Just Playin' is the 21st Century euphemism for 'kidding on the square.' Taunts, fake fighting and such constitute 'Just Playin!'
" Well knock it off, gents, I had get my fat ass out of the chair, climb the stairs and evaluate the hubhub," I tend to admonish.
"Sorry, Hickey"
Just Playin' is also weasel word for " I insult you in the name of journalism, art or entertainment and you may not object."
Salon is pretentious and handy.
“White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation,” writes author Tim Wise. “White privilege is knowing that if this bomber turns out to be white, the United States government will not bomb whatever corn field or mountain town or stale suburb from which said bomber came, just to ensure that others like him or her don’t get any ideas. And if he turns out to be a member of the Irish Republican Army we won’t bomb Dublin. And if he’s an Italian-American Catholic we won’t bomb the Vatican.”
Daaaaaaaaave, chill. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D,CA) is a trunk-stuffer and I am quite sure that she would have absloutely no problem droning St. Peter's Dome. MSNBC"S Larry O'Donnell, the Mad 'Hoor of an MSNBC Peacock, would not be above the C-4-ing of the odd Knights of Columbus Hall.
Being WHITE don't make it Right. Shucks, God Father's Pizza and all?
The bomber fits the profile of a person who would be willing to set bombs at a hard, or soft target crowded with people he, or she, or they do not know, or care a fig about. Could be an Arab. Could be a Dutchman, Could be a gent from a cargo-cult of hills of Papua New Guinea.
The cops will get the bad guys - plural or singular.
I am concerned that the bomber might prove to be a disgruntled media dweeb.
Consider. CNN just fired Soledad O'Brien and what a diversity package she is! Not only that CNN cashiered the chocolate Poppin' Fresh of Black Liberation Journalism, the doughy WEB DUBOIS his own bad self, . . . Roland S. Martin!
Since joining the millions of Americans on Unemployment, Soledad and Roland S. are in constant communication - track this twitter for the codes, Maties
They ain't happy. Consider their positions. They are out of the news; why not make history?
Who runs Marathons? Thousands of pale, health conscious, affluent Whities of both genders.
Who wins Marathons? Kenyans.
Set the bomb at the finish hours after the Kenyan, Solamalian, Ethiopian and Ghanan brothers and sisters have toweled off and hit the pasta bar. Target rich environment. Then set off the next one and watch all of the affluent Honkies Loot the Marathon Swag Bags!
See? No Soledad, No Martin No CNN! CNN devoured itself butt first shortly before the Wolf Blitzer Show!
One suspect was said to have worn a grey hoodie. Roland?
Just Playin'!