“Rep. Jeanne Ives has associated herself with questionable individuals that really don’t represent the views of the people of Illinois,” - Governor Bruce Rauner in Politico
One of the best reporters in the sorry State of Illinois is Natasha Korecki - late of the Chicago Sun Times and currently the Illinois Playbook editor for Politico.
Unlike too many Politico headline-grabbers, Natasha Korecki never allows politics to guide her words. Ms. Korecki is the real deal - fair, professional and exacting with regard to the details.
You never, ever, get half a story with Natasha Korecki. She is a blue-collar Chicagoan.
Today, her front page by-line in Politico features the Ad that is deemed "Repulsive" by the elites of both Party labels. BTW - it was Dan Bliss one of the Democratic stalking horses for plutocrat J. B. Pritzker's Guv Dreams who termed it 'Repulsive.'
The ACLU resorted to NPR scatology calling the ad "Sad." You know, "It's just sad. Really, sad."

Bruce Rauner, a long time Cook County trough snouter, ran as Republican against Progressive Democrat Governor Pat Quinn, an accomplished goof and un-original thinker, which was like running against J. B. Pritzker in the 100 meter dash any day.
Bruce sported Carhartt jackets and rode his Harley into the hearts of uninformed voters as well as people suffering from Pat Quinn Malaria* ( about 88.4% of the Illinois population) .
Bruce immediately did nothing.

That was the plan all along - hold the spot for four years, while J. B. Pritzker dropped some tonnage for the Gubernatorial sound bytes and photo shoots 2017-18.
Jeanne Ives stepped out of Springfield quick-sand and place her neck out for the vicious, the complacent, the satisfied and bought off to take some ax whacks. Rauner was immediate.
The Ad vilifies Rauner and not people. I love my trade union, LGBTQ, Teachers Union and my Irish second and third cousins who landed in Canada and took a three year day visit to Hoffman Estates. I want nothing but a great Illinois for them.
Only Jeanne Ives will afford them that possibility.
She is a womb to tomb social justice warrior.
Now, after Bruce and his Missus used their Equality Illinois Platinum donations and their Personal PAC good fellowship against Jeanne Ives, he now sets his piggy little eyes one me.
Bruce calls me questionable? Ask, Bruce! What you wanna Know?
Is support for a West Point grad, veteran, mother of five who wants a fair shake for all of Illinois not just selected few questionable?
Hell, no! Last year it was deporable me. Now, it is questionable me.
Hillary Clinton used that same such sobriquette and stayed so long at the bottom of the toaster lot that she is still smoking.
I am far from questionable - I am taking a Republican ballot on March 20th and voting for Jeanne Ives.
In November Jeanne Ives will sprint past J. B. Pritzker and he can again use his gold card at Fogo de Chao.
J.B. can Bruce about their wine list.