What flavor is Rainbow? Carol Marin begs this question. . . within her Gay Marriage column on this Seventh Sunday after Easter.
Your Marin Morning Metaphor Madness:
"The electorate is not vanilla. It’s a rainbow sherbet,. . ."
Vanilla ? adjective, noun? Rainbow goes all adjectival and sherbet remains a noun.
Carol Marin has a column, a podcast, face-time on WTTW and NBC.
I have a mortgage; three wonderful kids; modest personal debt, a wealth of reading across the disciplines, some skill as a writer, a solid reputation as a secondary English teaching, a laughable history in organized sport, a pocket full of spending loot and a gal who knows what to do with it.
I would not trade places with the poor woman for all of the gold in the teeth of 21st Century Professional Athletes.
Unlike, Ms. Marin, holding an opinion that contradicts my own is not a cause for jihad- especially if that opinion demands the complete obliteration of the values I live by. No, every one is entitled to ones opinion; no one is entitled to tell another person that a flavor is color wheel. e.g. Carol's
Problem is the old one, Pat Brady, isn’t all that old. And dared to express a modern idea about equality, publicly voicing support for same-sex marriage. Brady’s pronouncement caused the delusional in the right wing of the Republican state central committee — I’m speaking chiefly but not exclusively of Jim Oberweis, the state senator and ice cream king — to choke on their double-dip vanilla.Ice cream is a frozeb treat. Vanilla is a flavor extracted from a plant that tastes like vanilla.
The electorate is not vanilla.
It’s a rainbow sherbet, though you’d never have known it looking at the Republican National Convention last year. Even though the Land of Lincoln’s favorite son was closing in on re-election as the first African-American president.
Vanilla irony?, or ironic vanilla?
A Rainbow is visual manifestation of light reflected from the earth's surface to the skies above and the concoction of Light + Water droplets. I guess that one's historical, cultural and religious values can and should be reduced to a Carol Marin chilled cream concoction. Here's the deal, as I see it, simple man that be - if you hold the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman with the goal of producing a biological family, blessed by God, and bonded with eternal love for another, well, then you are double-dipped vanilla.
My problem lies with the fact that there Rainbow Sherbet is a rhetorical device that intends to skews the senses. Rainbow is visual and flavor lies on the old taste bud lizard. What does Rainbow taste like, Carol?
More to the point, Sherbet and Ice Cream are very, very different.
Ice cream
nounfrozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring [syn: ice cream]
nouna frozen fruit-flavored mixture, similar to an ice, but with milk, egg white, or gelatin added.
QED - sherbet is different from ice cream, though both happen to be frozen desserts. Vanilla is a flavor of ice cream, Rainbow is not a flavor. It is traditionally three flavors concocted by Mr. Emanuel Goren of Sealtest Ice Cream, as between courses palate cleanser.
Rainbow sherbet is comprised of orange, raspberry, lime (traditional) and possibly lemon, or pineapple for the exotic tongue and the progressive Third World fruit flavors of mango, prickly pear, pommegranet and kiwi for les meilleures personnes
Rainbow sherbet is three flavors (with attendant color) made seperately, but swirled, scooped or packed together.
Three distinct evolutions, but packed together artificially -like Gay Marriage. Man + Woman + Gay Man, or Woman = traditional marriage under Greg Harris's Religious Liberty and Marriage Equality Bill -"Sponsoring Rep. Greg Harris, D-Chicago, said the bill is needed “because we need to treat all Illinois

Under the measure, marriage in Illinois would be allowed between two people rather than only a man and a woman."
Greg Harris sponsored the Civil Union legislation that Gov. Pat Quinn could not wait to sign, after the herd in Springfield were shepherded by Fred Eychaner and Personal PAC's millions, and no one 'understands?' I understand it Greg. Catholic Charities understands it, perfectly.
Vanilla, or rainbow sherbet? Vanilla, argues the 40 Watt thinker Carol Marin, is the wrong side of history and must be rejected because it is only one color ( I guess that means flavor in the Marinade). Rainbow flavor is the right side of history and evolution.Yet, were one to do, what all of God's children do with a frozen dessert, what would we get?
One ugly-assed color ( kind of a brownish pinkish hue), depending which flavors ( Ala Marin) are used. Vanilla color ( Marinade) is white and remains, so.
A man (or Woman to woman) united in a love ( sex and affection) relationship and civilly joined by the state to another man (or Woman to woman)will not result in a biological child no matter what the heart wants.
Making a law that demands otherwise is hardly a rainbow, much less a sorbet which is very different indeed from a sherbet.
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