John McCain ran the table - with the three major Chicago area newspaper endorsements.
John McCain is the only candidate of any Party to articulate his own clear leadership on America's struggle against Islamist extremism.
John McCain is a coalition builder and a uniting voice for leading America out of a sliding economy, easing the tax burdens on America's shrinking middle class through common sense tax-cuts and sharp elimation of run-away spending.
John McCain will speak to the issues, listen to his critics, welcome further critcisms, seek wise counsel from the leading American experts on health, Social Security, Defense, Infrastructure, Port and Border Security, Foreign Policy, and Veterans Rights.
John McCain will make the tough decisions and courageously stand by them.
John McCain is the template of the American President.
click my post title for John McCain on all theabove issues and more!
Monday, February 04, 2008
John McCain: Vote for John McCain Illinois!
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4:47 AM
Labels: Illinois for McCain, Jim Durkin. Pat and Julie Brady, John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
John McCain: God Speed, John McCain!
ARLINGTON , VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the following remarks by John McCain as prepared for delivery:
Thank you. Thank you, Florida Republicans, for bringing a former Florida resident across the finish line first in -- as I have been repeatedly reminded lately -- an all Republican primary. I have always loved this beautiful state, from the time I was a young naval aviator learning my trade in Pensacola to the time I commanded the largest air squadron in the United States Navy at Cecil Field. Most of all, I have always been indebted to Florida friends and neighbors in Orange Park for taking such good care of my family while I was away on a longer than expected tour of duty. Florida has always been a special place to me, and it is all the more so tonight. Our victory might not have reached landslide proportions, but it is sweet nonetheless. And I am deeply grateful to everyone who worked so hard to make it happen.
Time will only allow me to thank a few of our Florida supporters by name, but to everyone who, in good times and bad, devoted so much time, energy and hope to keeping our candidacy competitive, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, of course, to the great governor of Florida, Charlie Crist; to my dear friend, Senator Mel Martinez; to Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen; Congressmen Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart; Representative Marcelo Llorente; Commissioner Mildred Fernandez; Representative Adam Hasner; Senator Durell Peaden; Representative Bogdanoff and Council President Durell Davis. And thank you so much to our tremendous statewide volunteer leadership who stuck with us for eighteen long, very long months.
And as always, I want to thank my family for their extraordinary support and encouragement: my wife Cindy, daughter Meghan and son, Doug, who are here, and my children who are not here. It is obvious to me, as it should be to everyone, that I could not have done this without you.
This was a hard fought election, and worth fighting hard for, but I've been on the other side of such contests before, and experienced the disappointment. I offer my best wishes to Governor Romney and his supporters. You fought hard for your candidate, and the margin that separated us tonight surely isn't big enough for me to brag about or for you to despair. Governor Huckabee and his supporters, as always, brought to this campaign conviction and passion and something we don't always have enough of in these contests, good humor and grace. And I want to thank, my dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, who invested his heart and soul in this primary, and who conducted himself with all the qualities of the exceptional American leader he truly is. Thank you, for all you have added to this race, and for being an inspiration to me and millions of Americans.
My friends, in one week we will have as close to a national primary as we have ever had in this country. I intend to win it, and be the nominee of our party. And I intend to do that by making it clear what I stand for. I stand for the principles and policies that first attracted me to the Republican Party when I heard, in whispered conversations and tap codes, about the then Governor of California, who stood by me and my comrades, and who was making quite a reputation for standing by his convictions no matter the changing winds of political thought and popular culture. When I left the Navy and entered public life, I enlisted as a foot soldier in the political revolution he began. And I am as proud to be a Reagan conservative today, as I was then. I trust in the courage, good sense, resourcefulness and decency of the American people, who deserve a government that trusts in their qualities as well, and doesn't abrogate to its elf the responsibilities to do for the people what the people can and want to do for themselves.
We Republicans have always known that the first responsibility of government is to keep this country safe from all enemies foreign and domestic, and the American people unburdened by the heavy hand of government that spends too much of their money on things they neither want nor need, while failing to do as well as we should the things none of us can do individually. Government must defend our nation's security wisely and effectively, because the cost of our defense is so dear to us, measured in losses so hard to bear, and in the heartbreak of so many families. Government must respect our values because they are the true source of our strength; and enforce the rule, which distinguishes successful democracies from failed societies, and is the first defense of freedom. And the judges we appoint to federal benches must understand that is their only responsibility, and leave to elected officials their responsibility to make the laws that they enforce. We believe government should do only those things we cannot do individually, to tax us no more than necessary, and spend no more than necessary, and then get out of the way of the most industrious, ingenious and optimistic people in the history of the world so that they can build an even greater country than the one they inherited.
My friends, as I said the other week in South Carolina , there is nothing in our country that is inevitable. We can overcome any challenge as long as we keep our courage, and stand by the principles that have made our party and our country great. Our party has always been successful when we have, like Ronald Reagan, stood fast by our convictions. And we have only suffered when our allegiance to our principles has not been as steadfast as it should. I intend to make my stand on those principles, and I am confident we will succeed in this contest and in the bigger one in November against anyone the Democratic Party nominates.
Most importantly, I promise you again, I will always put America -- her strength, her ideals, her future -- before every other consideration.
Tonight, my friends, we celebrate. Tomorrow it's back to work. We have a ways to go, but we are getting close, and for that you all have my profound thanks. Goodnight and God bless you.
Posted by
7:22 PM
Labels: Florida, John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
John McCain: Chicago's Great Reporter - Dennis Byrne - McCain Most Competent
Chicago's talented and insightful Dennis Byrne has this to say about Senator John McCain in the Chicago Tribune:
For all of McCain's alleged faults, he holds an American Conservative Union lifetime rating of 82.3. True, that's the lowest among the leading GOP candidates. But,'s consolidated polls of various head-to-head races show that McCain is the only Republican candidate who is, at this moment, ahead of the Democratic front-runners, Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois. Are die-hard conservatives so dead set against a slightly less than pure conservative president that they would prefer either Clinton or Obama (with American Conservative Union ratings of 9 and 8, respectively) in the White House?
McCain's conservative credentials can be verified by a close examination of Project Vote Smart's Web site (, where the voting records, issue positions and interest group ratings of the candidates are detailed. Spend time there, and you'll find that McCain isn't the ogre that custodians of the conservative flame would have us believe.
For me, the two most important issues in the election are national security (i.e. the war on terror, the war in Iraq and the nuclear threat posed by lunatic tyrants) and the quality and philosophical grounding of the new president's appointments to the Supreme Court and other federal courts. (The latter should be most critical to pro-lifers. Whether the high court will return the question of abortion to voters depends on the quality of those appointments.) McCain is on the right side of both issues, and that's what counts for me. Everything else -- the economy, free trade, balanced budget and so forth -- comes in second. McCain's remarkable comeback in the polls means something. Perhaps its significance coincides with the success of the Iraq "surge" -- something he courageously had urged for years while former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was still carrying out his lame war strategy.
Or perhaps voters are getting tired of the mind-clanging, headache-inducing demands for "outsiders" who are the "agents of change." Right. Tossing a puppy into a ring of snarling pit bulls also will bring about change. Reformers often fail because they don't know the territory. For all the glory heaped on Obama, I'd put my money on the less illustrious and consummate insider Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to be an effective agent of change. Not that he is, or that his change is the kind I'd like.
This election, any election, comes down to a single question: Who can govern the best? Not who can orate the best. Or which candidate is the correct race or color. Who can govern the best ... it's not a conversation you often, if ever, hear in the endless jabber about the presidential elections. I suspect voters are getting tired of all the strategizing by creepy political advisers and just want someone to govern, someone who, as one shoe commercial says, can "just do it." If so, that's why McCain will get the Republican nomination.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Labels: Dennis Byrne, John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Friday, January 25, 2008
John McCain: If Romney Loves McCain, All Americans Can Do the Same! McCain Helped Mitt Turn-Around the Olympics
Hey read it here - From Mitt Romney's brag-book on his Turn-Around of the Olympics.
Click my post title for Mitt's Mad-Love for Senator John McCain - the Next President of the United States.
Posted by
4:54 AM
Labels: John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Thursday, January 24, 2008
John McCain: The DNC's Worst Nightmare! I'm a Democrat and I love John McCain!
Here is the script for a new John McCain ad - 'The Democrats Worst Nightmare.'
Hey, Democrats love John McCain - all the Democrat's I talk to in my part of Chicago, anyway. Now, the balloon-heads running the Democratic National Committee - Deano and his Lefty crew - Yes, McCain gives them the Night Terrors.
But, good folks who have long voted the Party of Al Smith, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Pat Moynihan, Scoop Jackson and Joe Liberman love John McCain.
Here's the script:
Script For "Democrats' Worst Nightmare" (:30-Web)
CHYRON: What keeps Democrats up at night?
DEMOCRAT STRATEGIST BOB BECKEL: The Democrats do not want to run against John McCain.
CHYRON: They don't want to face him
THE WASHINGTON POST'S BOB WOODWARD: If you ask Democrats privately, what do you fear most? The answer is John McCain.
BOB BECKEL: We'd much prefer to run against Romney.
SYNDICATED COLUMNIST ROBERT NOVAK: The Democrats I talk to are really worried about a McCain versus Clinton race.
CHYRON: The only Republican who can beat Clinton or Obama
TALK SHOW HOST LARRY ELDER: When you match McCain up against Barack Obama or against Clinton, he is the only one of the prominent Republican candidates that wins.
BECKEL: It's a nightmare from my standpoint.
CHYRON: John McCain: The Democrats' worst nightmare
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
John McCain Was "The Real Star" Of Democrat Debate This Week, As His Name Came Up 15 Times During Course Of Night. "The Real Star? The three Democrats were on stage and President Bush was the primary focus of their complaints last night but Republican John McCain took center stage for part of the debate when Edwards predicted that the Arizona Senator will likely become the Republican nominee. Bush's name was mentioned 27 times while McCain's name came up 15 times during the course of the night." (Vaughn Ververs, "Starting Gate: Mud Wrestling Leaves Nobody Looking Clean," CBS News, 1/22/08)
Democrat Strategist Bob Beckel: "The Democrats Do Not Want To Run Against John McCain." "We rooted for Huckabee tonight and we didn't get there. The Democrats do not want to run against John McCain." (Fox News' South Carolina Primary Coverage, 1/19/08)
The Washington Post's Bob Woodward: "If You Ask Democrats Privately, What Do You Fear Most? The Answer Is John McCain." "Let me just point out this: If you ask Democrats privately, what do you fear most? The answer is John McCain. That McCain -- we were talking earlier about transparency and openness, "straight talk," Chris was talking about the important notion, personal characteristic of authenticity. McCain has even something more, and that is -- and this is Democrats talking privately -- moral authority. And with the moral authority of his background, his kind of unflinching backing in the Iraq War, not just of the surge, but at the beginning when McCain diagnosed the problem in the war. We didn't have enough troops from the beginning. And he kept hammering on that. So there's a certain consistency, moral authority, carries a lot of weight." (CNN's "Larry King Live," 1/8/08)
Democrat Strategist Bob Beckel: "We'd Much Prefer To Run Against Romney." "We don't want him [McCain] to have the nomination. We'd much prefer to run against Romney. Certainly prefer to run against Huckabee. And probably our best shot we'd have against Giuliani." (Fox News' South Carolina Primary Coverage, 1/19/08)
Syndicated Columnist Bob Novak: "The Democrats I Talk To Are Really Worried About A McCain Versus Clinton Race." "The Democrats I talk to are really worried about a McCain versus Clinton race. They would love to have Romney in because they don't think he's electable." (Fox News' South Carolina Primary Coverage, 1/19/08)
Talk Show Host Larry Elder: "When You Match McCain Up Against Barack Obama Or Against Clinton , Is The Only One Of The Prominent Republicans That Wins." "It is certainly true that McCain -- when you match McCain up against Barack Obama or against Clinton , he is the only one of the prominent Republican candidates that wins. So he is probably going to be a more formidable candidate ..." (Fox News' South Carolina Primary Coverage, 1/19/08)
Democrat Strategist Bob Beckel: "It's A Nightmare From My Standpoint." (Fox News, 12/3/07)
Posted by
6:59 AM
Labels: DNC, John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
John McCain: LAISSEZ LE BON TEMPS ROULER ! Eyeeeeiiiiiii! McCain Takes the Louisiana Caucus!
Dat dere's Thibodeaux Hickey operating a Cajun Microwave on Bayou OwnSe'F celebrating John McCain's Winning of the Louisiana Caucus!
Click my Post Title and Dog My Cats for the Official Louisiana GOP announcement!
Crawfish Pie and Etouffe! John McCain Carried the day! My Tante Marie's boys Thibodeaux and Boudreaux Hickey on Bayou OwnSe'f called to say that John McCain's surge has taken the Geat State of Louisiana.
Boudreaux and Thibodeaux went huntin'and got lost in the woods. When Boudreaux began lamentin' dere fate, Thibodeaux said, "You know, I heard that the best thing to do if you get lost is to fire tree shots in da air." So dey did dat, and waited a while. When no rescue party showed up, dey fired tree more shots in da air. Finally, when dere was still no response, Thibodeaux said, "Well, I guess we better fire tree more shots." "OK, if you say so," said Boudreaux. "But somebody better come soon--we about out of arrows!"Thanks to
Posted by
4:48 AM
Labels: John McCain, Louisiana Caucus, Sound Judgment
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
John McCain: Hero v. Illinois Same-Old/Same Old GOP - the Folks that Imported Nutty Al Keyes!
This is Mr. Roland Vanderwagon of Nice Streets Terrace, Wasp Hollow SubDivision, Unincorporated Lake/Du Page County - He Has a Cordial Hatred of John McCain and all of His Straight Talk!
This is pretty much the rest of us.
I love the boys and girls at Illinois Review! John, Frannie, Mark, and especially George ! Shoot, a Democrat gets treated better by these folks than on the snarling, humorless Daily Kos wannbee sites here in Illinois.
They provide the editorial and feature ground work for the Progressive Tin-Foil Hat whinners at Illinois Reason - or as I call it No Comment Alley View: If Robin Vagicill or whatever his name is - did not prompt his sock puppets, no one would read that Blog but me - it's amusing and like watching little kids play Ghost and Super Hero: dead serious but harmless.
John McCain still faces an uphill battle against GOP (I AM THE REAL CONSERVATIVE)establishment.
Today my buddy John Ruskin posts a fair question as to John McCain's stand on Tax Cuts - well, kinda fair as John pulled out McCain's response from 2000. Click my post title for the Illinois Review post.
John McCain is a leader who brings together all Americans. My daughter is a McCain delegate - Irish Princess college girl to be sure - and so is Thomas Hayes. Tommy Hayes is an African American Pro Boxer/ Chicago Police Department Candidate - same age as Nora, of the Not-Two-Nickles to Rub Together Hickeys.
Here is my response to What Kind of John McCain will we get - raised by Pal Ruskin:
Brother Ruskin,
This is the John McCain I have come to know and love: ( from Blogs for McCain)
McCain introduced "a slew of cost-cutting amendments. While many of these measures did not pass, they served an important role in shining a glaring light on congressional profligacy. These amendments include:
A 2006 amendment to cut $74.5 million for various agriculture programs[17] A 2006 amendment to cut $6 million for sugarcane growers in Hawaii[18] A 2003 amendment to reduce funding for the Yazoo Basin Backwater Pump Project in Mississippi[19] A 2002 amendment to eliminate $2.5 million for coral reef mapping of the waters off the coast of Hawaii[20] A 1998 amendment to cut $78 million in projects from an emergency supplemental appropriations bill[21] A 1994 motion to kill an amendment to provide $40 million for the conversion of a New York City post office into an Amtrak train station[22]
Senator McCain has also voted against a number of pricey bills, even when most of his colleagues preferred to toe the party line.
These include:
A vote against the 2003 Medicare prescription drug plan[23] A vote against the Farm Security Bill in 2002[24] A vote against the 2005 Highway Bill, one of only four senators to object to the pork-stuffed bill[25] A vote against providing Amtrak with an extra $550 million for the fiscal year 2007[26] A vote against $2 billion in milk subsidies[27] One of fifteen senators to vote for Senator Tom Coburn's (R-OK) amendment transferring $223 million for the "Bridge to Nowhere" to the repair of a Louisiana bridge damaged by Hurricane Katrina.[28] Senator McCain was also one of only thirteen senators to vote for an amendment by Senator Coburn to eliminate $950,000 for a parking lot for the Joslyn Art Museum in Nebraska[29] A vote for welfare reform[30]
John McCain is about governance...not politics.
In answer to your question you would get John McCain - not an empty suit; not a great former mayor; not a great actor; not a great
Preacher; not a great Blimp owner/Revolutionary . . .
. . . You'd get a great American!
Posted by
9:14 AM
Labels: Illinois GOP, Illinois Review, John McCain, Sound Judgment
Saturday, January 19, 2008
John McCain- Unite America Behind a Hero! Go Palmetto State!
Rush , Hannity, Colmes, and the powers they serve do not want John McCain; the entire Clown Opera that is MSNBC has been openly hostile to John McCain's surge with the American People; the diminutive jug-eared billionaire has tossed his Dixie Cup full of acid and missed by a mile; a group of politically funded Rambis ( Rambos without the resume) has attempted to smear McCain's Honor, but the American People recognize a tough, committed, honest and battle tested leader who will defeat America's Islamist terrorist enemies and shave the run-away spending of the self-interestes.
John McCain Stands for America. He is our neighbor. McCain is the leader most like us and will tell us the truth of plans and actions.
South Carolina back John McCain because:
America faces a dangerous, relentless enemy in the War against Islamic Extremists - We face an enemy that has repeatedly attacked us and remains committed to killing Americans and the destruction of our values. This election is about who is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. This election is about making sure we have the experienced leadership to guide us to victory in this war, protect the nation against future terrorist attacks, and support our troops and first responders who are on the frontlines of the war. This election will decide whether we choose to fight or announce surrender. It will decide whether we have a president who dangerously weakens U.S. security or strengthens it; whether we will flinch and retreat or fully engage the enemy on multiple fronts. We need decisive leadership with the vision and experience to guide our country and the world through this challenge. Having a courageous Commander-in-Chief who is willing to lead us in this war, rally our democratic allies and defeat our enemy to secure a broader peace is what's at stake in this election.
America is at an Economic Crossroads - Government spending is out-of-control. A Democrat elected President will join hands with a tax-and-spend Democratic Congress and subject Americans to enormous tax increases. Even now, the tax code is too complex and too burdensome. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - the government's promises to seniors and those in need - must be modernized. Too many American workers are unprepared by non-performing schools and shackled by outdated government employment assistance programs. America needs experienced leadership to guide the U.S. economy to greater prosperity, control government spending, keep taxes low, save Social Security and protect the American worker. Americans want a leader willing to offer straight talk and make the hard calls necessary to ensure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. The long-term strength of our economy and financial stability of American households are what's at stake in this election.
Americans have lost faith and trust in their government - Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. Americans want a courageous leader who will stand up to the trial lawyers and labor bosses and other special interests, govern by principle rather than political expedience, keep their promises, and solve problems instead of leaving them for our children. Restoring Americans' confidence in their government is what's at stake in this election.
Americans want judges who will strictly interpret the law and not legislate from the bench - The next president will appoint many federal judges and perhaps even a Supreme Court justice. The recent victory on partial birth abortion is an example of how important the Supreme Court is in protecting our values and interpreting the law as it is written. America needs a president who will provide strong moral leadership. A Democrat president will appoint judges who make law with disregard for the will of the people, but to the cheers of those advancing a liberal social agenda. America needs a leader who recognizes that that the people and states should decide what's best, not the courts. The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is what's at stake in this election.
What are the Bold Solutions?
Winning the War Against Islamic Extremists. Radical Islamic extremists are a relentless threat to America, its citizens, and the values we share. In the words of the al Qaeda leadership, Iraq is the central battleground of this war. We face a fork in the road. John McCain will pursue our opportunity for victory in Iraq, strengthen our hand in the larger war against Islamic extremists, and make our nation more secure. Democrats will fold our tents, embolden our enemies, throw the region into instability, and increase the risks faced on our home soil. To concede defeat now would strengthen al Qaeda, empower Iran and other hostile powers in the Middle East, unleash a full scale civil war in Iraq that could lead to genocide, and destabilize the entire region as neighboring powers come to the aid of their favored factions. John McCain is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. He has the experience and leadership to defeat our enemy and secure a broader peace.
Reforming Health Care for All Americans. Real reform will put families in the driver's seat of our health care system. The road to reform does not lead through Washington and a hugely expensive, bureaucratic, government-controlled system. John McCain will harness competition to offer more affordable insurance options for as many Americans as possible, leveraging the innovation and cost-effectiveness of our nation's firms to put an end to existing rigid, unfriendly bureaucracies. He will build a national market where insurance is more available, portable, and accessible across state lines; in which patients' rights are respected and their information under their control; and one in which people may save more in tax-exempt Health Savings Accounts. He will assist those who need help in getting private insurance.
John McCain will provide incentives for a national market - including the reimportation of pharmaceuticals - that offer greater transparency about effective patient care, options for preventative care and therapies, and prices so that competition makes it easier for families to navigate toward quality and low cost. He will demand reform to medical malpractice laws to curb abusive lawsuits that squeeze doctors, prevent innovation, and drive up the cost of health care. We need more transparency of prices and quality measures so that patients can make informed choices.
Reforming Government. Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. John McCain will bring spending under control, veto wasteful, pork-barrel spending bills every time, and keep taxes low. He will reform a tax code that is too complex and too burdensome. John McCain will modernize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He will bring accountability, choice and competition to underperforming schools, so our children are equipped to take the best jobs of the 21st century. John McCain is the only leader willing to make the hard calls necessary to restore faith in our government and build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
John McCain...Courageous Service, Experienced Leadership, Bold Solutions.
This is your time South Carolina - Make it Our Time!
Posted by
5:17 AM
Labels: John McCain, Sound Judgment, South Carolina, Straight Talk
Friday, January 18, 2008
John McCain - This is what it's all about
John McCain hooked me in his 2000 go around. After being torn apart in South Carolina in the one of nastiest Primary fights in memory ( Aside from this year's Democratic race - wait until it really takes off, Kids), John McCain dusted himself off and returned to service.
In this race, assailed by the Disney Channel Rejects spinning the news at MSNBC - clowns like the most fatuous blowhard in short-pants - Keith Olbermann and switch-hitting sycophants like Chris 'Milkey' Matthews -or Ross Perot the Jug Eared Midget Millionaire who bored a hole through America for President, Rambis ( Rambos without the resume), John McCain has connected with Americans.
In South Carolina, when others are frying squirrels on hot-plates, tossing snowballs like they were boulders, or cozying up to goofs like Hannity and Colmes, John McCain remains dignified, honorable, tough-minded and human. Like the little girl above with the tricycle - she can't vote, but McCain has time for her.
Asked about the POW Smear from the Rambis, McCain offered - 'it hurts a bit.'
The Hanoi Hilton was not the Peninsula or the Four Seasons, either.
Click my post title for John McCain's understated heroism.
Posted by
5:08 AM
Labels: John Mcain, Meghan McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
John McCain - It's on to America and Defining the Debate
The Romney Campaign got Mitthis Gold Medal in a well orchestrated fight for Michigan.
John McCain knows that the campaign is about uniting America in the War on Islamist Terror. In his statement on the Michigan Primary Campaign John McCain defined the debate that is the foundation of the Presidential Campaign:
I promise you, we will never surrender. They will.
I'm running for President to defeat an enemy for whom no attack is too cruel, and who will not stop attacking us until they are defeated. The challenge will require experienced and proven leadership. And, my friends, I can honestly say, I have prepared my entire life for this moment. In uniform and in office, in war and peace, I have learned how to lead a nation at war. I know how to keep us safe. I have been involved in every major national security challenge of our time. I have met and taken the measure of the world's leaders; those who are our friends and those who are not. I understand the capabilities, the needs and the sacrifices of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces better than any other candidate in this race. And I intend to be a Commander-in-Chief who will provide them leadership that is as strong, principled and tireless as their service to our country. They have earned a thousand times over our gratitude, and, most importantly, our unwavering dedication to making certain that they do not sacrifice in vain. I will not let them down, so help me God.
I am so proud, my friends, to be an American, and never more so than when our country confronts a great challenge. For I have learned through long experience, that while we are stronger than our enemies in men and material, we are stronger still in ideals. I have pledged my life to those ideals, and I run for President to defend them still. Our cause is America . Her greatness is our hope; her strength our protection; her goodness the hope of mankind. It is the cause I have served my entire adult life, and with your help I will keep serving her a little while longer.
Hammer it home Senator! Stay on Point, Stay on Mission, Stay on Task!
Posted by
6:37 AM
Labels: John Mcain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
John McCain -' Hickey, What's In Your Pipe?' - McCain Blend, Old Man. Pure McCain! Straight, Honest and American Blended
( Recent photo of the author taken in an unguarded moment of political reflection!)
The Comment section of almost every Blog is a scream- the soapbox of America removed from Bug-House Square to the CyberWorld!
On Anklebiting Pundits - by far my favorite(click my post title for link there) - there is a cast of characters - sock-puppets mostly - who are a nice American political cross section. Two chums ( BLAKEMUSN - Good Angel v. RITEAIDBOB - Bad Angel) spit over the rail at one another yesterday:
blakemusn Says:
January 14th, 2008 at 4:47 pm
I guess I’m curious how people define conservative. Tax cuts in themselves are not necessarily the conservative mantra. Tax cuts accompanied by spending cuts are more in line with conservative thought. To say that George Bush or anyone that voted for his tax cuts is conservative without at the same time at least trying to reign in spending is, I think, missing the point. George Bush led the party during the largest expansion
John McCain has one of the most consistently conservative voting records in the Senate with the exception of the McCain-Feingold (although, the courts took all the teeth away from the law so we’ll never really know if it was an effective law to begin with). Furthermore Conservative champion Fred Thompson was a co-sponsor of this bill even though now he takes to criticizing it.
As a medical student and a brother of the pharmaceutical salesman, I’ve seen first hand the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry. They don’t need to be bribing physicians with trips, free text books, food etc to prescribe their drugs if they are in fact the best drug available. I’m not a big fan of government regulation and I realize there is a huge sunk cost in pharm R&D, but a little regulation in an industry where most people would agree that the end product (good health) is more than just a commodity. McCain did votes for allowing importation of drugs from Canada which I think would be a conservative position by the way (and I believe he voted against the Medicare Part D or whatever it is called as well).
McCain has one of the most conservative records on defense and pro-life issues (with the exception of maybe stem cells although a lot of conservatives are divided on this issue). I know a lot of people criticize his stance on water-boarding but I give a little more credence to someone who has probably been waterboarded (and to his buddy, Sen Graham, an AF JAG lawyer), than I do to people who’ve never put their life on the line for their country. I don’t think its too much to ask your government to actually obey the Geneva Conventions, which are, according to the constitution, the law of the land (I’m also in the military and have had to study this stuff extensively, so try me on this one)
And as for climate change, many economists (if they believe in anthropocentric climate change) support the cap and trade system because it effectively creates a market for reducing CO2 emission. While I am not a believer in the idea that there is a climate crisis or that humans are the primary cause of the recent slight elevations in temperature, reducing emissions of any kind is responsible stewardship of the God’s creation.
While he is not perfect, and certainly none of the candidates are, his long term record is consistently conservative and much more so than any of the other serious candidates (in which I no longer include Senator Thompson).
Riteaidbob Says:
January 14th, 2008 at 8:46 pm
blakemusn what drugs are you smoking? McCain is NOT a conservative in any respect.
Jesus wake up and smell the manure your spreading.
Fair question - To which I reply with Sound Judgment:
My Patriot's Political Pipe* is filled with a rough-cut blend of Honesty, Courage, Wit, Commitment, Straight Talk, and Sound judgment; aged to perfection and packs as well as it wafts and curls and softly flows like the northerly drifting waters of the mighty St. Joe River through central Michigan all the Way to another Primary Win!
McCain Blend - Sparks, but never bites the hands that make America strong! Accept No Substitutes - McCain!
Available to all registered voters!
*Smokers must stand fifteen feet from all public buildings - Nan Estayt: Public Pest
Posted by
5:49 AM
Labels: Anklebiting Pundits, John McCain, Michigan, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
John McCain - Supported by Independents
Roland Dodds offers some great insights to John McCain's appeal to all Americans:
Sure, a number of Republican candidates claim to have supported the Surge from the start as well, but no one attached themselves to the policy like McCain did. McCain has linked his chances for the Presidency directly to the idea that Iraq must be won, and must be free. He held to that position even when it was considered suicide to his campaign, and so publicly supported Petraeus' plan that he must have known that it would sink his political career if it failed. It has not, and even leading Democrats are coming to terms with its miraculous turnaround in a conflict many had assumed was lost.
I have made it clear on this blog and in conversations with friends and family that my vote will go to the candidate that supports the fight for democracy in Iraq, and will not abandon the Kurds to be slaughtered yet again. I can forgive some of McCain’s decisions throughout his career and the way he has pandered to religious conservatives in recent months, and I can effortlessly when I consider what democracy promotion will look like if someone like Obama or Edwards is elected.
The War on Terror and the fight for liberal democracy may be nothing more than a bumper sticker slogan to some on the left, but it means something to me. If we surrender freedom to the forces of theocracy and totalitarianism overseas, we do not deserve to call ourselves democrats at home.
Sound talk from a sound American!
Michigan, this is your time! Vote for John McCain!
Sure it's cold, but you Wolverines are tough folks - as tough as John McCain! That's a tall order,but you can fillit!
Posted by
4:40 AM
Labels: Independents Roland Dodds, John McCain, Michigan, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
McCain in Michigan - Cold, Snow and Iffy Polls
This is it Woverines! Get out to the Polling Places and cast your vote for John McCain - the only candidate of any Party qualified to lead America in Time of War on Islamist Terror and Unite All Americans!
The forecast fro Michigan is Cold, Light Snows and Unsteady Polls.
Cast your vote for John McCain and overcome the Pollsters and Self-Interests - we can't do a damn thing about the weather but get out into it!
Here's Why!
Election 2008: What's at Stake?
America faces a dangerous, relentless enemy in the War against Islamic Extremists - We face an enemy that has repeatedly attacked us and remains committed to killing Americans and the destruction of our values. This election is about who is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. This election is about making sure we have the experienced leadership to guide us to victory in this war, protect the nation against future terrorist attacks, and support our troops and first responders who are on the frontlines of the war. This election will decide whether we choose to fight or announce surrender. It will decide whether we have a president who dangerously weakens U.S. security or strengthens it; whether we will flinch and retreat or fully engage the enemy on multiple fronts. We need decisive leadership with the vision and experience to guide our country and the world through this challenge. Having a courageous Commander-in-Chief who is willing to lead us in this war, rally our democratic allies and defeat our enemy to secure a broader peace is what's at stake in this election.
America is at an Economic Crossroads - Government spending is out-of-control. A Democrat elected President will join hands with a tax-and-spend Democratic Congress and subject Americans to enormous tax increases. Even now, the tax code is too complex and too burdensome. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - the government's promises to seniors and those in need - must be modernized. Too many American workers are unprepared by non-performing schools and shackled by outdated government employment assistance programs. America needs experienced leadership to guide the U.S. economy to greater prosperity, control government spending, keep taxes low, save Social Security and protect the American worker. Americans want a leader willing to offer straight talk and make the hard calls necessary to ensure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. The long-term strength of our economy and financial stability of American households are what's at stake in this election.
Americans have lost faith and trust in their government - Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. Americans want a courageous leader who will stand up to the trial lawyers and labor bosses and other special interests, govern by principle rather than political expedience, keep their promises, and solve problems instead of leaving them for our children. Restoring Americans' confidence in their government is what's at stake in this election.
Americans want judges who will strictly interpret the law and not legislate from the bench - The next president will appoint many federal judges and perhaps even a Supreme Court justice. The recent victory on partial birth abortion is an example of how important the Supreme Court is in protecting our values and interpreting the law as it is written. America needs a president who will provide strong moral leadership. A Democrat president will appoint judges who make law with disregard for the will of the people, but to the cheers of those advancing a liberal social agenda. America needs a leader who recognizes that that the people and states should decide what's best, not the courts. The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is what's at stake in this election.
What are the Bold Solutions?
Winning the War Against Islamic Extremists. Radical Islamic extremists are a relentless threat to America, its citizens, and the values we share. In the words of the al Qaeda leadership, Iraq is the central battleground of this war. We face a fork in the road. John McCain will pursue our opportunity for victory in Iraq, strengthen our hand in the larger war against Islamic extremists, and make our nation more secure. Democrats will fold our tents, embolden our enemies, throw the region into instability, and increase the risks faced on our home soil. To concede defeat now would strengthen al Qaeda, empower Iran and other hostile powers in the Middle East, unleash a full scale civil war in Iraq that could lead to genocide, and destabilize the entire region as neighboring powers come to the aid of their favored factions. John McCain is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. He has the experience and leadership to defeat our enemy and secure a broader peace.
Reforming Health Care for All Americans. Real reform will put families in the driver's seat of our health care system. The road to reform does not lead through Washington and a hugely expensive, bureaucratic, government-controlled system. John McCain will harness competition to offer more affordable insurance options for as many Americans as possible, leveraging the innovation and cost-effectiveness of our nation's firms to put an end to existing rigid, unfriendly bureaucracies. He will build a national market where insurance is more available, portable, and accessible across state lines; in which patients' rights are respected and their information under their control; and one in which people may save more in tax-exempt Health Savings Accounts. He will assist those who need help in getting private insurance.
John McCain will provide incentives for a national market - including the reimportation of pharmaceuticals - that offer greater transparency about effective patient care, options for preventative care and therapies, and prices so that competition makes it easier for families to navigate toward quality and low cost. He will demand reform to medical malpractice laws to curb abusive lawsuits that squeeze doctors, prevent innovation, and drive up the cost of health care. We need more transparency of prices and quality measures so that patients can make informed choices.
Reforming Government. Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. John McCain will bring spending under control, veto wasteful, pork-barrel spending bills every time, and keep taxes low. He will reform a tax code that is too complex and too burdensome. John McCain will modernize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He will bring accountability, choice and competition to underperforming schools, so our children are equipped to take the best jobs of the 21st century. John McCain is the only leader willing to make the hard calls necessary to restore faith in our government and build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
John McCain...Courageous Service, Experienced Leadership, Bold Solutions.
Go Wolverines!
Posted by
4:25 AM
Labels: John McCain, Michigan, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Monday, January 14, 2008
McCain - MadIrishman Sheridan Folger Floods Wonkosphere - Proud Men Bush and Heroes Weep!
Imagine if Sheridan Folger, The Mad Irishman of New England who helped John McCain's run in New Hampshire, felt strongly about John McCain?
Good Gobstoppers, Sheridan! There is no backdoor to your Foxhole - that is clear. Sheridan, Abu!
Take a look at the Prolific Partisan's work on the Wonkosphere!
John McCain Buzz
Significant posts about John McCain from the last 24 hours, updated every 4 hours.
Color codes for posts: RED is for conservative, BLUE is for liberal, and GRAY is for independent. ( please ignore)
How State Department earned its reputation for disloyalty
Washington Times:A recent outcry in the Foreign Service over forced assignments in Iraq has angered many veteran diplomats, (Read more...)
From: PrairiePundit | Posted: 2008-01-14 13:03
Insiders who dislike McCain
Jay Costs:Since his win in New Hampshire, many have come to view John McCain as the Republican frontrunner. He has a lead (Read more...)
From: PrairiePundit | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:51
This Morning on the Wonkosphere, McCain and The Mad Irishman
Conservative BuzzMcCain Faltering In Michigan, Romney Rising?ace (1/13) McCain Victory Built on War ExperienceAmerican Conservative News (1/13) 'NYT': Poll Shows Incredible McCain S (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:50
New Polls Show John McCain Fares Best Against Pro-Abortion Democrats
(Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:34
McCain has faith in S.C.
(Read more...)From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:30
Frenemies: McCain, Huckabee Test Relationship
(Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:25
McCain has advantage in Michigan
(Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:20
Pinata time for McCain
Washington Post: Over the past decade, (Read more...)
From: PrairiePundit | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:19
How Do You Solve a Problem Like McCain?
Since his win in New Hampshire, many have come to view John McCain as the Republican frontrunner. He has a lead in the RCP national average, and he is the favorite at InTrade's future's market. I think this talk is... (Read more...)
From: Real Clear Politics | Posted: 2008-01-14 12:13
Why Bother To Publish It?
When looking at polls, readers should always review the sampling to determine their predictive value. After some of the strange polling in the 2004 and 2006 election, most people have become more educated on how to spot poor polling efforts, even... (Read more...)
From: Captain's Quarters | Posted: 2008-01-14 11:31
My Latest Townhall Column: A Conservative Nightmare: Republican Nominee, John McCain
My latest column at Townhall is called A Conservative Nightmare: Republican Nominee, John McCain. Here's an excerpt from the column, Mike Huckabee's campaign manager Ed Rollins has been ceaselessly pilloried on the Right for saying, "It's gone. The... (Read more...)
From: Right Wing News | Posted: 2008-01-14 11:30
As president I will never waver in our fight to defend America so that the sacrifices of great Americans like Mike Christian are not made in vain. This is John McCain and I approve this message. ANNCR: Paid for by John McCain 2008. … 10... (Read more...)
From: 4-President | Posted: 2008-01-14 11:23
Patrick Ruffini: McCain's National Lead
So much for Iowa and New Hampshire not mattering this year. CBS/NYTimes: McCain 33 Huckabee 18 Giuliani 10 Romney 8 Thompson 8 Paul 3 ABCNews/WaPo: McCain 28 Huckabee 20 Romney 19 Giuliani 15 Thompson 8 Paul 5 Rudy has (Read more...)
From: Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog | Posted: 2008-01-14 10:25
Former Michigan Governor William Milliken Endorses John McCain For
January 13, 2008 — ARLINGTON, VA — US Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign today announced that former Michigan Governor … Read more here: Former Michigan Governor William Milliken Endorses John McCain For … 2008... (Read more...)
From: 4-President | Posted: 2008-01-14 08:19
President John McCain? I Don't Think So
The latest polls have John McCain as the national-front runner in the Republican primary. The Bhutto assassination in Pakistan last month reminded voters that we are in an international war against Islamic Radicalism. … american, barack obama, ... (Read more...)
From: 4-President | Posted: 2008-01-14 05:47
Will This Never End?
/C3PO whine. Republicans will vote in Michigan on Tuesday and Nevada and South Carolina on Saturday. I'm already mad at voters in both states, and I don't even know why. According to the latest polls, Romney and McCain are within... (Read more...)
From: ace | Posted: 2008-01-14 04:56
John McCain moves into nationwide lead
After his come-back upset win in New Hampshire, John McCain finds himself in the lead nationwide going into Michigan Tuesday (Read more...)
From: Porter County Politics | Posted: 2008-01-14 04:48
A convert makes a YouTube Post on Mitt's visit today in MI
Yes, it’s “electric!” This person wasn’t a believer, but is now after attending today’s event. He says he’s incredibly motivated after today, and we’re glad to have him! Apparently McCain’s people... (Read more...)
From: Elect Romney in 2008 | Posted: 2008-01-14 04:17
The case against John McCain, Part Two
Earlier today, Scott linked to several interviews with former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum regarding his former colleague John McCain. Santorum,... (Read more...)
From: Power Line | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:56
McCain Camp: Unable To Think Beyond Regulation
In the latest volley between Romney and McCain, Romney has taken issue with McCain's handling of CAFE standards, or rather his love of them. Now, McCain always loving to push the flip flop label on Mit,t released this damning (at least in there eyes)... (Read more...)
From: My Man Mitt | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:55
McCain Stops at MSU!!
Posted: 9:44 PM Jan 13, 2008Last Updated: 9:44 PM Jan 13, 2008Reporter: Jamie EdmondsEmail Address:"We won a big victory in New Hampshire," Arizona Senator Joh (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:33
Heavy Hitters From Reagan Era Back Senator McCain
By: Jennifer HarperLawrence Eagleburger, George P. Shultz, Marlin Fitzwater, Robert Mosbacher, Alexander M. Haig Jr., Margaret Tutwiler, Gen. P.X. Kel (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:29
Richard ReevesSun Jan 13, 5:53 PM ETBERLIN -- It was a distinct pleasure to be back in Berlin on the night Sen. (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:23
His appeal wide, McCain has automatic advantage when Mich. votes
Associated Press - January 13, 2008 6:54 PM ET READ THE STORY HEREShared with my fellow Straight Tal (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:19
McCain and Obama share royal lineage
By Auslan Cramb, Scottish CorrespondentJohn McCain, the Republican presidential contender, and Barack Obama, his Democrat rival, are both descended f (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:16
CBS Poll: McCain Surges To National Lead
(CBS) Surging after his win in the New Hampshire primary, Arizona Sen. John McCain has come from behind to now lead the national Republican race (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:11
Quote of the day
Training wheels. (Read more...)
From: Hot Air | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:10
John McCain's Sweet Spot
By Rich LowryEver since Huckabee won Iowa, everything has lined up perfectly in this process for John McCain. It must be the lucky n (Read more...)
From: Mad Irishman's Conservative Consortium | Posted: 2008-01-14 03:08
CNN Puts McCain Up 13 Nationally
CNN, nationally: McCain 34, Huckabee 21,amp;nbsp;Giuliani 18, Romney 14,amp;nbsp;Thompson,amp;nbsp;6,amp;nbsp;Paul 5. . . . (Read more...)
From: The Campaign Spot | Posted: 2008-01-14 02:59
McCain Camp: Unable To Think Beyond Regulation
In the latest volley between Romney and McCain, Romney has taken issue with McCain’s handling of CAFE standards, or rather his love of them. Now, McCain always loving to push the flip flop label on Mit,t released this damning (at least … ... (Read more...)
From: 4-President | Posted: 2008-01-14 02:54
You get the idea - the Man is Mad! Mad for McCain!
Posted by
6:13 AM
Labels: John McCain, Sheridan Folger, Sound Judgment, Wonkosphere
McCain - In Michigan - Size matters when looking at crowds
Hat Tip to the energetic Publisher, Journalist, Gad-fly, Gourmandizing Man About Town, Crack Pistol Shot, and the Arm-Candy to the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Women of the World Patrick Hynes, Co-Publisher and Editor of AnkleBiting Pundits
(click Post title for ABP)
In Tomorrow's Michigan Primary, the Political Bellwether for the Presidential Race, crowd size comparison between McCain and Mitt events could help assess tomorrow's results.
Thus, from the energetic and Prolific Brother Hynes:
If crowd size matters:
Several hundred people cheered and banged thundersticks as the former Massachusetts governor spoke at Lawrence Technical College, only about ten miles from Bloomfield Hills, where he grew up .
Same day, same county:
The Republican U.S. senator from Arizona is the first presidential candidate to visit the city of 13,000, and he drew a crowd of 1,200 people with a mix of political affiliations. The turnout exceeded expectations of rally organizers, including Mike Bosnic, the school board president.
2k in East Lansing:
The crowd of perhaps 2,000 people packed a Kellogg Center hall where McCain promised a brighter economic future for Michigan and a cleaner planet.
Posted by
5:45 AM
Labels: Anklebiting Pundits, John McCain, Michigan, Patrick Hynes, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
McCain- Maverick GOP Milliken Endorses the Best Man!
With hours to go Wolverines, John McCain calls Michigan to listen to Staight Talk and gostraight into the voting booths tomorrow.
Mcihigan may well decide the course America takes in the War on Islamist Terror and support the man best qualified to unite all Americans.
One Michigan Man, who was Mitt Romney's father's Lt. Governor, William Milliken is backing John McCain.
(click my post title for the full story)
William Milliken stated,
"Sen. McCain has demonstrated the quality of saying what he means and meaning what he says," said Milliken, 85, who also endorsed McCain in 2000 and dismayed GOP loyalists in 2004 by endorsing Democrat John Kerry over President Bush.
Milliken, who was Michigan's longest-serving governor, from 1969-1982, had pointed words for Romney, who was Massachusetts' governor from 2003-2007.
"I was a great admirer of his father," Milliken said. "But Mitt Romney has been a disappointment to me because he has changed his socially responsible positions he took as governor of Massachusetts. I don't have the respect for him that I had for his father."
Milliken, who favors abortion rights, singled out Romney's conversion from pro-choice to pro-life. McCain has long been opposed to abortion. The former governor said McCain has taken a moderate position on immigration and has been a champion for environmental issues as an Arizona senator.
"He's played a very responsible role in this immigration issue; he hasn't demagogued it," Milliken said. "And he says we have to confront global warming."
Milliken noted he differs with McCain on the war in Iraq, which he called "a tragic mistake." McCain has been
Make the difference with McCain, Michigan!
Posted by
4:55 AM
Labels: John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk, William Milliken
Sunday, January 13, 2008
McCain - Not Only GOP Voters, but Many Dems
New York Times reports that more GOP voters are now looking to John McCain as the Best Man for President. ( click my post title)
News Flash, Kids - many traditional Democrats, like Sun Times Pulitzer Prize Winning Political Cartoonist Jack Higgins and your humble correspondent, differ on many, many issues with the New DNC. I view John McCain as a President who will unite Americans in the Global War on Islamist Terror. Jack Higgins, a real pro. publicly will not tip his hand, but in his civic opinion vote for the best person to President within the sanctity of the voting booth. Jack Higgins reflects the point of view shared by most urban tradional Democrats.
Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Protestants who traditionally adhere to the Party of Al Smith, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Pat Moynihan, Scoop Jackson and Hubert Humphrey are not enthralled to the New Pan-Goofy Mythology of the DNC - Abortion, Defeatism, Leftism, Liberal Fascism, and Hollywood Relativism will cast votes for John McCain.
Posted by
4:44 PM
Labels: John McCain, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk
Thursday, January 10, 2008
John McCain Has Them Really Scared! DNC - It seems clowns can read as well as write smear letters
Hokey Smokes! Deano's Trackers is Tracking me! Understand this - I am quits with the Democratic Party - Nationally. I still have high regard for my neighbors and friends in the local Democratic Party and they can count on my financial, moral and physical support.
But the Party kidnapped by Deano and; Hollywood Ninnies; Abortionists; Lefty Think-tanks and 501(c) 3s and Trotskyites pretending to be labor leaders:SEIU is no longer the Party of Al Smith,FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, LBJ, Scoop Jackson, TIP O'Neill, and Joe Lieberman.
The DNC is a Clown Opera - Opera Buffa! Evidenced in the sad attempt to solicit money with the smear of a great American - Senator John McCain. Please look at my two previous posts in this matter.
Click my post title for John McCain's exchange with Tim Russert on Meet the Press. He more than clarified his position on Iraq. The clowns are trying to add to their numbers. Americans go to circus to watch clowns, but recoil from them out of those rings - especially the political ring.
Adios, Punchinellos!
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All the money in the world can not stop an honest man!
Posted by
5:53 AM
Labels: DNC, Howard Dean, John McCain, Sound Judgment
John McCain's Meet the Press Answer to Deano's 'Trackers"
Hat tip to ColeCurtis Monitor's Miss Vicki, A John McCain Warrior!
Yesterday afternoon, I received a solicitation from the Democratic National Committee for more contributions from me - that well done dried up after Howard Dean took the tiller.
It was a smear of John McCain's off the cuff remarks on America's presence in Iraq.
Click my post title for Senator John McCain's answer to Tim Russert on those remarks.
Posted by
4:38 AM
Labels: Iraq, John McCain, Meet the Press, Miss Vicki of ColeCurtis Monitor, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk, Tim Russert
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
John McCain - Mistreated by Matthews and Olbermann in Victory Speech Split Screen Slight - Milkey and Keef - Biased Bimbos
However, Romney will not go away soon - nor will his money. Romney's ATM Machine is still dumping dough into the Wonkosphere. That can't be helped. It's run on algorithms and those lads ran over my GPA back in the late 1960's.
Too many operatives in the extreme Right Culture of the GOP ( Hannity, Pain Killer Limbaugh, the Buchanan (filius et filia) detest McCain - Romney will be encouraged to pour more of his money on McCain's bid like hot coals on the noggin.
Not until McCain wins South Carolina. Michigan will be tough, but Wolverines are like Granite Staters - folks with their heads screwed on straight. The goofs go to California to make movies or run for office out of State.
McCain captures the hearts in the Great American Middle. The Left hate McCain almost as much as the Monty Burns Plutocrats on theFar Right - Shills like Chris 'Milkey' Matthews and Keith Olbermann e.g. - last night afforded full screen coverage to each concession speech, but when it came time for McCain's Victory Speech- the winner was squeezed into a tiny window of the split screen and competed with - static updates on Obama/Hillary which were also rolled at the bottom of the screen.
This mistreatment of John McCain by MSNBC was disgraceful. The McCain Campaign should direct some analysis and follow-up against Milkey Matthews and Olbermann. They are not the worst in TV Play News - but they'll do.
Just some thoughts.
Posted by
6:24 AM
Labels: John McCain, Keef Olbermann, Milkey Matthew, Rock Solid Hypocrisy, Sound Judgment, Straight Talk