Showing posts with label MSNBC The Tool Shed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSNBC The Tool Shed. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

MSNBC Puppet Roger "Jowls" Simon Asks About President Obama's "Guts?" Is Rupert Murdoch Hiring?

"Sometimes it is not enough to have just your heart and your head in the right place. You have to have your guts there, too." Roger "Jowls" Simon August 18, 2009 -" Please, let it be him! . . .Rupert??! Thanks for taking my . . .Rupert? . . .Bill? Shep? Hello? Dang."

Roger Simon was a lightweight newspaper guy in Chicago about the same time that Dave Axelrod was a lightweight newspaper guy in Chicago. Roger Simon's old column art posed him to be an earnest clean-cut black crew-neck sweater with a white shirt and both collars pointing to the tips of his desert boots wearing kind of guy. The kind of guy that got the absolute crap beat out of him at Pete's Guiding Light Tap at 63rd & Pulaski. This I know because, I got the absolute crap knocked out me at Pete's Guiding Light Tap for wearing a blue crew neck sweater while tending bar for Pete Marin and that got Hawaiian Dave mad - " You Crazy! Hot Sweater'smakemesosickIKeeelyou!"

Now Roger Simon is given to Hart Marx Suits and has more chins than a Chinese Phone book.

Roger Simon is a proud member of MSNBC Big Top of Clowns that have managed to sink a cable network and pop more light-bulbs for GE than a homer hitting the scoreboard at Wrigley Field by Bob Redford!

Roger pops up on his hind legs and gives assent to whatever magic Matthews, Olberbloat or Maddow toss up to Joan Walsh, Gene Robinson, and Jowly Roger. Today, Roger has written a real snapping piece of Dog Yummy Treatsure to 'Wow the Gang' at some other network cable operation, before the Simonizing begins at MSNBC.

In this Politico piece Jowly Roger questions President Obama's tripes. Not good, Son! Why Roger, only last year you were Relentless in your Praise of then Candidate Barack Obama and since then an ardent acolyte! Why lookee here!

Could be that as the President's popularity cork-screws, MSNBC's cash cow no longer milks - "Time For ME To Fly!!!!"

Click me post title for Roger Simon's search for new employment on some other Cable News outlet.

Let's Play Hardball! Countdown! Big Ed's a Coming, Roger and he's bringing Butch Maddow!

Read more:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Watch MSNBC Flannelmouth O'Donnell Get His Come-up-ance - Not That He Understands What That Means

You Got That Right, O'Donnell!
Lawrence O'Donnell is filling in for Chris "Milky" Matthews, another Mick Loud Mouth, on MSNBC's Hard Ball.

MSNBC is what I have on when doing the laundry for House Hickey. It is white noise that goes positively Albino when Matthews is on - now, I have see-thru Irish skin,but my God Matthews looks like one of those scary dudes in the Matrix movies or the poor kid Milky in Me, Myself,& Irene.

Matthews usually has on a cavalcade of Irish-American cartoon characters that anyone who attended a parish grammar school in America can recognize - Joan Walsh and Lawrence O'Brien the sure fire Rat-out Everyone else in Class Ass-Kissers and phonies who were sure to let SISTER know that 'Everyone else in Room 304 was talking and not acting as the Blessed Virgin would expect of Catholic children.'

Joan Walsh is afflicted with a perpetual slow-head-shake employed when an opposing point of view's representative is speaking,in order to visually poison the well of dispute for MSNBC.

O'Donnell is the Loud-Mouth Faux Tough Guy Son of the On-the-Pad Police Captain Who Will 'Have Your Old Man Pinched When He Comes Out of B&H Liquors' and only hits a guy when three of his toadies are holding his arms. He is the type of guy who wears his high school Letterman's jacket for the balance of his life though he never played a down of football or got his Chuck Taylor's dirty.

MSNBC has managed to coral every jerk-stereotype from every Catholic grammar school in America into its Democratic Progressive Irish Cartoon Panel. If you remember a creep from St. Malachy's, St. Gabe's, Little Flower, St. Brendan's or St. Columbanus, watch MSNBC and you catch that creep shouting or doing the weepy phoney act.

MSNBC is a propaganda mill. No News is Their News. MSNBC sports Tamron Hall who could not find a Chinaman on 22nd Street while reading news copy at Fox in Chicago; David 'Shay It Don't Shpray It - Fountainmouth' Schuester, a nebbish of the 1st Order; Fatboy Keith Olbermann -nuff said on that nut-job; Butch Maddow, the GLBT show dog of MSNBC and Herman Goring Wannabe Ed Schultz. A Ship of Fools. Volume does not mean quality. Birthers, Palin-Is-Satan, You are a Racist and We Are Not, You Are a Redneck and We Are Not is the full battery of MSNBC opinion slingers.

Lawrence O'Donnell had the sound tech pin back the arms of dispute with a Texas Congressman over the Health Care Debate - which MSNBC is working overtime to help derail. Real Clear Politics offered a video of the shout-down by O'Donnell, which really is Milky's shtick, of Rep. Cullbertson (R,TX) who manages to wedge in this shot on flannel-mouth O'Donnell:

Rep. John Culberson (R-TX): "You know, Lawrence, for your listeners, you're illustrating why MSNBC's viewership is in the tank because you don't allow your people you're interviewing to answer questions. And, you know Lawrence, this is why Katie and everybody else is going to Facebook, everyone's going to the Internet because why listen to MSNBC when you won't even let the people you're interviewing answer the question?"

Click my post title for the full treatment.
Anyone -Democrat, Republican, or any thinking bi-ped who goes on MSNBC should have his/her head examined. It was the first time that I have witnessed am abused guest on that idiotic channel punch back at a bullying creep - neither O'Donnell, nor Matthews would have graduated from high school with a full set of buckers on the south side of Chicago. Creeps of all faiths, races and political persuassions ( though most are Real Democrats) would have been treated to a sound, thorough and wholesome ass-kicking -for starters.

Huge thanks to Tom Bevan's Real Clear Politics for the Head's Up!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Birthers? Don't Know One. Now, Divorcers? Palin-aphobia Distraction.

Keith Olbermann is bathtubbing, or some such marination. Butch Maddow is tanking. Big Ed Schultz is looking more Hermann Goringesque each episode. Milky Chris Matthews just back from a fudge finding tour of Africa is paler than the foam on the White House Lawn.The pencil neck Limey,as well as Mel Brooks impersonator Howard Dean, is filling in for Olbermann on Countdown. MSNBC is the Toolshed yet, but has been at the tip of the "Birther" Spear.

"Birther's" are folks who continue to ask for President Obama's Birth Certificate. They are out there somewhere, but I have yet to meet one. I run into many,many people in my job as a fund raiser for an inner city Catholic high school for African American young men - Leo High School! I am in the Loop three to five days a week. I meet the entire canvass of the American landscape (CEO's, middle managers, cops, fire fighters, City Hall operatives, journalists, tradesmen, nurses, clergy of all denominations, men, women and little kids. No Birthers.

The Birthers MSNBC and the Astro-turf Roots Boiled Beets Progressives are shouting out warnings about the Birthers!!!!! Dang. Where are they?

Yesterday, I met three new configurations of the Conspiracy Folks - The Divorcers, two women and one man, while I ambled about Beverly Park during the Play for Maeve event. Upon seeing my harmlees, but ruggedly handsome and contemplative self, they swarmed a-buzzing! All three worked mightily against George W, Bush and all he stands for, Racism, War and the heart-break of Psoriasis. The two women were especially strident "Mr. McCain-loser (me) . . .looks like your Eskimo-pie VP is not so Family now?"

"Ladies, you have me at a disadvantage. What news, pray tell, is the germ of your question?," I asked after Doffing my green Pat Mac's Pack ( Paddy McNamara is my cousin's little boy who suffers from returning brain tumors) baseball cap - I always wear a hat so I can tip it to a Lady!

"Palin the Quitter is quiting Todd!"

" Honor Bright, Skirts?"

" It's in Alaska Report if you can read, or do you get all your news from FOX?"

" Why, yes, I read some and no some of my best news sources are delicate flowers of the 19th Ward like yourselves. I shall avail myself of this broadsheet post haste."

The Progressive gentleman agreed and seethed -and on such a nice day.

Returning to my Yeoman's cottage some few blocks from Beverly Park, and after making a sandwich of heroic proportions as I did not get to sate myself on hot-dogs at the event, I searched and found this -

A National Enquirer story exposing previous affairs on both sides led to a deterioration of their marriage and the stress from that led to Palin's resignation as governor of Alaska last week.

The Palins were noticeably not speaking to each other for most of last Sunday's resignation speech in Fairbanks. Sarah ditched Todd (MSNBC) right after the speech and left without him. Sarah removed her wedding ring a couple of weeks ago.

Sarah has recently purchased land in Montana and is considering moving the family there. Sarah Palin is originally from Idaho.

What Ho! Them 'Hoes have hit the mother load! The National Enquirer no less!

The sinking Progressive barge is baling ballast!

It turns out that Palin and Todd are not, in fact, considering divorce. Given the Health Reform Clown Opera, with Nutmeg Jan Schakowsky piping melancholy mad for Government Medicine, the Flat Beer Summit, Double Digit Unemployment, Clunkers, and the expanding War in Afghanistan -the graveyard of Empires - I expect that some misdirection plays are afoot. Thus, the woman most feared by Second Wave Feminists, Salonistas, Academic Fakirs, and Boiled Beets Progressives is Target One.

The Divorcers will dominate the Cable as well as the chimera of the Birthers! Glory Be!

They are throwing spit-balls at a battleship. Palin will be fine.

Birthers -meet the Divorcers - now have fun and don't soil yourselves too much.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Culture Clash Writ Large - The Academic and the Cop

"I mean, if I was trying to jigger into -- well, I guess this is my house now, so -- it probably wouldn't happen.

"But let's say my old house in Chicago -- here I'd get shot."
President Barack Obama June 22, 2009

President Obama is getting cover for his Stupid Cop remarks from MSNBC, which is going flat-out with faux news tinsel about 'Birth-ers' - the new 'Truthers,' or 'Swiftboaters' supposedly worried that President Obama was born in Kenya. Really? The only place in this vast city of Chicago that I have heard about 'birth-ers' is on my 17" Panavision TV set in the basement - when somehow channel 52 MSNBC on WOW cable trips on and Milky Matthews, Big Ed or Fountain Mouth Schuester, sitting in for Fat Boy Olbermann get a howling.

The balance of the howling deals with Dick Cheney, or Sarah Palin. What's up with that? Cover, Sweetheart. The President is tanking.

The Big Story is President Obama's stupid joke and subsequent smear of the Cambridge, MA Police and Sgt. Crowley in particular.

This incident of Wednesday Night's Presidential Press Conference tells more about the Obama Administration than if T.H. White had written the Making and UnMaking of a President 2008-2009. The President decided when asked by Sun Times White House correspondent Lynn Sweet (who this very morning dedicates her ink to kopping a plea that she had not tanked the question with the White House prior to the News Conference)to slap the helots, rubes and working stiffs by showing the cops his big stick and bully pulpit. Oh, It's On! The President jokingly implied that Chicago Cops would shoot him. Chicago cops are detailed at City of Chicago expense to watch out for his 'old house' in Hyde Park.

Chicago Cops have long been the target of people close to President Obama - lawyers suing Chicago over alleged police abuse, torture and mayhem; most newpaper columnists and TV news readers; editorial boards; academics and old timey 60's radicals in the 'Hood.

What President Obama displayed is the very nature of elitist meanness and small minded will to belittle the broad American middle class. This presentation marks the ground. The Academic and the Cop will be the metaphor in the days to come.

Sgt. Crowley represents the small-town rubes who cling to their guns and religion.

Skip Gates is a resident of the Universal Hyde Park. The folks with whom the President is at home.

Like Skip Gates, President Obama just might have locked himself out of our homes. He had a good night with a hundred or so well-heeled donors. Behind the doors of the American middle class homes millions of Sgt. Crowley-like Americans watched Mark Buehrle reach perfection by doing what American workers do so well - they're jobs.
Those jobs are vanishing, because President Obama's Academic pals, like Skip Gates, want the government to force its will upon all of us doing our jobs. That is the essence of Stimulus Packages and Government Run Health Care.

Americans believe that President Obama was elected to the Presidency on the level.

Americans are learning, rather quickly, that President Obama's plans for them are not on square.

Ask Sgt. Crowley; ask any cop.,w-obama-police-arrest-gates-07.article

Monday, July 13, 2009

GOP - Screw- Pooch Adviser Mike Murphy (MSNBC Shill) - If Palin's a Loser, Let Her Go!

As a bartender of many years, I listened to marinated mopes go through the stages of Drunkenness:

1. Witty and charming (part 1)
This is after one or two drinks. Mr. Booze is coursing the old brain pan and you are now Robert Wagner. Often Self- deprecating at the on-set to show what a sweet-natured but with it guy you are! "C Students Make the World Go-'Round!"

2. Rich and famous
By the third drink, " Hey, I can get You in to See Daley! No Kidding, I Know Cheeks Malone on the Mayor's Detail!"

3. Benevolent
Here's a twenty for your bar-maid, Pal. She's single Mom I hear too. It's only money.

4. Just one more and We'll eat Boys -On Me!
a stall tactic

5. Are We Men or Campfire Girls ? Fornicate Dinner ! A Round, Chief! Everyone,from the Street to the Shithouse!Just one more and then we'll eat!Honest!

6. Patriotic
The war stories Begin " Yeah, I was One A, but They Never Called me Up For 'Nam! I'da Gone Too!"

7. Warm up the Enola Gay !

" I'dA Gone To 'Nam But I Had a High Lottery Number
"We would have won in 'Nam, but..."

8. Invisible
You flip the finger to the Biggest Biker in the Bar - "No Dude! The Librarian Behind You!"

9. Witty and charming (part 2)
"You know, I Like a Girl with a Head on her like a Boulder in a Roy Rogers Movie"

10. Bulletproof
" Ged On Yer, Triscull, Na'cy boy . . . You go ta Carmuhl? . . .Hi' me agun 'n see what happens!"

GOP - Spin Doctors are Stage 10 on Palin!

GOP Political Operatives want Sarah Palin's pelt on the door before the Congresional Races of 2010 get started. Palin will be a huge influence. Murphy and Harp Harpy Noonan are Palin Drunk and Bullet Proof. Watch the Dipsos chase the pink elephants!

Chick Magnet and MSNBC lap-dog Mike Murphy is the loudest. The geek Mark McKinnon with the Miami Vice thing going on Butch Maddow's show is good too.

MSNBC cuts checks to people who will read their scripts.

Here's Mike Murphy:

"Professional operatives keep their eye on a broader horizon and understand, without independents and swing voters, she can't win," Murphy said. "She's a stone-cold loser in a general election. . . .Some blame sexism, though again there is sharp disagreement between Palin's supporters and detractors. Some think the former beauty queen has always been hurt by her looks, whereas others think her appearance has helped her considerably. "If Sarah Palin looked like Golda Meir, would we even be talking about her today?" Murphy asked."

Sarah Palin will draw Democrats and grass-roots Republicans and Independents to vote out Congress Bozos in 2010. Hell, folks like her! I like her. She's like the Moms on my block and like them could run government like Eamonn Coglan.

Mike Murphy and other over-paid GOP loser advisers are pooping themselves like a DQ Soft-Serve dispenser on an August Night in Gila Bend, Arizona - that's hot!

Girls, if Sarah Palin is such a loser, why all the fuss?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We Have a Problem! Burr Oak Cemetery and Someone Else's Troubles

Father Dan Mallette blesses the desecrated grounds at Burr Oak.

So I asked the undertaker what it took to make him laugh/when all he ever saw is people cryin'

first he hands me a bunch of flowers that he received on my behalf/he said, "Steve business just gets better all the time

Steve Goodman -Somebody Else's Troubles

Max Weismann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas is an architect and a philosopher.

He designs. Max Weismann thinks. He thinks because he reads and he reads what is great. Max wrote to me in response to the horrific desecration of the dead Americans at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, IL

"We are under Siege!Aside from the plethora of current inequities and iniquities being perpetrated on the citizens of this nation, we have now reached the nadir--Congress now passes massive bills of profound and long lasting consequences, without even reading them.

That said, we are ultimately at fault--whenever something is wrong in our communities, cities, states or country, it's because we let it get that way."

We are responsible. Max Weismann is using the 1st Person Plural in its archaic form. Thanks to Progressive PC obfuscation of the common language ( O, Let's Ban Midget!)The first person plural however now means You. Thanks to Victimhood and Identity Politics. Many thanks. Like the name of that old Hippie/Yuppie bar Fred Holstein's - Somebody Else's Trouble , people like to talk of the revolution that someone else fights and spreading the wealth that someone else pays for.

I grew up in a blue collar world where free lunch ends when Mom stops making it. If someone at the bar buys me a beer, I am duty bound to buy the next one. It all evens out, unless you happen to be the type of louse who stands around caging drinks and smile with your short arms and deeper pockets when the round comes to you. I don't do those things, because I have had my ass kicked repeatedly and with great gusto by my elders and betters. You don't get away with that too much around Western Avenue, though I have seen it done. I called such a person a louse, an insect who feeds on others; but, who's to say? One man's louse is another man's cause celebre.

The bane of my outlook in all things over the last four decades has been a dominance of earnest people who speak in hushed measured tones and affect a look of pained recognition but intolerant disgust with all other people. Joan Walsh a Progressive writer and editor of Salon and all too frequent guest on MSNBC ( the Tool Shed) comes to mind. Joan Walsh and folks like her have a mantra - 'Who's to Say?'

e.g. Michael Jackson was not only the greatest entertainer of all time, the 21st Century Dionysus who danced in a Golden Age; a John the Baptist who announced Barack Obama. Who's to say?

Me. I don't do group think and neither do most Americans. I voted for Barack Obama when he ran against Bobby Rush in my Congressional District - Obama lost. I like Barack Obama.

I worked for John McCain. John McCain lost, because he seemed to want to lose, after September 19th 2008 - the day the American Economy tanked. My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Aunts and my hundreds of cousins voted for Barack Obama.

Barack Obama is my President. I still feel that he was no where near ready to be President and that he will be the Jimmy Carter of the New Millennium - too bad. Nice guy.

I belong to the We - 99% of the Hickey/Winters/Brennan/Donahue/Cleary family voted to make Barack Obama Our President. Pronouns matter. Possessive Pronouns really matter. My guy lost, We won. That is America! Thanks be to God!

Who's to say? Me. I read and seem to understand history. I read and seem to understand poetry,drama, fiction and essays. I taught literature with some success for decades. I occasionally even get paid to write something, because I have something to say. Somethings I managed to learn on my own -from great books.
The rest I learned by getting the odd slap when needed, or from the silent treatment for being a jerk.

I work for and with black teenagers at Leo High School in Gresham neighborhood - in fact a black kid was shot over at 1400 W. 78th Place early this morning by a clown in dred-locks firing from the sun-roof of the car in which he was riding. Some mother has a kid at Advocate Hospital in Oak Lawn with his guts shot out and tubes in every orifice - my kids are asleep. This kid could be a Leo Man, I hope and pray not. The Kids at Leo High School are all black, but the guys helping pay their tuition are nearly all white guys.

Race relations issues are talked about by Joan Walsh-like head-shakers on WTTW who never drop a dime to help kids at Leo. Race Relations happen every day and race relations are pretty damn good. Leo High School is a safe place for Black Kids - they study, meet old white guys, play sports and succeed. Their folks pay heavy tuition bills and old white guys buck up plenty to ease their pain.

Gresham District Chicago Cops protect the kids once they are out of the school and help to see that they get home, without some clown throwing shots at them.

Sheriff Tom Dart unearthed the horrific desecration of My Neighbors at Burr Oak Cemetery. We have a problem. We are under siege, as Max Weismann wrote to me with heartbreakingly succinct clarity.

A Joan Walsh can write for Salon and shake her jowls with disgust at all of us, while making a case for Abortion about white on black systemic racism on MSNBC. Great.

The bones of a child are as precious to me as the bones of Emmett Till, Ezzard Charles, Dinah Washington and the hundreds of people who struggled and laughed and provided for their children and were back-hoe-ed by three morons at the bidding of some others.

We have a problem. Sheriff Tom Dart and all of us are now doing something about what was done. We need to start taking care of Someone Else's Troubles by calling out the dopes who continue to say 'Who's to Say?' We Do.

We need to Read what is Great and not just what is rammed down our throats, by Group Thinkers. We can read Dead White Men and still honor the thoughts of living women of color - honor bright; it can happen.

We need to say that killing Children is not a Woman's Reproductive Health Issue; murder is not the result of systemic racism, but an individual act selfish contempt for everyone else; suffering is not Some Else's Trouble; help is not always the result of more taxes.

Who's to say? Me. I don't need to be right; I just need to live like I might be correct.

Go to The Center for the Study of Great Ideas and get some Great Ideas from people who had them.

The CENTER has two primary missions:

One, to help awaken citizens from their moral and intellectual slumbers and to help them understand why philosophy is everybody's business: the possibility of finding sound and practical answers to questions about the good life and good society. And philosophy's ability to answer the most basic normative questions, WHAT OUGHT WE SEEK IN LIFE? And HOW OUGHT WE SEEK IT?

Two, to promulgate the insights and ideals embedded in Dr. Adler's lifelong intellectual work in the fields of Philosophy, Liberal Education, Ethics and Politics. To continue functioning as THE resource for, access to, and the on-going interpretation of his work.

Friday, June 12, 2009

It Takes a Philly Lady Lawyer to School the Left -On Abortion! Christine Flowers, Esq.

Milky Matthew and Olberbloat have somersaulted and minced the murder of Abortionist Dr. Tiller for the gals at Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood wants women to kill their kids, but Old Maggie Sanger said that it was a great way to clear the path of ugly, wrong-race, dumb, and bothersome human beings. It's a Progressive thing.

Planned Parenhood has even tweaked the English language - abortion is now 'women's health.'

Planned Parenthood and its satellite loud-mouths demand that abortion continue.

I have yet to meet a self-labeled Progressive who was not at core a to-the-bone self-absorbed jerk. Especially with regards to abortion. Most people find killing a child at any stage in human development to be abhorrent. One of the best people I know, Christine Flowers, a lawyer in Philadelphia who has championed the unborn for years, writes a column for Philadelphia Daily News that smacks back at the Progressive group think in her neck of the woods. Planned Prenhood can not get to this smart, tough and centered woman!

In all the goofiness surrounding Dr. Tiller's murder by a a guy with more than a few bricks shy of load, we occasionally get a sound and thoughtful voice. MSNBC is working OT on this one. Goofball, Chris 'Milky' Matthews went so far as to link Sarah Palin to Tiller's murder and then stretched it out to the 88 year old anti-Semite Von Braun.

Tip O'Neill tolerated Matthews? Can't see that.

Yet, Ms. Flowers cuts deeply into the body of 'the facts' tossed by Matthews and other Agenda shills. This is an especially poignant cut from Christine Flowers' very sharp analysis of the Tiller milling:

The manipulation began the minute the news came out of Kansas. First was the nomenclature - the conspicuous absence of the word "abortionist." Tiller was described as an "abortion provider" (when he wasn't being canonized as a martyr). When is the last time a dentist was described as a "root-canal provider?" Or a cosmetic surgeon described as a "breast-enhancement provider"? Or a shrink as a "peace of mind provider"?

Apparently, "abortionist" still conjures up unsavory images of back alleys and bloody hangers, so the powers that be decided to sanitize the whole issue and present Tiller as the Albert Schweitzer of the (another great euphemism) "reproductive-health" movement.

Which brings me to the next bit of manipulation. Ignoring the fact that Tiller made a more than healthy living plying his trade, women's-rights activists waxed poetic about his "heroic" work on behalf of the most vulnerable.

Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood want them 'most vulnerable' dead.

Here is Philadelphia lawyer an columnist Christine Flowers:

Click my post title for more from this honest and tough woman.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Former President 'W' ( pronounced 'Dubyah') - Flew Air Force One over New York!

When President Obama learned of the episode on Monday afternoon, aides said, he, too, was furious. Senior administration officials conveyed the president’s anger in a meeting with Mr. Caldera on Monday afternoon.
New York Times 4/28/2009

Mr. Caldera - "Ladies and Gentlemen, President Obama knew nothing of the fly-over that frightened thousands of New York residents as well as milions of Americans. The former President, who tortured sweet guys from the Mid-East and invaded Iraq without provocation was a member and a pilot of the Texas Air National Guard. Former President Bush is responsible for the current economic crisis, eats Tex-Mex, and regularly coughs without following the directives issued by the Secretary for Homeland Security, Janie Walnuts Napolitano, and lives in a State that has threatened secession. Also there had been a second set of keys to Air Force One, prior to The 100 Days! - MSNBC has done the math for all of us! Thank you!"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

America! before MSNBC and Its Obsession with Self-Loathing

Long before American Military would be pilloried on the nightly news, abused by the screeching of Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, David Schuester and Rachel Maddow; before Ward Churchill, Bill Ayers and SEIU became the templates for Community Service. Americans proudly jumped at the chance to valorize Patriotism.

America has had its head shoved downward to contemplate re-constituted American History by academics, politicians in the pockets of Advocacy Agendas, and compliant journalists.

Max Weismann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas founded, ironically enough at the University of Chicago, by America's greatest Thomas Aquinas scholar, Mortimer Adler, sent me this remarkable photo from World War One Era America.

The troops at Fort Dodge, Iowa created this remarkable photograph - without the aid of PhotoShop.


FACTS: Standing Tall for Liberty 1918 -Fort Dodge, Iowa

Base to Shoulder: 150 feet
Right Arm: 340 feet
Widest part of arm holding torch: 12 1/2 feet
Right thumb: 35 feet
Thickest part of body: 29 feet
Left hand length: 30 feet
Face: 60 feet
Nose: 21 feet
Longest spike of head piece: 70 feet
Torch and flame combined: 980 feet
Number of men in torch: 2,800
Number of men in right arm: 1,200
Number of men in body, head and balance of figure only: 2,000

Total men: 18,000

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Olbermann & Maddow Seek Joint Custody of Somali Pirate Waif - Our Own MSNBC Canute!

Abduhl Wali-i-Musi has captured the hearts of MSNBC and they will want you to know that -'It's Alright to Pour Out Your Heart to Abduhl Wali-i-Musi !'

Two Single - UnMarried ( He Can't Get a Date and She Can't Get a License-for Now!) -MSNBC Anchors Rachel Maddow and Tubby Olbermann have opened their hearts to the Kid from the Horn! The Kid with the Heart to Know that Seals Were About to Light Up His Life! Abduhl Wali-i-Musi our Own American Canute ( you know the! . . .The Squarehead Polar Bear Cub) who will Steal our Hearts after Stealing our Ship!'

Show the Love! Laughter is harder... Discover where the emotion is...the friendship is...and the laughter is...Abduhl Wali-i-Musi is here to stay and get richer than Johnny Depp! . . .And He Will!!!!! The Pirate Who Will Scuttle Your Heart -Abduhl-Wali-i-Musi - A Smile That Can Light Up a Room -Dropped the AK-47 to Light Up Sailors!

Friendship is stronger... Trust is deeper... When it comes from the heart. Abduhl Wali-i-Musi MSNBC's Heart is Yours! CNN wanted it but they keep tripping over their own wee-wees as we say here.

This story has got Oscars written all over it!!! Boffo!

Rosie O'Donnell IS Keith Olbermann!

Sean Penn is Rachel Maddow - Together on the Big Screen and DVD's Pirated in Asia

How about Alec Baldwin as Little Abduhl Wali-i-Musi and Susan Sarandon as His Ma? Bill Maher the Narration!

Kids! Get Dad's Story Board and a Twelve Pack of Leinie!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tingle Thigh -Milky Matthews @Chicago Theatre? And Morons Pay Money to See This Twerp?

I thought booking Celebrity Bigot Bill Maher and Ann 'Bones' Coulter was idiotic! This is the most laughable - Chris 'Milky' Matthews the flannel mouth life-long butt-kissing Harp with about as much talent as am albino, bulemic Rosie O'Donnell, is joined Arianna Huffington the Greek serial dater, Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala. Now, that is line-up of excitement unmatched since Puffed Rice hit the shelves.

There are morons who will shell out dough to witness this abortion.

Speaker Series: Chris Matthews + Tucker Carlson, Arianna Huffington, Paul Begala

Despite clearly being a Democrat—he was once a speechwriter for President Carter and ran for Congress on the party ticket—Chris Matthews has built a reputation on Hardball With Chris Matthews as tough but fair. That should position him nicely as the interviewer for this month’s iteration of the Chicago Theatre’s Speaker Series 2009, where he’ll be conversing pointedly with pundit and bowtie enthusiast Tucker Carlson, left-leaning writer and commentator Arianna Huffington, and former Bill Clinton advisor Paul Begala. Don’t expect any lobbing of softballs or mercy shown for his guests—perhaps the best evidence of Matthews’ lack of bias is that both sides accuse him of it: Republicans complain that he expresses a liberal viewpoint and Democrats complain that he books mostly conservative guests.
Chicago Theatre Chicago Theatre175 N State St Chicago IL 60601 312-443-1130
all ages

$38-$150 Bookmark Wed. April 22, 7:30 p.m. Speaker Series: Chris Matthews + Tucker Carlson, Arianna Huffington, Paul Begala at Chicago Theatre Despite clearly being a Democrat—he was once a speechwriter for President Carter and ran for Congress on the party ticket—Chris Matthews has built a reputation on Hardball With Chris Matthews as tough but fair. That should position him nicely as the interviewer for this month’s iteration of the Chicago Theatre’s Speaker Series 2009, where he’ll be conversing pointedly with pundit and bowtie enthusiast Tucker Carlson, left-leaning writer and commentator Arianna Huffington, and former Bill Clinton advisor Paul Begala. Don’t expect any lobbing of softballs or mercy shown for his guests—perhaps the best evidence of Matthews’ lack of bias is that both sides accuse him of it: Republicans complain that he expresses a liberal viewpoint and Democrats complain that he books mostly conservative guests.Wed. April 22, 7:30 p.m. Chicago Theatre 175 N State St, Chicago, IL We get something wrong?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Congressman Shimkus Gets A Bum Rap from Local Paper

State Journal-Register Bernard Schoenberg sucks up to SEIU's Progress Illinois and MSNBC's Bloated Bathtub Resident Keith Olbermann instead of doing his job.

It may seem out of character for Republican U.S. Rep. JOHN SHIMKUS, R-Collinsville, to help disgraced former Democratic Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH with anything — but he did.

Yes, during a lull in the nationwide laugh-at-Blagojevich telethon, Shimkus admirably filled in as the Illinois politician caught in the media crosshairs, thanks to comments he made about global warming and God’s will during a U.S. House subcommittee hearing last week.

The discussion led to Shimkus “winning” the title of “worst person in the world” Tuesday night from Keith Olbermann of MSNBC.

And a number of Web sites, including, sponsored by the Illinois State Council of the Service Employees International Union, have posted video of the discussion, which took place at the March 25 hearing of the U.S. House subcommittee on energy and environment of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Congressman John Shimkus is protecting his constituents from an idiotic economic strategy that will only increase the unemployed of Illinois and further diminish the Illinois Coal Industry -Cap and Trade is Stupid - It's The Economy!

President Obama is beholden to so many different radical leftist PACs that he is between a Poop and Sneeze.

Enviromentalists, Secularists, SEIU Sandinistas? Who can I turn to when No Body Needs Me?

Congressman Shimkus (R,IL) defends Illinois Coal and Illinois Taxpayers and gets attacked by SEIU and the MSNBC Tool Shed.

So what does State Journal and Register Ink-slinger Bernard Schoenberg do?

Well, I'll tell you what he did not do!

Schoenberg did not call Bob Gardiner**, President of ICG (Coal)- in Williamsville, IL , or Andrew Carter of Knight Hawk Coal inPercy, IL, or Mr. Van Villines of S-Coal Company in Elkville. That would be the Illinois Coal Producers, Bernard. That is on whom Cap and Trade would impact*.

So what does State Journal and Register Ink-slinger Bernard Schoenberg do?

He does a cut-and - paste Love Note of Progress Illinois the SEIU Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and America's # 1 Juice Bag Keith Olbermann
' vile nonsense, like a 3rd grade girl staring at a poster of the Jonas Brothers.

Way to suck up, Bernard!

Congressman Shimkus, nice work for Illinois and America!


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Time for John Shimkus to Retire Dick Durbin!

John Shimkus has every crack-pot loudmouth in Illinois and beyond Blagoland calling for his scalp - the MSNBC Doublemint Twins - Butch Maddow and Tubs Olbermann - the SEIU Internet Comic Book :Progress Illinois -to name but a few. i.e. Keith Olbermann also named Shimkus last night's "Worst Person In The World" (the relevant section begins at the 3:15 mark): . . .During her recurring "GOP In Exile" segment, Rachel Maddow took aim at the downstate Republican's assertion that we are a "carbon-starved planet" . . .et . . .

In recent days, we at Progress Illinois and others in the left blogosphere have been slamming Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) for recent comments illustrating his climate change skepticism. So you can only imagine our embarassment after coming across this breaking news from the Christian Science Monitor:

In an unprecedented move Wednesday, the Norwegian Nobel Committee rescinded the Peace Prize it awarded in 2007 to former US vice president Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, amid overwhelming evidence that global warming is an elaborate hoax cooked up by Mr. Gore.

We hope Rep. Shimkus accepts our deepest apologies
Yack, Yuck! That was for April Fools - they're only Funnin' - what a palm of pansies that floral Bouquet at Progress Illinois do be!

That is all to the good for me! This guy has just got to be Okay! When Progressives started to bad mouth Paul Vallas during his final days as CPS Chief - I knew that this was just the guy to be Illinois Governor. However, SEIU and the Boiled Beet Progressives of Illinois were Just Mad! Mad I tell You! for Blago!

We got Blago - didn't we Cupcakes? Progressives put Blago into Office. Way to go!

If Progressives detest John Shimkus, then this must be the man to rid Illinois of Dithering Dick Durbin! Or . . . take the seat away from that Tombstone of a Public Servant - the Junior U.S. Senator from Illinois the Guy Dick Durbin . . .what did he say about him? Give it a minute.

John Shimkus* has a Marquette Park name and 3rd District World View ( Pro-Real Labor; Pro-Life; Pro America) but comes from downstate Illinois - just like Dick Durbin.

Senator Dick Durbin is Joe Biden with the personality of a dial tone.

Senator Durbin speaks his mind. I defend Durbin's right to his opinion and wholly value his complete inability to articulate whatever the hell that might be.

John Shimkus is a Loogan ( Lithuanian) Lutheran (Catholic without Controversy) and a Republican ( 19th Ward Democrat without Obligations). I can work for this guy.

John Shimkus - You are Okay!

*The federal government has no business bailing out private sector companies, as we began doing last year. I voted against the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) or $700 billion Wall Street bailout.

Had we not bailed AIG out to the tune of $170 billion, we wouldn't have to worry about how much AIG employees get paid or $165 million in bonuses to people in the very unit of the company that caused these financial problems. But since the U.S. government now owns 80 percent of this company, we are compelled to make sure our tax dollars are protected.

Another major problem was additional government intervention in the stimulus bill, which I also voted against. Had the Democrat leadership given us proper time to read the bill, we would not be in the situation we are today. Democrats themselves admit they did not read the stimulus bill. And if we had not rushed it through, I am positive there would have been a prohibition against bonuses for companies receiving federal bailout assistance.

It is unfortunate that we didn't have that opportunity. It is unfortunate that the Treasury Department intervened through Sen. Dodd. It is unfortunate that we continue to spend tax dollars on buying private companies.

Congressman John Shimkus

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

MSNBC' Olbermann Asks Tough Question of President Obama

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann -I really like my friend's boyfriend and I think he likes me because online he started telling me how good looking I was and that if he didn't have a girlfriend, he would go out with me but he doesn't want to cheat on his girlfriend. What should I do?

President Obama, Gosh, Keith,Feeling Guilty? I feel like I've answered this question a thousand times already but since it keeps coming up I'll answer it again. You shouldn't do ANYTHING! Don't talk to him online if you two are only going to flirt. You have to think about what kind of a friend and person you want to be. Do you want to go behind a friend's back and flirt with her boyfriend? How would you feel if someone did that to you? It's not ok and it's not harmless fun. He's being disrespectful and you shouldn't encourage him. Finally, think ahead. Say you continued to chat online and he dumped his girlfriend for you. Would you trust him not to do the same thing to you? There are other guys out there who wouldn't dream of behaving like this guy. This guy is bad news and so are you if you keep chatting with him.

h/t - Teen Magazine

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jody Weiss - Learn from CPD Chief Francis O'Neill ( 1848-1936)

Click my post title for the MSNBC Bonfire of the Vanities celebration of Phil Rogers over his slanted report on The Judge Gettleman/G. Flint Taylor Law School Smack-down of Police Superintendent Jody Weiss.

Jody Weiss made a tepid attempt to 'do the right thing' for Police Officers but backed down.

There is a wonderful new book Chief O'Neill's Sketchy Recollections of an Eventful Life in Chicago, Edited by Ellen Skerrett and Mary Lesch. Chief O'Neill saved lives in the Iroquois Theatre Fire, Protected strikers in the Railway Strike, The 1904 Stockyard Strike, the great municipal and Teamster Strikes of 1905. fought with Progressive phonies and loudmouths like Emma Goldman, who was involved in the assassination of McKinley, and Dr. Cornelia DeBey 'a Mannish woman who was most aggressive,' Vice Lords Hinkey Dink Kenna, and Corporate monsters like Meat Packing Companies, and the thousands of vicious criminals. Chief O'Neill even had a cockroach lawyer like G. Flint Taylor - One Brode Bradford Davis, who tried to make some dough off of the police.

Chief O'Neill warned all persons who decide to be Chicago's Top-Cop.

Every head of the police in a large city, whether know as general superintendent, chief, or commissioner, is certain to encounter difficulties. The general public wants the law enforced. The leaders of the powers that be expect concessions and special favors. Between the two influences he is liable to get forced out before the term of his office expires.

On difficulties not already mentioned, I had more than my share, all of them based on the desire of certain elements to force my resignation. As soon as Mayor Harrison had left the city on his midsummer vacation in 1901, investigators were set to work to dig up something to my discredit in past years. It was surmised that in the mayor's absence discipline would be relaxed and that I might incautiously become involved in questionable associations. As nothing came of this move, a scheme was evolved to indict me on the charge of attempting to violate the civil service law; in back of this scheme was the political leader most interested in my disgrace. It was rehearsed for one week in the home of a police lieutenant, When the time was ripe, the witness was seized on a [subpoena] duces tecum and hurried to the office of the state's attorney, where he lost his nerve, forgot his lines and blurted out the truth. Notwithstanding this, he was taken before a grand jury, where he denied knowing anything to my detriment. It appears that the lieutenant had been promised a captaincy in any police district of his selection if he succeeded in smirching me. Instead, he lost his job and his pension.

The publisher of an evening paper, now dead, had been subsidized to harass me daily, but it did not work, the final effort was to "frame" me. It was very alluring bait indeed if I would only bite, but as I could not be induced to visit 'the spot.' I escaped all conspiracies unscathed and continued as head of the Chicago Police Department until it suited me to retire from service.

Chief O'Neill knew the Progressive phonies, the corrupt politicians, the dangerous anarchists, the vicious strike breakers, the callous capitalists, and sneaks in his ranks. Most importantly O'Neill knew the respect he had earned as a 'flat-foot' who took a burglars bullet, who backed his men when a radical tossed a bomb that killed eleven at Hay Market Square, who treated strikers as dignified working men, and never trusted the Press.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chris 'Milky' Matthews: Obama Howler Monkey at Def-Con Six

Like a degenerate gambler circling a casino or a dry drunk popping into a saloon for a glass of water, I channel surfed and popped in at MSNBC - twice: once last night when Game Show Host and Great Gildersleeve Impersonator Keith Olbermann during one of his full-foam fumes and today while doing laundry I caught Chris 'Milky' Matthews getting 'tough' with Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R. New Mexico)concerning Milkey's theme of McCain Desperation. Like the gambler or the drunk I thought one stop can't hurt - Wrong!

Milky 'Right'-ed the Congresswoman throughout her talk and interrupted like Jack Cafferty on speed. The pay-off came when the the very proper middle aged woman smiled during Rep. Chris Van Hollen's attempt to defend Joe 'HIYAH FOLKS!' Biden for his recent self-inflicted tonsil massage with his Florsheims: 'The Kid's Gonna Get Us in Dutch! In Dutch I Tells Ya! We Gotta Stick By Him! He's Wrong but We Gotta! - Now, that's nuanced!

Milky - 'You're smiling - what's so funny?' - Saw Milky pull this one before.

Jesus. Think you can take her Chris?

I wish she could have reached out and dropped this fatuous pain-in-the-ass with one from the purse and right between his brow less piggy little eyes! Hard Ball! Pop!

Nah, Rep. Wilson was gracious.

Then, Milky went off on the Congresswoman and read his own thoughts on the State of Race and excoriated McCain and Palin.

MSNBC - The Tool Box! This is an irrelevant bunch of loudmouths. I wish people who agree to appear with them treated them so. Click my post title and get a glimpse at what IN THE TANK is all about.

I better put the blocker on this cable channel. Oh yeah, I forgot about Fat Boy!

Olbermann - Oil Can Harry with Tourrette Syndrome.

Friday, September 26, 2008

“Bad manners make a journalist.” Oscar Wilde on Sarah Palin

“A true gentleman is one who is never unintentionally rude”

Allow me, Governor.

Sarah Palin, though a resident of Alaska lives in my neighborhood. Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Chris Rock, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Campbell Brown, Chris Matthews and all of your critics do not.

Sarah Palin, like my neighbors, Democrats largely, white and black, Catholic and Protestant,. . . Danny Levi who owned the Irish Temple Pub died last year, so Jews are scarce immediately - alot of Muslims near by.

They are great people with wonderful manners, even during Little League . . .not so much during softball, or Catholic League Games - can get contentious.

People in my neighborhood, like in Kankakee, IL, Elyria, OH, Bettendorf, IA or Moscow, WI are unfamiliar with creepy people. We pay Cable, Satellite and DISH companies for that. That is the only way boors get in our homes.

The gottcha game on TV is understood. Like I said Sarah Palin, is unfamiliar with jerks. People in the media capitalize on the good nature and manners of people. The more off-putting or ridiculous statement or lie tossed in the face of good person like Sarah Palin, stuns and is meant to stun. Good manners and propriety in a social setting, like an interview keep good people from responding to a stupid, misleading or offensive question.

The more stupid, misleading and offensive the jerk happens to be, the bigger the geek ( once freaks in side-shows who performed disgusting acts for pay) the bigger the network cache.

There will be plenty of time for Vice President Sarah Palin to let Katie, Keith, Rachel, Chris, Charlie and the others in on 'what makes her tick.' That will be must see TV.

In the mean time allow me to offer a sound byte you may wish to employ in the mean time:

Katie: 'Governor what makes you think . . .'

Sarah: 'Why, We call that a thought muscle up in Wasilla Katie.'

Keith: ' William Howard Taft . . .'

Sarah: 'The poor guy is dead, Keith. He left an empty space in many hearts. And in his environment. Really. Are you still biting the bubbles in the bathtub, Keith?'

Charlie: 'What is the Bush Doctrine?'

Sarah: ' It is the codification of beliefs, attributed to George W. Bush our 43rd President that holds that pussies in pinz nez glasses acting like Rex Harrison after a sponge bath by Paul Begala have about three seconds before my husband Todd reenacts Sonny kicking Carlo's ass from Godfather - that's a film Charley . . .here's Todd now!'

Rachel: 'With . . .'

Sarah: 'Not even With an Act of God Rachel. But bless you for asking!'

Chris Matthews: 'How . . .'

Sarah: 'Answer the Question Chris this is Hardball! This isn't Funny! Answer! "What Are You Stupid? My God ! "He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” Winston Churchill said that about You Chris!'

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain/Palin: Barack Obama Is the Man Who Never Was

Way back when Barack Obama decided to become a national icon of post-racial politics and the agent of change, he no longer was seen publicly with the people from the Chicago Wards who helped get him elected to the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate. I commented on this fact in a blog that I was once a contributor - Illinoize. I stopped writing for that local blog during the goofy and failed BIG BOX Ordinance idiocy orchestrated by SEIU ( one of Obama's crucial political organizations). I criticized SEIU for masquerading as a labor union and noted the willingness of the already co-opted Media in playing dress up for that redistribution of wealth agenda.

Obama became a figure. I vote for a person and I hitched my vote to John McCain who happened to be a Republican. All of Obama's wardrobe has been designed and cut by Progressives and that is why Obama is never seen with Ward level Democratic volunteers or leaders. He is post-political -doncha know? The very people who Obama sneered at in San Francisco ( working class people Catholics, Jews, and Protestants) helped bring him to elected office. Obama needed the Chicago Democratic Ward level help -in that case the Machine helped Obama more than he helped the Chicago Machine. The goofs who did McCain's Chicago Ad should have spent a little time with a Chicagoan. Not that he'd say anything - 'I don' know nuttin' see! Dis Canary don' sing, see?' So, the Mad Men did what most Chicago films do - background shots - and missed the true nature of the truth.

But, Obama became a Progressive clotheshorse and wore raiment of their cookie-cutter pose of a leader.

Today, Tony Blankley got to heart of Obama's problem - the Man is Not Genuine. He is like the Man Who Never Was from WWII.

The image of Barack Obama that the press has presented is not a fair approximation of the real man. They have consciously ignored whole years in his life, and showed a lack of curiosity about such gaps that bespeaks a lack of journalistic instinct. Thus, the public image of Mr. Obama is of a "Man who never was." I take that phrase from a 1956 movie about a real life WWII British intelligence operation to trick the Germans into thinking the Allies were going to invade Greece, rather than Italy, in 1943. Operation "Mincemeat" involved the acquisition of a human corpse dressed as a Maj. William Martin, R.M. and put into the sea near Spain. Attached to the corpse was a brief-case containing fake letters suggesting that the Allied attack would be against Sardinia and Greece.

To make the operation credible, British intelligence created a fictional life for the corpse — a letter from a lover, tickets to a London theater, all the details of a life — but not the actual life of the dead young man whose corpse was being used. So, too, the man the media has presented to the nation as Mr. Obama is not the real man.

Absolutely, Sir! Obama makes Hollywood look Genuine. Obama makes what passes for journalism these days look like the real deal. Obama's past and associations are guarded like weapons grade plutonium - unless of course in the former Soviet Union. The very people howling for Obama are not what one might consider Genuine -Bill Maher,The View, MSNBC, Pamela Sue Anderson, P-Diddy, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Keith Olbermann and Tom Hayden. Genuine clowns to be sure, but persons?

There is a genuine problem with Barcak Obama's will to be anything but Genuine and Tony Blankley says it better than anyone else.

The public image of Mr. Obama as an idealistic, post-race, post-partisan, well-spoken and honest young man with the wisdom and courage befitting a great national leader is a confection spun by a willing conspiracy of Mr. Obama, his publicist David Axelrod and most of the senior editors, producers and reporters of the national media.

Perhaps that is why the National Journal's respected correspondent Stuart Taylor has written that "the media can no longer be trusted to provide accurate and fair campaign reporting and analysis." That conspiracy has not only photo-shopped out all of Mr. Obama's imperfections (and dirtied up his opponent Mr. McCain's image), but it has put most of his questionable history down the memory hole.

The public will be voting based on the idealized image of the man who never was. If he wins, however, we will be governed by the sunken, cynical man Mr. Obama really is. One can only hope that the senior journalists will be judged as harshly for their professional misconduct as Wall Street's leaders currently are for their failings.

Tony Blankley is a syndicated columnist.
Click my post title for the full article!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain/Palin: The Race for Stupid - Jack Cafferty Sprints Past MSNBC - 'Its All Racism, I Tells Ya! Where's My Car?''

The Race does not always go to the swiftest - Jack Cafferty is Living Proof. Race is the Place with Helpful Hard-Bore Man! It is not all Race, Jack! What about Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/ and Sexual Predator Issues? Look at what's going on in Oregon! Jack it is a Rainbow of Self-Interest and Victimhood Issues! Remember, Jack, it is not all about black and white! What about Red, Brown, Yellow and Chartreuse (dry drunks of America)?

Remember, Jack Cafferty? Me either. He's on CNN, I guess. I never watch it. Wolf Blitzer creeps me out worse than the Burger King and Ronald McDonald -get night terrors. All of a sudden Jack Cafferty is Drudge Worthy by using the Race Card! Get noticed -Cry Race!

In the Race for the White House Race is the Only Card to Play!

From CNN's Jack Cafferty

Will race be the factor that keeps Obama from the White House?
Race is arguably the biggest issue in this election, and it's one that nobody's talking about.

The differences between Barack Obama and John McCain couldn't be more well-defined. Obama wants to change Washington. McCain is a part of Washington and a part of the Bush legacy. Yet the polls remain close. Doesn't make sense…unless it's race.

Time magazine's Michael Grunwald says race is the elephant in the room. He says Barack Obama needs to tread lightly as he fights back against the McCain-Palin campaign attacks.

When MSNBC-The Tool Shed seemed to have the lock on stupid, Jack Cafferty vaulted high over the bar! Jack, stop by Keegan's Pub! The economy, kids from the neighborhood in Iraq and Afghanistan, redistribution of wealth scams being touted by the DNC, Catholic school tuition rising along with more taxes for public school idiot mills, abortion, and no newspapers to read, really has the gang down-in-the-mouth. Pop in for a few on me and give out with some stupidity, it will do wonders for some great, but hurting middle class Americans. Heck, maybe you can get a Race Riot Going!

Monday, September 08, 2008

MSNBC - Matthews and Olbermann Out! - Still Irrelevant.

"what did you Boys Do? Milky? Tubby?'

Chris 'The White Noise' Matthews and Keith 'Tubby' Olbermann have been canned as anchor chairs for election night coverage by MSNBC In The Tank for Obama and its sinking flagship NBC News.

The Took Shed- MSNBC not only destroyed its flimsy credibility but it also created a ground swell of anger among voters repulsed by its ham-handed shillling for Camp Obama.

Adios Milky! Good Luck, Tubby. Why a flannel-mouthed jerk like Matthews or a game-show-host mangue like Olbermann seemed significant in the defeat of NBC's enemies ( Read anybody not a lunatic left Progressive)is beyond me - but I can not thank those geniuses enough.

Thirty Rock must be real life!