State Journal-Register Bernard Schoenberg sucks up to SEIU's Progress Illinois and MSNBC's Bloated Bathtub Resident Keith Olbermann instead of doing his job.
It may seem out of character for Republican U.S. Rep. JOHN SHIMKUS, R-Collinsville, to help disgraced former Democratic Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH with anything — but he did.
Yes, during a lull in the nationwide laugh-at-Blagojevich telethon, Shimkus admirably filled in as the Illinois politician caught in the media crosshairs, thanks to comments he made about global warming and God’s will during a U.S. House subcommittee hearing last week.
The discussion led to Shimkus “winning” the title of “worst person in the world” Tuesday night from Keith Olbermann of MSNBC.
And a number of Web sites, including, sponsored by the Illinois State Council of the Service Employees International Union, have posted video of the discussion, which took place at the March 25 hearing of the U.S. House subcommittee on energy and environment of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Congressman John Shimkus is protecting his constituents from an idiotic economic strategy that will only increase the unemployed of Illinois and further diminish the Illinois Coal Industry -Cap and Trade is Stupid - It's The Economy!
President Obama is beholden to so many different radical leftist PACs that he is between a Poop and Sneeze.
Enviromentalists, Secularists, SEIU Sandinistas? Who can I turn to when No Body Needs Me?
Congressman Shimkus (R,IL) defends Illinois Coal and Illinois Taxpayers and gets attacked by SEIU and the MSNBC Tool Shed.
So what does State Journal and Register Ink-slinger Bernard Schoenberg do?
Well, I'll tell you what he did not do!
Schoenberg did not call Bob Gardiner**, President of ICG (Coal)- in Williamsville, IL , or Andrew Carter of Knight Hawk Coal inPercy, IL, or Mr. Van Villines of S-Coal Company in Elkville. That would be the Illinois Coal Producers, Bernard. That is on whom Cap and Trade would impact*.
So what does State Journal and Register Ink-slinger Bernard Schoenberg do?
He does a cut-and - paste Love Note of Progress Illinois the SEIU Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and America's # 1 Juice Bag Keith Olbermann' vile nonsense, like a 3rd grade girl staring at a poster of the Jonas Brothers.
Way to suck up, Bernard!
Congressman Shimkus, nice work for Illinois and America!