Showing posts with label Mandarin Andy Stern's SEIU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mandarin Andy Stern's SEIU. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I wonder- just how strong a headlock SEIU has on Capitol Fax Blog?

Capitol Fax is the top political news clearing house and clubby chat-room ($300 annual admission*) in Illinois. Rich Miller, who also jots out a column for Chicago Sun Times publishes Capitol Fax Blog.

Some years back Mr. Miller was kind enough to offer me a spot on his Illinoize adjunct site, but I became concerned when Miller deleted my commentary and opinions concerning the activities and the nature of SEIU – a powerful pact that managed to co-opt the term Labor, from our supine Media in Illinois. We parted company. I do not and will not comment on Capitol Fax Blog and I asked that Mr. Miller remove me fro Illinoize.

Rich Miller invites snark (a word no one over the age of ten should use) ,gets his nose out of joint when a snarking japer tweaks his plums or those of his sponsor and goes hunting for the Snark IP. I believe that Rich Miller is wildly beholden to SEIU – especially Keith Kelleher. Keith Kelleher directs the activities of SEIU and President Tom Balanoff, a genuine labor man gets the subpoenas. Keith Kelleher comes from the Andy Stern/Anna Burger school of power politics and was instrumental in perfecting the ACORN political trick bags that were exposed this year by a young man with a camera.

Here is some of Keith Kelleher’s ACORN Manifesto referring to ACORN/SEIU agitation in Chicago’s 15th Ward in 1999–

“ACORN and Local 880 leaders held a weekend retreat last spring to think and talk about the issue of accountability. They were learning new things all the time, and wanted time to assess what they had learned and plan for the future.

Out of that weekend came a number of ideas that are guiding our planning to win accountability from public officials. They include:

Turning up the heat. There is no substitute for being able to move large numbers of people in direct action tactics in the public official's district. Where an official is refusing to act, or has strayed from the fold, there is no substitute for confrontation on his own turf; but even where the official is friendly, a strong presence is the best insurance that he will remain so.
Developing more community leadership. It is much harder to hold a few leaders accountable to a community and labor agenda than a majority. With only a few, we are asking people to take stands on issues that may often lose in city council for want of a majority. It would be better to develop many more grassroots community and labor leaders who have the base and track record on community accomplishments that they need to win.
Developing a proactive agenda for progressive leaders. ACORN, Local 880 and our many collaborative partners need to put our elected officials to work on issues that will mobilize an increasingly large base. If we fail to continually move an agenda that we want our elected leaders to carry, someone else will always be happy to fill the void. We need to get much better at developing such a program - with our own elected officials at the table helping to develop it.
Copyright 2000

Keith Kelleher is the head organizer of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 880 and has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer for ACORN, the United Labor Unions (ULU), and SEIU Local 880 for over 20 years.

Madeline Talbott is the head organizer for Illinois ACORN and has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer in many ACORN cities across the country. She recently celebrated her 25th year as an organizer with ACORN.”

SEIU attempted to buy a Senate seat and later stepped far and away from ACORN – like it never happened. Marxists erase history.

That is the Marxist tune to which Rich Miller jumps. Regularly, Capitol Fax Blog attempts to smear both Governor Pat Quinn and his rival Rep. Bill Brady. Fair enough.

However, Rich Miller uses a Progress Illinois (SEIU sponsored site) tweak piece from The New Yorker that condemns the billionaire Koch Brothers (Oil, Dixie Cups, Brawny Paper Towels & etc.) for doing exactly what SEIU cash-cow and Obama sponsor George Soros has done for years as well as ‘bring it on home’ with a pathetic attack on Republican philanthropist Ron Gidwitz. And dovetailing a Progress Illinois jab at the Koch Brothers. Progress Illinois linked an article from Americans for Prosperity that discussed the Koch Brothers and Ron Gidwitz. (clck my post title for yesterday's CFB offering)

It appears that Ron Gidwitz likes the Tea Party folks. He is supporting them. I am a Democrat and I like the Tea Party Folks too. I am also in favor of Civil Unions for homosexuals and oppose Gay Marriage. I detest Planned Parenthood and its sole purpose –abortion. They help sell contraceptives as well, but abortion is the meat and all else spoon vitals.

Progress Illinois (SEIU) is all for homosexual marriages, as gay as they may be, abortion all of the time, and the death of the American Middle Class.

I plan to vote for Pat Quinn, but I could vote for Bill Brady. I like news that is presented honestly. I admire an honest hack who tells you – “Folks I am SEIU purple! No snark here!” . . . Then there is Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax Blog.

* A CFB subscriber noted that the membership is now $350.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Cry Wolf Project - Marxist PACs like SEIU v. The Shrinking American Middle Class

How many academics does it take to screw in a light bulb ? Six: One to write the grant proposal, one to do the mathematical modelling, one to type the research paper, one to submit the paper for publishing, and one to hire a student to do the work, and the one to Cry Wolf - Racist Crisis Looming. Oh, you mean mean screw in a light bulb? Crew IN a light bulb, that's sexist or homophobic! Or do you mean 'screw the light bulb into the required light bulb socket? Light bulbs are a danger to a Green Planet!

American Academics want to be power players. They want solidarity with the working class.

Since the 1970's when the bow-tied Federal Judge Prentice Marshall put into motion the complete hand-cuffing and undermining of law enforcement, academic "Centers" for Justice have piled on the Chicago Police. Close on the heels of Prentice Marshall's short-sighted and 'touchy-feely' ruling that stripped the Chicago Police Department of the right to hire qualified candidates for the police academy and possible employment as police officers, race based hiring trumped everything.

In 1976, ruling in a discrimination suit, he ordered the Chicago Police Department to hire women as officers on the beat and to open its doors to more blacks and Hispanics. When the city failed to comply, Judge Marshall directed the United States Treasury to withhold federal money until the department changed its policies.

It did not matter that women are physically less robust than what law enforcement requires, nor did it matter that test scores on the entrance examination might be an indication of future qualification, a Federal judge knew more than the officers placing themselves in harm's way everyday.

Since Prentice Marshall academics and lawyers know more about police work and what it takes to protect citizens, because everything gets laundered by race, gender and feeling really good. Parents of dead teenagers, however, do not feel good and neither do police officers. G. Flint Taylor, Locke Bowman, and Jon Loevy feel great, as do the "Centers" for anything at Northwestern and University of Chicago.

American labor - real labor - skilled trades and industrial trade unions are going the way of law enforcement and American criminal justice, because Academics cry wolf.

SEIU and other Political Action Committees that the corporate media call Big Labor are focused on the elimination of the American Middle Class. In order to accomplish that end, SEIU and their paid helpers in the media and academia must undermine any and all confidence in American Labor - the skilled trade and industrial unions. The skilled trades and industrial unions built the American Middle Class as much as American business.

The middle class in America owes its once robust good health to labor.

Yesterday SEIU spent 10 million dollars to defeat one candidate in Arkansas - Blanche Lincoln. Blanche Lincoln won. SEIU spent millions of dollars to elect the President of the United States. Barack Obama won in 2008. Since then, Andy Stern was selected to serve on the Obama Deficit Reduction Commission, has been implicated in the Illinois Blagojevich corruption trial and has quickly resigned his position as head of SEIU.

Andy Stern came to SEIU via University of Pennsylvania. He is an academic.

Recently the active role of college academics in the work of SEIU to kill the American Middle Class have come to light.
It is no secret that progressives have created a self-cloning machine by hijacking our educational system. Their indoctrination efforts are well documented. But we rarely think of research institutions as propaganda factories. A Request for Proposal (RFP) — see document above — recently obtained by Big Journalism gives us a rare look at how progressives and labor unions attempt to manipulate the national media narrative.
And their process? you may ask. Use the credibility and resources of the American higher education system to create research prop – biased collegial research papers that serve as propaganda to support political policies.
Entitled Cry Wolf, the RFP proclaims a desire to look “for faculty and graduate students… interested in writing short (2,000 word) policy briefs” that “construct a counter narrative that demonstrates the falsity or exaggeration” of conservative claims. Writers of briefs selected by the project coordinators will receive 100,000 pennies for their thoughts.
Their hopes with this researchprop is for these papers to “become the basis for opinion pieces designed to run in the mainstream media, on line, on the air, or in the press,” with the end outcome of building the following narrative in the public consciousness: that conservative objections to their policies are just the old dirty tricks of the right-wing.
If executed successfully, the “first reaction of millions of people, as well as opinion leaders, will be, ‘there they go again’,” reads the RFP – a clear attempt to label any right-leaning objection to progressive policy as another case of crying wolf.

Distributed by Peter Dreier, Professor of Politics and Director of the Urban & Environmental Policy program at Occidental College, the request for proposal asks for help “in an important project in the battle with conservative ideas.” Drier is a frequent collaborator with the California AFL-CIO and the infamous ACORN.
The project’s union and progressive ties are seen throughout the bios of its coordinators and advisory board. It is sponsored by the Center on Policy Initiatives, a San Diego based non-profit headed by co-founder and Cry Wolf project coordinator Donald Cohen – a 25-year community organizing veteran and former Political Director for a division of San Diego’s AFL-CIO.
In fact, every person associated with this project has either spent a lifetime glorifying the work of labor unions through their writings, or has published work that supports the policies that further Big Labor’s agenda.
Labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein, Professor of History at UC Santa Barbara and Director of the Center for the Study of Work, Labor, and Democracy — and “America’s foremost Wal-Mart expert” — is also a Cry Wolf project coordinator. He is the author of numerous books designed to raise the awareness of the labor cause. While at the University of Virginia, Lichtenstein was involved in an organization known as Labor Action Group. “Our task was to insert and raise the labor question into the consciousness and politics of the university,” wrote Lichtenstein in the preface of his book State of the Union: A Century of American Labor.
Click my post title for more.

SEIU is thick in Illinois politics, as the Blagojevich trial will reveal.

Skilled Trades unions and industrial trade unions need to become aware of the wolves -academics and SEIU leadership -in their midst.

SEIU will, as it tried to do so in Illinois in 2004, to strip Trades of their apprenticeship admissions, schools and certifications and turn that right over to elected officials - they will cry wolf -race, social justice and high sounding cries in the night and the media.

A Federal Judge Prentice Marshall damaged forever the Chicago Police Department with help from academics and lawyers.

SEIU has forever damaged American Labor with help from academics, gutless politicians and of course lawyers - but it is not too late.

Look to Blanche Lincoln.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Media! Wake up! Kevin Clark is still getting the Full Medill Camoflage Job!

The Full Medill Metro Media, boys and girls!

Kevin Clark is the éminence grise in the grey tweed looking like the cat who swallowed someone's canary of this dandy quartet.
Decked out like the Hamas Guerrilla that he is Kevin Clark, a local louse with a free pass to mouth off hate against Jews and get kids killed ( which he did with ISM) did the splits and waved pom -pons for terror in front of the Israeli Consulate immediately after the Gaza Hate Flotilla was interdicted by Israel.

This cockroach Clark has been getting the full Medill from journalists in Chicago.

The full Medill is the three monkeys of reporting -see no evil,hear no evil, report no evil - Thus:

Bill Ayers is a Distinguished Professor and not a pampered gutless sneak.

Bernardine Dohrn is a Northwestern Law Professor and not a convicted felon serial hit and run driver and dedcated terrorist

G. Flint Taylor is Peoples Advocate and not a syrupy ambulance chaser who wrassles Gator Bradley for nickels on the Courthouse Floor

SEIU is Labor Union and not a Marxist PAC that is destroying the Middle Class

The Full Medill is named for Old Joe Medill an anti-Catholic Bigot whose twisted doctrines are imprinted on generations of students who never raise their hands.

Here is today's Full Medill on goof Kevin Clark.

The Rachel Corrie, sailing from Ireland, is the largest of the four crafts carrying desperately needed medicines, school supplies, and food, said Kevin Clark, the Chicago coordinator for the International Solidarity Movement. Named after an American citizen killed by a bulldozer while protesting the demolition of homes in the Gaza Strip, the Corrie was part of the original nine- vessel fleet that became embroiled in the international incident, but due to unspecified delays it idled in the Mediterranean during the crisis, he said.

Kevin Clark helped push goad enocourage Rachel Corrie to get in front of an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza in 2004.

Kevin Clark pushed, goaded, encouraged six(6) dimwitted kids to toss phony blood all over kids, the elderly and the carpet at Holy Name Cathedral at Easter Mass in 2008 so Kevin Clark could preen and pout and pose CLTV for the Gay Liberation Network.

Chicago's Media monkeys see no evil -hear no evil and report no evil.

Grow a metaphorical pair you gelded hypocrites.

I guess you can't pick a fight with eunuchs; you can't expect much from moral cripples; you can't shame a skunk.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Chicago Editorial Boards Will Attack Every Union But SEIU

Carol Marin will soak the Carpenters Union for months after some disappointed rat drops a dime on a BA he don't like. The Tribune will launch a huff and puff series about systemic racism in the skilled trades and the small number of black apprentices without mentioning the fact that black kids from public schools score horribly in math and plumbers need to know the difference between 1/8th" and 1/16th" and beef about testing standards, drug testing, valid drivers licences and requirements of that sort. They will make idiotic protestations about Slilled Trades hourly pay to heat up the idiots who bull-horn behind Andy Stern's Purple Gang without detatiling the many hours of study and personal expensees laid out by all tradesmen in order to "earn' their salaries. Teamsters, Hoisters, Riggers, Electricians, Operating Engineers, Pipe-fitters, Stage Hands and you name the trade are all fair journalistic game for the ersatz Menckens.

Not so SEIU. SEIU is not a union; it is a PAC -a very powerful PAC. It is and has been a Marxist lead PAC and one up to its eyeballs in corruption ( most recently the BLAGO pooch screwing by Fitzy the Fed - BLAGO will walk, BTW).

Wonderfully accurate cartoon by James Hudnall and Val Mayerik at Big Journalism

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Chicago Journalist ( Hack) Will Take on SEIU, or Will No Chicago Journalist Take on SEIU?

Dithering Dick Durbin is a sausage made by Progressive politics - an expensive, bland and largely indigestible sausage. Not every politician is a sausage but Progressive politics is a policy-sausage manufacturer that employs smarmy pie-chart cutters like Ralph Martire for Tax Increases every hour on the eights and 40Watt Intellect columnists. The sausage casing is provided by Teachers Unions, Planned Parenthood, SEIU and the corporate media. No elected official dove into the casing like Dick Durbin.

The guy, as far as I can tell having spent several hours in his company when he needed a photo op with black kids, does not strike to be as impressive as melba toast and has the personality of a dial tone. Dick Durbin is a sausage.

Today SEIU's Comic Book -Progress Illinois - praises Dithering Dick for this bon mot- "BP no longer stands for British Petroleum. It stands for Beyond Patience."
Dithering Dick!!!! Positively Shavian! Clubs and clubbable swains will echo that one!

How about this BP - Before Planned Parenthood ( $$$$$$$) -Durbin was Pro-Life - Better Payday? Brighter Possibilities? Big Payday? Berry Progressive?Before Planned Parenthood; Bought Politicians . . . yeah, that works.

SEIU owns Durbin, Schakowsky, and so many others. Well they co-own Durbin and Schalowsky and so many others.

SEIU was at one time the old Janitors Union ( Local 25)- The Building Theatres and Amusements Janitor's Local # 25. They had Universal Family Health Care for all union members and their families, before Andy Stern sold off the assets to turn the union into a Marxist Political Action Committee.

This powerful PAC owns columnists and websites and refuses to feed any hand that bites them. Capital Fax has long had a warm and mutually gushing relationship with Progress Illinois and SEIU, as far as I can see.

SEIU is all about power - Gays, Immigrants, Sick Folks, Victimhood Capitalists, and Academics are the spice that flavors sausages like Dick Durbin, Jan Schakowsly and so many others.

No Chicago columnist will ever take on SEIU. However, remember that a Conservative is merely a Liberal who has been mugged. Witness a journalist who witnessed SEIU at their worst and most thuggish:

What's interesting is that SEIU, the nation's second largest union, craves respectability. Just-retired president Andy Stern is an Obama friend and regular White House visitor. He sits on the President's Fiscal Responsibility Commission. He hobnobs with those greedy Wall Street CEOs -- executives much higher-ranking than my neighbor Baer -- at Davos. His union spent $70 million getting Democrats elected in 2008.

In the business community, though, SEIU has a reputation for strong-arm tactics against management, prompting some companies to file suit.

Nina Easton - Fortune Magazine

Andy Stern is part of Blago scandal and also a member of the President's Council on Deficit Reduction.

Gee, call me cynical.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The White House is Purple! SEIU Covers the Place

Andy Stern has wads of green stuffed here and there from the dues of low-pay, low-skill workers who remain SEIU members for the rest of their lives.

Back before the offices of Janitors Union Local 25 here in Chicago was raided by leadership of what is now SEIU, janitors had universal family health coverage and found a path to skilled trades. No Mas!

SEIU has organized all no skill and low skill workers -janitors, nursing home workers and such - and become a force. They are a political force - a Marxist class warfare, tax-the-middle-class-out-of-existence force that controls timid and often gutless politicians, the corporate media, and a huge chunk of the Democratic National Committee.

Dues go to politics.

Andy Stern left SEIU hours before Judge Zagel released the Blago Santiago Proffer which features the active work of Andy Stern's game of manipulation. He also left SEIU in a huge jackpot - their pensions are as rocky as Broadway Bank last Tuesday - it closed yesterday. Not Andy, not Anna Burger ( Andy lite), and not the SEIU leadership. You see they went to all the right schools, Miss Lonely, and you're gonna hafta get used to iiiiiiiiiittttt! Sorry, feeling Dylanesque.

SEIU Leadership pensions were funded at a math-boggling 107%! The rank and file members get Purple T-Shirts and wildly under-funded pensions that should be as good as the Broadway Bank!

That ain't nothing, Cupcakes! Andy Stern seed the Federal government with Purple Leftists and that is the real danger.

It is often said that in politics, personnel is policy. By that measure, SEIU carries considerable weight within the Obama administration. Patrick Gaspard, formerly the executive vice president of politics and legislation for the powerful Local 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, is now the political director at the White House.

Craig Becker, formerly SEIU's associate general counsel and adviser to the ACORN affiliate SEIU 800 in Chicago, is now on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Mr. Obama made a recess appointment of Mr. Becker after he failed to be confirmed by the Senate. This was a significant win for organized labor. Mr. Becker has hinted at having the NLRB enact card check without a vote in Congress.

SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger sits on the Obama administration's Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Mr. Stern himself was appointed by Mr. Obama to its deficit commission. (Mr. Stern has said he will stay in that post after he steps down from SEIU.)

Mr. Stern's abrupt resignation has led many to question his motives and ponder his next steps. Whatever the answer, one thing is certain: He leaves SEIU - especially its pension funds - swimming in red ink. Sadly, it will be the union's rank-and-file members who will be paying for Mr. Stern's profligacy well into the future.
Click my post title for Andy's Handiwork.

Andy Stern should be hearing from the Feds about his role in the Blago Fire sale Madness. While you are talking to Andy, Fitzy . . . Oh, I'm sure you're on it,

Friday, April 23, 2010

SEIU's Andy Stern in The Shadows, of Blago's Smile? Watching the Silverfish Scatter

A “labor union official” close to the President (who may be SEIU President Andy Stern) is said to contradict public statements on the case by Obama directly.

Blago's subpoena for President Obama is like turning on a light and watching the silver fish scatter.

Hours before Judge Zagel releases the Santiago Proffer of the Federal Case against the antic former Guv, Andy Stern exited the National scene stage left.

The 'labor Official' should just about prove that Kingmaker Marxist Andy Stern might have exceeded his grasp.

I do not believe that there is any mess on the President's shoes, but those close to the President, like SEIU's Andy Stern, could create a wave of disgust unseen thus far among the President's cheerleaders in the corporate media.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Team Blago Subpoena's President - Stern, Andy Stern, Times Ahead!

King Maker Andy Stern and King Imitator Rod Blago!
Andy left the building only hours before Judge Zagel released the Blago Santiago Proffer, but Elvis is still in the Federal hotseat!

From the Folks Who Brought You (and Bought Others) - "Raise Our Taxes!" The SEIU! Andy Stern Presents Buy Your Senate Seat!

April 22, 2010 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Now he wants to butt heads with Barack Obama.

Rod Blagojevich today filed a motion in federal court to call President Barack Obama as a witness in the impeached governor's corruption case. The trial is due to begin on June 3.

Former Gov. Blagojevich's defense team issued a trial subpoena for the president to take the stand as a corroborating witness. "President Obama has direct knowledge to allegations made in the indictment. In addition, President Obama's public statements contradict other witness statements, specifically those made by labor union official and Senate Candidate B (Valerie Jarrett). It is anticipated that labor union official will be a witness for the government. His accounts of events directly related to the charges in the indictment are contradicted by President Obama's public statement," defense lawyers wrote.

Likewise in today's Chicagoist

Lawyers for former governor Rod Blagojevich said last winter they hoped to call President Obama to the witness stand to testify at the ex-gov's trial. They made that hope official today as they moved in court today to issue President Obama with a trial subpoena to have him testify. The feds interviewed Obama before he was sworn in to get any information he might have on the alleged attempt to sale his vacated U.S. Senate seat. Natasha Korecki reports for the Sun-Times:Experts have told the Sun-Times that while presidents are subject to be called to trial -- President Bill Clinton gave a videotaped deposition in a civil case -- the White House can cite everything from national security to schedule conflicts to avoid the witness chair. Blagojevich's lawyers would have to persuade Judge James Zagel that written or video testimony was no substitute.
From Chicagoist and featuring my favorite Sun Times Repporter!


On the afternoon of November 3, 2008, Blagojevich met with Labor Union Official and another representative of SEIU. During the meeting, there was a discussion about a number of different candidates for the Senate seat. Both SEIU representatives expressed their view that Senate Candidate B would be a good choice for the Senate seat. Blagojevich stated that he assumed that if Obama was interested in Senate Candidate B being named to replace Obama, then Obama would be in touch with Blagojevich…

“On November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #255), Blagojevich informed Deputy Governor A that Labor Union Official, who was one of the officials who had met with Blagojevich on November 3, 2008 to discuss the Senate seat, was coming back to meet with Blagojevich to discuss the Senate seat. Labor Union Official was set to meet with Blagojevich the following day. Blagojevich talked through jobs he could request in exchange for naming a candidate to the Senate seat and noted that none of them would be attainable if it were not for the fact Blagojevich had the right to fill the Senate seat.

Later on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #261), Blagojevich talked to Harris. They discussed what Blagojevich should say to Labor Union Official regarding what Blagojevich wanted in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat… Harris stated that if Blagojevich’s goal was to trade the Senate seat for a job elsewhere, then Blagojevich needed to “put it on the table” with Labor Union Official…

Based on Harris’s prior conversations with Blagojevich, Harris informed Blagojevich that Harris had told Deputy Governor A that they were looking for a “reasonable ask” in exchange for the Senate seat that “takes care” of Blagojevich’s family and keeps Blagojevich’s future political ambitions open. Harris stated they were now looking at private foundations in which the president-elect might have influence and would not appear to look like a “deal” for the Senate seat. Harris suggested they look at private foundations that were “heavily dependent on federal aid.” … Blagojevich suggested to Harris and Deputy Governor A that it was difficult to see this kind of deal coming together, but told Deputy Governor A and Harris to find the foundations that SEIU funded. Deputy Governor A agreed that they should find the foundations SEIU funded because then SEIU could help broker the deal with Blagojevich. Again, Blagojevich told Deputy Governor A and Harris to “look into those ones that are funded by labor.”

Later on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #281), Blagojevich spoke to Advisor B about Blagojevich’s interest in getting a private foundation job. Blagojevich told Advisor B that SEIU and the president-elect could remove the head of a particular foundation and give the position to Blagojevich…

On the morning of November 6, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #317, 319, and 321), Blagojevich talked to Harris. Blagojevich had arranged a meeting with Labor Union Official for later that afternoon. Harris and Blagojevich discussed the meeting with Labor Union Official and how Blagojevich could ask for what Blagojevich wanted from Labor Union Official…

Later in the call, Harris suggested that Blagojevich request a position as the paid national coordinator for Change To Win, an organization partially funded by SEIU, in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Harris suggested to Blagojevich that the Change to Win idea might be better than a private foundation because the Change to Win job is controlled by SEIU and Blagojevich would not necessarily have to step down as governor to take it immediately, like he might have to do with a private foundation job. Blagojevich responded that the Change to Win idea was a “fucking great idea.” Later, Blagojevich stated he would like to be on some “corporate boards” in addition to taking the Change to Win job. Harris responded that Harris thought Change to Win would be a full-time job. Blagojevich asked “would I be able to get a little extra income though.” Harris responded that he did not think Blagojevich would want to sell himself to SEIU as a part-time employee. Blagojevich responded “No, but if I could sit on a couple a boards, that’s not much time, or teach a class.” Later Blagojevich asked how much the Change to Win job would pay. Harris suggested it probably paid at least what Labor Union Official made working for SEIU. Blagojevich responded “I betcha he makes, well he lives on the north shore, you gotta think he makes more than the governor, right?”

…Blagojevich informed his wife that Blagojevich was meeting with Labor Union Official that afternoon. Blagojevich talked to his wife about becoming the national director of Change to Win and that “hopefully you get paid decent.” Blagojevich also informed his wife that Change to Win would allow him to form a national network of low wage workers to help in his future political career. During the conversation, Blagojevich’s wife looked up information about Change to Win on the internet, in part to determine “what they paid their people in 2006.” Blagojevich’s wife had trouble finding the salary information on-line. Blagojevich responded “Don’t worry about it. Yeah, that’s, you negotiate that. I’d like a 4-year contract for a million a year or somethin’. . . . Or 750 or whatever. It’d have to be good. Obama’s got excess money, he just gives them more money.” Blagojevich told his wife he was not sure the Change to Win idea would happen, but it was one of several options.

On November 6, 2008, Blagojevich met with Labor Union Official alone… Thereafter, Blagojevich made clear to Labor Union Official that he would name Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat in exchange for being named Secretary of HHS…

Later on November 7, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #403, 405, 406, and 408), Blagojevich spoke to Harris and Advisor A, a political advisor, about, among other things, Blagojevich’s request for the Secretary of HHS position and the possibility of obtaining a job with Change to Win… Advisor A told Blagojevich that Advisor A liked the Change to Win idea. Blagojevich asked whether the Change to Win idea was better than trying to work out a deal to provide the Senate seat to Individual L. Advisor A indicated the Change to Win idea was better to help Blagojevich financially and his future politically. Blagojevich agreed…

Later on November 12, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #533, 535, and 537), Blagojevich spoke to Advisor A. Blagojevich explained his 501(c)(4) idea to Advisor A and stated it would be a place for Blagojevich to get a job after he was governor, like Change to Win. Advisor A told Blagojevich that Advisor A liked Change to Win better because it had “fewer fingerprints.” Blagojevich stated his concern with Change to Win was that it might not be there in two years while the 501(c)(4) was something Blagojevich could “control.” …
The Santiago Proffer!

Read the Middle Class Guy - Real Perspective on the SEIU Coalition Rally in Springfield

I'm a Democrat and most of my neighbors and all of my family are Democrats. We are Pro-Life and Pro - Real Trades Union. We are middle class - for now.

SEIU make ACORN look like an Altar and Rosary Society.

Any union that has anything to do with SEIU ends up screwed;blued; and tattooed. Ask Denny Gannon. SEIU uses Leftist Causes and Smears the name of Labor - Gay Marriage, Abortion, Reversing the flow of the Chicago River, and killing American Labor by murdering the middle class is what and all SEIU is all about.

A retired Police Officer on the north side presents some genuine perspective on the SEIU Ordered rally that too place in Springfield. SEIU Cheerleader Keith Keliher was only L-Sized Purple T-Shirt in the crowd. It is odd that most SEIU members seem to sport the XXX -Sized Purple T's. Teachers Unions and the Shriver Center for Poverty Law - whatever the Hell that means - AFSCME and all the other sheep were heared by Andy Stern's BS in SocialWork degreed organizers to Springfield where the shout of "RAISE MY TAXES" deflated any semblance of seriousness. The Trough is dry. Read the Middle Class Guy!

Government employment is not a right. It is public service. Serving the public is a privilege. There is no entitlement to a government job. There is no right to government employment. They serve.

If there is no money, their service is no longer needed. There is no money. The well has run dry. Illinois is now a deadbeat state.

The state is going bankrupt. This is due to egregious, wanton, and reckless spending. It is due to excessive padding of the payroll with union patronage jobs. Quinn's response has been to cut education, health and human services, and emergency services as a threat. Either he gets tax increases or the most vulnerable people in the state suffer.
. . .

SEIU bought Quinn for 1.7 million dollars. When they buy a politician, they expect him to stay bought. The same holds true for AFSCME and the other employee unions. Buying politicians is what they do. In return, they expect ever growing government payrolls to keep those union coffers filled. It is not about good governance. It is all about the money. Quinn knows this. It would not be surprising if he did not advocate this mass rally with his union owners.

There is only one way out of this financial mess. Cutting the budget by one third. Starting with the least essential services and moving upward. It is a good bet this can be done with no loss of essential services, including education. Departments with overlapping or similar responsibilities must be consolidated or merged. Some must be eliminated.

It takes political will and courage to cut the fat out of a budget. It takes a corrupt spineless bought and paid for coward to cave in to special interests and raise taxes.

Thanks Middle Class Guy! Too bad our corporate media only prints what SEIU allows.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Santiago Proffer's Andy Stern Exits and Valerie Jarrett Waits

Around page seventy - well past the sordid stuff the Blago case gets meaty and stars SEIU's Andy Stern who exited the national scene -for a while -only hours before Judge Zagel granted the release of the Federal Case against former Governor Blagojevich.

He will not get cuffed or jailed for cussing his kids.

He will no doubt dodge sitting in the iron hotel altogether.

He will cause the Obama Administration, Dave Axelrod and Valerie ( Cody) Jarrett no end of trips to the Jumbo Sized Jar of CVS antiacid tablets for couple of spin cycles.

Andy Stern existed stage Left, but he'll be back folks! Big Ed, Rachel Maddow and Milkey Matthews as wellas the Chicago Media will parse and nuance the purple Red back to show-stopping and VAT concocting health.

Take a peak at a few pages 79-85.

On approximately November 3, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #117), Harris told Blagojevich that
Harris had been informed that Barack Obama very much cared about Senate Candidate B and
thought Senate Candidate B would make a good senator. Almost immediately after hearing that
Barack Obama thought Senate Candidate B would make a good senator, Blagojevich indicated he
was interested in getting a position as the Secretary of HHS in exchange for naming Senate
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Candidate B as senator. Blagojevich told Harris to research who else had been Secretary of HHS.
Blagojevich also indicated he wanted to leak to the press that he was considering Individual L as a
senate option. Although Blagojevich was not seriously considering Individual L as a senate option,
Blagojevich believed that if those interested in having Senate Candidate B named senator believed
that Blagojevich was, in fact, seriously considering Individual L, then Blagojevich would have
greater leverage to obtain personal benefit in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B as the
Later on November 3, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #149), Blagojevich talked to Harris again.
During the call, Blagojevich stated his belief that individuals associated with Service Employees
International Union (“SEIU”) were coming to meet with Blagojevich that day to push for Senate
Candidate B’s appointment. During this same conversation, Blagojevich asked when Harris was
going to talk to Individual M. Blagojoevich repeatedly referred to Harris’s conversation with
Individual M as the “off campus discussion.” These conversations were follow-ups to conversations
Blagojevich had with Harris earlier in the summer in which Blagojevich directed Harris to ask
Individual M for Individual M’s campaign fund money in exchange for naming Individual M to the
U.S. Senate Seat. Blagojevich believed that Individual M would provide campaign fund money to
Blagojevich because Individual M could not use the money in a federal election since the rules are
different for Illinois state elections and federal elections.
During this same time period, Blagojevich had several conversations with his wife in which
they discussed job options in addition to Secretary of HHS, such as ambassadorships, that
Blagojevich might be able to get if he named Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Blagojevich
expressed significant interest in what these positions paid. Blagojevich specifically tasked Deputy
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Governor A with looking into ambassadorships that Blagojevich might be able to obtain in exchange
for naming Senate Candidate B to the senate seat.
On the afternoon of November 3, 2008, Blagojevich met with Labor Union Official and
another representative of SEIU. During the meeting, there was a discussion about a number of
different candidates for the Senate seat. Both SEIU representatives expressed their view that Senate
Candidate B would be a good choice for the Senate seat. Blagojevich stated that he assumed that
if Obama was interested in Senate Candidate B being named to replace Obama, then Obama would
be in touch with Blagojevich.
On November 4, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #218), Blagojevich talked to Deputy Governor A.
Blagojevich complained that Advisor B, a former staffer who continued to advise Blagojevich, had
informed Blagojevich that Blagojevich should not take the Senate seat himself. Blagojevich
complained to Deputy Governor A that Blagojevich’s “upward trajectory” was stalled because of
Obama’s election. Blagojevich told Deputy Governor A that Blagojevich had made “decisions at
the expense of [his] family’s best interests for . . . [his] job as governor.” Blagojevich informed
Deputy Governor A “now is the time for me to put my fucking children and my wife first, for a
On November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #255), Blagojevich informed Deputy Governor A
that Labor Union Official, who was one of the officials who had met with Blagojevich on November
3, 2008 to discuss the Senate seat, was coming back to meet with Blagojevich to discuss the Senate
seat. Labor Union Official was set to meet with Blagojevich the following day. Blagojevich talked
through jobs he could request in exchange for naming a candidate to the Senate seat and noted that
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none of them would be attainable if it were not for the fact Blagojevich had the right to fill the
Senate seat.
Later on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #261), Blagojevich talked to Harris. They
discussed what Blagojevich should say to Labor Union Official regarding what Blagojevich wanted
in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Blagojevich practiced with Harris
his statements to Labor Union Official, including suggesting to Labor Union Official that
Blagojevich was interested in naming Individual L to the Senate seat. Blagojevich and Harris
discussed how Blagojevich could “make a play” for a job in Washington. Harris suggested that
Blagojevich tell Labor Union Official that Blagojevich wanted to accommodate the president-elect,
but also wanted to take care of the people of Illinois. Blagojevich responded by stating “Yeah. And,
and, and my, and me, do I say me.” Harris stated “Right, by, by keeping me strong.” Blagojevich
responded to Harris “But I don’t want that. I’m not looking for that. I’d like to get out, the fuck
outta here.” Shortly thereafter, Blagojevich stated that “the objective is to, to get a good gig over
there.” Harris stated that if Blagojevich’s goal was to trade the Senate seat for a job elsewhere, then
Blagojevich needed to “put it on the table” with Labor Union Official. Thereafter, Blagojevich
continued to practice with Harris his statements for his meeting with Labor Union Official.
Shortly thereafter on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #262), Blagojevich again talked
to Harris. Harris told Blagojevich that Harris did not think that the president-elect would provide
Blagojevich with a cabinet-level job in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate.
Thereafter, Blagojevich and Harris discussed whether Blagojevich could get an ambassadorship in
exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Blagojevich told Harris to do research
with trading partners of the United States. Blagojevich questioned whether the president-elect could
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do “something big” in the “private sector” for Blagojevich in exchange for the Senate seat.
Blagojevich and Harris then discussed various private sector jobs Blagojevich might want in
exchange for the Senate seat. Blagojevich directed Harris to start researching private foundations
in which Blagojevich could get a job “right away.” In particular, Blagojevich told Harris to “see
what they pay.” Blagojevich told Harris that either Harris or Deputy Governor A should do the
research, but that word should not get around about the project.
Shortly thereafter on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #263), Blagojevich had a
conversation with Harris and Deputy Governor A. Based on Harris’s prior conversations with
Blagojevich, Harris informed Blagojevich that Harris had told Deputy Governor A that they were
looking for a “reasonable ask” in exchange for the Senate seat that “takes care” of Blagojevich’s
family and keeps Blagojevich’s future political ambitions open. Harris stated they were now looking
at private foundations in which the president-elect might have influence and would not appear to
look like a “deal” for the Senate seat. Harris suggested they look at private foundations that were
“heavily dependent on federal aid.” Deputy Governor A agreed to help with the research and asked
whether Blagojevich was looking for this job now or after Blagojevich left office in 2010.
Blagojevich stated “now.” Deputy Governor A and Harris discussed with Blagojevich various
private foundations about which they were familiar. Blagojevich stated, “something like that would
be great. What does that pay?” Blagojevich suggested to Harris and Deputy Governor A that it was
difficult to see this kind of deal coming together, but told Deputy Governor A and Harris to find the
foundations that SEIU funded. Deputy Governor A agreed that they should find the foundations
SEIU funded because then SEIU could help broker the deal with Blagojevich. Again, Blagojevich
told Deputy Governor A and Harris to “look into those ones that are funded by labor.”
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Later on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #281), Blagojevich spoke to Advisor B about
Blagojevich’s interest in getting a private foundation job. Blagojevich told Advisor B that SEIU and
the president-elect could remove the head of a particular foundation and give the position to
Blagojevich. Blagojevich told Advisor B that it was unlikely that he would be able to get a cabinet
position in exchange for the Senate seat, but “Health and Human Service would be my . . . I’d take
that in a second.”
Later on November 5, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #284), Blagojevich again spoke with Deputy
Governor A. Deputy Governor A reported back on research he had done for Blagojevich on private
foundations. In particular, Blagojevich asked Deputy Governor A about a particular charitable
organization that they had discussed previously. Deputy Governor A responded “So, it was founded
by two guys one was an entrepreneur.” Blagojevich responded “No, but how much money does the
guy make?” Deputy Governor A told Blagojevich it was hard to find salaries on-line, but Deputy
Governor A was still looking into the issue of pay. Deputy Governor A also informed Blagojevich
that Blagojevich could sit on other boards to make additional money if Blagojevich took a job with
a private foundation. Deputy Governor A stated that the director of one foundation was “on two
corporate boards and makes around $250,000 a year on the, in addition to her salary.” Blagojevich
responded “Yeah, see that’s what we’d want. That’s it.” Deputy Governor A told Blagojevich that
Blagojevich should make clear during the negotiations for the Senate seat that being on other boards
“would be another part of the game.” Blagojevich responded “That’s right.” Blagojevich told
Deputy Governor A to continue to research foundations. Blagojevich then practiced with Deputy
Governor A what Blagojevich would say publicly about certain criteria he was using to fill the
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Senate seat, including the future senator’s position on health care. In fact, Blagojevich was not
using his publicly-stated criteria to fill the Senate seat.
On the morning of November 6, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #317, 319, and 321), Blagojevich
talked to Harris. Blagojevich had arranged a meeting with Labor Union Official for later that
afternoon. Harris and Blagojevich discussed the meeting with Labor Union Official and how
Blagojevich could ask for what Blagojevich wanted from Labor Union Official. Blagojevich stated
he had heard that Senate Candidate B might be interested in a cabinet-level position. Blagojevich
suggested he tell Labor Union Official that “they’re willing to give [Senate Candidate B] a cabinet
spot so if that’s the case, then give me the cabinet spot and give her, we’ll give her the Senate.”
Later Blagojevich asked whether they should have someone go to Senate Candidate B and tell
Senate Candidate B that if Blagojevich received the Secretary of HHS position, Blagojevich “could
appoint you in a second.” Later in the call, Harris suggested that Blagojevich request a position as
the paid national coordinator for Change To Win, an organization partially funded by SEIU, in
exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Harris suggested to Blagojevich that
the Change to Win idea might be better than a private foundation because the Change to Win job
is controlled by SEIU and Blagojevich would not necessarily have to step down as governor to take
it immediately, like he might have to do with a private foundation job. Blagojevich responded that
the Change to Win idea was a “fucking great idea.” Later, Blagojevich stated he would like to be
on some “corporate boards” in addition to taking the Change to Win job. Harris responded that
Harris thought Change to Win would be a full-time job. Blagojevich asked “would I be able to get
a little extra income though.” Harris responded that he did not think Blagojevich would want to sell
himself to SEIU as a part-time employee. Blagojevich responded “No, but if I could sit on a couple
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a boards, that’s not much time, or teach a class.” Later Blagojevich asked how much the Change
to Win job would pay. Harris suggested it probably paid at least what Labor Union Official made
working for SEIU. Blagojevich responded “I betcha he makes, well he lives on the north shore, you
gotta think he makes more than the governor, right?”
Later on November 6, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #345 and 347), Blagojevich talked to his
wife. Blagojevich informed his wife that Individual N, a wealthy supporter of Blagojevich’s, had
asked for the vacant Senate seat. Blagojevich stated that he “planted” with Individual N the issue
of Blagojevich needing to figure what he was going to do after being governor in relation to the
Senate seat. Blagojevich informed his wife that Blagojevich was meeting with Labor Union Official
that afternoon. Blagojevich talked to his wife about becoming the national director of Change to
Win and that “hopefully you get paid decent.” Blagojevich also informed his wife that Change to
Win would allow him to form a national network of low wage workers to help in his future political
career. During the conversation, Blagojevich’s wife looked up information about Change to Win
on the internet, in part to determine “what they paid their people in 2006.” Blagojevich’s wife had
trouble finding the salary information on-line. Blagojevich responded “Don’t worry about it. Yeah,
that’s, you negotiate that. I’d like a 4-year contract for a million a year or somethin’. . . . Or 750 or
whatever. It’d have to be good. Obama’s got excess money, he just gives them more money.”
Blagojevich told his wife he was not sure the Change to Win idea would happen, but it was one of
several options.
On November 6, 2008, Blagojevich met with Labor Union Official alone. During the
meeting, Labor Union Official advocated that Senate Candidate B be named to the Senate seat. In
response, Blagojevich lied and informed Labor Union Official that Blagojevich was in “active”
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discussions with Individual L and her father about making Individual L the senator. Thereafter,
Blagojevich made clear to Labor Union Official that he would name Senate Candidate B to the
Senate seat in exchange for being named Secretary of HHS. Labor Union Official told Blagojevich
he did not think being named to Secretary of HHS was going to happen.
On November 7, 2008, Blagojevich discussed his request for the Secretary of HHS position
with several individuals, including Advisor B (Blagojevich Call #375). Although Blagojevich still
thought getting the Secretary of HHS was a longshot, he thought that after the meeting with Labor
Union Official the prospect was “a little likelier.” Blagojevich informed Advisor B, “So [Senate
Candidate B’s] holding Health and Human Services and I’m holding a U.S. Senate seat. Okay?
She’s holding hers with two hands, just kind’a clinging to, you know, little pieces of it. Me, I’ve
got the whole thing wrapped around my arms, mine, okay? . . . I’m willing to trade the thing I got
tightly held to her for something she doesn’t hold quite as tightly. How bad do you want what I have
and can you get the other person [Obama] who’s really got the, this, you know, who’s, who had that,
to do it. If you’re her, you’re [Senate Candidate B], I could be a U.S. Senator and a seat I, I can
Later on November 7, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #403, 405, 406, and 408), Blagojevich spoke
to Harris and Advisor A, a political advisor, about, among other things, Blagojevich’s request for
the Secretary of HHS position and the possibility of obtaining a job with Change to Win. Advisor
A suggested that it would be difficult for Blagojevich to obtain a federal government job that would
require Senate confirmation, but that Blagojevich might be able to get a high-ranking federal job that
did not require Senate approval. Blagojevich rejected Advisor A’s suggestion because the other
high-ranking federal jobs did not pay enough money. Advisor A told Blagojevich that Advisor A
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23/ November 8, 2008, was a Saturday, and November 9, 2008, was a Sunday.
liked the Change to Win idea. Blagojevich asked whether the Change to Win idea was better than
trying to work out a deal to provide the Senate seat to Individual L. Advisor A indicated the Change
to Win idea was better to help Blagojevich financially and his future politically. Blagojevich agreed.
On November 10, 200823/ (Blagojevich Call #451), Blagojevich discussed the Senate seat
on a conference call with a variety of individuals. During the call, Blagojevich stated “Individual
I thinks we can get [Blagojevich’s wife], uh, on some corporate boards, paid corporate boards. What
do you think of that?” Individual I responded “Could Obama help on the private sector [Individual
F], where it wouldn’t be tied to him? . . . So it wouldn’t necessarily look like one for the other but.”
The majority of the call centered around how Blagojevich could use his ability to fill the Senate seat
to help Blagojevich in his post-political career. Blagojevich noted he was not in a position to state
he would not run for re-election again because he still had “to raise money for lawyers. . . .”
Blagojevich was repeatedly told by individuals on the phone call that he needed to make the Senate
pick and good things would happen later, but that he should not expect to receive a particular thing
right now. In response to one of these statements, Blagojevich’s wife stated “I don’t think you live
your life hoping that somebody is gonna help you down the line.” Blagojevich stated “Yeah,” and
Blagojevich’s wife then stated “That’s a bunch of baloney.”
Ultimately, Blagojevich stopped pursuing the Change to Win idea for several reasons. First,
Blagojevich learned that Labor Union Official’s salary was not what Blagojevich had hoped and
therefore a salary at Change to Win would not be at a level that Blagojevich wanted. Second,
Blagojevich became uncertain that a Change to Win job would still be present in 2010 when
Blagojevich left the governorship because the job was dependent on others being willing to give
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him the position several years later. As a result of these concerns, Blagojevich began to conspire
to trade the Senate seat to Senate Candidate B in exchange for millions of dollars in funding for a
501(c)(4) organization that Blagojevich would start from scratch, could control, and would provide
certainty for a well-paying job after Blagojevich was no longer governor.
On November 11, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #487, 489), Blagojevich mentioned the idea of
a 501(c)(4) to Harris and that it was a place for Blagojevich “to ultimately be” but it would advocate
for health care while Blagojevich was still governor. Later on November 11, 2008 (Blagojevich Call
#493), Blagojevich told Advisor B that the 501(c)(4) would have “a Board that, you know, I’m
comfortable with and then when I’m no longer governor I go over there.” Blagojevich also
suggested to Advisor B that they should see if Individual N would fund the 501(c)(4) in exchange
for the Senate seat.
On November 12, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #521), Blagojevich informed Harris that CNN was
reporting that Senate Candidate B was going to take a position in the White House. Blagojevich and
Harris discussed the prospect that this was just a rumor meant to make it harder for Blagojevich to
negotiate something of value in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat.
Blagojevich returned to the prospect of asking for millions of dollars in funding for a 501(c)(4) in
exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Blagojevich told Harris that
Blagojevich would name the Board of Directors of the organization so it would be controllable while
Blagojevich was still governor, but that the organization would be without a “major player until I
were to go there.” Later, in reference to associates of Senate Candidate A offering Blagojevich
significant amounts of campaign money in exchange for naming Senate Candidate A to the Senate
seat, Blagojevich stated “what [Senate Candidate A] got third parties saying to me is a heck of a lot
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more substantial than what we’re getting from the Obama people, okay?” Blagojevich stated that
his concern with Senate Candidate A is that Blagojevich does not trust Senate Candidate A to come
through with the promise of campaign money. Shortly thereafter, Blagojevich again instructed
Harris to have the “off campus discussion” with Individual M regarding getting campaign funds in
exchange for naming Individual M to the Senate seat.
Later on November 12, 2008 (Blagojevich Calls #533, 535, and 537), Blagojevich spoke to
Advisor A. Blagojevich explained his 501(c)(4) idea to Advisor A and stated it would be a place
for Blagojevich to get a job after he was governor, like Change to Win. Advisor A told Blagojevich
that Advisor A liked Change to Win better because it had “fewer fingerprints.” Blagojevich stated
his concern with Change to Win was that it might not be there in two years while the 501(c)(4) was
something Blagojevich could “control.”
Shortly thereafter on November 12, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #539), Blagojevich talked to
Harris. Harris told Blagojevich that Harris had talked to United States Congressman A and that
Senate Candidate B was, in fact, going to take a position at the White House.
Immediately after learning that Senate Candidate B may have taken herself out of
consideration for the Senate seat, Blagojevich made a direct effort to obtain money for his 501(c)(4)
in exchange for naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate seat. Blagojevich called Labor Union
Official (Blagojevich Call #541). During the call, Blagojevich informed Labor Union Official that
“one thing” Blagojevich would be interested in was the creation of a “501(c)(4)” issue advocacy
organization. Blagojevich stated the organization would be there if he were not governor anymore.
Blagojevich stated that right now it would be run by people he trusts and it would be a health care
organization. Blagojevich told Labor Union Official that certain wealthy individuals could put $10,
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$15, or $20 million into the organization over night. Blagojevich then stated that he and the
organization could “help our new Senator, [Senate Candidate B], go out” and push an agenda. Labor
Union Official understood that Blagojevich was connecting the funding of the 501(c)(4)
organization to Blagojevich naming Senate Candidate B to the Senate. Although Labor Union
Official told Blagojevich that Labor Union Official would get back to Blagojevich regarding
Blagojevich’s request for money, Labor Union Official never did.
Thereafter, in a series of a calls on November 12, 2008, Blagojevich indicated that his choice
to fill the Senate seat was based on three criteria. In order, Blagojevich indicated his first criterion
was his “legal” situation, which he further indicated was the picking of a candidate whose
appointment might help Blagojevich with his current legal situation in relation to the ongoing federal
criminal investigation into Blagojevich’s actions. At times, Blagojevich indicated that naming
himself the senator would help fit his “legal” criterion because Blagojevich believed he was less
likely to be indicted if he was in Washington D.C. and because, as a Senator, he would have a
“voice” in who the U.S. Attorney was for the Northern District of Illinois, although he would have
to “officially” recuse himself from the decision. Blagojevich’s second criterion was his “personal”
situation, which Blagojevich repeatedly indicated was premised on his and his family’s financial
well being. Blagojevich’s third criterion was his “political” situation.
Later on November 12, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #594), Blagojevich talked to Robert
Blagojevich about filling the Senate seat. Regarding filling the Senate seat, Robert Blagojevich
stated his advice was that Blagojevich “make sure it’s tit for tat, man you get something. I wouldn’t
give anything away.”
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After Blagojevich learned that Senate Candidate B was going to the White House,
Blagojevich still believed that there were several candidates favored by Obama to fill the Senate
vacancy and that Blagojevich might still be able to personally profit from a deal for the Senate seat.
On November 13, 2008, Blagojevich participated in several calls with Advisor B in which
he continued to push his idea of obtaining funding for a 501(c)(4) in exchange for naming a
candidate favored by Obama to the Senate vacancy. In one call on November 13, 2008 (Blagojevich
Call #624), Blagojevich stated that if Senate Candidate B could still get the Senate seat, Blagojevich
thought she would take it. Blagojevich informed Advisor B that Blagojevich had mentioned his
501(c)(4) idea to Labor Union Official. Blagojevich suggested he still might have leverage to get
what he wanted for the Senate seat because Obama would not want Blagojevich to take the Senate
seat himself.
Later on November 13, 2008 (Blagojevich Call #627), Blagojevich again spoke with Advisor
B. Blagojevich asked Advisor B to reach out to Lobbyist A, who Blagojevich knew to have a
friendship with United States Congressman A, to have Lobbyist A pass a message to United States
Congressman A that Blagojevich wanted help with the funding of a 501(c)(4). During the call,
Blagojevich stated, “the mission for Lobbyist A is to, essentially put it in [United States
Congressman A’s] head that we would like them to help us, you know, fund it.” In response,
Advisor B stated that while it was not said, this was “a play to put in play others.” Blagojevich
responded that what Advisor B was saying was “correct.” It was clear to Advisor B that Blagojevich
was saying that Blagojevich wanted to communicate to United States Congressman A that the
funding of the 501(c)(4) would get Obama the person he wanted in the Senate.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

SEIU's Andy Stern to Resign - Redistributed Wealth of His Workers On His Hip

Enough is not a feast - Andy Stern's Marxist snout will remain in the tax-payer trough =no worries on that.

"Last night I received confirmation that Andy Stern is resigning as President of SEIU. He has not yet made a public announcement; we will share the details as we become aware of them," Sosne wrote in an email obtained by POLITICO.

Sosne offered no explanation for the move, but another SEIU official speculated that Stern had finally tired of the draining job.

"Health care getting done is a good culmination," the official said.

Sosne isn't seen as a Stern loyalist or a central union player, but she's a respected former nurse who sits on the international's board as president of SEIU Local 1199NW, which represents nurses. She and her assistant didn't respond to questions about the email. Stern's spokeswoman also didn't immediately respond to a question about the email.

The SEIU has emerged as a central political player and has grown rapidly under Stern's tenure, and some close to him had expected him to resign during the first term of the president he helped elect, and after the achievement he'd spent years focusing on, widening access to health care. But he's also waged a series of bitter battles inside the labor movement, one of the nastiest of which turned in SEIU's favor with a California court ruling last week. Stern also won a victory when Obama named his union's lawyer, Craig Becker, to the National Labor Relations board over Republican objections in a recess appointment last month.

Stern, even without the union presidency, would remain on, among other things, the board of President Obama's deficit commission, to which he was appointed in February.

Anna Burger is to Andy Stern as Stalin is to Lenin. These University of Pennsylvania Alums - school of social work - have hoodwinked our supine corporate media into believing that SEIU is not a PAC, but an actual labor union. Nope. They are ACORN writ large and the folks who helped Blago fire-sale President Obama's hardly ever used U.S. Senate Seat.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

School Vouchers Good for Illinois - SEIU and Ralphie Martire Are Against It!

Ralph Martire and Rev. Senator James Meeks in happier times - before Senator Meeks got wise to the opposition to School Choice.

The same idiots who pushed Illinois over the fiscal cliff - SEIU's Tax Ingesting Boondoggles and Pie Chart Vampire Ralph Martire are dead set against Senator James Meeks' victory in the Illinois Senate for Illinois Families and Tax Payers - School Vouchers

Ralph Martire has Pie Charted and Parsed every bone-headed tax-increase since Dawn Clark Netsch stamped Ralph's ticket.

Ralph and his Center for Tax and Budget Accountability is clearing house for cover to dimwitted and gutless politicians. Too strong, Hickey?

Hey, Sally, wait until you see Illinois go all Arnold Schwarzenegger's California!

School Choice - Vouchers - is the only real hope for Chicago's public schools and many other districts as well. Where there are strong Catholic Schools Like Fenwick, there is a solid public school. Leo High School helps Simeon stay competitive - though we attract Simeon students. Now, Simeon Moms and Dads might be able to afford Leo, or Fenwick, Governor Quinn.

If Ralph Martire is against anything it must be a great idea and SEIU's graphic novel (comic book) Progress Illinois is already huffing and puffing against Vouchers.

The Center on Tax and Budget Accountability's executive director Ralph Martire echoed those sentiments, adding that there is no guarantee that a private school must accept disadvantaged students, either.

Meeks bill now moves over to the House, which will take up the measure after the spring recess. Meanwhile, the Chicago Teachers Union is pushing back against the bill. And Gov. Pat Quinn has indicated that he's not thrilled about any idea of draining any more resources from already-struggling public schools.

"The concept of public education is that every child, regardless of where they grow up, can get a quality education," Martire tells us. "If you don't have the resources to hire more and better teachers, to put technology in the classrooms, to have enrichment and afterschool programs to extend the school day ... how is competition [with the private market] going to make schools any better?"

Ralph, you are a caution!

Competition makes Principals go Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, time to unload the dead weight!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, new blood might help!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, teachers are not showing up on Mondays and Fridays, but they are at St. Werque-Ethiks!

Baby steps, Ralph! Come on Big Boy!!!! You CAN do it Ralph! One Step! That a boy, Ralph! You'll get the hang of it!

Monday, March 29, 2010

VAT You Say? A VAT of Trouble That Makes ObamaCare Chump Change - "That" You Can Believe In

Andy Stern is driving the bus to a National Value Added Taxe (VAT). Andy Stern of SEIU is President Obama's navigator - on the Campaign Trail, on MSNBC, in the ObamaCare boondoggle and on the Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Really? You bet your life . . .your kids and grand kids as well.

Andy Stern did more to bankrupt California and soon Illinois than any one man.

Andy Stern will do that to America and President Obama is just fine with that too. President Obama is fine with this strategy because it is all about power - control of wages, jobs and everything else that follows.

The VAT is the heart of the snake.

At the start of March Madness, President Obama named Andy Stern to his VAT moving commission - there are some toothless Republicans on the commission as well - like Alan Simpson, but make no mistake Andy Stern is driving this VAT bus.

Fortune magazine warned us about the VAT -

It's not an option Americans understand, or ever hear debated much. In fact, most folks probably never heard of it. And if they had, they probably wouldn't want it, since it's the bulwark of an economic system alien to the American model -- the social democratic economies of Europe.

But the sheer scale of the expected numbers makes it practically inevitable that the U.S. will soon adopt a big VAT. It's the only vehicle capable of raising the money to cover the gigantic projected increases in spending and deficits.

Briefly, a VAT resembles a sales tax passed in the end onto the consumer at the register. But the government collects most of the money during the stages of a product's manufacture. Since manufacturers are writing the checks, it's an extremely efficient, virtually fraud-free way to collect money.

But it's never gotten much support in the U.S. for two reasons. First, it's a regressive tax: Low-earning families pay a bigger portion of their incomes than the wealthy. And second, the VAT -- first introduced by a French civil servant in 1954 -- has fueled the rapid growth of government in France, Germany, and even Japan. In fact, no other country spends the kind of money we're planning to spend without a VAT. The numbers tell the story.

Numbers, control and political will by the radical Democratic Central Committee are what it is all about. Jobs? Not gonna happen.

Repeal? Not gonna happen either.

The only thing that can stop Andy Stern's VAT Bus is awareness. People will vote and cat upon what they are aware of - example Chicago's media decided to 'pay no attention' to Lt. Governor Democratic Candidate Scott Lee Cohen. Likewise Chicago's Corporate Media went skittish on inquiry concern SEIU's part in the Blagojevich Fire Sale of Senate Seats. SEIU calls the tune and Corporate Media jigs heartily!

The Corporate Media ( MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post & etc.) are on Andy Stern's VAT Bus - it so European.

However, Charles Krauthammer, the dignified medical professional psychiatrist, and political analyst, has been far ahead of the curve in warning about this danger to our country.

Obama knows that the debt bomb is looming, that Moody's is warning that the Treasury's AAA rating is in jeopardy, that we are headed for a run on the dollar and/or hyperinflation if nothing is done.

Hence his deficit reduction commission. It will report (surprise!) after the November elections.

What will it recommend? What can it recommend? Sure, Social Security can be trimmed by raising the retirement age, introducing means testing and changing the indexing formula from wage growth to price inflation.

But this won't be nearly enough. As Obama has repeatedly insisted, the real money is in health care costs -- which are now locked in place by the new Obama care mandates.

That's where the value-added tax comes in. For the politician, it has the virtue of expediency: People are used to sales taxes, and this one produces a river of revenue. Every 1 percent of VAT would yield up to $1 trillion a decade (depending on what you exclude -- if you exempt food, for example, the yield would be more like $900 billion).

You can not depend on the Corporate Media - the Cheerleaders for Doom.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

President Obama's Debt Czar Andy Stern and his 2007 Trip to Red China

2010 President Obama names the President of largest tax salaried organization in America to his debt/deficit reduction commission. Andy Stern is called a labor leader by the corporate media. Real labor engages in good-faith collective bargaining - Andy Stern euses coercion, threats and intimidation with the cover of the corporate media ( ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC & etc.).

Andy Stern, I believe is a Marxist and one who will do any thing and everything to amass power via politics. Andy Stern will direct this commission and push through a Value Added Tax - like in socialist Europe.

I admire American Labor - real Labor. Andy Stern is the single greatest threat to American Labor and the American Middle Class.

Andy took many trips to America's debtor nation Red China.

2007 -

U.S. News and Workd Report:

Q. In May you visited China. Since your union members are service workers who aren't threatened by outsourcing, why bother?

A. Because our employers are all in China. So, the largest security and food service companies in the world are moving to China. Wal-Mart is in China. They are not directly our union's employers, but obviously we have a lot of interest there, and we're very helpful on working with the Chinese on organizing. We go there because our employers have gone there, and what we learned in the U.S. is that as employers get larger, we're less able to affect their behavior. As they grow globally, we begin to think more globally as well. China is the mother lode for American corporations.

Q. What came out of the trip?

A. This is my sixth trip to China. I first went in 2002. This is sort of a continuation of trying to understand China. I met with our employers in China and their unions. The last time we were there, we did a seminar on organizing. We had some exchanges. They come here and we go there. So we've learned a lot from how [Chinese unions] do their work, and they've learned a lot about how to do grass-roots work.

Historically, when they were representing people in state-owned companies, they had a lot more interaction with the government. Now that they have private employers, they are not familiar with organizing from the bottom up instead of with the employer and party.

Q. Why should your members pay dues to improve the condition of Chinese workers?

A. Workers who work for the same employers, whether they are in our country or around the world, are much stronger when they work together. The largest employer in Africa is a security company who owns Wackenhut in the U.S. We have been unable to get Wackenhut to respect workers' rights because they are a very small part of a very big company. So now we joined together with other unions to deal with Group 4 Securicor, which owns Wackenhut, to try to put pressure on them to respect workers in the U.S. but also respect workers' rights in Africa, Poland, and Asia, and other places around the world.

Despite the fact there are geographical borders, our employers are global and we don't have the strength when we are just in our country. When we represent a small number of employees in a large corporation, we can't influence [its] behavior. We're on the verge of having global unions. Capital and trade and companies have gone global–how come unions shouldn't be global? It doesn't make sense for the workers.

Andy , go global by all means, but leave America alone.

Jan Schakowsky named to Death Panel . . .Debt Panel . . .same thing

Joining her Chinaman Andy Stern on President Obama's "presidential commission to figure out ways curb the federal debt and deficit have been filled." is none other than Rod Blagojevich's best pal . . .until the Feds cuffed him . . .MSNBC softball guest . . .staff and Asian help abuser "Do You know who I am? I'm Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky now get me what I ask!" ( back to the old Giannoulias for Treasurer Campaign Days, sigh.) . . .Felon Spouse and Turkish Delight . . .Jan Shakowsky!!!!!

VAT - Value Added Tax - The Euro-Chic Path to State Life! is on its way.

Jan Shakowsky is also sharpening her back-stabbing blades to make the right incision between Alexi Giannoulias's shoulder blades. The Bank Bankruptcy Bothered Boetian Giannoulias is considered a huge liability by Illinoi Progressives and they abort! Kill it before birth!

Way to go, Jan! I am guessing that Alexi will be bought off or bludgeoned before the Easter Bunny drops the plastic sweets on the White House lawn.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SEIU's Andy Stern Will Turn America into Greece by Christmas! Obama Care Ain't Nothing Next to This Beauty!

SEIU's Mandarin Andy Stern has all the time in the world to 'give it to America- - good and hard!

Uncle Sam, grab them ankles! Red Andy is going to take flying leap ram home (ala Obama Care) the nail in your coffin, driving President Obama's Federal Deficit Reduction Panel!

SEIU which fuels President Obama's energetic drive to make America Greece*, Portugal, Ireland, France and et. has bullied its way into Roland Burris's claim to Obama's Senate seat; Obama Care; Card Check America; control of the American Auto Industry and onto the panel that will recommend that America pay a National Sales Tax - for starters - and pay for Government Takeover of everything not nailed down.

Andy Stern, President of SEIU, make ACORN look like a Quaker Meeting House. Andy Stern and Anna Burger have spent the last five years talking to the Chinese Government. Newsweek and Time have scrubbed those stories on the internet.

Andy Stern is no union leader - he is a Marxist. He owns the nitwits on MSNBC and most other cable news outlets, print paper editorial boards and his armada of SEIU websites - Illinois Progress, here at home. Of you think Obama Care is shady, hold the phone Sally.

Wait until Andy Stern dictates America's economic policies*.

President Obama's decision to appoint his close political ally, union leader Andrew Stern, to the newly created National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has set off a firestorm of criticism from business and conservative groups who charge he is a political radical who should be investigated for failure to register as a lobbyist.

The prestigious 18-member commission will study and recommend ways to whittle down the $12 trillion debt the federal government has amassed. Stern is one of six panelists Obama has named; the House of Representatives and the Senate will each appoint six others.

Reminder: The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C. is probing the SEIU for possible violations of the Lobbying Disclosure Act for Stern’s frequent visits to the White House and with members of Congress in 2009.

Reminder: As head of the SEIU, Stern has groomed his own den of labor management thieves tangled in embezzelement/fiscal abuse across the country:

*Vat’s This? Hat Tip Tom Roeser!

The word’s going around Washington that Obama and the Left who have moved us to the status of a European state-controlled democracy will more than likely want to pay for it by having the National Deficit Commission…organized to come up with a strategy after this November’s election on how to cut the deficit and the debt…come up with the recommendation that the U. S. adopt the Value Added Tax or national sales tax which would be just like Europe’s. It would trigger as well-spring of revenue and allow the Left the option of presenting a good many other socialist ideas. It’s bound to be a key debate issue in 2012.

Friday, March 19, 2010

SEIU/Catholic United front for George Soros on Obama Care Vote

Everytime a Progressive Opens His Yap It Costs You a Lung.

Congressman Lipinski vote no on ObamaCare. Stay strong and you will get votes - cave-in like you did on Cap'N Trade and its back to the blackboard jungle.

Saying Catholics United " quiet" abortion concerns is like asking the Aryan Brotherhood to "calm" racial fears.

Such a bold and obvious lie can only come from the SEIU comic book pages of Progress Illinois. Josh Kalven, the nepotism claimant to a swell sinecure at SEIU's site, writes this nonsense. Josh's Pop is well connected racical icon Jaimie Kalven.

We've repeatedly noted the unwarranted concerns from pro-life Democratic Congressmen Dan Lipinski and Jerry Costello that the health care reform bill would lead to federal financing of abortions. In the hopes of swaying Lipinski on the issue, Catholics United is going on the air in the Chicago market today with an ad making that very point. "Some say health reform would force taxpayers to fund abortions," says the narrator. "It’s not true." Watch it:

Note young Kalven's snotty tone. Well here's mine ( "Dude! That's Sooo Not Mild!") -

Listen, Merde for Grey Matter, it is all Abortion All the Time in the Bill. Save the Commie nonsense for Big Ed Schultz. and other dopey cheerleaders for failure.

From the Catholic Network:

21-October-2008 -- Catholic News Agency Share |

"Catholic" Political Groups Being Financed by George Soros
New York, Oct 20, 2008 (CNA).- The Catholic League’s president Bill Donohue has come out swinging at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United for having ties to the left-wing financier George Soros.

Donohue charges that Soros’ liberal credentials couldn’t be more clear, citing a 2005 campaign by Soros-financed to convince Americans that they should back Democrats efforts to filibuster President George W. Bush’s judicial nominees to the Supreme Court.

At the time of's effort Donohue described it in a statement as: “a picture of a smiling Pope Benedict XVI holding a gavel outside the U.S. Supreme Court, along with the following inscription: ‘God Already Has a Job…He does not need one on the Supreme Court’.”

Although the incident occurred in 2005, Donohue now says that Soros is financing two organizations that have close ties to the Democrat Party and are “apologists for abortion rights.”

According to The Catholic Key, Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, the Chair of the Board of Directors for Catholics in Alliance is the wife of former Democratic National Committee finance chair, Smith Bagley. “Ambassador Bagley has herself given hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DNC, as well as to numerous stridently pro-choice Democratic candidates including, Barack Obama, Al Franken, Barbara Boxer, Claire McCaskill, Charles Schumer and The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund," The Catholic Key reported.

Catholics United also has ties to the Democrat Party, according to the group's web site. Catholics United Director of Organizing, James Salt, "oversaw the Kansas Democratic Party's faith outreach efforts, including messaging work for Governor Sebelius and development of faith-based messaging resources," the site says. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is currently in hot water with Archbishop Joseph Naumann for her close ties to abortionist George Tiller and her support for abortion.

Donohue alleges that these groups also have monetary links to George Soros. “In 2006, Soros’ Open Society Institute gave Catholics in Alliance $100,000 (double the amount he gave in 2005), and in the same year Catholics in Alliance listed Catholics United on its 990 (line 80b) as an organization with which it has a formal relationship,” Donohue asserts in documentation the Catholic League provided to CNA.

As further proof of a link, the Catholic League president cites a May 20, 2006 Washington Post article in which John Podesta, who runs the Soros-funded organization, Center for American Progress, “admits that he works closely with Catholics in Alliance and Catholics United.”

In an email to CNA on Monday, Catholics United president Chris Korzen denied any links to Soros. “Catholics United has no connection with Mr. Soros. We have taken money from neither him nor OSI,” he said.

The Catholic League’s Director of Communications, Susan Fani, responded to Korzen's denial by telling CNA that the League stands by its statement and that the evidence is well documented.

For his part, Donohue believes that George Soros, who is Jewish, is driven to fund Catholic groups because he has an agenda to normalize Catholic support for abortion.

“The reason Soros funds the Catholic Left is the same reason he lavishly funds Catholics for Choice, the pro-abortion group that has twice been condemned as a fraud by Catholic bishops: they all service his agenda, namely, to make support for abortion rights a respectable Catholic position,” Donohue stated on Monday.

As reported by CNA last Friday, Catholics in Alliance and Catholics United both came under fire from Archbishop Chaput of Denver, who said that the groups are doing a “disservice” to the Catholic Church.

George Soros "is connected to two apologists for abortion rights, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United. In 2006, Soros’ Open Society Institute gave Catholics in Alliance $100,000 (double the amount he gave in 2005), and in the same year Catholics in Alliance listed Catholics United on its (IRS) 990 as an organization with which it has a formal relationship. John Podesta, who runs the Soros-funded organization, Center for American Progress, admits that he works closely with Catholics in Alliance and Catholics United. The Center for American Progress is also the sponsor of Faith and Public Life."