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Showing posts sorted by date for query Blago. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, February 03, 2012

Obama Paloozza II, or Grant Park Reducks

The Obama Campaign 2008 resembled a Leni Riefenstahl (or was that Reni Liefenstahl?) production and McCain/Palin Campaign was like Wagon Train without Ward Bond.

Obama had doric columns in his Denver Parthenon and John McCain showed up somewhere.

Obama was on a half-shell high above Olympus and Strobe-lighted and John McCain had a Polaroid Land-camera album of his carrier days.

Obama had Campaign Stuffed with gold and McCain had old gum, lint, popcorn kernels, toe-nails, and some coins found in the couch in the rumpus room.

Barack Obama wanted to win big like a kid on Star Search; McCain thought it might be nice.

Thus, we have The Making of a President 2008 for Dummies.

Now, we are hip deep in an the orchestrated Orwellian howl-hootenanny 2012. President Obama will face Someone. It could be a new Thomas Jefferson, a new Roland Burris - Someone 2012's got my vote.

I am backing and voting with all of my heart and soul, time, treasure and talent, for Someone 2012!. Someone was, is and shall be better choice than President Obama. If John McCain had tried even a little he would have been President, but he allowed Governor Palin to do all of the heavy lifting.

I like Barack Obama in same way, that I like many Illinois politicians. Barack Obama comes from the Protected Panjandrum species - Ald. Brendan O'Reilly, Sheila Simon, and Chris Kennedy. They are the " Where the Hell Did He/She Come From?" only a hen-scratch better than the Ain't They Greaters. They come fully funded by someone, or some group and get appointed or slotted into an easy to win race. Obama v. Keyes e.g.

I dislike a very few - Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Tony Preckwinkle and of course Jan Schakowsky. They are Ain't They Greaters -moved from post to post and office to office, more to get them out of town, or out of the way than anything else.

Then there are "What Can You Do?" goofballs - seemingly harmless dopes who have the backing of far more competent persons. These officials, like Blago, Sen. Roland Burris, Sen. Dick Durbin and former Gov. Pat Quinn, never fail to disappoint.

President Obama, in my opinion, will go down in history as the worst President since James Buchanan and just slightly worse than Jimmy Carter. However, given the GOP's tendency to do political seppuku at any moment, he has a slim chance of holding onto the White House in November. President Obama helped only the Abortion Industry - Planned Parenthood in his term of office. Oh, and he allowed a Navy Seal Team to rub-out Osama. Hell, I could have done that, bit no one asked me.

Oh, really?, say thee.

Sure. Without citing the Corporate Sponsorship of Obama Bundler and Hyde Park Mogul John Rogers ( ex. of Desiree Rogers), explain Arne Duncan.

Take your time and use all of your notes; this is open book.

Dave Axelrod is planing another Grant Park Obama-palooza Obama Palooza II. Like Lalapalooza, perhaps the Obama Campaign will asked to pay for the park, finally.

I wonder if the bill from 2008 was paid. Probably written off by Daley, in exchange ofr the Distinguihsed Harris Professorship at U of C.

Presidential advisor David Axelrod said Thursday that the location hasn't been discussed.

"But, you know, our [campaign] headquarters is here. The president's heart is here. So, you know, I think that will help guide our decision-making," Axelrod said.

Axelrod said he would like the festivities to be in Chicago.

Remember these?

* "Press File Seat - $935 (includes 1 Press File Credential, seat in heated Press File Tent, Power, Cable Television, High Speed Wired Internet Service, Catering)"

* "Radio Position - $715 (includes table space and chair behind the riser, power and an ISDN BRI line for radio -- comes with two credentials)"

* Obama's top donors--not the masses who donated the $5, $10 and $25 the campaign brag about--will have VIP access throughout election night and received an early heads up a week ago to plan to spend Election Night in Chicago.

Now, did the Obama 2008 Campaign up on all of the Grant Park Obamapalooza I?

Before, what just might be . . .
check the ledgers.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Illinois DCFS Grants Abuse - granted by the Illinois Progressive Machine

Your Illinois Progressive Machine's Steve and Eydie

Some years ago, both Chicago newspapers and the blow-dried blow-hards on the idiot box took up the sanctimony and faux outrage over some Father John Smyth* who could not say no to helping any child and the fact that Illinois Department of Child and Family Services heaped the work of caring for children on his broad shoulders. Illinois "thought" about the children -Oh, My God!!! They are being cared for at Maryville and so many mental health professionals linked to the Illinois Progressive Machine are doing without!

Recently, in the wake of post-Blago hand-wringing there have been a few morsels in print concerning the looting of tax-payers' dollars via grants to DCHS providers -absent Father Smyth. Perhaps it had more to do with the fact that Father Smyth wore a stiff collar and black suit, but I tend to think that some in the media were upset over the confusing spelling of the man's last name.

An easier to sell more familiar Smith contracted up for grants without oversight.

A new Smith emerged - Dr. George E. Smith - a mental health professional with at least four companies doing a husky business with the State of Illinois.

Back in October, Chris Fusco and Dave McKinney trotted out the tale of old school improprieties that were long in place, but rocked a tad when State Sen. Ricky Hendon abruptly resigned following his impassioned work on Greg Harris's Religious Freedom and Civil Unions legislation -

While introducing Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, Hendon told the crowd that he had "never served with such an idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic person in my life... If you think that women have no rights whatsoever, except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady." Hendon's remarks were immediately disavowed by Governor Quinn, among others, and Hendon was sharply criticized by members of the Illinois media. Hendon later tried to apologize to Brady on the Senate floor, but Brady would not accept his apology

One hand soaps up the other and hearty foam makes for lathery larder of opportunity!
Gay Lesbian Transgender BiSexual and Questioning issues and agenda link up with public pension deals, woman's need to commit infanticide, avoid the death penalty, right wrongful convictions and make sure that needy children all over Illinois provide mental health professionals the opportunity to lift at least $18 million dollars in grants to nowhere. If it is Progresively sanctioned it is costly, useless, and divisively combative, it always seems.

Rep. Greg Harris got his Civil Unions and immediately conducted a Father John Smyth on Illinois Catholic Social Services -stripped Catholic Charities of the right to direct adoptions of children by a husband and wife. Thus, clearing the path for more systemic opportunities, like those enjoyed by Dr. George E. Smith, it seems, and other Progressively networked grant grabbers.

Let's take a gander at this weekend's unconnected DCHS dots by Tribune Investigative reporters. Rickey Hendon seems absent since October and just who were the legislative God Daddies at Chicago State University anyway? One mght ask.

But Executive Inspector General Ricardo Meza said the wrongdoing may go further, as the state only investigated contracts Smith held dating back to 2008. Smith has been doing businesses with the state since 1986.

“This investigation could literally have taken us another year-and-a-half or two to uncover,” Meza told House lawmakers. “There had to be a point at our office where we decided that we thought that even though we did not fully uncover every piece of misconduct that Dr. Smith may have engaged in, we had to issue the report.”

Pressed if it was possible that more than $18 million in tax dollars were misspent, Meza said, “I think that’s a fair statement…we may never know.”

The Illinois attorney general’s office is investigating in an attempt to recoup some of the money, and federal grand jury subpoenas have named some of Smith's companies among records sought from state agencies, including Diversified Behavioral Comprehensive Care.

Meza said the investigation’s scope was limited partly because agencies are only required to keep documents for three years, a timeline lawmakers said they will push to extend.

Legislators also said they will also seek changes to the state’s Ethics Act, which prevents many cases of wrongdoing by state workers from being made public. The allegations against Smith’s were laid out in a report that contended former DCFS director Erwin McEwen failed to properly oversee grants. McEwen and Smith are longtime friends, and McEwen eventually refused to cooperate with investigators.

Under the law, reports are made public if it leads to an employee being fired or being suspended for three or more days. McEwen resigned, but a lower-level employee was suspended for five days, leading to the report’s release by the Executive Ethics Commission.

The commission could have redacted the majority of the report not dealing with the suspended employee, but decided to make the findings public.

Lawmakers also lashed out against Gov. Pat Quinn for not firing McEwen when the administration received the initial report last May. Instead, McEwen was allowed to stay on the state payroll through September.

Quinn general counsel John Schomberg said the administration wanted to give McEwen “due process” and “provide for additional transition time” as it searched for a replacement.

Schomberg said ethics laws also placed the governor’s office “between a rock and a hard place” because if they fired McEwen, they were not allowed to say why until the report was made public.

It was an argument Rep. Jack Franks, D-Marengo, found lacking.

What does one have to do to get fired working for Gov. Quinn?” Franks said. “If it was the private sector you would have opened yourself up to lawsuits for absolutely negligence. And I think that’s what’s happened here.”

What does it take to get fired by Governor Quinn?

Why, the Okay of Terry Cosgrove, Barbara Flynn-Burris-Currie, Greg Harris, Dawn Clark-Netsch, Dr. Quentin Young and the legion of lesser lights of Progressive Illinois, you silly man.

By the way, Diversified Behavioral Comprehensive Care. ain't that a company name that just cries out for Progessive approval?

However, the smoke screen is up and wafting cover for these committed ninnies and their attendant swag-grabbers -everyone is huffing and puffing about Speaker Madigan, the only competant adult in Springfield.

If the news media was in anyway concerned they would look carefully at the Progressive Machine and witness some real villians at work doing some lusty looting.

No outrage over this here financial mess at DCFS from any Public Guardian? Well, judge not the protected few and thou shalt be a judge, I reckon.

Murphy has called Maryville "a financial mess," and two monitors for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services have called for a financial audit of the institution, which got $62 million last year from taxpayers. Maryville also has a $100 million endowment.

Smyth said he welcomes any scrutiny of Maryville's books and plans to comply with other demands the monitors made in a report that criticized the institution's treatment model as outdated. DCFS Director Bryan Samuels said Wednesday the monitors' suggestions must be met within 60 days or the state will remove 160 wards it has at Maryville's main campus.

"I have no problem with the 10 or 11 things DCFS has put into the contracts," Smyth said. "We'll meet them within 60 days, and that's plenty of time."

Those issues include the audit, staffing levels and better employee-retention policies for Maryville

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Whereas Fifty Alderman Voted Unanimously for a False Statement

Citizen Richard M. Daley and Ald. Joe Moore cheeks to jowls.
Alderman Joe Morre (D-49th Ward) is a silly goose. His fois gras ordinance stands as a national laughing stock that eclipsed even Blago in his salad days of infamy.

Here is a false, WHEREAS in Joe Moore's Torture Ban Ordinance -

WHEREAS, former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge and Chicago police officers under his command tortured scores of African-American men, which resulted in false confessions leading to wrongful convictions and imprisonment; and . . . we get to and shortly.

Not one Chicago Police Officer, let alone Jon Burge, was convicted, let alone proven to have tortured anyone.
Perhaps, Joe might have said," WHEREAS, we the undersigned agree to the firm collective belief that "former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge and Chicago police officers under his command tortured scores of African-American men, which resulted in false confessions leading to wrongful convictions and imprisonment," but that might not be chilling enough to inspire genuine citizen resolve to hang torture-ers and systemic racists universal!


Jon Burge went to jail because of a slick legal maze created by Flint Taylor and used by the Feds under Fitzgerald.

Perjury Conviction - Yep.

Torture Convictions -Zero.

Therefore, WHEREAS Above as presented and voted upon is false, misleading, disembling, and nevertheless accepted.
Whicj leads us to "and WHEREAS" -

WHEREAS, the City of Chicago and its taxpayers have paid and continue to pay millions of dollars to defend lawsuits arising from those torturous acts;

Whereas, drop the nonsense, save the taxpayers some nickels and do some actual work.

At the end of the 19th Century, a French Army Officer was sent to Devil's Island, because Everyone Knew He Was Guilty. His wrongful imprisonment was overturned. I wonder if the Center for Wrongful Convictions might not want to look into Jon Burge's Federal Perjury Conviction, because there are ralroad tracks all over the place.

Jon Burge and Wrongful, Hurtful, Race-ful Law Enforcement we shall have with us always, because there is too much money for pettifogging Cadillac Commies at stake.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jim "Skinny" Sheahan Leads on Parade

James "Skinny" Sheahan is a leader. Skinny took the lead to offer Paul Vallas to voters of Illinois over the 'smart' choice of Democrat deal wizards who backed the toxic Rod Blagojevich. The wizards got their way after a very close primary battle and Illinois is still paying for that wizardry.

The South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade was cancelled over concerns for the safety and properieties damaged by train-loads, car-loads and bus-loads of revellers from all over Illinois who viewed the neighborhood celebration as Mardi Gra Lite. The very same Chicago media that invited one and all to get their CHIRISH ( Miller Brewing) on by showing up hours before the parade kick-off fully Kreuzaned ( Old Style) and Bud-lit-up, only to toss their celebrations onto the pavement while weeping to neighborhood residents, " War Cuh. . .Eye gud a Cab . . . Toxey, Duuuude?"

Well, old son, I never have much problem hailing one at Clark & Division, Take the CTA # 49.


The stop right behind you. God speed, Wayfarer!

The same media that swelled interest in the parade as a political platform (Clinton, Gore, Jerry Brown, Pat Buchanan, Barack Obama, and our home grown beauties jigged mightily down Western to Kennedy Park)and day -long guzzle for mopes, ridiculed the parade and most of all the very good people the event was meant to celebrate.

Perhaps the old committee pulled the trigger too quickly; maybe there were things that could have been done. The Face Book attempt to get the CHIRISH ON was as successful as an Italian cruise and travelled about as far.

Two years agon Skinny spoke with Chicago Sun Times reporter Mark Konkol and predicted this -

More from Skinny Sheahan via the great Mark Konkol

"I'm sure the parade will be back because we need a parade. Beverly's still Irish, but [without the parade] it's very boring," Sheahan said. "Listen, I was in charge of every parade in Chicago for 10 years. I've seen more parades than anybody in the world except for Mayor Daley, OK. This was a great, great parade. Two percent of people at the parade were goofballs, that's a fact. But the parade will be back. They'll have a heart attack when they read that, but I don't care."

For the husky side of two years, Skinny Sheahan and number of neighbors have worked bring this event back to its purpose and common sense.

Organizers Want South Side Irish Parade To Return To Its Roots:

Skinny Sheahan leads. Democratic wizards give people Blago. Skinny leads.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Gimlet Eye on “Chicago Way” - Joel Kotkin Excoriates The City that Shirks

Blago got 14 years. He got fourteen years, because he is a goof and was a very easy target for Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. Fitzy does not harpoon Moby Dick; he nets smelt: Rezko, Blago and other ham sammich indictees.

The core of Chicago Style Corruption lies not with the guy asking his precinct captain to go to bat for his kid. Chicago Style Corruption* is not a cop telling you that, "You were travelling $35 over the posted speed limit." Chicago Style Corruption is not some mopey kid sleeping off a hang-over in the back of a Water Department Truct awakened by Dane Placko, Pam Zekman.

Chicago Style Corruption is Lab School. Shakman Decrees were the starting blocks. When political hiring was targeted as the strawman, elected officials danced around its bonfire. No longer would an elected official be required to attend wakes, go church repasts, attend Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drives, chat up soft-ball Moms, or actually do something for other people. Shakman freed political powerhouses to shake of the pests with a stentorian, "I'll look into it."

Instead, Policy was crafted to deny, shirk, ignore and dismiss. "Jesus, Guido, can't help you. Shakman. What can I do? Don't forget to pull a straight ticket, Guid. Here's some tickets to my golf outing - there a Hundo each."

Nope. Policy was crafted at University of Chicago, Northwestern, or imported by a 1960's hippie crime expert. The BGA took care of the whistle-blowers. The Media took care of the rest -ignoring policy wrought real estate scams that funneled Housing dollars into the pockets of IVI lawyers turned moguls and their kids. Policy established boards and placed cranks, loudmouths and do-gooders over the street patrolmen.

Blago got fourteen years. George Ryan got six. Rezko got ten and change. Shakman got millions. Pat Quinn got to be Governor, Rahm Mayor and Dawn Clark Netsch a comfy seat on the Ethics panel. Illinois got screwed, blued and tatooed.

John Dewey, not Paddy Bauler, invented our Chicago Style Corruption. Eddie Burke, Eddie Vrdolyk and Mike Madigan are pikers compared to the Judson Miner/Allison Davis ( who can forget Sun Times investigator Tim Novak's incisive reports on Allison Davis and his son Cullen's real estate triumphs and the tragic death of a child?) crowd. Steve Preckwinkle? No relation to Toni's hubby Zeus? Outrageous, to ask such a question. Michael Shakman defending a hot property boon-doggle?Shack them jowls in indignation!!!

Chicago Style Corruption is a co-operative, a coalition of elected officials, academics, real estate players, agenda rangers ( SEIU, Planned Parenthood,LGBTQ,)lawyers and the media. I'll take nickel snitcher anytime. A thief will leave something - even fingerprints. No body steals like Progressive Reformer, because the editorial nodders bleach the crime scenes - unless, you are a Blago.

Chicago and its Daley dictatorship has been much celebrated in the media – particularly after Obama’s election in everything from the liberal New Yorker to Fast Company, which named Chicago “city of the year” in 2008. The following year, the Windy City was deemed the best city for men by, for offering what it claimed was “the perfect balance between cosmopolitan and comfortable, combining all of the culture, entertainment and sophistication of an internationally renowned destination with an affordable lifestyle and down-to-earth work hard/play hard character.”

Well, you can make that case, unless you happen to be searching for a job. Over the past decade, “the Chicago way” has proven more adept at getting good coverage than creating employment for its residents. In Forbes’ last cities rankings greater Chicago ranked 41st out of the 51 largest metropolitan areas. Between 2001 and 2011 it actually lost jobs. Since 2007 the region has lost more jobs than Detroit, and more than twice as many as New York. It has lost about as many jobs – 250,000 – as up and comer Houston has gained. In Forbes recent survey of high-tech performance, the Chicago region stood at a dismal 47th among the nation’s 51 largest metropolitan areas.

Blago is going to the join and the Goo-goo's are going to the bank for a very, very, very long time.

* E.G. - Read the great Anne Leary today on the Triumph of the Policy Pirates

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Do You Make of It? Stew and Forrest Claypool

Very early yesterday morning, I got me a crock pot.

I got me some cubed chuck beef ( 2 lbs.), two pounds of small red potatoes, flour, Kerry Gold butter, garlic, a big Vadalia onion, celery,carrots, Bay leaf, chopped parsley, chopped basil, cracked black pepper, Kosher salt, paprika, a 16 oz. can of crushed tomatoes. What do I make of it?

Well, I made a dark red roux with a tablespoon of the flour and a tablespoon of Kerry Gold butter in my cast iron skillet using a big wooden spoon and a sharp eye and set it aside. Then, I tossed the two pounds of cubed chuck in a zip lock bag of flour Kosher salt, and paprika and when thoroughly coated tossed the bag contents into a huge cast iron skillet with a mixture of melted butter and oil.

I tossed the the can of crushed tomato and bay leaf into the crock pot, added six cups of water and set the pot on high and added the red spuds after cutting washing them good and cutting each one in half. I thinly sliced the celery -about two cups; likewise, the carrots and into the pot they went.

The meat browned up like the nose of a grammar school snitch and I let it take on a good crust. I crushed two big cloves of garlic and added that to the pot and coarsely cut the big Vidalia into man-sixed pieces and added them to the pot. In went the meat, once it looked like the leavings of a Jean and Georgetti's Juggernaut porterhouse on the plate of a Yuppie - charcoal on the outside and medium red within.

I added more paprika, a slice of Kerry Gold butter, a whole clove of garlic, and the six cups of cold water. I stirred the stuff like Justin Wilson trying to scare off a hangover and let it cook for two hours and added my roux and churned up the mess again with more care.

I covered the the top of the stew with finely chopped parsley and set it on medium. I went to Leo High School at 5:15 AM, left the Hallowed Halls at 7:45 AM for meeting in Lansing at 8:30 after that ended at 10:45 AM got on Bishop Ford and stopped home. Smelled good in Casa Hickey. I stirred up the pot and added a tablespoon of mixed Italian spices to more chopped parsley and headed to meetings in Bridgeview and later Joliet.

I got home at 4:35 PM and kept the kids away from the pot. We dined at 5:45 PM. Not bad.

Mrs. Daley was buried while I was on the road. Herman Cain had some babe in Atlanta accuse him of thirteen years of marital infidelities. Newt Gingrich is the new Romney. Pakistan is going rouge-er. American Airlines is going bankrupt. Gov. Pat Quinn will sign legislation that will allow speed traps all over Chicago. Blago got slapped by Judge Zagel again - no tapes- and is expected to take a 12 year minimum sentence in Club Fed and put it under the Holiday Tree. Tolls will double to help ring in the New Year. Francis Cardinal George and some other Catholic Bishops will meet with Governor Christian during Advent Cyber-Black Monday netted some major coin.
Forrest Claypool wants to know, "How did you enjoy your bus rides?" The RTA spent $500,000 to conduct paper surveys handed out at CTA and Metra stops. Forrest loves it!

The survey "enables us to receive honest and helpful feedback from our customers to help us improve all facets of our operation," CTA President Forrest Claypool said.

Gee, I always fib on surveys, Forrest, and so do many, many, many of my pals and neighbors.

Name - Soren Dias

Address - Stately Wayne Manor

Phone - Often

E-mail - She Male
& etc.

Gee, Forrest, I generally prepare my ingredients, use the proper tools, time everything within reason, and periodically actually taste the stew I am about to serve.

How about riding a few buses and stepping onto the old Red-line? Novel, I know and subjective, but generally effective. Far less costly.

What are we supposed to do with all of that?

As best we can.

I had some quality ingredients at least and was prepared to make use of them. I did not need to conduct a paper survey of my stew-recipients. They ate like they were going to the Chair.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Irony Spring 2012 - Chicago and World Anarchists to Welcome Nobel Laureates and the G-8/NATO Summits

Aunt Helen's Boys Aloysius (Taco) and Declan (Testy) are staying for a few weeks and can help with Eileen's 1st Communion Party.

Here is a study in Ironic Planning -

Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced today that Chicago will host the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates this spring.

The summit, the first to be held in North America, will at the University of Illinois at Chicago April 23-25.
. . .
The event is expected to attract high profile leaders from around the globe. All former Nobel Peace Laureates will be invited to attend. It will be co-chaired by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Walter Veltroni, the former mayor of Rome. Emanuel will serve as an honorary co-chair.
The Nobel meeting will come a month before Chicago is in the international spotlight for the simultaneous G-8/NATO summits, which also are expected to attract throngs of protesters.

Mayor Holiday Tree is proving to be a master of Irony. Chicago, old Urbs in Horto is about to become Ciuitate Ironia and then, after the young bandanna and knit-hat bedecked anarchists get going, Quod LABO Urbs ( That Toddling Town) will become Urbis Incendio Piget (The City of Tire Fires).

Let's see, first of all President Obama is running to keep his job - check!

President Obama was honored as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate - check!

Mayor Holiday Tree became the Mayor in order to steer the Obama 2012 Campaign -check!

In the time between that well-laid plan of mice-men (Mayor Holiday Tree's Election and the 2012 Election on November 2, 2012), there has been the Wisconsin Bongo Fest, the Arab Spring and our own Occupy America, God Bless Them! Occupy Wall Street has been a probe of police strategies and tactics. Ironically enough, the later day Lenins have been coached and schooled by University of Illinois Chicago Distinguished Professor Emeritus Billy Ayers.

Now, here is the pay-off . . .guess where the Nobel Dudes will gather?

At the University of Illinois Chicago - good old cement city!

Not only that, right here in Old Chi-town, Forrest Claypool has insulted every bus driver and L-engineer, Municipal Pensions were sucked dry by Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko and Blago with help from the usual Progressives, Mayor Holiday Tree has set the table for every Ward Organization to bow before the Garbage Grid, signalling massive City layoffs, and Chicago Water now costs a well metered lung.

Into this din and glare shall arrive the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates of the World, including President Obama. Close on the heels of that gathering of worthies arrives the G-8 economics and banking wizards, followed by the stripped down nations of NATO. Splendid.

Imagine having your twin nephews (Taco and Testy Donnellan) of the Outlaws MC (AOA), recently released from our Medium Security Correctional Facility in Galesburg after serving a nickel for A/B but the drug charges were dismissed, staying in your living room, join neighbors and clergy for your daughter's 1st Communion Party when you can not afford a quart of Faygo, let alone a cake for fifty guests. " Yeah, thanks for coming. Give the envelopes to Taco and Testy, Aunt Helen's boys. They'll keep an eye on your Audi."

What could possibly go wrong?

Waiting for our guests will be the same trust-funded tire fire enthusiasts who have made such fine impression on one and all these past five months.

This spring might be just a great time to wander Indiana, discover Michigan, or hang right here in the Hood.

Irony is best appreciated from a distance.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Want to Know About Tony "The Man in the Iron Mask" Rezko? Read Sun Times Reporter Natasha Korecki - A Real Journalist

The Media stinks because it collectively believes that its audience agree fully and rapturously with it or are to dismissed universally as bumpkins, Rubes, hill-rods, knuckle-draggers, and Bible-clinging gun toters. I have never owned a gun and read the Bible via the readings during Mass on Sundays.

The Media believes it to be H.L.Mencken, Edward R. Murrow, Ring Lardner and Anne Landers on steroids. Too many iconic columnists believe themselves to be Atticus Finch, when in fact they are little more than Ernest T. Bass.
Some female columnists see themselves as 12-Step Dry Dorothy Parkers and are little more than Roseanne Barr before a well-needed nap.

There are yet great writers covering stories. In Chicago, the Sun Times is blessed to have great reporters, despite a daffy Color-forms Progressive editorial board.
Mark Konkol, Abdon Pallasch, the tenacious Tim Novak, the always fair and witty Steve Metsch, Maureen O'Donnell and the brilliant Natasha Korecki.

Yesterday, Ms. Korecki offered the most exact, tightest, honest and insightful summary of the Tony Rezko saga in her report on today's sentencing of America's Man in the Iron Mask.

Tony Rezko was the 2008 Presidential Campaign in miniature - a story where the smoke ascending from the fire was sucked up into the ozone by the Media, like a powerful kitchen exhaust hood over a toasting skillet of week old fish.

Natasha Korecki recently covered the Blago court dates with wit and accuracy.

Here is a real journalist who respects her readers on Tony Rezko.

Long known as the “political fixer,” who was friends with a politically young Barack Obama, Tony Rezko once grabbed headlines in a presidential campaign. At the same time in Illinois, Rezko’s name was synonymous with a federal investigation into former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

But since Rezko volunteered to go jail after his 2008 conviction, he’s settled in as not much more than a footnote in both politics and corruption.

That’s partly because the investigation into Blagojevich exploded after Rezko’s trial, taking a new turn involving the sale of President Obama’s U.S. Senate seat — conduct that happened when Rezko was already behind bars.

However, even though he cooperated with federal authorities after his conviction on 16 of 24 counts of corruption under Blagojevich’s tenure as governor, Rezko was never used as a witness in subsequent criminal cases.

It’s left the once high-profile defendant, set to be sentenced on Tuesday in Chicago federal court, in a precarious position.

Rezko volunteered to go to jail immediately, volunteered to cooperate and volunteered to delay his sentencing so he could be called as a witness at both of Blagojevich’s trials as well as the trial of Springfield power broker William Cellini, according to his lawyers.

Being behind bars — but not sentenced — meant he endured more oppressive prison conditions than most white collar criminals who are usually sentenced then shipped off to prison camps, his lawyers said.

But in the end, the government never called him to the witness stand. While Rezko’s lawyers asked U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve. to sentence him to time served, the government has requested a stiff penalty: 11 to 15 years in prison.

Thank Ms. Korecki! You wrap things up much tighter than a Federal Prosecutor with an agenda! You respect the people at the Red Boxes fishes for alot of quarters.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Shakman, Grid and Progressives the Imperial Triumvirate of Chicago

"The aldermanic role in service delivery should be ended and the focus of aldermanic activity shifted to legislation and oversight functions," the report says. Amen. Yes, those high-maintenance constituents will howl, but that's not what aldermen fear most. They're afraid taxpayers who learn they don't need 50 garbage districts will realize they don't need 50 aldermen.
Chicago Tribune Editorial Ending Any and All Debate on the Grid System

In Republican Rome, after each abuse of power by political strongmen( Marius and Sulla)and civic turmoil, arose a committee of three - a Triumvirate - literally three men. There were two Triumvirates - the first was Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey.

Caesar was a class warrior who took the side of the lower classes over the rich, though Caesar was a Patrician (rich guy) himself. Caesar managed public opinion and then exercised public control He was the original Op Ed opinion maker - Commentarii de Bello Civili et Commentarii De Bello Gallico - were Caesar's Dreams from My Father and Audacity of Hope.

Caesar ruled. Here in Chicago, Mayors came and went, until the 1950's and the decades of Mayor Richard J. Daley. Like Caesar Daley was popular and powerful. Mike Royko's book Boss portrayed Mayor Richard J. Daley as Caesar.

Caesar amassed power with the full approval of the Senate of Rome. Some Progressive Senators did not like that and sought to end one man rule. They Shakman'd Caesar.

When Mayor Daley died our home-grown idiots wrung hands and rent garments about such one man power emerging again and employed the Shakman Decrees - in my opinion the most moronic, mealy-mouthed and cynical dagger to the kidneys of the body politic ever crafted by a legal sneak. Nothing against the corporeal Michael Shakman, mind you, he had his agenda and shopped for the right judges. He and his enterprise is doing swell. The City of Chicago Post-Shakman? Not so hot.

Policy,not politics was the true exercise of power - Shakman was the knife. Progressives palmed that shiv and will twist it home with the Grid System that will effectively end any and all power within the City Council.

This is a Triumvirate of Power - Shakman, Progressives and the Grid System.

Chicago Aldermen, or City Council Members as they like to be PC addressed, have historically handed power over to anyone.

Question: What is an Alderman?

Answer: The City of Chicago is comprised of 50 wards or legislative districts, determined by census of the population. Each ward elects one alderman - at times there two. The 50 aldermen comprise the City of Chicago's Council, who with the Mayor of Chicago, are charged with governing the city. An alderman's term is four years. The Chicago City Council is gaveled into session regularly (usually monthly) to consider ordinances, orders, and resolutions whose subject matter includes traffic code changes, utilities, taxes, and many other issues

The Mayor of Chicago appoints. He appoints Department Heads - Water, Police, Fire, Streets and Sanitation City Departments. Likewise, the Mayor appoints the boards that govern Chicago Park District, Chicago Public Library, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Transit Authority, the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, et al and thanks to Richard M. Daley and Illinois Legislature the the heads of the Chicago Public Schools.The Mayor is the President of the City Council and the City Clerk is the Secretary of the City Council.

The Mayor and the Aldermen serve four year terms following an April Election per the 1872 City and Villages Act.

Sounds simple? Read the papers. Read Chicago history. Chicago city government is designated a 'weak Mayor' system by Charter. Still is.

In practice, the Mayor's Office is virtually Imperial. Old Mayor Daley took the power of Budget from the City Council. Mayor Harold Washington signed the idiotic and Chicago Metro Unique Shakman Decrees. Shakman* killed Jacksonian democracy in Chicago.

That was the end of the Jacksonian intent. Andy Jackson, the Pappy of the Democratic Party, believed that if elected officials had more 'checks' on them, the less harm they could do - it is to giggle, Old Hickory.

Coming soon, will be the end of the City Council. The American Media have been at war with legislatures for decades. When the people vote, overturn the will of the people by Executive fiat or Shop for a Judge. Witness California's recent Defense of Marriage Vote. People 0; an openly Gay Judge 1.

Here in Chicago "Everybody Hates Alderman." You can see an Alderman; not so a Chicago Mayor. Aldermen go to jail ( 30 since 1972). Governors of Illinois go to jail ( Kerner, Walker, Ryan, Blago soon), but Mayors do great.

I know a couple of Aldermen. They are very hard working people. They are accessible. My Alderman is all over the Ward. Most voters like and appreciate him and some do not. I like my Alderman very much. Matt O'Shea elected last April to serve the 19th Ward. I see him out in the Ward almost every day. He knows what the needs and problems are and he can solve a few of them. Most of what can not be solved are due to the historical context into which he was elected.

The Grid System being considered for garbage collection in the City will most likely be a reality.

Waste Management, or some other private company, will be awarded a City Contract, much like the Parking Meter deal, or the one that went to the Australian Company that operates the Skyway Toll Booth, both were said to be Revenue Boosting and dollar smart. The Media wanted those; the BGA approved, and Progressives and Goo-Gos gushed! Executive Fiat!

Shakman and the Grid and the Progressives are the Triumvirate.

If you think Chicago has been an Imperial City, stick around.

* Shakman Decrees
In 1969, one man made his stand against the Chicago political machine. Michael Shakman, an independent candidate for delegate to the 1970 Illinois Constitutional Convention, battled against one of the most enduring traditions in Chicago's politics: political patronage, or the practice of hiring and firing government workers on the basis of political loyalty. With many behind-the-scenes supporters, Shakman's years of determination resulted in what became known as the “Shakman decrees.”

Shakman filed suit against the Democratic Organization of Cook County, arguing that the patronage system put nonorganized candidates and their supporters at an illegal and unconstitutional disadvantage. Politicians could hire, fire, promote, transfer—in essence, punish—employees for not supporting the system, or more particularly, a certain politician. The suit also argued that political patronage wasted taxpayer money because public employees, while at work, would often be forced to campaign for political candidates.

In 1972, after an exhaustive court procedure and much negotiating, the parties reached an agreement prohibiting politically motivated firings, demotions, transfers, or other punishment of government employees. A 1979 ruling led to a court order in 1983 that made it unlawful to take any political factor into account in hiring public employees (with exceptions for positions such as policy making). Those decisions along with companion consent judgments—collectively called the Shakman decrees—are binding on more than 40 city and statewide offices.
Roger R. Fross Chicago Encyclopedia

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Quinn's Dream Act! Next, Flooding Your Basement Before the Next Deluge!

Pat Quinn seems to be an intellectual giant. I now believe that Governor Quinn would tell me to avoid the heartbreak of basement flooding, by sticking my garden hose through one of the basement windows and let her rip! Why wait.

Called the Illinois Dream Act, the measure creates a panel to raise private money for college scholarships. Supporters say this will help illegal immigrants who graduate from Illinois high schools go on to college because they may otherwise not be able to afford it.

Students must have at least one immigrant parent and must have attended school in Illinois for at least three years to qualify for scholarship money.

Opponents say the legislation wrongly helps people who violate immigration laws.
Chicago Tribune

Damn those opponents for thinking such a thing. Private money? A State Law enacted so Private Money can be given to kids whose Moms and Dads are in America illegally, so they can go to publicly funded State schools without showing a Social Security number on any application. This makes sense how?

Why not violate more laws and get more money? The same such screeds and memes tell us that killing children is the path to Female Health; that two men are equally Moms and Dads; that no one in prison belongs there; that as long as there is a dollar it must be excised from the old wallet.

I worked to help Pat Quinn, become Governor and I voted for Pat Quinn. It took the Governor no time at all to prove to me that he does in fact believe in the Easter Bunny: Gov. Quinn immediately paid off Planned Parenthood by wedging in Terry Cosgrove for a State salary; Quinn sprung more felons than George Ryan in much less time; pushed the Civil Union and made war on Catholic Charities; ran business out of Illinois; crawfished on Real Labor as well as his bet with Gov. Walker; and now is signing the Illinois Dream Act that completely ignores immigration and the economic jackpot that is our State economy in the hope that Ralph Martire is correct that more people will vote for Pat Quinn again. Hug that Bunny, Guv.

The Dream Act is pure,unadulterated pandering; rhetorical tugs on the heart-strings of dopes notwithstanding. Quinn believes that more illegally entered Mexican Americans and their children getting tossed school dollars Illinois has not to begin with, having doubled both personal and corporate taxes, will ensure more votes for Pat Quinn from legal Mexicans - gay and breeder.

Pat Quinn is Jerry Brown without the hot-chick past. Like California Moonbeam, our Governor Soybean is signing the Dream Act. The Dream Act is a boilerplate pander piece that gets good press and WOW Progressive support. A Progressive would step over a starving Mexican blocking his way into Whole Foods.

Odd this - California's illegal alien population is heading home to the economic garden that is Mexico. Ralph Martire is Quinn's ( like Blago's) Tax-'Em All-Guru, whose Chinaman is Dawn Clark Netsch.

"It's now easier to buy homes on credit, find a job and access higher education in Mexico," Sacramento's Mexican consul general, Carlos González Gutiérrez, said Wednesday. "We have become a middle-class country."

Mexico's unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.4 percent joblessness in the United States.

An estimated 300,000 undocumented immigrants have left California since 2008, though the remaining 2.6 million still make up 7 percent of the population and 9 percent of the labor force, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. . . .Mexico's growing middle class "reduces the appetites to come because there are simply many more options" at home, González Gutiérrez said. "Most people who decided to migrate already have a job in Mexico and tend to be the most ambitious and attracted to the income gap between the U.S. and Mexico."

Mexico's economy is growing at 4 percent to 5 percent, benefiting from low inflation, exports and a strong banking system, the consul said.

Mexico's birthrate is also declining sharply. "As a natural consequence of us transforming from a rural to an urban society, we are running out of Mexicans to export," González Gutiérrez said. "Our society's growing at a rate of 2.1 children per woman – in the 1970s it was more than five."

Once the U.S. economy recovers, the flow of migrants moving north "may go up again, although most likely they will not reach the peak levels we saw in the first half of the decade," González Gutiérrez said.

Mexicans are hardest working people in America, legal and illegal. They are proud family and community committed people who care for their children and their elderly. Coming to America means commitment. The various Dream Acts (local and Federal) are crafted by the same people who use people for votes, for dollars and for power.

Pat Quinn will sign the Illinois Dream Act on Monday.

Way to go, Hickey. Way to vote.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Frankly, Blago, No Else is Stunned.

"When the gap between ideal and real becomes too wide, the system breaks down."
— Barbara W. Tuchman (A Distant Mirror The Calamitous 14th Century)

Blagojevich on verdict: "I, frankly, am stunned"

From the Chicago Tribune archives:

Vallas vote
By Kathryn Krumsee | November 2, 2002
I'm with John Kass on this election. I am going to write in Paul Vallas with no care that my vote has gone to waste because I cannot with any conscience vote for either of the two clowns on the governor's ballot. If term limits are the solution to this terrible fix our state and city have gotten into politically, then we need to start working now to put them in place.

In the closing hours of the 2002 Gubernatorial Primary, March I believe it was, several goons from the Blagojevich Campaign vandalized the home of Paul and Sharon Vallas down the block from me. It was in the very early morning hours. Paul was out campaigning and Sharon was home with their three boys, Paul, Gust, and Mark.

A crew vandalized the yard sign, which is de rigueur in urban politics, but took it one step better - they terrorized a woman and her three kids. This was pure Milorod Blagojevich. Some of the political geniuses in the 19th Ward had made a pact with Blago, for whatever Byzantine notions of fortunes to come, and turned the cold shoulder to neighbor Paul. The Joyces and the Sheehans stood with Paul Vallas, as did most of the 19th Ward. The cowards who tried to spook Sharon picked on the wrong woman. Sharon Vallas is as tough as Calculus. Sharon tried to confront them herself, but they bolted - never to be caught. That is also politically de rigueur in this our urban jungle and the Reformer IVO-IPO Progressive Blago squeaked out a primary win and Illinois lost the talents and integrity of Paul Vallas.

Rod Blagojevich, whom our supine news anchors and blow-dried beat reporters called 'Charming' yesterday after Mr. Pistachio racked up 17 of 20 charges.

The Charms of Blagojevich were long lost on this helot voter and most of his neighbors. We viewed Rod Blagojevich as a shameless gate-crasher and serial dope.

Politics is loaded with shameless gate-crashers and serial dopes, but Blago is not just one rotten apple - he is the whole orchard.

This clown was willing to send his bride into the jungle to eat bugs in order to squeeze a few more dollars out of a culture that equates Larry the Cable Guy to Barbara Tuchman and a soul-patched, head-shaved mope like Howie Mandel to Paul Schofield. Why not a Blago over a Paul Vallas? Why not? Who's to say?

Illinois accepted Rod Blagojevich - Mr. Pistachio. He won the 2002 Democratic primary against one solid candidate and the National joke who would take Senator Obama's seat Tombstone Roland, the general election against another solid man Republican Jim Ryan and yet another term against the clownish Illinois Treasurer Judy Barr Topinka in 2006. I wonder who voted for Blago?

WLS tossed this disgracefully 'Charming' bully a few bucks, when his clown act, following the impeachment, in 2009 went National. Having a guest host who would devour used Depends at State and Madison at high noon would have been more dignified.

Blago is going to the Federal iron hotel for many, many, many semesters. His wife and kids will be on their own. Sharon Vallas and her three boys were on their own that night before the primary.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Footpads to Flash Mobs - Chicago's Diet of BS Made Media Morbidly Obese

This is how Mary Schmich of the Tribune wants Chicagoans to understand the nature of a beating meted out by a score or less of vigorous black youth. Just like the photo above, for all the readers in Lake County.

Flash Mobs is a cute name. It is an adorable way to describe the pummeling of victims by a score or less of hardy youths enjoying an outing in the Gold Coast, Streeterville, Northwestern Campus, River North, or even the Bean. Flash Mob is the latest Chicago Media serving of Blatant Sophistry (BS). PC is the Old Country Buffet of Blatant Sophistry.

Mary Schmich is copping the plea in this morning's Tribune: When a news story omits race, do we really know any less? Well, gosh yes, Mary! Where would the Lenard Clark beating by white thugs have gone without the sauce of race? Gee whiz.

As an editor pointed out when I asked about it, the crimes don't appear to be racially motivated. There's no sign the criminals picked victims because they were of a certain race. They picked them because they had certain stuff.

"People see it as a media conspiracy," he said of the decision to leave out their race. "It's a media quandary."

Here's the quandary, for editors, for cops, for all of us:

Race alone doesn't predict or explain behavior. Just because this mob was young and black hardly means that all young, black people in groups are a violent mob. Knowing the race of these attackers is no form of protection.

It is not a quandary for cops, Mary. They arrest people in the act of committing crimes, or via the eye-witness report of the victim. Leave the cops out of this. The Media have spun this - meme -"The rampant corruption, racism, and brutality of the Chicago Police have created this situation" Nope. Meme not working there, Mary.

Chicago's media is the Mickey D's of journalism with one or two exceptions. Blatant Sophistry is only one serving on the Political Correctness Nutritional Pyramid: Blatant Sophistry; Identity Politics; Group Think; and Secularism are the Four Food-for-Thoughtlessness Groups. At Mickey D's a tubby child can whale-out on Three Big Mac 'N Cheeses, Super-Sized Fries and a Mega Pop. In Chicago, one can read the Tribune, Sun Times, or watch Channels 2,5,7,9 and 11 and sate one's self with Noggin Larding news and opinion.

Flash Mobs are what Chicago paper hat journalists are calling squads of black kids doing a beat down on victims -usually 'goofy-looking' white folks, in the words of the early flash mob who nearly beat Ryan Rusch* to death at Beverly Park in 2007.

The Chicago Media helped create the climate, which I have called the Thug Comfort Zone in this blog, in which beneficiaries of 'identity/grievance/entitlement politics' feel very comfortable doing anything. Ironically, more black people have suffered to a greater degree than any other demographic. Black kids get shot, raped, beaten, set-afire, robbed, and force-fed insect repellent - anybody remember Ryan Harris and Little Girl X**? Thought not.

Instead, the Chicago media has done a rhetorical flash mob on law enforcement, the justice system, the courts and especially police officers as human beings.

Subsisting on a diet of BS is not good for people. Like Mickey D's gobblers, morbid obesity is the outcome - Fat Heads.

In 19th Century Chicago "footpads" were the flash mobs. They were gangs of jackrollers who beat and robbed victims. Back then the victims were drunks and fools wandering about the Levee. Today, a victim is usually . . .anybody. In the 19th Century, footpads were generally lazy, ignorant, unskilled, and savage wastes of DNA. Today, Chicago beat down artists ( Flash Mobbers)are identical to their Chicago antecedants. The only difference is that today, the PC Media interviews the mothers of the criminals for more heart-tugging BS calories.

There are BS free reporters and journalists. One of Chicago's best is Natasha Korecki who is so adept at fending off BS, that she covers the Blago Trial. Ms. Korecki is a solid reporter. She was a guest on WTTW's Weekin Review, last Friday.

Natasha Korecki of the Chicago Sun Times nearly had the panel on Chicago Week in Review hose capuccino through their schnozzes when she said that race was the key factor in the 'flash mob' phenomenon. Give it a look:

Watch the full episode. See more Chicago Tonight.

The diminutive eighth-grade student of St. John Fisher School had just left his cousin’s house and was walking through the park when the teens attacked him, hitting him on the head and kicking him. After Rusch fell, the teens continued to attack, leaving the bloodied Rusch in a seizure.

One of the juveniles later told police that they had attacked Rusch because he was a “goofy-looking white boy” – something that originally prompted police to investigate the incident as a hate crime.

**On January 9, Girl X was found raped, beaten and poisoned in the seventh-floor stairwell. She was unconscious and foaming at the mouth, her panties shoved down to her knees. Her T shirt had been used to strangle her, and gangster-style graffiti was scrawled on her abdomen in black ink. While the country focused on the case of another brutalized child--this one a privileged little beauty queen in Colorado--public outrage over the comatose Girl X was at first virtually nil.

0n a hot July afternoon in 1998 the mostly naked body of 11-year-old Ryan Harris was found in an isolated backyard in Englewood. She'd been missing for a day. Her face was battered and covered with blood, her mouth stuffed with a pair of underpants. A folded leaf was in each nostril.

Read more:,9171,985957,00.html#ixzz1OgVcQxyJ

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blago II : Epilogue - A Quinn Martin Prodcution

Rod Blagojevich, the now removed Governor of Illinois, serial gate-crasher, lout, lay-about, whiner, buffoon, pistachio pitch-tool, and political plantar's wart is set to testify.


I remember on a website called Chicago Sports Fan on the 620 Score there was a post called Blagojevich: Epilogue A Quinn Martin Production and I laughed my ass off . . .well not literally, it still follows me around.

I connected immediately. Blago is a Quinn Martin Production. Pat Quinn? Nah.

This entire shabby saga has been soup for nuts. Blago was kicked out of a very prominent post-South Side parade parties decades ago. Everyone goes to this Morgan Park worthy's party, but Blago was not invited. He did not go there for the fun, fellowship and free feed; Blago gate crashed in order to gnaw on the rumps of the likes of Neil Hartigan, Bill Daley, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry ( South Side attendees all) and captains of labor, church and industry.

Everyone but everyone knew Blago to be exactly the man he is today. That's politics, kids.

The Blago saga has had no real light shined upon since Rep. Jim Durkin tuned up Roland Burris.

This has all been a tedious drama, not a comedy. It reminds me of the Old 60's TV shows The Fugitive, Twelve O'Clock High, The F.B.I., and The Invaders, all broadcast on ABC that always had a pretentious Act I, II, III and IV - and the Epilogue.

All four Acts of this sociopathic mirror gazer Blago have been Epilogue

Act I - The Primary - Money, Vanity and Fear Give Illinois Blago over Paul Vallas

Act II - The Governorship 1 & 2 - The Looting of Illinois & PACE for Grannies

Act III - The Impeachment and Fitzy- Starring Roland Burris - need I say More

Act IV - WLS, Trial One, Survivor and Pistachios
The Epilogue, or denouement ( DE new Mon) as we Francophiles like to toss about, was the resolution of the alleged drama in which David Jansen shook off the hay from the farm work he did as a doctor on the run from the one-armed guy. Blago has more explanations about his many one-armed guys, than the Vitalis-ized David Jansen could ever dream of.

All Four Blago Acts are Epilogue - This Has been a Quinn Martin Production!!!!!!

US Producer
Born Martin Cohn. Born in New York City, New York,
U.S.A., 22 May 1922.
Died, in Rancho Santa Fe, California, 6 September 1987.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chicago Is Hardly "Braced" for Mayor Rahm - Always Another Bus!

I read the New York Times early this frosty May morning with GREAT interest. Well, not really. I read it in the same way that I read the Tribune and the Sun Times, but the New York Tines has much more to read. The New York Times is interested in Chicago and Chicago's mayor because the New York Times is interested in President Obama. You see what happens in Chicago, plays national. Chicago is the epicenter of the less than storm-like Obama 2012 Campaign.

Rahm Emanuel is the Obama 2012 Campaign writ small. Rahm Emanuel won the Fifth Floor on LaSalle Street the day that Daley fil called it Qs.

Rahm was bankrolled. He was so thick with the long-green difference that he became a life-long, gangway and alley rat kid of the neighborhoods. One can purchase street-cred, as has middle class Momma's Boys like Sean Puffy P-Diddy What's-his-name. He is as street as ARMANI. I do not believe for a minute Rahm went skeechin down snow packed Chicago streets from the bumpers of Buicks and Pontiacs, but he is now Chicago's Mayor. Good luck to him.

The New York Times however is telling the world that Chicagoans are 'bracing' for Mayor Rahm. News to me.

I know that my nephew was preparing Millennium Park for the inaugural events and the possible arrival of the Vice President or possibly a surprise - Oprah Style - drop-in by President Obama. Like those old Dean Martin Shows - Old Buddy President Obama walks out from behind the curtain and the audience hoots approval.

Nope the New York Times is telling Chicagoans that we are worried that Mayor Rahm might be a temp - he might have eyes on bigger prizes. Oh, Say it ain't, veridical, Mayor Emanuel!

Chicago, it seems, wants to be convinced. Inside and outside the political sphere here, people say they presume that Mr. Emanuel, known for his ambition and drive, will be on to some bigger, fancier chapter eventually. One guessing game among political analysts even before the swearing-in: will it be a presidential run or a governor’s race that eventually woos him away?

Chicagoans could care less. We've seen this movie already. We have been "Get Ready for Surprises." WE got jazzed about Obama Presidency - huge Chicago payoff that; We got psyched about the Olympics 2016 - that went down faster than the Eastland. We are Chicagoans - we have the Cubs. We voted huge for Blago and were shocked when he turned out to be exactly who he has always been. We are numb with expectations.

Chicagoans get behind action - The Blackhawks of 2010. That gets us excited. Sox fans buy season tickets and split them with brothers and cousins. We will see. Chicagoans do not brace. Tourists brace. We stick heads outside and dress for the weather.

As to politics - Ed Burke gets re-elected because he delivers to the 14th Ward and makes things happen in the City Council. City Council Gofers like Joe Moore, Rico Muniz and other reform camera hogs go hat in hand to Ed Burke and then bad-mouth him for services rendered. That is Progressive Reform.

We are not bracing; we are leaning back in the recliner with a big-ass bowl of stove top cooked hot buttered popcorn and channel surfing. This form of political self-medication is exactly what a bone-weary and muscle-taxed Big Shoulders City needs. Chicagoans know that, it not only snows in January, but also in April and May. They do not get their shorts in knot over the weather, CTA schedules, or politics.

Another bus is always coming and Rahm is driving this one.

Too cold and sleeting to go Grant Park. We'll catch it on WGN. There's always another bus.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free Bradley Manning Rezko!

The adorable Bradley Manning Wiki leak Traitor and dandified victim to the Progressive should look to Antoine 'Tony' Rezko and count his blessings, as well as his toes.

These Frootloops Love Bradley! Tony Rezko ought to drop a few nickels to Code Pink and wear one of them Bradley Manning Masks at the Metro Fed or wherever they are keeping him.

Tony Rezko, who offered Senator Barack Obama, fifteen feet of prime Hyde Park turf and bundled for Blago is the Illinois Man in the Iron Mask.

Toni Preckwinkle could beef that this guy . . .not gonna happen.

A prominent political fundraiser with ties to former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and President Barack Obama will spend eight more months behind bars before he is sentenced for his crimes. Tony Rezko was convicted of fraud and corruption in federal court back in June 2008.

Since then he’s had several sentencing dates, but each one has been postponed. On Wednesday, Rezko appeared in federal court wearing his prison uniform, looking noticeably thinner and speaking with a raspy voice, telling the judge he wanted to push his sentencing back to September. Rezko’s defense attorneys and the federal prosecutors both agreed to delay the sentencing, opening up the possibility that Rezko could take the stand as a witness against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich in his upcoming retrial in April. “There’s a possibility he [Rezko] may be called in the second trial as well,” said lead defense attorney Joe Duffy.

Where is the Innocence Project and the Northwestern Wildcat Cabbie Bribers, when a guy needs one?

This guy will have mushrooms growing between his toes, or Obama removes the switch plates at the White House, before he gets taken care of . . .quietly, mind you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Capitol Fax Brag - Change History -" No Fact, Just Brag"

Rich Miller has a clearing house of Illinois political news. He also pens prose musings for the Sun Times. Capitol Fax Blog then gins up approval of Miller's columns like Hedley LaMarr whoops up the boys for Governor LePetomain. "I didn't hear a Harrumph, from that guy! ( Harrumph, Harrumph, Harrumph!)

Today Rich Miller portays Civil War historian Shelby Foote with am Illinois factoid that perfectly matches the Media's demand that Rahm be ballot worthy - he is; they did. Even Miller's Civil War guy defeated the vile post-Bellum Appelate Court of Illinois. Here is where Gabby Miller snaps his galluses - them's suspenders, Son - too broadly, over-plays his hand and tosses out facts that are looser than a box of snuff:

A few years ago, former Chicago Schools CEO Paul Vallas wanted to run for office in Illinois but was told he couldn’t. Unlike Judge Smith and Rahm Emanuel, Vallas sold his Chicago house when he moved to Pennsylvania. He registered to vote in Philadelphia and then he voted there. He made his intent crystal clear with those actions, so he couldn’t run for office in Illinois.

Smith and Emanuel, on the other hand, had no intention of ever becoming citizens of another state, and they clearly proved it. Case closed.

If Rahm’s elected mayor, he ought to name a street after Judge Smith.

Well, Suh! Facts are Troub'lim' things - It was the summer of '05 -August 4 to be Preezact and Paul Vallas sold his house in Morgan Park to be sure - some time ter'other when Blago won and Paul went to Philly, but purchased a home in Palos Heights after having rented for five years - loooooooong before he took a charge at running for anything . . . but he was not allowed to do, by dint of "Chicago Circuit Court Judge Raymond Jagielski siding with the Illinois State Board of Elections and Cook County Clerk David Orr, granting their motion to dismiss Vallas' petition to be declared an Illinois resident."
. You see, H'yar, Sharon and the boys, live up this away and Paul commuted on weekends, but the ink-slingers did not see a Judge Smith parallel - No, Suh! You see that election in '06 was Blago Happy Days and Media Hugs! Yes, Suh! Time for my vittles and branch water! Elihu, bring on my spoon vittles and meat provenders! ( spits wad of Mail Pouch Plug)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Governor Quinn Bears Down on Hoosier and Chedderhead Business Poachers

Governor Pat Quinn took the ball up the middle and scored on both Wisconsin's and Indiana's Businesses Poachers.

The tax-increase is beyond a pain-in-the-Blago and was beyond necessary. Pat Quinn can make the necessary cuts and will cut the political ties that bind tax-happy PACs that depend upon Progressive doctrine - the group think ninnies all howling about the death penalty that has been dormant for more than a decade; the cosemetic holocaust harpies demanding that a woman's right to choose the death of an unborn child should never carry a personal financial cost - much less any moral thought; the redistribution of wealth labor fakirs who squeal that having an unskilled job should require greater taxes in order to keep workers enthralled and unskilled; the in the tank media that claim public sector unions should never be reevaluated by elected officials - but that's just me and most of my tax-paying neighbors.

Pat Quinn can and I believe that he will go down in Illinois history as a great governor. He will be wildly unpopular on WTTW, NPR and in the salons held by brie-eating academics an pie-chart pirates. However, Illinois tax-payers will come to appreciate and revere Governor Pat Quinn and the only adult in Illinois Democratic leadership House Speaker Mike Madigan.

Governor Pat Quinn's answer to the business poachers can be summed up in one word-Infrastructure. Illinois has got it and the boarder states ain't -

The corporate tax rate is not an obstacle for companies to locate and invest in Illinois. Frankly, our state's unstable finances have stood in the way of business investment. Businesses crave stable economic environments, which is why I supported and signed into law unprecedented limits on state spending, real budget reforms and the revenues we need to meet our obligations. We are putting our financial house in order, which will only make Illinois a stronger competitor.

With these reforms, we will be able to take greater advantage of our state's existing advantages: a strategic location that has made us the hub of the nation's rail network and the aviation gateway to the world; an unmatched transportation infrastructure that makes us the distribution center of North America; unparalleled intellectual resources through our world-class universities and research institutions; and a long-standing place as one of the world's top financial centers. And Illinois' commitment to green energy and high-speed rail is making us a world leader in the 21st century economy.

Our efforts to forge strong business partnerships have paid off, as companies continue to locate, grow and create jobs in Illinois. Boeing is manufacturing in Metro East; Nippon Sharyo recently left Wisconsin to expand its rail-car manufacturing in Illinois; and online innovator Groupon is staying in its hometown of Chicago, even as it catapults onto the global stage.

Illinois has 78 consulates, 44 foreign trade commissions, 26 foreign chambers of commerce and more than 1,500 subsidiaries of foreign companies. We are the nation's sixth largest exporter, and the Midwest's gateway to the world. Illinois is competing globally.

Illinois is America's crossroads. Witness the appointment of Gus Behnke* to the Illinois Capital Development Board last December as an example of toughminded leadership. Illinois water(harbors/docks/barge navigation)air, trucking, and rail systems are in place. CDP will take steps to strengthen that. Illinois is in tough shape. Governor Pat Quinn can get it back into shape, but it will cost him plenty - for a while. He will get attacked by PACs that assumed his pliability and willingness to go-along. Pat Quinn has integrity and integrity means past assumptions get a long hard look.

SPRINGFIELD – December 29, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today named Gus Behnke as the acting executive director of the Capital Development Board (CDB). Behnke will replace Executive Director Jim Riemer, who is retiring effective Dec. 31.

“I would like to thank Jim for his many years of service at the Capital Development Board, especially in these last two years as we have put people to work all over the state on projects through the Illinois Jobs Now! construction program,” said Governor Quinn. “Gus Behnke will help us maintain that progress as we continue to create jobs for Illinois workers while providing badly-needed state infrastructure improvements.”

Gevan J. “Gus” Behnke has been with CDB since January 1979 and has been the agency’s chief fiscal officer for the past 22 years. Behnke is a Bloomington native and has a bachelor’s degree in physics and math from Valparaiso University. He also holds a master’s degree in nuclear physics from Purdue University, as well as a master’s degree in business administration from Illinois State University. (Gevan Behnke Background)

Riemer has served as the CDB executive director since April 2008. He joined the CDB in 1987 and was named deputy director of the Construction Administration Division in 2003. Riemer also served as the agency’s statewide labor coordinator, and developed and promoted a positive labor/management relationship with the state’s 21 building and construction trades councils.

Prior to joining the CDB, Riemer spent 15 years working as a journeyman ironworker. He is a recipient of the Purple Heart after being wounded in action in Vietnam.

The Capital Development Board is the construction management arm of Illinois state government. With approximately 120 employees throughout the state, CDB oversees the design and construction of college and university facilities, public safety centers, museums and historic sites, state recreation areas, health centers, office buildings and prisons. In addition, CDB is responsible for repair and renovation projects at more than 8,400 state-owned properties, as well as the removal of environmental hazards and the upgrading of facilities to meet accessibility standards. The CDB also spearheads the state’s “Green Building” initiative to incorporate energy-saving, environmentally-friendly design elements in most state construction projects.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Governor Pat Quinn Can Explain the Tax Increase

There ain't that much booze in the world to make this Tax Jump in any way palatable - unless, of course, one is a Public Radio Zombie already. Open wide and swallow hard!

Nevertheless, Governor Quinn can present this tax for what it is . . .

Governor Pat Quinn should follow this script-rubric presented by Speaker Madigan's spokesman Steve Brown. This is the only common sense approach to explaining the run-away fiscal avalanche that Illinois created since Blago bought the governor's office . . .with alot of help.

In response to this question, "If you were the governor, how would you sell this income tax hike to the citizenry?"

Steve Brown wrote -


Steve Brown - Wednesday, Jan 12, 11 @ 7:47 am:

The easiest message is the truth. The budget reforms — including the tax increase — prevent a shutdown of vitally needed government services, payless paydays and bond defaults. It will also prevent derivatives traders from actions that might lead to same consequences we saw in the housing market.

The Illinois tax structure remain competitive with both surrounding states and states with the same quality of life as Illinois — two vastly different categories.
BTW Rich’s newsletter contains a number of errors concerning Speaker Madigan and the gaming bill.

The Speaker recused himself on that bill early on because a client of the law firm could benefit from the bill. He took role concerning the bill and therefore was not involved in the decision to not move the bill.

Rich was asked to correct the incorrect information in the newsletter.
(emphasis my own)

Steve Brown earns every nickel he makes.

From Capitol Fax Blog -

Friday, October 01, 2010

Chicago Attorney and Journalist Tamara Holder Out-Sneeds the Media On Rahm Emanuel

Tamara Holder out-Sneeds the Chicago Media! Get this -

The one person who has remained tight-lipped about his possible run for mayor is White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. During the past three weeks, he has allowed the mere speculation to make front page news.


According to my source, it has to do with that one guy who just won’t go away: Rod Blagojevich.

Emanuel needs certainty that the Blagojevich re-trial will not put a wrinkle in his campaign. We know Emanuel was sent by Obama to convey one message to Governor Blagojevich: appoint Valerie Jarrett to my soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat. We also know that Emanuel was an alleged victim in a totally separate criminal charge against Blagojevich who allegedly attempted to extort Emanuel when he was a congressman. According to the complaint:

It was further part of the scheme that, in response to inquiries by a high-ranking state official as to whether the grant money could be released, defendant ROD BLAGOJEVICH informed the official that ROD BLAGOJEVICH wanted it communicated to United States Congressman A that United States Congressman A’s brother needed to have a fundraiser for ROD BLAGOJEVICH.

It was further part of the scheme that defendant ROD BLAGOJEVICH told Lobbyist A that ROD BLAGOJEVICH was giving a $2 million grant to a school in United States Congressman A’s district and instructed Lobbyist A to approach United States Congressman A for a fundraiser.

The problem is that Emanuel was a key witness for the prosecution but was never called in the first trial. Now, because the jury was hung on both the attempted sale of Obama’s Senate seat and the attempted extortion counts, Emanuel’s testimony is required if the prosecution doesn’t want to lose the case again.

Read more: Click Me Post

Two of my favorite Beautiful People are Chicago Tribune's John Kass and Chicago True-Believer Liberal Lawyer and Journalist Tamara Holder.

I have been a pain in the rump to each of these lovely people, because I am pain-in-the-rump with heart made of 100% pure Columbian Coco, mixed with only the richest of cream by delicate and toothsome Swiss Maidens who look like the St, Pauli Beer Girl.

True. John Kass caught the receiving end of my sophomoric barbs with regard to is public lashing of George Ryan and several 19th Ward gents, who I know to be superb human beings. Better people than I would say, 'Well, good people can agree to disagree.' To which I would cock an eyebrow and rejoin, " Is that right,Cupcake?"

I have the training and inclination to stick by friends or people that for whatever reason are unable to fight back.

Tamara Holder was maltreated by my acid tongue, when I attempted to give Chicago Police Officers the benefit of the doubt when they were tasked with clearing drug houses at the Horner Homes, a few years ago. Ms. Holder gave me a tune-up that the Media Mythic Midnight Crew might envy.

John Kass is a Helot Solon - a wise man of the Polis Chicago, who cuts through the treacle-nonsense that accompanies prosings of most columnist, right through to the meat and muscle of the heart of the story.

Tamara Holder has a mind like a Swiss Watch, the tenacity of a Homicide Dick, and the soul of a Poor Clare. Tamara is a Fox News Legal Analyst and columnist for The Daily Caller and . . .sad to say The Huffington Post - the Hollywood Squares of Journalism.

Tamara and John tangled on FOX a couple of months ago during the Blago Trial. They will again.

I am blessed to know these fine folks.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jesse Junior - Never Eats at a Place Called Mom's and He Should - The Political Perils of Pretty Pie Ploppers! Caveat Junior!

Boy, Howdy! What a tough morning for three striving African Americans on the rise.

One disc jockey comedian got the Feds to make a Bridgeport couple sign over their home to him. ( Chicago Tribune)

One African American restaurateur with several listings who ran against Toni Preckwinkle beefed to Mary Mitchell that he is being required to bring his clubs and restaurants 'Up to Code!' Jeesh, and in this our post racial America. Well, thank W.E.B Dubois ( The God of the Talented Ten Percent) that Eric Holder ( a Ten Percenter) has his delicate hands on the Justice throttle - for now.

Lastly, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. who challenged the Feds to "bring it (whatever it is) on,' only this weekend has "it" (whatever "it" is) all over the front page of the Sun Times - brought to you by the wonderful Natasha Korecki, as well as Chris Fusco and Lynn Sweet. Now that is one tough tag-team.

Stemming from the Blago fall-out and the Indian American ( not American Indian mind you) fund raising connection, Junior is confronted with his acquaintance to a Washington D.C. hostess - not the usual hash-slinger, mind you.

The FBI interviewed that acquaintance -- a Washington, D.C., restaurant hostess named Giovana Huidobro -- about a year ago as part of its corruption probe of Blagojevich. Authorities were trying to determine whether Jackson had asked Nayak to offer Blagojevich campaign cash in exchange for the then-governor appointing Jackson to the seat once held by President Obama, according to sources with knowledge of the probe.

Huidobro, Jackson and Nayak all dined together on Oct. 8, 2008 -- the same day that Nayak has told authorities he had a key conversation with Jackson about the Senate appointment, sources said. The three then ended up at Ozio, the restaurant and club where Huidobro works and where Jackson has held fund-raisers.

Huidobro told authorities she knew nothing of Jackson's political dealings regarding the Senate seat, according to sources. She also said she flew to Chicago on several occasions at Jackson's request and that Jackson sometimes reimbursed her for her travels.

Nayak told the FBI that he paid for two airline trips for Huidobro from Washington to Chicago in 2008.

Through a spokesman, Jackson declined to comment for this story.

Jackson does not appear to have reported the flights for Huidobro as a gift on his House financial-disclosure statement, and it's unclear whether he violated any ethics or fund-raising laws by not doing so.

He was once considered a potential presidential candidate and now is discussing a bid to succeed Mayor Daley. His wife, Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th), also has been mentioned as a possible mayoral candidate, though she downplayed her chances of running during a jobs rally she attended Monday.

In a radio interview about the mayor's race last week, Jackson challenged federal prosecutors to "bring it on" if they have evidence he was a conspirator in Blagojevich's corruption case.

I too am acquainted with beautiful women and all but one are acquaintances - the exquisite beauty with whom I am seen in public is a stunner - a diminuitive cross between Audrey Hepburn and Jennifer Jones. Whenever she sings jazz or liturgical choral, she has a wake of ardent gentleman suitors following her tiny steps. I can only believe that this good woman is working off a priori time-served in Purgatory. Most folks agree with my assessment. The balance of beautiful women are also talented Artists ( Cathy O'Connell,Laura Amend, Amanda Crumley, Mary Houlihan), Activists (Jamillah Ali-Joyce, Susan Jordan Mary Beth Sheahan), Media Persons (Mary Ann Ahern, Tamara Holder), Morgan Park Moms ( about 8,000 of them), Coaches (Katie Schumacher), Philanthropists ( Patti Bidwill, Mary Ann Roti, Peggy Blandford).

I am and can be as shallow as MSNBC, but I am also by choice, training and inclination completely monogamous.

Nevertheless, Congressman Jackson has more than his foot in "it" -whaterever it is - it seems.

Why is it that politicians and powerful Don Drappers in Big -Bucko-Industries & Services never seem to have acquaintances that happen to be large . . .substantial women . . .gals who like to polish off a hectar of popcorn at the CinePlex after a dinner consisting of a porterhouse the Size of USS Ronald Reagan, a Tsunami of Mojitas and a wedge of Milky Way Chocolate Cheesecake that could hold up a brick wall. You know, BIG . . . Good Hearted Gals?

Or, why not a girl with a set of choppers that could bite a pig's fanny through a picket fence?

Or, a Hostess who bears a striking resemblance to Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winning actor Randy Quaid?

Looks are shallow. There is so much more to the magnificent human heart. I am as ugly as a bald dog, but not as bad as a Congressman on holiday.

Next Time, Congressman Jackson, get your tucker at Blues Cafe or Slater's Biscuits and Gravy Wagon in Kankakee, IL.

Steer clear of the flashy and fork up the substantial portions at modest prices and avoid a Giovanna ( nice girl and easy on the eyes) and get a acquainted with Gert, or Mom.