, and your consistent actions, therefore, I believe it is inappropriate for you to be receiving Holy Communion and I now ask respectfully that you refrain from doing so." My request came in light of the new statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that said, "If a Catholic in his or her personal or professional life were knowingly and obstinately to repudiate her definite teachings on moral issues, he or she would seriously diminish his or her communion with the Church. Reception of Holy Communion in such a situation would not accord with the nature of the Eucharistic celebration, so that he or she should refrain." (Happy Are Those Who Are Called to His Supper, December, 2006)

In the same letter I wrote to Congressman Kennedy, "I am writing to you personally and confidentially as a pastor addressing a member of his flock . . . At the present time I have no need or intention to make this a public issue." I also indicated, "I am available to discuss this matter with you in person at any mutually convenient time and place. I would welcome the opportunity to do so."

On February 28, 2007, the Congressman responded to me, "I have the utmost respect for the work you do on behalf of the Catholic community in Rhode Island. . . I understand your pastoral advice was confidential in nature and given with the best intentions for my personal spiritual welfare."

I am disappointed that the Congressman would make public my pastoral and confidential request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being.

Friday, November 20, 2009

RIP - CPD Commander Donald Hilbring -Leo Hall of Famer

By Trevor Jensen - Chicago Tribune
Donald L. Hilbring taught school by day while also rising through the ranks of the Chicago Police Department, where he retired as a captain and district commander.

Mr. Hilbring, 62, died of pneumonia on Monday, Nov. 16, in Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, said his brother William, a Chicago police detective. He was a resident of the Chatham neighborhood on the South Side.

The son of a police officer, Mr. Hilbring joined the Police Department's cadet program in 1966 and started as a patrol officer two years later. He was promoted to detective in 1971, and sergeant in 1977.

As his career bloomed, he also kept taking college classes. He received a bachelor's degree in business education from Chicago State University, a master's in public administration from Illinois Institute of Technology and another master's in corrections and criminal justice, also from Chicago State, his brother said.

While many police officers work second jobs in security or related fields, Mr. Hilbring moonlighted as a teacher until he reached the rank of lieutenant in 1984. He taught math and later served as disciplinarian at Jackson Elementary, and Tilden and Collins high schools.

"Donald always worked an afternoon or evening shift, and he'd get up in the morning and instead of just piddling around, he'd go to school," said retired police deputy superintendent James Whigham.

Mr. Hilbring's daughter Monique remembered trying to rouse her dad on Sundays when he was laid out on the floor with a newspaper, relaxing after a long week working two jobs.

"He'd be a little cranky. Now I understand," she said.

Mr. Hilbring made captain in 1988 and was commander of the Prairie District. From 1993 to 1997, he was commander of the Gang Investigation Unit, overseeing a major takedown of the Unknown Vice Lords street gang in 1994 and working closely with federal and state investigators.

"He was a man of compassion and very fine judgment," Whigham said.

In his final years on the force, he was a commander of the Wentworth District and then a watch commander in the South Chicago District. Like earlier assignments, they could be pressure-packed positions, but off the clock it never showed.

Thomson Gitmo Guest Haus ? Eric Zorn Hysterical about Imagined Fear? He Skips Naked Into Ruth's Mini Club - So To Speak.

Eric Zorn, not an original thinker and part of the PC herd of sheeple being prodded with the staff to counter opposition with a buzz-word du jour - fear.

Senator Dithering Dick Durbin, no stranger to group think is the Good Shepherd on this venture to bring 200 Terrorists to Carroll County in order to:

1. Improve the lives of 506 people in the town of Thomson, Illinois
2. Improve the quality of life for America's Guests who have been maltreated in Guantanamo by GW Bush and Dick Cheney
3. Give Eric Zorn something to say
4. Ensure that Eric " A Nation of Cowards" Holder has some cover for his Law Firm that specializes in getting terrorists off the hook
5. Ensure that former Governor Pat Quinn gets single digit numbers in the Democratic Primary.
6. Improve Melon sales in Carroll County

Eric Zorn is doing his level best to help make Thomson Illinois the Gitmo Guest Haus our President needs, because no other State will step-up.

EZ is puffing out his metaphorical 24" chest and straiting the muscles and sinews of his 6" neck attached to that chest with challenging words directed at the GOP who say no the move. Well I am a 19th Ward Democrat and I think moving any of hombres from GITMO to ANYWHERE is a Bone-Stupid idea. If it ain't broke don't monkey with it. Gitmo is the absolute best place on earth for these melon-devouring scumbags.

Get this -

And, yes, there's a risk associated with operating an open system of justice, whether we're trying mobsters, gang bangers or violent extremists. But that's just one of the risks of living in a free society, risks most of us are glad, even proud to assume.

Yes there is a risk when you take all of your clothes off, pour honey all over your head, don an Indian Headdress and skip buck-ass naked south on Halsted Street from 79th Street and decide to pop into Ruth's Mini Club Lounge at 83rd Street and Shout "Miss Scarlet! Eat that Barbecue and stop acting like Field Hand! and Come over and Kiss Mr. Rhett!"

That too is fraught with peril, Eric. Courage Camille!

Save us the "Gitmo was the Recruiting tool of Al Queda . . .' Really, girls? Where are there any Al Queda Recruitment Center Posters or Be Al You Khan Be! commercial on Al Jazeera?

EZ and the Fear Tossers need a handful of Midols.

Their Agenda is a National Trainwreck on Health Care, the Economy, Environment, Foreign Relations, and Hanukkah. When your numbers are way done, it is a good idea to ADD some support, but the Progressive Plan reequires more subtraction on the way to self-pity.

President Obama has done everything that the Amateur Hour White House Crew ( thick with Progressive Chicagoans) advised that he do and as a result -he is going down as the Millard Filmore of the New Millennium. Hell, even Jimmy Carter is looking good by comparison.

Ruth's Mini Club
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Neighborhood: Englewood/Auburn / Gresham
8338 S. Halsted St.
Chicago, IL 60620 773-723-8015

Philly Lawyer and Journalist Christine Flowers on Abortionists Health Reform Hypocrisies

By Christine M. Flowers
Philadelphia Daily News

I FOUND myself smiling when I heard the usual suspects criticizing the Conference of Catholic Bishops for poking its nose into the health-care debate.
Actually, it was more like a smirk.

When word got out that the mitered ones had lobbied for the Stupak Amendment barring tax subsidies for abortion, which I wrote about last week, pro-choice groups and civil libertarians erupted in anger at this blatant scaling of the barricade separating Church from State.

That was to be expected. The sky, or the wall, is always falling in their universe.

But what I found particularly smirk-inducing was the total silence from these same quarters over recent decades as the Catholic Church threw its weight behind health-care reform. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama could have had no better champion than the leaders of the church who consistently criticized both Republicans and Democrats in Washington for failing to address the needs of the indigent and lower-middle class.

Apparently, when you're on the side of their own particular angels, the First Amendment is irrelevant. But not so when it comes to secular sacraments like abortion and same-sex marriage. If you start messing with those rights, watch out.

Carol Tracy, director of the Women's Law Project, penned a letter to the Inquirer that reads as if it were ripped from an anti-Catholic manifesto:

"How can an institution that permitted and facilitated the sexual abuse of countless numbers of children dare to proclaim what is moral? What has happened to this country's founding principle of separation of church and state? . . . That Congress is accepting the church's mandates is appalling."

Wow. I wonder if Ms. Tracy felt the same way when the church lobbied for the protection of immigrant women who were victims of abuse at the hands of their citizen spouses? Or when it advocated increased funding from the state and federal governments for low-income mothers? Or supported civil rights. Or lobbied for social services for aliens forced to "live in the shadows"?

And that's exactly what I'm talking about - the hypocrisy of those who have no problem with a religion that promotes and advances their own worldview but who are shocked and appalled by its behavior when the bishops have the temerity to speak out against values that they reject.

I actually have more respect for people like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, the professional atheists who see only evil in the divine. They, at least, walk the walk and talk the talk, refusing to condone any intrusion of faith into the public square. While I'm repelled by their myopic perspective on religion, at least they're honest enough to wish a plague on all of our houses of worship.

Then you have the politicians like St. Nancy Pelosi, who bows to kiss Pope Benedict's ring like a good Catholic schoolgirl but fights tooth and manicured nail to make sure abortion remains universally available.

That's fine if you simply say, "I reject the fundamental teachings of my church." But Madame Speaker has decided to be a theologian in addition to a legislator and has actually taken it upon herself to tell the bishops where the church really stands on this issue. (Is there Latin for chutzpah?)

The point is, you can't have it both ways. Either you criticize the church for getting its cassocks dirty in the fight for health-care reform, in which case you also tell it to shut up when it condemns the death penalty, the war in Iraq and the persecution of immigrants.

Or, you praise it for promoting a liberation theology in which the poor must be raised up and innocent life protected, and accept its right to principled and unwavering opposition to abortion.

The problem is, too many people want to have their Eucharist and eat it, too. They are happy to embrace the bishops when it suits their secular purposes, but turn on them when they stray from liberal orthodoxy.

There's an almost patronizing attitude among non- and recovering Catholics these days. I was traveling on the R5 a few days ago, and overheard a conversation between two women, one apparently an Episcopalian minister, the other Catholic. They were involved in a discussion of the flaws of Catholicism.

THE PHRASE that struck me came from the minister: "The difference between Episcopalians and Catholics is that we don't force you to leave your brain at the door."

Apparently, the church's health-care critics don't want the bishops to leave their brains at the door.

Just their principles.

Christine M. Flowers is a lawyer.

Leo Boxer for Team USA ,Lamar Fenner, returns from UK

All the BS and nonsense about race by morons like MSNBC's Chris Matthews and courage by Planned Parenthood lap-dogs like Senator Dithering Dick Durbin fade like the memory of the scents Sweetheart Rendering at 34th & Ashland and the Skyway over Gary twenty years ago, when kids dedicated to the sweet science of boxing and school success come back to Leo High School.

Yesterday afternoon I had the great pleasure of hearing about Leo Man and Golden Gloves Boxing Champ Lamar Fenner*.

Lamar was coached by Mike Joyce while he was here at Leo and continues to be with Mike Joyce's Celtic Boxing Club which trains, black, white, middle class and impoverished kids on the south side of Chicago.

Lamar is one tough kid and as a younger gent was as one might say - willful. He is the Third Ranked Best Heavyweight American Amateur Boxer.

He got himself into one jackpot after another but with Mike Joyce's 'hands-on' mentoring and blunt Irish Psychology 101 - "Listen you little #$%%er . . ." Love and Affection graduated and set a path for a life of commitment.

Lamar is a Mmber of Team USA Boxing:

flyweight Michael Ruiz, Jr. (Fresno, Calif.), bantamweight John Franklin (Fort Carson, Colo.), featherweight Ricky Edwards (Prospect Park, N.J.), lightweight Eric DeLeon (Lincoln Park, Mich.), welterweight Errol Spence (Desoto, Texas), middleweight Luis Arias (Milwaukee, Wis.), heavyweight Lamar Fenner (Chicago, Ill.) and super heavyweight Lenroy Thompson (Lenexa, Kansas). Female boxers Patricia Manuel (Commerce, Calif.) and Brittany Inkrote (Red Lion, Pa.) will represent the United States at the lightweight and welterweight divisions respectively.

The U.S. coaching staff will be led by newly named Volunteer National Coach Ed Weichers (Colorado Springs, Colo.), and he will be joined by Candy Lopez (San Jose, Calif.) and Gary Sullenger (Concord, Calif.). Richard Trindle (Mercer, Pa.) will serve as the Team Manager for the event with David Llaurdo (New York, N.Y.) and Richard Neves (Pleasanton, Calif.) serving as the AIBA officials.

Lamar and TEAM USA fought in London last week. Lamar Fenner lost against one of the top ranked British Boxers Heavyweight Stephen Simmons in 20-6 decision.
Lamar had nothing but praise for Simmons- "He left hand jabbed me, Mr. Hickey, and he held me off for the decision and the decision was his. He beat me."

No excuses. LaMar Fenner earns way. The Kids at Leo High School - a Catholic Hih School of the Archdiocse of Chicago - earn their way.

Chicago's own Lamar Fenner fought Michigan's Jordan Shimmell last night at the national Golden Gloves finals, and though he tried his damnedest, lost a 3-2 decision to the heavyweight. Shimmell, a four-time Michigan state champ and national Golden Gloves veteran, told Michigan Live that he thought the third round - when Fenner seemed to tire - was what probably won the split decision for him.

"In the first round, Fenner spent most of the time charging in and throwing body shots. But Shimmell was able to counter effectively.
Fenner had better luck in the second round, but he seemed to tire in the third, when Shimmell put together some of his best combinations.

With just seconds left in the fight, Shimmell staggered Fenner with a straight right. But before he could follow up, the bell ended the bout.

"The third round probably won it for me," Shimmell said. "It was a close fight. But I gave it my all and he gave it his all and I came out on top. ... I was really reaching for it in third."

Before yesterday's fight, Fenner told Chicagoist that he anticipated giving it his all - and that he wanted to bring the belt back home to the city. That may not have happened this year, but there's always next year for the 26-year-old, who celebrated his (and Tracy Rollins') birthday May 4 with the opening of the tournament. Fenner may still drop the 27 pounds between him and a lower weight class, or he may compete on the city's burgeoning mixed martial arts scene.

Either way, we'll be watching.

Liked our Golden Gloves coverage? Check out our stories here - and our photos here.
H/t Marcus Gilmer's Chicagoist

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dearth of a Salesman - President Obama Reports on His Asia Junket!

Has a president ever been less successful on a trip overseas than President Obama has on his eight-day excursion to Asia? I've been covering presidents since Gerald Ford and I can't think of one.
Weekly Standard 11/19/09

Willie Loman was not a President but he is playing one now!

My Fellow Americans*,

I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been. A small man can be just as exhausted as a great man.The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want.

After eight years of Bush and Cheney -The man knew what he wanted and went out and got it! Walked into a jungle and comes out, the age of twenty-one, and he's rich!
He's liked, but he's not well liked. He's not the finest character that ever lived. But he's a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. He's not to be allowed to fall in his grave like an old dog. Attention, attention must finally be paid to such a person.

I'm the New England man. I'm vital in New England. As America's first Pacific President, I promise you that this Pacific nation will strengthen and sustain our leadership in this vitally important part of the world.I've got to get some seeds. I've got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing's planted. I don't have a thing in the ground.

After all the highways, and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive.
Before it's all over we're gonna get a little place out in the country, and I'll raise some vegetables, a couple of chickens…

* Death of Salesman - Arthur Miller + Dearth of a Salesman - President Barack Obama

John Devens' World Folk Music - A Huge Loss to Music and to Beverly/Morgan Park

John Devens is a guy who always helps other people. That is his shtick. He is also a brilliant musician, Folk/Jazz historian/teacher/ impresario/ band leader and hopelessly constant soft-touch.

I played Irish/Bluegrass music with John Devens years ago. He and Rick Farris and Master String Wizard Ed McGrath joined Terry McEldowney, Willie Winters and me to smooth off our jagged edges. They gave it a valiant effort.

John played mandolin and guitar after years as Big Band guitarist and helped polish the sound of three loud bar shouters and strings hitters with a very large and beer fueled following.

I hung up my 5-string in 1985 due to family and teaching obligations and never heard a word of protest from the Music World.

Willie Winters went on to direct the Beverly Area Planning Association during its Golden Age and helps Sheriff Tom Dart redefine what Public Service is all about.

Terry McEldowney cut CDs, wrote ballads, burned an ulcer the size of Oprah's Rump into Boz O'Brien's belly and continued to damage the fragile egos of the truly deserving. Terry McEldowney wrote the lyrics to the defining anthem of the south side of Chicago -South Side Irish.

John Devens directed Dyed in the Wool*a wonderful Celtic/Contemporary acoustic band and opened World Folk Music Company - a performance, teaching, resource, and musical supply resource unmatched on the south side of Chicago.

Last month, my neighbors and I learned of the closing of World Folk Music Company after a decade of beauty, laughs and inspiration. World Folk Music gave kids and adults a chance to play, hear and learn the beauty of Music. It was a full-service hands-on operation of the heart!

John Devens moved more burdens than Sisyphus, but always had time to help sick kids, families in financial need and to teach the beauty that is Music.

This is a huge in our Collective Public and Personal Heart. God Bless You, John! Click my post title for more.


Among the very best bands in Chicago is Dyed In The Wool, a gathering of grand musical talents and sweet sensibilities that can handle traditional tunes in ways that make them fresh and vibrant and create original tunes that will stay with you forever." (Rick Kogan, WGN Radio, Chicago Tribune)

John Devens, a product of the Chicago folk scene, boasts of guitar styles from the Travis pick to jazz swing. Julia Dusek-Devens has a solid classical background and an excellent command of the flute that are behind her whimsical performance attitude. If you haven’t heard Jim White play guitar, you’re in for a treat. And Meghan McKown brings her own fresh approach to everything she sings. Her tone ranges from rich to soulful to clear and pristine.

"As the regular reader knows, Dyed in the Wool is our favorite Chicago Band. Period. Great stuff. (Rating: Four Harps)" (Bill Margeson, Irish American News)

October 1st, 2009
The World Music Company - 1808 W. 103rd Street, Chicago 773.779.7059
Dear Students, Teachers, Staff, Supporters, and Fans of World Music Company,

It is with huge regret that we announce that World Music Company (WMC) will be closing our doors on Wednesday, November 25, 2009; this day will mark the end of all music programs, performances, and lessons. While the deciding factor in this decision was the loss of our lease, there were others – a declining enrollment and a reduction in funding support – that played a role.

Since 1996, we have had a wonderful time serving the Beverly community. The things we’ve learned, the people we’ve met, and the ways in which our musical horizons have expanded have been the major focus of our company for 13 years. Our staff, our teachers, and the community that has supported us and the friendships we have established and maintained over so many years have been wonderful.

Beginning on Monday, November 16th, we will begin a phased liquidation of the stock in the store and most of the memorabilia on the walls. Prices may vary and be subject to change as November 25th approaches. We would like to thank all of the past and present employees for all your hard work and dedication over the years.

To celebrate the many wonderful years of WMC, we will hold a farewell concert on Wednesday, November 25th at WMC starting at 6:30pm and featuring many of the wonderful performers that have played here over the years. We hope that as many people that have supported us over the years will attend and celebrate what we have accomplished and commemorate the end of our era. Yes, the store will be closing, but the friendships, love, and passion for music, will remain open.

Thanks for the memories and support over the years,

John Devens, Executive Director & Founder

Eric Williams, Board President

The World Music Company is one of Chicago’s cultural treasures, quietly nestled in the Beverly neighborhood. A school of music, World Music Company offers lessons on a wide variety of instruments, including Guitar, Piano, Violin, Banjo, Recorder, Brass Winds, Voice, and some folk instruments like Hammered Dulcimer and Celtic Tin Whistle you won’t find anywhere else! Read more about our world class instructors »

We also offer a variety of classes and musical related activities, including a Concert Series, Wednesday Night Jazz, Music for Children with Special Needs, adult guitar classes, and Community Open Mic.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eric Holder's Nation of Cowards Countered by a Sports Writer -Ed Weaver

By Ed Weaver
The Record

President Obama’s decision — and it was his, not Attorney General Eric Holder’s — to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other terrorists in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, rather than try them before a military commission, is an outrage. It is a further example that this administration has a contempt for the U.S. military and still can’t come to grips with the fact that the War in Iraq met its objectives.

Holder’s arrogant, indignant announcement is an insult to every American of every race and nationality.

“After eight years of delay,” Holder said, “those allegedly responsible for that attacks of September the 11th will finally face justice,” Holder said. “They will be brought to New York — to New York — to answer for their alleged crimes in a courthouse just blocks away from where the twin towers once stood.”

Alleged? Are you kidding me? They’ve all admitted their guilt and some, including KSM, asked to be put to death.

Crimes? These are acts of terrorism, not crimes.

This insidious, reckless, irresponsible, dangerous, sophomoric, placate-the-far-left-base, stick-it-to-Bush decision will further weaken the resolve of the Central Intelligence Agency and could get more Americans killed.

This is an abomination.

Suppose KSM decides to represent himself. He will then be given access to all kinds of U.S. intelligence materials that he could relay to al Qaeda leaders around the globe.

He and the others to be tried were not given their Miranda “rights.”

Most have not been afforded the “right” to a speedy trial. Mohammed has been held for six and one-half years, the past 32 months at Guantanamo Bay.

Theoretically — quite literally — they could be acquitted simply on those grounds.

Hell, Obama has admitted that KSM was “tortured” and you liberals just laughed and made ridicule when people such as this writer, who don’t allow our emotions to overrule our intellect, warned loudly that classifying waterboarding as “torture” was as reckless as it is inaccurate.

Mohammed, “the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks,” according to the 9/11 Commission, also admitted he murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl when he stated, “I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head.”

Holder also announced that five other detainees held at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, will be sent to military commissions for trial. They were identified as Omar Khadr, Mohammed Kamin, Ibrahim al Qosi, Noor Uthman Muhammed and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

Al-Nashiri is an accused mastermind of the deadly 2,000 bombing of the USS Cole.

Military tribunals are good enough for them but not KSM? Yes, I know his “crime” occurred in NYC, the others did not? So, is that the determining factor in this horrendous decision?

Andrew McCarthy, a former U.S. Attorney for the same Southern New York District, prosecuted Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind sheik who masterminded the 1993 WTC attack, is outraged. He states it was a mistake to try al Qaeda terrorists as domestic criminals then and it is now, and affording them rights under the U.S. constitution is absurd.

McCarthy, writing for National Review Online on Monday, said KSM and the other defendants “will demand disclosures about investigative tactics; the methods and sources by which intelligence has been obtained; the witnesses from the intelligence community, the military, and law enforcement who interrogated witnesses, conducted searches, secretly intercepted enemy communications, and employed other investigative techniques. They will attempt to compel testimony from officials who formulated U.S. counterterrorism strategy, in addition to U.S. and foreign intelligence officers. As civilian “defendants,” these war criminals will put Bush-era counterterrorism tactics under the brightest public spotlight in American legal history.

“This is exactly what President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder know will happen. And because it is unnecessary to have this civilian trial at all, one must conclude that this is exactly what Obama and Holder want to see happen.”

“Let’s not rush…”: How profound it was to so many on the left, highly-elected Democrats, almost deny any possibility that Major Nidal Malik Hasan was an radical Islamist bent of killing American military personnel.

Again, the word “alleged” was used by everyone from Obama and Holder to local news anchors in this market when the whole damned world knows he did it!

And by refusing to term Hasan’s actions as an act of terrorism, calling it simply murder, and ignoring the fact that Hasan was motivated by the same hatred as that of al Qaeda, Hezbollah and other terror groups, he dishonors every member of the U.S. military, especially those who’ve given their lives.

Ed Weaver is a sports writer. His column appears on Tuesdays.

That Must Have Been Some Movie, There Radcliffe!

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Eric "We are a Nation of Cowards" Holder says, "Nothing to Fear, Chickens! Scaredy Cats! Victims in Waiting!"

Note to my Prgressive Readers - Some of this is Real and the Rest of it is Eric Holder and Chris Matthews.

"We need not cower in the face of this enemy," Holder says. "Our institutions are strong, our infrastructure is sturdy, our resolve is firm, and our people are ready. Look to Our Institutions -MSNBC and Chris Matthews for purpose and resolve." Attorney General Eric 'A Nation of Cowards" Holder ( played by Stedman Graham).

Roll Clip,Please -

Urine Hardball with Chris Matthews! I got Rep. jan Shakowsky who makes sense and Reo. Judy Biggert who is coward. Let's play Hardball!

Matthews: Back in the beginnings of our country, we had a trial for the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, and we gave those soldiers a real trial, and John Adams was their defense attorney. And a lot of them got off. Do you think that was a mistake to give them a real trial, or should we have just executed them. What should we have done?

Biggert: Well, I’m talking about having a real –

Matthews: Was it wrong to give a real trial to people who shot down our people in the Boston Massacre, or was that a good emblem of the kind of country we were going to be, a country of laws?

Biggert: I think –

Matthews: John Adams was their defense lawyer. Should he have not taken that job? Not defended the enemies of our country, and shown that we have a good system of law in this country? Was that a mistake? What are you some kind of woman? Chicken? Fear the Reaper, Girly? I'm from Scranton, Philadelphia and we are tough. . .plenty tough. Look I don't take anything from a middle aged woman from Hinsdale - what is that some suburb? Say you are from Chicago for God's sake! I eat Philly Steaks like John Adams and the Continental Congress did when the Nazis had their way and Blitzkrieg stank and the Bodies rode a Tank. Beau Geste! That was a great movie! Like Afghnistan and Cheney a troll under the bridge on the River Kwai over in China where the President is facing down our debtors and bowing to them Japanese Guards in Beau Geste! Cowards! Hey, This isn't funny! What are you smiling about? This is Hardball are you going to Cry? Hey, Bill Ayers is a great guy! This is really about history and Mamifests Our Destiny as real Nation where real men can pick onmiddle aged dolls. What? You got battered wife syndrome, or something? Come on! Speak Up! I'm talking here! I remember . . .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Talking $hit with Shore - How PC Nitwits Slip Through the Cracks

Debra Shore is on the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District ( formerly the Sanitary District) - one of the engineering miracles of civilization.

Debra Shore is a proudly Gay/Lesbian Green Activist who got elected through the marvel that is Cook County politics. About ten years ago gay activists decided to gain control of a branch of Cook County government and selected our water ways -in league with Environmental activists, n'cest pas. Kewl. Why should the Irish, Mexican, Cuban, Polish, and Black breeders have all the hegemony?

Shucks, I am sure that there have been Gay Sanitary District heroes from the get-go! Smart ones. Effective ones. Guys . . .Gays who reall knew their . . .Deb will get into that substance forthwith. However, I digress . . .Now, why must we settle for . . .interesting . . .naw, . .Dumb Ones?

Let's see, here.

Debra Shore knows her feces. She talks feces. Shore has written many Huffington Post - a feces-full site if there ever was one -offerings on this topic and the water that passes it.

Debra Shore has not forgiven Chicago for reversing the Chicago River. The MWRD is tasked with maintaining and treating water in the Chicago Metropolitan area and with drainage of rain water as well -

The District's territory covers approximately 91% of land area and 98% of the valuation of Cook County, Illinois; and, unlike other sanitary districts, the district has the power to operate facilities outside its boundaries.[2] It serves an area of 883 square miles (2,290 km2) which covers the City of Chicago and 125 suburban municipalities. The District’s 554 miles (892 km) of intercepting sewer mains are linked to approximately 10,000 local connections.[3] Over 2,100 people are employed by the District.

The District operates the largest wastewater treatment plant in the world, the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant in Stickney, Illinois, in addition to six other plants and 23 pumping stations. The District treats an average 1.5 billion gallons of wastewater each day. It is also responsible for the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and maintains approximately 76 miles (122 km) of waterways, part of a national system connecting the Atlantic Ocean, Great Lakes, and the Gulf of Mexico.

The District oversees one of the largest civil engineering projects ever undertaken - the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan, better known as the "Deep Tunnel Project." It includes over one hundred miles of tunnels, 9 to 33 feet (10 m) in diameter each part of an extensive flood mitigation and pollution control project. Since 2005 the District has been responsible for stormwater management for all of Cook County and some areas outside of the District’s boundaries.

from Wikipedia.

Debra Shore writes about stewardship and rain barrels and how we can take better care of our 'discharges' as stewards of the waterways! Why toilets and our River's course is bad. Shore follows the nostrums of the late Catholic nitwit Geologian Thomas Berry who railed against man for living on this planet. He had a Theology determined by man's debt to inanimate objects -plants, rocks, water, trees & etc.

Debra Shore passes poop as a passion for people.

Now consider this: in our system of sanitation, we essentially use fresh, potable water as a wheelbarrow to transport waste. In Cook and eastern Lake County, Illinois, we take water out of Lake Michigan, filter it through sand to remove particles and treat it with chemicals to make it safe to drink, we pump it out through miles of pipe to our homes and businesses, and then we use that fresh, drinkable water in catchbasins called toilets to convey our human waste to a sewage treatment plant. I ask you, how smart is that?

(IT"S BRILLIANT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? sorry I should not have interrupted. Do go on!)

Here's another key point: unlike oil and other fossil fuels, there are no substitutes for freshwater. Yet today, in Cook County at least, we use water once for residential and industrial purposes, and then we essentially throw it away. That's because we reversed the Chicago River more than 100 years ago. So now, though we treat our sewage before discharging the effluent into the Chicago area waterways, our effluent flows down to the Gulf of Mexico. It is not returned to the lake. (Is it any wonder we call effluent waste water? Our current system assumes that water used once is garbage.)

Heavens! I mean . . ."Earth!"
That, Debra, is why the folks decided to set up a Water Reclamation District - to RECLAIM the Water!!!!

Now, I saw 5th Graders at St. Cajetan Grammar School with science projects on rainwater/condensation/snowflakes/clouds who showed the most elementary understanding of hydronics. Water it seems never goes away - it goes somewhere else but not away. MWRD treats lake water for SAFETY!!!!! Clean water goes in our pipes and into our sinks, glasses, mouths, goes round and round and eventually out to and through our Toilets! How smart is that? It is Brilliant!

Debra Shore is calling for Calcutta on the Calumet! Cholera for all Chicagoans!

Jesus Christ Superstar! Keep electing these bird-brains folks! Hacks and Political Old Timers gave us clean and well maintained water. That is sinful!

Now it gets better - do read on . . .

My point is this: using freshwater in toilets is not smart and it is not sustainable. I believe the homes of the future will be designed to use "grey" water -- the water from our washing machines and dishwashers, the water from our showers and from rain captured in barrels and cisterns -- to flush our toilets. This kind of redesign of water use, both residential and industrial, will be one of the growth industries of coming decades. (In the meantime, one of the simplest and best things you can do at home to conserve water is to replace old toilets with a new dual-flush model.)

My best friend used to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where water is more scarce and more costly. She kept a plastic bucket in her shower and every morning when she turned the water on and waited for it to warm up, she captured that water in the bucket. She used that bucket to water her plants and her garden. If you live in an apartment, you can use it to flush your toilet. It's perfectly good potable water just flowing down the drain. So I got a bucket and started trying that and I found that I am capturing 15 gallons a week in that minute or less while I am waiting for the water to warm up. You can try it too.

Debra Shore begs all of us," So, on World Toilet Day, here is my plea: monitor your water use. Think about ways to conserve water. And consider how lucky we are."

Cacat, Father Maibusch would say! Ms. Shore is an elected official of MWRD who was left in the marinade way too long.

How smart is Debra? As smart as a Progressive can get! They have a crowd of like minded folks ready for your ballots.

Me and the Kids Will Take the Illinois Gitmo Guests!

Bruce Dold and Tribune Editorial Board brought a manly tear to my eye when they chorused this morning's edition with 'Be Not Afraid!'

Thomson Correctional Facility can do so much for our State and Governor Quinn has called for all of us to do things The Illinois Way! I am moved and compelled!

I am willing to take the Gitmo Guests! Let's Fed Ex this Candle! Let's Move! Send them Gitmo Guests to Morgan Park. I'll see that the lads get to Mass at St. Cajetans, get three hots and cots, enjoy WOW Cable TV and PlayStation II. Share in the delights and hilarious misadventures of the Family Hickey and their Widow Man Pater Familias.

Have the 200 Million e-transferred to my Beverly Bank account and me and the kids will watch these guys. No reason to have the Illinois Department of corrections do without a swell facility to accommodate Illinois citizens who fallen afoul of the law.

I will take the 200 Million and upgrade my Morgan Park raised ranch ( let's see,the Thomson Shed costs about $175 Million and I can get off-duty Chicago Firemen from the neighborhood - yeah, $100 Million Tops!) accordingly and treat the lads to Governor Quinn's Illinois Way!

I'll half of what's left. Eric Holder will see that these guys are well taken care of and then set free. So half of 100 million comes to 50 Million and we can get snacks and TP and fresh duds and stuff at Costco or Wal-Mart ( can I say Wal-Mart?).

I'll make do - this is the Illinois Way!

"We're here today to let the people know we're not going to let the fearmongers carry the day," Quinn said. "We're going to do things right, the Illinois way."

That was former Illinois Governor Quinn, boys and girls!

The Illinois way! Is not Blago, Pat Quinn's Old Partner, facing more than a few semesters in the Hotel Serious, for conducting things in the Illinois Way?

No Fear Guv! Tell the Feds to Send the Dough!

Rep. Judy Biggert - Will She Call for an Apology for MSNBC Abuse?

Rep. Judy Biggert (R.IL) walked into a Chris Matthews ambush, prodded no doubt by local nitwit Rep. Jan Schakowsky and MSNBC Stable Pony and wife of convicted felon Bob Creamer. Click my post title for offensive Matthews. He only does this with women.

Judy Biggert was verbally abused by gutless loudmouth Chris Matthews concerning the usurpation of the Office of President by Eric Holder - the deft switching of the trials of enemy combatant terrorists to criminal trials and afforded all the rights of American citizens. MSNBC. a sponsor of the Obama White House. thinks it to be a keen idea.

The always imbecilic Matthews, who manages to make the Pet Show Sportscaster in the movie Best in Show seem like David Suskind, set up an ambush, no doubt pre-planned with the soulless Schakowsky well in advance "Hey, Judy let's do Hardball!"

Chris Matthews attempts to parallel Eric Holder to John Adams with his moronic historical allusion to the trial of British soldiers after the 1770 Boston Massacre. Get this -

Matthews: Back in the beginnings of our country, we had a trial for the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, and we gave those soldiers a real trial, and John Adams was their defense attorney. And a lot of them got off. Do you think that was a mistake to give them a real trial, or should we have just executed them. What should we have done?

Biggert: Well, I’m talking about having a real –

Matthews: Was it wrong to give a real trial to people who shot down our people in the Boston Massacre, or was that a good emblem of the kind of country we were going to be, a country of laws?

Biggert: I think –

Matthews: John Adams was their defense lawyer. Should he have not taken that job? Not defended the enemies of our country, and shown that we have a good system of law in this country? Was that a mistake?

America, was a Crown Colony Milky, and not a sovereign nation you pompous jerk.

Representative Biggert went deer in the headlights and seemed to look to self-absorbed Shakowsky for help -'Dead Chick Limping!"

Rep. Judy Biggert must demand a public apology from MSNBC and the oafish Matthews.

She's owes that to the people who voted for her.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Imbecile Chris M(atthews)SNBC Attacks Rep. Judy Biggert for not having His Misunderstanding History

Talking to alleged Turkish Spy and celebrated nitwit Jan Shakowsky is a walk in the park for the Forty Watt Power of Chris Matthews blond brain.

Trying to add a counter point of view was too much and it tasked Matthews beyond his own oafish abilities to be develop declarative sentences - he was stuck on Interrogatory and Imperatives.

To sum up, On today's offering of Hardball Matthews invited two Congresswomen for Illinois to discuss the invitation to Gitmo Terrorists to enjoy Thomson Illinois and the folly of A Nation of Coward Holder's usurpation of the Office of the President to try enemy combatants like they were Gangster Disciples.

To make his point - like the one that sits on his shoulders - Matthews howled at Rep. Biggert when she objected to foreign enemies and terrorists being afforded the rights of Americans.

"Was John Adams wrong then to try British soldiers in an American Civil Court of Law and not a military court after the Boston Massacre? Was he John Adams! You are saying John Adams was wrong."

No, Matthews, as always you are wrong.

The British Soldiers were tried in a Crown Court by a Crown Lawyer, John Adams, shortly after the 1770 Massacre in Boston. John Adams was a British subject.

If Rep. Biggert does not demand an apology from this oaf and the MSNBC Ship of Fools , she is a bigger idiot than Matthews. MSNBC is a sad joke. Matthews one of its saddest clowns.

Illini Gitmo! Your Gift to Al Queda thanks to Durbin, Quinn and Our White House!

Get Them Thomson Melons Ready! Quinn and Durbin have Gitmo Guests Jonesing for Thomson Melons!

"We're here today to let the people know we're not going to let the fearmongers carry the day," Quinn said. "We're going to do things right, the Illinois way."

That was former Illinois Governor Quinn, boys and girls!

The Illinois way! Is not Blago, Pat Quinn's Old Partner, facing more than a few semesters in the Hotel Serious, for conducting things in the Illinois Way?

By Illinois Way does former Governor Quinn mean screwing every person in the State of Illinois into poverty and far and away from the Middle Class, but with Terorists?

What do our Gitmo Illini get? The Folks in Thomson have it all -

We have some of the finest watermelons and produce in the country. Thomson is at the intersection of Illinois Route 84 and Argo Fay Road nestled along the mighty Mississippi River, where Potter's Marsh (U.S. Corps of Engineers - Thomson Causeway Public Use Area) offers some of the finest camping in Northwestern Illinois. Thomson is also known for some of the finest duck hunting, deer hunting and turkey hunting in the state of Illinois. Fishing is great!! We have a wide variety of fish on the mighty Mississippi River. Huge Catfish, Walleye, Bass, Northern Pike, Bluegills and the list goes on and on.
If you are planning on a quiet vacation or want to do some camping, come and see what Thomson has to offer. Thomson is also the site of the Illinois Department of Corrections newest maximum security prison - a $145 million facility which remains unopened.

Coupons and Penny savers! Check out the Costs!

Average Annual Cost Per Inmate: $43,803.00! Wow, that is $13,000 more than my Western Illinois University 2007 Graduate daughter Nora makes in our American Economy. She has yet to plant a IED.

More than my friends who have been laid off for more three months. I know several families who will not be as snug and well cared for here in Illinois as these gents who made war on America.

Foreign born terrorists get to live in Illinois Melon Capital - Thomson, Illinois.

Thomson Correctional Center is a safe maximum-security environment. Prison design, movement patterns and programming options will allow a strong community of order to be maintained. Inmates will be monitored under constant armed and electronic surveillance. Education, mental health services, recreation and skilled development will be available to inmates as mandatory and or voluntary programming options. These choices, under professional guidance, are opportunities for inmates to enrich their lives with the tools necessary for successful living.

Thomson Correctional Center is a Level 1 adult male maximum-security facility comprised of 1,600 cells and eight housing units. The facility also has a 200-bed minimum-security unit. The facility is 146 acres and consists of 15 buildings, totaling 625,000 square feet. Construction in the cell houses is pre-cast, reinforced cement walls. The facility is enclosed by a 12-foot exterior fence and 15-foot interior fence, which includes a dual sided electric stun fence.

Currently only the 200-bed minimum-security unit is open with no opening date set for the main complex.

Dang. Adult education classes will be provided no doubt.

As Dithering Dick Durbin said, "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings,"


The Illinois Way!

Gitmo Guests! Welcome to Thomson - Durbin Tours and Quinn Travel Presentation

We are a small community of 550 people. Primarily an agricultural area, we are known for watermelons, thus nick-named:


We have some of the finest watermelons and produce in the country. Thomson is at the intersection of Illinois Route 84 and Argo Fay Road nestled along the mighty Mississippi River, where Potter's Marsh (U.S. Corps of Engineers - Thomson Causeway Public Use Area) offers some of the finest camping in Northwestern Illinois. Thomson is also known for some of the finest duck hunting, deer hunting and turkey hunting in the state of Illinois. Fishing is great!! We have a wide variety of fish on the mighty Mississippi River. Huge Catfish, Walleye, Bass, Northern Pike, Bluegills and the list goes on and on.
If you are planning on a quiet vacation or want to do some camping, come and see what Thomson has to offer. Thomson is also the site of the Illinois Department of Corrections newest maximum security prison - a $145 million facility which remains unopened.

PC might prevent me from mentioning the fact that folks from the Middle East love a nice melon! Oh bother PC - them Arab lads Love Melons! Well, sir, that did not seem such leap, now did it? Thomson's for Melon Lovers -not just Terrorist Guests of Gitmo.

Does Dithering Dick Durbin, who had no problem calling American Girls and Boys in Military Servcice Nazis a few years back, so well understand the Islamist hue on the Great Diversity Rainbow that Thomson was his pick to bring Islamist Terrorist to Illinois' Melon Capitol of the World?

Is Governor Pat Quinn so tired of public service that he listens to Dick Durbin's sage counsel?

These and many more questions will be played out in the coming days

Thomson, Il in Carroll County is a beautiful town - been there! I wonder how the folks at Kyles Tavern and American Legion Post 1025 will enjoy sharing the beauty of this Illinois Paradise with hate-filled killers.

The melons might make a difference.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pat Hughes for U.S. Senate! Dan Proft for Governor

Dan Proft had me at, "Hey!" While I love Andy McKenna's hair commercial and believe him to be one of the finest people in shoes, I must go with Dan Proft. While Speaker Madigan takes a lot of grief from Proft, I see equally fine qualities of work ethic, integrity, common sense, common decency, and loyalty in each.

Andy Andriekzcxsiekiqzkie seems a nice lad and his Mom and Dad did commercials for him. That is right out of Dan Hynes 'Hey, I Want to Lose and Badly' Playbook.
Pat Quinn is a sweet guy.

Pat Quinn is the kind of guy who the more vicious types that we all grew up with prod into doing really stupid things - "Pat, I bet Bill Celini, Kjellander and Quentin Young thatYOU -Maniac Pat - couldn't chug this quart of EverClear, smoke a pack of Luckies all Once and then flip ( jump on while moving) an L-Car on the Dan Ryan when they slow down coming into 95th Street!" Mad Dog Quinn'll do it! Hell, Quinn does everything and anything Ralphie Martire dreams of!

I was going to vote for Alexi Giannoulias for U.S. Senate, but he has gotten too cozy with the Abortion Industry and the abortion of American Labor -SEIU. I like Alexi.
Listening to Ditering Dick Durbin, a guy who makes Joe Biden sound ike Daniel Webster, was a bad idea. If Giannoulias had gotten even just a little bit closer to the thoughts of Speaker Mike Madigan, he'd be a shoe-in for Senator. Nope.

The GOP has Marque Kirque. Christ Almighty. Oh, Marque has an identical twin brother - Marque Dillard.

But then along comes the unknown Pat Hughes and he is immediately attacked by professional litigator and goofball Anthony Elton-John- Trigona-Lightfoot-Teddy Atlas-Dino-Desi- & Billy- The Couch is on Fire, Pa- Bluementhall-Hanratty -Martin: Just Plain Andy Martin these days.

Lynn Sweet tries to give Marque Kirque some cotton candy in today's Sun Times offering but then up steps Bughouse Andy Martin!

andy martin wrote:
Hughes is a joke. Lynn Sweet is showing her pro-Democrat bias by trying to promote Hughes as a Republican. Hughes did not even vote republican until 2008. But then that's why the Sun-Times is in bankruptcy. They won’t tell the truth, so no one believes what they say.

Andy Martin
Republican for U. S. Senator

I was enchanted!

'Had not given Young Master Hughes a thought until Testors-sniffing Andy Martin went all Birther on him. Lo and Behold Patrick Hughes has Coach Ditka on the sidelines and
a solid record on No Abortion No How.
scal Policy
Our economy grows when private citizens and businesses are freed from unnecessary government intervention. Lower taxes, restrained government spending and the elimination of oppressive regulatory schemes that crush innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit are the hallmarks of his economic philosophy.

National Defense Policy
A strong national defense must be backed by the best funded, best trained and most prepared military in history. Any effective national defense policy must include our continual willingness and ability to fight the war on terror, negotiate peace with our enemies only through strength, and honor those who have served our country both while they are serving and when their service is done.

Health Care Policy
More government intervention into our health care system will result in higher costs, rationing of medical care and most importantly, the irreversible slide towards unsustainable European style statism. We can improve our health care system by reducing government mandates, allowing citizens to shop for health insurance across state lines to promote competition, providing tax credits to families to purchase health insurance, passing serious tort reform, and eliminating fraud and waste.

Energy Policy
America needs to reduce our reliance on foreign oil imports. Doing so is imperative to our national security. We must harvest our vast coal, oil and natural gas resources, including drilling offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). We must expand our use of nuclear power. At the same time, we should continue to invest in new technologies, including obtaining energy from wind, solar and biofuels.

Immigration Policy
America is a nation of people like Pat's grandparents—immigrants who came here from a far away place for a chance at the American dream. Thus, we should encourage immigrants to come here legally, enforce laws that provide a legitimate path to citizenship, and enforce our borders against those who would enter our country illegally.

Foundations of American Life
Liberal policies have undermined the social fabric of our country by assaulting the foundations of American life—religious institutions, marriage and the family. Pat promises to fight to protect, preserve and advance all three.

A life worthy of protection begins at conception, that abortion undermines our American Promise to protect and defend our citizens. Therefore, Roe v. Wade severely undermines our democracy and must be overturned.

I will vote for Pat Hughes. I will continue to ridicule Cap'n Trade Marque Kirque for the Skunque That He Be ! I only hope that Pat Hughes avoids the Illinois GOP curse of having his toes blown off by the geniuses in that Confederacy of Dunces.

Thus far, it looks like I am voting for Dan Proft for Governor and Pat Hughes for U.S. Senate.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ah, So! President Obama -""I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest. Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people . . ."Uh, Huh.

"I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest. Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism." Barack H. Obama

Will President Obama please stay home until he learns some American history? Please.

Obama Policy of "Strategic Reassurance" - China will not rub his belly.

"Dubbed "strategic reassurance," the policy aims to convince the Chinese that the United States has no intention of containing their rising power. Details remain to be seen, but as with the Russia "reset," it is bound to make American allies nervous." NEWSWEEK

In keeping with this new, humbler U.S. profile, Obama is going to Asia with very little to offer and everything to ask. His every movement and talking point in China will be shadowed by the knowledge that the United States desperately needs Beijing to keep buying U.S. debt (of course the Chinese also need U.S. growth to resume quickly so they can keep exporting). He will do little to press President Hu Jintao on human rights or climate change, even with the Copenhagen summit looming. With no legislation on carbon emissions likely from Congress—Obama tends to defer to the Hill on everything from health care to financial reform to climate change—in Copenhagen the administration's goals have been reduced to "not letting it fail," as one Western official put it. In Japan and South Korea, Obama will have nothing new to offer on what those two countries consider the preeminent security threat, North Korea.

Newsweek has a tone less than flattering of David Brooks' favorite Pants-Crease President? Newsweek going Rogue, on President Obama?

Newsweek home of MSNBC hack Jonathon Alter, who stretches every New Deal trope from his swell book about FDR into an Obama belly Rub?

This worm has done turned, Murial.

President Obama is about to bow to his sensai - the next one up!

America is defending Japan from China and North Korea and let's toss in Russia as well.

The Marines have been stationed on Okinawa since Japan surrendered - through the Cold War, Korea, and our continuing war with Islamist Fascism - which President Obama refuses to acknowledge at home and especially abroad. Japan's Prime Minister Hatoyama wanted a Marine Air Base moved out of Okinawa as well as the planned transfer of 9,000 Marines to Guam -"During the election campaign, especially to the Okinawans, I've stated that we would consider relocation outside of Okinawa and outside of the country," Hatoyama said. "It is a fact that we did campaign on this issue, and the Okinawans do have high expectations."

"It will be a very difficult issue for sure, but as time goes by, I think it will become even more difficult to resolve the issue. Especially the residents in the Futenma district will find it even more difficult to resolve the issue as time goes by." Guam NewsFactor,com

President Obama's Strategy of Reassurance is directed toward America's Rivals - particularly China and Russia -and not its Allies.

President Obama has dithered on his war in Afghanistan and all this point to his policy of retreat from there as well as Iraq.

President Obama's Justice Department decided to put America on trial in New York City with the idiotic show trials of 9-11 Terrorist that will draw and quarter America's War on Terrorism that ended in January 2009.

President Obama's Strategy of Reassurance is a policy that every friendly, timid and fawning puppy plays out on its back.

Here its is

For decades, U.S. strategy toward China has had two complementary elements. The first was to bring China into the "family of nations" through engagement. The second was to make sure China did not become too dominant, through balancing. The Clinton administration pushed for China's accession to the World Trade Organization and normalized trade but also strengthened the U.S. military alliance with Japan. The Bush administration fostered close economic ties and improved strategic cooperation with China. But the United States also forged a strategic partnership with India and enhanced its relations with Japan, Singapore and Vietnam. The strategy has been to give China a greater stake in peace, while maintaining a balance of power in the region favorable to democratic allies and American interests.

"Strategic reassurance" seems to chart a different course. Senior officials liken the policy to the British accommodation of a rising United States at the end of the 19th century, which entailed ceding the Western Hemisphere to American hegemony. Lingering behind this concept is an assumption of America's inevitable decline.

Yet nothing would do more to hasten decline than to follow this path. The British accommodation of America's rise was based on close ideological kinship. British leaders recognized the United States as a strategic ally in a dangerous world -- as proved true throughout the 20th century. No serious person would imagine a similar grand alliance and "special relationship" between an autocratic China and a democratic United States. For the Chinese -- true realists -- the competition with the United States in East Asia is very much a zero-sum game.

For that reason, "strategic reassurance" is likely to fail. The Obama administration cannot back out of the region any time soon; Obama's trip this week, in fact, seems designed to demonstrate American staying power. Nor is China likely to end or slow its efforts to militarily and economically dominate the region. So it will quickly become obvious that no one on either side feels reassured.

President Obama wants the world to know that the Bush Years are over and so are the FDR,Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and WW Bush years.

The Carter Years are here, again! God help America and our friends.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Judge H. "Stinky" Lee Sarokin is Back Doing Medill Bidding and Wrong from the Headline

Judge H. "Stinky" Lee Sarokin is a retired East Coast Federal Judge who quit amid a cloud twenty years ago for sunny Californ-eyeAy!

Judge Sarokin was the the legal-air-freshener for all Stinky Jurors and Library Card Holders back in the day. Hence my sobriquet -that and Judge Stinky* is doing hack work for the Medill Empire and the Greek Pastry Arianna Huffington at Huffington Post. Hey, why not pick up a few nickels!

Here's the deal Professor Dave Protess a Progressive Sacred Cow stepped on his ethical Johnson, or rather bid his Kids to do the stepping by bribing (it seems) crack-head Witnesses for the Prosecution's Overturn in the Andrew McKinney Case.

Andrew McKinney is an Innocence Project pet-Convict - McKinney was convicted of murdering a security guard -Professor Dave and Kids Demand that McKinney is Innocent, because the Innocence Project has adopted McKinney. Professor Dave Protess is a Scared Cow in a Herd of Scared Cows - Medill Empire -Northwestern Law and School of Journalism.

Walp! Cook County States Attorney Anita Alvarez did not roll-over and 'accept' Protess Protestations of McKinney Innocence. In fact Alvarez asked for Discovery Items - student notes and other such stuff. Judge Stinky Lee Sarokin has labeled States Attorney Alvarez a Gestapo thug. A bit strong there Stinky . . .well, you are Okay with strong.

Protess and be Damned!

The Medill Empire goes Jihad on any and all critics and has trotted out an endless parade of Protess Protestors including Judge Stinky and the Editorial Board of the Medill rival Sun Times who have manged to get that paper as close to closed as possible.

Judge Stinky Sarokin is a howl. Here is his headline from Huffington Post:
Cook County Prosecutor Continues to Investigate Students for Trying to Free an Innocent Man

Nope. That is not why, nor is she investigating the Kids, Stinky.

She, Alvarez, subpoenaed their notes and academic records for Professor Dave's class; now, Dave had them act like Private Investigators (P.I.s) and argues that they are journalists and Medill's lawyer managed to insult the judge in the case and it was revealed that the kids appear to have bribed a witness.

Not only did Stinky paste up a dead-wrong headline but his last paragraph is what the non sequitur is all about!

The Medill Innocence Project was successful in exonerating 11 inmates and the Illinois governor cited those wrongful convictions in commuting the sentences of everyone on death row. One can understand that the prosecutor's office might be embarrassed as a result by the efforts of a bunch of journalism students, but such embarrassment does not warrant a vendetta against them. ( really?)The prosecution should join in the righting of wrongful convictions not be investigating the students engaged in the effort, no matter what their personal motives may be. ( Follows Whta?)If they get a good grade for freeing an innocent person, they deserve it. Right now the prosecution is flunking. (Participle Dangling? The Flunking Presecution? Flunking Science? Flunking Broadway. . .Do The Flunking Broadway?)

Medill. Protess and the Innocence Project do not smell too good at this point -Sacred Cows or not - but Judge Stinky thinks that it is Chanel # 5!

*On June 5, 1996, Sarokin announced that he would resign outright from the Third Circuit, effective July 31, 1996.[10] Sarokin cited his fear that his opinions from the bench might be used politically. "It is apparent that there are those who have decided to 'Willie Hortonize' the Federal judiciary, and that I am to be one of their prime targets," he wrote in a letter to President Clinton. "In the current political campaign, enforcement of constitutional rights is equated with being soft on crime and indeed, even causing it."[10]

In a separate letter to colleagues, Sarokin denied that his decision to retire had had anything to do with the court's decision not to allow him to move his chambers to California.[10]