It is what they do. Progressives are creeps. They are not Democrats. They are not Liberals. They are anything but decent and forthright people. If you think that is a bit harsh, do a favor for one.
- Help Mike Quigley
- Ring a doorbell for Schakowsky
- March for Gutierrez the Gangbanger
- Cut Pat Quinn's lawn
- Give Toni Preckwinkle a Mountain Dew
I saw Forrest Claypool at a Democratic Regular fundraiser at Bourbon Street about ten years ago and a week later the Sun-Times ran a smear on a guest two weeks later - subsequently retracted.
I witnessed Jan Schakowsky bully an Asian girl at Alex Giannoulias's kick-off speech at the Hilton, because Jan was late and was not allowed to push other people out of theway in order to stand next to Senator Obama . No, the little Asian volunteer did not know who Comrade Jan was and was subjected to all kinds of un-PC racist dressing down. My ten year old daughter asked, "What is wrong with that woman, Dad?"
I answered, " That is a Progressive. Stay away from them."
Well, yesterday, my Congressman Dan Lipinski took two shivs in the kidneys from Comrade Jan and Luis El Piojo .
The best political reporter in Chicago writes for Politico, without Fran Spielman's bootlicking deference to City Hall and Michael Sneed's gate-crashing idiocies. Natasha Korecki gives the low-down on the Lown-down shameless Progressive Playbook:
Natasha Report in Full:
When two veteran members of Congress kicked to the curb one of their own colleagues on Wednesday, even they called it unprecedented.
U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky and U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, both Democrats, held a news conference to condemn fellow Democrat Rep. Dan Lipinski for his relatively conservative views and back his little-known primary opponent Marie Newman.
“It’s not easy to endorse a challenger for a colleague in the House of Representatives. Especially when that colleague is a member of your own party,” Gutierrez said at the news event on the Hill. “This is a very special, and, I think, dangerous time in the United States of America.”
The public shunning of a colleague for their positions on issues alone is almost unheard of in Congress. It’s a violation of the so-called “club rules.” If it’s done, it happens quietly, behind the scenes. For progressive groups angling to oust Lipinski, however, this is the Democrat’s comeuppance for years of bad votes. Gutierrez and Schakowsky both cited Lipinski’s opposition to abortion and past votes on immigration as out of step with his district.
“I assure you that this district is overwhelmingly pro-choice,” Schakowsky said.
Did Lipinski feel betrayed? “Jan has worked against me in the past. She’s never come out formally against me. Her husband has been straight about working against me,” Lipinski said in an interview with POLITICO. “It certainly does not surprise me. Even though I have supported her when she ran for vice chair of the caucus … I’ve been back and forth with Luis. He’s been with me, he’s not been with me. I’m not sure what his future is.” Lipinski defended his stance on immigration and said he’s worked for five months on a bipartisan agreement on DACA. He seemed to indicate it was his style as much as his positions that were under attack.
“I put in a lot of hard work trying to get this done. I’m a workhorse, I’m not a showboat,” he said. “I’m a problem solver. I see myself as a common sense Democrat. Some people want to be bomb throwers, they’re more interested in rhetoric than results.” Full story will be posted later at Politico.com and http://www.politico.com/news/illinois
SETTLING SCORES? Democrats privately questioned whether the retiring Gutierrez was settling a score by going against Lipinski and thus Mike Madigan, a longtime ally of Lipinski’s father.
“He jettisoned, 50-60,000 voters. Not Latino voters, not black voters. White voters, from his district. Wah-la they showed up in the 4th congressional district! I was happy to get them. Then all of a sudden I have the zoo. Brookfield Zoo … Just think about it. Pilsen, Little Village, Humboldt Park, Back of the Yards,” he said. “He did it because he was running away from progressive Democrats.”
Gutierrez told us later his point was that Lipinski wanted to export that population because areas like Berwyn and Brookfield were turning too progressive. “He didn’t get rid of them because of race. It was ideological,” he said.
LUIS FOR MADIGAN! Gutierrez said he had no issue with the remap. In fact, he said the General Assembly accommodated him when he moved out of his district. “I got my house included. I called my state reps and state senators, and said 'please, I moved,'” Gutierrez said. “They're wrong. this has nothing to do with that. I supported [Mike Madigan] three years ago. I did radio commercials, direct mail appeals. If the speaker calls me tonight and said he needed my help, I would jump on the first plane and go help him get reelected.”
As I told my daughter years ago -"Progressives - stay away from them." Thank you Natsha Koreki!
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