Let Me Tell All a Story 'Bout Dude Named Forrest/Who Never, Ever Had a Bad Day.
He's got money in his pocket 'n no 'countabilly/ He's President of the CTA!
From the Man Who Never Leaves -Forrest on the CTA
I wonder if Rahm Emanuel's 1st Anniversary as Mayor of Chicago -Urban Center - will be as joyous as one might think it should be. . . prolly nut, as young but cynical Danny McGuinn (3yrs) might opine.
What a year!
G-8 - bagged by the guy in the Oval with only an hour's notice.
CTA wheels from Red China prove a brittle as a CTA gandy-dancer's pee-stream in most Chicago winters.
Governors, Mayors, Cops, Firemen, Catholic Archbishops, City Workers always get lousy treatment from the Chicago Media. However, there are folks the media protects, like they were Lladro pieces. Three come to mind immediately - G. ( "Gimme") Flint Taylor, Andy Thayer and Forrest Claypool are about the Chicagoans who never seem to go away: G is an ambulance chasing Cadillac Commie; Andy Thayer is a speech challenged pan-Activitht Media Goof; Forrest Claypool gets appointed to everything and anything. These unexamined lives are worth living . . .why exactly?
Last April, Rahm appointed Forrest Claypool President of the CTA, when job-jumping, experience unnecessary Forrest, chirped "You don’t negotiate in public. … There’s obviously significant financial problems at CTA, but that’s part of the discussions and negotiations.” Like Bombardier?
Oh. Hell no! Unless it is to tune-up helot CTA workers, Forrest don't meet the press.
. Forrest quickly showed his cost-cutting mettle by denying CTA employees Pee Breaks . . .damn them perks!
Claypool trotted out the new L-Cars from the good Folks at Bombardier Canada on my Birthday of all days! November 8, 2011 not only did I turn 59 years old enough to know better, but "Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CTA President Forrest Claypool today unveiled new 5000-series rail cars. . .
After a successful prototype testing period, the first of 706 brand new, full production model cars will debut on the Pink Line. As more cars continue to arrive, they will be tested internally to ensure all components are operating properly before going into service. “The 5000-series cars provide a more enjoyable ride for customers,” said CTA President Forrest Claypool. “These cars have wider aisles and roomier interiors, electronic destination signs and security cameras in each car for enhanced safety.”
BUT the wheels disintegrate! Shortly, thereafter, the cars were pulled. The new 5 000 Series -Chinese Wheels and all, like their sponsor,Forrest Claypool, remain without any previous experience.
Now, purchase of these fine products with wheels made in Red China were no doubt greassed along the tracks long before Mayor Rahm.
Forrest Claypool owns the 5000 series, unless he cares to divulge the names and wallet sizes of those who made a proper profit along the way.
The media won't be mean to Forrest. In fact, Mike Sneed and Carol Marin will get the poor sad-eyed mope a plate of Lorna Doone's and a big-ass glass of ice-cold Oberweiss, while petting the lad for his troubles brought on by Bosses.
In a real world Claypool would be fitted for a swell-two button Pee Yellow jacket with CTA Wheels for buttons. Instead the Mayor will get the heat.
No wonder Mayor Rahm has 'Coon Eyes.
He's The Man Who Ne'er Leaves, But Always Returns in Some new Capacity
There's a whole bunch here:
Robert De Niro just received the worst news of his career 😂
13 minutes ago
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