- ArchPundit - Monday, Oct 30, 17 @ 12:12 pm:Let’s say she ( Jeanne Ives) wins the primary. That’s not gonna happen, but let’s just say it does. What possible route does she have in a general election? Candidates who run as True(TM) conservatives don’t win statewide in Illinois. from Capitol Fax

- Jeanne Ives Will Return Power to You: Ives has spent 5 years as a state legislator standing up to Mike Madigan.And she stood up to Gov. Rauner when he has betrayed our conservative values.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return Your Home to You: Ives will institute a 1% hard cap on property taxes as a percentage of home value. This will return your home value to you that has been stolen by the highest property taxes in the nation.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return Your Money to You: Ives will rescind the 32% income tax increase passed by Chicago Democrats and surrender Republicans. Ives will repeal the new, open-ended entitlement Rauner created by signing public funding of abortion on demand.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return The Rule Of Law To You: Ives will repeal Illinois’ sanctuary state status and allow local and state law enforcement to cooperate with federal law enforcement Democrats and traditional Illinois Republicans do not.