The nuanced voices are stacatto signalling caveats to Paul Vallas who announced thoughts of returning to Cook County and help fix the clown opera directed by Todd Stroger.
Todd Stroger was placed in the purple plush seat by some very nuanced thinkers in the Democratic Party who read in the tea leaves that Paul Vallas might, just might mind you, upset plans for off spring and even solidly emplaced 'powers that is.'
Paul Vallas was abandoned by the Democratic Leadership in Chicago and Cook County when he ran against Milorod Blagojevich, a shameless gate-crasher with clout, for Governor of Illinois.
Last week, Mark Brown of the Sun Times offered a nuanced reflection of Democrats turned Republican Past who failed in their bids at elected office in racially charged election cycles. I imagine that Brown had a Nuanced Chat with Quigley about Paul Vallas and Quigley, not to be brought up short(er) by a formidable man like Vallas jumped up to Brown's willing ears. Brown's nuances were deftly batted aside by Paul Vallas. Race is The Place for Nuanced Hack. Race works and so does Residency.
Today, Kristen McQueary, kind of a neighborhood girl, nuances the residency card:
Once again if he runs, he'll be doing it having not lived here for some time. He and his wife bought a home in Palos Heights, but Vallas spends most weeks in the bayou.
Maybe that means he still lives in Philly, according to his calculus.
How about this: Paul Vallas runs for office like a big boy, following all the rules. If he's a Democrat, he runs as a Democrat. We're kind of tired of schemes around here.
If Vallas runs for GOP Cook County Board president, he hasn't ruled out also running for a commissioner seat on the 17-member Cook County Board. That's how John Stroger did it. He held a commissioner seat, and therefore had a vote, while also serving as board president.
Todd Stroger opted not to run for a commissioner seat; he serves only as board president and does not have a vote.
In 2002, Paul took the Philly job and Sharon and the kids remained here and tried to sell their house. By 2005, most people in Illinois wished that they could have had a Governor Do-Over, as Joliet Land-Fill Rod had fallen out with Dick Mell and many others. Vallas sold his Morgan Park neighborhood home at 25$% West 107th Street, because the brilliant Burt Odelson had been blocked by the courts in allowing Paul Vallas to appear on the 2006 ballot for Governor against the nuanced Rod Blagojevich and that he was saddled with a huge campaign debt from 2002. Took a long time for the Vallas Family to sell that Georgian, but the Vallas Family was never too far from home, while Paul worked in Philly.
Heck, Paul Vallas continues to be an active Strategic Planning Board Member for Leo ( Catholic) High School in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood. Paul and Sharon bought a home in Palos Heights quite some time ago, while Paul worked in Philly and subsequently headed to Crescent City to help straighten out post-Katrina Louisiana education for Gov. Bobby Jindal. Nevertheless, Paul and Sharon remained more in-touch with Illinois than the
Nuanced Hack Supported Serving Govenor ( now impeached and convicted and out of office but on TV everywhere!) and the Empurpled and Daffy Todd Stroger, President of the Cook County Board.
Shoot, me and the neighbors talk to Paul and Sharon all the time.
Paul Vallas is not an educator, he is a budget and policy professional who was first brought into the Public Eye by Illinois Senator Phil Rock, a man of talent and integrity. Paul Vallas is needed in Cook County, for openers, and in the State of Illinois.
Save the nuance for the next
idiot the Nuanced Voices of Journalism want to trot out for public office - with, of course the counsel of
beauties like Mike Quigley.