St. Humility carries the bricks to build a church; Tim Tebow carries Denver
In fact, everything about Tebow, a 24-year-old Floridian, seems polarizing, from his unabashed religious proselytizing to his unorthodox approach to playing quarterback. If you crossed a tight end with a fullback and raised him in the God-fearing home of a pious linebacker — a Mike Singletary type — you’d have Tim Tebow.Dan McGrath Chicago News Cooperative December 10, 2011

13-10 - Biblical. The Bears had a 10-0 lead in the waning minutes of a defensive brawl in Denver. Then, as the clock ticked away precious seconds, an unnecessary trip to the sidelines struck down the Monsters of the Midway like the staff of Moses on the Rock - and there poured forth a Biblical end.
Guess what? The year 1310 AD marks date of the death of St. Humility.
Born Rosanna Negusanti to a noble family from Faenza, she was married at the age of fifteen to a nobleman named Ugoletto (Ugonotto) dei Caccianemici (d. 1256). She bore two children, both of whom died in infancy. In 1250, Ugoletto became a monk upon recovering from an illness that nearly killed him. Rosanna entered the same double monastery of canonesses named Saint Perpetua, near Faenza, becoming a nun and taking the name Humility.
She became an anchoress in a cell attached to the Vallumbrosan church of Saint Apollinaris in Faenza, where she lived as a hermit or recluse for twelve years.
However, at the request of the abbot-general she founded a monastery outside Faenza and became its abbess. Blessed Margherita became one of her disciples.
In 1282 she founded a second convent at Florence, where she died in 1310 of natural causes. She left a number of mystical writings.
She was canonized on January 27, 1720 by Pope Clement XI.
Her feast day is celebrated on May 22.
The relics of Humility and her disciple Margherita are venerated at the convent of Spirito Santo at Varlungo near Florence.
St. Humility was loaded. She was a mother who watched her children die and nearly lost her husband -who entered a monastery. St. Humility did the same. That is something.
Tim Tebow is something. He has all the gifts -especially humility. Humility is the recognition of the dirt under our feet -from hence we came. Dirt, turf - real or artificial - dust to dust and all that jazz.
One of the most devout persons in Chicago, of any faith and creed, is Mrs. Virginia McCaskey, scion of the Halas Family and matriarch of the Chicago Bears. Mrs. McCaskey spends a great deal of her time in the pew and the balance doing acts of charity.
Mrs. McCaskey is loaded, but that does not seem to matter much to her.
Virginia McCaskey is our Tim Tebow. Perhaps a field trip to Holy Name Cathedral and more than few laps around the rosary might be in order, as opposed to goating poor Marion Barber.
Humility is not dancing in the end zone.
Humility seems to work in Denver.
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