Showing posts with label Chicago Sun Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago Sun Times. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sun Times # 1. South Side Irish Hater - I Hope Every Business in Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood Tosses This Rag!

Curious is a member of the Sun Times Staff( Financial).
Failure to rein in drunks killed more than parade That is the Sun Times' Headline on its Commentary.

Here is the opening sentence -The South Side Irish Parade is dead, but only because the adults in charge never did their job.

Bull$hit! The Sun Times makes a habit of calling everyone in these three neighborhoods racists, drunks and bigots. I have yet to see any person of color abused here in this neighborhood -terrorized, beaten, threatened, or even looked at cross-wise; I have yet to see drunks from the neighborhood reeling wildly down our streets; I have yet to encounter any member of the Aryan Nation/Hitler Youth/Klan/ or Weatherman Faction. Nevertheless, Your Rag took a very painful decision made in good faith between good people as an opportunity to pour out more hate.

The Sun Times and many of its personalities played overtime to get more idiots and weaklings to the Parade.

Several years ago at the South Side Parade while doing an article for GAR Media in New York, I personally witnessed a wildly drunken Sun Times Columnist avoid a well-deserved ass kicking from more than a few persons not delighted by his whimsy on the street outside of one the bars, due to the very careful ministrations of an off-duty CPD Detective.

Errare Est Human, Ignoscere est . . .not a chance. People make mistakes - newspapers smear. You smear the people of the Committee and hold them responsible for this mope: Sun Times News Group -

Speaking Thursday - as the commander in charge of policing 310,000 revelers at the parade detailed a nightmarishly "rough day" for his officers - 17-year-old Gonzalo Vasquez said he plans to attend whatever celebration South Side organizers have next year. "I was wasted," Vasquez said outside his home in the 14800 block of Lawndale Avenue on Thursday afternoon. "But I wasn't the only one. Everybody was drunk. You can't blame me for them canceling the parade."

Did the reporter pose Tough Questions on Gonzalo's Mom? She's an adult? Nope.

In The Same STNG edition, Bigot Kadner 'Found' a disgruntled City Worker who hates the Parade! Must have been like brain surgery that quest.

The South Side Irish Parade Committee made a tough decision and the Media Jackels jumped - Kadner of STNG, Trib's Eric Zorn and the Sun Times crew. This group of citizens, The South Side Irish Parade Committee, were they from any other race or ethnic group might just slap a Civil Rights Suit on the Sun Times. I wish they would. Actually, I would rather see members of Committee loosen a few of your collective teeth - that's just how this little Buttercup rolls.

The Committee made rules and the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune and the other media outlets maintained a steady hate-crime against the Irish American Community by Harping on Booze as the Only True Association to this Parade. Maybe a real sharky Lawsuit Lawyer cares to dig up your history of stories and articles promoting the heavy drinking.

You hate Cops and you hate this part of Chicago where Cops, Firemen, School teachers, Tradesmen, and professionals live and celebrate their heritage and respect their neighbors in so doing. Some of you are former South Side Irish - stay that way. Shake the dust off of us.

The Chicago Sun Times is thoroughly hypocritical and wildly stupid.

The only persons who know exactly why this Parade was cancelled are the people who actually made that decision.

I honor their decision. So do my neighbors. I wish that they had waited a while and not give Haters like the Sun Times any opportunity to juice some Irish directed hockers.

The Committee spent the many hours making a great Parade. I hope the Sun Times is as much a memory as the South Side Irish Parade, by the time of the Easter Parade.

I will ask every one of my neighbors to not buy this rag or any STNG Rag. Time to close the Sun Times and the whole chain of rags.

We can always bring back the South Side Parade.

Can't say the same about you morons.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spencer Thayer - Your You Tube Police Activist! I'm Here to Help, Spence!

As in all things, God works wonders through His people on earth! Nice work to David Heinzmann and Jeremy Gorner, Tribune Reporters for giving all of us - Spencer Thayer*!
Shucks these are all just simple, uncomplex little old ( who works everyday in a very high crime neighborhood) me's thoughts on today's Video Activist Hero - Spencer Thayer!

Spencer Thayer went You Tube on a Police Officer involved in the proper ( I watched it several times) execution of his duties to serve and protect the Citizens of Chicago.

Spencer wants Chicago to 'Bash Back!' Bash away Chicago!

Activist and Video Journalist SPENCER THAYER!

There is an Andy Thayer who works for Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Jon Loevy - Andy Thayer is a Gay/Anti-War/Anti-Cop Activists who is as prominent in publicity for social activism issues as the Caveman in Insurance ads. I gotta wonder if Spencer Thayer is any relation to Andy Thayer who works for Jon Loevy who sues the Chicago Police weekly - following a Sun Times story or stories.

That's just the old close-knit ethnic south side of me - shucks, we think everyone is a cousin! Aren't they though?

Well, Spencer Thayer, here is your time in the spot light. I sure hope that I can be of some very small help in this matter!

* when I posted early this morning I had NO idea who the video journalist might be and lo and behold - it is Spencer Thayer! From this AM's post -'I hope that the little 'Can I Have Your Badge Number?' Twerp who decided to be some body with his Indie Film meets Calvin Urine Britches as a bus mate every day for the rest of his snotty life and Calvin's Posse - including the more violent and larcenous. But that's just me. I have a Nuanced sense of humor.'

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sun Times Gets it Right - After Playing the Lefty Fool for Years

Ray Coffey should be the Standard for News writers and those who would call themselves Journalists. Ray's departure from the Chicago Sun Times was the starting gun for that paper's 90 degree plunge in credibility and honor. There might yet be hope for the Sun Times.

The Sun Times offered a sober look at the value of newspapers in yesterday's commentary.

No army of bloggers, no TV or radio station, no nonprofit journalism collective, no foundation-supported task force of political and government reporters will ever do the job so well.

The first Sun-Times exclusive hit the front page on Sunday: "Blago hit up Burris for cash." The reporters were Natasha Korecki, who covers the federal courts for the Sun-Times, and Dave McKinney, our Springfield bureau chief.

The real significance of that story was not that the brother of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich had asked Sen. Roland Burris for a sizable campaign contribution shortly before Blagojevich appointed Burris to Barack Obama's former Senate seat. No surprise there. That would be Blago's style.

The real story was that Burris had stated earlier in a Jan. 5 affidavit that he had talked to no one in the Blagojevich camp, and he had testified three days later at Blagojevich's impeachment trial that he had talked to just one person. More troubling, he never said a word about talk of money.

The real story, that is to say, is that Burris looks like a liar.

We know. That was why we quit buying the rag that bore the name - Sun Times. There are great newspaper people who have been chained to the oars of the Sun Times Sinking Ship Review for the last few years: Tim Novak, Steve Huntley, Dave McKinney, Natasha Korecki, and Kate Grossman. God love them. Tim Novak was like the Man in the Iron Mask during the last days of the Presidential Campaign. Maybe now, he can be let off the leash.

While the Sun Times has played at being a Revolutionary Organ committed to The Great Patriotic Proletarian Progress Paradee by Cheryl Reed, readers in my neighborhood and others in Chicago have pocketed the two-bit pieces.

My neighborhood, where crime happens due to the Thug Comfort Zone* that Sun Times helped create, has been insulted and caste as some kind of Third Reich Sculpture. The dampness on our backs is not rain or sweat but the dewy offerings of lazy writers and pop-eyed Advocacy nuts drawing pay from the Sun Times.

I was happy to see that the CEO and the publisher have taken their Golden Parachutes out of town.

Newspapers are essential to free Republic. Perhaps, the Sun Times will become one once again - now that the Jacobin Hat and Cap and Bells have been hung up on the hook.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sun Times Calls Quigley A Tool of Permutation!

The Sun Times - Chock Full of Ironies! Even in Endorsing Their Fatuous Dopes, Sun Times manages to blow off the toes of those they love!

The other day The Sun Times endorsed the Uriah Heep of Illinois Politics - The Terror of Tiny Town Himself, Mike Quigley, to fill Rahm Emmanuel's seat - with plenty of room to spare!

'Issues aside, what's perhaps most refreshing about Quigley is, oddly, his lack of political charm.

He doesn't exactly light up a room. Or even smile much. . . .Quigley is, in his own way, part of the same wave.A true instrument for change. Send him to Congress.

'What is most refreshing about this blind date I have picked out for Damian is her almost complete lack of hygene and disdain for social convention - Why, Man, this morbidly obese girl -Farmers on the sidewalk, when her nasal passages get congested! She is utterly charming in the way she guzzles Louisiana Hot Sauce Frappes! Her scent is reminiscent of Old Chicago - the Stockyards in August or Gary, Indiana when war productivity was at its peak! Enchantingly Offensive!'

The Sun Times offers the voters of the 5th District its GIGI in Mike Quigley!

A True Instrument for Change -A Real Tool of Permutation! Send Quigley . . . Somewhere he will not get stepped on!'

Congress, a land of pygmies, might just be the place.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chicago Sun Times Wants Catholics to Shut Up - Abortion Is A Great Way For Woman to Look Better and Get Empowered!

A woman's right to choose means that she should be empowered to have Old Doc jam a sharp or blunt object into her wombed child; yank the corpse out and toss Junior's guts into a can unencumbered by civil, moral or ethical constraints whatsoever.

The Chicago Sun Times a wad of thinning sheets of howling opinion and bugger all thought slicked up some encomiums from its three readers in reaction to Catholic Bishops doing their jobs:

Catholic Church forgets other 9 commandments

November 13, 2008

I love stories about the abortion issue and the Catholic Church. The last time I checked there were 10 commandments, not just one.

They pick and choose our politicians to punish for their personal beliefs on commandment No. 5 ("Thou shalt not kill"), yet they overlook all the other ones.

How about commandment No. 6 ("Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife") or No. 7 ("Thou shalt not steal")?

Are these lesser offenses in the eyes of the Catholic Church?

Sean Lowry, Beverly

Stay out of politics
Please, as a Catholic, I ask if there isn't someone who will tell Catholic bishops to get out of politics?

Their moral stance is fine when it is applied to their religion, but not to a whole country. After all, it was not God who told us that abortion was wrong, but a group of cardinals who voted that a child was given a soul at the moment of conception rather than at the moment of birth, and it only won by one vote.

Arlene Cozzi, Lake View

George should step down
Cardinal Francis George needs to step down. Any person who does not protect innocent children needs to be replaced. He has allowed pedophiles to have close contact with children for years. That shows that something is really wrong. This is just another example of what our society thinks of children. Our laws do not protect them, because they cannot vote. So our politicians turn their backs on them.

Lea Tomassone,

River Grove

Yep, powerful commentary.

Here's the AP on the Catholic Bishops Stand on Abortion:

Cardinal Francis George told a gathering of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on Monday that continued support for abortion rights will undermine any advances in social justice that come from a new president and Congress.

George, president of the bishops group, said: ''we must all rejoice'' that an African American will be in the White House for the first time in a country that ''once enshrined slavery'' in law.
But he said the U.S. still violates universal human rights by keeping abortion legal.

''The common good can never be adequately incarnated in any society when those waiting to be born can be legally killed at choice,'' George said.

His speech didn't directly address the policies of President-elect Barack Obama, who is Protestant, and Vice President-elect Joseph Biden, who is Roman Catholic. Both men support abortion rights and take other stands that differ from Catholic teaching.

At a later news conference, George said bishops are preparing to lobby the Obama administration on policies that diverge from Catholic teaching on marriage, abortion and other issues.


Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

The Chicago Sun Times while sinking like a doughball in the gullet of a Kankakee River Channel Catfish, fights for a woman's right to cosmetically get rid of excess weight brought on by sexual relations. Abortion is no more than liposuction, if one has no moral root. In my experience, the only women who have ever argued stridently for abortion seemed to be as willing to toss husbands, unruly pets and even their unaborted children. Too much bother. 'Get that Duck out of MY Oven!'

The Pink T-Shirts of Planned Parenthood stayed in the wearhouse this Campaign Cycle, but the fashionable and smart ladies who Salon will be out in full howl and the Chicago Sun Times will whine its way into oblivion.

Father Bob Barron had nice explanation that would be lost on the threeMetro Chicagoans getting their Shouts Out with the Sun Times above - you see the Catholic Church is not the Democratic Party! Troubling, LuLu?

The problem here is that the social teaching of the church flows necessarily from and is subordinated to the doctrinal convictions of classical Christianity. We care for the poor precisely because we are all connected to one another through the acts of creation and redemption. More to it, we worry about the marginalized precisely because all of us are cells, molecules and organs in a mystical body whose head is Christ risen from the dead. And our work on behalf of social justice is nourished by the Eucharist, which fully realizes and expresses the living dynamics of the mystical communion.

Read more - read something -

Abortion is an evil. Parse up a Nuanced storm.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

19th Ward Blog Responds to Neil Steinberg's Slur of Mt. Greenwood Residents

People who lead good lives, care for their children, their elderly, their property, their community, and many, many people outside of their neighborhood do not deserve the cheap and cavalier insults of a columnist like Neil Steinberg.

19th Ward Blog's editor and publisher Pat Guest responds: 'Neil Steinberg is an irresponsible hateful little man. Read his outrageous column in today’s ( Oct.29th 2008)Suntimes.'

That was about the nicest way of putting things. In bit of reverse satire Neil Steinberg wrote:

Obviously, you want Obama elected—the nation will soon realize what it has done, the pendulum will swing the other way—your way. At long last! Ausgerechnet jetzt!

Persuasive stuff. But if I know you—and I do—about now you’re asking yourself: “Hey, wait a second. This guy’s a Jew. Why would a Jew be looking out for the best interest of the Iron Fist of Righteous White Anger, Mount Greenwood Corps?”

'You' meaning racists. Cheap and cowardly. Hey, that's not an altogether unfitting logo of the Sun Times! Well, it ain't cheap - $.75 still means something to people who work for a living - like the people in the Mount Greenwood Community.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain/Palin: Want more Obama/Rezko/Jones? Get Sun Times to take the chains off of Tim Novak!

Obama has two little girls at home dying for a puppy, when he has this kennel of news poodles at the Sun Times! Not Fair!

Speaking of not fair! Toss Carol a dog Yummy! Sneed!! Sit up!

The only pit bull on the Chicago Sun Times is Tim Novak. Click my post title for a litany of Novak stories dug up out of the dirt and the dust shovelled on the truth by Obama's shills, Daley's stooges, Medill's meatheads, Ayers acolytes, and Rezko's raiders.

When little Curtis Cooper was crushed by rusty iron gate on mismanaged former CHA property, Young Cullen Davis ( Son of Allison Davis Obama's Law Boss), all fat and sassy, came to the light of day only because of Tim Novak.

Tim Novak is the real deal. When Obama had the the editorial board of the Sun Times - Sit Up! Beg! Roll-Over!!! Fetch! for him, Tim Novak was doing a newsman's job.

Free Tim Novak! Get Some News!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

McCain/Palin: Mary Mitchell Proclaims Herself A 'Sick -Hater' - Steve Huntley - The Last Person Writing

The hamster on Mary Mitchell's brain wheel jumped off years ago. She is proving to be a metaphor of print journalism's willingness to favor the equivalent of cock fighting over opera.

Mary Mitchell spews this about Governor Sarah Palin with her usual 'nuanced' approach to writing:

Sarah Palin makes me sick. I hate that she was able to steal Barack Obama's mojo just by showing up wearing rimless glasses and a skirt.

I hate that she makes Joe Biden look like John McCain and John McCain look like the maverick he is not.

It plummets from there and mocks Biden's own childhood affliction:

I hate that Palin reminds me of Susan Sarandon's feisty character in "Thelma & Louise." I loved Sarandon in that movie, yet I couldn't stand Palin's feistiness at the Republican National Convention.

Sarah Palin makes me sick -- not because she may speak in tongues -- but because she is a fast talker.

Not even ABC's Charlie Gibson can slow Palin's mouth.

I disagree with the people who claim Gibson caught her off guard during her interview when he asked her whether she agreed with the "Bush Doctrine."

"In what respect?" Palin fired back without so much as a stutter.
Jesus, Biden's gotta love that! No matter to Mary - Joe Biden is a white devil who deserves a good old machete marinade like Bob Mugabe's lads dish-out. That is Mary Mitchell's America! The Sun Times is Okay with it as well.

The Chicago Sun Times values Mary Mitchell in the same way that a Carnival Barker values the acephales,freaks without a complete head system or having no part of the body specially organized as a head. Mary Mitchell gives out race-hate, conspiracy myths, and self-improvement tips from her brushes with the law.

She is sick and she hates - see Mary's words above - now that is nuance!

Steve Huntley* is the only opinion left at the Sun Times. Unlike Marins, girl's dish-lunch-confab-assortment tosses, Steve Huntley goes to work.

Mary Mitchell's Sideshow will pave the Sun Times strut to oblivion.

As McCain's campaign has grown sharper, Obama's has tended to flay about. It has not figured out how to handle McCain's dazzling choice of Sarah Palin. Obama focused on her term as a small-town mayor and ignored her work as governor of Alaska. He came off as belittling a woman's accomplishments while reminding voters of his dismissive remarks about small-town people that damaged him with working-class Americans.

His camp tried to play the abortion card, saying Palin's pro-life belief is unattractive to women. Yet as governor, she never pushed that cause. And, as a woman who balances the responsibilities of elective office and motherhood, Palin's story resonates with women of all political persuasions. Democratic operatives and media friends piled on by questioning her ability to balance both responsibilities, reminding women of the sexism they saw plaguing Clinton's campaign -- sexism coming from, of all places, the liberal heart of American politics. You've got to wonder if Obama regrets not making Clinton his vice presidential nominee.

Democrats who gleefully jumped on McCain when he misspoke, as in seeming to confuse the Sunni and Shia factions in Iraq, must have been stunned when their man had his own misspoken moment -- Obama's referring to "my Muslim faith" in a TV interview. He is a Christian but, because of the Islamic background of his father, has had to fend off rumors about his faith.

A long campaign remains to be waged, with debates, speeches, unguarded moments and chances for embarrassing slip-ups and brilliant political strokes. McCain's folks may be riding high now and Obama's camp at sixes and sevens, but the dynamics still favor the Democrats. Yet, this race is up for grabs, and that's a far cry from June, when Democrats, and not a few Republicans, thought Obama had it all but sewn up.,CST-EDT-hunt09.article

Monday, September 01, 2008

$un Time$'$ $need $hape$ $heckel$ $aga - as Opposed to Convention Coverage

Today's Michael Sneed coverage of the GOP Convention in St. Paul - says it all.

Class warfare must be $need'$ Subliminal me$$age. My God! $he get$ paid for thi$?
$ubtle $ignal$ $need $ound $en$sibility! METHINKS. $un TimeS ha$ Buggerall on that Score!

$ee Sneed'$ $ignal$?

$$$$$: The decision to turn the Republican National Convention into a "fund-raiser" for Hurricane Gustav victims is at this juncture: whether to make it a telethon or an Internetathon.

. . .
• • $$$$$$: There are 100 Fortune 500 companies represented in the St. Paul-Minneapolis area, and the Republican arm is being put on them to raise and/or give cash to charities helping hurricane victims.

Postcards from St. Paul . . .
• • $$$$$: A top RNC official told Sneedthat McCain's campaign has raised about $7.5 million on the Internet since his selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.

• • $$$$$: The big GOP worry? Bigbucks Mitt Romney donors in Illinois may zip up their wallets because McCain did not choose Romney as his running mate.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What an A$$hle! Sneedle$$ to $Ay!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chicago Tribune - Letting Go: Like a Fatman in Sweats or Porky Girl in a Muumuu

Cal Skinner, ( click my post title for Cal's Caveat) a svelt gentleman himself, has issued a warning - The Chicago Tribune has let itself go - like the tabloid rag the Chicago Sun Times, The Tribune has given up doing sit-ups, push-ups, wind sprints and stair climbs and allowed the waves of amber blubber to palunk over the waist band and onto the floor.

The Journalistic equivalent to Dunlap's Disease - when the belly done lops over the belt! Behold the fleshy folds and waves above!

Now its outer deportment matches the editorial cellulite - 'larding the lean earth!'

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama/Rezko/Davis/Cullen Davis Gate: It Cost Taxpayers Millions of Dollars, Swings One Way,Falls Off and Killed Curtis Cooper

Neither the Chicago Tribune nor the Sun Times ( because Tim Novak is not on the story) made the connection to Barack 'One House'Obama to Tony Rezko and Allison Davis, a white guy termed 'Mayor Daley's link to the African American Community.'

Allison Davis is 'Mayor Daley's link to the African American Community.' No other links, associations, reachers-out, heads-up guys, liasons, or friends in the African American Community - Allison Davis. Allsion Davis is the go-to-guy whenever Mayor Daley needs a link to the African American Community.Not Senator Barck Obama.
Not Ike Carothers. Not Jackie Heard.Not Elzie Higginbottom.Not Dempsey Travis.

Nope Allison Davis. Allsion Davis who was Barack Obama's Law Boss. Back in April of 2007, Tim Novak was on the story and should continue to be on the story for STNG, but they want this tale to fade. Here is what Tim Novak, the only real newsman on the Sun Times, had to say about insulated Progressive lawyer Allison S. Davis.

When Barack Obama took a job at a small Chicago law firm in 1993, the first name on the door of the firm was Allison S. Davis.

Five years later, having left his Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland firm, Davis invested in Antoin "Tony'' Rezko's final government-subsidized, low-income housing project, state records show, in a deal handled by Davis' former law firm.

Davis and Rezko also went into business together, building upscale homes in the booming Kenwood neighborhood where Davis lives. The legal work on those deals was also done by Davis' former law firm, where Obama was working.

Davis, 67, and Rezko are still business partners "in a technical sense,'' Davis said in an interview, though he added, "There's nothing going on in the last couple years.''

He said he didn't recall how or when he met Rezko, a businessman and political fund-raiser under indictment on federal charges that include demanding kickbacks from companies seeking state pension investments under Gov. Blagojevich.

While Davis was running the law firm, he was also a board member of the Woodlawn Preservation and Investment Corp., a not-for-profit company that hooked up with Rezko's Rezmar Corp. on tax-supported projects to rehabilitate apartments for low-income tenants. Davis' firm handled the legal work on those housing deals.

Davis has long been an influential member of the Woodlawn community just south of the University of Chicago. His father was the university's first African-American professor. Since 1991, Davis has been a member of the Chicago Plan Commission, appointed by Mayor Daley, a friend.

Four years ago, Blagojevich appointed Davis to the Illinois State Board of Investment, which controls state pension funds -- one of a series of appointments the governor made at Rezko's request.

Tim Novak

Novak says that Davis's Pa was African American? Guess I was mistaken! Must be true - Davis ain't a white guy then. Pictures never really tell the story. Surface value journalism is also misleading. Get Novak back on the case.

Yep, Tim Novak on a story is like Sterling on Silver. He is such a pitbull that he could dig up my dreams ( don't go there, Tim).

Instead, to make any sense of the non-investigation into the death of Curtis Cooper by our propaganda journalists we need to flip to the New York Post.

Here is a piece that considers the Davis/Rezko/Obama connection important.

In October 1998, Obama wrote city and state officials, urging them to give Rezko $14 million to build an apartment complex outside of Obama's state Senate district. The Chicago Sun-Times noted last year that Obama's request included 855,000 in "development fees" for Rezko and for another developer, Allison Davis, who happened to be Obama's old law-firm boss. Obama's spokesman said it was just a coincidence that the state senator wrote letters to obtain millions of dollars for his two longtime friends. ( emphasis my own -because . . .gee, isn't that kind of a red-flag?)

In fact, Obama was a dependable ally of subsidized developers in the Legislature, giving Rezko and others broader help as well. In "The Case Against Barack Obama," I identify and parse six housing bills with which Obama was closely involved. A few examples:

* In 2001, Obama cosponsored a bill allowing developers to sell state tax credits to others and pocket half of the proceeds.
* In 2002 and 2004, he was chief cosponsor of a bill to authorize a rent-subsidy fund giving "grants . . . directly to developers" of low-income housing. Seventy percent of the money was earmarked for the Chicago area.

* Obama cosponsored the Illinois Housing Initiative Act of 2003, which required the governor to develop a plan for more low-income housing and "provide[d] for funding for housing construction and rehabilitation and supportive services."

* In 2003, Obama voted for the Affordable Housing Planning and Appeal Act, which required Illinois municipalities to make 10 percent of their housing units "affordable" (by definition, this included subsidized housing). This forced 46 communities just outside of Chicago to create more than 7,000 new "affordable" units - a huge boost in demand for area developers. The bill also provided loopholes for developers to circumvent local ordinances and regulations.

After voting for this measure (it passed narrowly), Obama then cosponsored a new bill that moved up its implementation by more than a year.

These and the other Obama-backed bills helped make millionaires of Rezko and other slum developers at taxpayers' expense. The developers - including his former law boss and an adviser to his current campaign - reciprocated, together giving and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for Obama's campaigns.

To sum up: Obama got them subsidies to build. He secured them a steady income of government rent subsidies. He arranged special tax credits and abatements for them. He backed measures that increased demand for their services, and helped them legally circumvent local laws.

Perhaps Obama acted with only the poor in mind. Yet some of his developer friends weren't so conscientious - especially Rezko.

Notably, Rezko's company claimed that it lacked the funds to heat one of its 11 buildings in Obama's state Senate district from December 1996 to February 1997. But Rezko still managed to write a $1,000 check to Obama's campaign fund on Jan. 14. That month, his tenants shivered as 19 inches of snow fell on northern Illinois.

With his early and large investments in Obama, Rezko helped the Democratic nominee get to where he is today. Obama, meanwhile, helped Rezko with his legislative work and his letter-writing. Given this close working relationship, the Obama-Rezko land deal is far less surprising.

David Freddoso, a political reporter for National Review, is the author of "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate."

All this stuff is out there for us paper readers at Kean Gas Station each morning. The people who Medill snobs think are too stupid to matter. Well, listen up! We have jobs, families, lives, interests and activities that bring people together. We share thoughts and opinions. Millions of us! We read and we remember what we read. We also control the impulse to buy a paper - we just might glance at it without buying it while we have coffee and crullers. That's revenue denied to you dopes. Guerilla Theatre as the Hyde Park Mafia might opine.

And Obama worries about John McCain's Houses. McCain is a Tightwad! I have raised ranch and a thirty year mortgage and the number of homes in possession really upsets me!

Hell, the cheap bastard! If I shared Cindy McCain's money, with her say so of course, I'd have houses in Peotone, Martinton, Braidwood, Coal City, Custer Park and Papineau, Illinois as well as Sidona,AZ - but I guess that it is a dry heat there.

Obama can stand some heat - Dry, or Wet, Obama will not get any heat form the Cupcake Mules slinging ink for Chicago papers. Tim Novak is a pitbull and he can bring the heat!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mary Mitchell's Race Baiting is Played Out

Mary Mitchell pulls another little race-baiting scab in Sunday's Chicago Sun Times to remind whites that they are evil mean nasty haters and to pump up the Maywood reunion of the Mt. Greenwood Seven,

There's a Mt. Greenwood Seven Eleven at 111th and Kedzie on the Northeast Side of the Street, but Mary invents the Mt. Greenwood Seven as new Civil Rights Icons. Seven black children who attended Mt. Greenwood Elementary School from February until June ( I guess) in 1968.

Click my post title for Mitchell's July 13, 2008 scab yank!

In 1968, I was working at Gee Lumber which was at 79th Street & Western Ave. behind Sharko's and Quigley South ( now St. Rita of Cascia High School - which was at 63rd and Claremont - see?) Things do change.. I remember quite a bit from that time, but nothing about Selma in Mt. Greenwood.

Busing, as I recall, began in the 1970's. In 1968, Black kids moved about pretty freely in my neighborhood ( Little Flower) and in Mt. Greenwood - Honor Bright. There was a farm where the Chicago Agricultural School now welcomes hundreds of black kids who take buses from all over Chicago every day. Everything changes and sometimes somethings change for the better.

Not Mary Mitchell. Mary Mitchell equates every whitey's waking of day to Bull Connor giving the dogs a little time off the leashes. Like The Great Castrato, Jesse Jackson, Sr. the race card gets played at every hand, One Note Samba!

Let the Great Conversation on Race Begin!!!!

Pythagorean Theorem? Racist

Ortho Weed B Gone? Racist

The Cast of 'Oklahoma? Racist

Cap'n Crunch? Racist

Dry Wall Tape? Racist

Here's Mary Mitchell's attempted smear of everyone who lives or lived in Mt. Greenwood:

'At one point, 104 Chicago Police officers guarded the students as they went in and out of Mount Greenwood Elementary School.
On Feb. 2, 1968, the Chicago Daily News described the scene outside Mount Greenwood as being "reminiscent of the integration of schools in Little Rock."
"The people went berserk," Wysinger recalls'

Berserk white Mothers with strollers stood in the pouring rain for six months in order to scream racial taunts at black kids - Six Months!! For Real?

Wow - I hate myself! Damn, racist white boy . . . well, racist white geezer! Good God, there's more! I wonder if Billy Holiday had a song about the Mt. Greenwood Seven? Maybe there is a brown Honorary Street Sign! Back to the Saga!

One Hundred and Four Police Officers?? Really? In 1968? You sure? In 1968, the Mt.Greenwood neighborhood was covered by the officers of the Gresham Police District ( The 6th District) which was located at 85th & Green - that was a very expansive piece of Chicago real estate to patrol, but there was very little crime back then in 1968. Ms. Mitchell, A retired Gresham police officer was not so sure about your claim of 104 officers protecting the 'Mt. Greenwood Seven.' It sure seems to this retired Police Officer that there were 'no where near 104 police officers at Gresham in all shifts in 1968.' I'm white and he's white, we could be wrong. Nah. I was in Gresham, as a young scape-grace in 1968 and as an adult helping raise money for Leo High School, before the new station was built. Gresham was the size of a Velveta Cheese Box - it is now a Beauty Culture College.

Mitchell cites the Chicago Daily News whose archives are now deader than black & white Dragnet episodes, but might be on microfiche somewhere. On the Internet, I could not find any similar article from that time in the Chicago Tribune or the Sun Times. There must be some archival link to the "Mt. Greenwood Seven" Saga from thos halcyon days. Out of curiosity, I also talked to at least ten people who lived in Mt. Greenwood in 1968 (I lived in Gresham at that time), who had no memory of the Selma-Lite in Mt. Greenwood, nor the "Mt. Greenwood Seven," but then, of course, all of them are white people. Mary Mitchell has no use for white people - without racist villains Mitchell has nothing.

I wondered if this saga of the Seven might not be a hoax or some sort of Jayson Blair fabrication. Mercy sakes, that could not be. However the story was choke full of pretty inflated rhetoric for a grammar school reunion. But, memory is what it is, I suppose.

Given the tenor of the tale, I wondered, is there a bronze relief of the Mt. Greenwood Seven at Mt. Greenwood Elementary? Perhaps a coin is to be struck.

Nope, just a race-baiting story. White people, in Mary Mitchell's World are nasty, haters. That is not the case at all. Whites in Chicago support Big Shoulders Fund that helps black kids, who are not Catholic, receive a Catholic education. Catholic Charities which has offices and outlets allover black Chicago is supported by white people. There are many, many, many such examples. Matters not, in Mitchell World.

Like the played out Jesse Jackson,Sr. , Mary Mitchell's race baiting activism is really sad and tiresome. Played out.

Here's some of what went on in February 1968 - nothing about the Mt. Greenwood Seven:


Jan.30: Tet begins.
February 1 - Vietnam War: A Viet Cong officer named Nguyễn Vãn Lém is executed by Nguyễn Ngọc Loan, a South Vietnamese National Police Chief. The event is photographed by Eddie Adams. The photo makes headlines around the world, eventually winning the 1969 Pulitzer Prize, and sways U.S. public opinion against the war.

February 6-February 18 - The 1968 Winter Olympics were held in Grenoble, France

February 8 - American civil rights movement: A civil rights protest staged at a white-only bowling alley in Orangeburg, South Carolina is broken-up by highway patrolmen, leading to the deaths of 3 college students.

February 11 - Border clashes take place between Israel and Jordan.

February 13 - Civil rights disturbances occur at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

February 17 - Administrative reform in Romania divides the country into 39 counties.

February 19 - The Florida Education Association (FEA) initiates a mass resignation of teachers to protest state funding of education. This is, in effect, the first statewide teachers' strike in the United States.

February 24 - Vietnam War: The Tet Offensive is halted - South Vietnam recaptures Hué.

February 27 - Ex-The Teenagers singer Frankie Lymon is found dead from a heroin overdose in Harlem.