Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Obama Glorious Revolution

"The powers that the Obama administration claimed in order to arrest the financial crisis and mitigate the recession are being used and abused in ways that are undermining the legal and financial stability of the United States. Investors: You are warned." [2009]

Barack of Orange?


THE passions which had agitated the Parliament during the late session continued to ferment in the minds of men during the recess, and, having no longer a vent in the senate, broke forth in every part of the empire, destroyed the peace of towns, brought into peril the honour and the lives of innocent men, and impelled magistrates to leave the bench of justice and attack one another sword in hand. Private calamities, private brawls, which had nothing to do with the disputes between court and country, were turned by the political animosities of that unhappy summer into grave political events.


The 100 Days indicate a political revolution by the Obama Administration ( William & Mary) unseen since the 1688 defeat of the last Stuarts (Bush 1 & 2). That 17th Century Glorious Revolution was purely ideological and one that harbored only a concern that no Catholic sit upon the throne of England -ever. It led to a the arrival of the House of Hanover from Germany - the family that currently sits upon England's Throne and the very blood that moved American Patriots to Revolution.

This Obama Revolution of 2009 is purely an ideological revolution and one that harbors the concern that no Capitalist serves as the Chief Executive of the United States. Political Action Committees control government through their baptized candidates who will collectivize all government, all labor and social institutions.

The parallels seem to be set in The History Of England From the Accession of James II. By Thomas Babington Macaulay.

The Stuarts v. The Revolutionaries

Our cast looks like this:

Charles I - George Herbert Walker Bush

Oliver Cromwell - William Jefferson Clinton

James II - George W. Bush

William of Orange - Barack H. Obama

Monday, May 11, 2009

Andy Stern's Payout of SEIU Dues for Political Clout

We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama — $60.7 million to be exact — and we're proud of it.
Andy Stern SEIU

John Rubery, Illinois' own Marathon Pundit has been monitoring Andy Stern's moving and shaking of dues taken from SEIU members.

Remember SEIU's dues do not go to benefit the membership but to seed Amdy's harvest of more members through political blackmail and intimidation of gutless politicians.

Members of SEIU remain low-skill and no skill workers*.

Unlike the Trades Unions -Real Labor - there is no intention on the part of SEIU to move workers into the American Middle Class. Andy Stern's efforts will eliminate the American Middle Class.

The target of SEIU, it seems to me , is take over of Trades Unions Apprenticeship Control, through the elimination of Bureau of Apprenticeship Programs(BAP), like here in Illinois which determines membership qualifications, examinations and schools, in each State.

Andy wants each State to adopt a State Apprenticeship Council (SAC) which will eliminate drug testing, residency requirements, and standards for skills, as well as control over all Apprenticeship Programs.

The Race Card is the Trump Card. Emil Jones attempted such a move, while President Obama was in the Illinois Senate - it failed. Andy Stern pumped millions into SEIU's effort ensure an Obama Presidency - beholden to Planned Parenthood,ACORN, ACLU and SEIU.

If you are a Union Woman or Man, get over to Marathon Pundit. Get wise to SEIU - the Media is in Andy's vest pocket.

*SEIU is a leftist troika that poses as a labor union. SEIU is run by a Leftist Social Worker whose 1960's radicalism found a profitable and powerful home in a labor union that expands membership numbers, intimidates gutless politicians, and operates the most massive redistribution of wealth scam in America. 1-2-3- that's how you dance to a troika -1. Expand 2.Intimidate 3. Redistribute Wealth!

Taking over the weak and corrupt janitors union in Chicago in the 1970's, Andy Stern and fellow University of Pennsylvania School Social Work colleague Anna Burger help radicalize and consolidate locals of building janitors, bringing thousands of unskilled to low skilled health care industry workers, security guard locals, menial office task workers and others into a political intimidation political action force.

Using a very complicit and lazy news media, Andy Stern deftly crafted a cult of personality unparalleled since Mao. The Purple Gang of hundreds of thousands of low-skill to no skill workers intimidated their way into public service employees and nearly match AFCME in tax-payer salaried workers. If you are somewhat taken aback by my analysis of the threat that I see from SEIU, please do take a look at Andy Stern's frequent trips to Red China and read Newsweeks's glwoing accounts of Stern's agenda to help one of the most oppresive regimes on the planet 'control their workers.' Take a look at Andy Stern's similar control that he exercises over local SEIU 'thought criminals.' Andy gets great PR from the press and the other mediums, but occasionally the real story gets out.

Like this one:

Sal Rosselli had been hardened by nearly three decades of front-line unionism. Time and again he staged insurgent organizing drives and do-or-die strikes, staring down major corporations. Now he blinked away tears as he huddled with supporters in his Oakland headquarters, a sooty-windowed, bunker-like building strewn with leaflets and picket signs, a place suddenly under siege.

Rosselli was describing his latest battle, his toughest ever: a face-off against a comrade in struggle, Andrew Stern, whom many view as the most powerful labor leader in America.

The two are locked in a nasty, often personal fight over how to make the nation's fastest-growing union -- 1.9 million members -- even bigger. Stern, its president, has sought more common ground with employers as a means to unionize entire industries. Rosselli believes building membership first requires getting the best deal for workers already under labor's tent.

"If you stick your head up, if you question what he's doing, you'll get whacked," said Rosselli, 58, head of the second-largest California chapter of Stern's union.

Wiping his eyes, he insisted that Stern, through a trusteeship, is determined to oust him from his elected post as part of a long push to centralize authority.

Stern and his allies in the Service Employees International Union dismiss the allegations and downplay the significance of the rift.

"It's not open warfare, it's a debate," said Pennsylvania union official Thomas De Bruin.

"It's David and Goliath," Rosselli said.


SEIU was solidly behind John Edwards. Edwards tanked. SEIU is solidly behind Obama.

Anna Burger sits on Obama's Economic Advisory Board. A radical Marxist is telling Obam how to shape America's economic path.

Obama like Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick from whom Obama crafts many of his rhetorical hits in the media, depends upon Andy and SEIU.

Andy Stern is making sure that Race is the pivot point of Obama's Campaign.

Leaders of the AFL-CIO met this week in Chicago to decide how to deploy some 250,000 volunteers and more than $250 million for its grass-roots campaign on behalf of Obama and 500 Democratic candidates vying for other posts.

The fast-growing Service Employees International Union, which has successfully organized lower-wage workers, has $85 million to spend. The AFL-CIO said it has set aside its rivalry with the SEIU and other unions that left to form their own labor federation in 2005.


Unions pride themselves on their racial diversity and plan to confront members about any biases they have.

"You go straight at our people and talk about the difference between McCain and Obama and the fact that race could be an issue -- you go straight at it," said Gerald McEntee, head of the AFL-CIO's political committee.

"Once people get in the booth, if they won't vote for a black man ...," he said with a shrug. Continued...

If you do not vote for Obama, You are a racist. Stalinist and simple. That's Andy Stern and all who do his bidding.

American Labor was built upon the principles of the right to work, the right to organize, the right to engage in collective bargaining and the right to strike for wages and benefits. American Labor made the American Standard of Living and the Middle Class. Unions taught the unskilled skills - moved the poor into the middle class. SEIU uses the poor and the unskilled to eliminate the American Middle Class.

The more unskilled and impoverished Americans, the more powerful Andy Stern's SEIU becomes.

Andy Stern's SEIU is for redistribution of wealth, global identification over American values, salaries mandated by legislation and the elimination of the American Middle Class.

Obama swims in Andy Stern's Tank.


Friday, May 08, 2009

Maloclussion Means Exclusion in Chris Kennedy Bid for Illinois Senate Seat

Rhambo says 'Chris Kennedy a Go for Illinois Voters!!!' Really. What did he run for again? Oh, that's right -Nuttin'!

Scads of Cash-Dough. Dude ain't Tapioca! ( see Mike Houlihan's great Comic Film!).

Chris Kennedy runs the Merchandise Mart -that magnificent massive reminder that Joe Kennedy could put the fix in here in Chicago.

The guy is the son of Robert F. Kennedy who is most often linked to President Obama in spirit, but not in reality.

Robert F. Kennedy was and would be staunchly against a woman's right to to kill her child.

Rahm Emmanuel says Kennedy is the Guy and that means that Dave Axelrod will shuffle the race cards and get to dealing them out for Kennedy in bid for the U.S. Senate.
The trouble is that Illinois voters tend to take the dental appearances of their candidates very seriously.

Harold Washington had a great set of Buckers. Obama's Immaculate! Pat Quinn wonderful! Rich Daley -Yeomanlike. Mike Madigan- Ditto!

Now, Chris Kennedy is a Kennedy and all that, but his Choppers could bite a pig's ass through a picket fence*.

Take a look up thar! Lisa Madigan - Mike took wonderful care that little girl's Corn-grabbers.

Tom Dart - now there is a set of Ivories that any Senator would be proud to gnaw on the wallets of tax payers!

Rahm. Get the man to a top Molar Mechanic.

*Deep Overbite (also referred to as Deep Bite), a specific type of malocclusion. In the technical sense within dentistry, however, overbite describes or measures the extent of vertical overlap between the upper and lower teeth, especially the incisors, in occlusion.

Drew-ing Dead! All In and Nothing

Drew Peterson seems to be the face of the age of the World Series of Poker. He has been to the big table (World-wide attention); face-off with the Rounders ( Larry King, Geraldo & etc.). He strutted and studded his way around tormenting the families of his victims. The Morons in the Media gave Drew what he demanded.

Now Drew is drawing dead. Didn't care to muck the cards. The Bluff is called. Pay up.

Let's see. Can anyone remember who won the World Series of Poker in 2007? I can't. Nor, do I care to do so. It will be the same with this goof.

The exception being the many, many people to whom this self-absorb louse brought anguish and sorrow.

Illinois State Police Capt. Carl Dobrich said investigators tracked more than 1,100 leads in Savio's death and the disappearance of Stacy Peterson, amassing some 500 gigabytes of digital information.

"Our journey has been far and wide; it has been exhausting," Dobrich said at a Thursday night news conference.

Thursday's arrest was coordinated by state police to take place when Peterson was away from home, where his four children were staying. But it also occurred shortly before an 18-month term expired for the special grand jury investigating Savio's death and Stacy Peterson's disappearance.

Glasgow denied the grand jury's time limit had anything to do with the timing of the arrest or the quality of the evidence against Peterson.

"We moved when we felt the time was appropriate, and we're very confident in our case," Glasgow said.

A major concern in the case was the issue of violence against women, an undercurrent that had driven national interest that only grew stronger as Peterson's antics grew more bizarre.

"Clearly we've had a serious situation with violence against women ... and we want to send a strong message that that is a grave and serious matter. It's not a laughing matter as has been made with this case."

Glasgow said he will prosecute the case himself.

Police arrested Peterson at 5:35 p.m. in a traffic stop at Lily Cache Lane and Weber Road in Bolingbrook.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Senate Democrats Fear Arlen Specter To be Mole Man! Go with the Feeling Lads!

"His actions over this past week have done nothing to curry favors with either party," said Penny Lee, a former senior adviser to Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) and now a Democratic consultant. "He needs to show some willingness to be a Democrat."

Another Democratic strategist who follows Senate races closely was more blunt about the damage Specter has done to himself over the last week. "Do you think that any right-minded local Democratic elected official is going to stick his neck out for Arlen?" the source asked rhetorically. "Or any member of the Democratic Senate caucus?"

The People Who Get into Public Service - John Daley Showed the Way and So Did Forrest Claypool!

Conclusion: We can all whine about Stroger and the board and taxes until our skin is wrinkled and we're ready for diapers and the old folks home.

If you don't like the direction of your government, run for office and change it.
K. McQueary

Kristen McQueary in today's (click my post title) Southtown Star gives a blunt summary to all the beefing about our political Straw-Persons in public life, be it Blago, Burris, or Todd Stoger.

Doing something for other people, whether you are a nurse, cop, firefighter, teacher, priest, rabbi, soldier, or government official puts a target on your back. Hell, you get the same troubles in the private sector, but public service folks get the infamy of Media second-guessers and stooges with barrels of ink.

There truly is no good deed that goes unpunished. However, the only option is to turn-up the music, drink more, sedate yourself, golf, play X-Box and expect a paycheck.

In public life the majority works hard. In public life cheats, bullies, clowns, thieves, sexual predators, and morons blend in because they too are the public.

Policy often dictates that we suffer the useless gladly even when they are stealing, preying on people, screwing up the works, or just collecting a paycheck. They are the reason for Political Action Committees. The stronger the policy the more cover for the dopes.

Getting the job done requires more work these days because of false tickling Policy.

He/She/It are a mandated quota numbers; cousins need work too; the odd clouted prince or princess; and the all too human 'What are going to do? Sure they can not read a spreadsheet or a blueprint or draft a lesson plan but they are dues paying members. We must follow policy and policy requires seven written notices and severance package.'

To stick your neck out and seek the vote to genuinely make things happen takes a special click in the heart.

John Daley sparked this challenge by confronting Todd Stroger! The members of the County Board ( politically ambitious and also drifters) challenged poor Todd to do something. That is the glory of our Republic. People elected by us are doing exactly what we bid them to do.

I can criticize Forrest Claypool but I must admire his courage to take his fight into the public arena. God Bless Him!

Kris McQueary gave us a nice sound byte. Teddy Roosevelt draws blood:

Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride of slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder. Well for these men if they succeed; well also, though not so well, if they fail, given only that they have nobly ventured, and have put forth all their heart and strength. It is war-worn Hotspur, spent with hard fighting, he of the many errors and valiant end, over whose memory we love to linger, not over the memory of the young lord who "but for the vile guns would have been a valiant soldier."


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

John Daley Tries to Talk Sense to Todd Stroger -Good Luck With That

I always liked John Daley. I still do. John Daley is a gentleman. John Daley is loyal. John Daley is a very, very, very smart man.

Yesterday, he tried to talk sense to County Board President Todd Stroger who is the best friend Forrest Claypool has in the world, now that Quigley is in D.C. and out of his way.

Claypool has friends in WTTW,NPR and the Chicago Media.

That is about it. Forrest Claypool is friends with folks who can appoint him to a government spot, or manage to get others to build votes for him.

He pretty much shot his wad. Now, with all Progressive forces dancing the Dionysian jig no one is paying Forrest much attention. Vallas is coming back. Peraica won a Pyrrhic victory in the Repeal. That is as good as it will get Tony.

John Daley tried to talk sense to Todd -do not challenge the vote and give Forrest his wiggle room - 'We can not all be Elizabeth Brackett for Crissakes.'

Welp, Todd don't hear so good. Forrest will gump it up on Public TV and Airwaves. The tin-foil hat crowd will get all knit cap and soul-patch hot for Forrest.

He will lose, mind you, but we will have Claypool white-noise for the next few months.

Thanks Todd.

You tried John Daley. My God how you tried.

John Daley sparred with Stroger during a debate that turned angry at times, telling the president he "might want to listen for a change." Daley said a Stroger veto "would be a mistake, because of the strong vote of the board."

The Daley family backed Stroger in his 2006 run for the spot once held by his father, John, but Daley on Tuesday said Stroger has "been wounded" and might not get his support for his anticipated re-election effort.

In changing his stance, Daley cited the lousy economy and said the county had "to make adjustments." At least one commissioner, however, clearly acknowledged a desire to distance himself from a tax vote that was widely panned by civic groups, editorial pages and suburban leaders. "We've been getting beaten up, and I'm tired of it," said Commissioner Joseph Mario Moreno (D-Chicago), who voted for the tax hike but supported the effort to repeal.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What the GOP Needs to Do!

Wait. Chill. Chow Down. Cracka Rack. Dip the Line! Q. Quaff. Chill!

Supremely Courting Empathy!

J.D. Trout ( Doctor of Law Trout?)at Loyola University Law School wants our next Supreme Court Judge to empathize!

I feel your pain.


I care.


No Kidding.


On the Square.

Empathetic imagination isn't as necessary when you are looking at the real thing. So, high-minded theoretical debate can be window dressing. The real question is why injustice, suffering, illness and indignity has to touch us personally before we take it personally?

Let's have a Supreme Court Justice who was a police or fireman passed over on an exam because of Affirmative Action, or a middle class tax-payer saddled with three Catholic school tuitions.

Think that'll happen?

I feel not.

David Brooks Gets the Wrong Westerner - 'That's My Ruling!'

Judge Roy W. Bean: Shad Wilkins, you've been tried and found guilty of the most serious crime west of the Pecos, to wit: shooting a steer. Do you got anything to say for yourself before the sentence of the court is executed?
Shad Wilkins: I told you they shot at me first. I didn't mean to kill that steer on purpose. I was aiming at the man.
Judge Roy W. Bean: It's your bad luck you missed him. That's the trouble with you sodbusters...you can't shoot straight. Shad, may the Lord have mercy on your soul.

Yep, that's what happens when grassroots meets the citizen.

David Brooks is one of those really smart guys who writes about politics and how 'real folks' need to listen to him.

Brooks got his start by writing fan mail to William F. Buckley at an age when he might have done better to learn how to crack a rack of eight-ball, smoke Luckies with the guys in front of Kiley and Kalina's drug store, and figure out how to lure Tess McGuffins into the balcony of the Highland Theatre - but that's just me.

David Brooks was a huge help in getting President Obama elected, while pretending to be a rock-ribbed conservative at the very core of his manly essence. Kind of like George Will and baseball, as genuine as the lard transplants in middle aged women's lips.

Today, Regular Guy Dave goes to the Classic Western for his lessons to the GOP, now dog-paddling at the bottom of Davy Jones' Locker.

Today, if Republicans had learned the right lessons from the Westerns, or at least John Ford Westerns, they would not be the party of untrammeled freedom and maximum individual choice. They would once again be the party of community and civic order.

They would begin every day by reminding themselves of the concrete ways people build orderly neighborhoods, and how those neighborhoods bind a nation. They would ask: What threatens Americans’ efforts to build orderly places to raise their kids? The answers would produce an agenda: the disruption caused by a boom and bust economy; the fragility of the American family; the explosion of public and private debt; the wild swings in energy costs; the fraying of the health care system; the segmentation of society and the way the ladders of social mobility seem to be dissolving.

Dave looked at My Darling Clementine by John Ford:

For example, in Ford’s 1946 movie, “My Darling Clementine,” Henry Fonda plays Wyatt Earp, the marshal who tamed Tombstone. But the movie isn’t really about the gunfight and the lone bravery of a heroic man. It’s about how decent people build a town. Much of the movie is about how the townsfolk put up a church, hire a teacher, enjoy Shakespeare, get a surgeon and work to improve their manners.

Nope. Regular folks liked William Wellman's The Westerner*
and took more notice of the theme of an entrenched political infrastructure that doled out money to political action committees - Judge Roy Bean ( read the Democratic National Committee) robbed farmers and bribed the Cattlemen ( read ACORN/SEIU/MOVE0n Dot Org)to maintain political hegemony.

In this film the Regular Guy Cole Hardin (Gary Cooper) does Okay so long as he sucks up to Judge Roy ( Walter Brennan) and when he runs afoul of the Judge and his Grassroots PAC guns start a blazin'!

In the end the PACS prove no match for common sense and the American Work Ethic. We'll get there, again.

Until then Dave Brooks needs to bone up on his studies. As the Judge told Cole,

Judge Roy W. Bean: Don't spill none of that liquor, son. It eats right into the bar.

*Cole Hardin just doesn't look like a horse thief, Jane-Ellen Matthews tells Judge Roy Bean as she steps up to the bar. Cole says he can't take it with him as he empties all of his coins on the bar to buy drinks for the jury. He notices two big pictures of Lily Langtry behind the bar. Sure, Cole has met the Jersey Lily, whom the hanging judge adores, even has a lock of her hair. Hanging is delayed for two weeks, giving Cole time to get in the middle of a range war between cattlemen and homesteaders and to still be around when Lily Langtry, former mistress of Edward VII who became an international actress, arrives in Texas. Written by Dale O'Connor {daleoc@interaccess.com}

Monday, May 04, 2009

Mr. Spec-tater Spies a Specter

Specter added: "If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. Fox News

Thus is Fame a thing difficult to be obtained by all, but particularly
by those who thirst after it, since most Men have so much either of
Ill-nature, or of Wariness, as not to gratify sooth the Vanity
of the Ambitious Man, and since this very Thirst after Fame naturally
betrays him into such Indecencies as are a lessening to his Reputation, and is it self looked upon as a Weakness in the greatest Characters.

In the next Place, Fame is easily lost, and as difficult to be preserved
as it was at first to be acquired.

And so this Tribe of Rakehells who gambol and cavort upon the Tidal Basin that is this Republic's Capitol, is thickened by the aged presence of a Silkie, who knows no Shame and has trod the halls of Senate among the Conscript Fathers, who daftly pen away the expected entitlements of babes and conjoined cytoplasms yet wombed in Mother's Loins for genrations to come and then some.

This Methusalan Specter can be seen hopping the Lily-Pads of Talk-Fests Broadcast by the Peacock on the Sabbath!

Who this Priest of Apollo, Casandra in Reverse, prophesied that Kemp might yet live had the Patricians been Plebs! Eutychia be with us!

The Tribe of Worthies welcomed Hypnos to Dionyisan Rites! This Carbuncle will Lance Itself!

Paul Vallas Calls for Front-Loading Political Accountability

The Progressive Think Tank!

Paul Vallas will be a great County Board President - you can be sure of it by this sign - all the goofs are lining up against him! To Nuance Old Jackie Swift.

"In the absence of a viable two-party system, the only accountability you have rests in the U.S. attorney's office. That's accountability at the back end," Vallas said. "No one is ever held politically accountable."

'Accountable? Accountable, Sir?!! Why I am an elected Official in the Land of Lincoln and Should be for life!'

Accountable. Yep. Meant something back in the day - even with political jobs. A guy would reach out and seek help to get a job and then his clout, or Chinaman, or Rabbi was held accountable for his work ethic and value to commonweal. It was up and down.

Then, along came the Whistleblower Culture. A goof could not or would not fulfill his vocational obligations and got in the jackpot with his supervisor - Voila! Pam Zekman appears and questions get asked like . . .'Mr. Polecatz, why was Mergatroyd Fuzzdyke required to sell Ward tickets?' Mergatroyd spent the previous twenty four months sleeping off hangovers in a nice, quiet cemetery, during his work hours for which he was handsomely paid, but failed to bring that to Pam's attention. The bigger the skunk shooting the eau d'cologne the better the 'Investigative Journalist' embraces the tale.

Accountability is a chimera.

Now Paul Vallas comes up from the Swamps and Bayous to the Cess-pool that is Cook County and brings back that old world notion of Accountability - People Actually doing the work for which they are paid.

Believe it or not . . .some kind soul who listens to Zanfir CDs? . . .please wake Forrest Claypool up . . .County Supervisers and most workers actually work hard.

It is the doughy dreamboats like Forrest, who was appointed to 90% of the jobs he has held in government, who get the Camera Face-time and play Atticus Finch for the nit-wits in the political audience who stir up the cess that has killed Accountability.

True facts. Old School Accountability in County and, yes Muriel, City government as well, rows hard against the Progressive currents, roiled by the oars of Reform Coyotes like Claypool and Preckwinkle and the now Congressional Quigley.

I needed some County work done to help kids here in Auburn Gresham at Leo High School and went to the right guy, and he introduced me to the righter guy, who had just the right guys and things got done - no quid pro dough; for which no moolah or services were exchanged; no grease; no trouble and I ain't sayin' nothin'!

I did not seek the help of Cook County Board President Todd Stroger. Please. The Wee Lad is busy enough with Kin. I would have reached out to his Pop. That gent was a master of grace and accountability. Guys that Stroger Pere trusted? You bet. I explained what was needed and with three conversations and follow-up. Things are moving.

Ask the help of a goof like Claypool and he would trot out the swell study done for Mike Quigley at the University of Chicago. Nope go to the hard-working people in government who actually perform and always seem to be the first people smeared by Pam Zekmans or have their jobs cut by the people doing the real stealing in the name of Reform.

That is Accountability. Not a Press Conference, or a WTTW Gush Glamorama with Phil Ponce by a self-absorbed flannel mouth who never does one thing to make government do anything for anyone. If the poor kids at Leo needed anything to make their lives better, safer, or more accountable, the last person one should ever see is a Reform goof like Claypool at County or Progressive Pirate like Preckwinkle.

Paul Vallas has it right front-load accountability. Paul Vallas ( GOP or Dem) is the right guy for the Cook County Presidency, because he is always accountable. Everything Old is New Again!

Catch Amanda Crumley at The Drake's Coq d'Or!

This south side kolbold was transformed into a sensitive urban sophisticate by a young girl and a guitarist at the Cog d'Or in the Drake Hotel last night. Amanda Crumley and guitarist Kregor are two young artists with a powerful understanding of artistic intent - they actually honor the songwriter.

The Beautiful Woman, who allows me to carry her books, was delighted to see her date not play with the silverware, the candle wax, or trowel handfuls of the peppery snack assortments from the bowl into his chop hole and instead morph into a Brooks Brothers jacketed gent - all due to Amanda Crumley's and John Kregor's respect for lyrics and lines of notes formed by Brazilian genius Jobin, Cole Porter, or Crumley herself.

Amanda Crumley is a soprano. She can coax a note into the empyrean without drawing attention to herself as most singers seem to do - the Jennifer Hudson 'it's all about me' quality that has destroyed the National Anthem and most liturgical music as well as the Great American Songbook.

John Kregold takes a standard solid-body Parler guitar and delicately shapes chords and notes into a framework of musical gossamer for Crumley.

Get to the Drake's Coq d' Or on Sunday nights and catch these artists.

Amanda Crumley's manner and caressing voice could make a warehouse full of Trappist Monks give a second look at their vows.

Born in Los Angeles and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Amanda grew up singing in school choirs, writing songs on piano from a young age, (forming a short-lived but prolific rock band in the 3rd grade), and doing anything musical she could get ears on. She was formally introduced to jazz when she first attended the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in music education. While studying classical voice, she performed in the school’s top vocal jazz ensembles and was exposed to several master artists who came through town. Around the same time, she became captivated by Brazilian music, and has continued to cultivate her understanding of the music, the language, and immerse herself in the gorgeous sounds of the culture as much as possible. Before she finished college it became clear where her heart was and this beautiful, spontaneous element of improvisation that had always been part of her made her desire to pursue jazz a natural one.

Amanda moved to Chicago in 2003 upon receiving a scholarship to study jazz voice with Patricia Barber at the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University from where she now holds her Master’s degree. New to the Chicago jazz scene, she feels privileged to make music with some of the greatest musicians in the city. Having cultivated a unique repertoire of Brazilian music, jazz standards and original arrangements, Amanda can be seen at many fine venues in the Chicago area. She performs every first Friday of the month at Katerina’s in Chicago. Other venues Amanda has performed at include Pete Miller’s Steakhouse, Gigi’s Jazz and Supper Club, the Smoke Daddy, Uncommon Ground, Wise Fool’s Pub, the Heartland, and the Drake Hotel.

Click my post title and link to each of these songs by Amanda!


Vivo Sonhando (Jobim)
I Loves You, Porgy (Gershwin, piano arr. by Jarrett)
Retrato em branco et prieto/ Pictures in Black and White (Jobim, arr. AC)
I Didn't Mean to Turn You On (Harris/ Lewis; arr AC)

Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Coq d'Or @ the Drake Hotel w/ guitarist John Kregor
Chicago, IL 8:30 PM
140 E. Walton Ave.
no cover or minimum

Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Coq d'Or @ the Drake Hotel w/ guitarist John Kregor
Chicago, IL 8:30 PM
140 E. Walton Ave.
no cover or minimum

Friday, May 22, 2009
Mandy & Bandit(s) @ Lizard's Liquid Lounge
Chicago, IL 6:00 PM
no cover + fantabulous drink specials
3058 W. Irving Park Rd.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Polska ! Polska Jest Pobłogosławione Przez Boga!

The Chicago Tribune tucked a burp of information in a weather report. Thousands of Chicago's Poles celebrated their love of Freedom in Grant Park and the Chicago newspapers ignored them.


The Chicago Sun Times tucked news and reportage in with a 'What to Do' weekend and beyond guide along with Cinco De Mayo and news about the Kingston Trio.


As of the 2007 Census Poles constituted the third largest portion of Chicago's non-minority populations -

As of the 2007 US Census American Community Survey the largest white ancestries were:

Irish: (201,836)
German: (200,392)
Polish: (179,868)
Italian: (96,599)
English: (60,370)

Culturally the Polish form a bed-rock Chicago's identity in labor (real labor), education, civic and religious life and in the performing and literary arts. Mike Royko would never have allowed such slight by the onion-skinned scions of his trade and it sure as hell seems to be that every Royko wannabe ink-slinger coos, gushes and cuddles to that Polish American Chicago icon.

The Nuance in this town is hip deep and smelly.

ABC Channel; 7 TV did its usually fine bit of coverage.


I saw thousands of proud, sober, patriotic and dignified Polish Americans and Polish immigrants celebrate their love of freedom all along the Grant Park public peninsula.
No drunks, no idiots, no incidents, no Prgressive polemics and no News Coverage. If three gay bias loudmouths or one recognized Advocacy Activist shows up anywhere, Chicago newspapers shout a gathering of thousands.

The Newspapers of Chicago offering their steady platefulls of cant and advocacy nuance is a disgrace. But as I learned, you can not shame the Fourth Estate.

In 1788, the Polish Parliament began its deliberations to create a government that would defend and honor the rights of its people. The Constitution was then approved by King Stanislaw August Poniatowski on May 3, 1791. Although the Polish constitution did not last due to occupations by Russia, Austria and Prussia, the Polish Constitution of 1791 is commemorated today because it represents justice and freedom.

The State of Illinois shares a longstanding partnership with the Republic of Poland under the auspices of the State Partnership Program. For example, the military forces of the Illinois National Guard and Poland have cooperated in numerous training events, exchange programs, and training exercises.

Polish Constitution Day festivities will continue on May 2, 2009 with a parade at 11:30 A.M. on Columbus Drive, followed by a festival at Navy Pier. For more information on Polish Constitution Day events, please visit Polandonthepier.com.
Click my post titel for more from the Illinois News. You'll get sweet bugger-all from the Chicago papers.

Shëndet Poloni! Mie Sto Lot!

Sto Lot!
Your Pal Irlandisht Hickey

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Sears Tower Glass Bottom Deck? Not Gonna Happen! I'm Satisfied Down Here On the Ground -Tell The Truth on 'Em Lou Rawls!

Click My Post Title for the Great Lou Rawls at the Hollywood Palace - 'I'm Satisfied'& 'Down Here on the Ground' - Get the whole Truth from Lou.

Sears Tower, or the Buddy Hackett Pavilion, or the Buck-Up-And-You-Name-It Obelisk, is putting in some kind of a see through plexi-glass Test Your Nuts for Money Gizmo.

Pass. The last time this Daisy went up over eight(8) stories over the concrete was in 1969 when janitor superintendent Art Fry sent my seventeen year old ass up the unprotected ( flat,rusted iron ladder with nothing behind) fire escape -last resort access - on the front of Orchestra Hall ( Now Symphony Center) at 220 South Michigan to pull wet bunting off the front of the building when the elevator system broke-down, to clear off the debris after the ticker tape parade for the Apollo 11 Crew on Michigan Ave. It rained like a cow peeing on a flat rock after that parade and every bit of paper in Chicago seemed to stick to the front of Orchestra Hall -'Get Your skinny Mick Ass Up There! It'll only hurt once.'

I cried and blubbered like Kanye West in a good mood the entire time - got it done though.

Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins I am not!

I was, and continue to be, as Yellow as a Duck's Foot!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Banking ATM Crisis - County Kerry Pintless!

'Tis Dry, Paddy-Mike.' - ' 'Tis so, Mossy-Teague!'

Ripped - From the Pages of The Kerryman!!!!
By SIMON BROUDER sbrouder@kerryman.ie

Wednesday April 29 2009

PUBLICANS were left nursing huge losses and revellers were left with empty glasses on Saturday night after a computer glitch shut down ATMs across the county.

For four hours on Saturday night and Sunday morning, from about 10pm to 3am, the entire ATM network in Kerry was shut down leaving people across the county unable to withdraw any money.

In Tralee the situation led to huge losses for pubs with many publicans reporting that penniless revellers had simply opted to go home.

Long lines could be seen at ATMs with frustrated customers loudly venting their anger.

Taxi drivers too will have been hurting with the number of people seen walking home in the early hours testament to just how many people had been left with empty pockets on what's usually the busiest night of the week for pubs and restaurants in Kerry towns.

There were also numerous stories of revellers from outlying areas who were effectively stranded in Tralee until the banking system rebooted. The Kerryman met one couple from Castleisland who had found themselves with no money and no way to get home.

For drinkers with regular haunts the situation wasn't as bad as it might have been with most publicans running tabs for regular customers. Many publicans who spoke to The Kerryman said they were furious that their takings had been slashed by a banking glitch.

The problem has been traced back to Bank of Ireland who apologised to customers on Monday and blamed the situation on new software installed into its ATM system over the weekend.

A glitch in the software had caused an unforeseen error and BOI ATMs across the country had to be shut down as it was repaired. The problem was made greater because ATMs from all Irish banks are interlinked meaning the problem with the BOI system led to ATMs operated by AIB, Ulster Bank and some building societies also suspending services.

A BOI spokesman on Monday apologised for the inconvenience caused.

- SIMON BROUDER sbrouder@kerryman.ie

Pooh! Swine Flu.

Burge Tosses A Great One Into Flint-Locke Lawsuit Lotto Empire

G.Flint Taylor wrestled Gator Bradley for the last scoop of Benjamins a judge tossed to G. G.Flint is all about the Benjamins ($100 in thick packaging or wire transfers -matters not).

To amass said Benjamins, G. Flint Taylor has played the the goof-ball Media like a Stradivarius. However, it might be Jon Burge, the disgraced former homicide detective, who goes to Carnegie Hall.

G. Flint and his sorcerers apprentice Locke Bowman have played a symphony from a One Note Samba concerning the alleged torture of black criminals, primarily murderers, and the Media has gone all Jonas Brothers for the Flint-Locke Group.

Burge has become the poster boy for police abuse/torture/systemic racism/ the heartbreak of psoriasis/plaque build-up/ and Jan Schakowsky. You name it Burge did it. However, again, Burge has not once been indicted for the things that he is said to have done. G.Flint is 0 for You Name It against Burge.

Now, the lawyers for Jon Burge are demanding that Jon Burge be tried out of this Land of I Believe!

Lawyers for former Chicago Police Cmdr. Jon Burge have asked to move his trial from Chicago, arguing that news reports have made it impossible for him to be treated fairly by a jury here.

The attorneys contend that "pervasive, prejudicial pretrial publicity" has damaged Burge's ability to get a fair shake. On Wednesday, the lawyers gave U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow a sampling of news accounts they say demonstrate the point.

Burge has been charged with perjury and obstruction of justice for allegedly concealing his involvement in torture. He has pleaded not guilty.

G.Flint will be gobbling up NPR and WTTW air-time like Ms. Pac-man on steroids! G.Flint'll be bouncing around the Federal Building like Yosemite Sam with a huge burr in his tighty whities! Justice? Wait until you hear the convoluted presentation of law and Justice from G. Flint! Mama Mumia!

Justice? G.Flint Taylor tells the very lazy Media what is Justice. Maybe a judge will try and remember what exactly that happens to be.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nick Novich - Entertainment Empire -Educated Entrepreneur

Nick's on Halsted and Armitage was a breakthrough saloon in 1977. While Disco lounges proliferated in the suburbs and on the urban fringes, and faux cowboy barns lured in the Urbane Cowboys ( why is it that only lawyers seem to wear the goofball cowboy hats while wearing Hickey-Freeman suits and Johnson-Murphy tasseled loafers?), Nick Novich - English Teacher, Football Coach, Serbian-American Jazz Cat - established what would become the 'spot' for the hep and those who have the good sense to listen to the hep.

Nick was my mentor as a baby teacher at Bishop McNamara High School in Kankakee, Illinois. Nick established the football program that Rich Zinanni would drive to five State Football Championships, following Novich's foray into Liquid Refreshment and Alternative Conversation Entertainment.

Nick Novich is one of those people that God blesses all of us with by putting his/her talent, soul, intesity, courage, confiction,humor and loyalty into our paths at times in our lives. I have been blessed to meet many such talented people - Max Weissmann, Terry Sullivan, Mike Joyce, Boz O'Brien, Bernard Callahan, Carlos Nelson, Mike Holmes, Marquis Ball, Thomas Hayes, Lonny Newman, Tom Kotel, Billy Higgins, Marty Tully, Jack Higgins, Rose Keefe, Richard Lindberg, Steve Rhodes, Jim Frogge, Paul Tutt, Willie Winters, and Terry McEldowney to name just a few. Nick Novich could command this regiment of talented people - singers, writers, coaches, artists, boxers, pipe-fitters and saints.

The original Nick's Place had been a bust-out joint of the filthy Old Style sign variety, where gents in full need of an alcoholic topping off could be assured of Sunnybrook and ten ounce domestic beer. Physics teacher and football coach Jim Frogge and I took a trip up to the DePaul area one Saturday and helped Nick toss some of the old fittings and were rewarded with cold Ale at Glascott's Grogery.
It was here that Nick laid out his strategies for alternative entertainment - "Music - the jukebox can not be dominated by what WLS tells people to listen to - I am the Captain of my bar and we will listen to Dr. Horse, Etta James, Sun Ra, Stanley Turentine, Blossom Deary, Curtis Mayfield and the Impression, anything that Jerry Butler sings, piano concerti by Glenn Gould, . . ."

I asked, "Any Planxty, or the Dubliners?" Nick, looked at me with hopeful tolerance, " In time, my Son, you will grow into the man I hope you can become. Eat your vegetables and read your Yeats."

Nick's was not a 'Fern-Bar' it was a clean, well-lighted place where actors, artists, politicians like the great and visionary Danny O'Brien who would die in a Michigan accident, and school teachers with nickels and dimes could congregate, converse, consume Imported Beer on tap, as well as hand-crafted Wisconsin ambrosia's like Point and the absolutely heavenly Eau Clair All Malt - from the Chicago Keeley's Half & Half recipe.

Nick commanded a welcoming house of Hep. Bigots, loud-mouths, louts, skanks, pests and sharks were solidly shown the door.

Ten Years ago Nick moved to his current Milwaukee Ave. location and has opened a wonderful place in Uptown.

This past December, Nick hosted a gathering of writers Richard Lindberg, Rose Keefe and others for a talk about Chicago Crime figures and Nick was thick in the soupy mix of facts and legends concerning Big Mike McDonald, Bathhouse John Coughlin and the legendary Paddy Bauler. Nick knows the 42nd and 43rd Ward histories. Nick lives literature and history.

Last night, Nick and I caught up on the phone to discuss the sorry state of American Education, how bullies flourish in an institutional setting like Notre Dame, and the power of music to sensitize and spark the best in the human species. "Have your boy lie on his back with eyes closed and listen to Coltrain, or Miles Davis and he will emerge a different person."

Nick could lead people to a great watering hole but getting a horse of a former St. Rita football player who has subsisted on a diet of LaLaPalooza?'

Go to Nicks! Go to Flat-Iron! Go to Nick's in Uptown! Get better.

Contact - Nick!
Nick's Beer Garden
1516 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622 773-252-1155 http://www.nicksbeergarden


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hickey Family and Obama Administration 100 Days Timeline

Some key actions since President Barack Obama was sworn in Jan. 20: Key moments in the effort of Pat Hickey to provide our sagging economy with much-needed infusions of cash! I would have just spent it on food anyway.

Day 3: Signs an order to close Guantanamo Bay.

Emerald Plumbing's Brian Dalton comes out in -25 Below Zero to chop and dig out the City Parkway Tree Roots Blocking the access pipe to my sewer line. $$$ , but the heroic plumber dug out the source of water in the basement. Brian Dalton did this in a blizzard!

Day 10: Signs a bill making it easier for employees to sue for work/pay discrimination.

Roto -Rooter Comes out to clear the City Parkway Tree roots that clogged my sewer line thirty feet from the access pipe on my sewer line - The access pipe would not allow the foam Root-killer to take effect. Yikes, $ 275.00

Day 16: Extends health coverage to 4 million uninsured children.

Clare is accepted at Mother McAuley! Tuition $ 8,000 and change - $575 registration fee due immediately.

Day 25: The House and Senate pass his economic stimulus bill.

Clare registers at Mother McAuley - School Belles Uniform Fee $$$$.

Day 29: Approves sending 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan.

Clare makes the St. Rita Cheer leading Squad! $$$$
Day 39: Sets Aug. 31, 2010, as the end of the U.S. combat mission in Iraq.

Wind blows gutters off! Followed by an ice-storm due to Global Warming! Gutters replaced $$$

Day 47: Says he is open to approaching moderate Taliban in Afghanistan.

Nora comes home from Boston when her job ended! Welcome back home Baby! Welcome to the American Job Market! $$$$

Day 49: Lifts restrictions on the use of federal money for stem cell research.

Clare is Confirmed in the Faith by Bishop George Rasseas ( Best Homily Ever)! Clare is a Soldier of Christ! Hickey/Demateo/Gunkel/Holm/Cleary/Winters Confirmation Party for Clare at Traverso's $$

Day 56: Calls $165 million in bonuses paid by AIG to employees "an outrage."

Hickey fires Orkin after the ants proliferate having paid beau coup bucks to the Orkin Man! Buys Tero Ant Preventers for $8 at True Value and no ants!

Day 60: Tells Iran he wants to end differences between the two countries.

Sump pump dies a noble death and Hickey goes to Sewer and Plumbing Supplies at 90th & Green and buys a cast-iron "2 Zoeller ejector Pump* and replaces the pipe and flanges. One third of his Tax Return!

Day 69: Forces out GM Chairman Rick Wagoner.

Hickey gets the tires rotated!

Day 74: Calls for a world without nuclear weapons during a speech in Prague, Czech Republic.

After years of service the Hoover High end Dirt Destroyer burns out and Hickey replaces the old sucker! $$$

Day 77: Tells the Turkish parliament that America is "not at war with Islam."

Conor's Transmission drops and Dad helps $$$!

Day 84: Lifts restrictions on Cuban Americans' visits to the island; drops limits on remittances.

St. Rita Cheerleader Fees and uniform fitting $.

In my 100 Days, I have been told. 'Hey, Hickey! You losing weight? You ain't such a fat-ass these days!'

Tonight, President Obama will share it with us all!


The powerful, rugged Zoeller M53 Sump Pump has sufficient power to drain flooded excavations, basements, window wells, construction sites, and swimming pools. The single-phase motor on this pump is permanently-lubricated for continuous use and hermetically sealed to ensure a long service life and dependable operation. Features include a nonclog vortex impeller and a screenless suction inlet, enabling the Zoeller M53 to be used in areas where conventional sump pumps would clog or freeze up due to the accumulation of light debris. This pump also has a convenient carrying handle for easy transport. A powder-coated green epoxy finish and stainless steel screws, guard, and switch arm limit rust and corrosion.

Only use the Zoeller M53 Sump Pump with nonflammable liquids that are compatible with pump component materials and in nonflammable/nonexplosive atmospheres.

product specifications:
Base Material
Cord Length (Ft.)
Dia. (In.)
10 3/32
GPM of Water @ 10 Ft. of Head
Height (In.)
10 1/16
Cast Iron
Impeller Material
Submersible Sump Pump
Max. Dia. Solids (In.)
Max. Head (Ft.)
Off Point (In.)
3 1/4

On Point (In.)
8 1/2


Switch Type

Thermal Protection

Top Material
Cast Iron

