Showing posts with label Carol Marin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carol Marin. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2011

Governor Pat Quinn Turned the Corner - From Activist to Statesman

Carol Marin is mad at Governor Quinn. That is a sure sign that the Illinois Governor has turned the corner from activist gadfly to Illinois Statesman.

Like Governors Altgeld and Dunne, Governor Pat Quinn has earned the ire of the fatuous and the glib celebrity dilettantes. Carol Marin tried to bully-rag Governor Quinn into a corner demanding that he sign the Death Penalty Abolition and receive the high Hosannas of the Carol and the Goo-gos who never run for political office but control the debate.

In today's column Carol howls "Memo to Quinn: We’ve thoroughly studied Illinois’ disastrous record on the death penalty for a decade. That includes the Ryan Commission on which noted Chicago attorney and author Scott Turow served from 2000-2002."

The Big Guns! Scott Turow! Shake that Mont Blanc Fountain Ink Squirter and Get to Signing, Guv! Scott Turow, the Illinois Charles Evans Hughes is backing Carol's Play!

I am being 'close-knit and ethnically' ironic. Dear me.

Governor Pat Quinn is governing. He will decide whether or not to sign the Death Penalty Ban. I hope that he does not. Consider the last Illinois Governor who did what Carol and Scott propose. George Ryan commuted the death sentences of 167 monsters in an act that a cynical person might think was a slight of hand during the very campaign Carol Marin helped lead to put Ryan in Terra Haute. The Goo-goos want what they want and always immediately.

When Gov. Ryan issued a blanket commutation to every man and woman on Death Row in Illinois, he knowingly spared the lives of some of the most vicious killers in the state's 185-year history. The governor acknowledged as much Saturday but said that fundamental flaws in the system necessitated his actions. Here are some of the most infamous killers saved by Ryan:

Danny Edwards
To make the point that he has been personally touched by the horror of murder, Ryan on Saturday described the murder of an old family friend, Kankakee businessman Stephen B. Small, in 1987, in a kidnapping plot. Danny Edwards, who at the time was a small-time drug dealer and electrician in Kankakee, was found guilty of burying Small alive in a wooden box. Edwards made an air hole in the box and apparently thought Small could survive for some time while he--Edwards--attempted to extort a $1 million ransom from Small's wealthy family. But Small died within four hours of being buried. While conceding that the evidence against his client was "overwhelming"--Edwards was seen building the box, and his fingerprints were found inside--defense attorney Thomas Allen expressed surprise at the quick guilty verdict, calling the jury "the coldest I've ever seen."

Henry Brisbon
Brisbon and three other men decided to rob somebody. When they couldn't find the right pedestrian to rob in Kankakee, they drove toward Chicago on Interstate 57. While riding along, they came up with the idea of robbing motorists by staging phony accidents. One of the killers tricked motorists out of their cars by asking them to inspect minor collision damage, then led them to Brisbon, who brandished the shotgun and robbed and shot them. Betty Lou Harmon, 29, of suburban Darien, was forced to undress at gunpoint. She ran away, but was caught by Sanders, who led her to Brisbon, who fatally shot her in a field. An engaged North Side couple, Dorothy Cerny and James Schmidt, both 25, who were returning from a family gathering in Matteson, also were shot to death by Brisbon after being stripped of their valuables. Brisbon told the couple to "kiss your last kiss" before firing shotgun blasts into their backs as they lay on the side of the highway. But Brisbon was not on Death Row for the I-57 murders. He was put there because he used a sharpened spoon to kill another inmate while in prison.

Fedell Caffey & Jacqueline Williams

Caffey and Williams decided they wanted a baby. So they stabbed to death a pregnant woman, Debra Evans, in her Addison apartment and cut her nearly full-term fetus from her body, according to prosecutors. To eliminate witnesses, they also murdered Evans' 10-year-old daughter, Samantha, and 8-year-old son, Joshua. Another child, Jordan, was spared in the 1995 murder--children under the age of 2 aren't likely to be good witnesses. And the newborn boy also survived. Fortunately, Jordan's grandfather, Sam Evans, says Jordan has no recollection today of the horrors he witnessed.

Gabriel Solache
In an eerily similar case, little 2-month-old Guadalupe Soto and her toddler brother Santiago had both parents ripped away by vicious killers who wanted to steal a baby in 1998. One of them was Solache, who agreed to help kill Jacinta and Mariano Soto and snatch the baby so Adriana Mejia could pretend it was hers. Mejia targeted the Bucktown family after seeing Jacinta with the children at a local health clinic. She followed them home on a bus to see where they lived. Early the next morning, Solache, Mejia and Arturo DeLeon-Reyes surprised the family, stabbing the parents more than 60 times as the sleepy toddler looked on. Mejia and DeLeon-Reyes got life in prison.

Luther Casteel
At JB's Pub in Elgin in 2001, Casteel was booted out for harassing female customers and employees. Roaring drunk and enraged, he shot straight home, shaved his hair into a mohawk and changed into military fatigues, armed himself with several guns and returned to the bar. Screaming, "I am a natural born killer," he shot bartender Jeffrey Weides and customer Richard Bartlett to death and wounded 16 others before being wrestled to the ground by bar patrons and employees. At his trial, Casteel almost dared a Kane County jury to impose the death penalty. "I'm not someone who asks for mercy or pity for my actions," he said during a stunning half hour of testimony. "I have absolutely no fear of anything anyone can put upon me."

Latasha Pulliam
In 1991, 6-year-old Shenosha Richard was playing in her South Side Chicago neighborhood when she was approached by Pulliam and Pulliam's boyfriend, Dwight Jordan. She went with them after they purchased her a bag of chips and promised to take her to a movie. At Pulliam's apartment, over several hours, Pulliam and Jordan sexually assaulted the girl with a shoe polish applicator and a hammer, and then used the hammer to pulverize her skull, according to prosecutors. Pulliam also beat and strangled the girl. Attorneys for Pulliam said she was drug-crazed at the time, but a court psychologist described her as "a female John Gacy" who got sexual satisfaction from hurting someone weaker than she.
& etc.

Pat Quinn was elected over Bill Brady, because real working families -skilled trades union families -hit the streets for Pat Quinn, when Brady signalled war on Labor. Brady painted with a very broad brush; he did not single out public sector monster activist unions and PACs like SEIU; Brady put Labor in the crosshairs.

Governor Pat Quinn stood up for Labor -real labor -as he continues to do for Veterans.

Quinn promised to raise taxes and to cut waste in Illinois government.

Governor Pat Quinn is doing Okay. Illinois is not doing so hot, but that is not Quinn's fault. I lay it at the feet of Goo-goos and pie-chart tax wizards like Ralph Martire whom the Goo-goos just love.

It will be nice to watch Governor Quinn over the next few months. Personally, I hope that he sheds Planned Parenthood, SEIU, Ralph Martire and the other Goo-goo play things. Perhaps, then Illinois will be able to work its way out its current jackpot.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This is Homiletics? Father Larry, Spit it out before you choke on it.

In Today's Sun Times commentary, evidence of the weak-sister priesthood that has infected my Church since the 1960's is laid out by one such clerical cupcake and presented below.

An Oak Park stiff-collar offers a thick tongue into his own cheek, Praise Jesus, in what might appear to be a satire - shades of Flecknoe here Father! Father Larry responds to hyper-feminist Catholic Carol Marin - our NBC/WTTW icon.

Carol Marin belongs to a closed-society of well educated, well-heeled Catholic women who rail against the Boys Club of the Catholic Church - Down with the Rock of Peter! Up with Barca Lounger of Pauline! Women must be priests! Why? Just because.

The nuns of whom Carol and gals speak are not the cloistered saints of the Poor Clares, but the badly dressed mannish sixty somethings driving Nissans from Hyde Park to their personal ministries - not teaching in schools, or mending the sick, but show-up jobs as community activists. Too many of these starchy women have done just a swell job of scaring off the faithful. One such local nitwit, Sister Quinn, worked to help abort babies and other was fired for advocating abortion.

I read Rev. Larry McNally's 'thought-piece' homily in the Chicago Sun Times six to seven times and can not yet make heads nor tails of it. It is as slick as mercury and should appeal to the Carol Marin crowd and yet not get the Cardinal to make a phone call to the swell rectory in Oak Park.

Here's a limp lollipop example of why Catholics have contempt for some Vatican II manicured priests:

Catholic Church 'street talk' not speaking to needs of nuns

August 10, 2010

Carol Marin's article "Church inquisition a warning to nuns" on July 25, is further evidence of the "Catholic Church street talk." And that street talk is saying that the Holy Spirit must be under lock and key in the basement of the Vatican.

How else can one explain that the Vatican would declare that on the same list, both ordination of women and pedophilia are grave sins? How else can one explain the inquisition of the religious women's lifestyle while the male hierarchy of our church allows Cardinal Law to live in the lap of luxury.?

How else can one explain that the male hierarchy of our church says we do not have enough money to care for the retirement needs of the women religious, who have dedicated their lives to the service of the Gospel (thank God for our generous, appreciative, ever-so-grateful laity who certainly do more than their part in the religious care), but then you come up with a million-plus to investigate the religious?

How else can you explain that the male hierarchy would tell the religious that they have to help pay for the costs of the investigation and then tell the women religious that the report will not be shared with them? The "Catholic Church street talk" is also saying that if the women of our church went on strike, our church would collapse. And this is so very true!

We ought to pay a king's ransom to free the desperate needed Holy Spirit.

Oops, I, like our male hierarchy, must have forgotten the King did pay the ransom by his death on the Cross.

The Rev. Larry McNally

Ascension Parish, Oak Park

"Street Talk?" This Nancy Boy Rectory Kitten would not know street if it were paved over him. Christ Almighty! Father Larry lays out asimpaticosupposition
of Carol's complaints and yet, yet . . . ever so sweetly, chides. Or does Father Larry? Hard to say, when the message is skewed so weakly.

Father Larry, what position do you take on the ordination of women? Real priests, liberal and conservative, like Father Mallette of St. Maragaret of Scotland, Father Gene Smith of St. Barnabas, Father Marty O'Donovan of Faith Hope and Charity, Father Bubbles McFarland of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Father Gallagher of Sacred Heart, or Father Tony Brankin of St. Odilo parishes speak like men. You know exactly what comes out of their mouths whether you like it not.

Is Father Larry for the Ordination of women? Is Father Larry Simpatico with feminist Pro Choice?

Spit it out, sister, before you choke on it. Man up.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Forrest Claypool -Our Rula Lenska for Assessor

Carol Felsenthal wrote a nice piece about the Rula Lenska ( the person who claimed and everyone believed to be 'Somebody') of Illinois - Forrest Claypool. Back in the 80's Rula Lenska was believed to be a celebrity - the commercials for hairspray said so; these days, Forrest Claypool is believed by similar folks to be a Reformer and political genius, because Carol and Walter and the editorial clown operas say so.

Carol Marin, Walter Jacobson (homeless street cred dude) and every other goof with a column or a 30 second TV Feed perch are loudly smearing Joe Berrios and blowing smooches to Forrest Lenska - the guy that John Stroger defeated while on life support.

Ms. Felsenthal and the redoubatble John Kass know that Forrest Claypool is a public relations manufactured product. So do voters.

So who is Forrest Claypool?

A native of Southern Illinois (St. Elmo, population 1,300) and son of a man in the oil-drilling business, he graduated from Southern Illinois University and then the University of Illinois Law School. He lives in Ravenswood and has three children, all of whom were educated in private schools.

Claypool twice served as chief of staff to Mayor Richard M. Daley and ran the Chicago Park District in the ’90s. Like politicians at every level, he’s a mix of reformer and—Kass had it right—conventional party loyalist.

He’s in good company, as the record shows.

Claypool’s loyalist side comes out in the race for Barack Obama’s old U.S. Senate seat. I interviewed him just hours after the feds took over Broadway Bank. He told me that he backs Democratic candidate Alexi Giannoulias, Broadway’s former VP and senior loan officer, and has done so from the start—even after the squeaky-clean Inspector General David Hoffman entered the primary.

In the Democratic primary for county board president, Claypool did not endorse Ald. Toni Preckwinkle, the candidate with whom the good-government types were most comfortable. He offers a lofty explanation: he was not persuaded that Preckwinkle or any of her opponents would repeal “the hated [Todd] Stroger sales tax.” (Claypool didn’t endorse any candidate in that race.) He now says that he’ll support her in the general election.

Preckwinkle has said publicly that she’s supporting Berrios, a man Claypool describes as “exhibit A of how the insider culture works, where the people who have clout make out and the rest of us get higher taxes.” Claypool told me that he made his decision to run after the primary, when Berrios defeated Raymond Figueroa—a former alderman “who has independent ties that go back to Harold Washington.” When asked if he considered supporting the Republican candidate, former Evanston assessor Sharon Storbeck-Eckersall, he said, “No, no. I don’t really know enough about her, but I do think [Cook County assessor] is a very, very big job.”

Claypool has known Rahm Emanuel for 30 years and is close friends with David Axelrod, and he has visited the White House several times—most recently on March 28, according to visitor logs. He also claims a friendship with the President—he was chairman of then-Senator Obama’s transition committee in 2004-05—and, during those White House visits, he “chatted” with the President in the Oval Office.

In 2006, Claypool lost in the primary for county board president to incumbent Democrat John Stroger—after Stroger had already suffered a debilitating stroke. Obama—then a senator—didn’t endorse Claypool. “Why?” I asked. “You’ll have to ask [the President],” Claypool said. I already knew the answer: Obama, for all his idealism, is a politician.

Why, Carol, Forrest Claypool is Rula Lenska!

Forrest Claypool is as genuine as Rula Lenska. Complete Rules available wherever this fine product is sold -WTTW, CBS-2 and Chicago Sun Times.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Carol Marin - Send a Mess-enger to be Campaign Manager of Forrest Claypool?

Yesterday, Eric Zorn Chicago Tribune's Voice of the Tofu and Whey Political Progressives demanded that we Lower the Bar - void the petitions ( or allow Millions to Pay-to-Play)for Independents, Bullmooses, and Loyal Order of Racoon Candidates in Illinois. I blog a few giggles Eric Zorn's way and noted that his cover on this issue is all for Forrest Claypool against Joe Berrios. I also mentioned that, in no time at all, Carol Marin would gin-up a collage for Claypool!

Voila! Here 'Tis -

What does matter, way down the ballot, is who is Cook County assessor.

Until a few weeks ago, Joe Berrios was considered the odds-on favorite.

Berrios is the chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party and Madigan's political pal. A guy with a lot of sympathy for Madigan's law firm clients in search of property tax reductions.

With nominal Republican opposition, Berrios was coasting, until another -- and proven -- independent, retiring County Commissioner Forrest Claypool, announced an independent run.

If voters want to send a message to Madigan and Springfield, this is the race in which to do it.

The Corporate Media ( editorial boards and iconic columnists) gave us our political landscape - Fight the Power of the Machine; Scoop Taxes to Every Bug-eyed Mob of T-Shirted Shouters; however, they blame the 'stupid voters' for Todd Stroger and Scott Lee, when they themselves are the puffed-up watchdogs of the life political. Our gutless, or just dumb as dirt elected officials play ball these Blue Light Beauties.

I get my politics from people who have slowly and carefully 'put skin in the game.' Politics is an Art. Sometimes the Artist does not tell all about his craft -that makes it art. Carol, Eric and Mark Brown do not like Rembrandt Mike Madigan or any skilled elected official. They like street mimes like Forrest Claypool, Shelia Simon and Chris Kennedy. They are cute.

Carol Marin smiles at these same people all the time. That should give anyone with a lick of sense a very long pause.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Chicago's Progressive Cork Screw: Sun Times Needs Facts Like Rep. Phil Hare Needs U.S. Constitution

Cartoon by the Great Dan Piraro
The dappled underwear that is the Chicago Sun Times editorial page once again exceeds my expectations and lowers the bar of any moral high ground.

The Sun Times is loaded with talented writers like Mark Konkol, Natasha Korecki, Mike Mulligan, and Tim Novak; however, the Progressive cadre calling the editorial tune and the self-proclaimed icon-columnists are a pretty stale box of unsalted mixed nuts.

Carol Marin's "Bossism" smooch for Forest Claypool was flare gun signal for the goofy editorial board of the Chicago Sun Times, which has thought manufactured for it by Planned Parenthood, IVO-IPO, SEIU, the most strident Leftists at University of Chicago, Northwestern University and UICC, pulls its own britches down for public inspection with this hate mail to Boss Madigan, Boss Cullerton, Boss Berrios and Boss Sounds Everywhere!

We have no evidence Berrios and Madigan have ever swapped a single lucrative favor, but anybody can see this is far too cozy a relationship.

But howl they do!

Time for a trip to the mighty Kankakee River to snag some smallies and put the Sun Times to good use!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Carol Marin Offers More Words to Tell Us That Words Can't Stop Murdering Thugs from Murdering! She's An Icon!

Chicago's most visible fatuous phony - Icon Carol Marin - wants all of us to know that " Words alone can't stop gun violence."

Yesterday, I watched Chicago Police deal with a shooting that was reported only by Fox WFLD News - Sun Times - nothing and Tribune nothing.

Across from Leo High School on 79th Street two people were shot by fleeing perpetrators. One guy took some heavy ordinance in the face and the other took one in the leg.

This took place at about 1:20 P.M. on a sunny Friday afternoon. Sixth District Police officers responded instantly and with exacting professionalism - as they always do.

Faculty and staff put our young men on the buses for home and directed them to their parents' cars and the entire school population departed for home. Teachers and staff shepherded our young men - no Kevlar.

Faculty and staff stood out on 79th Street only a few feet from where the blood was spilled.

There had been a fight at a gas station on Halsted earlier that morning and the fly-by shootings were in retaliation for someone getting 'disrespected' in that Old School dust-up. Naturally, thugs go for the artillery, because there will be little or no consequences and possibly even a police beef lawsuit jackpot for lighting up a front porch full of folks.

Thug scum are portrayed always in the Media as misunderstood Denzel Washingtons abused by beefy racist cops.

If a hard-hitting investigative journalist wanted to actually do something, the suburban dwelling hypocrite might want to investigate exactly who actually owns heavy ordinance in Chicago's Food Deserts. Nah. It is always better to pound out a full week of polls, reports, up-dates, columns and stories about a white goofball with racist garage art and so much safer, edgy and nuanced. Once we all agree that close-knit ethnic Catholics (who live in PC targeted neighborhoods like Bridgeport, Beverly, Edison Park & etc.) are the only reason that racism exists - gun violence will end and we can all have Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and listen to NPR.

Chicago is a Thug Comfort Zone. This Comfort Zone was created by lawsuit lawyers like G. Flint Taylor and Jon Loevy, Marxist Academics and University Centers for Manure Spreading and hypocritical editorialists and columnists like Mary Mitchell, Mark Brown and Chicago's ( NBC/WTTW/Sun Times)Iconic Carol Marin.

Murders are committed for the same reason that a dog licks his privates with gusto - because one can. One can kill with impunity and immunity. Systemic racism and police brutality are the Get-Out-of-Jail Wealthy cards published in columns and editorials.

Give me the words to explain this.

Words strong enough to capture the horror of Chicago's daily diet of senseless shootings.

Words powerful enough to build a durable outrage so we are collectively moved to action.

The most recent shootings come on top of the tragedy that happened Wednesday on the South Side. It was sunny and mild, and 7-year-old Desaree Sanders and her sisters were doing what children are supposed to do when spring is in the air.

Word, Carol! Cash those checks!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Brown Journalism - Run, Duck, Dodge! Mark Brown and Carol Marin and More!

Thank you Anne Leary - Backyard Conservative

The Lemmings are following Mark Brown right off the lowest heights of Chicago journalism - Ring Lardner, Ben Hecht, Theodore Dreiser, Charles MacArthur, Nick Von Hoffman, Ray Coffey they ain't.

Anne Leary posted the MSNBC Flannelmouth Meathead Chris Matthews piece linked above (click my post title for shameless mess) where Lynn Sweet, a good reporter gets staked out in the sand needing to provide instant cover for Mark Brown's "Dude" ineptitude. That, by the way, was local neighborhood Yamhead CBS Mike Flannery's Noel Coward imitation when he finally got around to interviewing Scott Lee Cohen. Bon Mot!Oh, rather, Old Boy! I mean, Dude!

Mark Brown was handed Scot Lee's head on a silver platter by Scott Lee himself in the Cohenpawn shop located near where Self Promoting Icon Carol Marin spent her youth - -roughly 47th & Ashland.

Carol Marin, a practiced shameless scribe who can mock Lura Lynn Ryan's appearance during the trials of George Ryan ( Mark Brown kicked Governor Ryan only when he was down and out by the way)and avoid original thought and finger an elderly couple as an IRA hit team on the say so of an ambitious FBI feeder, is parsing Brown in the Sunday Chicago Sun Times and shifting blame on Mike Madigan, Pat Quinn and the Democratic Party.

There is no exoneration for us in the media -- with the exception of my Sun-Times colleague Mark Brown -- for absolutely blowing this story. But also no pass for the leadership of the Democratic Party. Was Quinn warned about Cohen before the primary? Did the all-knowing party chairman, Mike Madigan, really not know?

Clued in or clueless, they look awful.

No Carol, like you Mark Brown is a pompous jerk. Pompous jerks tend to sneer at people and make the very most of their difficulties - that is the reason why people detest the Media - not the reporters, Carol, the smarmy, over paid smiling hypocrites who create the news and refuse to report it.

Brown Journalism needs to take a quick and lively walk off what is left of Illinois high ground - moral or metaphorical.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bitching The Catholic Bishops

The problem with Christian Living is 'No Bitching Allowed.' Christ washed feet and had his own nailed to wood. As I recall from Father John Gavin O.S.A. in 1969 telling us " Only Suckers Beef."

That was pre-Feminist America.

Catholic bishops have every right to speak their mind and preach the church's teaching. But they are engaging in outright political lobbying. Helping to write legislation that turns Catholic doctrine into law. Violating the separation of church and state.

When bishops lobby legislators, they should be required to do what all tax-exempt 501(c)3 groups have to do. Create a parallel political organization and pay taxes on the contributions they receive. And fully disclose, like every other lobbying organization -- corporate or charitable -- what they take in and what they spend to advance positions they advocate.

Bitching -Repeatedly saying something over and over, or rather whining about it, therefore destroying the point you were trying to make and making you look like a complete bitch because no one is listening to you.

Bitching up Storm, Carol Marin is. Why? Because Carol is a Catholic Feminist and believes that women can do everything a man can do - only Paternalism and White Man Meanness keep things at the Bitching Level. Carol is a past Master, er Mistress, er really good at bitching; Carol generally displays real acidic contempt and disdain for anyone who is not her. Remember, her treatment of Chris and Mary Fogarty and Lura Lynn Ryan?

Well, the fact is that good men in skirts and funny hats are doing a far better job saving children from having their skulls popped in a mom's womb than Today's Botoxed Bored Feminist - like Carol Marin, Weepy Joan Walsh, Illinois Progressive Nitwit Jan Schakowsky and others.

There's a knot of talented educated Catholic women who have never forgiven God for making them women or not making them men or some combination of the two - at any rate, they are howlingly pissed that they can't say Mass.

They are smarter than priests, bishops and Popes and let all of us know that - I worked with a few. Long story short, after beefing about the role of men in the Church they ask one of us lumpy, hairy sexists to go an jump the battery on their Volvo. Feminists are never allowed to purchase jumper-cables for some reason. Nor, are Feminists allowed to imagine that Abortion is the slaughter of a child.

Abortion and the women who love it are losing the good will of the American people, because a medical procedure that kills a child for cosmetic purposes in not a woman's health issue. Planned Parenthood paid good money for the Kennedy Family and President Obama and demands more dead children.

Catholic Bishops and other American Churchman are just saying no to any political dodge that leads to the killing of a child. Bishop Tobin of Providence twisted little Patrick Kennedy's ears and the entire media arm of the Abortion lobby - Salon, MSNBC, Huffington Pos, New York Times, NBC, CNN, and Perez Hilton are howling and bitching like its 1969!

We hear you Carol. Can help but. . .!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Carol Marin says, "Then again, Chris Kennedy has no need to please anyone but himself." La Dee Dah; La Dee Dah! Remember the Fogartys?

Self-boiled icon and perpetual news raker, Carol Marin is testing the temperature of the Illinois Political bathtub before Chris Kennedy puts a tootsie into it! Senator, or Governor, or something.

Carol has tested the water before and to sweet effect for Carol. Remember the Fogartys? They did not do too well, but then again, they are not icons. Carol be an Icon.

That's nice. In 1995, Carol did the heavy lifting for an ambitious Fed when she sat in front of the cameras at Channel Five (5) NBC and ran with rumor that made her the icon she be today! Remember the Langert murders. Boy, I do. I know the two lovely people, Mary and Chris Fogarty. who were framed with the Langert Murders. Even People Magazine called it a rumor.

At 4 P.M. Nancy's father went to the town house and discovered their bodies lying faceup in the basement. Richard had been handcuffed and shot in the back of the head. Nancy had been shot in the elbow, side and stomach. With her finger, she had tried to scrawl a message in blood. At first, rumors circulated that the letters spelled IRA. Later, police concluded that the message was a heart next to the letter U.,,20113567,00

Well, Carol went national with that story shoved up under her pixie-nose by an ambitious FBI agent hell-bent on proving that the IRA ( Irish Republican Army) had elderly hit-teams working out of Northern Irish Aid. Carol was cool about it.

Victim's Blood said "Ira" which is nice ( must be the IRA!)but . . .turns out the blood was monkeyed with and would have spelled BIRA - David Bira, the whack-job kid who actually murdered the young couple with an FBI agent's missing service weapon. Yikes!

Nevertheless, the Fogartys were subjected to arrest and trials,which wiped out their savings. Lah Dee Dah! Carol became the icon she be. Here is what Chris Fogarty has to say:

CORRUPT NEWS MEDIA personified by TV anchorwoman Carol Marin in my case, abetted the MI5/FBI criminals the same way they abetted the Omagh perpetrators - by blaming it on the RIRA and, by extension, McKevitt. Within days of the Langert massacre Buckley got Marin to announce on prime-time network TV that “the IRA are linked to Langert murders.” When I phoned her the next day to learn the basis for her “scoop,’ she told me that her source was “an FBI agent.” When I asked her how she had met her responsibility to verify it she said she had not done so but had accepted the uncorroborated word of the FBI. She never issued a correction; and the rest of the news media parroted her lies.

Also, Carol's work was mentioned by the best selling author of Michael Collins, The Man who Made Ireland and the definitive work on the modern history of the Irish Republican Army The IRA Click the link here for Tim Pat Coogan's account of Carol's work to smear a Chicago immigrant couple.

Shucks, I'm no icon, but I know that Carol Marin has never once apologized to the Fogartys.

Once the Fogartys, Chris and Mary, had their lives turned up down, Carol Marin became the icon she be! WTTW Sun Times, NBC you name it and Carol icons it! She be huge!

Illinois is about the size of Ireland. Chris Kennedy could pay for it; however, he will spend to him a Senate seat.

I don't have a dog in this fight. Alexi, nice kid -bad press. Dan Hynes? Wouldn't know the guy if I rode the Archer bus with him from Bobak's to State Street.

The GOP seems stuck with Mark Kirk and will blow its toes off . . .AGAIN! If they were smart, and they ain't, they'd get behind Dr. Eric Wallace, an African American academic and religious leader, who actually knows that Illinois 57 runs north and south. I doubt very much that Chris Kennedy has ever taken that flat route, much less stopped off in Gilman for biscuits and gravy or had a prime rib at Russ and Rosie's in Chebanse. No way, Ray!

Lura Lynn Ryan, one of kindest and finest women in Illinois was treated to Carol's smarmy smile,when it seemed certain that Governor George Ryan would be convicted. Chris Kennedy, it gets colder than week old Chowder in November, when one's fortunes go south, or when Carol sees a ripe opportunity to go Iconic.

Well, anyway. Chris Kennedy has Carol testing the Illinois water it seems. It's gonna be Ice Cold, Dude. Colder than a mother-in-law's kiss . . .Or Carol's smile.

There's alot that I have posted on Carol Marin and the Fogartys.

Here's more:

The one place lawmen apparently did not pay enough attention to was the town of Winnetka itself. But at the community's highly regarded New Trier Township High School, senior David Biro, 17, a lanky honor student known for his biting sarcasm and perverse humor, mockingly bragged to classmates that he had shot the Langerts. Accustomed to Biro's frequent claims that he was a hired assassin, drug dealer and street-gang member, most of his fellow students did not take him seriously. Finally, however, one of Biro's schoolmates decided that there was more to the boy's claims than mere braggadocio. Early last month he told Winnetka police what Biro had been saying. Investigators listened closely, since Biro had mentioned details of the murders that had never been publicly released.

It wasn't the first time Biro had caught the eye of police. According to friends—all of Biro's acquaintances cited in this article have insisted on anonymity since they are potential court witnesses—he was admitted to Charter Barclay, a psychiatric hospital in Chicago, three years ago after reportedly trying to poison his parents, brother and sister with tainted milk. Since then he had been stopped by police for a series of minor infractions. When the high school informant told police of Biro's claims of involvement in the Langert killings, investigators recalled that Biro had been spotted, wearing black clothing, near the murder scene on the night of the slayings.

On Oct. 5, the day after police learned of his boasting, Biro was taken into custody for questioning as he left his parents' three-story stucco home. After police searches of his bedroom uncovered items, including a glass cutter, handcuffs and a .357 Magnum revolver, that had been stolen from the office of Biro's former lawyer, the teenager was charged with first-degree murder of Richard Langert and his pregnant wife, Nancy, and the intentional homicide of their unborn child. A .357 Magnum can fire the type of .38-caliber bullets used in the murders, and while law enforcement officials have revealed few details of their investigation, they say they are confident that the .357 Magnum and other items taken from Biro will link him to the murders. Biro is being held at the Cook County jail without bail, awaiting his Nov. 21 arraignment.

Biro's arrest has bewildered the community and left everyone, including the police, wondering why a child of privilege might have committed such a crime. Drawings and writings recovered from his room have led police to consult with ritual-crime experts to determine whether Biro may have dabbled in destructive occult beliefs. His closest friends wonder if Biro may have been "pushed or dared" into committing a crime as a street-gang initiation—or whether he might have killed the Langerts at the behest of someone else.

Some classmates say Biro was driven, as one acquaintance put it, "to test his limits." A red notebook, found in his room by police, contained underlined news articles about the murders, including a magazine story in which an attorney for Nancy Langert's sister observed, "I bet if they ever do catch the culprit it will turn out to be some local teenager." Says one girl: "If [Biro] did do it, it's because he wanted to commit the perfect crime. Dave viewed everything as an intellectual challenge, and he may have been too smart for his own good."

One question remains: Why the Langerts? Though Biro's parents were casually acquainted with Nancy Langert's parents, police admit they are puzzled about the nature of the relationship—if any—between Biro and his alleged victims. Although the teenager accompanied his mother to the Langerts' funeral, police say there is no evidence he knew them before the night that their paths may have fatally crossed.,,20113567,00.html

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh, Carol, You're The Bottom of the Barrel; The Dirty Rotten Apple of My Eye!

Today, Carol Marin does the buzzard on Fran Spielman's labors.

Fran Spielman is going after Mayor Daley's nephew - the Vanecko kid. Fair enough. The kid went into business with Progressive Clout Meister Allison Davis - Judson Miner's partner and Obama's Law Boss. It seems that the Sun Times wants no light on Allison Davis, whose own little boy had a real estate venture that got a three year old child killed when Cullen Davis' Venture* included a rusty gate that crushed the toddler.

Yep, The Progressive Independent Voice of Chicago shed no light on Progressive Impunity Immunity Workhorses. You see, if and when Allison Davis starts chirping to Fitzy - bad stuff about the Progressive Machine gets out.

Nota Bene! Sun Times Investigative Reporter - Tim Novak covered Allison Davis and Cullen Davis like quality wallpaper. In fact, this helot lamented the long absence of Tim Novak's powerful work over the last summer and fall. Here is a link to my references to Mr. Novak's great work ( amended 8:53 AM 6/17/2009). I apologize for this inadvertent slight of Chicago's most tenacious news pitbull.
So, the pile on continues on Regular Democrats and GOP politicians only - oh, and any and all members of their families - It's A Progressive Thing.

Well, Old Carol Marin, for whom I have little, or no regard as a journalist, but fully understand and appreciate her status as a manufactured icon, does the buzzard on the body of work performed by a real reporter - Fran Spielman.

Carol can't eat all the carrion on her own self and powers, so she pours on the Royko Remoulade - Mike Royoko is the be all and end all of Progressive Coverage. The Sauce is Boss!


Decades before the White House columns, he was writing about another generation of Vaneckos and Daleys and a disease he called "payrolliaitis."

"It isn't anything that would show up through scientific testing," wrote Royko in 1965, "but Mayor Richard J. Daley is a carrier of a fast-spreading germ . . . called payrolliaitis. The symptoms are easy to spot. A person gets close to the mayor. Crunch -- the payrolliaitis bug nips him. He wanders off in the direction of a city, state or county agency, sits down at a desk, and his name breaks out on a payroll."

Royko was talking about the hiring of Robert Vanecko's grandfather, Dr. Michael Vanecko, whose son married the late mayor's daughter. Shortly before the wedding, that Vanecko went to work for the Chicago Board of Health. And later, his son, Dr. Robert Vanecko, was hired as the physician for the city's municipal pension fund. And now today we have the third generation, as his son, another Robert Vanecko, lands a $68 million deal with -- what else -- city pension funds. He severed all business ties with the deal only after the feds began subpoenaing records.

I dialed Fran on Tuesday at City Hall to ask if she had ever been to dinner with the mayor.

"No," was all she said.

That's good. There's work to do.
Yeah, but Carol Marin will do bugger all of it!

Yep, Carol decided, or her Editorial Chinaman decided, that going after the Family Davis is au contraire! However, "Everyone Hates the Daley Family! The Knit Hat-Soul-Patch & Shave-No-Legs Crowd will find it Fabulous to rip Daley's Family Even Though There is No Tangible Connection Whatsoever to the Story! Just Splash on the Royko!"

So, Carol Marin impugns one of the City's best, most skilled and respected Thoracic Surgeons Dr. Robert Vanecko of Northwestern Medical Center and his surgeon Father as political hacks! Bottom of the Barrel Carol!

Carol, there was a great old song by the Fabulous Farquahr** a folkish musician ( No Pete Seeger, He!) of note with a cult following who penned a lyric about an odious woman named Carol. It is almost eerie.

Carol, you're the bottom of the barrel/You're the Dirty Rotten Apple of my eye/
And when I see you/ I hold my nose and go PU/ And When I See You, Carol

You're Face, You're, Hair, and Your Complexion/ Sure Could Use a Resurrection! - Carol . . .& etc.

* The Family Davis Saga has everything that No Progressive Wants Talked about - Billy Ayers, Comb-Over Dave Axelrod, Rahmbo, Bernardine Dohrn, Judson Miner, all the 1960's Radicals insulated from Inquiry!


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Get Us Some O' That Reee - Form! 'N Moral Rectitude!

Pop-eyed and Passive Aggressively Grinning Carol Marin squirts out another dictum to everyone!

"Let's not let lawmakers leave Springfield in May without casting their votes for real, holistic reform."

Holistic - as coined by Apartheid Daddy Jan Smuts -"The tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution."

You know 'thinking outside the Box!' Like going to a doctor when you have a boil on your arm and he attaches a power hose to your rectum! 'This may cause some discomfort but it is holistic! you know -ayurveda, chiropractic, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, Unani and reflexology therapies!'

Well Carol is worried about that there REEform for our State and Local GUV- Mints.

Governor Pat 'Lawnmower' Quinn* an Old Timey REE-former is on it!

Quinn's Staff: The reason he's pullin' our pants down.
Quinn's Staff: Gonna paddle a little behind.
Quinn's Staff: Ain't gonna paddle it - gonna kick it, real hard.
Quinn's Staff: No, I believe he's gonna paddle it.
Quinn's Staff: I don't believe that's a proper characterization.
Quinn's Staff: Well, that's how I'd characterize it.
Quinn's Staff: I believe it's more of a kickin' sitcheyation.

Gov. Pat Quinn: I'll press your flesh, you dimwitted sumbitch! You don't tell your pappy how to court the electorate. We ain't one-at-a-timin' here. We're MASS communicating!

Sara Feigenholz: We could hire our own midget, even shorter than his. Mike Quigley!
Quinn: Wouldn't we look like a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies, bragging on our own midget, doesn't matter how stumpy. He's Goin' to D.C. Anyhoo!

Pat Quinn: Moral fibre? I invented moral fibre! Patrick Tiberius 'Lawnmower' Quinn was displaying rectitude and high-mindedness when that egghead you work for was still messing his drawers!

Moral Fibre N' Moral Rectitude On Demand! Demand Some of Whole Heeping Helpin' Full Today! Tell Carol Sent You! Don't Wait For Change!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gutless Catholic Universities Lean on Carol Marin? Some Pillars of Wisdom Are Towers of Jello.

The Progressive Catholic Voice of Minnesota loved the Carol Marin Puff Piece in yesterday's Sun Times (Chicago's # 1. Know Nothing Anti-Catholic Rag)!

They Love it because the Progressive Catholic Voice is that of Michael Bayly: the head of the GLBT- Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities
This is the progressive Parsing Juggling Act Carol Marin, who had no problem ruining the lives of Chris and Mary Fogarty, advocates.

Hell yeah, they love it! Gays, Lesbians ( same thing?)Bi-Sexuals, and Transexuals - (Ladies and Gentlemen! your Catholic Sexual Minorities!!!! Roars of Applause ring the vales and welkin!) object to the fact that sex outside of marriage is a sin. The Catholic Church holds that it is a sin. It is a sin for heterosexuals to have sex outside of marriage ( masturbation, adultery, & etc.), but we are not covered under the blanket ( sorry.) of Sexual Minorities because heterosexuals are the majority! Whew.

Anyhoo - Gays love Obama! Hell, so do heterosexuals and Catholic Heterosexuals came out huge for Obama. I worked for John McCain. I guess I am now a Minority!

Obama is All About Abortion! All about GLBT politics! All about Science! All about . . . other stuff too. And Notre Dame is gutless for asking President Obama to speak. But that's just on Catholic principles. He is Loud and Proud for Abortion - no tricky dodger on that one, he. American Progressives demand to dictate what is Catholic Doctrine!

So long as Carol Marin is the passive aggressive voice of progressive Chicago journalism you can expect juggling aplenty! Toss the balls!

Michael Bayly put a few in the air

Carol Marin concludes her column by acknowledging that “[Roman] Catholic bishops vehemently disagree” with Notre Dame’s Obama decision.

“Chief among them,” she writes, “is Bishop John D’Arcy of the South Bend diocese, which includes Notre Dame. He will not attend, saying, ‘A bishop must teach the Catholic faith “in season and out of season,” and he teaches not by his words – but by his actions.’”

It’s a statement that elicits the following response from Marin:

If only Catholic bishops were consistent in their own actions. Haven’t they allowed Cardinal Bernard Law, formerly of Boston, and the prelate who obstructed justice in the investigation of the horrific pedophilia scandal in his own diocese, to remain a member in good standing? Law wasn’t sanctioned but rewarded: He now runs the third largest basilica in Rome.

Does that outrageous Vatican decision mean we shouldn’t listen to what else they have to say? No. Bishops aren’t one-dimensional. And neither is Barack Obama. Commencement will be a testament to Notre Dame’s strength and Rev. Jenkins’ courage.

Here was what I wrote yesterday about Carol Marin and the gutless Catholic University Juggling Society!

Perpetually grinning and passive aggressive propagandist Carol Marin oozes more useless stuff than a tube of German Cheese paste. Ever taste that stuff? It would gag a maggot.

Carol made her bones on the lives of Mary and Chris Fogarty whom she blamed for the Langert Murders as a Septuagenarian I.R.A. hit team* - way back in 1995. Carol has never admitted her stupidity, nor her part in making life a Kafkaesque hell** for the couple. Carol cares not.

Nor does Carol care much about anything. Today, she positions herself for an Obama dog-yummy for a preen piece about the idiotic and gutless invitation to America's Abortionist in Chief - President Barack Obama - as Commencement Speaker.

Carol parses Catholic Doctrine, because the Bishop of Fort Wayne has already taken the proper position. Carol Marin's smarmy parsing is for Obamabots and Catholic haters -The Sun Times Demographic. Using the already un-Catholic DePaul University, which struck its colors decades ago, Marin tries to ooze out some nuance by citing one of the gutless trimmers who directed DePaul's surrender -

The Notre Dame decision once again raises the question of whether a Catholic university must be Catholic first and a university second.

In Chicago, this is not a new discussion, as Dick Meister, the former provost of DePaul University --the nation's largest Catholic university -- knows firsthand.

In 1986, Eleanor Smeal, then-president of the National Organization for Women, was invited to speak by the DePaul Student Affairs Office. Protests, petitions, threats and demonstrations all arrived at DePaul's doorstep, and Meister's boss, the president of the university, withdrew the invitation under pressure.

A counterprotest, led in part by Meister's undergrad son, Christopher, argued that the mission of a university is to hear all voices -- not condone them necessarily -- but hear them.

Dick Meister's job was to find a middle ground. That turned out to be an off-site location where Smeal could speak -- but not as an official guest of the university.

"It was a juggle," Meister recalled by phone last week.

Carol Marin argues that Notre Dame is testing its strength, by 'juggling.' That test was failed mightily when President Father Jenkins caved in to PC Ass-kissing by inviting President Obama.

Catholic Universities need to grow a pair - Loyola, DePaul, and Notre Dame have all run up the white flag and jettisoned courage and commitment. The Green checked pants crowd needs to snap shut a few check books to get the milquetoast pansies in stiff collars to man up. As for my life-long attention to Notre Dame and its once important mystique? I'd rather watch or read about Zanfir the Master of the Pan Flute.

Tommy Zbikowski is graduated, playing for the Ravens and Boxing Pro! I'm done with ND - Charlie Weiss is bad enough, but a School playind at being a Catholic Institution is childish. Tommy Z is still the Man and ND are the . . .Eunuchs.

You are known by the company you keep. You can have Carol Marin and our so-called Catholic Universities. No Guts - No Glory. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam my broad manly ass.


Seven weeks later on April 21, 1990, in Winnetka, Richard and Nancy Langert and their unborn child were murdered in their townhouse. (Appendix A) Nancy knew her murderer, sixteen-year-old neighbor David Biro. The families were friends; their fathers had been co-workers. While falling to the floor in her basement, shot twice, Nancy knocked down a bookshelf. Her handcuffed husband was already dead. As she lay dying she dipped her fingers into her pooling blood and on that shelf wrote her murderer’s name.

The next morning Nancy’s father discovered the bodies. The police arrived and then assembled at the police station across the Metra bridge from the murder scene. There each officer wrote names of possible suspects on index cards. Upon inspection, the cards contained only one name, “Biro,” and that was before the message on the shelf was noticed. Biro was a disturbed 16-year-old with a police record, and officer Caldwell had seen him near the crime scene at about 9 p.m. on the night of the murders. Biro had expressed his ambition to become a professional hit man. He had a lawyer defending him in two cases of shooting persons with his BB gun, and he had poisoned the milk in his family’s refrigerator. Biro’s sartorial statement was his long black overcoat. About the time of the murders, a thin young man in a long black overcoat had purchased two pairs of handcuffs at the local hardware store and was observed testing them before departing. Biro had fraudulently applied for an Illinois Firearms Owner I.D. but his mother intercepted it when it arrived in the mail. From Biro’s bedroom window his victims’ house is within view, and the Winnetka police station is midway between them. Despite all this, on April 23 Carol Marin reported on prime-time network TV that the IRA was linked to the murders.
Biro murdered the Langerts on April 21 but aided by such allies he remained at large until October 5, when the Winnetka police arrested him. His friends told the police of his next plan which was to rob the local bank and murder its entire staff. In Biro’s bedroom the police found FBI agent Lewis’s 357 Magnum, the murder weapon. Despite agent Buckley’s insistence (until the police arrested Biro) that Nancy’s bloody message spelled “IRA,” the jurors were eventually quoted as saying that it was those same letters that convinced them. They convicted Biro of two counts of murder, one of Class X home invasion, and one of intentional homicide of an unborn child. He is in downstate Pontiac serving a life sentence without possibility of parole. I am grateful to Biro.

What I said.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Catholic Universities Must Be Progressive Jugglers - Not Bastions of Faith and Learning

Perpetually grinning and passive aggressive propagandist Carol Marin oozes more useless stuff than a tube of German Cheese paste. Ever taste that stuff? It would gag a maggot.

Carol made her bones on the lives of Mary and Chris Fogarty whom she blamed for the Langert Murders as a Septuagenarian I.R.A. hit team* - way back in 1995. Carol has never admitted her stupidity, nor her part in making life a Kafkaesque hell** for the couple. Carol cares not.

Nor does Carol care much about anything. Today, she positions herself for an Obama dog-yummy for a preen piece about the idiotic and gutless invitation to America's Abortionist in Chief - President Barack Obama - as Commencement Speaker.

Carol parses Catholic Doctrine, because the Bishop of Fort Wayne has already taken the proper position. Carol Marin's smarmy parsing is for Obamabots and Catholic haters -The Sun Times Demographic. Using the already un-Catholic DePaul University, which struck its colors decades ago, Marin tries to ooze out some nuance by citing one of the gutless trimmers who directed DePaul's surrender -

The Notre Dame decision once again raises the question of whether a Catholic university must be Catholic first and a university second.

In Chicago, this is not a new discussion, as Dick Meister, the former provost of DePaul University --the nation's largest Catholic university -- knows firsthand.

In 1986, Eleanor Smeal, then-president of the National Organization for Women, was invited to speak by the DePaul Student Affairs Office. Protests, petitions, threats and demonstrations all arrived at DePaul's doorstep, and Meister's boss, the president of the university, withdrew the invitation under pressure.

A counterprotest, led in part by Meister's undergrad son, Christopher, argued that the mission of a university is to hear all voices -- not condone them necessarily -- but hear them.

Dick Meister's job was to find a middle ground. That turned out to be an off-site location where Smeal could speak -- but not as an official guest of the university.

"It was a juggle," Meister recalled by phone last week.

Carol Marin argues that Notre Dame is testing its strength, by 'juggling.' That test was failed mightily when President Father Jenkins caved in to PC Ass-kissing by inviting President Obama.

Catholic Universities need to grow a pair - Loyola, DePaul, and Notre Dame have all run up the white flag and jettisoned courage and commitment. The Green checked pants crowd needs to snap shut a few check books to get the milquetoast pansies in stiff collars to man up. As for my life-long attention to Notre Dame and its once important mystique? I'd rather watch or read about Zanfir the Master of the Pan Flute.

Tommy Zbikowski is graduated, playing for the Ravens and Boxing Pro! I'm done with ND - Charlie Weiss is bad enough, but a School playind at being a Catholic Institution is childish. Tommy Z is still the Man and ND are the . . .Eunuchs.

You are known by the company you keep. You can have Carol Marin and our so-called Catholic Universities. No Guts - No Glory. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam my broad manly ass.


Seven weeks later on April 21, 1990, in Winnetka, Richard and Nancy Langert and their unborn child were murdered in their townhouse. (Appendix A) Nancy knew her murderer, sixteen-year-old neighbor David Biro. The families were friends; their fathers had been co-workers. While falling to the floor in her basement, shot twice, Nancy knocked down a bookshelf. Her handcuffed husband was already dead. As she lay dying she dipped her fingers into her pooling blood and on that shelf wrote her murderer’s name.

The next morning Nancy’s father discovered the bodies. The police arrived and then assembled at the police station across the Metra bridge from the murder scene. There each officer wrote names of possible suspects on index cards. Upon inspection, the cards contained only one name, “Biro,” and that was before the message on the shelf was noticed. Biro was a disturbed 16-year-old with a police record, and officer Caldwell had seen him near the crime scene at about 9 p.m. on the night of the murders. Biro had expressed his ambition to become a professional hit man. He had a lawyer defending him in two cases of shooting persons with his BB gun, and he had poisoned the milk in his family’s refrigerator. Biro’s sartorial statement was his long black overcoat. About the time of the murders, a thin young man in a long black overcoat had purchased two pairs of handcuffs at the local hardware store and was observed testing them before departing. Biro had fraudulently applied for an Illinois Firearms Owner I.D. but his mother intercepted it when it arrived in the mail. From Biro’s bedroom window his victims’ house is within view, and the Winnetka police station is midway between them. Despite all this, on April 23 Carol Marin reported on prime-time network TV that the IRA was linked to the murders.
Biro murdered the Langerts on April 21 but aided by such allies he remained at large until October 5, when the Winnetka police arrested him. His friends told the police of his next plan which was to rob the local bank and murder its entire staff. In Biro’s bedroom the police found FBI agent Lewis’s 357 Magnum, the murder weapon. Despite agent Buckley’s insistence (until the police arrested Biro) that Nancy’s bloody message spelled “IRA,” the jurors were eventually quoted as saying that it was those same letters that convinced them. They convicted Biro of two counts of murder, one of Class X home invasion, and one of intentional homicide of an unborn child. He is in downstate Pontiac serving a life sentence without possibility of parole. I am grateful to Biro.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain/Palin: Want more Obama/Rezko/Jones? Get Sun Times to take the chains off of Tim Novak!

Obama has two little girls at home dying for a puppy, when he has this kennel of news poodles at the Sun Times! Not Fair!

Speaking of not fair! Toss Carol a dog Yummy! Sneed!! Sit up!

The only pit bull on the Chicago Sun Times is Tim Novak. Click my post title for a litany of Novak stories dug up out of the dirt and the dust shovelled on the truth by Obama's shills, Daley's stooges, Medill's meatheads, Ayers acolytes, and Rezko's raiders.

When little Curtis Cooper was crushed by rusty iron gate on mismanaged former CHA property, Young Cullen Davis ( Son of Allison Davis Obama's Law Boss), all fat and sassy, came to the light of day only because of Tim Novak.

Tim Novak is the real deal. When Obama had the the editorial board of the Sun Times - Sit Up! Beg! Roll-Over!!! Fetch! for him, Tim Novak was doing a newsman's job.

Free Tim Novak! Get Some News!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain/Palin: Cardinal George Opposes Abortion - Media Shills for Obama and Lawyers Look for an End-Around

Lawyers and Media Shills will toss more manure than a mad cow and generally they get away with it - barrels of ink and a litigious impulse.

Most people have solid convictions and good sense. Lawyers and Media Shills will talk until it seems that they win - consequences be damned. This morning two clear examples glare at us from the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times over abortion and the election. McCain/Palin oppose Abortion and Obama/Biden is committed to Abortion. A lawyer and a Media Shill tell Catholic readers how to ignore the teachings of their Church, their Cardinal Archbishop, and their convictions and do what too many Catholic politicians do . . .what ever they feel like.

I'll stick with my beliefs and listen to Cardinal George - OK, pinheads! Start whining about scandal and war and anything but the issue of abortion - no wait, the lawyer andthe Media Shill are on it. Go back to your Pop Tarts.

Carol Marin, who had absolutely no moral compass when the chance of a hot story led her to help destroy the lives of an immigrant couple*, uffishly opines that Cardinal George of Chicago** is morally skewed:

Why has abortion become the principal litmus test of devout Catholicism? Or of a candidate's fitness? And why is a woman's womb always the first and foremost rallying cry of the culture wars?

I went back to read the bishops' own 12-page treatise, issued in 2004, called "Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility."

It is a long and thoughtful document.

"We face fundamental questions of life and death, war and peace, who moves ahead and who is left behind," it reads.


Amen? '. . .And Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus' - when? That's from the Hail Mary. For Catholics it seems to me that it extends to the womb, Carol. Carol Marin is all about the story and the story is all about Obama getting swept into the White House. Like the Fogartys and Carols need to get National Buzz - that's all that matters. They can be charged, imprisoned falsely, bankrupted and nearly destroyed, but Carol gets what she wants. That's the Media. Especially the Sun

And the there is the Medill Ayers Dodgers at the Chicago Tribune who have trotted out a lawyer. There's lawyers and then there's lawyers - Doug Kmiec was a lead anti- Abortion lawyer and now he is a hair-splitter:
For the last several months, conservative bloggers have been lampooning me for endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president—admittedly, a somewhat unusual thing for a Republican to do—so some political paddling is fair. What is unfair has been those Republican partisans who have tried to close the door on Obama in the name of the Catholic faith.

Obama does not advocate the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, and orthodox Catholics do. We do for the very clear reason given by George in a Sept. 2 letter—namely, "one cannot favor the legal status quo on abortion and also be working for the common good."

That's exactly right, but what's wrong is for Republican partisans to claim this to be Obama's position. It's not. Rather, Obama believes there are alternative ways to promote the "culture of life," even given the law's sanction of abortion.

The central hope of the Obama campaign is to find common ground—not by "favoring" that which can never be acceptable, the taking of innocent unborn life, but by dealing with the legal reality in a way that at least reduces the likelihood of abortion. Chicago is only Obama's adopted home, but in this he represents the best of her "I will/city of big shoulders/let's get something practically done" spirit.

Unlike Obama, I regret to say the current Republican Party thrives on demonizing its opposition to win elections. Without ideas, there is only name-calling. That's too bad because additional avenues for strengthening a culture of life open up when we avoid demonizing those who disagree with our Catholic view that life begins at conception. Talking strongly pro-life, Republicans often do little, promising that some judge not yet appointed is the answer or advocating leaving it all up to the states to decide, seldom acknowledging that many, perhaps most, states would end embedding the "legal status" of abortion—exactly contrary to the cardinal's thoughtful instruction.

Obama seeks to extend a helping hand (increased funding for prenatal care, maternity leave and less cumbersome and expensive adoption) with an astute understanding of how closely economic circumstances and abortion are related. Both reasonable extrapolations from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics and a recent Catholic in Alliance for the Common Good study find that improving the economic well-being of the average family in general, and of the women facing the abortion decision in particular, can save unborn lives.
From 1979 to 1990, during a difficult inflationary economy, the annual rate of abortion increased by 14.2 percent, resulting in an additional 740,000 abortions. In the more economically stable decade following, the annual rate decreased by 34 percent, meaning that approximately 2.3 million children who would have been aborted are alive to-day.

The pretense that the GOP is now an agent for change for what it, itself, instituted is far too Orwellian to be accepted. The Obama-Biden team says to the average working person in America: Your work matters, and it will be compensated at a family wage; your retirement will be safeguarded from corporate fraud and manipulation—be it by cooking the books a la Enron Corp. or the legal abuses of a shadow banking system that by profligate lending practice has precipitated massive government bailouts and the takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

Sen. John McCain is an honorable man caught between a failed presidency and the tired ideas of his party that only invite repetition of that failure. There's no reason that failure should be extended in a way that blocks the greater protection of unborn life.

Douglas W. Kmiec is the author of "Can a Catholic Support Him?—Asking the Big Question About Barack Obama" and former constitutional legal counsel to President Ronald Reagan.

Mr. Pettifogger talks eleven to the dollar on a ten - Obama and Biden extend helping hands and McCain/Palin are Orwellian - got it dummies?

Conscience does not matter. Life does not matter. All that matters is that Obama gets in for Lawyers and Ink-Slingers.

It is not gonna happen.

Hey, Carol! Amen!

*Instead, I will post an interesting passage from The Blanket a website dedicated to a united Ireland. Two Chicagoans, Mary and Chris Fogarty, had their life's savings depleted in an attempt to defend themselves from the FBI, IRS, MI-5, and other acronymic agencies with the complicity of NBC 5's Carol Marin.

I remembered the case, because one of the murdered people was related to a girl who taught at Bishop McNamara in Kankakee ( funny how that town dovetails ( George & Lura Lynn & etc.), and I remembered how much storm the story had around the time of the Good Friday Peace Accords and the horrific Omagh bombings.

There should be a 'Follow-up' story to this - but the News media rarely do that when a story goes south on them. Carol Marin, how about some answers?

** Cardinal George's Statement:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the midst of a lengthy political campaign, matters of public policy that are also moral issues sometimes are misrepresented or are presented in a partial or manipulative fashion. While everyone could be expected to know the Church's position on the immorality of abortion and the role of law in protecting unborn children, it seems some profess not to know it and others, even in the Church, dispute it. Since this teaching has recently been falsely presented, the following clarification may be helpful.

The Catholic Church, from its first days, condemned the aborting of unborn children as gravely sinful. Not only Scripture's teaching about God's protection of life in the womb (consider the prophets and the psalms and the Gospel stories about John the Baptist and Jesus himself in Mary's womb) but also the first century catechism (the Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles) said: "You shall not slay the child by abortions. You shall not kill what is generated." The teaching of the Church was clear in a Roman Empire that permitted abortion. This same teaching has been constantly reiterated in every place and time up to Vatican II, which condemned abortion as a "heinous crime." This is true today and will be so tomorrow. Any other comments, by politicians, professors, pundits or the occasional priest, are erroneous and cannot be proposed in good faith.

This teaching has consequences for those charged with caring for the common good, those who hold public office. The unborn child, who is alive and is a member of the human family, cannot defend himself or herself. Good law defends the defenseless. Our present laws permit unborn children to be privately killed. Laws that place unborn children outside the protection of law destroy both the children killed and the common good, which is the controlling principle of Catholic social teaching. One cannot favor the legal status quo on abortion and also be working for the common good.
This explains why the abortion issue will not disappear and why it is central to the Church's teaching on a just social order. The Church does not endorse candidates for office, but she does teach the principles according to which Catholics should form their social consciences. The teaching, which covers intrinsic evils such as abortion and many other issues that are matters of prudential judgment, could not be clearer; the practice often falls short because we are all sinners. There is no room for self-righteousness in Catholic moral teaching.

The Conference of Bishops in this country and the Bishops of Illinois have issued statements about Catholic social teaching and political life. They are available in our parishes. All of us should keep our country and all the candidates for office in the next election in our prayers. God bless you and your families.