From Wikpedia:
In 1991 - a little after Police Torture in Chicago became a cottage industry for the Leftist Combine. Rev. Al Sharpton, who Mark Brown of the New Chicago Sun Times gushes 'will be a tonic' to our City, showed the world just how he rolls:
A visiting rabbinical student from Australia by the name of Yankel Rosenbaum, 29, was killed during the rioting by a mob shouting "Kill the Jew." [39] Sharpton has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions with remarks such as "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house" [40] [1] and referring to Jews as "diamond merchants." [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Welcome Al, we have no where near the number of Jews here in Chicago that New York has been blessed by God with: who fund most, if not all of the Racial Harmony, Job Opportunity, Career Path and Cultural initiatives enjoyed by blacks in the Tri-State community, but there are plenty of 'close knit white ethnics' to sully and sue! Just adjust the cultural icons!
The Chicago Sun Times is your Dog, Rev.! Get it On! We got allegations aplenty! There might be some elbowing at the Leftie Lawsuit All You can Eat Buffet - Loevy, Flint, Locke, Jesse, and all the other sincere friends of Working Man, but an experienced trencherman like yourself -with Mark Brown and like minded waiters sic-ing and fetch-ing - you'll soon be lapping up Tax Payer Dollars like those in the front of the line.
Chicago's a Great Eatin' Town! Shovel in that Cabbage!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Here'sToxic Al! The Working Man's Pal Welcomes The Brooklyn Dodger - Al Sharpton to Chicago: Pin Those Yarmulkes Back!
Posted by
5:50 AM
Monday, July 30, 2007
Hugo and Get these Premiums for Sun Scribing to the Daily Worker . . Chicago Sun Times
The Workers Pal The New Chicago Sun Times- never a disappointment since Madame Commisar Reed's July 15th Manifesto!,CST-EDT-reeded15.article
All Hailed By the Peoples Free Press last week!
From the Manifesto on we have been treated to showers of homages to Lefty Lawyers (The Loevy- Flint - Locke Combine) who sue the HELL out of taxpayers and toss vitriol into the mug of Each and Every Chicago Police Officer.
Today, the Editorial Politburo kicks Cook County States Attorney Dick Devine for keeping Professionals - lawyers - out of a union. Every Worker must Fight This Devine Monarch! Good Grief!
Now, how about The Sun Times supporting SEIU's efforts to get Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Oprah, Sumner Redstone, and other 'non-orgainized' workers to develop Plutocrats Local # 1 of the International Violent Oppressors of the Workers Union. These people have rights! 'Oh, That Dick Devine Makes The Combine so Angry!',CST-NWS-contro30.article
But a Voice of Reason and Common Sense sneaked one in under the Radar!
Thought Criminal Shout Out to Common Sense Afflicted Neil Steinberg - the Man always makes sense to people who actually work for a living. Today he gives Progressive America's Favorite Commie Dictator a kick while reporting on the Democratic pillow fight between Hilary 'Chesty' Clinton and Barack 'Phat Barry' Obama over whether or not to ice out pin-heads. Neil Steinberg offers this common sense
'if only we'd treat these tin pot despots with the respect they crave, why then maybe they'd be our friends. My gut tells me that kind of sincerity only works in the movies.
It's bad enough we have the United Nations as a gilded frame for whichever lunatic dictator can make his way to the podium. We don't want to make the White House into "American Idol" for our enemies.' Good On You, Neil!
Or Maybe Neil will need to handle the NEW SUN SCRIBERS ACCOUNT - New subscriptions get TWO(2) Hugo Action Figures! Like the recent subscriber - SUNSCRIBER - gent below!
Hi Ms Reed,
I read your article "Time to Move These Pages Forward -- with a Return to Our Past" and took great encouragement from it.
I don't think it's particularly provocative or earth-shaking to give a byline to yet another person with "libertarian/conservative views" -- as you've done with Steve Huntley -- but I'm willing to give you and the Sun-Times the benefit of the doubt as far as your intentions are concerned.
For that reason I will subscribe to your paper (the first paper I've ever subscribed to in my life) and I will recommend that others do likewise.
What I find particularly heartening is your realization that Chicago deserves a paper that reflects the "ethnic and social diversity of our city". But most importantly, and I hope you take this to heart, we deserve a paper that reflects our values -- the values of working people who believe in equality and a positive role for government.
Time after time in the city of Chicago, we've voted overwhelming for people who reflect these values. It's about time we got a newspaper that reflected them as well.
Leo Klein
Chicago, IL
Independent Illinois Grassroots:
These Hugo Action - Political Action! - Figures - will keep deep thinkers busy for hours - mapping out the ultimate mobilization of cadres of workers and afflicted until a class free society emerges! Diversity through Unanimity! One World; One Thought!
Neil - keep writing! Even if they want to try to make you Winston Smith.
Posted by
10:02 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What's Real Grassroots Look Like? Come Out and Play For Maeve August 4th 2007 - Do for Our Neighbors
Denise and Matt McNicholas
This is real Grassroots. Neighbors do not wait for someone else to care of their neighbors. They get off their Lazy-boys and open their hearts, as well as their wallets: they cook, hang posters, sell raffle tickets, hump chairs and tables ( unless a member of the clergy - ever see one of those beauts set up chairs? You'd have an easier time thumbing a ride off of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Peotone, than getting a stiff collar to help) stir the clergy to show up for the event - they do like the cake!- , and get themselves and the kids and the neighbors into gear.
Your gift to The Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation will help us in our efforts to:
Increase public awareness about the severity and prevalence of childhood brain tumors
Aid in early detection of childhood brain tumors by increasing awareness of symptoms
Help to find the cause and cure of childhood brain tumors through the support of medical research
Help support families with children living with brain tumors
Please make donations payable to the:
Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation
Donations may be made at or sent to:
Beverly Bank & Trust Company
c/o The Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation
10258 South Western Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60643
phone: 773-239-2265
or contact us
Posted by
6:54 AM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Dan McGrath -the best in Prose -takes on Bonds - the best on Dope
If Dan McGrath wrote it, you can take it to the bank.
Voting members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America were asked whether they would vote for Barry Bonds for the Hall of Fame if they had to decide today.
Yes -- Bob Nightengale, USA Today Sports Weekly; Phil Rogers, Chicago Tribune; Mike Klis, Denver Post; John Henderson, Tampa Tribune; Doug Krikorian, Long Beach Press-Telegram; Bob Elliott, Toronto Sun; Tracy Ringolsby, Rocky Mountain News; Dan McGrath, Chicago Tribune.
No -- Hal Bodley, USA Today; Dave van Dyck, Chicago Tribune; Ken Rosenthal,; Hal McCoy, Dayton Daily News; Larry Stone, Seattle Times; Bill Plaschke, Los Angeles Times; Bob Klapisch,
E-mail Tom FitzGerald at
Posted by
7:15 AM
Friday, July 27, 2007
Jon Loevy Loves The SunTimes and The Reader
That's My Dog, Sun Times, let me have your paw! It's exhausting suing the Chicago Police Department 24/7 but The Working man's Pal - the NEW Chicago Sun Times and the New Chicago Reader ( purchased by Creative Loafing, Inc. in June 2007) carries Andy's - sorry -Jon Loevy's coal.,CST-NWS-cop27.article
With the Working Man's Pal kicking down doors to kick down Chicago Police Officers and public confidence in all public institutions, no wonder the poor guy gets fatigued - carrying 40% of millions of taxpayers dollars to his bank is sleepy-tiresome. It's not all lunches with editorial boards, press conferences, interviews, and ledger balancing, Gertrude! Andy- sorry - Jon's got a line of supplicant victims forming at his loft suites - suites - suits - abuse suits -Brooks Brothers Suits- 'Damn It! Call The Sun Times! We got coal to heave!'
If only the rest of us -who go to work, pay our bills, treat our neighbors with respect, care for our kids, honor the law, and foot Jon Loevy's lifestyle - could learn to work together, the way G. Flint Taylor, Gangbanging murderers, Locke Bowman, The Bluhm Center, The Peoples Law Office, MacArthur Center for Justice, The Chicago Reader, Medill School of Journalism, Dick Simpson's UIC - boilerplate factory; Mr. & Mrs. Bernadine Dohrn-Ayers, and The Working Man's Pal steer the agenda, we'd all get to be on WTTW and NPR. What a Wonderful - but Exclusive - World that must be! Gee.
Again - That's Andy Dick - American Thespian - doing a stand-in for Jon Loevy; there are some swell snaps of the Lawsuit Leonidas in the links above.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Police Violence or Drunk Fat Guy ? The Sun Times Will Tell You What It Is! That's how They Roll - For The Working Man!

Posted by
7:17 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
COPS MAKE COPY! Working Man's Pal Gives to Those That Get! If Lawyers Don't Get Burge There is No Justice! SUN TIMES SAYS SO!

'Boys, This is Just The Ticket - Once the Chicago Cops are Completely Done in this City, It's ours for the picking! Boris, I like Reed's Editorial today! Send that Twist a Box Malamars. It fits in with Jon Loevy's employee and activist Andy Thayer's kick at the Cops in the You Think Column! We'll just use that in the print edition - YOU THINK - so pests and cop -lovers can't link it up.
Andy Thayer, a graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, has been a grassroots activist for more than 25 years. He is a co-founder of the Gay Liberation Network (which was formerly known as the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network which has been a leader in spreading an anti-war, anti-racist message in the gay community. He spoke at the April 20, 2002 and the September 24, 2005 National Anti-War Marches on Washington and helped organize a 15,000-strong protest march on Lake Shore Drive at the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. He is also one of Loevy & Loevy's paralegals/office managers.
Posted by
6:21 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Working Man's Pal: Working For the Flint/Locke Combine! 'Get The Gold, Mistah Bowwwwmannnnn, but Get an "F " from the Jury!
Law Professor Kingsfield Abuses Locke Bowman??? This is an Outrage! We Got to Get this Right for Tomorrow' s Edition! Gives the Kid an F?????? Must be Burge's Uncle! Hello?????

From the crumpled missive sent to Editor: transcript account of secret recording:
Locke Bowman, Lecturer and Director of the MacArthur Justice Clinic, and his colleague Jean Maclean Snyder, a Lecturer in the MacArthur Justice Center, supervise 16 law students who assist them in preparing cases. Bowman is a noted expert on defendants who face the death penalty, and Snyder is one of the most knowledgeable attorneys in the country on super-max prisons, including the Tamms Correctional Center in downstate Illinois.
“Our objective is to provide students the opportunity to apply classroom principles in the actual setting of litigation,” Bowman said. “We want them to understand that their education gives them power to achieve real goals for the betterment of individuals and society.”
Summaries of the MacArthur Justice Center’s recent cases are evidence of Bowman’s and Snyder’s commitment to making a difference in the criminal justice system: a suit related to mental health treatment at Tamms on behalf of four prisoners who protested of excessively harsh conditions; a petition filed with Randolph Stone of the Mandel Legal Aid Clinic that called for a special prosecutor to investigate criminal violations during interrogations by City of Chicago Police Department Area 2 detectives; a successful judgment on behalf of a Chicago Reader reporter who was denied access to Cook County Jail after she wrote a story on the Cook County Sheriffs’ strip search policy; a suit against gun manufacturers that alleges they endanger the health and welfare of Chicago citizens; a suit on behalf of four Cook County Jail prisoners who alleged that a dozen guards beat them so severely that they had to be hospitalized; a successful petition to use DNA test results to prove a convicted man innocent of rape; and a suit against the Chicago Police Department to exonerate a man convicted of rape, who would have been proven innocent had evidence not been withheld for several years.
“Everything we’ve done in eight years we’ve done better because students are involved as working partners in the process of litigating our cases,” Bowman said.
Posted by
7:43 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sun Times Mary Mitchell: Ever Angry One Note Samba
The New Chicago Sun Times: Making the Great Divide more palatable for its readers - the angry and self-satisfied - but cetainly not the people working everyday.
Chicago Sun Times columnist and WTTW commentator Mary Mitchell 'can't help but' think, feel and opine that every white person within shouting distance gets up each morning with a new way to inflict harm, scorn, and violence on black people. It makes her angry when a black woman does not see it the same way as contrary Mary.
Well, to the clannish and the close-knit out here on the south side where race relations happens around the clock, according to the old socialist boiler-plate - 'racial boundaries are marked by imaginary north/south streets:' That 's what Mary Mitchell insists upon No Doubt she she snaps to Mrs. Wiley. Halsted is the racial boundary 1950's ; Ashland is the Boundary 1960's ; Western is the Boundary 1970's ; Kedzie '80's; Pulaski 90's; Cicero Present - The Mississippi River Coming Soon!
The Durkin Park beat-down, like the horrific near murder of tiny Ryan Rusch in Beverly Park, is fodder for people who love seeing race-baiting and scab picking sell papers. Race relations is a parlor game for faux intellects in transient upper-class - read Yuppie - neighborhoods: Starbucks chat Caffinated Revolution! We Mobilize! - Right After some sick mojito's at Nacional 21. I am surprised that John Conroy has not found a link between the Ryan Rusch beat-down and Jon Burge. The Chicago Reader gets good play in the Working Man's Pal!
If the facts go against the agenda, print the agenda!
That series really helped bring folks together - I suppose. Keeping the 'imaginary barriers' manned and weaponed sells more papers.
Posted by
6:46 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sun Times Raises the Lid on Standards! The Working Man's Paper Puts Poignant Pissoir Pontification Page One!

Activists, criminals and lawsuit lawyers can't 'help but feel' that Police Abuse has been uncovered in this morning's shocking and theatrically photographed saga of a 'potty break' denied; and the ugly centerpiece CPS coverup and the familar specter of Police Abuse - Progressive forces are mobilizing as we -SORRY! - take a break for a second - there - Beverly Bean Haitian Blue! We only rent it. Where was I? Oh, Yeah!
It's front page! Read it! Won't take any time. That's the idea.
Posted by
6:30 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Most Loyal Americans of Guam - 63 years of Liberation: They Do Not Read The Chicago Sun Times
The effort to defend the palace was futile, Ramirez said, because forces were insufficiently equipped.
Accounts from members stated that just three machine guns and 95 outdated Springfield rifles -- with the inscriptions: "Fire only in training" -- were given to share among the more than 200 members, PDN files state.
The eventual surrender of the United States came after the deaths of guardsmen Angel L.G. Flores and Vicente C. Chargualaf, along with several other service and guardsmen.
Different stories were told of their deaths, Ramirez said, with at least one which depicts their insubordination.
The two refused to lower the American flag and replace it with the Japanese flag, leading to their beheading, he said.
After the deaths of a handful of Guardsmen and more than 10 U.S. servicemen, McMillan surrendered.
Here's the link:
The Chicago Papers and media are loaded with stories and features that divide people, race is the best bait, and undermine confidence in our traditions and values. The Friend of the Working Man - The Chicago Sun Times opines that Police officers are racist sociopaths and that government should afford lawsuit motivated lawyers, activists and criminals every opportunity to sue and harass individual officers: their definition of Police Reform.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
July 21st Marks the 63rd Anniversary of Guam's Liberation - Hafa Adai!

My novel The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel Guam in Time of War concerns the liberation of Guam in World War II and fuses Chicago and Guam history.The title comes from a place where hundreds of American teenagers died in July 1944 and an antique revolver. The revolver is not that important, but Chorito Cliff was and is to a generation of men and women who are disappearing at too great a rate.Chorito is the name of a cliff overlooking the Asan beaches on Guam. In 1944, the 3rd Marines assaulted Chorito Cliff and Bundeschu Ridge. A Hog Leg is the nickname for an 1860 Colt .45 Revolver.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Sun Times A Total Disgrace! Race Baiting Rag Crucifies Cops!
Today's Chicago Sun Times Commentary, in its print edition with a rotten mast cartoon by Steve Elde, a poor man's Jack Levine and Lefty Cartoonist from the Lakefront suburbs, shills openly for the Jon Loevy lobby of Ambulance Chasers. Try not to give us the impression that opening Beef Sheets with personal information on Police Officers to the very people suing government into the jackpot is Police Reform. Tell that to deaf mule and he'd kick you to death! Now, there is a chilling image.
Link Only web edition: I could not access Elde's cartoon on web: Gotta pay the bum anyway I suppose.,CST-EDT-edits19a.article
Your beat down of Chicago Police Officers added Race Baiting with Elde's cartoon of five husky and humorless white Chicago Policemen ( no diversity in Abuse Agenda per Lefty Doctrine) having beaten a faceless male victim unconscious is worth a thousand words! Don't get me started.
STNG - The Sun Times News Group - the sting? You clowns are a disgrace.
To sell a couple of papers and stir trouble, the Chicago Sun Times is a sad racist and race baiting joke - and no one is laughing.
You have limited your audience - count the receipts.
Posted by
5:57 AM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Jon Loevy and Jamie Kalven Want Answers! They Want Lawsuits on Cops! They Want to be Taken Seriously! Hey the Media Listens - Why Don't Taxpayers?
'What's in the Bag? You Know What's in the Bag. We ALL know what's in the bag!'
John Loevy and Jamie Kalven want the Names of Police with 10 or more Citizen Beefs on them~! They Want Names, People! With these names made public, Jon and his pals can craft more and better tax-payer funded lawsuits and stupid and gutless politicians can stand with them for the pay-off! God! 662 - or as Derrick Blakely would say -'closer to 700.'
Wait a minute - Hickey - these people are trying to fight abuse! Yeah. Like those selfless ambulance chasers in L.A. who walked away with 40% of 600 -'closer to 700' Million Dollars. Punish bad guys - but do not allow weasels to watch the egg basket. The media gets dewy-eyed and misty around stand-up guys like Loevy and Kalven - who make out handsomely in their cottage industry on lawsuits and 'redistribution of wealth - over the tax-payers' strategies. Beats working for a living, I guess. Sue your way to wealth! Oh , well. I'm just mean.
Here's some TV and print links to just indicate how seriously the orchestrated outrage of the media, criminals, ambulance chasers, race baiters, shakedown artists, university think tankers, hack politicians that can not get elected, phonies and fans of face value, prima facie evidence is meant to be taken. ( Howls of Giggles from this taxpayer-citizen, mind you). These Hustle Howlers are so pipelined to the Chicago Media, it almost seems like a criminal enterprize - RICO? n'cest pas? Chilling. Just a taxpayer musing! Here goes our trusty newsmakers! Always good for serious race polarization: They would have done great work in the Balkans.,1,3328562.story?coll=chi-news-hed The good Old Medill Swill you can get a great judgmental spin on how bad police are from two Mensa members on CLTV. Listen to their remarks. Rather antiseptic - Chuck Goudie; nice work on Officer Mette's kangaro court in Dubuque. The Loevy-smiths would love that judge out there.
And I got nothing from Channel 5.
BTW - That's Andy Dick up there - an actor, wit and gad-about with same level of conviction and dedication to self-respect as John '40%' Loevy. Wait for the movie - it'll be killer - killer I tells ya!
The real heavy lifting for Jon and the 21st Century Gold-Dusters is being done by The Friend of Working Man- the NEW Chicago Sun Times!
Posted by
8:26 AM
Get Law Dogs Without Due Process- Sun Times Takes The Gold Again!

Posted by
5:09 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Gold For Thems That Sue Police! The Working Man's Paper Sets Things Right for Working Ambulance Chasers
The Working Man's Paper Helps These Prospectors Find Gold in Lawsuits Against Cops
This is only privy link to the web edition - The Print Edition shows where the Gold waits for a tuck into the purses of Ambulance chasers.,CST-NWS-police17.article
You see WE ( The majority of dopes who go to work and such - cops, firemen, police, streets and sanitation, tradesmen, school teachers & etc.) are NOT working people - we are PLUTOCRATS - bad guys.
Here's the Working Man! He's part of a network of lawsuit slingers, University Think Tankers and Lefty Journalists, as well as Progressive Hack politicians who can not get elected. Working People!
Like Lawsuit-Smith Loevy:
Police Officers who get beefs ( 10 Civilian Complaints or More) would be subject to having MORE cockroach lawyers climbing through their undies in search of Lawsuit Gold! We ( The Working Dopes) are suppossed to get behind this? Make Jon Loevy's work a tad easier? Mr. 40%?
The working man -folks like Jon Loevy - who wades into the creek's chilling ( I love that Lefty Verbal) waters every day panning for gold, coughed up in lawsuits against the City and other Governmental agencies ripe and thick with tax-payer Gold - has a friend in the Working Man's Friend - The Chicago Sun Times: Edgey! Confrontational! Lefty! The New Chicago Sun Times ( tarred and looted by Lord Black) shows this metaphorical gold to one and all on the cover of today's paper - in the form of a Chicago Police Officer's Badge and braid - obviously a General - maybe our next Superintendent. Is this warning to one and all that the next Superintendent MUST needs be a compliant noodle-spine for our Working Man's Friend and its Pals.
The gold sits deep in the governmental creek and must be extracted or panned wherever a working man, like Jon Loevy and fellow prospector G.(gold) Flint Taylor, can roil up enough rippled waters in the Publicly Funded Creek with charges and allegations of Police Abuse. Allege - get a suit!
Now, Son, work on That volume - let's see! - 662 times millions of Tax payer salted dollars; subtract commonsense ( Buck or two here and there 'Can't take it all - YET) and deduct a sweet 40% - Yeow! That's Gold, Son!
Working with a journalist, like University of Chicago incubated Jamie Kalven, and having a solid print pal in the 'The Working Man's Friend: The Chicago Sun Times editorial board beating out this endless theme every day of the week, Working Man Jon Loevy can grab the gold with much less effort.
662 Potential Police Prospects for Panning according to the The Working Man's Friend! 'GIMME, GIMME, GIMME! Old Oily Jon no longer might need to hoist up the hip boots and wade in the troubled waters. Them thar nuggets will fly right into his britches! Praise Jesus! A Paper like the Working Man's Friend also wants to scare the gutless and the stupid among our elected officials to 'Do Something to Help Jon!' It's Chilling in Them Thar Cricks!
All the rest of us plutocrats, who pay all the taxes, obey all the laws, drive with insurance, bed-down by 11PM after scaring the kids into the house for ''night-night," and get up at 5AM to work back hoes, ride on Sanitation Trucks, Fire Trucks, Deliver Mail, Drive Buses, Teach School, Manage Businesses and Work the Trades and Serve and Protect the Very People Suing Police Officers, should tremble before the righteous Working Man. Jon Loevy and other ambulance chasers are having the work done for them by the Friend of the Working Man -The Chicago Sun Times!
Posted by
5:40 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
James J. Shields - American Hero

Give this link a click and watch Dr. Sean Callan's presentation of an American hero.
Posted by
6:20 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Back Off, Cop! Judge Ackley Defends Drunk Bullies; Jails Police Officer
Posted by
9:13 AM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Amy's Self-Inflicted Ambush Is No "Front Page!"

Posted by
6:27 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Pope Pisses Off Progressives!
Here's the Only Pope that would get a pass from SCAM, Kathleen Falsani - the Sun Times Swami, and all of the hip and happening!
Pope Bono I
Semper Hip, Semper Happenin'
Posted by
9:02 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
McCain Tree County
A tree loving pal sent me this species of rare American timber that withstands all manner of abuse, set backs, storms and Way Right Republican hissy fits:
The McCain Tree
Today I got me a note from the candidate for the Office of President of the United States - the one candidate who can win America's war on Islamist Terror - Senator John McCain. The Senator talked about the resignation of his Campaign Advisers - singularly gracious and all. But the payoff was at the end.
Here are some notes from the end of his letter:
"Now is not the time to be timid or to shy away from our challenges - now is the time to stand up and say what we believe. I'm fighting to make our nation stronger, our government more effective and our world a safer place - and I hope you will continue to join me in this important journey.
Together, I have every confidence that we will be successful and I am honored by your continued support and friendship. "
Senator John McCain
He's short on dough but long on courage and political honesty. He is as deeply rooted as the fine and homely American wood above. John McCain is staying!
Posted by
4:37 PM
Labels: Immigartion, Jim Durkin, John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Friday, July 06, 2007
End of Watch: Fahey and O'Brien

One thing I know for certain - that is that Officer William Fahey and Officer Richard O'Brien were murdered. Their killers murdered and urinated on them. Some people with advanced degrees, City pensions, trust funds and ant-like hearts continue to do the same on their memories.
Posted by
5:52 AM