Tuesday, March 10, 2015

If God Were a Soft-hearted Slob . . .Oh, That's Right He Is. . .Seventh Promise of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

                                        “Tepid souls shall become fervent.” 

I go to Sacred Heart Church at 116th & Church Street in Washington Heights just east of Morgan Park in Chicago.  The Mass is traditional and unself-absorbed and sung in English.  The Saying of the Memorare after the Nicene Creed was and is a huge selling point in my attendence at Sacred Heart - that and the people who attend.

It is a kid friendly place of worship free the more pious scolds who skunk-eye and 'hush and shush' families with little kids (infants -toddlers) who interrupt the sanctity of the liturgy, while celebrating the sanctity of Life. Little guys screw around and Mass can be brutal. Among the faithful in the pews there is nothing but simple dignity and smiling tolerance for the little guys.

Sacred Heart parishioners are salt of the earth blue-collar working women and men. A State of Grace after Mass includes a dose of pride knowing that you have been numbered among these people. No hand tossing Hosanna-types of the Church of Happy Horse-#$%^.   People who know hard work, hard times and hard prayer have a dignified

Sacred Heart worship is Divine -thanks to the likes of Father Gallagher, Father Vanecko and etc. Gallagher and Vanecko are brilliant and succinct homilists.  They do not need to hear the sound of their voices.  Mass is never like attending a Wagner Festival.  Thanks be to God.  The church building is understated beauty.

The French immigrants who paid for and built Sacred Heart at the turn of 19th Century did a great job on the stained glass windows that feature St. Margaret Mary Alacoque's 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Christ. My favorite is Olde # 7  “Tepid souls shall become fervent.”

I am about as lukewarm/tepid/less than hot a soul ,as God ever cranked out. Mind you; nothing wrong with the parts and labor going into the making, but really poor maintenance by the owner.

If God were more of shiftless, lazy, excuse-laden slob, He'd allow me to be and act more like Joe Epstein, Skinny Sheahan, or Dan McGrath.  They are a Trinity of nice guys who toil at it.  God does too.  I do not.

I like to think that with a little more prayer and great deal more effort the Sacred Heart will deliver. Fervent beats tepid hollow.

Jesus Garcia is the Peoples Choice

I am neither scientific nor particularly 'urbane.'  but a poll conducted by N'Digo that is 'not scientific' posts results that will harelip the Mayor and the Governor!   N'Digo warns that it is


Nevertheless, less-than cravenly urbane sophisticates can read N'Digo - free country and all. Rather. People took a poll and here are the results.

The Progressive soaked media want people ( I am a people) to believe that Chuy Garcia is going to beat the dance skins off of Rahm Emanuel come the Resurrection, because of Axelrodian Grassroots websites, Public Sector Unions and medicinal marijuana aficionados.  Not the case.

Chuy Garcia has the support of helots.  Us.  People. Folks with mortgages, paychecks looted by taxes before deposit, kids in school -Catholic schools - skilled trades union dues and the universal contempt and downright antipathy of the Progressive news meda.  We are people walking to the bus and L stops around Chicago wearing Thom McCanns from K-Mart that have been repeated soaked n urine by the likes of Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Pat Quinn, Dick Durbin, Richie Daley and their less lights and told it was due to Global Warming - Climate Change - the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District.

Basta Ya!  Enough already.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Sophisticated Finances He Said? Here's What Bruce Rauner's Fellow Wine Sophisticate Said . . ."We Strongly Disagree!"

Every neighbor of mine in Chicago gets his finances rated.  Try getting a couple of buckeens from any bank, or Easy-Credit-Big VIG loan operation and wait with your two weeks of recent pay stubs, utility bills and bank statement without sweating blood while the loan officer checks in with TransUnion and the Twins to get your score.

Chicago has been governed by really sophisticated buccaneers supported by pie-chart policy looters like Ralph Martire and academic tweed nodders ever since Old Richard J. had that grabber in the Doc's office.

Here we are today, with Rahm peeing on our Thom McCann's and telling us it is soft tears of heaven moistening grass-roots with help from his wine guzzling compeer Gov. Bruce Rauner.

Bruce Rauner is Governor of Illinois because he is not Pat Quinn.

Now, The Two-Headed Coin Governor -'heads I win and heads Rahm wins' - tells the Tribune Tower of Babble that Chicago needs a financially sophisticated mayor - like Rahm.

Asked by reporters if it matters who is mayor, Rauner said voters should “look at who’s financially sophisticated to deal with the issues, who’s ready to stand up to…and fight for the taxpayers in the city and take on some of these government union power issues.”
Added Rauner: “The voters got to decide … but they better look at it 'cause Chicago financially is going down the drain.”

Emanuel has shown financial sophistication in his past private dealings with Rauner. During a lucrative stint in investment banking after leaving the Bill Clinton White House as a senior adviser, Emanuel was part of a deal that helped make hundreds of millions of dollars for Rauner’s equity investment firm. Emanuel also became a millionaire during his short time in investment banking.

Rauner’s urging of a mayor with “financial sophistication” is in line with the latest campaign tactic being used by Emanuel’s campaign to criticize Garcia, contending the challenger has lacked specifics in dealing with the city’s budget woes. But Emanuel also has offered little in the way of financial solutions, preferring instead to talk about his past four years.Image result for Sophisticated Winos

I am not a craven sophisticate with a heady wine subscription, but I know when I bollix-up my personal finances by liberally larding my pet urges and inclinations with cash.  In my unsophisticated accounting practices, I borrow what I can afford from savings, retirement and debtors with less humor than my own.  It works . . .so far.
  • the kids are Okay -schooled, clothed, healthy, happy and out of here
  • the mortgage and bills are paid . . .largely on time
  • no threats from collection
  • credit rating is good
  • had me a steak on Wednesday

I am doing better than City of Chicagoland - From The New American:

Within hours of Moody’s Investors Service announcing another downgrade to Chicago’s general obligation bonds last Friday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration responded, saying that Moody’s was out of touch with reality:
We strongly disagree with Moody’s decision to reduce the city’s credit rating and would note that Moody’s has been consistently and substantially out of step with the other rating agencies [Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings], ignoring progress that has been achieved.
At the moment those other two agencies rate Chicago’s debt at A-plus or A-minus, with a negative outlook. But in light of an imminent court ruling that could invalidate efforts to cut pension benefits, along with the crushing and increasing burden of those benefits, observers are just waiting for the next two shoes to drop.

Comment très sophistiqué de Vous , Bruce -Pass la Night Train Express '15 !

That'll do, Rahm.  Vote for Chuy, Neighbors. We can't afford sophisticated finanaces.


Friday, March 06, 2015

Leo High School Hall of Fame Calls in the Marines -Chicago's Own -2nd Battalion, 24th Marines

The Marines of 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines Honor Leo Man, Marine CMOH Recipient John P. Fardy at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Worth Township

Chicago's Own 2nd Battalion of the 24th Marines has been fighting America's since World War II.  A Chicago Fireman, Jeremiah McCarthy, joined the Marines long before Pearl Harbor and was discharged as a Gunnery Sergeant.

When War was declared, McCarthy re-enlisted and was made an officer.  McCarthy, an Englewood High School grad and son of Irish immigrants, led a company of Marines from 2/24 through the bloody battles of Kwajelain, Saipan and Iwo Jima.  This fierce , up from the ranks, smoke eating leader received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his valor on Iwo Jima.
After the war, Jeremiah McCarthy served as a Reserve Marine officer and continued to lead 2/24 by his heroic and quiet example. 

Leo High School is home to many Marines.  The Class of 1943 boasts twenty three of its members of the Marine Corps, most of whom enlisted the day of graduation.  Leo men served in every branch of service to America and service has sole bragging rights to honor and service.

The Marine Reserve unit from Chicago, 2nd battalion of the 24th Marines, has helped Leo High School honor God, service, duty and country for the last twenty years.  Honor Guards and rifle teams from 2/24 participate in every Leo Veterans Observance, celebrated on the Friday immediately before Veterans Day each year.  The Marines of 2/24 re-dedicated CMOH hero Cpl. John P. Fardy's grave site at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Worth Township.  Whenever, they asked to help honor people of valor, 2/24 Marines stand tall.

By unanimous vote, the members and directors of Leo Alumni Association, at the request of Leo High School President Daniel B. McGrath, voted to induct the 2nd Battalion of the 24th Marines to Leo High School Hall of Fame on Friday April 24th at the Lexington House Banquet Hall in Hickory Hills.

Semper Fidelis et Facta Non Verba!


Thursday, March 05, 2015

Beltway Shocker: Could Rahm Really Lose? Yes, Yes He Can. This is Sunday After Mass Turkeybowl Tackle Football; not It's Academic Quiz Bowl

K-Streets Kreature and Fave Mayor -Rahm "Gimme 9.5" Emanuel is proving that Polls, Pundits and Progressive Platitudes have had their day.

Alex Isenstadt, no really that's the kid's name who wrote the piece on Rahm, Alex Isenstadt says

A runoff that was expected to be a slam dunk for Rahm Emanuel is turning out to be uncomfortably — even dangerously — close, leading the Chicago mayor to ready a scorched-earth offensive to save his job.
Recent polling shows the race between Emanuel and his unknown and underfunded rival, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, has closed to within single digits. With local and national progressive groups lining up behind Garcia and promising to pour cash into the effort to deny Emanuel a second term, the mayor is suddenly scratching and clawing for his political existence.
Polling, Punditry and Progressive lollipops just in case Rahm does in fact lose can be unwrapped to sweet defeat like it was an in-the-tank victory all along.

Rahm is a Progressive's Progressive -a mean spirited, policy-over-people, power -grabbing plutocrat.

The fact that DeBlasi-oaffish cadres of former hippies and Fish fans opened offices in Chicago under the name of Chicago Forward has nothing to do with the crest of approval jetting Jesus 'Chuy" Garcia comfortably over Rahm's Corral Reef.  Chuy is ahead because Chicagoans are more concerned about their neighborhoods than fois gras on menus, bike paths, Divvy Bikes, Speed Camera Pick Pockets and Rahm's next national move,.  The only people making a Progressive case for Chuy are national web and print outlets and the three score TieDyed wearing Sixty Somethings trying to get medical majijuana licensing for their whole-grain outlet stores in Wicker Park.

Alex IsenstadtImage result for alex isenstadt. . . .wait a minute . . . .there . . . .sorry . . . Alex   Alex this is not Academic Quiz Bowl, this Chicago elecetion on April 7, 2015, It is No-$hit No Pads Tackle Football.  . . .more that later, sorry to interrrupt,   Alex Isenstadt went directly to the very sources that helped propel Rahm's Chicagoland in the first place to see just how Rahm might lose.
Emanuel’s progressive foes, sensing an opportunity, are rushing into the contest. A pair of liberal groups, Democracy for America and MoveOn.org, are partnering on field efforts, and a third, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, is raising money for the cash-starved Garcia. Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, which has repeatedly clashed with Emanuel, said her group would also help out the challenger.
“He needs funding to make the case, and he needs boots on the ground to make the case,” she said.
Randi Weingarten?  Don't she live over-by the Jewels near Midway?

Alex, you are barking up the wrong tree in forest full of wrong trees, son! Rahm is what being Progressive is all about and only managed to get hiumself eleceted to office with help from Real political pros.  Progressives couldn't find a Chinaman on 22nd Street on a sunny day and if they did they'd ridicule his religion.  Progressives only win elections when Regular Ward Organizations do all the work.  That's the fact, Jack?

Alex, can you name Chuy Garcia's Campaign Manager?  Didn't think so. You think that this is some PBS Bill Moyers scripted conflict of mythical Progressives against Bosses.

Chicagoans are nice people - not stupid people. Progressives always forget that.  Ask the rank and file and the outgoing President of Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 308.

Chuy will be Mayor because Chicagoans are sick to death Rahm, Barack Obama, PBS, Editorial Boards, Dave Axelrod and having their wallets lifted at every turn the CTA makes.

This is a UW, son. Not Progressive v. Machine.

This Unconventional Guerrilla Warfare - Voters taking back their dignity and denying their past sins of commission ( voters for idiots like Durbin, Schakowsky, Quigley and Quinn in Illinois) and omission (saying 'What Difference Does it Make?")

This is not Birkenstock Warfare/Ben & Jerry Combat/MSNBC ALL In Tickle Fests - this Sunday After Mass No Pads Full Contact Catholic League Tackle Football Without Insurance.

Chuy!!!! . . . because Rahm Progressivisim is insipid.

Alex Isenstadt come on over sit on the porch with Joe, Doreen, Killer, Ignacio and Jan and me. Knock back a couple of domestics, fire up a Marlboro and we'll explain things to you and then order pizza from Vito and Nicks.

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Rahm "The Business Magnet" Mayor Waves Bye, Bye to Oprah?????

Did I miss something . . . again? Oprah and Stedm . . .Gail?  , , , are blowing town?  For keeps?

Rahm, my mail box stuffings told me was the reason Chicago has such a swell Moody's Rating and why big businesses love to soak their toes in the pot-holes on west Washington and Randolph street and drive.  He's the business magnet, the oozing sack of honey sugar spilled out on the concrete and clay crumbling 'neath* our feets.

Yet, yet . . .I learn that Oprah is being quit of Chicago . . . altogether!  Our iconic Steve Dahl with a tan and chick wardrobe will be as gone as the knocked out cats at a Pitchfork Musis Fest?

Oprah Winfrey and her collection of shows are settling in Hollywood.

By year’s end, Winfrey’s Chicago-based Harpo Studios will close its doors, with the 26-year-old company's productions transitioning to OWN headquarters in Los Angeles. The news, which Winfrey delivered in person to her Harpo staff on Tuesday morning, comes two months after her burgeoning cable network moved into a new space in West Hollywood. Though the Chicago lease continues through April 2016, Winfrey and her key executives intend to stop the back-and-forth routine they've been balancing for nearly half a decade sooner than that.
In a phone interview from the Harpo offices in Chicago, Winfrey acknowledges a mix of excitement and nostalgia. "[Chicago has] been everything for me. I've spent more hours in this building than I have any other building on Earth. ... We were here when there was nothing but hoes and rats on the street, and now it's one of the hottest neighborhoods [in Chicago]," she says, noting that OWN will stop shooting shows there as of Tuesday. "The time had come to downsize this part of the business and to move forward. It will be sad to say goodbye, but I look ahead with such a knowing that what the future holds is even more than I can see."

Well, I'll be dipped and rolled!!  Oprah is down-sizing her operations . . .and that is exactly what Rahm Emanuel is doing to Chicago!

I will not miss the tubby she- scold anymore than I will miss dialing into WLS AM!  Oprah did nothing for the poor black kids that I help go onto the colleges and trades and vocations of the American Middle Class.
Oprah's charity watch dog was no other than the CPS itchy-palm king Rufus Williams. Rufus, a nasty littleman, told me, 'Send no more Leo proposals for grants.'  As if.

Oprah, like Pfleger, Jesse Jackson and Bill Ayers, are "chicago people" that lemmings always defend with a solemn -"They do alot of good."   To which I invariably reply, " For example?"  AND the crickets chirp, while tie two legged lemmings ooze away from me.

OWN's new West Hollywood headquarters
"Alpha Mike Foxtrot, Oprah" , to quote the late Vietnam hero and Chicago homice detective Martin J. Tully,  take it with you; you didn't leave much here.

Maybe ex- Harpo Studio could be a Star Wars Museum and CPD blacksite, or a Presidential Mobile Library. 

Now, let's see if Mayor Rahm gets asked about Oprah's Exodus? Gee, Mr. Rahm, if a 1%er leaves your Chicagoland what about all the 99%ers?  Is that reall 'smart sizing?'  Shouldn't we, after all really be Oprah-Sizing?

Strike that rock, Moses! 

* I dunno, I just like it

Christ Comfort Cardinal George - A Genuine Lion of the Church

We are sad to hear that our Brother, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I and Leo Class of 2011 has  been hospitalized yet again.

Cardinal G

oerge is our Shepherd and a particular friend of the Leo High School family.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

The Guardian - CPD Operating Culinary Arts School at Homan Square

                    Something smells at Chicago's Homan Square CPG Blacksite . . .smells heavenly!

More than 100 activists and community leaders rallied in Chicago on Saturday to call for official investigations into and even a shutdown of Homan Square, the police facility at the centre of allegations over unconstitutional abuse and a growing protest movement known as #Gitmo2Chicago.

Chicago - Where are the Disappeared?  No one knows. Some in Chicago's media and legal communities attempted to cast doubt on the Guardian yarn crafted by that old myth maker G. Flint Taylor and the three home brewing NATO Sandinistas.

CPD, the Guardian has learned from someone, or something,  is operating  a black site at Homan Square - no knows about it, or the goings on behind its walls.

It is very clear, to those who would believe the Guardian,  that something smells at Homan Square . . .Something smells delicious!

Yes, CPD is taking a very tasty page from its 1st Responder Brethern and Sistern of the Chicago Fire Department. Cops, who are more generally given to shooting unarmed black toddlers and up,  are also preparing meals of the highest quality and character.
Image result for chicago cop cooking mealImage result for chicago cop chef
The Guardian cornered a former TAC Unit officer now the head of Chicago BLUE Condon Bleu, PO Reece "Shrek" Prendergast and posed these questions

Guard: What is your philosophy on food and dining?
RP: Keep it simple and remember the classics and classic techniques, and have restraint; victims like a nice snack after a sound tune-up and wood shampoo, so we try and make it something special.  I think it's important for chefs and police officers  to have restraint, to be able to take three ingredients and make them great and let the guests have what they want, within the guidelines for use of force and within the budget and manpower restraints, especially in this day and age. Offer great food and great service at a reasonable price of few slaps with an old Chicago phonebook and in a locked room with great ambiance.

Guard: What advice would you give to young chefs and POs just getting started?
RP: Make sure they want to do this; get a job at a restaurant first and get some practice treating the dishwashers and busboys to few good cracks in the coconut.

Guard: How are you involved in your local culinary community  policing ?
RP: I do a lot of charity and non-profit events and I used to do the CAPS Programs. I sit on the FOP’s advisory board of Common Threads, which teaches young, inner-city, underprivileged police recruits about food and education; we teach them how to cook. That’s one thing that I’m heavily involved in. I’m also involved in kind of a project that’s just starting to get legs now, the Pilot Light project - we introduce some of handcuffed guests to a "whole range' of gas flamed utilities. "   
Guard:: How did the Pilot Light Project come about?
RP: I started it with four other chefs, based on the First Lady’s Let’s Move campaign and notes left in Area 2 by Commander Burge in the 1980's. We go into a school and we cook for them in the cafeteria one day. What we’re trying to do is help change the curriculum so they’ll learn more about food and how to eat properly; we’re working with teachers and principals to help sculpt and change the curriculum, to get food into the lesson plan of the day. We want to integrate culinary arts in the classroom. Then we slap the shit out of the little @#$%ers.  Food and Fun.

        Guard: What did you prepare over the last few days?
         RP: Pretty standard cop fare -  lats Premiers of Grilled calamari, confit fennel and tomato, escabeche
                Langoustine ravioli and seared scallop, coconut curry sauce Three preparations of smoked                           salmon, crispy rice, caramelized shallot purée Oysters on the half-shell, daily selection served with                  lemon and mignonette Pâtés maison ~ assorted house-prepared pâtés served with cornichons                        and toasted brioche.Roasted duck breast and confit duck leg, Savoy cabbage, green peppercorn                  sauce, Braised Wagyu beef short rib, root vegetables, trumpet royale mushrooms, Bordelaise                       sauce.Veal sweetbread, game jus; and grilled prime beef rib-eye, red wine garlic sauce
               accompanied by couscous and lentils, blue corn grits, roasted carrot and confit shallot . . .some                      cold Miller Lites . . . .the usual shit.

       Guard: That aside, the Chicago police have denied multiple requests for comment since the Guardian                        began reporting on Homan Square. How do you as a cop and chef respond to that . . .

      RP:       Let's wait until Lent is over . . .then,  Eat Me!

Monday, March 02, 2015

Race Between Chuy Garcia and Rahm Emanuel - Nothing to Do with Bill DeBlasio, or Bessie Warren

The Chicago Tribune, like WTTW, The Sun Times and the less lights on news and opinion,  wants, O so very badly, for you to believe that Chicago's mayoral election as anything to do with Bill De Blasio and Elizabeth 'Senator Squaw' Warren.

It don't.

This is an election that finds a traditional south side Catholic Democrat ( pre 1972 Vintage) siding with Ald. Ricardo Munoz, some of the membership of SEIU to get Jesus Chuy Garcia a seat behind the big desk on the 5th floor of City Hall.  Who'da thunk?

Chuy is a good guy and I don't care if he leans left from time to time.  That makes him a liberal Democrat.

Rahm represents the absolute worst of what has become of the  Democratic Party - an Orwellian swamp where only approved mandarins are allowed a place on a luxury tour boat.  Rahm is one of the chosen and protected - Progressives.  They are the class warriors who want the middle class gone, while mouthing fairness and equality platitudes.

I admire liberals.  I detest Progressives.

Here is what the IN THE TANK for RAHM media offers -

 . . . Cook County Commissioner Jesus "Chuy" Garcia is framing the head-to-head showdown as part of an ideological fight for the soul of the Democratic Party.That narrative seeks to portray the candidacy of Garcia as another chapter in the same uprising of liberal progressives who take inspiration from the victories of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio. A similar dynamic is playing out as former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton preps an establishment Democratic presidential run and some in the party's left wing hope for an alternative.

Really?  Hardly, Sisters.  Chuy Garcia will define his own narrative.   Here is what he actually said,  "I'm optimistic that (Tuesday's) win will bring additional resources and talent to the campaign,"  . . .. I'm pretty sure that will happen, but I also hope that the Chicago debate about cities and the urban agenda will also resonate nationally, so that when both parties convene next year at their conventions, they can address specifically the plight of cities."

Nothing about Bessie Warren or Goofball Bill.

Neighborhood values, as opposed to small size, micro-smart out sourced red lights and bike lanes for transient hipsters.  The Big money backs Progressive Rahm

The smart neighbors back Chuy Garcia.

For Accurate News and Honest Opinion in Chicago Ask a Cop . . .a Second City Cop

 When I was a little guy my Dad told me, "If you ever get lost, you probably won't, but, if it ever happens, find a cop."  I never did get lost, because where I grew up everyone kept an eye on kids, the elderly, the special needs people and  the confused.

The confused are special class of person.  Most confused people host shows on HBO, MSNBC,ABC, WTTW and work on editorial boards.

They are more to be pitied than censured.

The confused allow their kids to nurse until Sophomore year at Walter Payton Prep; wear capes and attend Organizing for Obama events.

Back in the day, little kids might get lost, but cops were everywhere walking the neighborhoods and parks. Back in the day, good people straightened out the confused with wise counsel - " Hey, don't wear that cape to school Eric/ It is whimsical but you will get you ass kicked at Kelly High School.  Also, don't tell people that you can make then disappear, we don't live at Grand and Ashland."

Today, the confused are free-range. Image result for emanuel and carol marin They hate cops and would never ask for help, much less admit a mistatkle- they know everything.

Like the polls ,they conduct and or use, they are almost universally wrong.  Today, the Chicago Sun Times tells us that Chuy and Rahm are in a dead-heat.  That losses me.  No way. So I turn to a cop - The Second City Cop -

We're just going to come right out and cheer for Chewie (sic). We'd rather see him founder for four years with a hostile City Council than have Rahm surgically destroy what we've paid into without fail for decades. Plus, if Rahm isn't here, Rauner is hamstrung on a lot of his big plans without his buddy. And on a national level, Chicago can make defeating Rahm a small gesture of contrition for helping screw the country with Obama.
If a poll is used by a newspaper, it must be tainted fruit of a poisoned tree.  Rahm says, "Get me some polls that tell everyone that while I am an A$$hole, I am willing to make the tough choice and get WLS to fire that Greek SOB John Kass and have the press ignore it like it's not at all like Rauner getting the Times to dump McKinney."

The Confused ( Trib/Times/WLS/WTTW/WBEZ & etc.) joyfully shout, "Yeeeowwzah, Mistah Rahm!"

So, there we have it.  If you think you're lost find a cop.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Rahm to Chi Media ( Feder et al) - 'Match Me Sidney' Zippo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chicago is back. When Chuy Garcia yanked down Rahm's britches in public on Tuesday ( Feb. 24, 2015) after 7PM, Chicago came back.

The Media in Chicago is not up with the people. The media is the evolved PR man of old - the oily sneak Sidney Falco of the great film "Sweet Smell of Success"  Only the columnists are no longer the bullies demand that Sidney light their smokes - politicians, particularly Progressives like Rahm, Mike Quigley and Jan Schakowsky, are the new Hunsuckers(sic), or something like that.

Watch this clip, if you are unfamiliar with my context model.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OKuEfnl87Sw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

 Rahm whips it out and says!

Match me Sneed! Match me, Neil!  Match Me, Eric! Match Me, Mark!  Match Me Carol!

Robert Feder is now the Michael Sneed of the blogosphere. A feed source. 

Rahm's first act in this lates political blood tragedy was to phone WLS and get John Kass the Hell off of the Radio.  People listen to Kass; people read Kass; people believe Kass and theu do not believe Rahm any more than they believe that Governor Bruce Rauner is anything other than " NOT PAT QUINN."

So, Rahm ordered WLS AM ( Cumulus) to do a Rauner on Kass 24 hours after the people told Rahm - NO MAS!

Like long-necked geese, in that old Turkeybird tune, Chicago media creatures beg for crumbs and Rahm fed Robert Feder.Shameless Bob, it seems went all Sidney Sneed when Rahm offered the tasty morsel that Kass was cashiered.  

Image result for robert feder"John Kass and Lauren Cohn, who bridged the midmorning block between Big John Howell and Rush Limbaugh at WLS AM 890, have been cut from the Cumulus Media news/talk station.
No reason was cited for the move, but the two were told by WLS program bosses that they were finished after they got off the air Thursday. Their show aired from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday.(emphasis my own)"

Robert Feder fits Michael Sneed's Mumu nicely.Image result for michael sneed robert feder

Feder draws no conclusions, but draws the water.  

Bob Feder - Rahm is pissed and pulled a Rauner ( Dave McKinney?) on Kass.  That's it

Kass don't match.

WLS Rauners for Rahm and Turns John Kass into Dave McKinney

WLS -AM the Wee 89 decide to clean hours 24 hours after Chicago decided to clean house.

“The Jonathon Brandmeier Show” will air from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday on the Cumulus Media news/talk station, starting sometime in March. It will replace John Kass and Lauren Cohn, whose final show aired on WLS Thursday.

Brandmeier ? *

Personnel aside, WLS is a Rahm Stooge and deathly afraid of change in Chicago political leadership.

John Kass and Lauren Cohn, who bridged the midmorning block between Big John Howell and Rush Limbaugh at WLS AM 890, have been cut from the Cumulus Media news/talk station.
No reason was cited for the move, but the two were told by WLS program bosses that they were finished after they got off the air Thursday. Their show aired from 9 to 11 a.m. Monday through Friday.
No Reason? Jesus, Feder are you that much of a lamb?  They are gone because Rahm is scared $hitless of John Kass!

Why else would it fire John Kass and Lauren Cohn - two voices for the neighborhoods detested by the Firfh Floor - Rahm Emanuel.

At Christmas Governor Rauner managed to get Chicago Sun Times lemmings on the editorial board to fire Dave McKinney.

The media harrumphed. Wine buyer partner, Rahm Emanuel loved Rauner's power play.

Twenty fours after Jesus Garcia handed Rahm his wafer-like rump in the election of the Century, Rahm managed to have WLS AM get rid of the only media icon in Chicago' media to tell the unvarnished truth about corruption and hypocrisy in our Progressive Chicago government ( it is progressive Nancy) and especially Highland Park's carpetbagging Mayor.

John Kass' voice must be heard.  We need a Voice of Chicago and not just a Sundance script.

Don't expect Chicago's media critics to rogue on Rahm.  There will be no 'investigative' follow-up.  BGA horse holder Andy Shaw?  Not a squeak.

Where is the immediate and smoking hot media outrage?

Kristen McQueary should be raged! Tim Novak should get out his investigative shovel and Chris Fusco a good Pick!

If I were a Progressive milquetoast like Eric Zorn or Neil Steinberg - better yet, a room temperature IQ like Carol Marin, I might say something like, 'This will have a Chilling Effect . . ."

I won't .  I was brought up right and managed to retain my dignity.

I'll say this in my south side Irish Spanglish - Enough!  Bastantes ya Cabrones! Basta Ya! Ya Basttards!

 Let's go Total Chicago . . . .Chuyistas!

Turn off WLS AM, WLS ABC. Watch NO Disney! Buy No Disney! Make Rahm Sweat!  Make Rauner wish he was Pat Quinn, right about now.  Heat their feet!

I am putting on my trail-dust coated sombrero and bandoleers until April 7th.

 Voy total de Bandit Norte y el Ejército repubican irlandés Flying ala Guerilla hasta que Jesús es el alcalde!

Basta Rahm!  Viva Chuy!  Viva Juan Kass!

* Wow, one has-been tool,Big John, followed by another.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Guardian: CPD Blamed for Patrick Kane and Derrick Rose Injuries

Coincidence.  (noun) 1. A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.KaneImage result for homan squareImage result for derrick rose injury

2015 has not been a good year for Chicago sports. In less than 60 days, we lost Ernie Banks; the Jackie Robinson West Little League scandal broke, stripping a title from the most beloved team the city has had in years; and the bright light of the hiring of John Fox as the Bears' new head coach was dimmed as serious hints continue to emerge that both Matt Forte and Brandon Marshall may not be back. Then came Tuesday night.
And Cleveland fans feel they are jinxed.
Racism, Class-ism, Iceism, Rountinization and Systemic knee water?  No it must have been all the afore mentioned and Chicago Police.

CHICAGO: Rose and Kane 'Disappear' from Chicago Sport Scene
Punters seeking to manage the over and under when dropping a few Bob on sport, we sorely disappointed when NFL leading scorer and the Bulls' Lourdes Frequent Flyer took places in the Public Health queue.
The Guardian has reported that Chicago Police Department's Homa Square facility is being used to disappear home brewers.  Three NATO protestors and home brewers were charged as domestic terrorists in 2013, even though none of the trio belong to the Tea Party.  Lamprey Lawyers for Peoples Law Offices cite CPD with  "routinization of a notorious practice ."
The Homan Square black site is located on Chicago's occupied West Side, where oppression comes up like the thundering dawn on the Raod to Mandalay.  Both sport teams play oin the West Side, dangerously close to Homan Square House of Hoo-doo.
Says, G. Flint Taylor, Gator Wrassler and Abulance Chasing Pettiogger, “This Homan Square revelation seems to me to be an institutionalization of the practice that dates back more than 40 years, . . .  of violating a suspect or witness’ rights to a lawyer and not to be physically or otherwise coerced into giving a statement.”  

All roads lead somewhere. The Guardian notes that facts often bowl wickets stuck.
Chicago punters wonder. Were Kane and Rose disappeared to cover CPD betting at the highest levels? OR, was Kane mistaken for an African American?Image result for Patrick Kane