Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain/Palin: Eric Zorn's EZ Guide to Why Progressives Are Such Pencil Neck Geeks! - Palin Talks Funny!

Hot on the heals of Joan Walsh's Salon piece that attempts to imply that Governor Sarah Palin pronounced 'Nuclear' as 'Nucular' Chicago Tribune's Size 7 1/2" Collar and Original Thinker Eric Zorn* gets hot under his tiny suburban collar!

In her first tough TV interview, GOP veepee nominee Sarah Palin several times referred to "nucular" weapons instead of "nuclear" weapons.

We fussy people cringe at this the way we cringe when we hear people say "ek-setera" and "liberry."
( Intrusive Narrator Hickey" Kick 'em in the Nuts! Gouge out their Eyes! Harrumph!) . . .
But at least three former U.S. Presidents -- Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton -- said "nucular" from time to time, and, of course, "nucular" has become virtually a trademark for George W. Bush. ( Intrusive Narrator - Note Eric's uses of The Progressive Smarm or the Ass Kicking Insurance)

Language experts tell us the reason "nucular" seems right to many speakers (and has even become an accepted pronunciation due to how common it's become) is that hundreds of English words end in "yoo-lar" --vascular, molecular, jocular and so on -- while very few end in the "lee-ar" -- cochlear and nuclear may be about it.

Is this a big deal? Obviously not. But Sarah Palin's handlers seemed to have thought so: In the script of her speech to the Republican convention, they spelled out the word phonetically for her: ( Instrusive Narrator: Did Michael Sneed write this last? Hmmmm? Lift 'Em? Print 'Em! Cash 'Em)

We're going to lay more pipelines {and] build more new-clear plants...Terrorist states are seeking new-clear weapons
Oh, Mercies Abounding! Did she Rah-lley Say That? Kewl - She So Whit Trosh! Murial Clair! That's So Not Kewl!'
Yep, and Progressives wonder why they can not get a like-minded fuss-budget elected anywhere more than 300 yards West of Lake Michigan.

Eric, my pencil necked pal, Governor Palin also pronounces herself to be a HAWKEY MAWM!

Eric, no one of the thousands of people in my neighborhood( Morgan Park/Beverly/Mt. Greenwood,TN) own a 'living room' - they all invite one another into THE FrunChroom. ' Tess, where's your Old Man?'
'In The Frunchroom layin' on the floor in his shorts watching the Sox at Comiskey ( Joan Cusack notwithstanding!).

Kids leave their bikes in the Gangway. A greenscape is a PRAYER-EE. Baptist, Jewish, Muslim and Atheist kids from Sutherland or Clissold Public schools will tell auslanders and reporters that they live in St. Barnabas, Caj-Uh Tens ( St. Cajetan) er Fisher ( St. John Fisher).

Eric we embrace diversity. Why is it that Progressives mock the richness and cultural rainbow that is our Global Village? Really. Eric Zorn and your sock-puppets really nail Governor Palin on the Issues!

Sarah Palin talks funny and has a Downs Syndrome Baby that she did not Abort. Sic her, Cupcake!

Hey, give Joanie Walsh of Salon her props. She called out Sarah Palin for all of you Original Thinkers!

* Ballad of the Progressive ( by Fred Blassie)
Till something happened, blew every thing to hell.
That night my daddy stumbled in, all pale and weak,
Said, "A woman up the block just gave birth to a geek."

Mom said, "Sell it to the circus, what the heck."
Dad said, "Nope, this one's a pencil neck.
And if there's one thing lower than a side show freak,
It's a grit eatin', scum suckin', pencil neck geek."

You see if you take a pencil that won't hold lead,
Looks like a pipe cleaner attached to a head,
Add a buggy whip body with a brain that leaks,
You got yourself a grit eatin', pencil neck geek.

Pencil neck geek, grit eatin' freak,
scum suckin', pea head with a lousy physique.
He's a one man, no gut, losing streak.
Nothin' but a pencil neck geek.

Soon the geeks were poppin' up all over town.
You couldn't hardly sneeze without knockin' one down.
After a nice juicy steak, if you need a toothpick,
Just reach for a geek, they'll do the trick.

One day we cut one up for fish bait.
Learned our lesson just a little bit late.
Soon as the geek hit the drink, the water turned red.
Next day, sure enough, all the fish were dead.


Most any night you know where I can be found.
Yeah, stomping some geek's head into the ground.
So keep the faith, 'cause in Blassie you can trust,
I won't give up 'til the last geek bites the dust.


They say these geeks come a dime a dozen.
I'm lookin' for the guy who's supplyin' the dimes.
Its gonna be real hard times for all of these
grit eatin',
scum suckin',
boot lickin',
drop kickin',
gut grindin',
nail bitin',
glue sniffin',
scab pickin',
butt scratchin',
egg hatchin',
pepper bellied,
dirty, lousy, rotten, stinkin', freaks.
Nothing but a pencil neck geek.

Pencil neck geek.
Pencil neck geek.
Pencil neck geek.

Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain/Palin: Steve Rhodes at NBC's Division Street Blog Restores Chicago Reporting!

That's Steve Rhodes -editor of Beachwood Reporter and NBC-Division Street casting pearls to swine -wearing lipstick and without!

Steve Rhodes is editor of the great Media Watch Blog The Beachwood Reporter

Steve Rhodes also manages NBC's Division Street Blog which tends to treat readres better than most Chicago newspaper political columnists.

Mr. Rhodes and I rarely, if ever, agree on things political. However, we agree that most politicians and political commentators are encrusted with equine effluvia -horse shit. Daley ( not John Daley whatsoever), Blago, Stroger, Quigley, Claypool, Shakowsky, Lipinski, and - my fingers are cramping - others are like a tribe of New Guinea spearmen encrusted with fecal matter. Like wise political pundits -print and public - have layers of horse shit abounding: Marin, Brown, Dold, Chapman, Greeley, Mitchell &etc.

Today, Steve Rhodes save Chicago journlism at Division Street:

Was Alaska Governor Sarah Palin really plucked from “relative obscurity” to run on John McCain’s ticket? Should a politician whom Matt Damon has never heard of be allowed on a national ticket? (Hey, Matt, when did you first hear of Barack Obama? A convention speech?) Is she really lying about the Bridge to Nowhere and her maverick credentials?

I took a spin through the ProQuest database of America’s newspapers and found, in fact, that the coverage of Sarah Palin in real time gibes perfectly with the image she and her allies are presenting. Take an objective journey with me and decide for yourself.

I’ll start with the Chicago dailies just to satisfy local curiosity and then move to the national press and wire services. This collection represents virtually every article returned in my search; I have omitted nothing of consequence or anything that would present a different view.


Sarah Palin in the Chicago Tribune

1. HEADLINE: Governor cancels ‘bridge to nowhere’
DATE: Sept. 22, 2007
EXCERPT: “Gov. Sarah Palin ordered state transportation officials Friday to abandon the “bridge to nowhere” project that became a nationwide symbol of federal pork-barrel spending.”

2. HEADLINE: Here’s the buzz: Sites help you keep up with trends (about google trends)
DATE: Oct. 19, 2007
EXCERPT: You can use buzz trackers to find out what’s making news, a sort of meta version of a news site’s “most e-mailed” list. Why, you may ask, is a “Sarah Palin” showing up on one list? A few clicks and, aha, she’s the get-tough (and photogenic!) Alaska governor getting the national-media spotlight right now.

3. HEADLINE: Alaska governor generates VP buzz
DATE: March 14, 2008
EXCERPT: Gov. Sarah Palin will be the first to admit that it might be a stretch for a hockey mom from Alaska to be considered for the No. 2 spot on Sen. John McCain’s presidential ticket.

But there’s an undeniable national buzz surrounding the first-term governor, seen by many Republicans as a fresh, new face to represent the party’s future.

Palin says she has not spoken to McCain about the prospect. But it came up when she was in Washington two weeks ago for a National Governors Association meeting. She rubbed elbows with others cited as vice-presidential possibilities: Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat.

“We all had a meeting with President Bush and he said, ‘Look at all these vice presidents sitting here,’” Palin said.

As for her recent news that she is pregnant with her fifth child, Palin said: “I’m very confident that a pregnant woman should not and doesn’t have to be prohibited from doing anything, including running for vice president.”

Keep reading →

→ 4 CommentsCategories: Presidential Poop · Punditocracy
Tagged: Barack Obama, Bridge to Nowhere, hockey mom, John McCain, maverick, polar bears, Sarah Palin

Eric Zorn’s Sexist Folly
September 11, 2008 · No Comments
The Tribune columnist today retells the jokes of late-night comics about Sarah Palin without any recognition of how offensive many of them are. For example:

Bill Maher: “I, John McCain, am the only one standing between the blood-thirsty Al Qaeda and you. But if I die, this stewardess can handle it.”

Jimmy Kimmel: “[S]he looks like one of those women in the Van Halen videos who takes off her glasses, shakes out her hair, and then all of a sudden, she’s in high heels and a bikini.”

David Letterman: “[She looks] like the lady in the dental office who gives you the keys to the restroom” and “like the woman in the department store who tries to spray you with perfume.”

Steve Rhodes, who manages and edits of the best Media Watching Blogs The Beachwood Reporter, also runs Chicago NBC's Division Street Blog.

Steve and I rarely agree on politics ( and the Piggies who slurp at its trough), but we agree on depth and fecundity of the equine effluvia tossed by the bulk of politicians and their parasites.

Steve and I agree that a saloon and not a salon is the very best place to hear, injest and disseminate political thought.

Today, Steve Rhodes offers an honest and open assessment of the HAWKEE MAWM from Wassila - with whom I am enchanted. I have no illusions that Sarah Palin would not shoot, geld, and field dress me were it in her political interests; yet, I find her to be free of the horse-shit that encoats Daley ( all but John Daley - he is H/S Free), Blagojevich, Quigley, Claypool, Shakowsky, Stroger, and Durbin. Most political journalists or would be political journalists surpass the professional horse-hit merchants - Zorn, Brown, Dold, Chapman, Greeley, Sweet, Mitchell, and Marin.

Steve Rhodes, Mark Rhoads,Steve Huntley, Levois,Cal Skinner, Bill Baar, John Rubery, Anne Leary, Tom Roeser, Phil Kadner, Kristen McQueary tend to be horse-shit free.

Steve, I'll buy you one the size of Quigley's Ego!

*Click my post title for the Full Pint from Steve Rhodes!

McCain/Palin: Salon -'Insists' - That Readers Agree - The Semiotic Seduction

Joan Walsh, the Gee Whiz Xanthippe of 'insists' that readers 'understand' that

1. Gov. Palin is a Stepford Wife Dominatrix

2. Feminism really means something to mothers of America, as well as 'divorced, single-by-choice, or alternative inclination' females.

3. John McCain is a long-legged Mac Daddy

4. Change will only come if everyone does and thinks as Salon -'insists.'

My Aunt Helen used to ladle an extra pint of Dinty Moore Beef stew on my biscuits with an 'I insist!' No argument from this fat-boy Aunt Helen, ladle it on!

I love my Aunt Helen who insisted that I pray to the image of the Sacred Heart and not act like such a little jerk -'all of the time.'

Other people have insisted -'Have shot of Jack.' Pass, that stuff would gag a maggot. Strictly a Smithwicks Man, Noam.'

Other people have insisted that I 'read this op-piece by Noam Chomsky he really understands.' But I do not understand Noam. The guy has the personality of a dial tone.

Some others have insisted that I 'vote for Obama.' I did. Twice. Right here in Illinois. He got creamed by Bobby Rush and won over Allan Keyes!

Now Joan Walsh and her crew 'Insist' that Sarah Palin looks lke 'deer in the headlights ( Dan Quayle -BTW Quayle Won Huge!) and that Charlie Gibson tossed grapefruits at the Governor on ABC last night - saw it Joanie. Gov. did fine.

But Joanie 'insists' upon this doozy:

The fact that Sarah Palin sat for her humiliating interview with ABC's Charles Gibson on 9/11 is one of those strange serendipitous events that makes one believe there's order in the universe. Remember how 9/11 changed everything, especially our new seriousness about the larger world and foreign policy? Never again would we risk a president, maybe not even a senate candidate, without global experience and sophistication.

What a mockery Palin made of all that. I'll get criticized as sexist for saying this, but I would say the same thing about a man who sounded this ignorant: Talking to Charles Gibson tonight, Palin sometimes reminded me of poor Miss South Carolina, who, asked why many Americans can't find the U.S. on a map, famously said: "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps. And I believe that our education, like, such as in South Africa and the Iraq, everywhere, like such as, and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for our children."

This statement from Palin about Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is better, but not hugely: "I believe that under the leadership of Ahmadinejad, nuclear weapons in the hands of his government are extremely dangerous to everyone on this globe, yes. We have got to make sure these weapons of mass destruction, that nuclear weapons are not given to those hands of Ahmadinejad, not that he would use them, but that he would allow terrorists to be able to use them. So we have got to put the pressure on Iran."

N.B - Joanie had nucular misspelled -which I believe was meant to be a an affront to Governor Palin. Could be? Nah. Well, maybe.
Nah, no thanks. Non Sequitur, Joanie. This will keep you with a gig shouting with the White Noise Chris 'Milky' Matthews on The Tool Shed -MSNBC, but it is a roar of laughs to folks who can read - read about what they also witnessed. What? Were you hallucinating? Joan Walsh and Salon will continue to crank out laughs and McCain'Palin will continue to erode the once powerful lead enjoyed by the Junior Senator from Illinois.

When Aunt Helen insists, pour it on.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 - America Invictus

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain/Palin: Trump the Race Card - Jesus was a Cajun!

Got this from Bull Dog Pundit at Ankle Biting Pundits. The Race Card is Flashed!

To avoid the Mary Mitchells and Hermene Hartman and Donna Brazile and Governor Dave Patersons (D. NY' Paterson sees the repeated use of the words "community organizer" as Republican code for "black". Uh-huh.) of America who might turn Obama's Race Cards before they're needed. Too early to play the Race Card. Wait until just before Halloween! Really get the Kids Scared!

Allow me to trump the Race Card with a theological turn on Rev. James Cones' Black Liberation Theology that he plagiarized from South American Catholic Lberation Theology. This trick is called Cajun Liberation Theology which has a much creedance as the arguement that Jesus is Black. He's Ragin Cajun! 'EYE -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Suck da Heads off Dat Crawdad!'

Jesus was a Cajun! Jesus was a Ragin’ Cajun! ( Missa Solmenis - Charlie Daniels and the CDB)

From a town in Louisiana on the wrong side of the tracks,
came a rowdy Ragin Cajun by the name of Jeezah Criy,
He was harder than a hickory long and thinner than a rail,
He was faster than a Copperhead and he werent afraid of hell,
He turned 18 in the Parish courthouse facin 10 to life,
about some altercation in a beer joint with a knife,
He said judge I mean your honor I hope you’ll understand,
but if it happened here today I think I’d do it all again,
cause you don’t get up in my face, you don’t call my mama names,
you don’t whistle in my kitchen, you dont pull my big dogs chain,
I don’t mean no disrespect but I been stubborn, all my life

He’d been two years in prison when his cousin Jay came down,
said his sister was in trouble in some far off Northern town,
He broke out of jail that night and left a note behind,
I’ll see ya’ll in a week or so, till then I’m hard to find,
He found her in a tavern up in westside Buffalo,
Gave her a one way ticket home and pushed her out the door,
Said I’m lookin for the man who done my little sister harm,
he’s a soul destroying punk that stuck a needle in her arm,
and some pimp back in the corner, started makin himself small,
but he grabbed him by the collar and he pushed him to the wall,
He said you try to run away, you gone regret it, all your life,

The Cajun started laughin when the pimp pulled out a knife,
He said I oughtta kill ya, but I’m gonna spare your life,
With one sledgehammer fist he knocked him sprawlin on the floor,
and then he kicked him in his forked end, and he headed for the door,
He walked on down the sidewalk and hit the Southern trail,
He went back to Louisiana and he walked into the jail,
He said I had some business up above the bunkie line,
but my debts have all been settled and I’ve come to do my time,
and I hope I didnt cause no trouble, I wasnt tryin to run away,
But a feller owed me somethin and I had to make him pay,
Besides I’m kind of proud I been a coonass, all my life

Rev. Pat Hickey - Archbishop of the Cajun Liberation Theology Church of Crawdad Pies and Etoufe!

GAWD DAMN . . . this is Fine Pie!

Gawd Damn Ameriquest!

Nah,nah,nah, nah, nah Gawd Damn Dem Dere Gater Totz is Hot!!!!!!!!

McCain/Palin: Crossing the Pig to Nowhere with Barack 'Lipstick Barry' Obama

Gee Whizz! The Press decided to make Obama sound like a school snitch that got pants-ed* during lunch hour.

From Ben Smith's Politico:

Obama said the McCain campaign moved to "seize an innocent remark and take it out of context because they knew it's catnip for the news media."

"See, it would be funny, but the news media decided that would be the lead story yesterday. This happens every election cycle. Every four years, this is what we do. This is what they want to spend two of the last 55 days talking about...Enough!" he said.

Obama called the attacks "lies, outrage and swift boat politics."

"These are serious times and they call for a serious debate...spare me all the phony outrage. Spare me all the phony talk about change," he said.

Which reminded me of Nice Deb's Posting some time back - would this sniveling cry-baby give the keys to U.S.A. R Us to Chavez or other tyrants if they got fresh with Obama?

Here at home a girl has been 'picking on him' for a week and a 72 year old man has been laughing at Barack Obama! Now, only MSNBC and CNN takes him seriously.

* Pants-ed (v. transitive To Pants, or the condition of pants(ed) past tense) etymology - from the Chicago-ese the condition of having been the victim of an act perpetratued by one or more persons as a cautionary discipline. The trousers or pants are pulled down and,in the more serious cases involving snitching or telling, removed entirely from the culprit and tossed over a phone wire or tree.

McCain/Palin: Obama Bats Third - Behind Dodd and Kerry on the Fannie Mae All-Stars!

Obama Plays Ball and Bats Third for The Fannie Mae All Stars! That's More than Change! That's Folding Money!

Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008


1. Dodd, Christopher J

2. Kerry, John

3. Obama, Barack

4. Clinton, Hillary

5. Kanjorski, Paul E

6. Bennett, Robert F

7. Johnson, Tim

8. Conrad, Kent

9. Davis, Tom

10. Bond, Christopher S 'Kit'

11. Bachus, Spencer

12. Shelby, Richard C

13. Emanuel, Rahm

14. Reed, Jack

15. Carper, Tom

16. Frank, Barney

17. Maloney, Carolyn B

18. Bean, Melissa

19. Blunt, Roy

20. Pryce, Deborah

21. Miller, Gary

22. Pelosi, Nancy

23. Reynolds, Tom

24. Hoyer, Steny H

25. Hooley, Darlene

John McCain did not make the cut!

Civil Truth on Sarah Palin from Civil Truth Himself!

My Pal Civil Truth who posts for And Rightly So and Red State ( with whom I parted ways for sticking up for John McCain during the Immigration Days in Exile with GOP purists - Good Lads One and All!) wrote a sober and sensitive piece on Governor Sarah Palin that I post and link here.

Sarah Palin’s character distilled into a moment of time
Posted by civil truth on September 8th, 2008

Copyright © 2008 And Rightly So!

On the day McCain announced her selection as his running mate, Palin thanked Clinton and Ferraro for blazing her trail. A day later, Ferraro noted her shock at Palin’s comment. You see, none of her peers, no one, had ever publicly thanked her in the 24 years since her historic run for the White House.

When I read these sentences, I was just stunned, almost like the sky had opened up. And a tear came into my eye.

I mean, imagine all the pain that Geraldine Ferraro must have been enduring this past quarter century, that since her unsuccessful run for Vice President, that no one from among her supposed supporters had ever publicly thanked for her historic run, almost like she had contracted a social disease.

And then, when she had faded into public obscurity, the unexpected vindication - and that coming not from the ranks of her own political party, but from the mouth of a women from the Republican party, thanking her for her labors during her first address to the nation after getting the nod as that party’s candidate for Vice President.

I mean if you have ever been in a somewhat comparable position, then you know the joy and relief that we feel when some one says “thank you” in recognition, tell us that we matter, that we are appreciated. I know such at times in my life when I’ve poured out my heart and was wallowing in self-pity, the healing power that hearing “thank you” has had.

And it takes a noble spirit, a generous heart to cross partisan lines to say those simple, and yet all-so rare lines - “thank you”.

This simple act says more about about Sarah Palin’s character than reams of analysis. Sarah, you’re gold!

Read the whole article: it’s most perceptive in explaining the astonishing impact the Sarah Palin has had on people who never before have entertained the thought that the Republican party might better represent their interests, at least a Republican party that chose Sarah to be one of its standard bearers.

McCain/Palin: Cardinal George Opposes Abortion - Media Shills for Obama and Lawyers Look for an End-Around

Lawyers and Media Shills will toss more manure than a mad cow and generally they get away with it - barrels of ink and a litigious impulse.

Most people have solid convictions and good sense. Lawyers and Media Shills will talk until it seems that they win - consequences be damned. This morning two clear examples glare at us from the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times over abortion and the election. McCain/Palin oppose Abortion and Obama/Biden is committed to Abortion. A lawyer and a Media Shill tell Catholic readers how to ignore the teachings of their Church, their Cardinal Archbishop, and their convictions and do what too many Catholic politicians do . . .what ever they feel like.

I'll stick with my beliefs and listen to Cardinal George - OK, pinheads! Start whining about scandal and war and anything but the issue of abortion - no wait, the lawyer andthe Media Shill are on it. Go back to your Pop Tarts.

Carol Marin, who had absolutely no moral compass when the chance of a hot story led her to help destroy the lives of an immigrant couple*, uffishly opines that Cardinal George of Chicago** is morally skewed:

Why has abortion become the principal litmus test of devout Catholicism? Or of a candidate's fitness? And why is a woman's womb always the first and foremost rallying cry of the culture wars?

I went back to read the bishops' own 12-page treatise, issued in 2004, called "Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility."

It is a long and thoughtful document.

"We face fundamental questions of life and death, war and peace, who moves ahead and who is left behind," it reads.


Amen? '. . .And Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus' - when? That's from the Hail Mary. For Catholics it seems to me that it extends to the womb, Carol. Carol Marin is all about the story and the story is all about Obama getting swept into the White House. Like the Fogartys and Carols need to get National Buzz - that's all that matters. They can be charged, imprisoned falsely, bankrupted and nearly destroyed, but Carol gets what she wants. That's the Media. Especially the Sun

And the there is the Medill Ayers Dodgers at the Chicago Tribune who have trotted out a lawyer. There's lawyers and then there's lawyers - Doug Kmiec was a lead anti- Abortion lawyer and now he is a hair-splitter:
For the last several months, conservative bloggers have been lampooning me for endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president—admittedly, a somewhat unusual thing for a Republican to do—so some political paddling is fair. What is unfair has been those Republican partisans who have tried to close the door on Obama in the name of the Catholic faith.

Obama does not advocate the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, and orthodox Catholics do. We do for the very clear reason given by George in a Sept. 2 letter—namely, "one cannot favor the legal status quo on abortion and also be working for the common good."

That's exactly right, but what's wrong is for Republican partisans to claim this to be Obama's position. It's not. Rather, Obama believes there are alternative ways to promote the "culture of life," even given the law's sanction of abortion.

The central hope of the Obama campaign is to find common ground—not by "favoring" that which can never be acceptable, the taking of innocent unborn life, but by dealing with the legal reality in a way that at least reduces the likelihood of abortion. Chicago is only Obama's adopted home, but in this he represents the best of her "I will/city of big shoulders/let's get something practically done" spirit.

Unlike Obama, I regret to say the current Republican Party thrives on demonizing its opposition to win elections. Without ideas, there is only name-calling. That's too bad because additional avenues for strengthening a culture of life open up when we avoid demonizing those who disagree with our Catholic view that life begins at conception. Talking strongly pro-life, Republicans often do little, promising that some judge not yet appointed is the answer or advocating leaving it all up to the states to decide, seldom acknowledging that many, perhaps most, states would end embedding the "legal status" of abortion—exactly contrary to the cardinal's thoughtful instruction.

Obama seeks to extend a helping hand (increased funding for prenatal care, maternity leave and less cumbersome and expensive adoption) with an astute understanding of how closely economic circumstances and abortion are related. Both reasonable extrapolations from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics and a recent Catholic in Alliance for the Common Good study find that improving the economic well-being of the average family in general, and of the women facing the abortion decision in particular, can save unborn lives.
From 1979 to 1990, during a difficult inflationary economy, the annual rate of abortion increased by 14.2 percent, resulting in an additional 740,000 abortions. In the more economically stable decade following, the annual rate decreased by 34 percent, meaning that approximately 2.3 million children who would have been aborted are alive to-day.

The pretense that the GOP is now an agent for change for what it, itself, instituted is far too Orwellian to be accepted. The Obama-Biden team says to the average working person in America: Your work matters, and it will be compensated at a family wage; your retirement will be safeguarded from corporate fraud and manipulation—be it by cooking the books a la Enron Corp. or the legal abuses of a shadow banking system that by profligate lending practice has precipitated massive government bailouts and the takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

Sen. John McCain is an honorable man caught between a failed presidency and the tired ideas of his party that only invite repetition of that failure. There's no reason that failure should be extended in a way that blocks the greater protection of unborn life.

Douglas W. Kmiec is the author of "Can a Catholic Support Him?—Asking the Big Question About Barack Obama" and former constitutional legal counsel to President Ronald Reagan.

Mr. Pettifogger talks eleven to the dollar on a ten - Obama and Biden extend helping hands and McCain/Palin are Orwellian - got it dummies?

Conscience does not matter. Life does not matter. All that matters is that Obama gets in for Lawyers and Ink-Slingers.

It is not gonna happen.

Hey, Carol! Amen!

*Instead, I will post an interesting passage from The Blanket a website dedicated to a united Ireland. Two Chicagoans, Mary and Chris Fogarty, had their life's savings depleted in an attempt to defend themselves from the FBI, IRS, MI-5, and other acronymic agencies with the complicity of NBC 5's Carol Marin.

I remembered the case, because one of the murdered people was related to a girl who taught at Bishop McNamara in Kankakee ( funny how that town dovetails ( George & Lura Lynn & etc.), and I remembered how much storm the story had around the time of the Good Friday Peace Accords and the horrific Omagh bombings.

There should be a 'Follow-up' story to this - but the News media rarely do that when a story goes south on them. Carol Marin, how about some answers?

** Cardinal George's Statement:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the midst of a lengthy political campaign, matters of public policy that are also moral issues sometimes are misrepresented or are presented in a partial or manipulative fashion. While everyone could be expected to know the Church's position on the immorality of abortion and the role of law in protecting unborn children, it seems some profess not to know it and others, even in the Church, dispute it. Since this teaching has recently been falsely presented, the following clarification may be helpful.

The Catholic Church, from its first days, condemned the aborting of unborn children as gravely sinful. Not only Scripture's teaching about God's protection of life in the womb (consider the prophets and the psalms and the Gospel stories about John the Baptist and Jesus himself in Mary's womb) but also the first century catechism (the Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) said: "You shall not slay the child by abortions. You shall not kill what is generated." The teaching of the Church was clear in a Roman Empire that permitted abortion. This same teaching has been constantly reiterated in every place and time up to Vatican II, which condemned abortion as a "heinous crime." This is true today and will be so tomorrow. Any other comments, by politicians, professors, pundits or the occasional priest, are erroneous and cannot be proposed in good faith.

This teaching has consequences for those charged with caring for the common good, those who hold public office. The unborn child, who is alive and is a member of the human family, cannot defend himself or herself. Good law defends the defenseless. Our present laws permit unborn children to be privately killed. Laws that place unborn children outside the protection of law destroy both the children killed and the common good, which is the controlling principle of Catholic social teaching. One cannot favor the legal status quo on abortion and also be working for the common good.
This explains why the abortion issue will not disappear and why it is central to the Church's teaching on a just social order. The Church does not endorse candidates for office, but she does teach the principles according to which Catholics should form their social consciences. The teaching, which covers intrinsic evils such as abortion and many other issues that are matters of prudential judgment, could not be clearer; the practice often falls short because we are all sinners. There is no room for self-righteousness in Catholic moral teaching.

The Conference of Bishops in this country and the Bishops of Illinois have issued statements about Catholic social teaching and political life. They are available in our parishes. All of us should keep our country and all the candidates for office in the next election in our prayers. God bless you and your families.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain/Palin: School Choice is Chanel # 5 - Obama Hoses a Sea of Cheap Perfume on a Pig

Hope Floats like a Butterfly! Straight-Talk Stings Like Bee!

Barack Obama in a smarmy attempt to brush back the dandruff from his shoulders - all them flakes around him it is no wonder. His Armani left in the limo, Shirt -Sleeves Barry called the McCain/Palin Surge 'Lipstick on a Pig.'

Oh, No He didn't. Uh,Huh! He Did! Go,Barry! Go, Barry! . . .

and then the Junior Senator Without Resume tossed a gallon of Tassels LaTrune Old Useful Allure Au de cologne all over the pet pig of Public Education!

Obama offered new proposals Tuesday to double federal funding for charter schools and establish a federal fund to encourage better use of computers and technology in the classroom at a total cost of $1 billion annually.

Combined with education proposals he announced last year, Obama plans to expand federal aid to education by $19 billion per year. The bulk of Obama's proposed funding increases target making preschool education more affordable, providing better pay for high-performing teachers and improving math and science teaching

Twice as much more for Public Schools! Charter Schools, Senator, are Public Schools. Double the Funding to same group of geniuses who have all but killed education in America. Heck Obama and Billy Ayers* MADE Chicago Public Schools what they are today!

Thus, exit safety, teacher accountability, effective budgetary control, skilled management, serious curriculum development.

School Choice - Vouchers - is the only genuine path to school reform. That would mean Choice - not just so N.O.W. can ensure more Abortions - real choice - the civil rights issue of the post-racial 21st Century! Unless of course Senator Obama is bound to the same old same old racial politics.

Obama's historical nomination should signal the end to racial politics and all the concomitant cottage industries associated with racial politics and class warfare.

John McCain is for real Real Change - Real Choice - Education Reform.

Obama is dousing a smelly old hog with gallons of cheap perfume - didn't work in the 1970's and still not working.

Love Me, I'm a Liberal
by William Ayers
Upon returning from summer break, I found a surprising letter awaiting me written by three colleagues from another university, two of whom I'd known and worked with for decades. The letter simultaneously informed me about a conference my friends were organizing and explained -- with some anguish I think -- that I would not be welcome there.

They note that we're living in troubled times, that calculated appeals to fear rule the day, and that they hope to counter all of that. Ironically, fear is stamped all over the letter.

I'm reminded of when Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin were hauled before the fearsome House Committee on Un-American Activities, refused to bow, and helped to laugh it out of existence. Or when the universities were cowed by a bullying government into banning the DuBois Clubs -- a handful of students in the youth-wing of the CP who were attacked by Richard Nixon for intentionally creating a front group that would dupe people because it rhymed with the Boys Clubs -- and we members of Students for a Democratic Society signed up en masse and swelled their membership a hundredfold.

I find myself sitting here humming Phil Ochs' brilliant "Love Me, I'm a Liberal."

Different times demand different responses, of course, but to claim the mantle of "social justice" while practicing this kind of exclusion is unacceptable.

Their letter to me and my response to them are reproduced below. I've edited out identifiable references to my colleagues in order to protect the . . . well, you decide, let's just say their privacy. I can be reached at, or Onward

William Ayers
Distinguished Professor
University of Illinois at ChicagoDear Bill,

This is an unusual letter for us to be writing and for you to receive. We count you among the most noted progressive educators in the country with a deep commitment to teaching for social justice. Yet, after extended deliberation and discussion, we find ourselves in a real quandary. Because of current . . . times, we cannot invite you to an event we are planning for progressive educators. Because we know and deeply respect you and your commitment to teaching for social justice, we felt that an explanation was in order.

Next spring, we will host an event . . . to honor Bob Moses and progressive education. Bob is to receive the . . . John Dewey Prize for Progressive Education. This prize is . . . "to honor significant achievement in progressive education for the purpose of making society more just." In an era of increasing standardization and heightened inequities, we want to shine a bright light on the ideals of progressive education and remind the public that there is another model for education that attends well to the needs of every child. It is our intention to invite other progressive educators to this convening and to create a significant news and media event honoring the ideals of progressive education [and] the work of Bob Moses. . . .

It is because of our commitment to educate the public and to undertake what is primarily a symbolic project that we cannot risk a simplistic and dubious association between progressive education and the violent aspects of your past. We believe, of course, in your right to express your views, then and now. This is not about curtailing your expression. Rather, in this age when Google summarizes instantly, and often shallowly, who we are, it is about trying to say as clearly as possible what we are arguing for. If we, as educators, want to engage the learner, in this case the public, where they are, then we have to find ways for the public to see progressive education not as radical or threatening but as nurturing and familiar, connected to the very best aspects of their own learning experiences. For the last five years local and regional news organizations have taken the "liberal" . . . faculty . . . to task. It is an environment that we have challenged when key principles were involved, defending and maintaining our . . . commitment to social justice against the state bureaucracy. This event, however, is a celebration honoring two educators' accomplishments and positively promoting progressive education. We don't want a shallow press to prevail. We want to engage the public with as little interference as possible.

One major reason for presenting a prize at this time is that progressivism, and progressive education in particular, have been greatly weakened by a broad and calculated appeal to our fears in this changing world. We want to reinsert into the civil dialogue that progressive education stands upon its proven record and can be a viable alternative when our mood turns away from fears and towards hopes. First, we need to get ourselves back to the table, and then position ourselves as polite in our discourse before celebrating the breadth of expression within progressive education. Coming from behind may well demand such strategic thinking, whether is satisfies all of our passion or not.

We hope this letter finds you well and that you understand and possibly appreciate this decision.


"Lauren" and the organizers


August 29, 2006

Dear Lauren,

You have, of course, no obligation to include me in the progressive education conference you're organizing, certainly not in your deliberations about my suitability to attend. I'm tempted to say, with apologies to Groucho Marx, that I wouldn't want to attend any progressive education conference that would have me.

Chances are I'd have never heard of the conference had you not written, and in any case wouldn't have given a second thought to my presence on or absence from the guest list. But since you've opened this in the way you have, since you've outlined your thinking on the matter and invited me to understand and possibly appreciate your decision, I feel I must respond.

Your hope to position progressive education "not as radical or threatening but as nurturing and familiar" is in some ways a fool's errand. Of course, no one argues that the progressive movement should threaten students or teachers or citizens -- progressive education does indeed hold the hope of realizing a humane and decent education for all within a revitalized politics and a more authentically democratic society. But progressive education, if it means anything at all, must embody a profound threat to the status quo. It is a direct challenge, for example, to all the policy initiatives that deskill and hammer teachers into interchangeable cogs in a bureaucracy, all the pressure to reduce teaching to a set of manageable and easily monitored tasks, all the imposition of labels and all the simple-minded metrics employed to describe student learning and rank youngsters in a hierarchy of winners and losers. It's a threat to all that, and more.

But here we face a contradiction at the heart of our efforts: the humanistic ideal and the democratic injunction tell us that every person is an entire universe, that each can develop as a full and autonomous person engaged with others in a common polity and an equality of power; the capitalist imperative insists that profit is at the center of economic, political, and social progress, and develops, then, a culture of competition, elitism, and hierarchy. An education for democracy fails as an adjunct to capitalism just as an education for capitalism fails to build either a democratic ethos or a participatory practice. We must engage, then, in the arena of school and education reform as we struggle toward a world fit for all children -- a place of peace and justice, joy and balance. The two are inseparable.

And so I believe that progressive education must be part of a radical movement if it is to be worthy of the hopes and dreams of those who fight to bring humanistic alternatives to life. I mean radical in the sense that Ella Baker, one of the unsung mothers of the Civil Rights Movement, used the word. She called herself a radical, and she explained that radical meant "going to the root." Little reforms here and there never add up unless we get to the core of the problems we face, she argued, analyze our situations, connect the struggles as we work for more fundamental change.

Charlie Cobb, who co-wrote Radical Equations, was also the author of the original proposal for Freedom Schools in the South more than forty years ago. The brief he wrote claimed that while Black children were denied many things -- decent school facilities, honest and forward-looking curriculum, fully qualified teachers -- the fundamental injury was "a complete absence of academic freedom, and students are forced to live in an environment that is geared to squashing intellectual curiosity, and different thinking." Cobb called the classrooms of Mississippi "intellectual wastelands," and he challenged himself and others "to fill an intellectual and creative vacuum," and to encourage people "to articulate their own desires, demands and questions." He was urging students to confront the circumstances of their lives, to wonder about how they got to where they were, and to think of how they might change things. He was crossing hard lines of propriety and tradition, convention and common sense, of course, poised to break the law and overthrow a system. His proposal was designed to plow a deep and promising furrow toward the new -- more than radical, this was insurrection itself, progressive education linked to radical politics.

Of course, we are required now to make our own contributions in our own time and place; the pathway, the content, and the curriculum must be of, by, and for this moment and this community. We might take inspiration and attitude, sustenance and stance from the Mississippi experience, but only as an orientation toward launch, toward imagining and trying to bring to life something entirely new.

Finally, you refer to "the violent aspects" of my past. As you know I've written extensively about politics and protest as well as my own involvements, about the dual responsibilities to act and to doubt, and about the impossibility of claiming a high moral stance while sitting on the sidelines. I've accounted for my actions during the US assaults on Vietnam and against the Black Freedom Movement -- which is what I assume you're referring to -- and paid the price asked of me by the legal system. And I've said often that our society ought to engage in a truth-and-reconciliation process concerning those terrible and wondrous times; in other words, I'm happy to stand up, tell my story, admit my mistakes, and take responsibility -- shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone else, including war criminals, politicians, soldiers, officers, frat boys, students, scholars, citizens. Absent that, you seem to say that I have some uniquely dreadful behavior to account for, and I politely disagree.

I worry that you're imagining a progressivism divorced from politics, the larger world, and any real hope of transformation -- a timid, tepid, soft and servile thing. And I worry that your attempt to cleanse your conference of the likes of me has no end: you'll have to cut out the Marxists and the socialists, of course, anyone who writes critically about capitalism and education, then the militants, the noisy anti-racists, the pushy feminists, the gays and lesbians, anyone who refers to "social justice" -- a term under steady attack from the powerful just now. I'm reminded of the last presidential election when several presumably well-meaning liberals asked, in effect, if women would please stop talking so loudly about (or getting) abortions, if gays would please get back in the closet, and if Black people and Mexicans might stay out of sight for a few months so that "we" can win this thing, and then everything will somehow be alright. It's not only unprincipled, deeply cynical and cowardly, it's suicidal, a slippery slope with lots of miserable historical precedent.So, while I think I understand what you've said, no, I don't appreciate it. I don't rationalize it. I don't endorse it. And I refuse to participate in portraying myself as a pariah. So invite me.



Double Down!

McCain/Palin: Cartoon Character Billy Ayers Bombs With His Own Cartoon - Oooze 'N Snooze!

Hugh Hewitt of Townhall links Jake Tapper's ABC report of Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers - America's #1. Domestic Terrorist - 'dumbing down' Cartoon for Really Stupid People on What He Means - Next feature should include a four panel knock-up explaining the 'Old Glory Polka' from Chicago Magazine!

BTW - Billy - where's that happenin' old guy ear-ring? Damg, next you'll be festooned in a Shriner's Fez!

Billy Ayers - Dope You Can Not Believe(in)! Hunter S. Thompson on peyote, Jack Daniels, Wild Turkey and amyl nitrates could not make this stuff up!

McCain/Palin: Sarah Palin's Ok with Us - Salon Should Sell Beer.

Billy Ayers and his odious Old Lady were members of University of Illinois Chicago Dean Stanley Fish's 'salon' - a gathering of guys who wear turtle-necks and tweed and their wives and significant others dedicated to frank and open discussions of 'how stupid and inconsequential Americans tend to be.' Rawley!

Joan Walsh*, the Irish Honors Student editor of Salon, has a flat-out assault on Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. Salon is a literary extension of the wine and brie-sotted set discussing 'how stupid and inconsequential Americans tend to be.;

Joanie Walsh is a WOW -N.O.W. WOMAN and an MSNBC sneer-caster.

She sent Juan Cole** ( the Anti-colonialist author and smart guy that Yale took a pass on) out to tell us that Sarah Palin is the head of the Alaska Taliban.

You know Alaska, where the celebration of Diversity has led to massive castrations of pre-teen girls, where opposition candidates are garroted, where non-moose diets are proscribed, where 80% of the Alaska Population wails and gnashes teeth.

The Tweedy Twerps want all of 'stupid and inconsequential Americans' to know that,

' Contemporary Muslim fundamentalists, however, generally oppose abortion.

Palin's stance is even stricter than that of the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 2005, the legislature in Tehran attempted to amend the country's antiabortion statute to permit an abortion up to four months in case of a birth defect. The conservative clerical Guardianship Council, which functions as a sort of theocratic senate, however, rejected the change. Iran's law on abortion is therefore virtually identical to the one that Palin would like to see imposed on American women, and the rationale in both cases is the same, a literalist religious impulse that resists any compromise with the realities of biology and of women's lives. Saudi Arabia's restrictive law on abortion likewise disallows it in the case or rape or incest, or of fetal impairment, which is also Gov. Palin's position.

Theocrats confuse God's will with their own mortal policies. Just as Muslim fundamentalists believe that God has given them the vast oil and gas resources in their regions, so Palin asks church workers in Alaska to pray for a $30 billion pipeline in the state because "God's will has to get done." Likewise, Palin maintained that her task as governor would be impeded "if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God." Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei of Iran expresses much the same sentiment when he says "the only way to attain prosperity and progress is to rely on Islam."

Not only does Palin not believe global warming is "man-made," she favors massive new drilling to spew more carbon into the atmosphere. Both as a fatalist who has surrendered to God's inscrutable will and as a politician from an oil-rich region, she thereby echoes Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has been found to have exercised inappropriate influence in watering down a report in 2007 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.'

The article links Time magazine's earlly broadsides against Palin that go nowhere. Juan Cole tries to scare the bejabbers out of us 'stupid and inconseqential Americans' with a twice told tale about book banning. The problem is that the story, linked to Time, concludes that there is no there there.

Salon should sell Slim-Jims, Have-A-Hanks, Old Style Beer, and feature a wall shelf of fine Frito Lay Products in individual sized servings, which drunks can purchase by the fist full to stave off false hunger.

Joan Walsh and her staff of tweedy Obama Goebbels provide much less nourishment than a bust-out saloon.

Click my post title for Salon's Juan Cole attack on Sarah Palin and do . . .do click the links to the Time-Warner chips and pretzels.

* Here's Joan Walsh and her stated agenda - check out the balance in the articles:

About Me
I joined Salon in 1998 to become our first full-time news editor, and succeeded the irreplaceable David Talbot as editor in chief in February 2005.

Before that I spent many years as a freelancer -- including for Salon; Scott Rosenberg taught me how to use e-mail in 1995 so I could send in my stories -- and I also ran my own business, consulting to national foundations and nonprofits on education, community development and urban poverty issues. In the 1980s, I was California bureau Chief for In These Times and editor of the Santa Barbara News and Review (now the Independent).

I've written for everyone from the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post to Vogue and the Nation. I love baseball, Bruce Springsteen, Stephen Colbert and long walks on the beach. I live in San Francisco with my daughter, Nora, the best teenager ever.
More Salon politics blogs

War RoomNew Obama ad attacks McCain/Palin "maverick" claim
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Glenn GreenwaldThe right dictates MSNBC's programming decisions
The "liberal" cable outlet demotes and diminishes its most popular and valuable news personality after the White House, the McCain campaign and the right demand it does so.

Glenn Greenwald
Blogs I read
Andrew Sullivan
Boing Boing
The Corner on National Review Online
Crooks & Liars
The Daily Howler
Daily Kos
Digby's Hullabaloo
Fire Dog Lake
Glenn Greenwald
How the World Works
The Huffington Post
Informed Comment
James Wolcott's blog
Real Clear Politics
Rising Hegemon
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Talking Points Memo
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Unqualified Offerings
Video Dog
The Volokh Conspiracy
War Room
Political Animal
Most Popular

The right dictates MSNBC's programming decisions
By Glenn Greenwald
Her deadly wolf program
By Mark Benjamin
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By Gary Kamiya
Is my kid a jerk, or is he just 2?
By Christopher Noxon
Watching Republicans makes me insane
By Cary Tennis
The right dictates MSNBC's programming decisions (407)
By Glenn Greenwald
Palin watch ends! (307)
By Joan Walsh
Watching Republicans makes me insane (270)
By Cary Tennis
The dominatrix (254)
By Gary Kamiya
Palin watch (234)
By Joan Walsh


Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain/Palin: Catholics Seem to Give McCain/Palin the Zogby Boost

The Zogby Numbers seem to indicate Catholics to be the big demographic in the McCain/Palin Bounce over the flat Obama/Biden ticket. Makes Sense - Obama Loves Abortion and Hates School Choice and Joe Does What the DNC Tells Him.

They Are no Mavericks!

All they got is Hollywood - We got Altar and Rosary Societies and Knights of Columbus Councils everywhere!

Some Very Strange Numbers From Zogby

Fritz Wenzel, a spokesman for the Zogby polling organization, is on XM POTUS08 right now, and he says that according to their numbers, McCain's surge in the polls started during the Democratic convention... which strikes me as rather odd.

Then he says that Sarah Palin is helping McCain by "double digits" among Catholic voters, particularly in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Michigan. While I don't find that impossible, it's interesting that a non-Catholic political figure would move the dial for Catholic voters. (Having said that, it's easy to picture her "hockey mom" style playing with Catholic voters in those states...)

[UPDATE: Numerous readers argue this is the Trig Palin effect. Yeah, that would make sense. A couple readers are telling me Sarah Palin was baptized Catholic, but I am skeptical that that would be the reason that Catholic voters would be shifting to the McCain-Palin ticket; that fact just doesn't seem publicized enough, nor seem like the piece of data that would shift a voter from one ticket to another, as Biden is Catholic.]

Independent women voters, as a portion of the sample, shrunk from 15 percent to 7 percent, but they went to Obama-Biden, not McCain-Palin. Yet among independent voters overall, McCain-Palin leads Obama-Biden, 49 percent to 42 percent.

All of this is from a Zogby Interactive poll of likely voters. For what it's worth...

09/08 01:13 PM

McCain/Palin:McCain Crosses the T – on Obama Armada

Like Nelson at Trafalgar, Togo at Tsushima, Jellicoe at Jutland and Oldendorf at Surigao, John McCain brought all of the heavy guns in his fleet to bear upon the mighty Obama Armada lined up in rigid order of battle.

John McCain crossed the T with his patient and calculated choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on August 29th. It is all over. That move was the game changer. Dean of Chicago Journalism, Robert Novak wrote this:
. . . not only because Palin appears to be an outstanding candidate but also because McCain in his first test as party leader came through with a unique and responsible decision.
The party faithful had feared the worst, in view of McCain's long record as a maverick who enjoyed violating Republican dogma.
As recently as two weeks before Palin's selection, McCain's closest aides feared, in the words of one of them, "McCain would be McCain," by choosing liberal independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman, which would have deflated the convention and indeed the party on the eve of an uphill battle for the presidency.
But on this occasion, McCain made a politically ingenious selection. Whether the presence on the Republican ticket of a woman for the first time actually will attract disaffected supporters of Hillary Clinton is doubtful.
Gender politics aside, she is an ideal running mate. On the one hand, she shares McCain's loathing for earmarks, which are ingrained in the corruption-tainted politics of Alaska. She also has a good record in fighting off big oil, which plays a major role in the politics of Alaska.
Her election as governor broke the hold of the Republican "Alaska gang," whose senior members have been under criminal investigation.
On the other hand, she meets conservative requirements as an opponent of abortion and member of the National Rifle Association. That is much more than most people in St. Paul were hoping for.
Senator Obama, David Axelrod, Howard Dean, the DNC and their money machines are caught in the searchlights turned on by Media attempts at ‘night action’ on Governor Palin’s family and her character. Clown anchors like Olbermann, Madow and Matthews at MSNBC and Campbell Brown, Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty at CNN have exposed themselves as partisans and not journalists.

The McCain Campaign is on target and firing salvo after salvo and the impact is serious on Obama:

Monday, September 08
Race Poll Results Spread
USA Today/Gallup
McCain 54, Obama 44
McCain +10
Rasmussen Tracking
McCain 48, Obama 47
McCain +1

Obama is sunk, not for lack of brains, but lack of guts. He could have and should have asked – begged Hillary Rodham Clinton to shore up his well-heeled but doctrinaire campaign handled entirely by Progressives. Instead, his rarified soul demanded a lesser light in durable, affable, malleable Joe Biden (D-Delaware).

Obama is perceived, and rightly so, to be a snob and a disdainful prophet of redistribution of wealth. Obama’s Armada and all of its legions of tax-payer funded foot-soldiers (SEIU, Public School Lobby, Teachers Unions, AFSMCE, ACORN & etc.) is sunk.. Obama has been hoisted to Olympus on the hemp and pulleys of the Progressives – kind of a reverse deus ex machina and can only talk down to Americans. He uses nice carefully chosen words but he still talks down to us in litanies of imperative sentences.

McCain steamed right across Obama’s bow and his Armada lined up like baby ducks behind him and Joe Biden. The Armada is shattered.

Waxing biblical, as they did in Denver, I might add from Douay Rheims - Pharao's chariots and his army he hath cast into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in the Red Sea. Exodus 15:4

MSNBC - Matthews and Olbermann Out! - Still Irrelevant.

"what did you Boys Do? Milky? Tubby?'

Chris 'The White Noise' Matthews and Keith 'Tubby' Olbermann have been canned as anchor chairs for election night coverage by MSNBC In The Tank for Obama and its sinking flagship NBC News.

The Took Shed- MSNBC not only destroyed its flimsy credibility but it also created a ground swell of anger among voters repulsed by its ham-handed shillling for Camp Obama.

Adios Milky! Good Luck, Tubby. Why a flannel-mouthed jerk like Matthews or a game-show-host mangue like Olbermann seemed significant in the defeat of NBC's enemies ( Read anybody not a lunatic left Progressive)is beyond me - but I can not thank those geniuses enough.

Thirty Rock must be real life!

Obama's Community Organizing IQ - 'I quit' - the core of Community organizing 'Self Interest'

'Let Me Be Perfectly Clear! All is Self-Interst!' Young Barry Obama - Community Organizer

Community Organizer - Kids forget the MBA and Harvard Med School or the apprenticeship to Local 597 Pipe Fitters - Be a community organizer, just like Obama!

'My God, Sir! A community organizer? Not a community organizer? You don't say! Me I work for Bell Labs and was a project director at Fermi, but I am in awe of you!

Wow the gang down at the Malt Shop and drop it on 'em, ' I'm going to be a Community Organizer, Sally! I'm going to get people to complain about anything - at the Grassroots Level!'

'Gee, Seth, maybe I will go out with you now!'

I read an article by John Judis for the New Republic and got a reprint from our friends at Petroleum World. Now, over the weekend I stated that Judas (Iscariot) seemed more of community organizer than Jesus - Judas had the grant money on him when he did the Dutch Act after ratting out Jesus to Caiaphas and the lads of Sanhedrin. 'We gave Judas an unrestricted grant of thirty (30) pieces of silver to be used for the stated purpose of producing the 'self-proclaimed Messiah!'

John Judis is a nice Lithuanian sounding lad. He examines Obama'secrets as a community organizer - a guy who gets other people to complain about anything.

Both Chicago papers ( Tribune & Sun Times) immediately jumped on the 'community organizing' - the latest panties in a twist from Barack Obama's Campaign. Rudy Giuliani got the ball rolling down the lane - no gutter ball that one. Strike! Right at the heart and core of Obama's Branding Narrative. Then Gov. Palin struck another thunderball and shattered Obama's pins:

Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown.
And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves.
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a “community organizer,” except that you have actual responsibilities. I might add that in small towns, we don’t quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren’t listening.
We tend to prefer candidates who don’t talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco.

Owwww. Progressive America is smarting. Communuity Organizing, it is said, goes back to Gamaliel the teacher of St. Paul. Why, I do not know. I think because some radical icon said so - Saul Alinisky who linked the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts of the Apostles to taking grassroots initiatives at pressuring people to get what you want. Gamaliel was a Pharisee - most leaders of the Temple at the time were Sadducee's- and he counseled the Sanhedrin ( The Law Givers) to 'be careful' with the Apostles of Jesus. He counseled enlightened self interest. Let's wait and see, Gents!

Alinsky too Gamaliel to be the first community organizer - Ok. Obama's robots want Jesus to be the first, but Jesus was a carpenter with side job - preacher.

Well it seems that Barack Obama's days as a community organizer - someone who gets other people to complain about anything, like former gang-bangers hired by CeaseFire to end the co urge of gun violence - bang-up job you're doing! It seems Obama took Saul Alinsky at his word and took the path to self interest - He quit:

But Obama was also worried about something else. He told Kellman that he feared community organizing would never allow him "to make major changes in poverty or discrimination." To do that, he said, "you either had to be an elected official or be influential with elected officials." In other words, Obama believed that his chosen profession was getting him nowhere, or at least not far enough. Personally, he might end up like his father; politically, he would fail to improve the lot of those he was trying to help.

And so, Obama told Kellman, he had decided to leave community organizing and go to law school. Kellman, who was already thinking of leaving organizing himself, found no reason to argue with him. "Organizing," Kellman tells me, as we sit in a Chicago restaurant down the street from the Catholic church where he now works as a lay minister, "is always a lost cause." Obama, circa late 1987, might or might not have put it quite that strongly. But he had clearly developed serious doubts about the career he was pursuing.

Yet, two decades later, to hear Obama the presidential candidate tell it, those years in Chicago as a community organizer shaped the person--and the politician--he has become. Campaigning in Iowa last year, he declared that community organizing was "the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School." In a video this spring, Obama stated that community organizing is "something I carry with me when I think about politics today--obviously at a different level and in a different place, but the same principles still apply." "Barack is not a politician first and foremost," Michelle Obama has said. "He's a community activist exploring the viability of politics to make change."

Certainly, Obama has good reason to tout his community organizing experience. After graduating from an Ivy League college, Obama passed up more lucrative jobs to devote three years to organizing low-income African Americans in Chicago. That choice tells us something about his values, and his pride in it is understandable.

But his campaign has taken the point a step further, implying that Obama the politician is a direct descendant of Obama the organizer--that he has carried the practices and principles of community organizing into his campaign, and would carry them into the White House as well. This is the version of Obama's biography that most journalists have accepted.

Give most journalists a sandwich and you can tell them that Amelia Earhart is living in Hyde Park and they'll print it. A guy is a career gangbanger, gets convicted, goes away, gets out, and becomes an activist with more ink from journalists than Heather McCartney and Oprah with the flu.

Click my post title for more on Obama's secret life as a community organizer - someone who gets alot of people to complain about anything in the name of self-interst. Self-Interest - Yes, We Can!

How about Country Before Self!

If you are interested in just how a community organizer gets trained read from this link

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Mr. Kass - Da Machine Answers Yer Charges, Mug! - En Ballade Quatrain

'Let Me Be As Clear as Possible - or 'I'll Say This Again!'

Mount Carmel don't play football;
'N Leo Don't Run Track;
Da Mayer's On Da Level;
Yo,Kass, Get Off Our Backs.

Spring Don't Precede Summer;
'N Cars don't Run on Gas;
Palin Brings Home Real Blubber;
Kass, You Jus Distracts!'!

McCain is an Ol' Hipppie:
Barack is 'Being Clear;'
Ayers was not a Bomber:
Kass, Ged Oudda Here!

Da Sox Got Ample Pitchin:'
Da Bears Got Ample Line:
Dis City's on Da Level;
Obama's Clock Don't Wind.

Da Media Plays As Square As
Da Indy 500 Track.
Medill School Trained Inkslingers
Don't Scratch Obama's Back.

Jesus Was A Activist;
'N Pilate was a Guv.
Give Barack His Propa's
You Racist Right Wing Bum!

Rezko's Not in the Slammer;
Daley Don't Heart the Bean;
Chicago's On The Level
John Kass is Just Too Mean!

Obama Blows the Labor Vote -Jesus Was Not a 'Community Organizer' - He Was a Carpenter!

Obama wonders why he constantly screws the pooch and then he believes it to be racism, McCain's gums, Dave Axelrod's comb-over, not enough money, 'Do I wear a Tie? No. Too Ivy League. Roll up my sleeves?' It's you and your Campaign, Senator. You are hanging with dopes - you are who you hang with - I guess, you're a dope too.

Barack, you do not get it. Comes from hanging out with phonies and dweebs too much. Having your robots surf Google for Bible stuff don't work. Be a regular guy!

Americans go to Synagogue, Church, Mass, Services, Mosque, and the old Wiccan Grove!

In your pompous pronouncements and 'tell us who you really are -today' circulars,try not to have Admiral Farragut drive a submarine; the Rebs had the only sub that worked in War Between the States ( there that's for my Southern reader).

Obama's latest 'Jesus was a 'community organizer' and Pilate was a Governor' is too cute by half, but it is like nuts on an archbishop -it won't work with crowd watching.

Jesus was poor. Jesus was a working stiff Now, Judas, there was a community organizer - had his grant money on him when he did the Dutch Act after ratting out Jesus. Yeah, Judas makes sense as a community organizer. Not Jesus. We got these articles found near the Annenberg Challenge papers from the Dead Sea Scrolls archives at Al's Italian Beef on Taylor Street.

Jesus was a carpenter -Report from Nazareth Local 247:April meeting report

By Jacov Bar Dennis, President

Seventy-eight members attended Local 247’s April meeting. Rachel Gamaliel, who is running for North Nazareth County Chair, came to address members regarding her candidacy and the upcoming May election.

Regional Manager Tim Muzoath was in attendance to report on wage disbursement and the recent disaffiliation of the UBC from the JudeanFL-CIO at the national level. There was an extended discussion about the issue.

The mailout survey results showed the strongest support for increasing both the health & welfare and pension contributions with the remainder going to wages.

The various representatives and organizers gave reports about their recent activities and job starts.

There was a motion passed to approve a resolution regarding the City of Bethlehams’s Terrorism Task Force and the police handling of peaceful demonstrations.

There was also some discussion regarding cleanroom training available for members via skill advancement classes.

These and more issues may be discussed at future meetings. If you have concerns, ATTEND YOUR UNION MEETINGS!!
Meeting Notices

General membership
Meets the second Tuesday, May 8, at 7 p.m. at the Carpenters Hall, 2205 N. Lombard, Portland.

Mentors Network
Mentors Network meets second Tuesday, May 8, at 6 p.m. at the Carpenters Hall, 2205 N. Lombard, Galilee. No Sicarri! They ain't Union Men and cause problems with the Romans. That sneak Ayers is a Sicarii!
Stay away from them - you hearing me Jesus? Good Lad! Follow the steps of your Dad - a Real Union Man!

Retirees: This year we honor one of the greats - Joseph Bar David, of Bethleham,35 years of Service: All the best to his wife Mary and his Son Joshua Bar Joseph - the kid goes by Jesus 'cuz he hangs around with the Greek speakers. Hey, Joe! Ain't Aramaic good enough for the Kid! Hey, No kidding 'Jesus' - cracks me up! Okay, Jesus has completed his four year apprenticeship as one of us - and hey this is no wood-butcher local - Great Job Kid! You got a hell of pair of sandals to fill - Your old man could knock together some planks, Kids and was always a great Union Man!

Joe all the best!

Retirees meet for lunch the second Monday, May 14 at 11 a.m. at JJ North’s, 10520 NE Halsey, Galilee. Cash Bar!

Executive Board - Barabbas Kahane Recording Secretary
Executive Board meets the fourth Tuesday, May 22, at 7 p.m. at the Carpenters Hall, 2205 N Lombard, Galilee.

‘Special Call’ meeting June 12
At the general June membership meeting, members will elect one trustee and vote on proposed bylaw changes.

There goes some support from the Trades Unions.
Obama has contempt for working stiffs.