Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Rally for Religious Liberty -Noon in Federal Plaza (50 W. Adams) Tomorrow!

 People have deeply-held beliefs on all sides of these discussions, and you, as public policy leaders, will be called on to help move these debates forward. . . .These debates can also be contentious. But this is a strength of our country, not a weakness. In some countries around the world, it is much easier to make policy. The leader delivers an edict and it goes into effect. There’s no debate, no criticism, no second guessing.

-Kathleen Sebelius to Georetown University Public Policy Graduates

Hear you this Triton of the minnows ? mark you (HHS) "absolute shall ?" - Shakepeare Coriolanus ( bowdlerization my own)

In some countries, you fatuous ninny Kathleen?  Let's talk about January 2012 right here in the old Land of Free and the Home of the Brave.

Collectively, Catholic organizations provide services to more Americans than any other entity except the federal government itself. Its 600 health care institutions, for example, provide care to one in six patients treated in the United States every year. Catholic schools provide education to millions of elementary and secondary school children, while more than a million students attend the nation's 200 Catholic colleges and universities. And it is this very ubiquity that is the real target of the anti-conscience mandate. The "fundamental transformation" Obama and his accomplices wish to inflict upon America can't be managed while large, autonomous institutions like the Catholic Church and its charitable organizations remain in place.
A Catholic belongs to the Catholic Church because of faith in the Church as the Body of Christ.  A "Cultural Catholic" is an art lover.  A Progressive Catholic is a politician.  Catholics are Democrats, Republicans and Americans.

I am what might more accurately be called a 'bad' Catholic. If I miss Mass it is not because I have fundamental objection to the all-too-humanly-flawed celibate patriarchy that protects the Church's Magisterium* ( bishops and stiff-collars), it because I did not drag my lazy-ass to Church. If you belong to the club, go to the meetings. It is that fundamentally simple.

My liberty to exercise my faith is challenged by the current occupant of the White House and the folks who give him his marching orders -Planned Parenthood, NOW, the DNC, SEIU, General Electric, Hollywood & etc.

I will exercise my Rights at Federal Plaza tomorrow at noon in Chicago Federal Plaza** with thousands of my co-coreligionists, neighbors and friends.  I will go to Confession for my parade of sins.  I will get my ass to Mass. I will vote against the people who want to end my liberty. 

"The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him."

**.- On June 8, Stand Up For Religious Freedom will hold its second round of national protests against the contraception mandate, continuing the movement that drew tens of thousands of protesters in March.
“We're up to 154 rallies across the country now, which is about 10 more than we had last time on the rally day,” said Stand Up For Religious Freedom's communications director Matt Yonke. The group is “expecting a few more (cities) to trickle in before Friday,” when the events begin at noon local time.
Organized in response to the Obama administration's denial of conscience rights to religious institutions, the first set of rallies included 28 Catholic bishops as well as other Christian and Jewish leaders. This time around, Yonke said, publicity and group endorsements have “only been bigger.”
“We had 64,000 (people) last time,” he recalled, noting the attendance tally from the first round of coast-to-coast demonstrations that took place March 23. “I definitely think we're going to top that.”

Monday, June 04, 2012

Rally for Religious Liberty - Friday June 8th at Noon in Chicago's Federal Plaza

I participated in Chicago's Rally for Religious Freedom in March of this year.  It rained like a son-of-a-gun, but more than 2,000 people jammed Federal Plaza in a very peaceful, dignified and good humored show of support for Religious Freedom.

My family spent decades pounding the sidewalks for workers rights.  Early on we were all taught to never cross a picket line - we never did. If a store was struck by real labor, we purchased else-where.  My father and his brothers and my cousins, picketed in support of the printers at the Chicago Tribune.

Likewise, we hit the kneelers in church to pray for aborted children.  My uncle Larry Hickey, who was the Chief Engineer for Cook County Hospital,  made national news (AP Chicago 1975 linked below).    Uncle Bud was ordered to install crematory furnace for the disposal of unclaimed and unidentified bodies from the County Morgue, but primarily aborted fetuses.  The crematory furnace was not fired for five years, because the Chief refused to dispose of human remains. This was in February of 1975.

I started teaching in Catholic schools in 1975.  Roe v. Wade was giving the abortion industry its baby steps and the American media its universal assistance.  Democrat politicians who happened to be Catholic were not yet fully bought by Planned Parenthood's dead-baby bucks.   George Dunne, President of the Cook County Board, never fired Uncle Bud for the Chief's Civil Disobedience; in fact, Dunne made Larry Hickey the Chief Engineer of Cook County.  That was then;this is now.

Now, Democrat politicians who happened to baptized as Catholics would see a Larry Hickey become an occupant of Cook County Jail, after firing, convicting, sentencing and stripping him of pension, of course.

There are no Democrat George Dunnes.  In fact the last genuine Catholic Democrat that I can recall in recent years, resigned as State Representative - Kevin Joyce. Rep. Dan Lipinski might be. There are Dick Durbins, Dan Hynes, Pat Quinns, Mike Quigleys and Rich Daleys.  They and Planned Parenthood, SEIU and other left-leaning PACs put Barack H. Obama in the White House

President Obama stripped St. Xavier University of its religious identity and immediately the school invited former Obama mouthpiece Robert Gibbs to be a guest speaker.  Governor Pat Quinn revealed his complete submission to Illinois Personal PAC's Terry Cosgrove, over Francis Cardinal George all through the fall of 2011. Cosgrove orders and Quinn jumps.

In January 2011, President Obama's baptized Catholic HHS Secretary made official war on the American Catholic Church.

So, on Friday June 8th, I'll be in Federal Plaza with thousands of Catholics, Protestants and Jews voicing support for Religious Liberty. I hope that you will also enjoy the fresh air and great company.

Rally for Religious Freedom

Uncle Bud's ( Larry Hickey Chief Engineer Cook County Hospital) saga linked here:,5132451

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Well,"Hey," Back at You, Mr. President

Got this e-mail at lunch time today
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 11:34:58 -0400 [11:34:58 AM EDT]

From: Barack Obama

To: Patrick hickey @ $>


Subject: Hey

Hey,Patrick --

I need your help today.
Tonight is the May fundraising deadline, and it matters.

Please donate $3 or more before midnight:

Thank you,


Dear Mr. President,

How could I have forgotten the deadline?  Well, I'll be dipped and rolled, , butter my ass and call me a biscuit, grab my knackers and call me Barney, thrill my inseam and call me Chris, dog my cats and bone bling my ride!'

Mr. President, like I told Debbie Wasserman Schultz only yesterday, Mr. President "buinneach ort !" Roughly translated from the Irish -"when it snows in the Phillipines, when Cromwell gets out of hell, C'est à rire, not chance, Bub, slim and none is what you get, Nizzle, Please! When abortion get's ditched, maybe. Naw, probabaly not then either.  No Dice,Clay. Please take your foot out of the door.  Thank you, Mr. President.

Most sincerely,

Pat ( AKA - Hickey $hit for brains, Hey, You or other hailing variants.

BTW - nobody ever good news'd me with " Patrick."   Hickey, $hit for brains, Hey, you! all more than acceptable.

A Real Reporter, Natasha Korecki, Talks to Tony Rezko - America's Man in the Iron Mask

The Chicago Sun Times is blessed with great reporters.  It's editorial board seems stuck on the "daffy" button and with the exceptions of Steve Huntley and Mark Brown Sun Times columnists seem to have all of the gravitas and substance of an MTV documentary.

Chicago and the nation would never know about Allison Davis, President Obama's former boss and bullet-proof slum property owner who is 'this-close' to Valerie Jarrett, Sneedless to say without Tim Novak and  Chris Fusco - two pit-bullishly independent investigative reporters.  They also unearthed most of the dodgier aspects of Koschman Saga, as well as the career of Daley scion snouts in the public troughs.  Mark Konkol and his Southtown Star colleague Steve Metsch are solid voices for real people in Chicago's neighborhoods.

Natasha Korecki has always impressed me as a singularly and refreshingly honest and tough reporter.  Ms. Korecki's accounts of the Blag trial were essential documents.  One of the shadowy victims of retiring Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Star Chamber is Tony Rezko.  The man was everywhere and with anyone who could both move and shake.

( looks just like the Old Petrillo!)

Rezko's role in President Obama's ascent to the national teleprompter remains a '" Mere distraction! "Nothing to see here, Folks!  Move it along!  Who cares about a 15' property bargain?  Really. Pay np attention to man in the iron mask!" Tony went away , when the crowd in Grant Park were shedding tears of pure joy that Our Post Racial and Post Political Politician snagged the Post in the West Wing.

Tony Rezko  is the Obama Justice Department's Utility Insider - trotted out when need and then sent to the showers.  Rezko padded wallets and campaign accounts and sits in a concrete and re-bar cubicle on the Federal dimes. Fellow Obama Distraction Bill Ayers bombed Federal buildings and has an Illinois Pension.Make sense?  We might not get to the root and marrow of the Obama Myth until long after the Mormon straps his mutt on the roof of Marine One for a chopper ride.

However, Natasha Korecki scooped and interview with America's Man in the Iron Mask - Tony Rezko -

In a wide-ranging telephone interview from prison with the Chicago Sun-Times on Wednesday, Rezko refused to talk about his former friend who went on to be elected president. 
Natasha Korecki immediately tells the reader that Rezko will not chat, utter, rat-out, or insinuate anything about his Chicago Real Estate disciple and political bundler.  Blago?  You bet. Why not.

Rezko was convicted of Blago Bog-trotting.  Candidate Obama and President Obama never got moist undies due to Mr. Rezko and Natasha Korecki perfumes her narrative and interview with the bog itself.

His ( Tony Rezko's) trial took place in the Spring of 2008, in the midst of a heated presidential primary between Hillary Clinton and Obama. In one debate, Clinton chastised Obama for having ties to Rezko, who had poured money into the campaign fund of Obama earlier in his career.
Rezko was behind bars when authorities arrested Blagojevich in December of 2008 and charged him with attempting to sell Obama’s vacant U.S. Senate seat, citing recorded conversations.
“I think it was very unsmart of him to have conversations when he did about Obama’s replacement,” Rezko said. “But he is not the evil person who is been portrayed over the last few years. I think he did good things for the state of Illinois.”
“I blame nobody but myself, no. I have no ill feeling toward him [Blagojevich]. Or anybody else. Even Stuart Levine. He did what he had to do.” Rezko was referring to the key witness who testified against him.

With whom do Tony have 'issues' and the odd 'ill-feeling?'  Thanks to a real reporter, Natasha Korecki, this mythopoeic regime occupying the White House may have more such inquiry from citizens.  Forward!

 Thanks Ms. Korecki!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Catholic Church Forward!

Obama wants The Rock to evolve.  No wonder he has kept his academic records embargoed.  I dare say his Earth Science ( Rocks for Jocks and Heads of Blocks 101) grade might have been a Gentleman's D.  The Roman Catholic Church, even here in evolved America, was instituted by Christ to give us Grace.  Protestant Churches condemned contraception until 1930.

The Historic Christian Teaching
Few realize that up until 1930, all Protestant denominations agreed with the Catholic Church’s teaching condemning contraception as sinful. At its 1930 Lambeth Conference, the Anglican church, swayed by growing social pressure, announced that contraception would be allowed in some circumstances. Soon the Anglican church completely caved in, allowing contraception across the board. Since then, all other Protestant denominations have followed suit. Today, the Catholic Church alone proclaims the historic Christian position on contraception.
Evidence that contraception is in conflict with God’s laws comes from a variety of sources that will be examined in this tract. ( emphasis my own)

The Foundation built upon Rock should not cave-in, regardless of politicians, vast piles of cash and a secularist will to control history, personal liberty and thought itself.  Therefore, in response to the hubris of the Obama White House in its mandates to determine and define what is a religious institution, The Rock rolls.
The 12 lawsuits filed jointly Monday accuse the U.S. Departments of Labor, Treasury and Health and Human Services and their respective secretaries — Hilda Solis, Timothy Geithner and Kathleen Sebelius — of violating the Catholic Church's religious liberty by defining what qualifies as a religious institution and excluding schools, hospitals and charities from that definition.
"This lawsuit is about an unprecedented attack by the federal government on one of America's most cherished freedoms: the freedom to practice one's religion without government interference," said Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki, a trained lawyer and former auxiliary bishop in Chicago.
In February, the Obama administration offered a compromise that required insurance companies to cover the cost of any care, not religious employers. But many of the plaintiffs in the suits filed Monday argue that accommodation doesn't help because they self-insure. The government is still finalizing a regulation for self-insured groups.
Chicago's Cardinal Francis George indicated that the archdiocese's absence from Monday's lawsuits didn't signal satisfaction with that accommodation or less concern about the issue. In previous remarks, he has said the government's efforts amount to a "theft of identity."
"The Archdiocese of Chicago is obviously deeply concerned about preserving the Catholic identity of Catholic educational, health care and social service organizations," George said in a statement. "The Archdiocese therefore entirely supports the actions of the Catholic dioceses and organizations that have brought suit against the Department of Health and Human Services for violating the heretofore constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom of Catholic institutions."

The Rock rolls forward.  Obama is incapable of compromise, much less tolerance. because he is owned by Planned Parenthood, Abortion and the Dowager Class insistent upon a perpetuation of the Original Hate Crime -Abortion.  Gay Marriage is an adjunct of abortion, because acceptance of abortion is the fist in God's Face.  After that cave-in, anything is acceptable.

President Obama has been fully consistent with regard to Abortion. Planned Parenthood made him an Illinois State Senator, a United States Senator and Planned Parenthood's First and God willing the last Abortion President.

We shall see.,0,7274599.story

Thursday, May 10, 2012

God Saw All That He Had Made, And It Was Very Good." . . .Unless You are an Evolved Progressive"

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them;male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. ”
29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food. ” And it was so.
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning —the sixth day. Genesis 1, 1-31 God Almighty

 "At a certain point I've just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married." Genesis II Obama Evolved and Gayer Than Christmas*!

Marry, the man has evolved and yet he can swing that first person personal pronoun like a saloon door on payday!  Now, let's see about that post creation part - “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. "   Male to Male and Female to Female . . .no stork; Pert neer, but not plumb.

Well, that's Progress anyway.  The same President who believes that there are more than 57 States in this Democratic Republic ( there's that diversity! We don't have a Democratic Democracy, or a Republican Republic for a the very same reason;  + &  - = the old charge!) has determined that Will and Gary and Gert and Grace can have children.

Well,call me un-evolved and bust my britches!  Gay Marriage, not civil unions and insurance, hospital visitation rights, property control, inheritance is a litmus test for evolution.

The end game is not bundles of joy for same sex couples sanctified in Holy Wedlock, of course, but the hammering down of God. The Judeo Christian object of worship of course and certainly not the one covered under Sharia Law.

Once God is locked in the closet,the party is on!   "Kill them babies, Breeders!  Why should loving and caring same sex couples be denied the civil right of marriage?"


"Un-evolved Brute."

Shucks. Fellas, my tongue musta got twisted around my eye-teeth and I couldn't 'zactly see what I was sayin' Just funnin' ya.

Abortion and Homosexual Marriage are the fruits of the same vine, not the tree of Life. That vine is the twisted Hegelian secularism that is easy to follow. The Tree of Life is rooted in first principles - God's Word.  Abortion is murder and America said it was fine with murder in Roe v. Wade.

Most Americans, Catholics, Jews and Evangelicals included, could care less about the sexual inclinations of two same sex adults who choose to make themselves warm and satisfied in arms of each other.  Americans are fair and more than tolerant of one another. They believe in God and that is a problem for Progressives who are intolerant of everyone and everything.  They are really intolerant of God, the Father Figure who makes all of the rules that are just too hard and mostly inconvenient to follow.

This going to get very interesting.

Well, time to subdue my breakfast, beat out the old cave and get to hunting and gathering.

* Michael Houlihan - film maker, author, swordsman and Mount Carmel Varsity Football Letterman: Tapioca, Her Majesty Da Queen, Our Irish Cousins - openning near you.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Obama's Evolving Teaching Maha-Kalpa

A teaching moment? Nay, an Obama-Kalpa!

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Illlinois U.S. Senator Barack H. Obama was asked about his decades long relationship with United Church of Christ Black Liberation Theologian and mentor Jeremiah Wright who not only 'Goddammed America and its KKK chickens coming home to roost, but all those  "Italians (who) for the most part looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans."

Despite this scholar's indifference to the fact that Romans, not Italians, occupied Galilee, as well as North Africa, Spain, Gaul, Britain, suburbs of Germany, and ever patch of dirt between Adriatic to the Euphrates and the folks who dwelt upon them, candidate Barack Obama offered the first in an endless belt  of teaching moments, interrupted only by his inauguration and a beer summit. On St. Paddy's Day 2008, Senator Obama taught America about Race.  He did not address  the fact that he sat enraptured by the lessons of Pastor Wright, but told America it has much to learn.  That was a teaching moment = The Alpha!  Swami Obama was elected President.  This President has done more explaining of his words and deeds than the hero of Ring Lardner's baseball novella Alibi Ike.

This has not been an administration, but an evolutionary epoch - a veritable Maha-Kalpa (Sanskrit) - fellow garlic eaters the Greeks termed it an aeon. Obama-Kalpa , like the Buddhist and Confusion measurements of time, holds mysteries to our collective American malaise.

Americans are fat
Americans are bullies
Americans are cowards
Americans are stingy
Americans are clingy
Americans are unevolved Breeders and homophobes - watch Will and Grace
Americans are suspicious of foreigners who live with American benefits and rights
Americans do not understand Fast and Furious
Americans are in intolerant of Acorns
Americans are intolerant of Desiree Rogers, Van Jones, Anita Dunn and the EPA
Catholics make war on women
Blind Chinamen can't make themselves understood to Planned Parenthood's State Department
A Mandate is a Compromise
The Economy was inherited, unless you like it
The Economy is improving
Unemployment is all a figment of FOX TV propaganda
Egypt is just like Topeka
North Korea and Iran just need a hug
The Dude wore Brut and Sarong - Playuh! Long-legged Mack-Daddy!
Putin is waiting for more Presidential Flexibility
If your thigh don't tingle, well, don't ask to mingle!
I* . . .am Soooooo . . .In Love With You . . .
"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." -Think about it! 
Merry Holidays

President Obama does not explain; he teaches; he evolves. 

Obama-Kalpa will tell you what is the issue:

Read Joe Biden's lips - Gay Marriage is a BFD and Romney is a Mormon and he is very comfortable with that . . . you the Red Chinese abortions and that gay thing, not Mormons. 

It's Gay Marriage Stupid and You ARE a Fat Bully Racist if you think President Obama needs to explain why carpenters, cement workers and back-hoe operators have not had work since Howie Do It (NBC) and Homeland Security USA ( ABC) were cancelled.

Here is all you need to know -

Catholics War on Women
Breeders are Fat and killing our planet
Gay Marriage Needs more Evolutionary Teaching
99% of you are Obama's Peeps - but that number is subject to change
The Economy was the worst since Pepsident and Ipana were big selling toothpastes
The Congress and Supreme Courts need to Go.
Don't Ask who plays for the Chicago White Sox

Ask yourselves, pearl onion, olive, or a twist?

Monday, May 07, 2012

France - A Preview of Obama Deuxième

The new president is expected to be sworn in on May 15. Hollande will travel to Berlin shortly thereafter to challengeGermany's focus on austerity policies and press new ideas for stimulating growth as fears about the euro zone's debt crisis resurface following an inconclusive election in Greece.  - Reuters 4:36 a.m. CDTMay 7, 2012

From May 15th, when Frankie Hollande is sworn in as Frog One, until you punch a hole in the ballot for President on November 6th, France will show you exactly what an Obama Second Term will look like.

Here is just a taste -  "In every capital, beyond the heads of state and government, there are people who have found hope thanks to us, who are looking to us and want to put an end to austerity." 

Put on them eatin' pants! We are investin' up a storm!  No, those are my words translated from the Foucaultian French. Monsewer Hollande's economic adviser cautioned exuberant cafe sitters, students and brooding intellectuals that the new team was not coming in to power to 'hand out money' (Reuters). 

Not just yet, anyway.  The new leftist government will be required to go to Berlin and guilt the Germans into a bailout Everyone! Frankie Hollande won by trashing not only the flamboyant Sarkozy, but also Frau Merkel.  Frankie Hollande, Mr. Normal, was less than courtois  with regard to Frau Merkel. Not only that the conservative party that undermined the moderate Sarkozy led by The Front National (FN) of Mme. Le Pen was tagged as  ensacheuses de thé mob of 'designer fascists' racists, anti-Woman Catholics, and country bumpkins.

Francois Hollande's government is secularist, abortion friendly, illegal immigrant happy, and tax daffy.  President Obama finally has a kindred spirit on the World Stage - for a couple of months any, as French Governments go quicker than a mooch's memory.

Like the Obama Hollywood Regime, the Socialists in France gut-stab their enemies from behind.  Then try to make it seem to be a high-minded activity.  Here in Chicago, in the coming two weeks we will get a look at French Socialism. President Francios Hollande will come to Chicago on May 20th along with the anachists, faux-labor activists, goofs, and tire fire addicts joining local fruit-cake Andy Thayer's March.

French just blew off there toes electing a government as stupidly backward as old Leon Blum's.  I am reminded of the 1936 Leon Blum victory from William Schirer's  Collapse of the Third Republic.    Blum was an MSNBC dream.  He increased wages, cut work hours, gave everyone a two week paid vacation, increased public service union membership from 1 million to 5 million members and France welcomed Hitler to Paris four years later

France now is a preview of an Obama Second Term.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Planned Parenthood Wants Chen Guangcheng in China - No Abortion Dissent Here As Well

(AP) BEIJING - The blind Chinese activist at the center of a six-day diplomatic tussle between the U.S. and China said he fears for his family's lives and wants to leave China, hours after American officials announced an agreement with Beijing that was to guarantee his safety. . . Hours later, however, a shaken Chen told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his hospital room that U.S. officials told him the Chinese authorities would have sent his family back to his home province if he remained inside the embassy. He added that, at one point, the U.S. officials told him his wife would have been beaten to death.

"I think we'd like to rest in a place outside of China," Chen said, appealing again for help from U.S. officials. "Help my family and me leave safely."

Larger Issues before the President with regard to Red China, Mr. Chen, can't you see that?

Planned Parenthood's President and his State Department are not going to do tricks for Chen Guangcheng.

Almost immediately after the AP reported that Hilary Clinton had moved heaven and earth to nail down "concessions" for the anti-abortion hero and his family, it was learned that the "concessions" were all on Chen. He could do as ordered or his wife and kids would be beaten to death by the Woman's Health Advocates of Red China. He conceded to leave the sanctuary of the US Embassy.

Planned Parenthood's first and God willing only Chief Executive will not do a thing to help an abortion dissident.  Wrong Dissidence there Chen.  Now, if you had pooped on a Chicago Squad Car, aided Hamas to get more rockets, busted Starbuck windows, or helped abort a child, everything would be just jake.

Team Obama SEIU
You see not only does President Obama owe Red China $ .40 on every Yankee Dollar, but he also owes  Cecile Richards and Dowagers of Planned Parenthood. Barack Obama is in the White House due to the massive support, financial and moral, of Planned Parenthood and its symbiotic relationship with Andy Stern and Anna Burger's SEIU - old China hands.
SEIU Mandarin Anna Burger and the Progressive Red Abortion Dude

SEIU's Mandarins, Andy Stern and Anna Burger spent a great deal of time in Red China prior to the 2008 Campaign. Not only that Planned Parenthood Dowager  Cecile Richard happens to be married to a former SEIU Mandarin Kirk Adams.

Fighting for an abortion opponent is no where on either organization's 'to-do' list.

China has a One Child Mandate, that VP Joe Biden fully appreciates, because he and President Obama appreciate the power of Planned Parenthood, SEIU and NOW here in American.  Planned Parenthood is fighting to make America as Progressive as Red China through government mandated slaughter - just like China.  Chen fought the law and the law won.

He is not alone.  When the AP crowed that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton nailed concessions, another woman reported that everything was not exactly Peking Duck Soup.

This woman is a beautiful, courageous and endagered young hero.  She is now off the grid. Her name is He Peirong.

Jill Stanek, and American woman of equal conviction and beauty, reported on the consequences of Clinton's concessions. Occupy a moment with a story of genuine courage and conviction:

He Peirong is a petite woman with a spine of steel. I know her because she spearheaded the movement to free Chen Guangcheng inside China, while I have played a similar role in the U.S. and Europe. That’s where the similarity ends. I have advocated for Chen in complete safety. Peirong, however, has been beaten and detained repeatedly for this extremely dangerous undertaking. Now, she is detained again, for rescuing Chen.

How did Chen escape? The Chinese Communist Party clamped down on him as hard as it could. His house was surrounded by 66 guards working in three shifts – 22 guards every eight hours. His village was sealed off by yet more guards. His phone, computer and television were confiscated. He was completely shut off from the outside world. Plus he was sick and injured from all the beatings.

According to Peirong, Chen spent months on his back, pretending to be near death, so that his guards would relax their vigilance. Then on April 22, with exquisite timing, he scaled a wall and ran for his life, taking several wrong turns and falling into a river because of his blindness. Peirong drove 20 hours to meet Chen and fooled the village guards into letting her in. She disguised herself as a courier. Then she drove Chen another eight hours – still wet from his fall in the river – to safety in Beijing. Their plan was so masterfully executed that the authorities did not realize Chen was gone for four days.

Once authorities discovered that Chen was missing, the reprisals began. The Chinese Communist Party violently detained Chen’s older brother and nephew, and his wife, children and mother are at risk as well.

As news of Chen’s escape was breaking, I skyped with Peirong on and off all Thursday night from Dublin, where I had testified about Chen at the Irish Parliament. Peirong was alone and worried – about Chen and his family, and about her own safety. Peirong knew that the price of securing Chen’s freedom might be her own.
At about 5:00 a.m. Dublin time, I skyped Peirong one last time and she did not answer. She had been detained, and no one has heard from her since. We don’t know if Peirong is being tortured or whether her detention will last days, months or years.

In pressing for Chen’s freedom, let us also press for the freedom of his rescuer, He Peirong, a hero in her own right. She stood up for Chen during his time of greatest need. The least we can do is stand by her as she pays a terrible price for her courage.

These heroic people risk their lives for the unborn against a Progressive tyranny.

We are blessed. All we need to do is vote in November. You can decide to make America as Progressive as Red China, or you can do the right thing.  Make damn sure that you do.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Planned Parenthood & NOW Will Not Allow Obama to Speak for Chen

Chen Guangcheng with his wife and baby.

A blind man sees more than an election.  A blind man sees more than polls and PAC dollars, Hollywood bundlers, and the New York Times.  A blind man sees Life.

A blind man will dangle in China because there is absolutely no way the Dowagers who operate America's abortion mills and buy politicians like Louis Vutton accessories are going to allow their White House to do anything to help the blind Chinese hero who sought sanctuary in the U.S. Embassy after fighting Planned Parenthood's model government in Red China.

This man is destined to be collateral damage in the Progressive War on Life.  President Obama chose sides years ago right here in Illinois, which is not yet as Progressive as Red China.

President Obama is Planned Parenthood's investment in government.  They paid cash money money to help bring this compliant and wildly ambitious man into the White House.  Get ready for every excuse short of Kathleen Sebelius is busy.

Chen Guangcheng will dangle.

Chen Guangcheng is a heroic man:

A blind, self-educated lawyer who brought down the wrath of Chinese security agencies by campaigning against forced abortions and sterilizations, he spent four years in prison and additional time under house arrest. That ended when he managed to escape under cover of darkness and, with help from confederates, made his way to Beijing, more than 300 miles away. He then reportedly went to theU.S. Embassy and was granted shelter. . . .Most gruesome is family planning agencies' practice of dragging pregnant women out of their homes to have their fetuses destroyed, as part of the government's long-standing one-child policy. Forced abortions have occurred as late as nine months into a pregnancy.

The victims may also have IUDs inserted without their consent to prevent future pregnancies. The advocacy group All Girls Allowed says these atrocities help explain why China is the only nation on Earth where women are more likely to commit suicide than are men.

Chen's crime was to publicize this savagery by filing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of women subjected to it. He was jailed for more than four years for "disturbing public order" and upon his release, he and his family were placed under strict house arrest, deprived of visitors.

Given this record, it would be unconscionable for President Barack Obama to agree to surrender Chen to the Chinese without ironclad guarantees of his (and his family's) freedom and safety — assurances that the Chinese would be loath to give. Chen, for his part, is said to prefer to stay in China.,0,4569020.story

He'll stay to be sure.

Hilary Clinton and Tim Geitner are in Red China to ask for more loans in order to "invest" here at home.  The Obama White House owes Planned Parenthood and takes loans from the Progressive Red Chinese.

President Obama can order the Navy Seals to take out Bin Laden, but he will dance to Planned Parenthood's symphony of slaughter.

President Obama is a celebrity, but no hero.

Mr. Chen Guangcheng has more balls than a bowling alley; President Obama can't bowl.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Somnia a Delectamentum Canis: Liber per Praeses Baracum H. Obama

My Dad brought home a fifty pound sack of condensed milk from work  . . . he said he found it in a big room full of other neat things that the State bought and left just sitting there . . .waste not; pay not. And so shortly after the snow blizzard of 1967, Dad determined we would eschew the Hamilton Dairy for instant moo-juice.  The stuff had the consistency of Spackle and the color of putty when mixed in a pitcher of ice cold water and with a spoonful of Nestle's Quick it would gag a maggot.

I am certainly not up to the snappy yarns Barack Obama dictated prior to his leap over the Illinois political gradus in the 1990's.  No sir.  Never did have a plateful of pup.

With Lolo [Soetoro], I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

Dreams From My Father - Bark . . . Barack Obama

Dog Latin

Canis lupus familiaris. That’s dog
in Latin, he’d brag. Too bloody familiar,
she always threw back, resenting his mongrels
who mocked her in their dog thoughts, she suspected,
trailing her as she stomped around finding fault.
They see you as head bitch my darling, he sneered.
Well, someone appreciates me, she’d mutter,
softening for a moment. Then at it again:
When we married I married your bloody dogs.
The barking stopped for weeks after a black fog
stole her spirit, puzzled them into silence.
I have never got anything I wanted
in my life, she cried then. He sniggered. They sighed.
After a month she lifted up her head, smiled:
Well, it should be canis lupus vulgaris.
Tails began to wag. Tongues lolled. Dog breath wafted.

Padraig O'Morain

Great photo H/T - Creative Minority Report

Ted's as Okay as Jesse - Secret Service Says.

Ted Nugent got a clean bill of health and welfare from the agents of United States Secret Service. Thought he would.
The St. Viator Class of 1967 Alumnus, better known as the Detroit City Mad Man, Bow Hunter, Activist, Guitar Hero, and guy who cares not for President Obama came under the eye of the Secret Service following remarks that he made at the NRA convention last week. Ted said, that he would "dead or in jail" were President Obama to manage to squeak out a win this coming November 6, 2012.

In 2008, while under the watchful eye of the U.S. Secret Service, during the waning days of the GW Bush Administration, Presidential Candidate Obama was verbally threatened with castration at the hands of Rev. Jesse Jackson.
O Tempora, O Mores! - The Times and What We Call a Crime

Some people's words matter under the Obama Regime. Catholics, Mormons, religious Jews and bunches of Christians are suspect, because the Obama regime has attacked Religious Liberty. The HHS Mandate is only the most recent assault. Last May Well, Ted's not a threat. Thanks be to God; evidently neither is Rev. Jesse Jackson.

President Obama's NLRB stripped St. Xavier University of its Catholic identity, in order to make sure that SEIU received its 2008 payback and insure its robust, loud and monied support this 2012. St. Xavier University sits in a heavily Catholic and once traditionally Democratic blue collar neighborhood filled with cops, foremen, nurses, skilled tradesmen, and professionals.

Many Catholics, including your humble servant, worry that the Obama Regime's secular agenda will cause people to choose between their religious liberty and some time in the joint. I might be, what's the word 'nuts'?, but so do some very educated, sophisticated and thoughtful people like Cardinal George and all of the Catholic Bishops of America.

Ted Nugent spoke his mind and was visited by the Men in Black.

Jesse Jackson's mouth is as perpetually in motion as a Duck's Rump and he went on another tax-payer freebie to chat up NATO and chow down on rows of eats, foreign and domestic, with Illinois's Planned Parenthood-owned and operated Governor Pat Quinn.

Facta Non Verba - Deeds not words.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Don't Get It - The Hooker Stiffers Want to Journey to the Center of Ted's Obama-Mind? Yet, Jesse Jackson Threatened to Geld the Chap

Tim McCarthy IS the U.S. Secret Service. The Hooker Stiffers and Ted Nugent Inquisition another thing entirely.

The Father of the Hot Mic - Rev. Jesse Jackson has been eclipsed by the younger, more vigorous and elocutionally challenged Rev. Crown Heights Al Sharpton.

Old Hot Mic Jackson is an adept mentor to VP Joe (BFD) Biden and President Bark . . .Barack ("Be Patient Vlad") Obama.

Ted Nugent is a guitar-hero whose hot-licks has been lost on chicks for decades. The guy can pull some strings - guitar and power-bow. Ted Nugent, like the great Hank Williams, Jr., is on the Fightin'Side of Rachel Maddow and the lisping lightweights on MSNBC. Ted's Ok.

He was not Hot Mic'd but spoke, maybe a bit too strongly, about his low regard for the President and opined that were the President to somehow eke out a re-turn gig as Chief Executive, Ted might be imprisoned, or even dead. Millions of Catholics also worry about going to the Joint for the Faith. Death? Quid nunc?"

Nevertheless the Secret Service has been sic'd on Ted Nugent. The St. Viator Alum and Amboy Dukes frontman on Journey to the Center of Your Mind gets the hot lights by the I Forgot My Wallet guys.

I personally know a score of Secret Service agents and hold them in the highest regard, One, Tim McCarthy*, sacrficed himself in the line of duty and is one of only four agents to do so while guarding the President.

Tim McCarthy and most agents go above and beyond the call of duty. The current handful in the news are a disgrace. Going to a hooker, let alone stiffing one?

The Secret Service are now grilling Ted Nugent, but they gave Rev. Jesse Jackson a pass?

He actually threatened, then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama with castration over a hot microphone.

WASHINGTON - In a vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said he wanted to "cut his [Barack Obama's] nuts out" and he accused the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks" by giving moral lectures to African-Americans, source said Jackson's shocking quotes were picked up by a hot mic before an interview on health care in Fox's Chicago studio last Sunday

No Ted Nugent, Jesse be. Diferent Strokes for Different Folks!

I get it. We all do . . .good and hard.

Read more:

McCarthy was raised in the Ashburn neighborhood of Chicago. He graduated from St. Denis Grammar School and Leo Catholic High School and then attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and was a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He graduated in 1971 with a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and joined the United States Secret Service shortly thereafter

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What’s a Shiatsu?


Turning to the News- This just in! Obama Eats Dog

“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

You are what you eat!

In the words of his 2009 Hit of the same name -

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
If Just live -not in a fog
Sit right down and have some dog!

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mitt Romney's Dog was on a Roof
My horse just died now have some Hoof!

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama

The hits keep happenin'!

HT - Pundit &

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Planned Parenthood's 40 Days of Prayer to Baal - Get A Load of This Mountain of BS - Baby Slaughter.

"They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind." (Jer. 19:5.)

I'd rather get tossed buck-ass nekid and covered in mouse musk into a deep pit packed with pythons, adders and boas, than sit in a hotel lobby with some forty something dowager decked-out in Anne Taylors going on about the importance, dignity, operation, hygiene, and fascination of her vagina.

Good people can and should disagree. I am very uncomfortable listening about , much less discussing, a woman's . . .gizmos, much, much, much less what she does with, or to it.

This Dude's a Prude, I reckon.

It is my problem - the word is appropriate to biology class and biology class alone.

I am not interested, nor charmed by any communication of about, for, by or including a woman's plumbing. Vagina, is a lovely word. Abortion is a hideous word.

I honor, worship and revere women. . . even really affluent, schooled, opinionated, self-absorbed and fundamentally stupid women. Men, don't get me started on us. When it comes to stupid, we a tale a back seat to no living thing. Men and women, with whom I would very much avoid if at all possible, insist that Abortion is Prayer and prayer should be for abortion.

The same meatheads that insist upon dialoging about a woman's vagina, uterus, or, you know any hollow muscular organ located in the pelvic cavity of female mammals in which the fertilized egg implants and develops - that monologues, keeps patriarchs out of and needs to contraceive, have devloped a prayer ritual in honor of abortion, infanticide, eugenics, governmental support in blocking the birth of babies, and celebrating blank expressions, low voices and really bad fashion sensibilities, never disappoint.

If want want ludicrous, crave contrarian courtesy, honor hypocrisy, value vaginas ( I prefer the more patriarchal euphemisms myself)and love the buffet Planned Parenthood provides.

Here are just a few of the prayers ( to which Deity, other than Baal, who demanded the blood of children better than Beijing in Spring) for some NPR-doped folks from the pandering to pious Planned Parenthood and Goofs in Stiff Collars.

From Life
* “Day 1: Today we pray for women for whom pregnancy is not good news, that they know they have choices.” Kill the baby, or not - 50/50. Some choice, there Sophie.

*”Day 36 Today we pray for the families we’ve chosen, May they know the blessing of choice.” Who chooses a family other than a bust-out dead-beat cousin?
I choose the House of Windsor! Great salaries, health plans and breeders guides.

* “Day 38: Today we pray for a cloud of gentleness to surround every abortion facility. May everyone feel calm and loving.” Who wrote this Judy Collins? Yes, yes, yes a cloud of gentleness before Dr. Sweetbritches scalpels and sucks out the babies brains.

Get a load of the mugs on the Trouser Snake Family Singers, or whatever the hell that choir of Baal. Lovin' that vest, Dude. Kinda got that Latter Day Kenny Rogers thing going.

And one wonders how I am this way. I'll pray that these goofs wake up, but, to tell the truth I'd rather chat about vaginas and feminine health products with Terry Cosgrove. Better make that Cecile Richards of PP; Terry Cosgrove's no huge vagina fan, I am given to understand.

God Bless Life News!

These Billboards Tell It All - Life Begins With Conception and Abortion Ends Lives

Normally, I hate billboards. Billboards sell stuff we do not need, generally speaking - Kathy & Eric, Hennessy VSOP, Pay-day Loans, Hot Babes on Poles.

Yesterday, as is my wont and obligation, I got in the Malibu to go to Harte & Sons Printing in Oak Lawn, and Rescigno's in Hickory Hills, Illinois about issues with our Spring 21st Century Leo Mailing.

Both destinations require a trip on 87th Street West and I was delighted to see the three billboards above posted by folks who have tried to convince too many Americans that abortion is no more than murder for the sake of convenience. These billboards are not the intrusive or shocking representations of the horror that is abortion, but actual teaching exercises in the Facts of Life - Conception is Life. The photos are eye-grabbing and sweet and also instructive. I noticed these wonderful teaching aids between Morgan Street and Cicero Ave. on 87th Street.

I believe that they will do some good, but the just might be misplaced, as they seem to be preaching to the choirs. 87Th Street cuts through African American, Hispanic and white ethnic Catholic neighborhoods of breeders - families with lots of kids.

Perhaps these might better serve the cause of Life by being posted in more affluent neighborhoods, or in close proximity to college campuses.

Blacks, Mexicans and white ethnic Catholics tend to welcome children. I know my block is loaded with little guys and so are all of the blocks several miles from 108th Street.

Who demands abortion? People inconvenienced by a Life.

Sadly, college age girls away from their parents for the first times in their lives -The majority -- 56 percent -- of women who terminate their pregnancies are in their twenties. Teenagers between 15 and 19 make up 19 percent of abortions, although this percentage has dropped substantially in recent years. ( Guttmacher Institute* no less).

Academics tend to be all for abortion, sadly, and young people are encouraged to believe that a conceived person is mere tissue.

I hope that more such billboards find great signage opportunities on all the roads leading to and from America's colleges and universities, as it just might be the only lesson our kids might learn that life is precious and begins with an act of love.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Leo Man Dick Walsh, founder and President of Americans for Life, came up with the trump to make this all possible.

*Abortion Stats

Age of Mother Percentage
Less than 15 0.4%
15-19 17%
20-24 32.6%
25-29 24.1%
30-34 14.2%
35-39 8.9%
40+ 3.2%
Marital Status
Married 17%
Separate/Divorced/Widowed 15.6%
Never Married 72%
Race of Mother
White 36%
Black 30%
Hispanic 25%
Other Races 9%
Religion of Mother
Protestant 37%
Catholic 28%
Other 35%
Prior Pregnancies
Previous Abortion and Birth 36%
None 27%
Previous Birth 25%
Previous Abortion 12%

Source: Guttmacher Institute, 2011, August. Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States.

Monday, April 09, 2012

On Religious Liberty - Straight Talk from an American Leader. No, it is not President Obama.

Timothy Cardinal Dolan - An American Leader

NBC's David Gregory

After Easter Mass, I caught Archbishop Designate Lori of Baltimore on Meet the Press.

NBC jumped the smelt years ago, I know, but watching it for thoughtful news and commentary is like going to a strip club to pray for chastity and pure thoughts. . . which I have done in my salad says, God forgive me.

David Gregory is an especially adept pole dancer, greased with unctions of group thought. He also reminds me of Whitey Whitney, one of Beaver Cleaver's pals from the old Leave it to Beaver show. Whitey always seemed to have fifty-three teeth in his yaper; likewise, David Gregory.

Yesterday, Whitey Gregory interrupted Archbishop Designate William Lori, when the Baltimore prelate argued that Obama's HHS Mandate is but one in series of attempts to restrict religious liberty.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan presented the facts and the context with simple human clarity.

Over at the equally gamed-up CBS Cardinal Dolan held the aging hack at bay.

“Read more:

In ink, it is still very straight talk from a leader.

Dolan explained to “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer that, although he is concerned about getting “too involved in politics,” the reason he is at odds with President Barack Obama’s White House isn’t his own doing.

“I do worry about that, Bob,” Dolan said. “And this is a good place for me to remind everybody, we didn’t ask for this fight. I don’t enjoy it at all. I wish I was out here on ‘Face the Nation’ answering other questions and you probably do too. We didn’t ask for the fight, but we are not going to back away from it. . . . What I say is this — yeah, I don’t think religion should be too involved in politics,” Dolan continued. “But I also don’t think the government and politics should be overly involved in the Church, and that is our problem here. You’ve got a dramatic, radical intrusion of a government bureaucracy into the internal life of the Church. That bothers me. So, hear me say, hey I would like to back away from this. I’ve got other things to worry about and bigger fish to fry than this. Our problem is the government is intruding into the life of faith and into the Church that they shouldn’t be doing. That is our read on this.”

Now, that, boys and girls, is soaring rhetoric, I believe in.

Whitey, Gilbert and Larry Mondello, ( NBC, CBS, CNN) have Beav's back always. President Barack Obama is the Beaver.

Whitey Whitney:

He’s a diminutive slip of a boy with a high nasal voice and hair that just might have turned blond-white from nervousness. . . .Whitey can be a pretty crafty conniver, and he will always be remembered as the wise guy who got Beaver to climb up onto the soup billboard.