" Now, what in the wide world of sports were you doing asleep?"
Mayor Richard M. Daley will not depose, descant, opine, chat, gab, wax-eloquent, posit, or spill-it in matters Burge, thanks to another in the endless City of Chicago payoffs to G. Flint Taylor Industries (AKA - Some Peoples Law Office). Did we expect anything less than millions more dollars tossed to Herr Flint? Hmmm? Not this Hairpin, anyway. Thus,
The city on Monday moved to settle the latest round of lawsuits involving former police Cmdr. Jon Burge, bringing the total cost to taxpayers for alleged victims and lawyers in the torture probe to an eye-popping $40 million.
But under the settlement, former Mayor and State's Attorney Richard M. Daley will avoid having to give sworn testimony.
The city's action came when the City Council Committee on Finance accepted the recommendation of Corporation Counsel Steve Patton to settle for $7.2 million two cases that had been headed to court. . . . Flint Taylor, an attorney for Mr. Tillman, had a slightly higher figure for taxpayer costs to date: roughly $45 million. He released a statement from Mr. Tillman saying that while "no amount of money can fix" what happened to him, "I am pleased that the city . . . (has) finally recognized that their people did me wrong." ( emphasis my own)
G. Flint Taylor will be sucking up tax-dollars so long that he asks and that they last in celebration of Jon Burge and the mythical Midnight Crew. Don't waste a minute's sleep with worry on that score.
Systemic Racism leads to the arrest, torture, confession, indictment, conviction, sentencing, incarceration, media scrutiny and re-evaluation of the process, subsequent pardon, or re-trial, release, hefty-pay-off and public celebration of any African American career-criminal. There, but Fortune . . . & etc.
I imagine that G. Flint Taylor sleeps like a champ. Why? One could, were one cynical helot like myself, imagine that G. Flint is a dedicated Cadillac Commie and devouted Marxist intent upon destroying not only the local government budgets, but eroding any and all faith in Law and Law Enforcement. Or, one might say that G. Flint Taylor is a sho'nuff Atticus Finch-like advocate of the damned and self-less hero of the Peoples.
However, there just meigh* be another reason - the Dude's a White Boy!
The average amount of time people sleep each night varies from race to race, according to a study of 500 Chicago-area adults by Northwestern Medicine in Chicago.
Whites sleep the most, followed by Asians and Hispanics. Blacks sleep the least.
The study also said that blacks have the worst quality of sleep, while Asians have the highest amount of daytime sleepiness.
How about that for Systemic Racism taxonomy!
White Folks - Counting Dollars

Asians = Too much Study?
Hispanics =Well . . .

African Americans = Five Minutes are Up! Break Time's Over!

This study was concluded by Northwestern University School of Medicine - Northwestern University, where the Center for Wrongful Convictions, Berardine Dorhn's Two Decades of Children and Family Justice Center, the Bluhm Legal Clinic, Roderick MacArthur Center for Justice ( formerly at University of Chicago)
In no time at all - The Systemic Racism Sleep Disorders Institute of Northwestern Law and Meds and Some Peoples Law Office will trot out the Post-Burge Conviction for Only Perjury Disorders and really level the old agenda playing fields.
Them White Folks can sleep in court!
*Meigh (from Irish: Maigh/an Mhaigh, meaning "the plain")[1] is a small village and townlandnear Slieve Gullion in County Armagh, Northern Ireland. It had a population of 444 people in the 2001 Census. It lies within the Newry and Mourne District Council area.
Read more: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20120723/BLOGS02/120729946/taxpayer-tab-in-burge-torture-cases-hits-40-million-mark#ixzz21XTfkIyK