- ArchPundit - Monday, Oct 30, 17 @ 12:12 pm:Let’s say she ( Jeanne Ives) wins the primary. That’s not gonna happen, but let’s just say it does. What possible route does she have in a general election? Candidates who run as True(TM) conservatives don’t win statewide in Illinois. from Capitol Fax

Hey, Arch, can you say Mark Fairchild? He was the right-wing LaRouchie nutbag who managed to grab on to Adlai Stevenson's Gubernatorial coat-tails in 1986. Adlai was Democratic candidate for Governor against Big Jim Thompson.
Yet, no True Conservative has won a statewide election . . .as a Republican. Nor, can.
Archpundit's last sentence is a salient point. Name a True conservative who won any statewide office.
I can't. You can't No one can name a "True" conservative who won any statewide office. That label sticks.
Illinois Republicans have long ago given up Honest Abe's ghost and settled in as Democrat Lite officeholders.
The worst of the lot was Governor Jim Edgar who was shielded from scrutiny by the Mikva-minded commissars of Cook County.
George Ryan was a conservative who was used by the Progressives to ban the Death Penalty in the false hope of avoinding jial time for thecrimes and misdemeanors begun and encultuated by Edgar in the Secretary of State's office. Poor George thought that the Progressives who put him up for Nobel Prize, when he emptied Death Row were on the level.
Judy Baar Topinka danced to anyone's polka.
The Du Page County power wheels invented Rauner's "I'm not a Social Conservative" years ago.
The Democrats are not only vicious secularist proto-Marxists, but also skilled media manipulators.
Republicans blow off their own toes and then gimp into every public lion cage sporting a pork chop suit.
Rauner, who only won because Pat Quinn was so toxic-ly stupid ( JRW!!!!!), has tried to cast Jeanne Ives as House Speaker Mike Madigan's favorited Republican. Facts are stubborn things.
Madigan's favorite Republican is and has been Pat Brady and Brady is all for Bruce, until the General Election.
Jeanne Ives is no Illinois GOP/Democrat Lite candidate for Governor.
The label masters of the media and the political money that tells them what to think stamp Jeanne Ives as a Right-Wing Republican.
That works for low-informtion voters and the self-satisified of Illinois.
Jeanne Ives stands for the values of Lincoln.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return Power to You: Ives has spent 5 years as a state legislator standing up to Mike Madigan.And she stood up to Gov. Rauner when he has betrayed our conservative values.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return Your Home to You: Ives will institute a 1% hard cap on property taxes as a percentage of home value. This will return your home value to you that has been stolen by the highest property taxes in the nation.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return Your Money to You: Ives will rescind the 32% income tax increase passed by Chicago Democrats and surrender Republicans. Ives will repeal the new, open-ended entitlement Rauner created by signing public funding of abortion on demand.
- Jeanne Ives Will Return The Rule Of Law To You: Ives will repeal Illinois’ sanctuary state status and allow local and state law enforcement to cooperate with federal law enforcement Democrats and traditional Illinois Republicans do not.
Can a True Conservative win state-wide office.
No. Jeanne Ives can and will do so in November.
Illinois for Ives and Ives for Illinois.

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