Just as every cop is a criminalAnd all the sinners saintsAs heads is tailsJust call me Lucifer'Cause I'm in need of some restraint - Sympathy for the Devil 1968
1968 - Jon Burge was an MP in Vitenam and G. Flint Taylor was the mouth-piece for the Black Panthers. I was a junior at Little Flower High School.
2018 - Jon Burge is out of jail for perjury, but has never been chraged or convicted of torture. G. Flint Taylor is a millionaire. I teach high school social justice.
Last week, G. Flint Taylor made another run at getting cop-killer Jackie Wilson out of prison - Taylor wants Wilson re-tried in the comfortable atmosphere created by Taylor and other lawyers getting rich in the Wrongful Everything to Do With Justice Industry, as well as the generations of lazy, or agenda addicted members of the Chicago Media.
This atmosphere is a Gordian-knot compostiion of doctrines ( all police departmenst are fundmentally racist; police use torture gratuitously; Jon Burge used Vietnam era torture devices, as well as garden variety brutality to harm only African Americans in Chicago; Ellected officials care only about elections and will go along with anything; Justice must be tried in the court of public opinion; train journalism students to become active agents in the Wrongful Induistry; accept no inquiry; be patient) that over the last forty years has made Chicago a Thug Comfort Zone.
Thanks to G. Flint Taylor's mythopoeic mastery of the media in Chicago, the leftist philanthropic culture, the cowardly mayors and aldermen, and the elimination of historical truths in public education police officers wear body cameras, unless detailed to Rahm Emanuel's home, get charged with anything that might make a mistake look like racism, second guess any and all use of force tactics, while career criminals and savage thugs know that the race card is a get-out-of-jail free card acceptable at The Peoples Law Office, City Hall, Medill Law and Journalism, The Bluhm Centers, Cook County Building, WTTW, The Tribune, The Sun Times and lovingly, The Chicago Reader.
G. Flint Taylor has influenced more generations to go along with his myths and pleadings and longer than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Uncle Ho could ever dreamt and all through the media. He was the mouth-piece for the Black Panthers, tried to Free Mumia, helped sanitize Bernardine Dorhn and her cartoonish old man, Bill Ayers, and dangled 501(c) 3 millions from the Ivory Towers of University of Chicago and Northwestern University before the grasping hands of lawyers and felons as well as millions of tax-payer dollars as well.
G. Flint Taylor needed no beer hall putsch, or Little Red Book; rather, selective memory, intellectual weakness, judge shopping and time itself, has poured the blood into Taylor's cement mix.
Since 1968, the year His Satanic Majesty provided us with some sympathy and taste, G. Flint Taylor's rock-samba of American imperialism brutality has played at ear shattering levels in print and in the Dirksen Federal Center.
Taylor and Jeffery Haas, co-founder of Peoples Law Office, formed their Marxist band of legal goblins on south Dearborn ( later on Milwaukee Avenue) with money from the World Council of Churches' American branch The National Council of Churches. This is from the dubious pen of the late Robert McClory:
The logical question, of course, is how and why Haas and Taylor keep fighting. It is understandable that the survivors of the Panther affair and the relatives of Hampton and Clark would like a measure of vengeance (and some cash) for what they have always perceived as a cold-blooded execution. But those friends and relatives are not independently wealthy, and they have contributed virtually nothing of their personal assets to the cost of prosecution, raised small amounts through benefits and fun raisers. The National Council of Churches made a donation.Personal sacrifices to the greater good? Rent in Lakeview, where both lived according to McClory, whose sole purpose in life was create urban legends out of leftists, was always high, even in the 1970's. The Burge Mythology is now taught as a scoial science in Chicago Public Schools.
Jon Burge was convicted of perjury after years of media bear-baiting and legal legerdemain.
G. Flint Taylor and legions of other fatuous opportunists have made fortunes by playing media, do-gooders and generations of young people completely unaquainted with the facts of the murders, arrests, convictions and subsequent judge shopping by Peoples Law Office, MacArthur Center for Justice, Loevy & Loevy.
There has been absolutely no proof of torture – hundreds of allegations and millions of dollars in payouts -but not one win in G.Flint Taylor’s column.
Jon Burge was trapped in a legal maze created by time, judge shopping, media complicity and collective memory loss.
When torture appears, deal with it. That has yet to be proven. Truth is not something “We Can All Agree Upon.” That is John Dewey.
What strikes me is the money trail of WCC and the NCC that leads directly to the KGB - the former Soviet secret police. No journalist in Chicago wants a Pulitzer denied due such an inquiry.
Instead, Taylor poisons the landscape with pieces like his recent In These Times article:
In Chicago, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), a longtime supporter of racist police torturer Jon Burge, is now seeking to circumvent court orders that preserve and make public the police misconduct files of repeater cops such as Burge, by seeking to enforce a police contract provision that calls for the destruction of the files after seven years. And in a show of solidarity with the killer of Michael Brown, Chicago’s FOP is soliciting contributions to the Darren Wilson defense fund on its website.As a high school teacher and citizen of Chicago, I demand that the so-called watch-dogs ask G. Flint Taylor some thoughtful, tough and compelling questions. Until something like that happens, G. Flint Taylor will bully judges like Hooks into releasing murdering thugs like Jackie Wilson.
Such reactionary actions by police unions are not new, but are a fundamental component of their history, particularly since they came to prominence in the wake of the civil rights movement. These organizations have played a powerful role in defending the police, no matter how outrageous and racist their actions, and in resisting all manner of police reforms.
- What is your connection to the bombings in Oakland committed by Dohrn and the Weather Underground?
- Who ordred the murder of CPD officers Gilhooley and Rappaport* in November 1969?
- Why is Judge Gettleson always your go-to-guy?
- Where is Frank Sirtoff? Tell us all about him?
- Who paid John Conroy?
- Have you ever been to Russia?
- How did you land Judge Hooks for your Jackie Wilson gambit?
- Why do you hate black people who are not felons?
- Why do you owe Gator Bradley money?
These might be a simple begining of the media having much less sympathy for Chicago's devil.
Who,who, who, whoooo!
*Patrolman John Gilhooly and Patrolman Frank Rappaport
Chicago Police Department
November 13, 1969
November 13, 1969
Officer John J. Gilhooly and Officer Frank G. Rappaport were ambushed by a member of the radical group Black Panthers on a false call of a “man with a gun”.
As the officers entered a gangway between two buildings the man opened fire with a shotgun from a porch below, striking Officer Rappaport in the chest and Officer Gilhooly in the face and neck. The suspect then shot Officer Rappaport again as he lay on the ground, killing him.
Gilhooly was survived by his father, brother and sister.

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