A Bandersnatch swiftly drew nigh
And grabbed at the Banker, who shrieked in despair,
For he knew it was useless to fly.
He offered large discount—he offered a check
(Drawn "to bearer") for seven-pounds-ten:
But the Bandersnatch merely extended its neck
And grabbed at the Banker again.
Without rest or pause—while those frumious jaws
Went savagely snapping around—
Last night our Lewis Carroll world ended for scores of young people in Paris. Islamist terrorists slaughtered Parisians, only hours after devasting the Paris of Middle East, Beirut.
In a district of Paris not unlike Chicago's Wicker Park, or Lakeview, outdoor cafes and concert venues were targeted by the people of blood who worship the Black Flag.
I know many Muslims and they worship God - the same God to whom I ask forgiveness for my selfishness, thoughtlessness and weakness.
The fact of the matter the people of blood are not Lutherans, Catholics, Coptics, Hussites, or Amish people and sure as hell are not Jews.
The people of blood are Islamists. Muslims in the same manner that Himmler was a baptized Catholic. They are Marxist Liberation Theology savages aided, abtted, encouraged and defended by Western intellectuals.
The blood in Paris has not yet dried and my own is boiling on a slow simmer waiting for our Lewis Carroll intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Barack Obama to parse out this latest Hunting of the Snark episode.
I taught Lewis Carroll to my high school students, when it was called 'nonsense verse.'
Well, our academic frauds in what used to be called American universities in what used to be called Western Civilization and tony magazines ( Atlantic, New Republic, The Nation & etc.) that bowdlerize the 'thoughts' of popular Hegelian totalitarian semiotics mouthed by tweedy creeps like Chomsky, have perfected an intellectual climate in the world that is most welcoming to the people of blood.
Here in Chicago , the same stripe of intellectuals, spawned out of Neo- Hegelian nests like University of Chicago and Northwestern University, dominate Cook County politics, the media and what is laughingly called 'The Conversation.' They created Chicago's Thug Comfort Zones, parsed away as 'gun violence' and now called ChiRaq. Memes are screamed and accepted as truth and logic - systemic racist police torture and wrongful du jourand de jureand that is reason nine year olds are assassinated and three year olds slaughtered in Chicago - because the people of blood are allowed, encouraged and defended to do so.
Britain, France, the United States, Germany, Australia and now Canada are all led by Chief Executives drawn directly from the verses of Lewis Carroll.
President Obama detests cops almost as much he does the military. It is part of his political and maybe even helix-ed to his physical DNA.
He spent his post college days here in Chicago insinuating himself into the political melange of The Windy City's Progressive-wing of the Devolving Democratic Party that had already been moving from meat and potatoes goulash to its current Vegan Curry. The hearty stew of sensible legislation and ordinances that kept nickels in pockets and compounded interest daily for the middle class that had once whetted the appetites of working women and men became a global directed spice rack of tax-funded exotic policy mandates that to this day makes life miserable for all people, as well as pits neighbor against neighbor. Obama honed his spice knives with the Gamaliel Foundation which schooled him on methods to do just that -
Gamaliel of Metro Chicago (GMC) is regional member of the Gamaliel Network. GMC’s mission is to develop new community leaders through building networks of “core teams” and alliances with other community groups to build an organization capable of responding to issues of education funding reform, economic development, civil rights of immigrants, universal healthcare, older adult economic and social well being, and workforce development. The Gamaliel Network is made up of affiliates in 18 states, South Africa and Great Britain. President Barack Obama was a community organizer with Gamaliel in the 1980’s.
This is a very secularized quasi-religious ( they take money from Catholics) group of radicals who have perched themselves above the people they claim to 'want to help' and attract some of daffiest do-gooder-wannabe's it has been my personal and professional waste-of-time bed-of-nails in my three score and change time on the terra. This group counts on goofs and creeps. Goofs are individuals with a limited experience in getting along with people, a very stunted sense of literary discernment, but a great capacity for telling people how morally repugnant they happen to be, if they disagree with Gamaliel's dictum of what exactly God's Commonwealth happens to be. Creeps are career takers.
Gameliel attracts goofs to do the nuts and bolts stuff and creeps to take credit for the work the goofs have done. Barack H. Obama took an incredible amount of credit. Via Gamaliel, young Barack Obama learned the pathways tp God's (or something omnipotent - government) Commonwealth.
Build Peoples Control of Government ( No Fault Voter Registration)
Build Community Control of the Economy - (Occupy/Minimum Wage)
Expand the Public Sphere ( Black Lives Matter)
Cops and the military preserve, protect and defend the races, the government, the economy and the public within the frame work of the United States Constitution which is not a global frame work and it must go.
Today, Barack Obama comes home to Chicago a.k.a Chiraq - a place he more than helped develop.
He will address Police Chiefs - most of whom were nominated, appointed, or selected by local governments. His message to them is to think globally. Think exactly the way Barack H. Obama, a Gamaliel disciple, thinks.
Force more gun laws
Don't arrest approved minorities
Don't Make Him Tell You Again
More importantly, President Obama will do some fundraising.
The speech is part of Obama's cross-country travel to meet with people working to fix the criminal justice system, from law enforcement officials endeavoring to lower crime and incarceration rates to former prisoners "earning their second chance," the official added.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is scheduled to address the conference earlier in the day.
While in Chicago, Obama is to attend a fundraising dinner being hosted by Robbie Robinson, managing director of BDT & Co., and his wife, D'Rita, founder and CEO of Chatty Guest.
Co-hosts are being asked to contribute $33,400 and guests, $10,000, according to an invitation.
The first $2,500 of each contribution will go to Obama for America — the president's principal campaign committee — for 2012 general election debt retirement. Any contributions above $2,500 go to the Democratic National Committee.
President Obama is a creep and a Gamaliel disciple. What are we?
20th Century Government Mandates against Religion:
Father Miguel Pro, SJ. executed by the Mexican secularist government in 1927 -Viva Cristo Rey!Rey!”
'The ignorant serve cruel masters.' The Clouds Aristophanes
"We support the right of women in this country to have access to birth control through their insurance policies, and anybody who stands in the way is going to have to deal with us and our friends," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., flanked by four colleagues. Boxer said she had spoken to Obama adviser David Axelrod, who assured her that the administration would not weaken its position. USA Today 2/9/2012
Anti-clericalism is a historical movement that opposes religious institutional power and influence in public and political life. In its more extreme manifestations, anti-clericalism has led to violent attacks against the clergy, vandalism against religious sites, and the seizure of church property. Often directed against the Catholic Church and clergy, anti-clericalism goes beyond mere secularism or the French tradition of laïcité, which advocates both the absence of religious interference in government affairs and government interference in religious affairs. The goal of anti-clericalism is often that religion should become a strictly private activity . . .During the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, and in the context of atrocities on both sides, many of the Republican forces were violently anti-clerical anarchists and Communists. The numerous assaults against Catholic institutions, clergy, and supporters during this period have been been termed Spain's Red Terror. These included the sacking and burning of monasteries and churches and killing 283 nuns and more than 6,000 priests, including 13 bishops, 4184 diocesan priests, 2365 members of male religious orders. Among these were 259 Claretians, 226 Franciscans, 204 Piarists, 176 Brothers of Mary, 165 Christian Brothers, 155 Augustinians, 132 Dominicans, and 114 Jesuits. There are accounts of the Catholic faithful being forced to swallow rosary beads, thrown down mine shafts, and priests being forced to dig their own graves before being buried alive. The Catholic Church has canonized several martyrs of the Spanish Civil War and has beatified hundreds more. New World Encyclopedia
My students said this more often than not - "No Way!" They also protested " You're Crazy!" Most often they exclaimed " Are You Serious?!"
These came in response to questions with regard to Master At Arms Claggert's homosexual overtures to the handsome sailor Billy Budd, Herman Melville's novel of same name. As the innocent and beautiful young man shouted so innocently to his shipmates " Farewell Rights of Man!" the irony of discovery is a real push -me- pull -you in the noggin. No Way!!!!!!!!!
I taught wonderfully diverse, but always solidly important novels, plays, essays and histories to my students: Not only did they read Catcher in the Rye, but also Catch 22; The Sun Also Rises and the U.S.A trilogy; The Scarlet Letter and Genesis.
My students were great critics and often favored John Dos Passos over Ernest Hemingway - " Why is Hemingway so huge and no one reads Dos Passos?"
Well, discipuli, that statement is no longer true. You read Dos Passos.
Interestingly, Dos Passos and Hemingway were friends until the Spanish Civil War 1937. The two writers were very much alike - both born in Illinois, WWI veterans and part of the post-war Parisian crowd of Modern Culture Vultures. They both shared leftist political views, until the Spanish Civil War. A man by the name of Jose Robles, who had taught Spanish and literature in America and translated the works of Dos Passos, Hemingway and Sinclair Lewis into Spanish and share the same socialist/leftist political ideals, was placed against a wall and shot by the Republican ( Communists) authorities for not being 'left enough.'
Hemingway was not too bothered by the murder of his friend Jose Robles, but he was really upset that John Dos Passos equated the murder of his friend to the slaughter and persecution of Catholics by the soviet led Republicans. Hemigway cut Dos Passos dead and like any MSNBC shill taking coin today engaged in charcter assasination of his old friend. Dos Passos wrote honestly. Hemingway was a gargantuan bullshitter worthy of his Nobel Prize. Dos Passos died in 1970. Hemigway painted his ceilling with his brains in 1961. Way.
Progessives are secularists. Religion is okay as long as it does not make itself public. The American Progressives want this Democratic Republic to become "One Nation" without the prepsitional phrase "Under God." America is getting there.
Our popular culture paints the Spanish Civil War as a romantic, gallant fight against fascism. It was monstrous, brutal and heartless fight against fascism. Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper and John Garfield all played Spanish Civil War Veterans from the Republican side - they never said Red in the Old Black and Whites.
Every one hates fascists, especially neo-fascists. A fascist is merely a very successful socialist.
No America public educated high school students know anything about the massacre of the Escorial Augustinian seminary students or the Cristiada that swept Mexico from 1926 -1929 ten years before the Communists took control of the Spanish Republic.
Facts are troublesome things. Much more difficult is the task of applying what we have learned to our lives.
President Obama is at war with Catholic Church and American religious liberty. No Way!!!!!! Yes, way.
Obama 2012 is the start of the American Cristiada - make no mistake. John Dos Passos began his U.S.A. trilogy with most chapters dedicated to the Revolution in Mexico. An American Wobbly ( IWW) printer goes to fight the working man's fight in the Mexico of Zapata and Pancho Villa. Fainy Mac ends up very disillusioned by the results of his labors:
The Mexican Constitution of 1917 limited the power of the Catholic Church. The constitution required the closing of all elementary schools operated by the Catholic Church. The document also led to the government confiscation of all church owned building and properties. Monastic orders were also outlawed and church services could not be conducted outside of a church. All church activities were to be overseen by the government. Law was also established to take away the voting rights of clergymen. In 1926, the Calles Law was signed making it illegal for clergy to wear their vestments in public. Following the passing of this act, Catholic priests and citizens, with approval from Pope Pius XI, engaged in acts of peaceful protest: boycotting movies and not using public transportation. Some Mexican states are only permitted by law to have a certain number of clergymen living in them. In these states it is not uncommon for the clergy to be pulled out of their homes and burned or shot before a firing squad. The rebellions became more violent. A number of priests holed themselves up in the church, Our Lady of Guadalupe. There is currently a standoff between the priests and the federal soldiers.
The January HHS Contraception Mandate followed the May Hilda Solis's NLRB stripping the Catholic identity from Chicago's St. Xavier University and other schools. Obama will decide what is religious and what is not, what is acceptable to him and what is not. Obama is a later-day composite Yanqui Obergon/Calles*!
Obama 2012 is the blue print for the American Cristiada. It is to be seen how many American Catholics will become Cristeros.
Facts are troubling things.
* Many leaders and members of the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico were highly critical of the 1917 constitution. They especially criticized Article 3, which forbade religious instruction in schools, and Article 130, which adopted an extreme form of separation of church and state, including a series of restrictions on priests and ministers of all religions to hold public office, canvass on behalf of political parties or candidates, or to inherit from persons other than close blood relatives, etc.).[27]
Although Obregón was suspicious of the Catholic Church, he was far less anti-clerical than his successor, Plutarco Elías Calles, whose policies would lead to the Cristero War (1926–29). For example, he sent Pope Pius XI congratulations upon his election in 1922, and in a private message to the pope, emphasized the "complementarity" of the aims of the Catholic Church and the Mexican Revolution.[27]
In spite of Obregón's moderate approach, his presidency saw the beginnings of clashes between Catholics and supporters of the Mexican Revolution. Some bishops campaigned actively against land distribution and against the organization of workers into secular unions. Catholic Action movements were founded in Mexico in the wake of Pius XI's 1922 encyclical Ubi arcano, and supporters of the Young Mexican Catholic Action soon found themselves in violent conflict with CROM members.[28] The most serious diplomatic incident occurred in 1923, when Ernesto Eugenio Filippi, the Apostolic Nuncio to Mexico, conducted an open-air religious service in spite of the fact that it was illegal to hold a religious service outside of a church. The government invoked Article 33 of the constitution and expelled Filippi from Mexico.[29]
To say that the Catholic Church is not a democracy is to state its very nature: for Catholic believers, it is the institution founded by God to implement His will on earth. For those who believe this, it is the end of the discussion. If you do not believe this, why be interested in what the church thinks or says about anything?
An interesting aspect of these discussions is the way selective interpretations of the Second Vatican Council – which the Association of Catholic Priests, for example, claims as its principal inspiration and motivation – are employed to consider matters relating to the church as though to a political party. John Waters Irish Times April 20, 2012
The sisters are stunned by the news, sad, weary, worried.
And, for public purposes, they are mostly silent. . Pulitzer Possessor Mary Schmich
It seems nuns got stunned when Pope Benedict XVI and the lads in Pope City told Catholic Nuns here in the States that they are on the wrong side of issues, as far as the Church teachings are concerned. Some nuns prefer the Progressive, NPR, DNC, and Secular doctrines which demand abortion, that women be ordained priests and the call for a general absolution of all same-gender sexual dalliances. Not a huge head-scratcher that, let alone a stunner.
Navy S.E.A.Ls shoot Osamas and Somalii pirates without a reference to the M.K. Gandhi rules of engagement. I am sure that if some S.E.A.L.s were stunned to learn that killing is their vocation, they would be referred to the H & R folks at GreenPeace.
Not stunning.
I was no where near stunned with the news that Chicago Tribune columnist and Brenda Starr narrator Mary Schmich won a Pulitzer. Mary Schmick was cited because "Schmich's stories resonated with readers and won over the Pulitzer jury, which cited her "wide range of down-to-earth columns that reflect the character and capture the culture of her famed city."
I always thought that of Mary Schmich as the Kathy-half of the Tribune's Eric & Kathy Show - Eric Zorn being the Eric half - you know, those e-mail terms of endearment and just plain NPR fun engagement?
Mary Schmich grabbed a Pulitzer. God bless her.
President Obama grabbed Nobel Peace Prize after his apology tour and beer summit with a cop, because "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." I am not stunned when a no bid contract to a Canadian rail car company that buys wheels made in China gets a limited bit of attention, while Chicago media wets its britches over the dead blond kid with the sport coat flipped over his shoulder, because the guy who punched him dead has Clout DNA.
The Chicago Tribune editorial board and its columnists like Eric Zorn and the always laughable religion writer Manya Brachear are firing shots at Catholics in order to keep our heads down and mouths shut. Manya produced an idiotic report of faux outrage and a possible tax-suit against Peoria's Catholic Bishop Jenky who preached about the continued war on Faith from the Obama regime. Manya hooked up with Huffington Post columnist and veteran Democratic operative who happens to be the regional head of the Anti-Defamation League and no less a goofball than the Rev. Barry Lynn, a mainline Bill Moyers approved parser on matters of Faith and government.
When Manya's dribblings were laughed to depths of the Trib's cyber pages, the deep thinkers trotted out a Pulitzer howitzer to fire at mitres!
Schmich and awwww!
I am only stunned when I bring home left over carrot cake from Gibson's and open the fridge to learn that it escaped my son's gullet.
Stunned nuns are a whole nuther kettle of smelt.
Let's see who's stunned . . ."Please don't quote me," one Chicago nun said after she shared her feelings Friday. "Please don't quote me." Stunning.
Yet, again! "It's not cowardice," said another, asking not to be named. Un-named stunned nuns.
In Pulitzer worthy balance. Ms. Schmich names an un-stunned nun:
Not all nuns feel that way. Sister Anne Flanagan, who belongs to the Daughters of St. Paul, thinks the Vatican has a point.
"It's a signal of how important religious women are to the ministry of the church," she said. "The Vatican is saying get back on track on some of these issues; don't lose the value of what you're doing for the sake of a dream."
She admits she's in a minority
That said our 2012 Pulitzer Proprietress quotes Sr. Donna Quinn, who is more responsible for media attention than any one nun by with her helping Planned Parenthood murder more Illinois babies and bragging about it. Schmick quotes Quinn from an earlier pronouncement about condemning the Church that houses, feeds and insures Sister Quinn.
As Sister Donna Quinn of Chicago was quoted saying recently, "You cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube."
Now, that's Schmich and Awwwwww with a huge layer of WTF??????????????
You follow?
Me neither. We don't get stunned much unless we hang around with septuagenarian contrarian nuns and when we find that left-over piece of Gibson's carrot-cake somehow escaped the maw of our twenty something sons and daughters.
These guys are letting us get to St. Louis from Chicago quicker than the time it takes to knock off the Asian Babe in an old spy movie, well not really. You see, the Oriental knockout usually gets clipped about an hour into the movie and high speed rail at best takes five hours.
Executive Director Richard Harnish (in blue shirt) meets with consultants: (from left to right) Dave Goldin, President of Goldin Media, Inc.; Dan Johnson-Weinberger, President of Progressive Public Affairs; and Laurent Pernot, President of Platform Public Affairs, LLC. Four Guys RailRoad - that's High Speed Railroad. Instead of getting to St. Louis in 5.5 hours, outrageous!!!!! You can now get there in a Green Friendly, Shovel Ready, Unprecedented, Rocket Fast four hours - that's a saving of 1.5 hours, Rubes! Time is money and HSR is making you all rich!!!!!!!!!
Ever met a High Speed Rail enthusiast? I have, when I worked in LaPorte, IN and later in Hammond, IN.
Hare Krishnas, Mimes and Squeegee Capitalists are more fun to be around and make much more sense. They'll take whatever change you have on you; HSR Geeks want your dreams.
Four guys in Logan Square have convinced Pat "the Dreamming Guv" Quinn that he too can be a railroad tycoon. He is already Martin Luther who nailed his tongue and his tie to Holy Name Cathedral back in November - I awwl A CristhYun! Theses Guv, theses.
Now, thanks to postman Ray La Hood*, President Obama's token Republican and Dept. of Transportation Rail Spinner in Chief, dropping off a check for $1.4 billion the dream we all share . . . of going between Dwight, IL and Pontiac State Prison will take only minutes, where now it takes you . . .minutes.
The full cost of the High Speed Boondoggle is $ 4 billion. So that means we are on the hook for only $ 3 billion! I give you a buck and you give me three and we all benefit! Not only that we shave an hour off a train ride to St. Louis.
Let's see; I have taken exactly . . .NO trips via train to St. Louis. Drove. Needed the car in St. Looey -Grant's Farm, Busch tour and all that stuff - LeClade's Landing, Dinner at Stan Musials. . .
So here's your President Obama High Speed Rail Logan Square Front Men Midwest High Speed Rail Association:
First their vision, which is really President Obama's and therefore something we must have yesterday!
Our Vision President Obama has created an exciting vision for high-speed rail in America, proposing that 80% of Americans be served by high-speed trains by the year 2036. Perhaps no region in the U.S. is better positioned to capitalize on this vision than the Upper Midwest. Leveraging a diverse manufacturing, agricultural, and business services economy anchored by nine major metropolitan areas, high-speed rail could have a transformative impact that would unify the Midwest into one the world's most powerful economic regions.
That would mean:
•Building four 220-mph bullet train routes to put 43 million people within 3 hours of Chicago, with the first demonstration route completed by 2020. •Modernizing existing Amtrak service by 2020 to deliver convenient and comfortable service at speeds of at least 90 miles per hour. •Creating strong connections to local transit at modernized railroad stations. Together, these projects will revolutionize how we travel, and create more than 1.1 million jobs across the region
Here is the current Public transportation packages for Pat " Green Dwarf" Hickey's Green Friendly Public Transit Trip from my house to St. Louis Cathedral, St. Louis MO- Google Travel offered about six suggestions - here is one:
Transit directions to Cathedral Basilica-St Louis (314) 373-8200
Depart: 107#$ S Rockwell StChicago, IL 60655
Walk to Western & 108th Street About 5 mins (0.3 mi) Beta: Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths. 1. Head south on S Rockwell St toward W 108th St 43 ft 2. Turn left onto W 108th St 0.2 mi 3. Turn left onto S Western Ave 59 ft
Walk to Western & 108th Street About 5 mins
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Western & 108th Street Stop ID: 8455 49ABus towards 135th 2:51pm - 3:05pm (13 mins, 23 stops) Service run by Chicago Transit Authority - Buy tickets Route Information - transitchicago.com Penultimate stop: Western & York
Bus - 49A - South Western - Direction: 135th Service run by Chicago Transit Authority 2:51pm Depart Western & 108th Street (Stop ID: 8455) 3:05pm Arrive Western & Vermont (Stop ID: 8478) Route Information - transitchicago.com Ticket prices
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Western & Vermont Stop ID: 8478 Walk to Blue Island-Vermont Metra About 3 mins (12 mins to make transfer) (0.1 mi)
Walk to Blue Island-Vermont Metra About 3 mins
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Blue Island-Vermont Metra RITrain towards Joliet 3:17pm - 4:03pm (46 mins, 9 stops) Service run by Metra Route Information - metrarail.com Penultimate stop: New Lenox Metra
Train - RI - Rock Island - Direction: Joliet Service run by Metra 3:17pm Depart Blue Island-Vermont Metra 4:03pm Arrive Joliet Metra Route Information - metrarail.com
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Joliet Metra Walk to Joliet Union Station About 1 min (1 hour 2 mins to make transfer) (26 ft)
Walk to Joliet Union Station About 1 min
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Joliet Union Station Lincoln ServiceTrain 305 towards St. Louis Gateway Station 5:05pm - 9:45pm (4 hours 40 mins, 8 stops)
Alert. "Amtrak recommends arriving to the station at least 30 minutes before scheduled departure." - amtrak.com Service run by Amtrak Route Information - amtrak.com Penultimate stop: Alton Amtrak
Train - Lincoln Service - 305 - Direction: St. Louis Gateway Station Service run by Amtrak 5:05pm Depart Joliet Union Station 9:45pm Arrive St. Louis Gateway Station Alert. Route Information - amtrak.com
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
St. Louis Gateway Station Walk to Civic Center Metrolink Station About 1 min (10 mins to make transfer) (223 ft)
Walk to Civic Center Metrolink Station About 1 min
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Civic Center Metrolink Station MetrolinkTrain towards Shrewsbury Lansdowne I-44 9:55pm - 10:03pm (8 mins, 2 stops) Service run by Metro St. Louis Penultimate stop: Union Sta Metrolink Station
Train - Metrolink - MetroLink - Direction: Shrewsbury Lansdowne I-44 Service run by Metro St. Louis 9:55pm Depart Civic Center Metrolink Station 10:03pm Arrive Central West End Metrolink Station
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Central West End Metrolink Station Walk to 4430 Maryland Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63108-2402 About 15 mins (0.8 mi) Beta: Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths. 1. Head east toward S Taylor Ave Take the stairs 0.1 mi 2. Turn left onto S Taylor Ave 0.5 mi 3. Turn right onto Lindell Blvd 0.2 mi
Walk to 4430 Maryland Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63108-2402 About 15 mins
« Previous Zoom in Trip overview Next »
Cathedral Basilica-St Louis 4430 Maryland Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63108-2402
OKAY Totals between 7 hours and change and 8 hours and change.
Now here is selfish Carbon Gunboats Paddy Hickey's Trip by my car
302 mi, 5 hours 14 mins I-57 S, I-72 W and I-55 S 300 mi, 5 hours 19 mins I-57 S and I-70 W 293 mi, 5 hours 20 mins I-55 S Driving directions to Cathedral Basilica-St Louis 3D2D
(314) 373-8200
- more info »
107%^ S Rockwell StChicago, IL 60655
1. Head south on S Rockwell St toward W 108th St 0.4 mi 2. Turn left onto W 111th St 0.8 mi 3. Continue onto W Monterey Ave 0.5 mi 4. Turn right onto S Marshfield Ave 210 ft 5. Take the ramp on the left onto I-57 S 120 mi 6. Take exit 235B to merge onto I-72 W toward Decatur/Springfield 78.7 mi 7. Take exit 103A to merge onto I-55 S/I-72 W toward St Louis/Jacksonville 5.3 mi 8. Slight left onto I-55 S (signs for St Louis) 73.9 mi 9. Merge onto I-70 W Entering Missouri 18.8 mi 10. Continue onto I-64 W 2.2 mi 11. Take exit 38A to merge onto Forest Park Ave toward Grand Blvd 1.3 mi 12. Turn right onto S Sarah St 0.3 mi 13. Turn left onto Lindell Blvd Destination will be on the right 0.5 mi
Cathedral Basilica-St Louis 4430 Maryland AvenueSaint Louis, MO 63108-2402
Home again -given the fact that there are not - well legally anyway -high speed buses my journey VIA HSR will take SIX( 6) hours. I drive and it is 5 hours and 20 minutes tops.
High Speed Rail - 3 Billion Bucks to shave an hour off a trip to St. Louis that I don't take.
No thanks.
Quinn and HSR Dudes: "Too late; already done. Eat it Hickey (literally and figuratively) and like it."
But I am probably missing the bigger picture - how will HSR help the four guys in Logan Square. The important thing about HSR, like so many really important tax-payer burdens, has absolutely nothing to do with your thoughts on the matter. It is a High Speed Railroad, after all.
The Illinois Department of Transportation has published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the development of high - speed rail passenger service between Chicago and St. Louis. The FEIS evaluates alternatives and documents potential impacts of the higher speed rail project on natural resources, noise, air quality, historic and archeological sites, farmland and communities along the corridor. It is a key step toward implementing improved rail passenger service in Illinois. The proposed action will provide high-speed rail passenger service between Chicago and St. Louis along the current Amtrak route. South of Dwight, the maximum operating speed will be 110 mph. North of Dwight, the existing maximum operating speed of 79 mph will be maintained. No physical improvements and no changes in operating characteristics (i.e., number and speed of trains) will be made north of Dwight. With these improvements travel time between Chicago and St. Louis will be reduced from approximately 5.5 hours to approximately 4.0 hours.
You might call Monday the fun day of President Obama’s Europe tour.
The president will spend an hour in the Irish town of Moneygall, where it is believed his great-great-great grandfather grew up. The town has excitedly anticipated his arrival, with people waiting hours in line for tickets to Obama’s speech there. The local newspaper, the Ofally Independent, put out a special edition Friday in which the paper dubbed itself “The Obama Independent.” (Moneygall is in a county called Ofally.)
“This is a homecoming of sorts for President Obama. He’s very excited to see this small town in Ireland from which he has roots, and we’re very much looking forward to seeing some of the people of Moneygall and making a stop there,” said Ben Rhodes, one of Obama’s top national security aides.
Obama, who arrived in Ireland Monday at 9:29 a.m. local time (4:29 a.m. in Washington) will also give a public speech in Dublin, highlighting relations between Ireland and the United States.
Offaly Nice -
President Barack Obama's Irish eighth cousin toured either side of the tiny village of Moneygall, picking out pavements to be repaired and houses to be repainted in preparation for the visit of the most powerful man on Earth.
With a population of just 300, the residents will be heavily outnumbered by the US president's own entourage when Obama returns to his Irish roots in May.
The village is bisected by the old Dublin to Limerick road, where part of the old homestead of Obama's Irish ancestors still stands. Moneygall has become a tourist trap two months before Air Force One touches down in the Republic.
Henry Healy, accompanied by officials from Offaly county council, was helping to spruce up the village for Obama's arrival. Since the president announced on St Patrick's Day that he would visit Ireland in two months' time Obamamania has been building in this quiet corner of the Irish midlands. On Friday night the locals held their first public meeting to discuss the trip.
Healy, who traces his family links back to the president's Irish ancestors, the Kearneys, was a guest of Obama when he was sworn into office in Washington DC. The president's great-great-great grandfather (on his mother's side) is said to have been born in Ireland. "Our family connection is very distant but … we do share the same lineage," said Healy. "Our ancestry is shared by the Healy and the Kearney families way back to 1761. Sarah Healy would be five-eighths grandmother of Barack Obama. I still think it's sort of surreal to say you have some connection to the president of the United States. "
Healy said the Obama connection had brightened up the lives of Moneygall's people at a time of national economic hardship. "When the primaries started in 2008 our village wasn't like the rest of Ireland. We were not talking about recession or doom and gloom. We were talking about the American presidential campaign all the way from Iowa to the White House. It was a massive boost to our morale in these dark times."
No US presidential visit to Ireland would be complete without a photo of him supping a pint at the bar. JFK, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have all been snapped by the world's cameras knocking back beer amid cheering Irish locals. Inside Olli Hayes's bar on Main Street Obama memorabilia dominates the walls, with framed pictures from his presidential campaign, paintings of the first black US president and the latest addition, a cast-iron bust of him at the end of the bar.
"I hope nobody lifts that up one day and hits me on the head with it like they did with the bust of Queen Victoria in that murder on EastEnders," jokes Hayes.
Another stop on Obama's Moneygall tour will be Templeharry Anglican church, just over a mile outside the village. It was here that Church of Ireland minister Stephen Neill unearthed Obama's roots in 2007. Inside the church, built around 1800, Neill produces the dust-laden parish record books which he used to trace Obama's lineage to the village.
"We have the baptismal records which include the Kearney relatives and back in April 2007 it transpired that this lineage related to Barack Obama through Falmouth Kearney, who emigrated to America. So on these pews, inside this very church, the president's antecedents on his Irish side worshipped here on a regular basis."
Obama's links to the Church of Ireland also stretch further south to Kilkenny city, where another branch of the family claims a connection to him. Jane de Montmorency Wright said she had traced Obama to the former Anglican bishop of Kilkenny, John Kearney. "The president's ancestor was a bishop here in Kilkenny city where he is buried in St Canice's cathedral, so there will be plenty for him to see," she said.
Hayes and Moneygall's other 299 residents are expecting droves of other Americans to follow in the president's footsteps. A few hours earlier two couples from Chicago, the base from which Obama launched his presidential bid, turned up to have their pictures taken outside the bar.
• This article was amended on 29 March 2011. The original referred to President Barack Obama's Irish cousin (eight times removed). This has been corrected.
In 1939, Poland had more troops than Germany; Russia had many more; France fielded a larger army.
The Nazi regime tooled for a new war - Blitzkrieg that combined mechanized infantry, tanks, and superior air cover. The tactics matched a strategy for a swift and brutal capture of territory while doling out a psychological despair to defenders. It worked - by and large.
Poland sent lancers against tanks. Russia exterminated its officer corps prior to Barbarossa. France sat in a fort. Warfare must be realistic. Supply, communication, weapons systems, and manpower must match intended outcomes.
Our carrier fleet is unmatched world wide, for now, but, is of little help in finding a terrorist's suburban villa in Pakistan. However, choppers full of motivated and professional warriors sent over the Afghan mountains by a Commander in Chief with a warrior's heart was just the ticket. Outcomes matched intent.
In 1991 and again in 2001, The Bush Presidents applied the doctrine of shock and awe - it worked by and large.
Terrorists, from the time of the 1920's Irish War of Independence under the direction of the IRA's Michael Collins*, through Menachem Begin's Stern Gang in Israel, to J.M. Kariuki's Mau-maus ( acronym for Let the Europeans go home to Europe) in Kenya, and up to the late Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda, apply indiscriminate terror -shootings, bombings, decapitations, or mutilations in an exercise of Hegelian will over human beings and any and all law. Acts of terror are preceded and followed by demands of all manner of construction. Acts of terror must be met with reality.
The rule of nations must be the rule of Law.
Counter-terrorism seems to be most effective when terrorists are personally held accountable by lawful governments. Elite specialists go in and kill them all. Strike fast and get out. The Israelis are past masters of this form of warfare. Use our intelligence capabilities and send in our best trained warriors to kill criminals. Terror meets reality. In his last nano second alive, I hope that Osama said, " I over-played my hand."
In some way, I hope he also knew who pulled the trigger - President Obama.
Not since President Reagan has a Commander in Chief earned the salute of his troops - President Obama is a Warrior -period.
Well done President Obama. You killed Bin Laden as much as the young warrior who pulled the trigger. No American can honestly criticize your courage, leadership, and dedication to the Constitutional Oath you took in 2009. More importantly you recognized the efforts of President GW Bush and displayed great grace in calling him with the news of Bin Laden's fate. President Barack Hussein Obama defended our Republic.
This is what being President is all about - I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States..
This is your moment, Mr. President. God Bless You and your Administration.
* Correction Michael Collins was a guerilla leader - limiting his activities to Military and Crown targets.
Michael Collins first became known during the Easter Rising in 1916. A skilled organiser of considerable intelligence, he was highly respected in the IRB, so much so that he was made financial advisor to Count Plunkett, father of one of the Rising's organisers, Joseph Mary Plunkett, whose aide-de-camp Collins later became.
When the Rising itself took place on Easter Monday, 1916, he fought alongside Patrick Pearse and others in the General Post Office in Dublin. The Rising became (as expected by many) a military disaster. While some celebrated the fact that a rising had happened at all, believing in Pearse's theory of "blood sacrifice" (namely that the deaths of the Rising's leaders would inspire others), Collins railed against it, notably the seizure of indefensible and very vulnerable positions such as St Stephen's Green that were impossible to escape from and difficult to supply. (During the War of Independence he ensured the avoidance of such sitting targets, with his soldiers operating as "flying columns" who waged a guerrilla war against the British, suddenly attacking then just as quickly withdrawing, minimising losses and maximising effectiveness.)
Collins, like many of the other participants, was arrested, almost executed[8] and was imprisoned up at Frongoch internment camp. Collins became one of the leading figures in the post-rising Sinn Féin, a small nationalist party which the British government and the Irish media wrongly blamed for the Rising. It was quickly infiltrated by participants in the Rising, so as to capitalise on the "notoriety" the movement had gained through British attacks. By October 1917, Collins had risen to become a member of the executive of Sinn Féin and director of organisation of the Irish Volunteers; Éamon de Valera was president of both organisations
With his back to the wall -Dr. Short-arms Lanigan explains that there is plenty of wealth to be tapped. Not his, of course, ours.
World Class Economics Solons like Journolista Ezra Klein of the Washington Post crack me up. The current mantra coming from leaning lefty columnists, commentators and , of course, celebrities is the call for more taxes! Ball of Confusion!!! The Tempting Ts - the Temptations warned all of us tail-end Charlie Baby Boomers of this pattern of thought.
Air pollution, revolution, gun control, Sound of soul Shootin' rockets to the moon Kids growin' up too soon Politicians say more taxes will Solve everything And the band played on
Pay your fair-share! YOUR - possesive pronoun - meaning YOU possessing that share. YOU is ME too. You never hear our bloated bolshevik Michael Moore demand that the Federal Government dig into his gelt. Moore, like every Progressive that I have encountered in this Vale of Tears, is tighter than the pockets on a fat man's pants.
Imagine coming up with a Hollywood Tax? An 80 percent tax of every Celebrity Super Star, Rock Star, Rap Star, Writer, Movie Star, Producer, Agent, Lawyer and Mogul earning over $ Million a year would shut the mopes up.
Robert Reich, Michael Moore, and David Plouffe must have all studied at the feet of "Short-arms" Lanigan - Dr. of Redistribution of Your Wealth Economist at the University of the Bar Stool Near You. Dr. Lanigan studied the Wimpy School of Economics from the old Popeye cartoons - 'I will gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today' and took things to the next level.
The eminent Dr. Short-arms has his First Communion money, to paraphrase Mike Houlihan. His dictum - Let the Other pay - works in taverns and in many other situations that require immediate payment for product and services: lawncare, plumbing, and meeting tuition - 'I'm a little short at the moment. Tough economy ain't it?'
Short-arms has deep, deep pockets and very short arms. Why spend his money, when you have your's already on the bar. The trick is knowing that one must take advantage of the fact that most people are intrinsically generous, hospitable, and welcoming and that timing and positioning is everything.
If there are twelve people at the bar engaged in conversation and beefy goodfellowship, Short-arms immediately engages the most popular and conversive of the group and compliments him/her on the latest achievement by the individual or his spawn - "That is one beautiful Hostis row along the south end of your home, Burlington, Old Man!" or " Your kid made a great catch in the 9th up a Kennedy to win the game, too bad you were here sucking back Old Styles . . .I just came from the Park; helping Brian Tansey with the T-Ball kids."
Gee That's great. Moira, get everyone from the street to the shithouse! Have one, Short Arms!
Accept! Each man and woman will shoulder the tariff of drink. In theory. Follow Dr. Short-arms Lanigan's dicta -
1. Determine the direction that the liquid assets of largesse will take in, rolling credit, to one and all - save one.
2. Do not stay immediately next ( sinister et dextra) to the boon chum, but, immediately move to the end of the line - in the direction of the rolling largesse n'cest pas.
3. Once someone has called to pay, interject an offer to toss coin into the hazard and await the sanctions and protestations - 'First caller buys.' wait your turn.
4. Wait indeed. Once satisfied. Make a strategic exit - have a cell phone and pretend that it is on BUZZ. 'They're towing my car! Can you believe them bastards?' or, 'The Cat's on fire! Emergency Hemlick call at Olde Country Buffet on Ridgeland, I'm a volunteer EMT - you all knew that; didn't you? gotta bustle! Next Time!'
5. Come back in three days and repeat.
There is enough wealth! Short-arms and deep pockets will diminish that.
Hope and Change and more than a few rolls of folding money.
Dang! This happens. You're on vacation. You come home. You rememeber - the house keys are in the change dish, right below the kitchen window. You locked up before you left. That is the right thing to do, but only after you stick the house keys in your jeans.
Well, that crumb George W. Bush never told President Obama about the spare set under the lawn gnome.
And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. 48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me. 49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. 50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
And Lo . . .
After touching down under blue skies and a bright desert sun, Obama paid a surprise visit to victims recovering at University Medical Center, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was shot in the head and remains in the intensive care unit.
A short time after the president left her room, Giffords, surrounded by her husband and three close friends from Congress - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) - opened her eyes and reached for her husband, showing a level of responsiveness that thrilled her loved ones.
"Gabby opened her eyes," said Obama, who was told about the incident by Giffords's husband during the short ride from the hospital to the arena. "And I can tell you she knows we are here, she knows we love her and she knows we are rooting for her"
The prepared text and delivery were quite good and fitting. This unTelpromptered ad lib set my teeth on edge. I ain't seeing it. Jesus was a community activist and President Obama is something else! Mirabile Dictu!
During my coffee break at Leo ( roughly 8AM-3PM), I read an article about President Obama's problems with his Lefty base. I saw this photo attached to the article and thought - the President is a CheeseKnife? No. Could he be a Mason? The poor man has enough problems with that whole Muslim thing.
Then, I remembered a recent poll that showed Italian American New Jersey Governor Chris Christie ( Fuggedaboudid!) to be much more popular than our current POTUS. Governor Christie is the Fiorllo La Guardia of our age. He is a good guy who looks like Bobby Baccala on The Sopranos. Janet Napolitano looks like Paulie Walnuts, but Hey Fuggedaboudid! Perhaps, Dave Axelrod decided to spin the Compelling Narrative President with some real “Gabbagul” Italian. You didn't hear it from me! I'm just sayin'.
Here ( above) is the President doing the mano cornuta to ward off the Malocchio - Hey, I'm just sayin' . . .no disrespect.
Next, we may hear any combinations of the following coming from Caporegime Obama, which would open the gates to regular guys from the Heart of Italy in Chicago ( 24th & Oakley) to Cherry Street in Manhattan.
aduzipach/aduzipazz – you’re crazy (ma tu sei pazzo) [aa-DOO-zee-PAACH]/[aa-DOO-zee-PAATS]
afanabola!/vafanabola!/a fa napule – go to hell! – Note: Literally means “go to Naples” (a fa Napoli!) [aa-faa-NAA-boe-laa]
usorda – your sister (la sorella/tua sorella) [oo-SOAR-daa]
vaffangul’!/baffangul’!/ – fuck you! (vai a fare in culo); Note: Literally means “Go stick it up your ass!” [vaa-faan-GOOL]
vangopp’ – go up/go upstairs (fa in coppa) [vaan-GOAP]
veni ca/vieni qua – come (over) here (vieni qui) [veh-nee-KAA]
vidi cachunka! – watch out, you’re gonna get hurt! (vedi la ciunca?) [vee-dee-kaa-CHOON-kaa]
walyun/wayo – young man (vuaguone) [waal-YOON]
warda!/uarda - look! (guarda!) [WAAR-daa]
warda cachunka! – watch out, you’re gonna get hurt! (guarda la ciunca!) (WAAR-daa-laa-CHOON-kaa]
zutt’ – down/downstairs (sotto) [zoot]
zutt u’ basciament – down to the basement (sotto u’ basement) [zoot-oo-baa-shaa-MENT]
gita schlamorta gita mort
fanabola te parida angula sord’
“Gabbagul-Italian,” or “Goombah Italian,” is an Italian-American dialect developed in the early 20th century by Italian immigrants settling in American cities. It is based on the Italian language, and it contains a mixture of Sicilian- and Neapolitan-inspired dialect words. The dialect was prominent in East-Coast US cities, such as Newark, Paterson, New York City (especially Manhattan and Brooklyn), and Boston. It was mostly spoken in tightly-knit Italian communities and neighborhoods, especially those with heavy Sicilian populations. “Gabbagul” isn’t the official name of this dialect; many names could signify it, including “American-Italian,” “New Jersey-Italian,” “New York-Italian,” “Calabrese-Siciliano-Italian,” etc. Many words are taken from other dialects, and different Italians in different areas spoke their dialects differently. For example, my great-grandmother spoke in Italian, with mixed in English, Sicilian, and Calabrese words. Some words, such as “awunda” and “cachuncka,” are completely made up words, sometimes with English-language origins.
I am attempting to recreate a dictionary of this Italian dialect. Much of this comes from memory and familial recollection. Putting this together in one succinct place was very fun, and I hope it is helpful. This dictionary will be updated, as it is an ongoing process.
In this dictionary you will find tons of Italian-American slang words and their Italiano/Calabrese/Siciliano origins.
No Title Obama, Bromance, Bellig and fomo make latest slang dictionary
This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 at 10:02 PM and is filed under Italian and Italian American Slang. Tagged: agita, bensonhurst, brooklyn, butann, calabrese, capish, corleone, dialect, gabagul, gabbagul, godfather, goodfellas, goomba, goombah, guido, Italian, italian dialect, italiano, italy, made man, manhattan, neapolitan, pesci, sicilian, siciliano, slang, sopranos. You can feed this entry. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Hey, Eye Wunner, if the Prez'll star' wearin' Wife Beaters? Braggiol’ ? I think not.
Could be he's telling the deaf stugots " I Love you." - I'm just sayin'! Labels:
Dad always said that I couldn't find my butt with both hands. I can. Allow me to add this imperative -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you." - Pope Francis to celebrate Pro-life Mass, Vatican
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
A peach of a guy with all the sweetness one could expect from a life well-spent and in good company: short on brains but a terrific dancer!
Every Heart and Hand: A Leo High School Story
The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War