Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Jesus Rolled Back the Stone, but Anti-Semitism Reels Freely

Image result for Jesus the Risen Jew

He is Risen!

My saviour rolled back a huge rock that denied God's promise to all men - "I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" (Exodus 20.2).

The specific people He bonded with are Semites - Jews.  His covenant was fulfilled from the House and and Family of David, the Root of Jesse, the Seed of Abraham. We Christians believe that, but forget that and we tolerate and often parse the Jew hatred of Muslims, atheists and others.  Jews are targets 2018 years after Jesus rolled back that stone.

PARIS—On April 4 of last year, a 67-year-old Jewish woman in Paris named Sarah Halimi was beaten to death and thrown off the balcony of her third-story apartment in a public housing complex by a neighbor who shouted “Allahu Akbar.” It took 10 months and a public outcry that began with France’s Jewish community, the largest in Europe, before prosecutors officially called the attack an anti-Semitic hate crime. Last Friday, Mireille Knoll, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, was stabbed 11 times and set alight by a neighbor and a homeless man. This time, authorities immediately, perhaps even prematurely, called it an anti-Semitic attack. Gérard Collomb, France’s interior minister, said this week that before killing Knoll, one of the two men arrested for the murder had told the other, “She is a Jew, she must have money.”

2018 years after Jesus triumphed over death, sin and despair,  a huge hunk of the earth's population want Jews dead.    In Paris and Berlin the issue of how to get a grip on the thuggish, intellectually and politically sophisticated, right wing and left-wing interpretations of Jew Hate fill pages of the world's newspapers.  The German police call 90% of the attacks on Jews 'right-wing' crimes, even though evidence points to Arab and Turkish immigrants doing the attacks.

Less vicious in America?  Not the rhetoric.

Our spineless, American media makes mild mention of the repulsively racist rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan without drawing a gurgle of outrage from Pussy Hat wearing, marching members of the pan-Resistance, or the gun-hugging Roseanne viewing Deplorables.  The media will not hound Farrakhan, because he gave Obama his first boost and a ground campaign from Fruit of Islam in 2000 against Bobby Rush.  Obama didn't forget and posed happily America's number One Jew Hater in 2005, when Dan Hynes handed the US Senate seat to him.

Obama also was knotted around the political rhetorical genius of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck or in eight years when he’s out of office. They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said that from the beginning. He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”

I have heard these nuggets from Americans (white, black, Hispanic, educated) people
  • Jews own the news
  • Israel is not the 51st State
  • Free Gaza from Homophobes
  • They bring it on themselves
  • Jews began racism
  • What's the Holocaust?  A Good Start
These same people wept at Schindler's List and cite The Diary of Anne Frank as their favorite book from high school.

My people, the Irish, especially the younger Irish, now seem to exceed the British in their Anti-Zionist Jew-baiting.  The Norman Conquest is over - the Irish are now fully British, thanks to OxFam Marxists and the BBC's ugly step-child RTE. 

Due to a virtual broadcasting monopoly, the way in which RTE treats contentious issues of major social concern, such as terrorism, migrant waves, the resurgence of European anti-Semitism, etc., arguably has a greater impact on the thinking of the Irish Nation than equivalent broadcasting institutions in other countries, such as the United Kingdom’s BBC, that compete with a strong private sector.
RTE’s audience reach extends beyond the Irish Republic, with media saturation in Northern Ireland, and its radio and television channels are viewed quite widely abroad, particularly in the UK mainland.

Just before all of the St. Paddy's Wearing of the green the Irish Seanad (Senate)  passed the most vicious anti-Semitic legislation in Ireland's history.

The Irish and Jewish people share a common history of both suffering cruel persecution, and achieving national redemption against immeasurable odds. But today, modern Ireland is one of Europe’s fiercest critics of Israel. This tension was on display last week as the Irish Senate was considering legislation aimed at criminalizing trade with Israeli settlements.
The legislation, titled “Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018,” would “prohibit the import and sale of goods, services and natural resources originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories,” according to Senator Frances Black, the bill’s sponsor.
While the vote on the legislation was eventually postponed, many in Israel saw it as another example of the growing effort in Europe to single out and boycott the Jewish state.
President Trump told Irish that if they boycott Israel, America boycotts them and he is the deplorable one.  Hell, I didn't like Trump, until he became President.
Image result for Jesus Loves JewsAnti
Jesus rolled back the stone and went to Galilee, where he ended His days on earth with a bunch of Jews.

Jesus wept.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Obama and Kerry May Have Given the Pacific to Red China, Along With the Philippines

Image result for china and duterte

Unusually sharp comments from Earnest earlier Friday about a Filipino official's attempts to clarify Duterte's "separation" remarks may reflect White House uneasiness about the implications of the country's stance.
Philippine Trade Minister Ramon Lopez said Friday that his country would not stop trade and investment with the US. "The statement the President made maintains the relationship with the West. What we are saying is that there will be less dependence just on one side of the world," Lopez told CNN.
Asked about Lopez's comments, Earnest said "I've dubbed that person the Filipino Mike Pence," a reference to the Republican vice presidential candidate, who has often walked back or cleaned up comments by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. CNN
Yes, indeed, Philippines is a blessed nation,
The one thing it lacks is diligence and
God loves this country and understands our pain,
So if we strive harder, all our lost will become
our gain.
Philippines might become a better country one
Because with God’s help, we know that there’s
still a way. Ramon Amancio Estanque

There once was a Filipino hombre
Who ate rice pescado y legumbre;
His trousers were wide, and his shirt hung outside,
And this, I may say, was his costumbre.
He lived in a nipa bahay
Which served as a stable and sty;
He slept on a mat with the dogs and a cat
And the rest of the family near by.
His daddy, un buen' Filipino,
Who never mixed tubig with bino,
Said, "I am no insurrecto - no got gun or bolo,"
Yet used both to kill a vecino.   Carl Sandburg's American Songbag

Gee, Old Carl had me running for my safe space amid those verbal microaggressions, colonialist jibes at indigenous peoples and misapplication of Limerick stanzas delivering lame sounds and sensibilities.  I do believe I have the vapors!

Thank God, Carl did not write those offensive words himself - no need to re-name Carl Sandburg High School's continent wide.

For now, anyway.

Sandburg's offering from the American Songbag  is attributed to a U.S. Navy Captain in 1900 - a few short years after Americans liberated the Philippine Archipelago from Spain, subsequently screwed the liberated with the Treaty of Paris, causing our ally Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo to treat McKinley like Obama and began 'civilizing thim (the indigenous people) stiff' in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.  The most violent resistance to American largesse and democracy took place in the South Philippine island of Mindanao which has had a traditionally large Muslim population in the traditionally much larger Roman Catholic Philippine Islands.   Mindanao has been the home of current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his family sine 1947.

President Duterte is a very complex man, abused by an American Jesuit priest in the 1950's, a lawyer, former Mayor and District leader, a tough law and order guy who admits to shooting more than few people who have crossed him, a man of his word and most of those words are beyond salty. 

He is a plain man.  Duterte will never take home a Nobel Prize.

His people love him; the United Nations hates him.

He is a leader of a nation with great strategic and economic importance to globe and President Obam and John Kerry may have lost partnerships with the Philippine people forged in fire and blood for more than 100 years.  They have done so with 'pimp slap' diplomacy.  Kerry and Obama have shown no regard for the Philippines, much less their President.

When asked to 'show the flag' in the South China Sea, where the Red Chinese Navy has built artificial atolls with anchorages and airfields for military vessels and aircraft, as well as muscled out territorial claims of not only the Philippines, but Vietnam, Indonesia and others.
Image result for Obama and Kerry and Duterte
When the Philippines brought a case against China at the Hague over China's artificial islands in its territorial waters, the U.S. supported the Philippines diplomatically.
In July, the Hague's Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled in favor of the Philippines. This would have been an opportunity for the U.S. to turn the screws on China. But instead the Obama White House encouraged China and the Philippines to resolve the matter themselves after the ruling of the international tribunal.
At the end of August, Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters that the U.S. was not interested in "fanning the flames of conflict but rather trying to encourage the parties to resolve their disputes and claims through the legal process and through diplomacy."
Duterte has now taken Kerry's advice. After announcing his country's new alignment with China, Duterte signed a series of trade agreements worth $13.5 billion, along with a promise to continue bilateral negotiations over the South China Sea.Image result for Obama stares at  Duterte
President Obama lectured Duterte on human rights over the Islamist-Drug wars in the Philippine Islands
His anti-U.S. rhetoric flared last month when he declared Mr. Obama shouldn’t lecture him on human rights. In an aside directed at no one, he used an exclamation of frustration meaning “son of a whore,” which some in the international press interpreted as a dig at the U.S. president. Mr. Obama then canceled plans for a one-on-one meeting with him at the regional summit in Laos. It was two days later that Mr. Duterte approached Mr. Obama there.
In recent weeks, Mr. Duterte has canceled U.S.-Philippine military exercises. He said he might annul a 2014 U.S.-Philippines defense pact, a key aspect of Mr. Obama’s “Asian pivot,” that lets the U.S. deploy soldiers to Philippine bases. And he has threatened to “cross the Rubicon” and ditch the countries’ 65-year-old treaty in favor of accords with Russia and China.
The American Media, notably CNN, want to make political hay out of another international disaster at the hands of Obama and the patrician Kerry. They have taken to calling Duterte the Filipino Donald Trump and Obama sneers that President Duterte is 'colorful.'

Fifty seven years ago, another Spanish American War Prize was lost to our enemies - it still is but Obama erased that inconvenient fact with flourish of his executive pen - in Cuba.  American snobs lost China to Communism after World War II and Cuba in 1959.  Our snobs are managing no different - but the Philippines is much more important than Cuba had been to our geopolitical survival.
 Duterte went to Beijing.  “I’ve realigned myself in your ideological flow,” Mr. Duterte said in the Beijing speech, “and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world—China, Philippines and Russia.”

Kerry and Obama are doing their best, yet again, as they had in IRAN Deal, to make sure that this will be the outcome.

Back to my safe place.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Putin Pants-es Obama

Image result for russian fleet to embarrass obama

A little-known alliance between the US and Tsarist Russia led to the Russian fleet showing up in force in New York and San Francisco. It arrived at a crucial time in 1863 when Britain and France were on the verge of intervening in the Civil War on the side of the Confederacy. An actual world war was on the horizon that would “wrap the world in flames” as Secretary of State William Seward put it. The mighty Russian presence deterred the Anglo-French from invading, and the Union was saved.  History
Who is driving the good ship Lollipop? That is one question all Americans should ask. Better question: Which direction is the country headed?  Pravda 10/18/2016

I was pants-ed by my students after football practice at La Lumiere School, along with the head coach and our school priest/coach Chaplain.  All in good fun - embarASSing fun..

Memories of  kids getting pants-ed ( the act of pantsing) from Kindergarten through high school stirred when I read about Putin's fleet taking the long way to incinerate what is left of Aleppo in Syria - through the English channel and into the American Lakes.  Image result for russian fleet to embarrass obamaWhy pantsing?

Yanking down one's britches in public was and is mostly it was good clean; sometimes it was hostile and cruel.  Only jerks would pants a shy, inoffensive, lonely, or special youngster and they would be dealt with by their betters in due course.

I remember a little guy who was so afraid getting pants-ed at school that he would actually make himself sick about it.  As a coach and teacher it was my job to speak to several of the school's more infamous Myrmidons and ne'er-do-wells and they kept a sober and loving watch out for jerks lurking to terrorize the boy. No one pantsed him in four years; nor did he deign to pants anyone.

The global jerks, the Russians, were at one time kept in check by kids that I taught at Bishop McNamara, La Lumiere and Leo who exchanged letterman jackets for Kevlar vests and helmets.  Pat Donnelly, Jim Buck, Marvin Carey. Mario Bullock and Mike Van Weigel went to sea as sailors and marines.  The Russkies behaved.

After eight years of President Obama's daffy foreign policies, the Global Bully Putin is yanking down the britches of President at this very moment.

Russia has begun its biggest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War as it aims to effectively end the war in Syria on the eve of the US election, Nato officials warned last night.
The Kremlin is sending the full might of its Northern Fleet and part of the Baltic Fleet to reinforce a final assault on the city of Aleppo in a fortnight, according to Western intelligence.
The final bombardment is designed to shore up the Assad regime by wiping out rebels – paving the way for a Russian exit from the civil war. . . .
Royal Navy warships are due to escort a group of eight Russian warships, including the country’s only aircraft carrier, as they sail past the UK on their way to the Mediterranean.
Senior Royal Navy officers expect the task force to sail past the UK as early as Thursday in a show of strength dismissed as “posturing” by defence sources. . . .
But a senior Nato diplomat said the deployment from the Northern Fleet’s base near Murmansk would herald a renewed attack in Aleppo.
“They are deploying all of the Northern Fleet and much of the Baltic Fleet in the largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War,” the diplomat said.
“This is not a friendly port call. In two weeks, we will see a crescendo of air attacks on Aleppo as part of Russia’s strategy to declare victory there.”
President Obama has smirked, shrugged and bowed for eight years and today Valdimir Putin yanked down his pants in front of the whole world.

The whole world is watching this Obama Legacy moment.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Pensions Looted for Profit is Re(a)d Meat - Tim Novak Rides Again!

9-12-09 Three City of Chicago Water trucks sit outside of a a warehouse at 3348 s Pulaski. Brian Jackson/Chicago Sun-Times

“Valerie Jarrett served as a board member for several organizations that provided funding and support for Chicago housing projects operated by real estate developers and Obama financial backers Rezko and Allison Davis. (Davis is also Obama’s former boss.)…

"The old social actionists are largely men of action, doers, not talkers. The new social actionists are intellectuals...They are masters at manipulating words and sometimes ideas...They are fervent crusaders." Andrew Greeley - "Catholic Social Action"

I rarely agreed with Fr. Andy Greeley.  Social change is brought about by people who actually, not virtually, do good. Real people, like Father George Clements and  Fr. Dan Mallette actually Marched for Civil Rights with Dr. King, because they followed clerics like Bishop Bernard Shiel who founded CYO - he did not advocate for it.  People in the action have little to do with "do-gooders' who never seem to leave the plush Oak Park and Hyde Park dens. It is easier to get behind masters at manipulating words and sometimes ideas. 
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Newspapers rarely talk about people in the action, other than snag a quote that justifies the words of an Advocate, Activist, or Office Holder.  Most columnists go to the pap of preachy, pontificating poltroon's who give good prose, like Claypool, Quigley, Schakowsky, Durbin, Quinn and Mell in Chicago because they are policy people and do-gooders. Pap is easy to read and nod-with-ruminent conviction and chew the cud of vegan issues.  A few, like John Kass of the Chicago Tribune, go to people in the action and presents their lives and struggles mired in the bog created by policy wonks.

Investigative journalists, the best anyway, go where facts have ignited a prairie fire.  The worst are jigsaw puzzle masters of making facts fit a narrative.

Reporters, investigative reporters, connect the dots hidden from the public.  Even those of us who read and remember quite a bit have not the time, nor the opportunity to often go 'beyond' the story.  People must do their jobs, raise their kids and the millions of dollars of taxes Progressive thinking political insiders loot from the commonwealth.

I am a pathological reader, I read everything from Cosmo to Commonweal, from Pepsodent tubes to the runic script on top of light bulbs.  Love to read.

I also love to read works that have something to do with the truth.  Editorial boards tend to present only a prefabricated package of political proselytism - Vote for Kim Foxx, or Mark Kirk is not really Dick Durbin's purse puppy.

The Chicago Sun Times, in my opinion, has the wackiest Editorial policy mandate that seems to have been crafted by retired and bonged-up Weather Underground and Catholic Call to Action cranks.  That's just me.

However, I believe that the Sun Times has the best investigative reporters Dan Mihiapoulos, Chris Fusco and Tim Novak, when they are not saddled with editorial constraints, or Andy Shaw and Carol Marin.

Tim Novak is a terrier.  He is the only reporter in Chicago to maintain a jeweler's eye on the connections between the political grifters and the Progressive machine emanating from Hyde Park and Kenwood.Image result for allison davis and valerie jarrett

The Fifth Floor, Real Estate, TIFs,  Big banking, the CHA, Slum Lording, Chicago's Department of Planning and Development and the White House are all players with the peoples pensions.
Image result for allison davis and valerie jarrett
Sewer deals for Daley cousins seem as nothing compared to Valerie Jarrett.

Today, Tim Novak keeps the heat on the most powerful people plaguing Chicago.

Over the past nine years, two nephews of former Mayor Richard M. Daley have been involved in separate plans to redevelop a rundown warehouse on 15 acres of polluted land in Little Village just north of the Stevenson Expressway.
It hasn’t turned out well for Chicago taxpayers.
First, taxpayers have to make up for $4.2 million in city pension money invested on behalf of teachers, police officers and other city workers that ended up squandered on failed development plans involving Daley’s oldest nephew, Robert G. Vanecko.
Now, taxpayers stand to lose another $4.1 million on the same property at 3348 S. Pulaski Rd. That’s the amount of a property-tax break given to a second redevelopment deal for the site.
This one involves Vanecko’s first cousin, Patrick Daley Thompson, an attorney who helped the developers get the tax cut last year shortly before he was elected alderman of the 11th ward — the family’s power base for six decades.

Well them boys are "in the action."  Not for social good, but for profit in the name of Progress. There is so much more and Tim Novak delivers! He connects the dots of the contemporary ledger and double book accounting to the days of yore and actually gives us context that a Chicagoan can sink teeth into and gnaw healthy opinion into being - we are screwed not by the usual suspects, but by the do-gooders!

 The story of how the polluted Pulaski Road property became toxic for Chicago taxpayers begins in 2004, when Daley was still mayor. That’s when Vanecko — his sister’s oldest son — went into business with Allison S. Davis, the Chicago attorney who gave President Barack Obama his first job out of Harvard Law School, and Davis’ son Jared Davis.
Operating under the name DV Urban Realty Partners, their idea was to redevelop properties in some of Chicago’s most downtrodden neighborhoods. And they were aiming to get government pension funds to invest $100 million to bankroll their plans.
They had a hard time securing investments from pension funds, though, until the Chicago Teachers Retirement System agreed in early 2005 to put in $25 million of the money it held toward teachers’ retirement pay.

Then, the pension funds for police officers, municipal employees, city laborers and the Chicago Transit Authority also agreed to invest.
Altogether, the Davises and Vanecko wound up with $68 million from five public pension funds.
Man, if the editorial will of Chicago newspapers matched the grit of some of it's reporters, maybe a couple of dollars might be left in the kitty at the end of a Moody's evaluation.

This is meaty wholesome goodness in font!  It will put off the vegan offal digestions of 'edgy,whip-smart and Progressive voices in our city.

Eat more Chicago! Thanks for the red meat, Mr. Novak!

Friday, June 24, 2016

How a Blue Collar Yank Sees Brexit - Punters Pummel Polls, Pols and Plutocrat

Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
"The folks who live on the hill"

So the Common Market, gussied up in OXFam/BBC GlobeSpeak to EU, got a bit lighter at 5AM London time.

Brexit forces won the national referendum to - Leave, or Remain in the European Union, formerly known as the Common Market.

The United Kingdom joined the EU in 1975, the year I began teaching in American Catholic secondary schools.

Since that time, I have married the woman of my dreams, fathered three splendid children, purchased two homes, been widowed, taught English at three secondary schools and raised millions of dollars as a Director of Development, met and court yet another woman of my dreams and watched the world get meaner.

I use the more archaic form of 'mean' which is anything but golden.  My County Kerry grandparents used the term to describe actions and people that were unnecessarily cruel, stingy, loutish, short-sighted and vain. Inconsiderate and selfish wags the world.

Not always and everywhere, mind you, just the self-described 'big dogs' doing the geopolitical rump wiggles - Politicians, plutocrats and their pet mandarins - pollsters.

Pollsters take orders from politicians and  plutocrats and tell us what is morally objectionable. Us are we. The Darby and Joans.  Regular folks.

They tell us what is the right side of history.

Well Darby and Joans, all over the UK, just confounded the smart and huge money. I watched one flustered chap on the BBC explain that the banks and markets followed William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power
Bookies have drastically revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union.
Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six-month highs before dropping off a cliff.
As voting closed about 7am Australian time, betting agency William Hill was offering odds of 1/9 for a remain victory - indicating a 90 per cent probability the UK would stay in the EU.
The Punters beat the house.  Punter is a British term for 'the people in the shoppe'  -fingering goods and merchandise - searching for a bargain.  Yew Knaooow!  The Commoners.

The oily Hungarian Bond Villain who funds every creepy political astro-turf organization, put his man in the White House with Vakerie Jarrett to yank his voice box in 2008, screwed up Venezuela and Central America more than Jefe Hugo and backed the REMAIN Global UK initiative and even ordered the White House to phone it in hours before the polls opened.

With the date of the Brexit referendum approaching and “Leave” leading in the polls, Soros published an article in the UK Guardian claiming that a vote to leave the EU would trigger an economic disaster.
“It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%,” Soros wrote.
Soros coupled his comments with references to a wildly questionable British Treasury economic “model” that estimated a Brexit would reduce UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per household by $6,321 in 2030.
The scare tactics seemed to work over the next few days. The polls indicated that the chances of a “Leave” vote fell dramatically and global stock markets rallied back.
Matthew Tyrmand believes that this is typical of a Soros’ orchestrated “reflexivity” campaign to overload the consciousness of most UK middle- and lower-class voters that against their own self-interest, they will vote to remain in the EU. 

Well, Darby and Joan launched a UK Bourgeois revolution. Like our British cousins, American workers are fed daily yards of tripe from the Soros funded thought mills and have the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Jan Schakowsky and Barack Obama pound our ears about what they are doing for the middle class.  Seems to me that they are doing economic genocide on the American Middle Class.

Another son of blue collar south side Chicago, political journalist, John Patrick Feehry, writes,
The global economy has been remarkable efficient in bringing more products to more customers at better prices.  It has been the principle reason that more people have been lifted out of abject poverty in global history. 
But for the middle class, those who do the bulk of the voting, globalization has come at a tremendous cost.  The poor have done markedly better, the rich have done amazingly better, but those stuck in the middle have seen their wages stagnate if they have jobs at all.
Brexit was vote to stick it to the globalizers.  It was a vote to reestablish national identity.  It was a vote reclaim control of their little piece of the world. 

Well, Shucks!  The Politicians, Polls and the Plutocrat had it handed to them in Old Blighty. Europe faces what one paper called an 'existential crisis' - Sartre would call that ironic.

The UK is out of the EU.  I think that is good thing.  If Polls, Politicians and Plutocrats can look stupid, I call that a very good day.

Now, let's see what America will do - stay on the leash, or break the chains.

This is for you, Darby and Joan!

How a Blue Collar Yank Sees Brexit - Punters Pummel Polls, Pols and Plutocrat

Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
"The folks who live on the hill"

So the Common Market, gussied up in OXFam/BBC GlobeSpeak to EU, got a bit lighter at 5AM London time.

Brexit forces won the national referendum to - Leave, or Remain in the European Union, formerly known as the Common Market.

The United Kingdom joined the EU in 1975, the year I began teaching in American Catholic secondary schools.

Since that time, I have married the woman of my dreams, fathered three splendid children, purchased two homes, been widowed, taught English at three secondary schools and raised millions of dollars as a Director of Development, met and court yet another woman of my dreams and watched the world get meaner.

I use the more archaic form of 'mean' which is anything but golden.  My County Kerry grandparents used the term to describe actions and people that were unnecessarily cruel, stingy, loutish, short-sighted and vain. Inconsiderate and selfish wags the world.

Not always and everywhere, mind you, just the self-described 'big dogs' doing the geopolitical rump wiggles - Politicians, plutocrats and their pet mandarins - pollsters.

Pollsters take orders from politicians and  plutocrats and tell us what is morally objectionable. Us are we. The Darby and Joans.  Regular folks.

They tell us what is the right side of history.

Well Darby and Joans, all over the UK, just confounded the smart and huge money. I watched one flustered chap on the BBC explain that the banks and markets followed William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power
Bookies have drastically revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union.
Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six-month highs before dropping off a cliff.
As voting closed about 7am Australian time, betting agency William Hill was offering odds of 1/9 for a remain victory - indicating a 90 per cent probability the UK would stay in the EU.
The Punters beat the house.  Punter is a British term for 'the people in the shoppe'  -fingering goods and merchandise - searching for a bargain.  Yew Knaooow!  The Commoners.

The oily Hungarian Bond Villain who funds every creepy political astro-turf organization, put his man in the White House with Vakerie Jarrett to yank his voice box in 2008, screwed up Venezuela and Central America more than Jefe Hugo and backed the REMAIN Global UK initiative and even ordered the White House to phone it in hours before the polls opened.

With the date of the Brexit referendum approaching and “Leave” leading in the polls, Soros published an article in the UK Guardian claiming that a vote to leave the EU would trigger an economic disaster.
“It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%,” Soros wrote.
Soros coupled his comments with references to a wildly questionable British Treasury economic “model” that estimated a Brexit would reduce UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per household by $6,321 in 2030.
The scare tactics seemed to work over the next few days. The polls indicated that the chances of a “Leave” vote fell dramatically and global stock markets rallied back.
Matthew Tyrmand believes that this is typical of a Soros’ orchestrated “reflexivity” campaign to overload the consciousness of most UK middle- and lower-class voters that against their own self-interest, they will vote to remain in the EU. 

Well, Darby and Joan launched a UK Bourgeois revolution. Like our British cousins, American workers are fed daily yards of tripe from the Soros funded thought mills and have the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Jan Schakowsky and Barack Obama pound our ears about what they are doing for the middle class.  Seems to me that they are doing economic genocide on the American Middle Class.

Another son of blue collar south side Chicago, political journalist, John Patrick Feehry, writes,
The global economy has been remarkable efficient in bringing more products to more customers at better prices.  It has been the principle reason that more people have been lifted out of abject poverty in global history. 
But for the middle class, those who do the bulk of the voting, globalization has come at a tremendous cost.  The poor have done markedly better, the rich have done amazingly better, but those stuck in the middle have seen their wages stagnate if they have jobs at all.
Brexit was vote to stick it to the globalizers.  It was a vote to reestablish national identity.  It was a vote reclaim control of their little piece of the world. 

Well, Shucks!  The Politicians, Polls and the Plutocrat had it handed to them in Old Blighty. Europe faces what one paper called an 'existential crisis' - Sartre would call that ironic.

The UK is out of the EU.  I think that is good thing.  If Polls, Politicians and Plutocrats can look stupid, I call that a very good day.

Now, let's see what America will do - stay on the leash, or break the chains.

This is for you, Darby and Joan!

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How a Blue Collar Yank Sees Brexit - Punters Pummel Polls, Pols and Plutocrat

Darby and Joan who used to be Jack and Jill
The folks who like to be called
What they have always been called
"The folks who live on the hill"

So the Common Market, gussied up in OXFam/BBC GlobeSpeak to EU, got a bit lighter at 5AM London time.

Brexit forces won the national referendum to - Leave, or Remain in the European Union, formerly known as the Common Market.

The United Kingdom joined the EU in 1975, the year I began teaching in American Catholic secondary schools.

Since that time, I have married the woman of my dreams, fathered three splendid children, purchased two homes, been widowed, taught English at three secondary schools and raised millions of dollars as a Director of Development, met and court yet another woman of my dreams and watched the world get meaner.

I use the more archaic form of 'mean' which is anything but golden.  My County Kerry grandparents used the term to describe actions and people that were unnecessarily cruel, stingy, loutish, short-sighted and vain. Inconsiderate and selfish wags the world.

Not always and everywhere, mind you, just the self-described 'big dogs' doing the geopolitical rump wiggles - Politicians, plutocrats and their pet mandarins - pollsters.

Pollsters take orders from politicians and  plutocrats and tell us what is morally objectionable. Us are we. The Darby and Joans.  Regular folks.

They tell us what is the right side of history.

Well Darby and Joans, all over the UK, just confounded the smart and huge money. I watched one flustered chap on the BBC explain that the banks and markets followed William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power
Bookies have drastically revised their odds on Brexit betting after unexpectedly strong early polling for the leave campaign upended their confidence that the United Kingdom would vote to stay in the European Union.
Markets have followed the same dramatic route, with the pound hitting six-month highs before dropping off a cliff.
As voting closed about 7am Australian time, betting agency William Hill was offering odds of 1/9 for a remain victory - indicating a 90 per cent probability the UK would stay in the EU.
The Punters beat the house.  Punter is a British term for 'the people in the shoppe'  -fingering goods and merchandise - searching for a bargain.  Yew Knaooow!  The Commoners.

The oily Hungarian Bond Villain who funds every creepy political astro-turf organization, put his man in the White House with Vakerie Jarrett to yank his voice box in 2008, screwed up Venezuela and Central America more than Jefe Hugo and backed the REMAIN Global UK initiative and even ordered the White House to phone it in hours before the polls opened.

With the date of the Brexit referendum approaching and “Leave” leading in the polls, Soros published an article in the UK Guardian claiming that a vote to leave the EU would trigger an economic disaster.
“It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%,” Soros wrote.
Soros coupled his comments with references to a wildly questionable British Treasury economic “model” that estimated a Brexit would reduce UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per household by $6,321 in 2030.
The scare tactics seemed to work over the next few days. The polls indicated that the chances of a “Leave” vote fell dramatically and global stock markets rallied back.
Matthew Tyrmand believes that this is typical of a Soros’ orchestrated “reflexivity” campaign to overload the consciousness of most UK middle- and lower-class voters that against their own self-interest, they will vote to remain in the EU. 

Well, Darby and Joan launched a UK Bourgeois revolution. Like our British cousins, American workers are fed daily yards of tripe from the Soros funded thought mills and have the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Jan Schakowsky and Barack Obama pound our ears about what they are doing for the middle class.  Seems to me that they are doing economic genocide on the American Middle Class.

Another son of blue collar south side Chicago and political journalist, John Patrick Feehry, writes,
The global economy has been remarkable efficient in bringing more products to more customers at better prices.  It has been the principle reason that more people have been lifted out of abject poverty in global history. 
But for the middle class, those who do the bulk of the voting, globalization has come at a tremendous cost.  The poor have done markedly better, the rich have done amazingly better, but those stuck in the middle have seen their wages stagnate if they have jobs at all.
Brexit was vote to stick it to the globalizers.  It was a vote to reestablish national identity.  It was a vote reclaim control of their little piece of the world. 

Well, Shucks!  The Politicians, Polls and the Plutocrat had it handed to them in Old Blighty. Europe faces what one paper called an 'existential crisis' - Sartre would call that ironic.

The UK is out of the EU.  I think that is good thing.  If Polls, Politicians and Plutocrats can look stupid, I call that a very good day.

Now, let's see what America will do - stay on the leash, or break the chains.

This is for you, Darby and Joan!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Planned Parenthood and the True Face of Evil - Dr. Kermit Gosnell

gosnell powers

Gosnell, an elegant man who appears serene in court, smiled softly as he listened to testimony last week, even that of a young woman who said she was hospitalized for two weeks after a 2009 abortion. AP

The Elegance of murdering children?

Planned Parenthood used to be a GOP pet project.  Back in the day Planned Parenthood, a group dedicated to killing unborn children, attracted the hearts and minds of Brahmins in Boston, Knickerbockers in New York, Philadelphia Main Liners and the Percys of Illinois.  Back in the day, no Democrat would would sit down, or up-wind of a Planned Parenthood Dowager with a handbag full of cash.

Democrats, back in the day, were Catholics and devout Jews, or Baptists.  Things change, or as Progressives who always embrace eugenics, be it euthanizing the mentally challenged or the Old Folks at Home, or good old fashioned infanticide, was found to be wholesome to Mainline Protestant ( Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists and of course the United Church of Christ) Babbitts, as well as the east coast elites.

Back in the day, Planned Parenthood was a tough sell.  Then came Vatican II, Camelot, The Great Society and The Pill.  Abortion was put on the back burner and Contraception became all the rage.   Gradually, the Planned Parenthood's GOP supporters slid into the tar-pits of history: John Lindsey, Nels Rockefeller and Chuck Percy shed their mortal husks.

By the 1968 Convention in Chicago coalitions against LBJ's War on Uncle Ho, included leading voices of the Abortion Industry including America's Pediatrician for Kids Who Managed Not To Be Aborted - Dr. Benjamin Spock.  The meme be -If Dr. Spock be with us, who can stand against us?

After all, Dr. Spock stood with Ramsey Clark, a towering legal nitwit, against The Bomb and The War!

Soon, every Democrat who ditched the Brillcream infavor of Men's Hair Spray was courting the Dowagers of Death at  Planned Parenthood to help them slaughter children and pass out condoms in public schools.

In Philadelphia, a man with an MD went to work aborting babies in the black community - just like Maggie Sanger demanded.  This proud black man of medicine butcher full-term live children and received Federal Dollars to do so.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell is on trial, but you will not any report, or commentary of Gosnell's Gore in the pages of the Chicago Tribune or the Chicago Sun Times which owe fealty to Planned Parenthood and obey Governor Pat Quinn's boss Personal Pac President Boss Terry Cosgrove.

Here is what you might have missed -

An 18-page chapter in the Grand Jury report is entitled “The Intentional Killing of Viable Babies.” Gosnell was supposed to perform abortions, but because he often performed abortions on women who were well past the legal limit of 24 weeks, many of the fetuses were fully-formed and could survive if delivered. The practice of inducing labor, actually meant that many of the women gave birth. Sometimes they were told to sit on a toilet and expunge the baby, because Gosnell was not there to oversee the procedure. Other times, a baby would come out of the womb and Gosnell would take a live, screaming, kicking baby and sever its spinal cord with a snip of the scissors. It was a practice, the Grand Jury report alleges, that happened hundreds of times over the years, but because much of the paperwork and evidence was destroyed, there were only seven provable incidents.His young victims included Baby Boy A, nearly 7 and a half months, killed and discarded in a plastic shoe box. Baby Boy B, 28 weeks, was frozen forever in a gallon water bottle. Baby C was living in the world for 20 minutes before Williams, according to testimony by Cross, came in and extinguished the new life with a slice to the neck, as she’d seen Gosnell do.As also described in testimony, women were drugged up, most by employees with no medical training or certification to do so. More from TruTV:
Because the cramping from the laminaria and the Cytotec was so severe, the women were often in excruciating pain for hours at a time. Gosnell was usually not on the premises. This meant they were immediately drugged — often to the point of overdosing. Restoril, a sleep disorder treatment with muscle relaxant properties, was the drug of choice — often given in addition to the sedation packages.Most of the time, eight or ten women were kept in a single room, moaning and groaning in pain. Gosnell’s instructions were to drug them up as much as possible to “quiet them.”

Our Democrats are fine with this. Back in the day, Democrats were on the side of unborn, the innocent and helpless and then they got on "The Right Side of History"  with Dr. Kermit Gosnell, MD and the Dowagers of Death -Planned Parenthood.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Obamaretta - Gilbert and Sullivan Bedamned!

This here is a howl! Huge Hat tip to Anne Leary's Backyard Conservative!

Next week - Jerry " Governor Moonbeam" Brown's California Revival of John Ford's Senecan Tragedy'Tis Pity She's a Whore!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Racists Turn Backs on Portrait of President Digging for Nose Gold

In the ever expanding Universe of Americans turning their backs on Obama Health Reform and other costly treats, White House Spokesfolks ginned up the heat on Racists and Terrorists (the folks photoed above).

MSNBC will do a two-hour loop tape to run around the clock over the next six months to point out Racism on Main Street U.S.A. There's no getting away from it - from Martha's Vineyard to Bum Hump, Arkansas- this "Nation of Cowards" does not cotton to Government Health Care or State Sponsored Abortion. ( click my post title)

Friday, October 31, 2008

I Voted McCain - For Those Of You Voting Obama, Expect This If He Wins

I voted for John McCain - early, but just once. My two voting age children did as well.

I believe that Senator Obama is an ambitious guy - fair enough. He took a path that seems like a sure thing: Powerful Advocacy Issue PACs, George Soros's millions, the American News Media, University Loudmouths, and an all too compliant Democratic Party.I still have faith that most American voters will side with John McCain.

Here is what you can expect from an Obama Presidency, thanks to the Brilliant Dr. Charles Krauthammer -

(1) Card check, meaning the abolition of the secret ballot in the certification of unions in the workplace. Large men will come to your house at night and ask you to sign a card supporting a union. You will sign.

(2) The so-called Fairness Doctrine -- a project of Nancy Pelosi and leading Democratic senators -- a Hugo Chavez-style travesty designed to abolish conservative talk radio.

(3) Judges who go beyond even the constitutional creativity we expect from Democratic appointees. Judges chosen according to Obama's publicly declared criterion: "empathy" for the "poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old" -- in a legal system historically predicated on the idea of justice entirely blind to one's station in life.

(4) An unprecedented expansion of government power. Yes, I know. It has already happened. A conservative government has already partially nationalized the mortgage industry, the insurance industry and nine of the largest U.S. banks.

Click my Post Title for more

If you think times are tough today, vote for Obama on Tuesday and really pile it on!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Marilyn Katz - Obama Radical Lands on Her Paws to Overturn Laws!

Yesterday, I posted a link to a great Pittsburgh Tribune Review article giving details to Obama's Red Kitchen Cabinet. Prominent among the 'scrubbed' radicals was Chicago's Own Marilyn Katz, as Sneed would say - A PR Maven.

For a Radical Lady dedicated to 'bringing down the American Government,' Marilyn Katz got Fat on Government -U.S. CHA ( Chicago Housing Authority) Prime. Take a look at Fat Katz's Clients especially the low-down and dirty - Katz is Land Fatz! I wonder if Tony Rezko and Allison Davis played hard on this dirt? HOUSING! LAND! SLUMLORDS! Oh My! Hey, FITZ!????????

Case Study: Civil Rights

Bethel New Life, Inc.
CeaseFire- The Campaign to Stop the Shooting
Chicagoans Against War & Injustice
Citizens for David Orr
Hispanic Housing Development Corporation
Historic Chicago Bungalow Association
Human Rights Watch
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago (CLISC)
Perspectives Charter School
Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)
The Chicago Conservation Center
The Partnership for New Communities
University of Chicago- Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP)


Peter Ascoli, Author
Residential Land Fund

Case Study: City of Chicago’s Cavalcade of Homes

Chicago Housing Authority
City of Chicago Department of Environment
City of Chicago Department of Housing
City of Chicago Department of Public Health--Hepatitis Prevention Program
City of Chicago Department of Public Health--Syphilis Elimination Campaign
City of Chicago Department of Streets & Sanitation

Marilyn Katz

An aide to then-Chicago mayor Harold Washington from 1983-87, Marilyn Katz is currently a public relations professional who serves on Barack Obama’s national finance committee. In 2005, Katz and the longtime Marxist and Obama supporter Carl Davidson co-authored the book Stopping War, Seeking Justice. In conjunction with Davidson, Katz was one of the two chief organizers of the October 2002 anti-war demonstration in Chicago where Obama first went public with his opposition to the Iraq War. In 1968, Katz was head of security for the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) during the Chicago street riots that took place while the Democratic Party held its national convention in that city.

Katz, who now heads MK Communications and is a registered lobbyist with the City of Chicago, has personally contributed $1,000 to Obama for America, the eponymous candidate’s presidential campaign fund. She is also part of a fundraising team that has committed to raising a minimum of $200,000 for Obama’s campaign.

Katz has long been acquainted with Obama supporter and former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers. In April 2008 Katz told the Chicago Sun-Times that she had first met Ayers when he was a 17-year-old fellow member of Students for a Democratic Society, "a peaceful group from which the Weather Underground splintered." (emphasis added)

Hope and Change! Lots of Change and Folding Money! These Folks ain't Red - They're Green!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey Mayor - Get Bill Ayers to Do Crowd Control at Obama Rally in Grant Park!

"When you close down Grant Park, you need police," he said. "You need fire. You need sanitation. You have to have extra police on the CTA going to and from downtown. You need an enormous amount of people there. That's quite a bit of overtime."

Mayor Daley

Get this Daley is ordering Firemen to 'take home emergency gear' in preparation for the Obama Dionysian Rites on Election Night.

Daley is cutting the blue collar Middle Class Streets and Sanitation workers. Daley has sent $ 250,000 in checks to CPS students to bribe them to do their homework.

Daley and Chicago Tribune excoriated Local 150 Engineers for making the salaries and benefits that they earn.

Daley gave Billy Ayers, the domestic terrorist,Chicago's Citizen of the Year 1997!

Billy Ayers called the Cops on Fox- TV. Billy Ayers tried to kill cops. It'll be the BOMB!

Hey Daley - ask Billy Ayers and his pals to provide some comfort and protection.


Click my post title for the story.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Joe The Plumber! Ask Paul Vallas How Well Obama Redistributed Annenberg Wealth!

Here is how Barack Obama redistributed the wealth while Executive Director for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge - ridiculously bad.

Paul Vallas*, who actually made all of the school improvements in the Chicago Public Schools and then was forced out by Mayor Daley, recently explained just how Barack Obama and his boss Billy Ayers pread the wealth to radical community groups like ACORN, while they had their elbows up to millions of dollars:

Posted: 4:51 am
October 20, 2008

Chicago's former schools chief has flunked the education foundation headed by Barack Obama and founded by 1960s terrorist Bill Ayers - saying it failed to monitor projects and funded school "reform" groups that campaigned against boosting academic standards.

"There was a total lack of accountability. If you went back and asked, you'd be hard-pressed to find out how the money was spent," said Paul Vallas, the city's school superintendent when Obama chaired the Chicago Annenberg Foundation from 1995 to 1999.

Annenberg spent $49.5 million, mostly on grants to 211 public schools that partnered with community-based groups. But despite collecting millions, those schools performed no better than other public schools, a study found.

Ayers, a professor of education at the University of Illinois and an ex-Weather Underground bomber, wrote the grant that won the Windy City funding from the national Annenberg Challenge. He was a key adviser to the Chicago Annenberg board.

While much debate has centered on Obama's relationship with Ayers, there's been virtually no discussion about how the Annenberg schools performed.

"Very little of the money found its way directly into the classroom," Vallas said.

Most frustrating, Vallas said, was that Annenberg under Obama and Ayers funded groups that fought his mission, under Mayor Richard Daley, to impose uniform standards and stricter accountability in low-performing schools.

Many of Vallas' goals were later adopted by Mayor Bloomberg in Big Apple schools.

"Many of the school-reform groups viewed greater accountability as an infringement of local control. Some opposed ending social promotion and grade retention," Vallas said.

Obama defended the foundation's performance, saying it dispensed its funds to help struggling programs and train teachers.

Hey Joe! Watch your wallet!

Paul G. Vallas is currently superintendent of the Recovery School District of New Orleans, Louisiana.

He first gained fame as CEO of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS). During his tenure from 1995 to 2001, he led an effort to reform the school system, and his work was cited by President Bill Clinton for raising test scores, improving relations with the teachers' union, balancing the budget, and instituting several new programs included mandatory summer school, after school programs, and expanding alternative, charter, and magnet schools.

The position of CEO of the CPS was created by Mayor Richard M. Daley after he successfully convinced the Illinois State Legislature to place CPS under mayoral control. Vallas had previously directed the budget arm of the Illinois State Legislature and served as budget director for Daley.

Controversy plagued Vallas towards the end of his reign as CPS CEO. Following criticism from the mayor, and the election of a union president who ran on an anti-Vallas platform, Vallas resigned in 2001 and ran for Governor of Illinois as a Democrat. Vallas placed second in the Democratic primary, losing narrowly to now-Governor Rod Blagojevich while running ahead of former state Attorney General Roland Burris.

Following the election, Vallas was appointed CEO of School District of Philadelphia. In Philadelphia, he presided over the nation's largest experiment in privatized management of schools, with the management of over 40 schools turned over to outside for-profits, nonprofits, and universities beginning in Fall 2002.

In 2005, Vallas considered challenging Blagojevich again for Illinois governor in the Democratic Primary but decided against it. He then signed a two-year contract (2007-2008) as superintendent of the Recovery School District of New Orleans, Louisiana.

On April 28, 2008 he appeared before the City Club of Chicago and on Chicago news shows discussing a possible run for governor in 2010.[1][

Monday, October 06, 2008

OBAMA R.A.W. ( Rezko, Ayers, Wright) * Things to Remember about Rezko/Obama

Tim Novak where have you been? Where is the best investigative journalist at Chicago Sun Times being held? STNG ( Sun Times News Group) Free Tim Novak! Get him back on Rezko, Ayers and Wright - at least pretend the paper is not totally part of Team Obama. Here's one of his Greatest Hits! from January 2008!

1. They met in 1990. Obama was a student at Harvard Law School and got an unsolicited job offer from Rezko, then a low-income housing developer in Chicago. Obama turned it down.

2. Obama took a job in 1993 with a small Chicago law firm, Davis Miner Barnhill, that represents developers -- primarily not-for-profit groups -- building low-income housing with government funds.

3. One of the firm's not-for-profit clients -- the Woodlawn Preservation and Investment Corp., co-founded by Obama's then-boss Allison Davis -- was partners with Rezko's company in a 1995 deal to convert an abandoned nursing home at 61st and Drexel into low-income apartments. Altogether, Obama spent 32 hours on the project, according to the firm. Only five hours of that came after Rezko and WPIC became partners, the firm says. The rest of the future senator's time was helping WPIC strike the deal with Rezko. Rezko's company, Rezmar Corp., also partnered with the firm's clients in four later deals -- none of which involved Obama, according to the firm. In each deal, Rezmar "made the decisions for the joint venture," says William Miceli, an attorney with the firm.

4. In 1995, Obama began campaigning for a seat in the Illinois Senate. Among his earliest supporters: Rezko. Two Rezko companies donated a total of $2,000. Obama was elected in 1996 -- representing a district that included 11 of Rezko's 30 low-income housing projects.

5. Rezko's low-income housing empire began crumbling in 2001, when his company stopped making mortgage payments on the old nursing home that had been converted into apartments. The state foreclosed on the building -- which was in Obama's Illinois Senate district.

6. In 2003, Obama announced he was running for the U.S. Senate, and Rezko -- a member of his campaign finance committee -- held a lavish fund-raiser June 27, 2003, at his Wilmette mansion.

7. A few months after Obama became a U.S. senator, he and Rezko's wife, Rita, bought adjacent pieces of property from a doctor in Chicago's Kenwood neighborhood -- a deal that has dogged Obama the last two years. The doctor sold the mansion to Obama for $1.65 million -- $300,000 below the asking price. Rezko's wife paid full price -- $625,000 -- for the adjacent vacant lot. The deals closed in June 2005. Six months later, Obama paid Rezko's wife $104,500 for a strip of her land, so he could have a bigger yard. At the time, it had been widely reported that Tony Rezko was under federal investigation. Questioned later about the timing of the Rezko deal, Obama called it "boneheaded" because people might think the Rezkos had done him a favor.

8. Eight months later -- in October 2006 -- Rezko was indicted on charges he solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business under his friend Gov. Blagojevich. Federal prosecutors maintain that $10,000 from the alleged kickback scheme was donated to Obama's run for the U.S. Senate. Obama has given the money to charity

We just might go on the Acronym Paradigm-it's edgy and so MSM!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ayers/Obama: Past is Prologue -Except When it Makes Obama Uncomfortable

The New York Times offers a flabby push-up, as opposed to rigorous work-out on Obama's long, close, dangerous and uncomfortable association with William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

Chicago's complex and cowardly web of convenience that weaves radicals, Private Foundations ( Woods Fund, Joyce Foundation, MacArthur and others), law firms ( Sidley & Austin,,Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland, Bluhm Center, Peoples Law Office) real estate opportunists ( Tony Rezko, Allison Davis, Cullen Davis), universities ( UICC, Northwestern, and University of Chicago), and the media ( WGN, Chicago Tribune, Medill School of Journalism) and gutless and cynical politicians ( Daley and Blagojevich) provides the cover for this long, close and dangerous association.

This corporate weave is the 'dumb-down comforter' that wraps Ayers and his odious wife in such warmth that they can stare down from their stoops at America with contempt and allow Billy the Bomber, who polka-ed all over Old Glory in the Tribune's glossy and chi-chi Chicago Magazine, to give AMERICA THE FINGER. Even a Huffington Post Obamabot Michael Shaw noticed that.

Obama is rooted to William Ayers and his political ascendancy owes more to Ayers than it does to the urban myth - Obama as Chicago Machine Politician. Obama is no more a Democratic Machine Politician than Tony Rezko is a philanthropist, or the Chicago Sun Times is a newspaper.

For all the protestations from Obama's journalists - worldwide - there has never been a serious inquiry, much less valuable study of William Ayers and his dangerous influence upon Obama by any Mainstream Media -including the cut-and-paste work of Sean Hannity.

Professor Steve Diamond and National Review's Stanley Kurtz have conducted the only real examinations of Ayers and the many other radical mentors of Barack Obama.

The Annenberg Challenge which was funded by Ambassador Walter Annenberg, himself a publisher of sorts -TV Guide and such - and the off-spring of real Chicago Gangsters - Moe Anneberg and the nephew of Max Annenberg. The lazy media dismiss the Annenberg Challenge as a Republican cover -'not just Ayers but Republicans too.'


Ayers and Dohrn were helped to toss their crimes against Americans into the Orwellian Memory Hole, through political convenience. Dorhn has been helping radical lawyers bring suit against Illinois taxpayers through her studies of children being assaulted by a racist Justice system that promotes police torture of blacks, inadequate legal representation for minorities at Northwestern Law School. Dorhn can not practice law. However she can yield power and influence over our courts through radical agitation methods and heavy, heavy lawsuits - Sue the City, Sue the County, Sue the racist People of America. I wish she would have stuck to C-4 as she would have done much less damage to lives and property.

Ayers bombs minds at the University of Illinois at Chicago. They got these jobs and cover of academic propriety through Law Firms - notably Sidley and Austin, where Michele Obama worked.

Obama took the path to White House holding the hands of Ayers and Dorhn.

Friday, October 03, 2008

The Debate: Biden Exudes Charm & Class, but Palin Connects to Americans

The Chicago Tribune rolled out its underwhelming 'damn with faint praise' edition of the Post VP Debate spin.

Steve Chapman's charge of 'Small Town Snobbery' that he lamely leveled against Sahara Palin still banners up for the Salon set. Using some dweebish sociology paper, Chapman explains that crime is down in small town America because the towns are small:

This deters crime in two ways. First, you don't want to damage your reputation among people who may ostracize you for doing wrong. Second, you don't want to rob someone who can easily identify you to police—and in a small town, that limits your pool of victims. Crime is more common in cities because they offer a target-rich environment and much less chance of being spotted by someone who can tell the cops your name, address and 3rd-grade teacher.
One of these days, the 80 percent of Americans who live in more populated areas may tire of being obliquely insulted. Most urbanites and suburbanites don't think they're any better than their country cousins. But Palin might want to think twice before telling them they're worse.

Homicide, Assault, Robery in Englewood, Chatham, Gresham, Roseland where the body count goes up higher than Franklin Raines' Fannie Mae buyout loot?

Steve, you really need to get out a bit. Violent Crimes in those neighborhoods do not occur because of the economic rich pickings, Steve and all too often the neighbors and relatives witness the actual crime and 'NO SNITCH!'

Anyway, Joe Biden is a compelling, forceful, witty, and delightful man and Sarah Palin faced one of the most skilled debaters in the U.S. Senate. Gov. Palin held her own and gave back as good as she got.

What is important is this - Sarah Palin spoke to America.

Joe Biden won the debate, but Sarah Palin won the hearts and minds - if not the ears of folks all over America - I expect more disertations on Palins mispronunciation of the 'N word' - NUCLEAR. I believe that her pronunciation was part of the tactical plan to connect with Americans - irregardless of Party Affiliation. That was the mission. Check!

Steve Chapman's is to help paint the Yellow Brick Road that Obama is skipping on - for now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain/Palin: Barack Obama Is the Man Who Never Was

Way back when Barack Obama decided to become a national icon of post-racial politics and the agent of change, he no longer was seen publicly with the people from the Chicago Wards who helped get him elected to the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate. I commented on this fact in a blog that I was once a contributor - Illinoize. I stopped writing for that local blog during the goofy and failed BIG BOX Ordinance idiocy orchestrated by SEIU ( one of Obama's crucial political organizations). I criticized SEIU for masquerading as a labor union and noted the willingness of the already co-opted Media in playing dress up for that redistribution of wealth agenda.

Obama became a figure. I vote for a person and I hitched my vote to John McCain who happened to be a Republican. All of Obama's wardrobe has been designed and cut by Progressives and that is why Obama is never seen with Ward level Democratic volunteers or leaders. He is post-political -doncha know? The very people who Obama sneered at in San Francisco ( working class people Catholics, Jews, and Protestants) helped bring him to elected office. Obama needed the Chicago Democratic Ward level help -in that case the Machine helped Obama more than he helped the Chicago Machine. The goofs who did McCain's Chicago Ad should have spent a little time with a Chicagoan. Not that he'd say anything - 'I don' know nuttin' see! Dis Canary don' sing, see?' So, the Mad Men did what most Chicago films do - background shots - and missed the true nature of the truth.

But, Obama became a Progressive clotheshorse and wore raiment of their cookie-cutter pose of a leader.

Today, Tony Blankley got to heart of Obama's problem - the Man is Not Genuine. He is like the Man Who Never Was from WWII.

The image of Barack Obama that the press has presented is not a fair approximation of the real man. They have consciously ignored whole years in his life, and showed a lack of curiosity about such gaps that bespeaks a lack of journalistic instinct. Thus, the public image of Mr. Obama is of a "Man who never was." I take that phrase from a 1956 movie about a real life WWII British intelligence operation to trick the Germans into thinking the Allies were going to invade Greece, rather than Italy, in 1943. Operation "Mincemeat" involved the acquisition of a human corpse dressed as a Maj. William Martin, R.M. and put into the sea near Spain. Attached to the corpse was a brief-case containing fake letters suggesting that the Allied attack would be against Sardinia and Greece.

To make the operation credible, British intelligence created a fictional life for the corpse — a letter from a lover, tickets to a London theater, all the details of a life — but not the actual life of the dead young man whose corpse was being used. So, too, the man the media has presented to the nation as Mr. Obama is not the real man.

Absolutely, Sir! Obama makes Hollywood look Genuine. Obama makes what passes for journalism these days look like the real deal. Obama's past and associations are guarded like weapons grade plutonium - unless of course in the former Soviet Union. The very people howling for Obama are not what one might consider Genuine -Bill Maher,The View, MSNBC, Pamela Sue Anderson, P-Diddy, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Keith Olbermann and Tom Hayden. Genuine clowns to be sure, but persons?

There is a genuine problem with Barcak Obama's will to be anything but Genuine and Tony Blankley says it better than anyone else.

The public image of Mr. Obama as an idealistic, post-race, post-partisan, well-spoken and honest young man with the wisdom and courage befitting a great national leader is a confection spun by a willing conspiracy of Mr. Obama, his publicist David Axelrod and most of the senior editors, producers and reporters of the national media.

Perhaps that is why the National Journal's respected correspondent Stuart Taylor has written that "the media can no longer be trusted to provide accurate and fair campaign reporting and analysis." That conspiracy has not only photo-shopped out all of Mr. Obama's imperfections (and dirtied up his opponent Mr. McCain's image), but it has put most of his questionable history down the memory hole.

The public will be voting based on the idealized image of the man who never was. If he wins, however, we will be governed by the sunken, cynical man Mr. Obama really is. One can only hope that the senior journalists will be judged as harshly for their professional misconduct as Wall Street's leaders currently are for their failings.

Tony Blankley is a syndicated columnist.
Click my post title for the full article!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain/Palin: Crossing the Pig to Nowhere with Barack 'Lipstick Barry' Obama

Gee Whizz! The Press decided to make Obama sound like a school snitch that got pants-ed* during lunch hour.

From Ben Smith's Politico:

Obama said the McCain campaign moved to "seize an innocent remark and take it out of context because they knew it's catnip for the news media."

"See, it would be funny, but the news media decided that would be the lead story yesterday. This happens every election cycle. Every four years, this is what we do. This is what they want to spend two of the last 55 days talking about...Enough!" he said.

Obama called the attacks "lies, outrage and swift boat politics."

"These are serious times and they call for a serious debate...spare me all the phony outrage. Spare me all the phony talk about change," he said.

Which reminded me of Nice Deb's Posting some time back - would this sniveling cry-baby give the keys to U.S.A. R Us to Chavez or other tyrants if they got fresh with Obama?

Here at home a girl has been 'picking on him' for a week and a 72 year old man has been laughing at Barack Obama! Now, only MSNBC and CNN takes him seriously.

* Pants-ed (v. transitive To Pants, or the condition of pants(ed) past tense) etymology - from the Chicago-ese the condition of having been the victim of an act perpetratued by one or more persons as a cautionary discipline. The trousers or pants are pulled down and,in the more serious cases involving snitching or telling, removed entirely from the culprit and tossed over a phone wire or tree.

Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain/Palin:McCain Crosses the T – on Obama Armada

Like Nelson at Trafalgar, Togo at Tsushima, Jellicoe at Jutland and Oldendorf at Surigao, John McCain brought all of the heavy guns in his fleet to bear upon the mighty Obama Armada lined up in rigid order of battle.

John McCain crossed the T with his patient and calculated choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on August 29th. It is all over. That move was the game changer. Dean of Chicago Journalism, Robert Novak wrote this:
. . . not only because Palin appears to be an outstanding candidate but also because McCain in his first test as party leader came through with a unique and responsible decision.
The party faithful had feared the worst, in view of McCain's long record as a maverick who enjoyed violating Republican dogma.
As recently as two weeks before Palin's selection, McCain's closest aides feared, in the words of one of them, "McCain would be McCain," by choosing liberal independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman, which would have deflated the convention and indeed the party on the eve of an uphill battle for the presidency.
But on this occasion, McCain made a politically ingenious selection. Whether the presence on the Republican ticket of a woman for the first time actually will attract disaffected supporters of Hillary Clinton is doubtful.
Gender politics aside, she is an ideal running mate. On the one hand, she shares McCain's loathing for earmarks, which are ingrained in the corruption-tainted politics of Alaska. She also has a good record in fighting off big oil, which plays a major role in the politics of Alaska.
Her election as governor broke the hold of the Republican "Alaska gang," whose senior members have been under criminal investigation.
On the other hand, she meets conservative requirements as an opponent of abortion and member of the National Rifle Association. That is much more than most people in St. Paul were hoping for.
Senator Obama, David Axelrod, Howard Dean, the DNC and their money machines are caught in the searchlights turned on by Media attempts at ‘night action’ on Governor Palin’s family and her character. Clown anchors like Olbermann, Madow and Matthews at MSNBC and Campbell Brown, Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty at CNN have exposed themselves as partisans and not journalists.

The McCain Campaign is on target and firing salvo after salvo and the impact is serious on Obama:

Monday, September 08
Race Poll Results Spread
USA Today/Gallup
McCain 54, Obama 44
McCain +10
Rasmussen Tracking
McCain 48, Obama 47
McCain +1

Obama is sunk, not for lack of brains, but lack of guts. He could have and should have asked – begged Hillary Rodham Clinton to shore up his well-heeled but doctrinaire campaign handled entirely by Progressives. Instead, his rarified soul demanded a lesser light in durable, affable, malleable Joe Biden (D-Delaware).

Obama is perceived, and rightly so, to be a snob and a disdainful prophet of redistribution of wealth. Obama’s Armada and all of its legions of tax-payer funded foot-soldiers (SEIU, Public School Lobby, Teachers Unions, AFSMCE, ACORN & etc.) is sunk.. Obama has been hoisted to Olympus on the hemp and pulleys of the Progressives – kind of a reverse deus ex machina and can only talk down to Americans. He uses nice carefully chosen words but he still talks down to us in litanies of imperative sentences.

McCain steamed right across Obama’s bow and his Armada lined up like baby ducks behind him and Joe Biden. The Armada is shattered.

Waxing biblical, as they did in Denver, I might add from Douay Rheims - Pharao's chariots and his army he hath cast into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in the Red Sea. Exodus 15:4