I am preparing lessons for my second semester classes at Brother High School. I am teaching two Theology Courses to four sections of 36 Juniors and one section of 34 Freshmen. The Juniors get Social Justice this semester after last semester's Morality units. The Freshmen are taking a full year of Old Testament.
The text books* are very orthodox presentations of Catholic teachings and you can't miss with the Bible. Not only that, Catholic Social Teaching is rich with primary sources. Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum is an essential read that most later-day Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) have never encountered.
Instead, neo-Maoist activism of SJW proclaims - Every Voice a Prophet. . . .And every man a king!
It don't work that way. Kings and prophets are in opposite camps and what about every man?
We are called by God to bear witness to the faith.
Some might argue that bearing witness is not enough. Okay.
- Calling 911 when that clown broke out my back door window last Wednesday, in order to take what I do not have, was an act of bearing witness by a neighbor which I greatly appreciated, because the thief was interrupted and bolted, when blue lights from the heroes of District 22 appeared in the early morning skies.
- Chatham Glass ( two brothers) replaced my busted window for much less than two more franchised companies, because of the Sacred Season and the circumstance - they bore witness without a press conference, a march, or CNN
- I used the savings to donate to a charity.

I am going to try and concentrate upon words of the prophets and actions of the kings in the Old Testament and try and present their impact upon the people who will be dragged off to Babylon, conquered by the Persians, Greeks and Romans and await the arrival of the 'annointed one' of the Root of Jesse.
CYO - Bishop Sheil is the template for Catholic Action
We have far too many SJWs taking it to the streets and far too few people willing to clean up their mess after wards,
The old Catholic Action was practical, effective and compelling. It was launched by Bishop Shiel. Bishop Shiel? Yeah, this Archdiocese has pretty much burried Bishop Sheil in favor of press happy prophets with hard collars and Macy's gold cards,
Bishop Sheil inspired Catholics to act, not pose, shout, march or preen.
That was long before we were all called to be kings and prophets.
Some one needs to set up chairs.
No chairs, no Justice.
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