Showing posts with label President Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Donald Trump. Show all posts

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Jesus Rolled Back the Stone, but Anti-Semitism Reels Freely

Image result for Jesus the Risen Jew

He is Risen!

My saviour rolled back a huge rock that denied God's promise to all men - "I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" (Exodus 20.2).

The specific people He bonded with are Semites - Jews.  His covenant was fulfilled from the House and and Family of David, the Root of Jesse, the Seed of Abraham. We Christians believe that, but forget that and we tolerate and often parse the Jew hatred of Muslims, atheists and others.  Jews are targets 2018 years after Jesus rolled back that stone.

PARIS—On April 4 of last year, a 67-year-old Jewish woman in Paris named Sarah Halimi was beaten to death and thrown off the balcony of her third-story apartment in a public housing complex by a neighbor who shouted “Allahu Akbar.” It took 10 months and a public outcry that began with France’s Jewish community, the largest in Europe, before prosecutors officially called the attack an anti-Semitic hate crime. Last Friday, Mireille Knoll, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor, was stabbed 11 times and set alight by a neighbor and a homeless man. This time, authorities immediately, perhaps even prematurely, called it an anti-Semitic attack. Gérard Collomb, France’s interior minister, said this week that before killing Knoll, one of the two men arrested for the murder had told the other, “She is a Jew, she must have money.”

2018 years after Jesus triumphed over death, sin and despair,  a huge hunk of the earth's population want Jews dead.    In Paris and Berlin the issue of how to get a grip on the thuggish, intellectually and politically sophisticated, right wing and left-wing interpretations of Jew Hate fill pages of the world's newspapers.  The German police call 90% of the attacks on Jews 'right-wing' crimes, even though evidence points to Arab and Turkish immigrants doing the attacks.

Less vicious in America?  Not the rhetoric.

Our spineless, American media makes mild mention of the repulsively racist rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan without drawing a gurgle of outrage from Pussy Hat wearing, marching members of the pan-Resistance, or the gun-hugging Roseanne viewing Deplorables.  The media will not hound Farrakhan, because he gave Obama his first boost and a ground campaign from Fruit of Islam in 2000 against Bobby Rush.  Obama didn't forget and posed happily America's number One Jew Hater in 2005, when Dan Hynes handed the US Senate seat to him.

Obama also was knotted around the political rhetorical genius of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck or in eight years when he’s out of office. They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said that from the beginning. He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”

I have heard these nuggets from Americans (white, black, Hispanic, educated) people
  • Jews own the news
  • Israel is not the 51st State
  • Free Gaza from Homophobes
  • They bring it on themselves
  • Jews began racism
  • What's the Holocaust?  A Good Start
These same people wept at Schindler's List and cite The Diary of Anne Frank as their favorite book from high school.

My people, the Irish, especially the younger Irish, now seem to exceed the British in their Anti-Zionist Jew-baiting.  The Norman Conquest is over - the Irish are now fully British, thanks to OxFam Marxists and the BBC's ugly step-child RTE. 

Due to a virtual broadcasting monopoly, the way in which RTE treats contentious issues of major social concern, such as terrorism, migrant waves, the resurgence of European anti-Semitism, etc., arguably has a greater impact on the thinking of the Irish Nation than equivalent broadcasting institutions in other countries, such as the United Kingdom’s BBC, that compete with a strong private sector.
RTE’s audience reach extends beyond the Irish Republic, with media saturation in Northern Ireland, and its radio and television channels are viewed quite widely abroad, particularly in the UK mainland.

Just before all of the St. Paddy's Wearing of the green the Irish Seanad (Senate)  passed the most vicious anti-Semitic legislation in Ireland's history.

The Irish and Jewish people share a common history of both suffering cruel persecution, and achieving national redemption against immeasurable odds. But today, modern Ireland is one of Europe’s fiercest critics of Israel. This tension was on display last week as the Irish Senate was considering legislation aimed at criminalizing trade with Israeli settlements.
The legislation, titled “Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018,” would “prohibit the import and sale of goods, services and natural resources originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories,” according to Senator Frances Black, the bill’s sponsor.
While the vote on the legislation was eventually postponed, many in Israel saw it as another example of the growing effort in Europe to single out and boycott the Jewish state.
President Trump told Irish that if they boycott Israel, America boycotts them and he is the deplorable one.  Hell, I didn't like Trump, until he became President.
Image result for Jesus Loves JewsAnti
Jesus rolled back the stone and went to Galilee, where he ended His days on earth with a bunch of Jews.

Jesus wept.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

President Trump Screwed Up - Big Time. The Iconoclasts Own Oxygen, Now

Image result for oak woods cemetery confederate moundImage result for Donald Trump on Charlotte

"the image acts or behaves as the subject itself is expected to act or behave. It makes known its wishes ... It enacts evangelical teachings, ... When attacked it bleeds, ... [and] In some cases it defends itself against infidels with physical force ..."  Byzantine art in the making: main lines of stylistic development in Mediterranean art, 3rd-7th century 1977. 

"To compare these propagandistic installations to the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial is either profoundly ignorant or deviously brazen." Eric Zorn- pencil neck geek and Chicago Tribune Columnist

Why?  To compare Canfields lime sparkling water to beer might be profoundly ignorant or deviously brazen.  Might be.
Image result for oak woods cemetery confederate moundImage result for oak woods cemetery confederate mound
Eric Zorn likes to proclaim without substantial explanations - things just ARE with Eric Zorn; hence his title for the attack on the Rebs, Nazis, Bigots and profoundly ignorant or deviously brazen: No, in fact, removing the statue of Robert E. Lee doesn't put us on a slippery slope

Slippery Slopes are what people with common sense, schooling and good manners keep an eye out for to avoid future problems. Drinking alot of beer from dawn to dusk is a very slippery slope to chronic alcoholism.  It happens and will happen again to ladies and gents who attend services at Bob's Husky Barstool - open 7 AM.

I like Canfield's lime sparkling water.    It beats beer hollow.  I love beer for the "tingle on the T'roat" and unlike sparkling wines beer never caves in the noggin, unless one sips his Pilsner from a gallon punch bowl.

These days, I enjoy sparkling water much more than beer.  All the tingle and none of the post dissipation problems.  There are no Cook County Toni Taxes, or any Field Sobriety Test anxiety after taking the wheel with an ice-cold can in the cup-holder.

Life is good!  I can walk into the local tavern and order up a pint of the clear with a citrus wedge, beneath the iconic Guinness Toucan sign without pangs of anguish and pain for those yet enslaved by demon rum, Happy Cossack Vodka, Devil IPA, or wicked wine.

Some sober drunks get offended by billboards, bar signage and anything romanticizing strong drink.

Slipped down a nasty slope, when casino gaming opened in Indiana.  My wife died and I entertained myself with a few hands of poker.

I have a gambling problem. I don't gamble - buy lottery tickets, go to casinos, wager on the Bears, purchase raffle tickets, or play the stock market.  I follow the GA way, attend daily Mass and Holy Communion, face my problems of the day and try and let go of any and all resentments that turned me from a sweet-natured, thoughtful guy into a degenerate gambler with all the stupidity that brings.

My Dad told me that I was on a very slippery slope, but he had not gotten an advanced degree from Loyola University.  He only walked picket lines for a two cents an hour raise and had his head opened by scabs, fought Race Supremacists from Bougainville to Iwo Jima and helped create the post-war standard of living.

I read Conrad, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chaucer and Thackeray - I knew all about gambling degenerates.

Since I arrested my gaming development, Illinois has opened mini-casinos in Pizza joints, Laundromats,  Sub and coffee shops, Slot parlors and saloons.   Chicago and a few suburbs do not allow slots.  Outside of these local governments - Viva Las Vegas  in LaGrange!

Some recovering gamblers might want to go all Carrie Nation on these joints and tear down this celebration of human slavery.

A recent research reveals that in America, approximately 2.5 million adults suffer from compulsive gambling, about 3 million are considered problem gamblers, around 15 million adults are under the risk of becoming problem gamblers and 148 million fall under the low risk gambler category.

Slavery is evil.  We are all consumed with what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia last week.  A score of people were nearly killed and one young woman was murdered by a Klan/Nazi idiot.

Politicians jumped to side of the angels - anyone not carrying Tiki Torches, Swastikas, Stars and Bars Reb battle flags, or spouting Race Identity Politics rhetoric spiced with Jew-Hatred.  Folded into this hateful human goo were the 63 million people who voted for Donald Trump. The AntiFa of Altleft marshalled their junior justice leagues to confront the hate-filled White Nationalists and White Supremacists with Red Flags, mace, sticks and stones and anyone who voted for the President and thinks that erasing history is the slippery slope to genuine tyranny.

President Trump made this possible.

President Trump screwed up - Big Time, as likes to say.  The plain spoken slave to Twitter was silent.

I would have gone personally.  I would have gotten up into David Duke's  whited capped grill and run that voice of losers (Rebs & Brown Shirts) back to his flat in Moscow, where he belongs. Trump could had his secret service agents shield him among people who genuinely hate racism and wedged away the Potemkin Village commandos of the Revolutionary Communist Party, International Solidarity Movement and of course Communist Party USA. 

There is no moral equivalency - the Rebs and Nazis had the stage much longer and Reds had gone under-ground while schools dumbed down history.

Here in Chicago, where a public school teacher encouraged his students to tell the media that 'they' came up with the idea of changing the name Stephan Douglas Park to Frederick Douglas Park, because the Little Giant loved slavery more than preserving the Union, Jesse Owens who embarrassed Der Fuhrer at the 1936 Berlin Olympics is buried along with 6,000 dead Rebs at Oak Woods Cemetery on 63rd & Cottage Grove.  The 6,000 Rebs died of cholera, starvation and cold in Camp Stephan A. Douglas.

There are Confederate icons at this graveyard.  President Trump opened the door for the iconoclasts to begin tearing things up, down and out.

Trump screwed up.  He would have lost nothing if he had publicly chastised Duke and the other Aryan pipsqueaks and turned his caustic wit upon the clowns wearing storm trooper gear and vowing to save the statues of Marse Robert. Instead, Trump opened the door for more slings and arrows, leaving the people who voted for him to drain the swamp to wallow in the mud with the self-hugging later day Lloyd Garrisons - if you do not agree with me, you are worse than the white robed  bigots and should join a local Einsatzgruppen. 

Trump is as bad  at healing the nations wounds, as Obama.  Trump could have made this massacre a great moment - a defining moment.

He didn't. His wife and kid did, but the President did not.  Trump opened the door to simpering and cowardly Iconoclasts of elected office and the media to suck all of CO2 out of the atmosphere.   Governors Cuomo and McAullife,  two practiced grifters in government are leading the efforts of the morons to tear down the false idols of the Confederacy.

One of the most oleaginous ink-slingers for the Cook County Banana Republic, Eric Zorn offers his pencil neck to the vanguard of book burners, grave robbers and statue topplers.

Many readers responded to my Wednesday column calling for the removal of all public honors to the Confederacy with variations of this slippery-slope argument.
What else should be destroyed or banned in the name of moral failings, asked my correspondents triumphantly: The Roman Coliseum? Fulbright scholarships? The Declaration of Independence? The song “Dixie”? Wrigley Field? “Gone With The Wind"? . . . It’s not, however, a particularly interesting or difficult debate when it comes to those who took up arms against the United States for the purpose of preserving human slavery.
Where do we draw the line? Gee, I dunno, but somewhere well this side of the leaders of the Confederacy — the politicians and generals known almost exclusively for their prominent roles in a murderous, doomed act of mass treason.
It’s an easy distinction. Washington, Jefferson and other flawed founders built this country. Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and other rebels tried to tear it apart. Unlike Washington and Jefferson, they have no significant compensating virtues or accomplishments to counterbalance their treachery and justify the numerous honors and tributes bestowed on them as symbols of Southern “heritage.”
Southerners erected many statues and monuments to such men decades after the Civil War as de facto middle fingers to those who battled segregation and demanded equal rights and opportunities for blacks.   
To compare these propagandistic installations to the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial is either profoundly ignorant or deviously brazen.
Eric draws pay from a paper that founded by the most hateful of the Nativists, Joseph Medill, who swore to hand Catholics from street lamps and later founded the American Protective Association that controlled American universities to keep out Catholics, Jews and Negroes.   This paper 'evolved' but still hates Catholics, Jews and keeps blacks snugly within the arms of cyclical poverty with policies meant to maintain the plantation.

Eric called people who objected to the legislation that ended marriage as a family consisting of a mother and father for the purpose of having children, profoundly ignorant and deviously brazen in 2012.

I will not debate the morality of various forms of private sexual conduct between consenting adults and neither should our lawmakers.
To me, immoral conduct is that which harms others, period. To you or your religious tradition, it may encompass much more, and that's fine. Advocates aren't asking you or your officiants to bless gay marriage, celebrate it or even, in your heart, to like it. They're asking you to recognize the line America tries to maintain between personal morality and the judgment of the law; between what's your business and what's none of your business.
Unless your business is making wedding cakes, and you are being sued out of business, Zorn.
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Erasing history is tool of tyranny.  Stalin mastered the art.  ISIS has destroyed every vestige of Iraqi and Syrian Christianity.  Byzantine iconoclasts not only destroyed statues and icons, but murdered thousands of people.Image result for oak woods cemetery confederate mound

Wrigley was a Klan supporter.  Medill was Nativist bigot.  Zorn works for the bigot's newspaper - that is some slippery slope?

Only if one happens to be profoundly ignorant or deviously brazen.

Iconoclasts Matter. I'll drink a Canfield's lime to that.

Friday, July 28, 2017

The Devil and Donald Trump, or Strike Tents, Don; Sounds Like the Old Scratch Won

Image result for devil and daniel webster

I'm a White Sox fan.  I know the thrill of almost getting there.  The delight of watching back-to-back hits to the gaps and the balloon popping disappointment of leaving two men on - inning after inning.

I also watch politics - a rigged sport - like old time Bob Luce Pro Wrestling, or Women's Roller Derby.    The Democrats, controlled by the nut-bag Progressive wing of American politics since 1972, and the GOP, run by the Nels Rockefeller-Chuck Percy moderate doormats since the 1960's, is a push-me-pull-you spectacle sport that gets ever more soul-sucking and sad.

Donald Trump is the product of this cynical enterprise.  I believed Candidate Trump to be a gross, loud, boorish and vain man.  I was wrong. That is his shtick and it works. It sucks the oxygen out of the room.

I really believe that President Trump wants to end the Dem-GOP perpetual taffy pull and drain the swamp, pool, or puddle that makes a Daniel Webster want to be convicted along with Jabez Stone.

This wonderful American story is no longer taught in our public schools and far too many of our Catholic schools.

Daniel Webster is an American historical figure, chosen by the poet Stephen Vincent Benet as the core character for his legend the Devil and Daniel Webster.

The Devil, Old Scratch, is a soul-sucking lobbyist, with piles of money at his command.  He lures a New Hampshire son of the soil, who is very down on his luck, Jabez Soul with a contract offering earthly wealth and honors, so long as his soul goes to OLD SCRATCH, Llc. for eternity.

Today, the soul is a secular punchline and laugh button for Bill Maher and latte night TV.

Congressman Daniel Webster, not to be confused with Senators Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Susan Collins, or John McCain, is a rock-ribbed Union Forever American Patriot.  He is no maverick. Webster is no moderate and would never appear on Rachel Maddow, or Sean Hannity.  Webster died and is buried:

Yes, Dan'l Webster's dead−or, at least, they buried him. But every time there's a thunder storm around Marshfield, they say you can hear his rolling voice in the hollows of the sky. And they say that if you go to his grave and speak loud and clear, "Dan'l Webster−Dan'l Webster!"  the ground'll begin to shiver and the trees begin to shake.
And after a while you'll hear a deep voice saying, "Neighbor, how stands the Union?" Then you better answer the Union stands as she stood, rock−bottomed and copper sheathed, one and indivisible, or he's liable to rear right out of the ground. At least, that's what I was told when I was a youngster.

Me too.

Durbin, Collins, Schumer and McCain chirp,  "Neighbor, How's They Polling?"   Maverick up!

They all work together and not for the State of the Union.

Donald Trump wants to change things and change does come easy, unless it is candy-coated in good old American bullshit, like the last eight years of Obama Hope & Change.

Old Scratch has The Union by the throat and is not letting go.  Obama Care is making too many people richer at the expense of everyone else.  Tax reform will never take place as long as 1/3 after a thick retainer means anything.   America will not be allowed to be Great Again, because the global oligarchs are winning.

When Jabez Stone wanted to weasel out of his contract, like any good Yankee Unitarian, Daniel Webster was forced to face a rigged jury of the worst traitors, cut-throats and back-sliders in American history, up to the 114th Congress anyway.  Old Dan'l reminded the louses of their birth on this soil and appealed to their Nativist love of country.    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Can't appeal to that anymore.  Faust has no sense of any universal truth - Americans are mavericks, no more Alamo, Valley Forge, or Khe Sahn for New York Times subscribers and listeners and viewers like Angie's List, Prudential, Northwestern Mutual and the Alliance for Climate Change.

Donald Trump is the President of the United States for a now.

I have a feeling that after yesterday's GOP betrayal on Health Care Reform, the traitors in the White House including the new guy, who already leaked to Ryan Lizza about his war on leakers, and  that Old Scratch has real cut-throats and crumbs in the jury box - no lightweights like Benedict Arnold, Edward Teach, or Simon Girty.
  • David Brock' sAmerican Bridge
  • Hollywood
  • Neo Cons: McCain, Graham et al - "There's War Needs a Startin'"
  • George Soros Move-On enterprises
  • The Clinton Machine
  • The GOP
  • The Media
Strike tents, Neighbor Trump, or do something smart.  Now. Scratch wants his pay-out.

Next up - White Sox play Cleveland at home. Get excited, expect the let down.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Just Asking - Was Dave in the Army, or was she Diane? Harry was no Barry.

Image result for St. Francis TransformsImage result for Trump bans trans

St. Francis was a wild kid, before he transformed from a free spending boozer with a taste for French fashions - Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone was called "Frenchie," or Francesco by his Dad and  pals:

 No one loved pleasure more than Francis; he had a ready wit, sang merrily, delighted in fine clothes and showy display. Handsome, gay, gallant, and courteous, he soon became the prime favourite among the young nobles of Assisi, the foremost in every feat of arms, the leader of the civil revels, the very king of frolic. But even at this time Francis showed an instinctive sympathy with the poor, and though he spent money lavishly, it still flowed in such channels as to attest a princely magnanimity of spirit.

He shed his expensive French garments some time after he got out of the army, having been a prisoner of war and a victim of fever, when he had a vision of becoming a Prince dedicated to Our Lady of Poverty, whom he said that he was 'betrothed,' went on a pilgrimage to Rome, tried to give money from goods that he stole from his father to a beggarly priest, only to have the gift refused and hid from his father's wrath in a cave, emerged from that cave after a few weeks and was hooted and howled at by his friends, family and neighbors as a madman.

Francis had transformed.

He had transformed from a vain, pampered and selfish boy into a man.

He was not the same person who went into the Army of Assisi to fight the Perugians.  Francis was no longer Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, but not Frances.  He was gender specific, transformed to be sure, but still the guy his mother birthed.

Today, transformation is tightly and politically defined as sexual and born of desire to be someone else - Chasity to Chaz and Bruce to Caitlyn.   Drag Queens are no longer spotlight vamps belting out "See What the Boys in the Back Room Will Have" at the old Empire Room, they are our neighbors.  That is the current meme, anyway.  Personally, the only Trans-persons, I have encountered are Col. Pritzker and the coterie of prostitutes who throng at 74th and Halsted in Englewood.

Col. Pritzker helped the Leo Alumni re-Dedicated the grave site of Medal of Honor recipient John Fardy, before his gender reassignment surgery.  Col. Pritzker is a highly decorated retired Army officer of the 82nd Airborne.

Of the male drag queen hookers on Halsted,  one beat up the Alderman of the 17th Ward a few years back.

Yesterday, it was announced that President Trump, as commander-in-chief, reversed the executive order of President Obama, as commander-in-chief, executed June 2016 lifting all bans on transgender personnel:
“Effective immediately, transgender Americans may serve openly,” Mr. Carter announced, on June 30, 2016. “They can no longer be discharged or otherwise separated from the military just for being transgender.”
He said that the Pentagon would cover the medical costs of those in uniform who wished to undergo gender transition, and that it would begin a yearlong training program for service members on the changes.

It appears that the issue was economic and required a solid 'civil rights' coating of rainbow paint to equate sex and gender with the 'color of a man's skin.'

The administration achieved many if not all of these goals. It’s been most successful in the arena of gay and lesbian rights. Obama signed into law an expansion of the hate-crime statute to include crimes motivated by antigay bias. He ended “don’t ask, don’t tell” and, more recently, lifted the ban on transgender people serving in the military. He issued an executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. He personally endorsed marriage equality in May 2012 and refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, the law signed by Bill Clinton that denied federal benefits to same-sex couples married in states that recognized such marriages, thereby easing the way for its invalidation by the Supreme Court in 2013. And when the Court took up the question of same-sex marriage directly, the Obama administration supported the claimants, and Obama’s solicitor general, Don Verrilli, delivered an impassioned argument for why the Court shouldn’t defer recognition of same-sex marriage as a constitutional right. A federal bill barring employment discrimination against LGBTQ people has not passed, but there the blame lies with Congress. (emphasis my own)
The issue is and was whether a person in the military, let's say someone who accepts n appointment to a Military Academy, or enlists as a gender specific person, decides to change genders, will the government be required to  pick up the costs.

According to multiple sources, the price of basic genital reassignment surgery (or genital reconstruction surgery) for a man transitioning to a woman ranges from $7,000 for a simple orchiectomy and vaginoplasty to $25,000 for orchiectomy and the more complicated colovaginoplasty. This is often, but not always, followed up by breast augmentation, which can run anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. That’s a total average high of $35,000, but estimates for the two procedures combined have ranged from $10,000 to upwards of $50,000.
For women transitioning to men, the initial costs can be higher, and the choices more complicated. Some estimates lower-end cost of a metoidioplasty—a procedure that “frees” a hormone therapy-enlarged clitoris from the body for use as a phallus—at $2,000. That said, there are estimates of more complex metoidioplasties, as well as procedures that add testicles and involve full phalloplasties that top $100,000. Often double mastectomies, ranging in cost from $15,000 to $25,000, and sometimes hysterectomies, which run from $7,500 to $11,500, are performed.
These are the low-end figures.  The best guess-timate lies in the neighborhood of  $130,000 per gender re-assignment. Bradley/Chelsae Manning has his/her's.

The media is dead -set against the Trump Order.  It's a Trump order.  Some have raised Harry S. Truman's Executive 9981 ordering the end of racial segregation ( black/Japanese) in all military units, Non-Active Duty Navy Seals living post surgical lives, tales of hard-charging Alpha Male buddies who are now soccer moms, to pump up the Resistance on this issue.

I do not believe that this is a Selma moment, again.Jennifer Pritzker.jpg
Image result for bruce jenner/caitlyn jennerImage result for bradley manning chelseamanning
Francis stopped being Giovanni. Col. Pritzker was not Jennifer when he finished jump school at Fort Bragg. Bruce Jenner won the Decathalon, but Caitlynn is not getting in the blocks.  Pfc.Bradley Manning sold military secrets and Chelsae got out of the stockade in May.

"Give 'Em Hell Harry," commanded an artillery battery loaded with Micks, not a Baptist's favorite gang, but learned about them,
. I have the Irish Catholic Battery but they seem to like me pretty well and I'm satisfied if I don't blow up with to many worries that I'll have a good Btty. I hope the best in the Brigade. The one that does the best work here gets to fire the first shot of the Brigade at the Hun. I shall do my very best to win the honor although I may fail to get it as there is hot competition. You've no idea the experience I'm getting. I've seen most everything and done most everything in this man's army since August 5 and now I have attained my one ambition to be a Battery Commander. If I can only make good at it I can hold my head up any way the rest of my days.
I'd give most anything to see you. I hope also that Hinde's[23] prophecy is true. But of course we can't come home until we do a thorough job over here. Please keep writing and remember I love you always.
Capt. Harry S. Truman
Bty D. 129th F.A.

Truman did what FDR was afraid to do - he ended racial segregation in the services.

President Obama did what policy wanted and floated on the breeze.

 The Nobel Prize winning 44th President made traditional marriage a parlor game for semiotic totalitarians, "When I became president, same-sex marriage was legal in only two states. Today it's legal in 37 states and the District of Columbia."

What a guy!

Barry was no Harry.

James jumped at Fort Bragg and Jennifer own the biography.  That is a fact.  Might not be the truth, but it is a fact - today.

Put me in the Q category.

Friday, May 05, 2017

President Trump and the Media - A Full Press Court in Vinegaroon, USA

Image result for Roy Bean

You have been tried by twelve good men and true, not of your peers but as high above you as heaven is of hell, and they have said you are guilty. Roy Bean
Much of Trump's cluelessness about issues stems from his refusal to make more than a minimal effort at his job. As his comments about Andrew Jackson and the Civil War confirm, Trump is not merely too lazy to learn; he's too lazy to notice there is anything others know that he might need to. His is indolence on an epic scale. Steve Chapman
 Well, I'm about as tall as a shotgun, and just as noisy.- Truman Capote

The American media is as judicious in its treatment of President Trump as that sound voice of due process from Vinegaroon, Texas - Law West of the Pecos.  Judge Roy Bean is now working under many pseudonyms - Frank Rich, Dana Milbank, E.J. Dionne, David Brooks, George Will, Billy Kristol, and Kat6rina Vanden Huevel. The Judge has morphed into whole editorial boards at Washington Post, New York Times and even the hick burg rags like Chicago Tribune and Sun Times.

Only months ago, Judge Roy Bean had been Truman Capote to Barack Obama - smooching the patron and hissing at everyone else and then Trump won.  Lord the change.  The Resistance!

Me?  I just read the papers - most of them and then some.

Here is the Cinco De Mayo, 2017 sampling of Trump Thumping from the New York Times in Headline  



 Then,  I read a deceptively titled story -President Trump Returns to New York for a Brief First Visit - Home Boy President?  Nah.

This was a "We Ran Him Otta Town!"  piece by Michael Wilson.  NY, NY!

The Rube Media here in Chicago is mildly amusing with daffy screeds by lightweights like Rex Hupke, Mary Schmich, Eric Zorn and the Bruce Dold editorial ink.  The worst of this sad lot is the Tribune's own David Brooks JV player Stephan Chapman - The Minority of One, his own bad self!

Donald Trump has many worrisome, regrettable and even deplorable traits. But after studying him for the past two years, I have concluded he has an overlooked quality that cancels out many of his bad ones. Say what you will, the man is lazy.
This is a discovery that should gladden people of all parties, philosophies, races, sexes and religions. His detractors can be glad that he will never muster the drive or discipline to actually bring many of his worst ideas to fruition. His admirers can rest easy knowing he will not work himself to death.
 Really? Trump has been like an horny rabbit on bennies putting the blocks to the Obama Legacy - nothing for everyone, BUT Obama and his peeps. 

Lazy?  Chapman was right with his opener "Donald Trump has many worrisome, regrettable and even deplorable traits."  Can't argue that.  But, the lick spittle who munched Obama's rump for eight years and more should have stopped there,

There was a great line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Roy Bean-like character exclaims, "I'm not crazy; I'm just colorful. That's what happens when you live "( 8 years alone in a Banana Republic)-, "you get colorful! " Then he is shot dead.

Judge Roy Bean was colorful.   The Press is crazy.